vMix GT Title Designer- How to create animated titles!

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[Music] g'day everyone in this video we're going to go over the basic animations in the GT title designer I'll show you how to create a basic lower-third title from scratch and then animate the transition in and transition out of all of the different elements and layers GT is the graphics engine that has been available since BMX 22 and allows for real-time high-performance graphics with no additional CPU usage in order to create custom animated titles or use the custom animated titles created in the GT title designer in vmix you will need to have the mix 4k or Pro alright so let's go ahead and create a new title go to new and select the resolution that we're going to use we use 1080 because that's what we're using today so let's go ahead and create this title what I'm gonna do is create a rectangle to build my lower thirds so I'm gonna create an animated lower third today I'm just gonna go to format to make sure I've got always to the right size I'm gonna enter my number here click enter make sure that it's an exact size because I like things to be kind of exact so I can drag this to the center to make sure that it's globally positioned in the center here as you can see remembering this up a bit because I'm going to what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create a rectangle here and then a secondary rectangle is going to pop out underneath as a transition in and then a transition out so I've got that positioned in the center where I wanted to be now what I'm going to do is I could also right-click on a line and set the center that way by going here but now I'm going to edit the field so I want it to be bright red so I'm gonna click Edit Phil I could also use the menus at the top here so I'm gonna choose a color actually I'm gonna choose a gradient so I'm going to choose a color first so I'm gonna work on that blue color then we go in this gradient here so I'm going to select the second color of the gradient make it a light blue and then once you've selected your gradient and click apply now if you've worked the gradients before you know you can select here and you can add different stops to add different colors to create nicer gradients you can move these along or edit them manually click to remove and you can change the way that it looks as well so once you've got your gradient if you wanted to use a gradient then click apply ok down the bottom so I have my gradient here set up for rectangle one so what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna actually change this I'm gonna call this blue rectangle and so now I've got that named and that's that's almost good to go so what I can do is go to effects now I could just queue it if I wanted to you know I could make it look a little bit cooler I'm just going to leave it as it is I'm actually going to go to the format tab and make it a rounded rectangle by changing the radius here it's going to make these 40 that will put an angle on the edges as you can see now it's a rounded rectangle and I think that's about it that I want to do for this particular rectangle so now I want to add some text so I'm going to go to the text box I'm going to create a text box in here now right click this to make sure that it's centered as well and let's go to the home and start making changes so now I'm going to make changes to this text here I'm gonna Center it I'm gonna make it in the middle let me get rid of this going to make it much larger and I'm gonna change the fill color so now I've got my text the way that I want it so I'm actually just going to edit this text here with a cool name like Tim and then I'm going to go over here and I'm going to make this name as well so I know that when I go back to V mix the name is where is that the top layer here before where I've got Tim okay so now I've got name and the rectangle now one of the things you know it's like I can use this name here and I can make sure that it's in the center of the thing and I can line it up with this rectangle but I can't actually Center it in the rectangle so what I want to do is I want to create a group so that I can Center everything in the one group layer so I'm going to hit ctrl or shift and select both of these layers right click and then go to create group now you notice that the group that's been created is now the size of the rectangle so now I can maneuver everything within that rectangle properly so I right click on this text now align align Center and then align middle so that's actually just aligning it in the layer now you'll notice that layer one is still the first layer that we had which is the full canvas size but now layer two is just within this particular layer with the rectangle and the text all right so now I need to create a second rectangle so I'm going to go back to layer one and I'm going to select the rectangle and then I'm going to create a rectangle down here now you notice that the little title there has appeared so I can choose to remove this title just by clicking the the I here so I can't see it or I could have moved it to the top I can move the layer up so now this layer is kind of above this one now what I'm going to do is make sure that's in the center now that's a little bit outside of the safe area and see what have what size it it'll make this exactly 100 and we can align up so you notice that we've got the Glock the alignment they're still with that other rectangle in the layer so I can actually make sure that that's connected properly and then it's aligned in the center as well so it's got the align lock with the elements and also the global center now I want to change the color of this so I'm just gonna edit this I'm going to make it the color of the bottom no that's not gonna work I'm going to make it white that would probably work best yet so don't match the color of the text all right so now I need to add some text to this one here going to create a text box like so align this in a global center and then I'll go to work on this one what color we can make it this mm yeah that'll work I got a bit bolder make sure it's in the center and middle and there we go for the text now we can go ahead and change his text here so they've got my title and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna change this text blocks to title so I know what that's going to be want to go to Linux submission label this rectangle is well to white rectangle whoops all right so now I've got these now I want to make sure that this text is also centered in this rectangle as well so I'm going to select both of these and I'm going to right click and click create group so you notice that now we have layer three we still have layer 1 we can probably move this down to the bottom so now we have layer 1 which is the canvas and layer 3 is that the max size of this particular