vMix – Scripting Return Video for Remote Guests

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hello everyone welcome back to streaming alchemy i'm john mahoney and on today's show we're going to look at using scripting to modify return video that you send to remote guests to make it a lot more informative and keep them more involved with what's going on in the studio so before we get to that i as i usually do like to invite everybody if you have any questions have any feedback please just put them in the comments below we'd love to you know get to them here on the show and talk through any questions or anything you you want to discuss here as we go through uh also we will be taking remote callers so if you'd like to join us on air uh just go to the link below and someone here in the studio will get you on the show all right so oh rudy thanks for joining again always good to see you so to get started uh one of the things that i had heard from several people uh when they are coming in as remote guests they typically don't have a lot of information coming to the studio i've had people say i don't even know whether i'm live whether i'm unmuted anything like that so i was thinking how could we produce a return video that contained a lot more information about what was going on and who co-guests were and other things like that so let me show you what we we put together for this this is just a simple video we have over here that's coming back so let me see if we can switch over to that okay so so in this video we have the program feed which is coming or whatever the studio thinks is the correct program source it doesn't necessarily have to be what's being streamed out we have the guest video from all of the remote guests so even if another guest isn't on air you get to see them and you get some sort of visual feedback how people are reacting to things you're saying and it gives you a better sense of being connected no matter what's on the screen in the studio uh we put everybody's name down and uh that's probably one of my personal things with this because uh i ten tend to have a problem where i forget names and so having that available as a reference source right there in what's coming back to me makes it makes me more confident when i'm participating remotely in calling somebody by their name and engaging on a more personal level the other thing we have is we have the state of those people so if you look there is a little box under here which says on air for each of the guests i could go and i could you know mute guest and you know that would all uh be you know working out that way so let me just make sure i so if i were to go and mute and unmute anything like that so i have that capability i can bring guests on and off air so you can see that and that information now is all communicated back to those remote participants so they know exactly what's going on the other thing is we've added a studio time so everybody sort of knows how much time has passed and has a sense of pacing for the show and down here what we've also added is a little countdown timer that will allow the host of the show to indicate to somebody when they need to wrap up and give them different timed countdowns they could have so we're going to go through how we put all of this together the scripting that's involved with with making it work and there's a lot of other places you can go with this beyond what we're showing here but we think this is a good reference start so let me see we've had a few people so tom has joined us tom thank you very much for joining uh to say hopefully i i said your name correctly thanks for for being here and uh hakan uh thanks for joining us from sweden i know it's pretty late over there so appreciate you being here okay so if we want to look at this the first place of stars let's go through what i have set up in vmix so it's it's pretty straightforward what i've done is i have four remote guests coming in here and so those are the first four inputs i have i have a video feed coming from the studio i just have this local now but that's you know that could be any video feed that would come back and then the two things of real interest here are i have a layered input which is the return video and on that layered input one of the layers is an overlay which is coming in basically done in gt title designer that has all the dynamic elements that we'll be showing on the screen in addition to the layers of video so very quick look here if i jump in here and look at the layers all you see here are the four guests that the the four guests we have coming in and the studio video those are all laid out we've done this before uh so we don't really need to go over how to use layers directly but then at the very top i have my state overlay so this is really where all the dynamic elements come into play so the state overlay is actually a gt title designer template that i have here that is combined with scripting so on gt title designer you can sort of notice the whole layout we have there's the upper corner is the time that's the countdown timer we have down here we have stand-in icons that we have for the state of each one of the guests and that's that's really it and what you'll notice is each one of these elements that we have in gt title designer has a name associated with it so all the states are called guest one state guest two state and we have the names for guests one guess two we have the clocks and the labels all of these things have named elements and we're going to use those names in the scripting as we dynamically change what's in those elements so probably the since i'm over here on this screen the scripting would be the next place to go so let me jump out of here and jump over a bit to what we have with the scripting so we've done a lot with scripting over the last several shows so i'll go through some of this pretty quickly we at the very top are reading the vmix xml which has the state of everything going on in vmix and so we're taking that loading it in to a xml document inside of our script and then what we're doing in these next four lines is we're taking all the information about specific inputs the four guest inputs that we have coming in the remote guests so i'm setting this up to say basically grab the everything that's around this vmix input which is the unique input for uh guest one up to guess four and one of the things i noticed just to try to keep things a little uh