Vocal Coach Reacts to Morissette Amon - "Akin Ka Na Lang"

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hello welcome back to my channel we have another Morissette video today I was so excited to listen to this one this is her original song I believe she is the original artist someone commented that she has not written the song but nevertheless she was the one to release it this is her singing the song again live on the wish 107.5 bus which I'm going to rename the sitting-down how the heck do vocalist do it bus and this song is called Hakeem Cardinal a [Music] sorry if I butchered that name I'm not quite sure how to pronounce it but I'm just letting you guys know that I will be watching the subtitles so I can understand the story and the context of the song but often excuse me the only problem with that is when I download the video to put on the screen here in editing just letting you know the subtitles don't come with that so just saying it here now I am watching it with the subtitles they might not appear on the video as you're watching it let's get right into it [Music] oh she's so cute is she which 107 five before she even sings absolutely kind of sounds like a Christmas song is it a Christmas luck I don't know it's just the the jingling and the and violins or the string instruments they make it ten feet like Jolie holidays you know what I'm saying [Music] lucky she has such good depth on those low notes they don't just kind of skim away breath you know they're really full and thick I love that [Music] dee Kumar notice how she's smiling while she's singing that makes such a huge difference in creating like a brighter tone everything's a lot more lifted everything's a lot brighter sounding so if you find that your voice is sounding really dark and maybe even a little bit flat an easy way to fix that is just by smiling it's pretty simple [Music] keep us up [Music] you can [Music] [Music] in command so I'm noticing that she's not sounding as Scratchy as the last time I reacted to which was rise up sir I loved that quality to her voice that it sounded really kind of raspy but she doesn't sound so much like that in this song and I don't know if it's because maybe she was feeling a bit under the weather or tired in her last video or if it was because it was just an effect that she was trying to stylistically put on that song either way I think both sound good in different ways I'm just noticing that she's not doing that so much on this song [Music] [Applause] [Music] that Smile makes such a difference doesn't it some fun kini Balu [Music] whoa [Music] so I know that she's Filipino so I'm guessing she would have a pretty thick accent but she really really does well to have a neutral accent while she's singing and that's not to say that she needs to sing in an American or an Australian or anything accent but as a general rule most people are taught to sing in like a neutral singing accent which doesn't sound like you have any accent on it at all and that neutral accent generally means that everything is a lot more open the vowels are all like ah a or no matter what kind of language you're singing in everything is just like a lot more rounded and open sounding I know a lot of Australians thing is I sing with they're very thick Australian accent and that is just what they are trying to achieve they're trying to sing with that kind of Bergen sounding turn to their voice and that is their brand I guess but for the most part people will sing in a neutral singing accent that kind of is universally easy to listen to [Music] he can I love that we can kind of I think Annalise so she actually puts the vibrato on most of the notes that are at the end of the line but she puts them directly on the note from the minute that it starts and you're taught to kind of keep a still sound until maybe halfway through the note or until a chord changes but she hits those notes with the vibrato running as she sings them [Music] whoa [Music] wait I did not see that coming let's go back that was such a well controlled whistle tone if you don't know whistle Tony is that that's that top register right up there above a head voice above a falsetto whatever you want to call it and it's that real whistle sounding but it's not it's not whistling like this it's placed differently and she doesn't it one breath she goes from that chesty kind of line and she goes directly into the whistle tones without stopping and breathing so she moves her voice and her resonance from that chest place into a whistle tone without stopping what that's crazy that's crazy let's go back again [Music] how long is that note let's go back one more time sorry I'm playing it so many times but she it most people would be out of breath by the time they finished that chest note but then she goes into a whistle tone and she keeps traveling she keeps going let's go back I want to count how many seconds that is [Music] 257 to 311 so that is 14 seconds 14 seconds of belt into a whistle tone without breathing [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen to what the music does in the background there so it's placed on staccato notes over her legato note which so if you don't know that means staccato means short and disjointed legato means nice and long and blended and smooth so listen to the band behind her kind of doing those short disjointed notes [Music] beautiful control to come back into that quiet place claim loser on which one seven five how many songs just finish off with a whistle tone oh my gosh what a way to go thank you so much for requesting that one guys I really loved getting into it so impressive it's like she just blows me away more and more every time I watch her I can't wait to see what else she can do if you like to see more of me on any of my social media all my links are down below I have a website Sarah javis music comm I have Instagram Facebook personal YouTube channel tik-tok everything it's all in the description and sending your requests what else would you like me to react to I can't wait to get into more of her music especially and I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Zara Jarvis Vocal Coaching
Views: 181,015
Rating: 4.8612847 out of 5
Id: sYfYmvtSgr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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