Vocal Coach reacts to Dimash Singing “Unforgettable Day” LIVE vocals

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hey everybody it's danielle welcome back to my youtube channel i am so glad that you're here and if it's your first time welcome to our family thanks for tuning in today i am a vocal coach and i love to break down live vocal performances and today we are doing another dmos song today we will be reviewing his song unforgettable day i have gotten so many requests to do this song i have no idea what to expect as i never know what to expect with dimash singing anything so i'm very excited for this one because i believe that this is the song that you guys said he sings a d8 which is insane i i think i might pass out i don't know what's gonna happen we'll have to see and today's shout out goes out to rent friday24 thank you so much for subscribing to my channel and always watching my videos i love you so much and you mean the world to me and if you would like a shout out in the next video all you have to do is subscribe to my channel turn on the notification bell comment something down below and make sure to hashtag subscription squad for a chance to get a shout out in the next video now with that being said let's go ahead and listen to dimash now before we hit play i do want to say that this is in a different language for me i'm pretty sure even the title is in a different language i tried to turn on the subtitles but the only subtitles that are available are in spanish so i understand a little bit of spanish so hopefully i can get a gist of what is going on in this song but unfortunately this version that is the one that has two million views from two years ago just does not have english subtitles so here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm so nervous [Music] [Music] my [Music] last time that i did a dimash video which this is my third time reviewing him now i absolutely love this whisper tone that he has in the beginning this like nice easy little falsetto that happens in the beginning of the songs and then it just like hits you out of nowhere it's gonna hit us out of nowhere i know it is when he starts to build up the song but i absolutely love that the songs that i've watched so far have started with this very gentle whisper tone and that's something that i love about dimash also this audience needs to zip it because if dimash was singing live for me i would be silent and these people are [Music] like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm really liking the melody of this one it's very catchy whereas the other ones were kind of like we're just gonna listen to dimash saying like nobody say anything this one people are like [Music] you know they're like getting to sing along with him which i love that that's great okay so like it's stuck in my head already i don't even know what he's saying but i have the melody stuck in my head which is a great song because if a song can translate from different languages that i mean come on that's saying something about an artist that's amazing foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] coming in here we go [Music] and something that i've said before if you've never seen me react to dimash then you have not heard this yet but i love how clean his tone is when he's singing in his belt because i think that a lot of tenors when they belt i've said this before like you know you listen to the people on america's got talent shows and you're like wow that's a great tenor they don't have as much vocal control and i've learned about dimash because of you guys you guys have told me that he has been singing since he was little trained for years and years and years and years and you can tell in the tone of his voice when he's singing in his belt how vocally trained he is because it's so strong and so clean and it's so nice for the ear to listen to it it's not like oh that's a tenor that's really high though it's not in the right placement dimash sings in the right placement and i applaud him for that because most tenors sometimes it's just like ah it's almost there but i really enjoy where his placement is about to happen baby i don't know okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i love his stage presence so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god [Music] oh hold on that was crazy i've never seen that technique before where he's singing so he did this in another video i believe where he went back and forth back and forth it was kind of like a wait i can't do it whatever it's only a dmos thing but he does this like back and forth thing but here we notice that he does it technical with his microphone so he's singing a straight note but then he's moving the mic back and forth so it's picking it up in a way that sounds almost like a back and forth motion which is very interesting i've never seen someone do that before to come to this conclusion of this sound that was really cool because i was like how is he making that sound and then you could see he was doing this with the mic which was cool that we got to see that he was doing that okay i'm gonna rewind just a little bit just so we can hear that again because that note that was happening oh my gosh all right [Applause] wow [Music] i'm sorry what what that was not even if my headphones were not on my dog would be like what's going on that was not even okay so that was insane and i just i can't do anything but give him credit and clap because it okay so do you think that counts as a whistle tone almost because i wouldn't say it's a scream and i wouldn't say the placement sounded like it was a scream but it sounds like it's a whistle but it's almost not placed where a whistle would be placed it seems like it's further back i don't even know how to break that down because that was just like out of this world oh my gosh at first i didn't know that he was singing that like i was like what's that sound and then i was like oh it's dimash let's listen to the end okay we're gonna go back and listen to it again though [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow i feel like if anyone else tried to sing that note me included it would just like put holes in my vocal cords you know what i'm saying like i don't even know how he was trained to sing that note because that was just incredible and unlike anything that i've ever heard it was just one of those things that you're like what is going on this is unbelievable but something i did notice too is like after he was done singing that he let the bgv sing along for him in the crowd and everything because you have to recover after a note like that it's like all right let me let me swallow or something like i need like some spit some lubrication down my throat after a note like that which i'm like okay good he is human it's not he's not an alien or something but i really enjoyed this i did like this song a lot because of how catchy it is because i feel like the other ones even though they're in a different language i was just kind of watching but this one i could kind of groove along to and kind of find that like uh uh uh yeah i want to sing along too even though i don't know the words and that's so amazing of dimash to be able to be such a great singer to translate to someone like me who does not speak his language at all and the subtitles were in a different language for me too but i was still able to enjoy the performance and feel moved because of this song and i just give him props and collapse for dimash because that is just incredible thank you so much for watching this video if you liked it please make sure to give it a big thumbs up let's try to get this video to 5 000 likes i know that we can do it fam and if you haven't already subscribed to this channel please make sure to subscribe it would mean the world to me we would love for you to join our family and turn on the notification bell so you get notified every time i post a brand new video i cannot wait to see you guys so so soon and i love you so much bye
Channel: Danielle Marie Schuster
Views: 127,237
Rating: 4.9625459 out of 5
Id: Sm9MZ6LjBek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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