a little more uh interesting is i'm actually accessing these inputs a different way so one of the things inside vmix for each input is it has a unique key basically some type of good long string of numbers and letters here that represent that input uniquely and so you can in specifying an input use the key instead of an input name or instead of an input number and this won't change so if you move things around or add or delete elements these these key elements will stay the same so it's a solid way if you have a fixed vmix setup to to pull in inputs and know that you're not going to be messed up because somebody added or deleted something in the process so what we're doing with all of these is we're pulling in the state information about all of the guest inputs and then what we need to do is we need to decide how to render that state out in the overlay so to do that we are pulling individual values out of the out of the xml node for each one of the guests so the first thing we do is we say let's see if this guest is muted because if they're muted then they're not going to talk in the other state like whether they're on air or if it doesn't matter they'll the guest needs to know that they're muted and there's no need to talk so the first thing we do is say if we're muted then you know muted equals false then what i want you to do is decide if they're on air which is uh the first element and the way we judge on air is if they're in the main audio bus then turn around and say that they're on air and if they're not in the main the master audio then say that they're all fair so that's a a very simple way you could have a different mechanism you use to indicate that or to to recognize that but we're just using that for an example right now and what we're doing when we find out that this guest is on air or off air is we're changing the placeholder image that we have in the gt title designer template that we have as an overlay so in this case we're using the api function the shortcut set image and so we're using set image and we're using it on the state overlay so now as opposed to using a key we're using a name just all different ways to do this uh and then what i'm doing is i'm saying use the file the image file at this location so you can actually have lots of images that are not inside of your vmix session proper but are on the same system or a network available system and connect to them uh that way and we're saying do it at 100 so you know you could scale it if you wanted to and what i want to do is i want to take this image and use that for the g1 state the state of guest one and if you remember i'll sort of just slide this over here uh that is this little icon we had down here so that's the g1 state so what i'm doing now is whenever i see that i'm on air or off air i will change that image to be an on-air image or an offer image so it gives me a way now to dynamically adjust what everybody sees on their state coming back and then the last thing is if it if the guest is muted then i just do the same thing but instead of an on-air offer i'm using a mute icon so that guest knows that they would be muted and i'm repeating this for the four inputs so it's very straightforward as scripting goes look at the xml decision tree and then applying different functions around that so very standard for what we've looked at already regarding scripting and xml so let me see here now let me move this down so i guess the if we look at this now i actually have this all set up so that i can change any one of these states using a stream deck that i have here so if i switch over to the stream deck what i can do is now i can mute or run mute so it's a mute toggle or i can mute and unmute all i have the ability to bring everybody on air everybody off air or individual guests on air and off air and then i also have controls for a timer which we'll talk about uh as the next step in this but so if i were to let me mute guess 2 and i'll place guests 3 and 4 or fair so now if you switch you'll see that each one of these guests sees exactly what their state is so guest one here would know that they're the ones that are on air and talking guests too would know that they are muted at this time and you know guests three and four would know that they're off air and you know we could actually you know just have a producer talking with them to prep them so again things that the remote guest now can actually see and understand and that's all now controlled through other shortcuts that i set up so let me just jump back to the scripting here so when i move guest and this will be pretty straightforward when i move guest on or off air which is one of the things we did all i'm doing is i'm changing their status to uh instead of being in the main bus i shut i put them when they're on air i turn them into the master audio and i shut them off from the a bus which would be sort of the off air auxiliary audio that we'd be using here and then what i'm telling the system to do is to run the script with the guest status so that's the script we just went through previously so what that will do is it will when i change the states in these first two lines i now tell the system okay update everything that the remote guests are seeing and so because i have these hooked together as a single shortcut and i'm using uh to to run the uh to run that in script so let me actually let me just jump in here and i'll show you so in the shortcuts i have the the start script dynamics so we'll just look at what i have for going on air basically that's this function right here so i do this as a mini script that changes the settings in vmix and then asks vmix to go and update the overlay so the guess how have the latest status so uh oh i just see we have a few more people so uh kim thanks for joining peter good to see you i did get your message uh we will uh try to get uh everything uh back to you regarding some of the things that that you were looking for so we are we're we're working on a lot of things here but thank you for joining for this show so what and this is basically when we look at the the the start script dynamic this is basically how we do all of these functions if i have a button that changes the state i will execute those functions in a shortcut and then at the end of the shortcut tell the system to go and refresh all the visuals that communicate that state so i don't have to do anything extra but it lets me then when i set these up