Vocal Reaction to Morissette Amon Akin Ka Na Lang

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so a couple days ago you guys know that i listened to more set amon for the first time i noticed a lot of you call her mori in the comments am i pronouncing it right mori because i think that's right m-o-r-i i like that too i mean that's sweet but here's the thing so a couple days ago i did that video you guys have been so nice with the comments and kind of steering me in the right direction of what you want to see next i get a d i get a dm on twitter from braid whip and it was talking about you know the video and talking about mori and and it kind of like her connection with that performance and she's filipino and it was a really uh it was it was a really sweet message and she told me that she would just love it if i could do another live performance that she did on the wish bus which i've been so now made aware of that that's a bus it moves i didn't know that i yeah i just didn't know that's why the cars were moving somebody made that comment i see you i appreciate it uh but she was saying if you could do the and again i don't even know if i'm pronouncing it correctly but it's aiken kanaling okay she said can you do this performance that's on the 107.5 wish bus and i was like you know what because it was such a sweet message and i don't know why i just felt like really connected to it i said you know what i'm doing i'm doing that performance next because i don't know man it just it just touched me and that's that's the i mean the main reason why i do this is for this it's really for two reasons i love hearing new music if you've been following me for a long time you know i like to go down rabbit holes of stuff i don't know and then if i like that artist i just keep going there's been some i didn't like as much but this is definitely one of those where i want to go down the rabbit hole and i want to see everything i want to learn the back story these type of things this is how i felt with bts and harry styles and now i'm doing taylor swift i did i didn't know their music but now i'm like totally a fan this is what's happening now with mori and marcelito pomoy this is kind of what i feel like so that's where my mind goes second thing is i like the interaction i like going back and forth with nice people with like-minded people that love music that like being courteous to each other and being nice to each other i love corresponding with you guys so that's why i do this it's not really for subs and likes and all that kind of stuff i mean i guess this is a channel and i guess that's what it's supposed to be here for so i'm really here for the other stuff so quick backstory on me is you know soundvapors.com that's my website i'm the editor i'm head honcho i'm numero un okay so that's my site that keeps me extremely busy doing that because i interview rockstars from all over all month that's what i do i have the podcast i have sound vapors and on top of that i have my own music career i just launched a record in september it's the biggest selling record i've ever had so i have my own stuff going on so this youtube thing was never supposed to be this this is not what i'm building but i appreciate every single one of you that subscribes or likes or leaves a comment or whatever i just want you to know that the other side of it i noticed a lot of maury fans and pomoy fans have been coming over to twitter and instagram so if you want to join me on there we have a lot of fun i do a lot of interactive stuff on those socials especially on twitter i do live streams i do live tweets i like to answer questions all that kind of stuff so if you care to join me t-o-m-m-y m-a-r-z b-a-n-d tommy mars band that's me that's my twitter and my instagram come over and say hello i'd love to meet you all right let's get to this today i'm really excited about this ever since i heard more set for the first time a couple days ago i'll be honest i've been thinking about it i've been thinking about her and i've been thinking about her face that when she's singing those songs there's so much emotion and i just can't get out of my head so i'm really excited to get back here so let's go to it this is aiken kanaling i don't know if i said that right and i apologize if i butchered it too bad but let's go let's hear this oh there's the bus oh oh oh oh okay wow so many people gathered she looks amazing that shirt's amazing her hair is amazing everything [Music] i what a gorgeous tone to her voice my [Music] goodness [Music] hmm [Music] those little screeches i love them [Music] key it almost feels like she's smiling at you like i feel like she smiled at me do you feel like that too [Music] i [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] hit me [Music] no way that's live oh my gosh [Music] i just got the biggest goosebumps oh my [Music] gosh [Music] how does she oh my gosh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] friends i have so many things i wanted to say when she was doing them but i just didn't want to stop i mean that i just don't want to stop because it's like that momentum that i feel right there i don't want it to end that is amazing i have so many i'm trying to even recall everything i wanted to say one thing is i think that stands out for me about her is that she has some of the best control i've ever heard of and i've ever heard in my life okay been around singers most of my life and it's i i i in the last video i talked about chest voice and head voice i don't want to get into that here you know what i want to talk about is this this control mad control i have said in the past that people that vibrato they tend to beat you down with it hey i converted they just keep beating you down with that she doesn't have to do it a because she has a great tone to her voice the tone is something that you really can't teach you have good tone or you don't have good tone it's like uh it's like some things you're just born with right she's just