A Look at the Remote Guest Solution LiveToAir12

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hello everyone welcome back to streaming alchemy i'm john mahoney and on today's show we're going to be taking a look at our new life to air 12 solution so our lifetime 12 product will allow you to bring up to 12 remote guests into a professional video production but before we get there i'd like to welcome everybody to if you have any comments have any questions just post them in the comment section below also if uh you'd like to join us here on the show we do have a link that will get you in and somebody from the studio will get charnaire with us so we'd love to have you join us so let's let's dive in because this is this is something we've sort of waited this entire season to do and we've just started up uh live to air 12 in beta and so i felt it was time to sort of share that with everybody here in the community so let me give you a little bit of a overview of how live to air structurally works so there are three components that are part of the workflow for live to air so the first one is the guest interface and what the guest interface allows you to do is to send out a single url to every guest that you want so it's the same url to all of the guests and when these guests connect our back end distinguishes them but it will give the guests a sense of where they are in the process so right now i have this connection here and the guest knows they're the first person in the screening queue so they know what's coming up the flip to this is the next component which is call in manager and what call-in manager does is it takes all of these incoming guests that have joined that link that you sent out to them and it displays them as individual what we call cue cards so these are the guests queuing up to become part of a show live to air uh in the workflow live live tear depends on this colon manager capability to onboard guests and bring them into our live to air 12 solution but we have a lightweight version that i'll show you a bit later baked into the live to air but this gives you a lot of capabilities it lets you do the screening of guests you can check all of their attributes their video connections their media devices before you send them over and it's browser-based so it can be run from any system that you need to this means that you can do tech checks and other things with it well in advance because whoever's doing that whoever is doing the tech check only needs to uh have a browser available and then you know you'd be good so the last piece is the live to air 12 system itself now the first two pieces that we talked about were browser based live to air is an application so this either will run in windows or it will run in aws so you can run it as an instance up in aws and so this gives you a sense of the ui that we have here and overall it's it's designed to allow multiple guests to be selected and brought into a production and to give you based on what every guest is selected all the controls you need to manage these guests so now's the point at this let me jump in and see what we have for comments and then i'll go back to the beginning and we'll sort of show the whole process in action here so uh we have uh rudy is joining us so rudy good evening to you uh we're we've been excited about this for the entire season so uh thank you for joining us for this so we have ryan uh ryan uh great to have you here a big fan of the work you do so uh thank you for joining us here so we have a randall packer randall thank you uh randall as i've mentioned before has done some incredible stuff on the creative side uh really you know a cutting-edge artist and uh definitely somebody to to look up uh so we have uh david ramirez from costa rica david thank you for taking the time to join us great having you here we have uh let's say i guess this is george bass from germany so yes george thank you for joining us now remember pronounce it like baseballs so your your uh mnemonic memory trick helped me this time so thank you so we have uh indy wishing us a bonjour uh and we also have peter f from berlin so peter great to have you here again thank you uh we have other do so hopefully i am saying your name correctly overdue uh so joining us from from bucharest so thank you very much we appreciate you dropping in here uh we have ghee gee always great to have you here thanks for making the time uh we have ken from northern california ken thank you uh great having you and then we have american american newscape so howdy back to you american news cake thank you all right so let me jump into this again and sort of move through the actual process of bringing a guest on so if you remember when we started we were over here and this is the guest interface and this guest is coming in uh to us let me switch over to call manager so they are the guest right at the top so this is daniel marks and so when daniel come comes into call-in manager what we can do is we can select them so we have all these guests that have come in so you can select the guests we want and at that point we click the green connect button and so now what we have here is a connection from daniel and if i s oh i get something talking to me here so uh let me just try to do this quickly then so daniel is seeing the operator and the operator sees daniel you have the ability to see all the technical details about the connection you have with daniel here so this means that you can look at let me go back here you can look at their resolutions the ip address is coming in the codecs being used to encode this the bandwidth you have in and out that this connection is occupying and one of the other things which is really really useful is we actually if the guest is using a chromium-based browser we will show you whether they are wired using ethernet or whether they're coming in wireless because we know that everybody always comes back and says oh yeah i'm i'm i'm wired but we also know that many times that's not the case so this gives you a great way to to sort of check on that and then we also have all of the latency you know for what what would be you know basically the quality of line statistics here for audio playback and video playback so that's all that's all here and it's it gives you that security that you know this connection is solid for the guest you also have the ability to know exactly what the guest is connecting on so we know they're coming in on windows 10 with chrome and i know all of their media devices but not only do i know what the media devices are i can go in and i could change them to any other media device that corresponds to that category on their system so if they had multiple webcams i could swap that multiple speakers all that's possible so you have that and the last thing here is you have the ability visually to frame them because we know that a lot of people are doing multi-box shots and this gives you a easy way to position them inside the frame to make sure they look good on the bottom we have all the metadata that's going to be associated with that guest we can fill this in and make sure all of it's correct and then leverage it further downstream inside of live to air so we publish this metadata so okay so let me we have a guess right now so let me disconnect here so and i'm told we have uh randall has joined us randall greetings greetings how are you i'm good how are you excellent so thank you for thank you for calling in yeah i couldn't resist joining you in the new system it's really very exciting so we're pretty excited about it too so uh yeah yeah yeah so um anyway i just wanted to um say hello and uh i don't know if you want me to ask any questions now or wait till later no i if you if you have specific questions i'm i'm happy to answer them uh i'd also love if you you wanted to share anything about some of the things that you're doing because you've got live to air embedded into the framework of some of the uh art that you create so that that might be interesting to some people as well uh sure well happy to share well i i'm a an artist who works with media and performance and i'm in my what i call my underground studio bunker right here in in washington dc and it's a little dark around me i should have turned up the lights a little bit more so you can actually see