as shortcuts uh it it makes sure that the guests know what goes on but i don't have to keep running some sort of polling script in the background it now happens sort of on demand i make the change and the update uh status at the same time and that's going to be much more performant than trying to do something inside of vmix that will monitor this in the background so something to uh to keep in mind so this is basically what we've done for all of these but let me uh let me talk a little bit more about the state overlay so if i switch this over here so in the state overlay which is here in the preview you can see i have a clock so the way we set this clock up if you remember we just had zero zero colon zero zero in the gt title designer but if we come down here and i go into title editor let's go to the clock so all i'm telling it now is inside title letter i'm telling it i want you to display the time here and here's the format for the time so we have you know digit for hours uh and and minutes and i want the am or pm that's what the the double t at the end means so this is just a simple way to format the time but that's all i needed to do i put a placeholder in gt title designer and i am telling uh inside of vmix substitute the time for what i have in gt title designer so in effect this is working exactly the same way that the script is working to substitute for the images we're just saying use the placeholder and substitute something else in it pretty standard gt title designer model for making that work so the other piece to this is uh in addition to having time we also have a timer and what this timer will do if i jump here i'm going to set a timer for 15 seconds so if i press this button here and i say now that i have a 15 second timer when i press my start timer key it will now begin a countdown for from 15 seconds and when this is over we will clear this timer from the display and just display done and what makes this really useful is it gives you a way to tell a guest that is talking or somebody that's presenting remotely that their time is coming up and you can do this through multiple different times so i can sit there and if i just go back to the stream deck again you can notice that i have a timer for a minute for 30 seconds for 15 seconds and then the start for the timer so when i set a timer and press that that will go in and set the actual countdown timer inside vmix for 30 seconds and it stops there and then when i press the start timer it actually begins that countdown and works from there so it gives us a way to i could set up different times for make sense for me i may want to do a 15 minute timer or a 10 minute a 5 minute timer and then something you know that will indicate what's going on right at the end so in this if i just go into the settings that's here so here's how we set up our timer if you look right here so the timer's just about counted down comes back to done but here's what we're doing so when we want to set the timer the first thing i do is i turn all let me let me actually switch over to the script over here for setting the timer so what i have here is a set of function calls and i'm selling it first to make the text invisible so this text is what we have for the timer the label and uh the the timer itself so make all of those elements invisible and then set a countdown timer for the input state overlay which is what we used before and it's going to be in wrapup.txt that's going to be the timer we set to tell somebody how long they have to wrap up and the value we're setting for is one minute i could do this for any time that i want it in here and you know that's basically all you do to create your own and then when i want to start the timer what i do is i set the state overlays for the label and the wrap-up text which is the countdown timer now to visible so they now appear on the screen and i say start the countdown and this is very simple scripting to control all this but the one thing that i needed to do that isn't directly in the scripting is what do i do when the timer ends and for that we're actually using a trigger so if i go over to the state overlay which is the overlay over in the vmix interface and i open this up and go to triggers you'll see that i have here let me slide this over on countdown completed i am starting a script that uh will basically go and uh give me a an execution of the uh the done that i need so this preview script will basically go there and say okay when this is done hide the text that i have over here and display the text done so again this is just a one level of automation triggering another level of automation and so it makes the entire flow pretty straightforward the other piece that we have in here which i mentioned the beginning was we have everybody's name coming in and in this case i mean we could have done this using uh opening it as an xml file because that is something that you know these are coming from live tears so that is something that live to air does right out but what we chose instead to do was to use them as data sources which is the other way you can leverage xml so if i come in here and go to the data sources manager in the data sources manager i have the guest names so these are the names of all the guests and all this does is it basically like before it is using the url of the metadata file which we're writing out to a drive here and it uses an xpath it says in that xml file pull out guess1's name and that's something we've gone through before but now i'm using it inside of data sources inside of vmix and that means let me get out of here that means when i'm over in the title and i go to the title editor if i have the guest one name so we'll look here that's coming in but what i've done is i've bound guest one name in the data source to the uh to say that's the text field that i want to substitute that with so what you're seeing is the data from the data source being mapped into the field inside title designer to display the names for everybody that we have coming into the show remotely so this is just again another way to do these things there's lots of different ways inside of vmix to make things happen and this is just another way to work with xml files and text that you want to set up inside your productions so that's everything uh we will put all of the scripts up in the github setup that we have and we'll post a link in the show for that again but uh hopefully you found this useful