these elements so now I can click on the text and make sure that everything is aligned properly so view so now it's in the middle of that area now one thing to keep in mind is you try and add things like go to here and try and add a rectangle you're not going to be able to you're gonna have to make sure that because this layer is now confined to this area if you're gonna add new content you have to add it within this layer so it's usually best to create the layer once you know you've got all your content ready for that particular layer so I can go back to layer 1 and because a third layer one is the full canvas size I can go ahead and create more content here and then potentially create more layers that way as well so I'm just going to delete all of this stuff okay so now we have layer 2 and layer 3 so I'm going to name these I'm gonna call this name layer and I'm gonna call this title layer so now I've got my all my layers ready to go for the transition all right so now we need to work out what we want to do with these transitions and how we want it to look so now I'm going to show you how to do animations on these transitions so transition in and transition out so what I really want to do is make this top tangle up here with the text and then I want to make the bottom rectangle appear a little bit later on so what I can do is actually set the layer to have its own transition so if I just wanted to do the entire layer for example if I wanted to fade in a layer I can do that altogether so it's got all of the elements will transition in together so over here you'll see this is the transition area for animation so I can select transition in if that's what I want to work on I've got the playback here I've got pause play in and out I've also got this on the right-hand side here and I can also press the HOME key if I wanted to play everything in and out so this is the animations board here so we have a bunch of different transitions that you can use so bounce will bounce in image sequences or for like PNG images reveal will reveal something zoom fade again they kind of do what they going to say will zoom in fade at the same time expander will kind of expand the entire element out fade will do a normal fade a fly-in and will move in from one of the angles you want it to use hidden will allow you to kind of remove something completely rotate will spin it around scroll and zoom so those are the different transitions probably best if you play around with to see what they all do now basically what I can do is for this whole layer here I can set a transition for the whole layer so I could select fade and then over here you'll see the timing so I can choose how long it takes for it to start so typically if it's going to be the first transition you want the delay to be zero so when you hit that in button this will be the first thing that happens you can choose the duration so I'm going to go point five which is point five of a second and I can choose the style so linear will be a smooth speed cubic in and out easing in easing out so easing in will go fast it will fast and then it will go to a normal speed easing out will go slow and then speed up and bounce in and bounce out will do those bounce transition effects okay so what I'm gonna do basically is just fade in the name layer one when I transition in so I'm gonna hit the button here and that's going to as you can see transition everything in together now I could do the same with the title layer underneath I can you do this I can do this as a fade as well I can add a bit of a delay to it so the first one took half a second to to start sorry to have it the duration so I'm going to use the same delay so when the fade finishes on the top one it will then start the second one so we'll try this now so as you can see with the name layer it started straightaway because there was no delay it went for half a second and then it faded up like so so it's faded up and then on the second layer we waited half a second so the top one would appear and then we made the second one up here so that's how you would animate the layers now sometimes you want multiple things to be happening so you've got your layer selected but you want the text to appear after the box or something so now I'm gonna show you how to set that up so I'm just going to go to none here important if you're not using that transition to using none otherwise you'll get confused and you'll be like where are these transitions coming from you can always check where the transitions are by clicking this here it will show all of the animations you've got set up on the title ok so now I'm what I'm gonna do is I'm going to select this rectangle here and I'm going to transition just the rectangle in first and then do the text and then do the other rectangle so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to just fade this one in so the blue rectangle will fade we'll make it a point five here and so that's the first thing that will happen will be this blue rectangle will fade so we'll try this now there we go that's going to fade up so then what we want to do is now we need to line up the name so for the first one because we took a duration of 0.5 and we want the name to start after the rectangles appeared what we're going to do is I'm gonna fly this in from the top and I'm gonna set a delay to 0.5 so that it's only going to happen after the rectangles appeared only there's 0.5 as well so basically what this is going to do is going to fly in from the top of the layer here and appear after 0.5 of a second so that's now what we've got set up so we've got the the rectangle fades up then the name slides in it from the top of the layer now you notice that before if you set up a layer transition for the entire layer it's going to come from like say we said it bounced or a-flying it's actually going to come from the edge of the canvas but because we're working within the layer the transitions underneath this layer it's going to be within the layer so that the fly transition will only be from the top of this layer it won't be from the edges all right so now we've got those two now we need to set up the bottom one so we go the white rectangle here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do it reveal so I'm going to reveal from the top now I'm going to set a delay of one second so we're adding up the transition for the blue rectangle which is 0.5 the name was 0.5 and so now we're going to do the white rectangle which will be a delay 0.5 and I'll make this duration 0.5 here too it's gonna come down from the top so what this is going to do is reveal this white box from the top okay so that we've got that and now we just need to do the title so what do we want to do for this probably we can do something cool go a reveal so we'll go what we'll do is reveal this from the center now what was the delay it should be point 1.5 if we add all those