Vocal Coach Reacts to Marcelito Pomoy - "The Prayer"

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel we have another highly requested video today you guys believe me the best requests I don't even search anymore I just scroll through the comments and find something good but today we're going to be reacting to another performance on the sitting down how the heck two people do it bus okay the wish 107.5 bus today we are going to be reacting to I'm gonna get this wrong my cello much my cholito polloi or MRSA litter muscley chirper muy anyways here singing the prayer on the wish bus so let's get right into it [Music] life I have no idea what to expect with this guy so I'm guessing he's an opera singer if he's singing this song classically trained that is my presumptions but otherwise I know nothing I know nothing so let's have a look I wish yours is my little boy for more exclusive videos just click here to subscribe I could see with the anger again sitting down headliner I love this song which I love is someone over 75 wait what wait wait what let's go back in watch us where we owe my gosh how to be if I close my eyes I would not picture a man sitting and times when we don't [Music] let this my gosh when we lose our [Music] he's vaz out close - look there's video so he's soft palate if you guys don't know what he's your soft palate is it's if you put the tongue to your top of your mouth feel how hard it is and then on the top of your mouth put your tongue all the way to the back of the top of your mouth and you feel that like soft squishy part at the back of your mouth that is your soft palate and it's a technique that a lot of classically trained opera singers do is they do this thing to their soft palate if that makes sense instead of kind of having that resonance going forwards so he is definitely using that technique of singing and lifting his soft palate and having that very light classical head voice sound it's very very life there's no weight to his voice at all yet who knows what's gonna happen I you guys I can never predict this stuff let's go back to blaze okay let's go back and look at this if I was just going to give one critique I would just say that he's draw his jaw needs to drop because um he said wow he's mouth barely moved and if you went where will be saved if you just drop that jaw that sound and those vowels and that pronunciation will be so much fuller so much more open sounding but it's just the one thing again his voice is beautifully placed he has a beautiful tone but that's just the one thing that I would say so far let's just go back so you can see what I'm talking about to yeah that's the only thing I would saying again he's beautiful each leg [Music] you drink it you out with himself rikichi star Scotty and in two different languages still us No [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa so yeah he's chest voice here his voice sounds like to different people if you close your eyes you would not in a million years guess that this is the same person singing but um yeah he's got he's transferring between that really it's not even really weighty but that darker kind of deeper connection to his chest voice and then he's switching within seconds into that light soft palate area so there's a lot of mechanics going on there and a lot of smooth transitioning which is not easy to achieve for a lot of singers so obviously so this is really impressive let's go back a little bit [Music] No [Music] [Applause] need us to just a blank expression expects tears review give us faith so LD [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] beautiful tongue rolling fluffed I don't I don't understand what he's saying in non English speaking languages I'm pretty sure it's Italian but that roll of the tongue he's executing perfectly which is you know a common technique used in this song especially [Music] neither dude are we Oh and watches from afar we hope it's always let this be just like every child just like a Ridge my god she's crazy need to find up guide us we do we must be so and he said he put an N in front of gift just to kind of that's I think that's something that a lot of mail or pressing is do I can hear the sound that he's going for and the technique that he's going for I'll just take it up so you can hear what I'm talking about but um he's going Neve let's just go back so you can hear I'm talking back [Music] [Applause] I disorder great great control straight nine [Music] wish cluesive on wish oh my god crazy I just I heard him singing it was start and I was like okay cool this is like very different tone for a male and then he comes out with that what the like what so awesome I would love to hear his natural tone in singing because I am definitely sure that it is different to both of those voices that he just used because I could hear the way he was shaping things and pronouncing things with that male voice I could hear that it was sitting in the right kind of chesty speech level place but the way he was pronouncing things was very stylistically suited to that song and I would just love to hear him do something contemporary and just sing it as himself because I'm almost certain that there's a third fourth who no his fifth voice in there he has great control over his placement and that's exactly what he demonstrated right there was it's all to do with placement and resonance so resonance is basically the vibrations that you feel in your body and where you put those is placement if that makes sense so you can sing with a very forward placement you can feel it in the front of your mass you can feel it up here you can feel things at the back with your soft palate you can feel the resonance in your chest that is all to do with resonance and placement and his manipulation of that was really good really really good and especially being able to do it with such quick transitions as very impressive I would love to know if this is kind of the extent of his vocal abilities if they're if he is capable of more please let me know because I would love to see his natural voice come through because I just he's got great tone he's got great pitch rhythm all of that kind of stuff and I would just love to see that come through on who knows so my original music whatever it is so please leave all those links down below any other Qwest you have check them down there in the comments box or you can message me on instagram that is a bizarre Jeb's music and send me your crest over there and I definitely miss quite a few comments that come through on YouTube because I get so many but I see all of my DMS so go over their requests and more stuff send me links on Instagram check out all the other places that you can find me down below and I will see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Zara Jarvis Vocal Coaching
Views: 569,730
Rating: 4.8348436 out of 5
Id: 6u-4meaQHew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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