i think there's a lot of things around working with remote gas that we can do more effectively and uh oh wesley thank you for joining us so uh so this is just one example but i think this is really a start point if you take this and think of other ways you could combine elements that you want to share with guests uh that would definitely be something i would look into you know into exploring on your own and seeing what you could come up with if you have something that you find that you think is really cool or interesting i would love to have you uh share it with everybody in the community as well so uh please you know just uh feel free i i want to encourage everybody in this uh that's that's a part of the streaming alchemy group uh group and community in general to you know to share as much as possible so we all can learn from each other so uh that's everything uh we will be staying around uh for and post show and we can talk about any other questions you have here i can share a little bit more background for some of the other things we were looking at doing here and uh we'll open to answering any questions or anything else that you have from the show in addition uh you know we'll we'll still take callers so if you do want to join us on air for the after show please just uh you know jump into the link here below and as i said somebody from the studio gets you on air so if i don't see any after show we will see you again next friday and thank you very much for spending this friday with us take care everyone well hello everyone welcome to the post show here so uh we had some other people uh pop in so uh tom uh is asking a question about how do you feed this to the guest so there are multiple ways in inside of vmix there are multiple uh outputs that you can set up so vmix in vmix pro and 4k you get four outputs so you can route this out one of those outputs and use that whether you're using something inside vmix to bring in the remotes or whether you're using something from us externally but i can show you inside of vmix let me switch over here i have uh let me go sorry let me go to the output settings so on our output settings i'm actually outputting this this return video is number six so i'm outputting input six out output number two and if i actually jump over to the live to air screen over here i can show you let's see so here's live to air so i have uh the single input now i'm taking that output uh from vmix as output two here and that's the output that we're returning to all the remote guests that are coming in and so you can see that up here in the corner where that's the video that's being sent back to the guest so this is you know there's multiple ways to get things back to remote guests based on what you're using but vmix gives you multiple outputs and you just select one of these as the output and you should be good with feeding back to whatever remote guest mechanism you're using so let's see so i just wanted to uh so we have uh philippe has joined us and peter from berlin and uh to say said that thank you for for being here and uh you know rudy's saying don't forget to give this a thumbs up so thank you rudy i always appreciate the support here but uh so this a couple of interesting things uh there's some things we didn't get to uh and some things we did but are hard to demonstrate on air so one of the other things that we didn't show during the show was that for each of these guests i have them set up so that if their audio level goes above a certain volume they will switch into the video that's being shown in the big window on top so if you just look at the output here so i'm going to try and force this to happen so i'm going to unmute guest one here and they have some audio going so i'm just going to raise their audio level up and at a certain point oh so actually let me take this out of program because this there's a this is something that it's a very strange thing in vmix certain things don't work but now that i have this audio level go up for this person uh you can see that it's switched over so if i mute them and change the audio level for the next person you can see that so let's actually if we put this into with that multi-box where i could show live to air and the vmix interface that would be be good for this so basically this mechanism that we put here allows you to have things that you're controlling for you know setting things up where you want you know to mute guests or whatever but then the return can start to operate somewhat autonomously so this would be definitely be a case where now if i were to take the next guest let me go over here so i'll mute this guest and i'll unmute this guest and when i raise the the auto level enough you'll see now that they switched in and became the primary guest so this would be something that we could use to when the host would speak the remote guest would see the host and the studio feed but when one of the other remote guests talked they would to the other guest pop up and sort of take the main space in there so this is just one way that you can sort of extend the automation from scripting into things that are native inside of vmix to let you make it more comfortable for the remote guests so they feel they're part of a conversation and yeah like bruce has pointed out this it's uh for everything oh i'm sorry i'm i'm out of the conversation i was reading the last one uh so the uh philippe first says is there a way to automatically populate uh the title with the name of a guest when they join from vmix call or teams so i am not sure sorry i'm not going to say uh yes or no what you can do though is you could do this from uh google sheets so if you were doing something where you had your guest you could have that population happen automatically uh i i know that people do put in their name and my assumption is that uh in vmix calls so that my assumptions that you would be able to pull that out from the input for vmix call so i would say that's probably yes but i haven't done it for teams i don't know specifically of a way to do it because teams would be coming into the system via ndi and i don't believe that name information uh is sent down an ndi data channel but uh that's not something i've really dug into deeply with so it is possible but uh so let's see so anything you know in terms of populating it so that would that can be done easily to scripting if you have that xml so would it be possible to make the script