HIS RANGE?! | First Time Reacting to Dimash Kudaibergen - S.O.S (Slavic Bazaar)

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Hey, yo, it's siaium and welcome to another reaction video today, we're gonna be reacting to something a little bit different I'm, actually really excited for this one. I've been itching to get into other artists for the longest time It's been a lot of requests for different artists just all over the place on the recent videos But today this specific request comes from discord. If you want to join My discord server, link is in the description. Go ahead and check it out. This is Dimash kudaibergen sos live at the slavic bazaar in 2018 I'm, really excited for this one because a lot of you have been telling me to take listening to dimash and a bunch of other Artists as well. So we're going to hop into this But before we do if you want to see me react to anything specific leave it in the comments Down below, I'll get to it As soon as I can. That, or you can do my discord server link in the description Let's do it all Awesome All right, see we're gonna Oh really ambient Really cool What surely not again Okay, i'm no vocal expert But this man just went three octaves in like a second and a half. I'm pretty sure that's not normal range for vocals Let's talk about the structure of the song so far. It's super ambient. It's super pretty they have the orchestra back there I think there's a very quiet choir i'm not mistaken as well There's a piano playing it's a really soft pretty part as well. You have this man doing his three octave singing like it's No big deal like yeah, whatever. I'm just gonna hit every single note perfectly on the dot like no big deal Yeah, there's definitely a little bit of choir back there. So I don't know if there's an actual I would assume there is an actual choir an actual orchestra there as well the way they're sort of like adding everything in little by little is sort of getting just Like a slight build up nothing too crazy as of yet. I'm curious to hear what they're gonna they're gonna do here. Let's keep going How does he hit that was that whistle voice head voice, i dont even know Okay, all right a lot of stuff going on here This is really powerful Awesome, what a great build up. What a great build up All right, let's talk what they did there so they brought in a bunch of different instruments They changed basically the way the piano was playing in that section and they brought in a... more of the orchestra They brought him some brass instruments might also be a wind ensemble there. If not mistaken. They had a little what sound like a little Eq'd out kick or snare in the back there somewhere they're just kind of like layering the sounds on top of each other the The choir and the orchestra are kind of the same volume So what it sounds like to me in this section is that the brass is more on this side and then the The orchestra is more on this side, but normally when you think about an orchestra, it's usually very centered In the song so i'm wondering if if they have the brass Section on one side and the orchestra in the other with the choir in the center if that's even happening That's kind of what it sounds like it could just be stereo imaging as well Not 100 percent sure, but it definitely sounds that way so the way they did this build up was they started adding in things a little by little And then they kind of dropped everything out and then brought it back in for like this explosion of sound So take a listen to that So the key instrument there is that that high violin part right because it's doing that Long drawn out note there. That's kind of telling you like hey This is going to be a change soon There's usually key instruments when there's about to be a change as drastic as that in a song So it's all a matter of listening to What's going to be that instrument this time that's going to tell me Hey, there's going to be a change of something in this case was a violin in some other cases. It might be a guitar It might be vocals, right? It could be anything. Really, let's hear what else we got? Very interesting how he sings he uses his voice more as like an instrument Okay I love the violins Okay, dude Is this like a sick april's fool joke or something It like am I being trolled right now? This man is not human. This man was constructed from the ground up. He's a robot and he's just built to sing on perfect pitch and all these crazy high octaves What is happening? What is going on? That is so impressive what he's doing there Holy cow I have never heard anything like this before the thing that I love most about it though Is the fact that he's not just using his vocals for vocals. He's using his vocals as a whole separate instrument in the song So if you kind of listen to the way the song is is put together in this the way it's layered his vocals are a little more drawn back into the sound unlike other artists where Um their vocals might be a lot more upfront in the song right? Here's a little more almost evenly matched with the The song itself so you can kind of hear that here Right Well, that's probably part where i'd say He's really the the main focal point because they drop a lot of the instruments out and just have him Singing his crazy high note there And then just ambience So cool. But yeah that and all the instruments the drums are going they got the orchestra going They got the wind ensemble going the chorus going um And it's just it's just a really pretty combination of sounds you have the violins doing their moving part while sort of the rest of the Instruments are doing a very long held out note in the