Vocal Coach Reacts to Ariana Grande's Carpool Karaoke with James Corden

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hey guys I'm Tara with Tara Simon studios and by popular request I'm going to be reacting to ariana grande's carpool karaoke this has a major amount of views and I really love this concept so I'm very excited this is my first carpool karaoke reaction so I hope you enjoy it let's dig right in and see what we've got [Music] [Music] he's actually I'm hit I appreciate you this definitely lies [Music] right [Music] I'm just gonna stop right there and tell you that as someone who sings really high like ariana grande does it's really difficult to sing in a car because you're crunched down and your abdomen isn't really upright like it would be if you were standing to take a lot of breath and to support and be it's a really enclosed space so when you're singing really high notes it feels like the sound is going nowhere but right back at you so singing on pitch in a car that's in close and really high notes like that is actually really difficult so she's doing a really good job I appreciate this so harder than it seems [Music] so okay so you can see right there see how her where I paused you see where your neck is doing right there that's exactly what I was talking about about the whole support thing when you're sitting in a car you're like this you're relaxed you're totally not using your abs at all when you sing notes like that you need to act as if you're doing a crunch like you were a hundred percent engaged with your abs to support the sound otherwise the support has to come from somewhere and if it's not coming from your abs guess where it's coming from it's coming from tension here and when the voice doesn't feel like it has enough of what it needs which in this case any sure note higher low needs more space and support if it's not getting enough space the chins gonna jet forward like it's doing a little bit see she's not really dropping her jaw right there and if it's not getting enough support the neck is gonna really tense up because something has to support that sound by any means necessary and if it's again if it's not coming from the right spot that's what you're gonna get not saying that she's about singer she's amazing right I'm not ragging on ariana but when singing a card that's the result that's unless you're very careful and you're not sitting against the back of a chair like this acting as if you're standing from the hips up that's exactly what's going to happen involuntarily because your abs are relaxed [Music] this guy's like I don't know how I can fit your girl would have a nicer again she's probably trying to be a little more quiet in that car if the sound was nowhere right if she were on a stage her mouth would've been wide open because the sound would have been just going that way right but it's coming against the windows of the car it's coming against when she was bouncing right back to her [Music] like two years [Music] [Music] look hey not for nothing but this dude he's not obviously a singer right Mike he's hitting all of those notes that riff he got every single no it wasn't clear and perfectly on pitch but he got all those notes so with a little tray he could actually sing I'm just saying [Music] [Music] my vision [Music] like all [Applause] [Laughter] interesting that she said that so all right when teaching someone how to riff it's like teaching someone how to walk you know first you you learn while sitting watching others walk as a kid right you're not doing it yourself you're just watching others and then one day you decide to try to stand up and wobble a little bit and then you sit your butt back down then you take that first step right and everybody has their own type of walk right like everybody's got their own stride their own posture what they lead with when they walk it's the same with riffing so at my studio we do teach students how to do runs and how to rip because it's a necessary stylistic capability these days especially if you're gonna sing pop music so a lot of times how they learn is true it's by osmosis first right they they regurgitate back what they're being taught but then once they get sort of their own I don't know I guess I guess the word is once they get their grounding their own footing with being comfortable in what they're being taught then they can kind of expand that into being a little more creative themselves and creating runs that maybe fit them a little more it's just like dance choreography right like you you have two different choreo choreographers and the same dancers could learn that choreography but they look like different dancers because they're being taught by two different people right the inspiration is coming from two different places just like if I'm teaching you a run it's coming from what I would like to do a singer to run you may learn that you may do a really great job at it but then once you have that footing you can branch off and create your own you can you can generate your own style within what you already know and and magnify that so that's very very interesting what she said she learned from the Great's and then it took her a while to be comfortable with that and to create her own sense of style and you can hear that influence right you can hear the Mariah you can hear the Whitney you can hear the Celine in her runs and yet all of them cumulatively combined create Arianna right so for those of you who are looking to develop your own style there's nothing wrong with listening to people who are really excellent at doing what they're doing right you don't want to imitate them forever though so absorb what they're doing really own what they're doing but then let it breathe life out of you into something that's your own okay so if I said okay give me a what's the Celine Dion run what's that [Music] if you tell she's listening to her so many times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there [Applause] [Music] [Music] Karia something really quick I'm gonna note it's really interesting he's not getting off of his note when she's harmonizing so again I knew it he has a good ear like he could actually sing if he wanted to he's not getting off his note she's singing a high harmony and if you're singing next to a professional singer and you know that you're not and they're singing something different than what you're singing the instant inclination is to go straight to what they're singing go to their note it happens all the time and he has it that's pretty impressive [Music] [Music] that's awesome okay so that's what we're gonna stop for this video today that's a really interesting concept like I said I really enjoyed the concept a lot ariana is clearly a great singer and great singers have really great ears right that's one of the takeaways that I want you guys to remember about this video today is that when you can harmonize chances are you're really good refer to because a lot of times runs and rips they're compilations of different options of the melodic line that that would sound good against the original root melody okay and if you can hear harmonies chances are you you can hear the runs too if you can't it's simply a matter of ear training right so listening to the radio and trying to sing a third or a fifth above that is great practice getting with someone getting some coaching is a great option too so that you can really find out what what is the exact level of difficulty that I'm having and why how can I fix that right so if you liked what you heard make sure that you subscribe below thanks so much for the awesome awesome suggestions so that I can react to these great videos I really I don't even bother looking any up anymore to review you guys are simply what I'm taking my material suggestions from and doing it so thank you so much for that if you want specific training if you feel like your singer or you want to be singer you need specific help tailor-made to you and your needs then click on the link below in the description to get some private lessons and if you're looking for an eight week course say you want something to just take you through a long term and learn the foundations at your own pace then click on that link as well because that way course is just for you thanks so much guys I had so much fun reviewing this this is carpool karaoke my first reaction ever to a carpool karaoke and there will be many more to come I'm sure because you guys are amazing and suggesting thanks for me to react to you so I will see you on the next one
Channel: Tara Simon Studios
Views: 931,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tara simon studios, tara simon, tara, vocal coach, vocal coach reaction, vocal coach reacts, voice coach, ariana grande, ariana grande carpool, James Corden, carpool karaoke, the late late show, late late show, reaction vocal coach, reaction ariana grande, ariana grande reaction, ariana reaction, ariana grande carpool karaoke, ariana grande james corden, carpool karaoke ariana grande, ariana grande carpool karaoke reaction
Id: 1Ka1xNdZV38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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