born with that tone it's amazing tone right right at the beginning of the performance i was mentioning she was a little low register and then she goes up a little bit to like what i'll call that medium tone which i feel like is really in the pocket for her which is just so so great i could just listen to that 24 7. it's the perfect tone to me so that's the first thing she doesn't need the vibrato all the time because she has the great tone with it but then when she wants to flex she flexes she vibratos and it's one of the best things i've ever heard because it's not a same wave of vibrato if that makes sense so like you know you're think of it this way she doesn't she's this and then she's fast and then she's slow and then she said and i'm trying to wiggle to give you that that that visual that i'm kind of feel like i'm seeing in my head so i hope that makes sense she has such control over it but then she'll go out of it and she'll stay straight then she'll go straight and then she does these little wiggles okay so that's the first thing second thing is she did a movement where she she went up she did that note and then she wiggled but instead of going up that i think it was the second time she she dropped down really quick do you know how hard that is to drop down and then she just didn't go back where she was she went up she shot up it's amazing it's amazing just that is amazing okay the next thing is she went up into that you talk about a head voice she didn't just go she stayed there and then i guess you would say if i was going to call that something i would call it the mariah carey voice people in the business would call that a high c that's what we'd call that right so whatever that note is i'm just using that as a reference point that is amazing now it's amazing to get there but she just didn't get there did she she went up there she stayed there and then she had movement when she was up in that register she moved it then she vibrated it and then she had to come around and just like it's it's one of the most amazing things i've ever seen the next thing is i'm trying to remember everything is at the end when she was bringing it home how did she keep singing her lungs have to be the size of like elephant lungs i mean that it that takes so much energy so much breath so much power so much everything you have from your core to do that once she kept doing it note after note phrase after phrase i've seen these performances the last performance i was really blown away you guys know i was blown away by the martial lido pamoy performance same thing how does he do it i'm going to tell you something that what i just saw right there i'm not going to lie to you i got a little emotional behind these glasses i got goosebumps it wasn't just chills the hairs were standing up on my arms and the back of my neck that was one of the most amazing live vocals i've ever heard like i said it was like this can't be live how is she doing this so i'm going to say this right now before i get out of here i'm going to say this right now i've only heard her sing two songs owning soundvapors.com i get passed to me thousands of records record companies labels managers publicists bands people send me records all month long as we're doing as i'm filming this i probably got 10 records in my email box that are sent to me before they come out and i'm going to tell you something right now as it is maury she's in my top five female vocalists of all time right now call me crazy i know you're gonna say tommy really yes i'm telling you right now that performs what i just watched right there i have my favorites it'll be hard to top them but i'm talking about i'm talking about mount rushmore stuff for me i'm talking about whitney houston you know i'm i'm talking about donna summer other people are going to have people like celine dion mariah carey those type of people and they should all be there dolly parton is another great example of a great voice then you could get into opera singers and all these other things and i get that i get that everybody's got their preferences but i'm telling you right now she's top five best voice i've ever heard i'm in shock and could it change as we go down the line further down the strap hole yeah i guess it could i suppose it could but i'm telling you right now that's one of the most amazing things i've ever heard if that got sent to me at sound vapors and i didn't even know who it was because i try to listen to everything that comes my way yeah that's that's not a pass that's a go go go that's what that is so here's my question of the video i'm gonna put a pin comment on that pin comment and i know i didn't do it on this one because i got that special dm i told you at the beginning of the of this episode on that pinned comment i need you to link me to the next mori video that you guys want me to watch with you in that pin comment whatever gets the most okay so put the name of the song and then the link and whatever gets the most that's the one i'm gonna do that's the one whatever one is the most in the pin comment that's what i'm gonna do if you wanna tweet at me okay and if you wanna tweet at me t-o-m-m-y-m-a-r-z-b-a-n-d on twitter i will count those votes too so if you want to tweet to me the link of the song that you want me to do next i will count that as a vote too okay all right man we're good i'm out it's tommy mars i will see you in the next video i hope you guys stay safe and healthy
Channel: Sound Vapors
Views: 128,694
Rating: 4.9738946 out of 5
Keywords: Morissette, Morissette Amon, Reaction to Morissette, Reacts to Morissette, Amon MOrissette Reaction, Akin Ka Na Lang, Reacts to Akin Ka Na Lang, Akin Ka Na Lang Reaction, Morissette Akin Ka Na Lang, Reacts to Morissette Ka Na Lang, Mori, Mori Reaction, Morissette Reaction Video, Akin KANALANG, Tommy Marz, Sound Vapors, Musician Reacts, Producer Reacts
Id: -RV5prLwmYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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