background to sort of add effect and layering the way that they Just bring everything together in that that little section is really really good it's genius kind of hear how it's what I mean by how his voice is a little more mixed into The instruments than than uh, in some other artists and that could just be because it's a live performance, right? I don't know what the actual recorded song sounds like that's probably the reason it's like that as opposed to uh what the studio recording would sound like But yeah, really cool stuff. Let's just keep going. Let's keep checking out what they got Eerie ambience back there at the violins Oh dynamics cool The fact he's doing this moving around Wow nice touch of the microphone Oh super airy vocals at the end there amazing So the reason why he had his microphone so far away from his face there was because of how loud he was probably singing that part, so he did that to sort of equalize the sound or limit the sound in a Manual way he also could be doing it to add effect, right? So when something is further away from microphone, it sounds brighter It shines through a little bit more when something's much closer to your face I'll give you an example of this microphone, when i'm much further away. It sounds brighter When i'm really close up you can hear a lot of the bass frequencies and that's called proximity effect It's basically what it sounds like the closer the microphone the more bass frequencies. You get the further away You are the more brighter It sounds like he's using that sort of concept when he's doing his very intimate sort of quiet parts in the song He's putting the microphone really close to his face You can you can really feel and hear the the bass frequencies and all the other frequencies He wants you to hear in the song can't get those frequencies all the way back here. Vice versa You can't get very bright sounds if you're all the way up here, but I love their use of dynamics When they brought everything in and dropped that again, they bring it back in That was a great use of dynamics in the song. I think it was right here to be exact They brought it back in for a second Drop it out and then here comes again So right there the key instrument is actually the drums and the way it's doing the fills and the toms you can tell so that that's the way that you could tell that sort of like a way to add dynamics and build up into the song Again, what an amazing performance from both just like the sound and the way the song is produced and also dimash's voice dimash dmash You have to correct me there everybody. I apologize. But yeah, he did a fantastic job I love the way he used his voice. He didn't just use it for vocals He used it as an actual instrument in the song sort of creating like this upfront melody in the song That's really catchy. Like I gotta hear more that is just that's just amazing. That's astounding i'd love to know from anybody who? Who knows a lot about vocals? Like what exactly is he doing there? I know he's using his his chest voice his head voice and the whistle voice But like is there anything else that i'm missing there? Like is there any sort of Crazy techniques that he's doing that i'm not catching right away so as far as lyrics go now that we're here, I always have the lyrics up in the background always following along watching but I Was so enthralled in the actual performance itself that I didn't get a chance to really check them So we're gonna check them right now everybody who's watching right now. Let me know what you think about the lyrics in the comments What do you think this song is about? What do you think the message is here? What do you think the meaning behind the lyrics is to me this looks like a song where the person he's singing about or maybe? Himself is sort of Feels like he doesn't belong right here He even says in the big lottery of universe. I didn't pull the right number. I feel bad in my own skin So maybe it's a song about Feeling like you don't belong maybe it's a song about I know personal struggle if that is the case very interesting lyrical content for such an Amazing vocal performance and a crazy sounding song. It's really cool Actually the way that they mix together the classical aspect of the rock aspect in the song Uh, I haven't really heard much artists like this before so hearing that kind of mixture is really cool Why is this the first time i'm hearing about him like? I feel like he's been doing this for a long time and I just have never heard about him But this was absolutely amazing. I am blown away by this entire performance His entire his just like vocal ability Holy cow, but hey that's gonna do for this video leave any general thoughts and comments down below along with any other songs for me to react to react to In the future i'll get to them as soon as I can If you enjoyed the video hit that thumbs up button If you'd like to see more from me in the future consider hitting the subscribe button, but until then i'll see you next time
Channel: Saium
Views: 72,723
Rating: 4.9101043 out of 5
Keywords: dimash kudaibergen, dimash kudaibergen sos reaction, dimash sos live reaction, dimash sos live, dimash kudaibergen sos live reaction, dimash sos, sos live reaction, dimash kudaibergen sos analysis, dimash sos analysis, reaction to dimash kudaibergen, dimash kudaibergen reaction first time, sos reaction, dimash - sos live, dimash live, classical crossover reaction, classical crossover music, dimash reaction, dimash reaction first time, saium, saium reacts
Id: DlHl8QXo8NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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