change the timer to done uh when the countdown reaches zero so uh yes you could i again these things these things just take you know it takes more time and the other thing which i i tend to like scripts to just be they they do their thing and then they stop the longer a script runs in the background the more i worry about different types of re-entrant problems where the script invokes itself again or does something else that can cause production problems so while you you can do things like this inside of scripting and you know basically wait for that to happen and do something the trigger was just a simple way basically it was a simple way for one script to tell another script that it ended and to do something different and that's the way i was using it but you know you would you can do these types of things with uh with scripting as well but again it a lot of this is going to come down to where are you comfortable with the limits of scripting so it isn't a full bore programming language and so there are issues where one script will run and then something else triggers it tries to make it run again and you'll get a scripting error so things like that can happen in this so the worst case with those things is that you'd end up with your xml or however you're sort of controlling things in the background in an unknown state where maybe it wrote out half of what it needed to do and then stopped in the middle so those are the things that i tend to be more on the conservative side for but there are definitely you can push scripting pretty far the other thing to keep in mind is that using http request in and out you could actually run things effectively beside vmix so to side car it and run something in windows that talks with vmix and sends information and other types of triggers back into vmix so there are lots of ways that you know are are in there that you can you can make these types of scripting automations happen so so let's see if two or starting discussion put both on screen you need a kind of time okay so peter was asking a question if you have multiple people talking together and now this is i i actually look to try to do this so it's not a straightforward thing the challenge is first vmix doesn't really have any type of indicator for when audio drops below certain levels so i can know that person a was talking and that they're active and i can also know that person b started talking but i don't know whether person a stopped talking because there's no real level check so the ways i was looking at doing this would be something which would look at the meter inside of uh the guest input and there you you get the meter level for the level of the audio meter for that that input but that's a snapshot in time so that wouldn't tell me really whether the person was just inhaling or whether they actually stopped talking so that would be something where i would probably have to do some type of sampling and say if i think it's below a certain the audio for that guess is below a certain level i would come back on a time basis to say i'll check that for five seconds in a row and if it's still at that same you know below that same level then i'll assume that person stopped and sort of shut them off but that's the that's the one downside uh in terms of how you can script around audio it really is not very robust for things that like like i said that you'd want to know if i've went above a certain level and then dropped below that level i can't do that and there's no indicator inside that tells me that happened so are ways but it it's it's probably can be a little bit dicey for for making it work so uh when last over specific db uh it is it is possible but that means and again this is peter's peter's asking if there would be a way that i could sort of timestamp the last time that guest was above or triggered that that db level trigger so inside when the guess triggers that i don't know and i i haven't tested this i don't know if there's a way to re-trigger it so if uh when that guest goes in there if there's a way to say okay uh if they're talking softly and then they get louder again and talk softly how does that work what's the interval before it tries to trigger it again how long do i have to wait so you know it could be interesting things so if that is the case so if i knew for instance that uh you know the guest doesn't re-trigger the trigger until you know five seconds after they then that would give me some indicator that i could use that to say uh i'll know that guest uh stopped speaking and then spoke again so there may be things i could do around that to do time stamping uh where it could be if if that doesn't get triggered again uh within five seconds then i'll go into and say set the set the last time they spoke to this time and do something around that so there could be interesting ways but all of these are all of these are definitely hacks so uh and that's that's the fun part of scripting because a lot of scripting is uh is uh is a hack but uh you know some of it uh some of it is is what we call side effects programming which is if you're at all in programming that's the something that they they try to beat out of you in college yeah so don't depend on something happening uh when you do one thing you know and just assume something else is going to happen or that there's you know when i do this this won't happen you know be very explicit in what you want so you know scripting isn't quite as clean as that but it is something that you definitely could could experiment with and and find find cool cool ways to do stuff and then uh you know when you do please share it because uh we're always interested to learn so yeah that's peter oh chris oh great great to see you on here so chris is uh chris burgos is a guru over at uh he works over at new tech but is a guru around all things video production he is a gaming uh both as a participant and as a producer an expert on the gaming space as well so anytime uh you know you need to you need to find out how to do a a gaming based event uh chris is definitely the man to talk to so uh you know contact with him on on facebook and uh definitely keep him keep in mind if you have anything coming up around gaming uh and certainly anything around uh anything around tricaster because even though we cover a lot of vmix here because i know that's you know an interest to the audience we do everything in our own studio using uh a tc one and uh you know that