up I think the duration like this point 4 whoops 4 different and then what we're going to do is we're going to do a reveal from the center and then we're going to select the x-axis so what that's going to do is going to reveal out from the center so let's try it out so now that's how we set up a transition in for all of these different elements so we have two layers but then each of the elements are animated differently on those underneath those layers so that's what we've got set up so another cool thing that we can do is that we can actually have multiple transitions so you notice here we've got the transition in but then we also have three levels here so we can set different levels for these animations so the first one you notice is green which means it has a fade transition so if it's green it means it's got an animation on it again if you want to check to see whether there's any animations you can click that button there okay so what I can do now is I can add a second transition to it so I'm gonna select the second layer here and then I'm going to click rotate and then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to let's just make it spin on its axis like that so basically what it's going to do the first layer will it's set to fade at a point five duration it's got no delay on it and the second one is to setup the same as well so what it's going to do now is it's going to combine them because it's using the same duration so it's going to fade and rotate at the same time for this blue rectangle why did want to do this I don't know but this is something you can do so there you go that's setting them up at the exact same time now we can also delay this so for example I wanted to rotate this you know later on so I could set a three-second delay on this and then what it's going to do is it's going to fade in like it normally should so here it's gonna fade in at 0.5 duration but then after 3 seconds its actually going to then rotate for some reason so yeah that's how you can set multiple things you can set three levels on them you can do that for all of the transitions if you wanted to so yeah that's that's something you can do with the transitions now I'm going to show you how to transition out so in order to transition out you need to select that from the menu here now typically what I like to do is do the layer so I like to transition out for the entire layer it just makes the timing a whole lot easier and typically when you're transitioning out you don't really want the same number of elements and all kinds of crazy things happen you just want to get it out of there all right so what you can do is what I'm going to do is set up this name layer so basically actually also have the title layer so what I want the title layer to do is to go back up unrevealed itself basically so I've selected the title layer here and I'll make sure that I selected transition out yeah then I'm going to select reveal and I'm going to make it reveal this way so I don't want the duration to be too long I don't want there to be any delay on it because I want it to happen first so now I'm going to press this and then it's going to reveal so you notice that the entire layer revealed or unrevealed itself back up to the top when I press that so that included everything in there so I didn't have to do the title and the rectangle separately I can do the entire layer so now for the top layer what I want to do is transition that out as well and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go with reveal but I'm going to set it to the axis reveal so like we did the text before we're going to make this unrevealed itself now what I probably should have done is added a bit of a delay on that so that it didn't happen at the same time so we'll go with 0.5 delay so there we go that's how we transition out so we've got that all done and it should be good to go okay so that's how you set up a basic transition in and transition out for either your lair or the elements on the lair and so now we're gonna say that an add it to the mix I'm gonna go to file/save let's call this something save that alright so now we could go to add input I go to title and then if you watch the other tutorial you noted that if you go to the recent tab any things you've saved recently in the GT title designer will actually appear here so we can select it just from this menu or you can browse for it as well so here as you remember from before we called this layer title and that name so what I could actually do is to make it a little bit easier to make more sense what I can actually do now is go back here and just move these layers so I've got the name layer at the top and then a title layer underneath so when I go to V mix name will be up the top title will be there so now we just need to make sure that we save this and then I'll go back to V mix and we'll right click on it to reload it and now we'll right click to title editor so now we've got name up the top and then title so that's right and good to go now in order to transition this in we can use one of the overlay channels so if we go to overlay now what I like to do is to have cut here so if I use cut as the transition for my overlay it means that it's going to use all of the transitions as they should be in the GT title designer if I make it anything else I've ever made it to fly Phoenix is going to try and fly it in at the same time as doing it as the the other transitions which is if you've gone to the effort of creating those transitions it's not worth doing this in here so I usually set it to cut here for my transition I'm just gonna add a video so you can see what it looks like cut to this one here and now I'm just gonna overlay this and as you can see it fades in and does all the things we want it to do and then if we want to transition out we just press it again and there we go so that is how you create animated titles in vmix doing a simple transition in and a transition out so thanks for watching if you have any questions or anything feel free to send us an email via the contact form on vmix comm as it's super hard to answer YouTube comments with technical answers so yeah check that out check out our website vmix comm if you want to know a little bit more about the other transitions and more advanced things for the GT title designer stick around and check out some of the other videos in this series thanks for watching and I'll see you later thanks for watching click to watch another exciting BMX videos or head to vmix calm for a free 60 day trial see you later
Channel: vMix
Views: 86,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vMix, live streaming software, webcasting, live video production, video switcher, live production software, live streaming, vMix 22, vMix GT, vMix animated titles
Id: emScjEUVrJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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