works really well for us in the types of productions we do here so uh peter uh peter just just made a a point about that hacks are always the fairy dust and and that is true that's that's the sort of thing where uh you i mean if you've ever seen those cartoons where they talk about how to do something where you know in the logic it sort of says and a miracle happens that's there's there's a bit of that in there too you just hope things work the way you expect them to but uh so yeah this is this is definitely something that's uh you know when you do you do scripting hopefully it works from one release to the next but uh so uh let's see so uh one of the other things that i just wanted to to point out uh so if we just switch back to the screen that we had laid out here one of the things that i had looked at and i didn't get a chance to do it but i wanted to be able to put comments over here and i just didn't get a chance to get it done between you know everything we had going on this week but that would be another really cool thing that you could add so if you want to highlight a comment for the guests to talk about you could just put that over here but not only that but here is a a cool use case for that using something like vmix social you could use the comments yourself to uh to basically put uh put messages that you want to share with your remote guests in and have just a simple mechanism to do that through so you could actually have a remote producer be watching the stream and then post comments up that you would use uniquely as messages out to these guests so another you know other ways to do those types of things where you're just using that space for you know something that is more information back and i think in all of this it's about that guest engagement it's hard when you're remote i mean i've been on multiple shows where you're you're talking to people remotely and it can be you can feel disconnected sometimes so anything in your production that sort of keeps everybody remote in the loop is really great to do so so so yeah i mean uh peter's peter's talking about uh you know the alternatives to uh you know for comic social i mean i think you know for what it does vmix social uh you know is good you can you can pull things in you don't always get things uh to pull as quickly as you'd like so sometimes that can think comments can come in uh slower and you you sort of feel you're behind uh the community when you're interacting with them but uh i think if you if you work with it where basically you're taking it in as data and then formatting it to fit what you need and that could definitely you know definitely work but there are other things like and i've mentioned like google sheets and other stuff where you can pull information out of that so you could create almost like forms inside of sheets that let you put in messages that you could then import into you know things you're using on uh as back as as feedback to to guess so lots of different ways to use the tools around and you know this comes back again to what i talked about a lot with ndi so even though we are using the tricaster for everything we have production wise we're using vmix social to put up the comments and we're doing that by sending the a feed out of another copy of vmix we have running that has a pre-multiplied output of vmix social that we have is a downstream key in the tricaster that we can then send any one of the comments to that we want so we can you can stitch things together and use the right tools for the different parts of your workflow and like i said ndi ndi is the glue that holds all that together so so yeah i mean peter said more than 50 of the comments are not showing in vmix social uh you know and even less on twitch so yeah i mean we've seen that and you know so we we kind of recognize that that's that's a limitation and you know we try uh you know if if we see something somebody will give me a heads up in the year if there's there's somebody making a comment to trying to share with us that's not showing up uh and we also try to give it time to show up but uh i agree i mean it's it it's not it's not ideal but uh definitely it's you know it fits it fits in the ecosystem you know since it it comes bundled with with vmix so it works well for that but i agree you know it isn't it isn't the most reliable tool for a lot of the comments that uh you know may be coming in so you know everybody has to figure out we're trying to do it from us we're trying to do it the best way we can with tools we have available but uh if somebody knows of something different for comments we definitely would love to uh we'd love to do a show about it because we know this is this is an issue for us and you know obviously for uh many of you as well so if if you know other tools that could handle comments uh and do a good job with that we'd love to find out about it and possibly do a show on it so so let's see if there any any other questions up here that i'm missing no so i i think uh i think i carried everything so uh if you if you have any other questions you know please i'll i'll i'll i'll wrap up in a few minutes but just wanted to make sure that uh let's see okay peter just uh mentioned something he says if you click on the date of a facebook comment you get a you get a link this this i would have in vmix social as input facebook graph stuff programming needed so yeah i mean so that that's a good point again there's there's a lot of stuff that's in here that uh i have not explored uh you know we we focus sort of on online air and our our you know space in the ecosystem but there's a lot going on and so easy for me to miss stuff so peter thank you for sharing that and you know maybe that's something we could look at for you know figuring out some interesting way to work with that so so thanks for sharing on that so i guess that's a that's a wrap for today then uh thank you all for for hanging around for the pro show it this this is in some ways the the part i i enjoy the most it's just getting to talk with all of you so uh thanks for spending the time here today and uh we'll see everyone same time same channels next friday take care bye
Channel: The Streaming Alchemy Show
Views: 1,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3kK5D7QJ6lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 41sec (2981 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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