what's going on here but essentially um we've been using live to air now for uh about a year and uh i have we're using it for live performance and so we're bringing in guests uh remotely from different locations and we are putting them into a virtual stage environment so we're all set up here to create a composited uh taking all the feeds via ndi and then compositing them and using backgrounds and foregrounds and and both video and and graphics and so we're able to uh essentially create a an internet streaming performance situating live performers from different locations into a virtual set and we've been doing this quite extensively since um the well i i've been doing performance long before the pandemic but we have have definitely uh picked up our uh work quite a bit since the pandemic started and you know the whole uh theater world and music and performance has been was completely shut down now it's trying to reopen but it's been a really difficult period for the performing arts and so um we got a grant from um uh in in the uk uh to train uh artists to you know who work in traditional theater who work in physical theater spaces we we uh we are training them to use the internet as a medium for live performance and and so essentially uh that's what we do in workshops we do live performance we also do panel discussions and our our um group is called the third space network so and and just so everybody knows what that means i think it'd be interesting to this group is that uh so john in relation to the two of us uh i'm in the first base you're remote from me so you're the second space and together we are in the third space which is the shared network space so it's a way of conceptualizing the spatial environment that we are in together uh through the network so anyway i don't want to take up all your time but that's a pretty good overview no thank you for that uh it's i mean the amazing thing always is that society shapes art and art shapes society so the two interact and yeah so in a lot of ways what you're doing is you are evolving the art based on the realities of the moment and i think that's that's actually exciting because i think everybody here whether it's art or whether people are just in the creative space of sort of producing and streaming everybody's had to adapt and sort of adjust but a lot of a lot of people have ended up at a much better space from this you know they are now doing things they didn't do before and having more potential opportunities for different things they can bring so it's it's cool to just the see how the two interact all the time yeah and i think it's going to be interesting to see what happens when the pandemic is over if it's ever over because i think that so many people have discovered the internet as a medium for communication for sharing events with family and friends and web conferencing and so forth that i mean of course you and i and many others were doing this before the pandemic but i think since the pandemic began uh it's become just a mainstream medium to be web conferencing so i think that this has elevated um the kind of work that that we do and that you do uh to a to a whole new level that and it's really now embedding itself into all kinds of different uh professions and not just the performing arts but in education i mean educate of uh academia was always kind of on the periphery of this and now you know it's all the kids are are growing up learning how to go to school online and so it's just transforming the world around us so i want to thank you john for for all the incredible work that you do with life to air and i i want everybody to know just how how amazing and serious um the work that you you're doing it's quite extraordinary so i'm so appreciative that i really appreciate that and i it's uh i i'm just the face of a lot of other people that do a lot of very hard and creative work so i on their behalf i thank i thank you for that yeah okay well thank you for uh having me on the show and and uh i look forward to the rest of it absolutely thank you randall for calling in i appreciate it okay take care all right so that was that was nice to get to to talk to randall and uh he's like like you heard from that he's really pushing boundaries with the combining the electronic media and the arts so definitely somebody to look up so let me let me just sort of jump back here and we'll pick up the the workflow here so if you remember i had daniel connected here we had at this point daniel was all dialed in and so the last thing we need to do here uh with all of the metadata and the media set is we can click to send daniel over to the studio so when we do that daniel now disappears from the queue on the left side the inbound queue and you can see that he's in our in studio queue but what's really cool now is if we switch over to live to air you'll also see that daniel's sitting over here in our live to air inbound queue so in life to air we have the ability to do some of the things you saw in colon manager here so we give you the ability to create shows and to you know invite guests and do all those things that we have in colon manager uh and you can actually work with them here we have an inbound queue so those were all the remaining guests and the studio queue so you have the ability to do what you saw there just on a more streamlined scale for bringing in guests so if you didn't want to have two different screens or two different operators live to air now with live tear 12 will let you do all of that in a single interface so let's jump in and take a a closer look at this interface here so if you look on the right hand side we'll really start here these are the channels that we have available so when we connect a guest the guest gets placed in one of these channels and you when you select that guest channel the rest of this interface is going to adapt to all the settings for that particular guest and so you can see here that let's actually so we'll connect daniel here to connect him to channel one so i just double click now you can see i've picked daniel up in channel one and it's ramping up the connection quality to to do that and now you see all the details that are associated with daniel now so you have all the metadata that was everything we set up in colon manager you also have access to all of the media devices so if somewhere in the middle of the show you needed to change or say they were doing a powerpoint presentation you want to change the camera from their video to a screen capture you could do those types of things and that's all baked into here and now you also see all the audio levels because we have a lot of audio capabilities baked in around what we can do with guest and i'll get into that in a moment so in addition to all this information around the guests where you see their preview you also have the ability to basically sort of zoom and pan in on the guest so say i wanted to have a tighter shot of daniel's face i can just take and move this around and i can do that for each one of the guests i bring in to create something that basically has similar positioning and framing for everybody that we're bringing in to a show so that's just the handy way to do it and it's a visual way so you don't have to sort of type in offsets or anything you just take and put in the person sizing them up to make sure they fit in the slot that you want to position them in when you combine everything in your production so in addition to things that you would do specifically with the guest you can also see the things that you can send back to the guest and so we have two main things we have the feed that a guest is going to receive when they're first connected so when it gets first connects we say that they are off air we are not necessarily sending the video feed and audio feed out to the studio and the way their audio is routed can be different so right now what we have down here is the off air return video feed that the guest is going to be receiving and up here is the on air guest video that the video the guest received when they're in on air mode and we can switch the guess between on air and off here right over here so this is worth showing so if i switch back to the guest interface now so right now the guest is off air if i click the on air button what the guests will see happen is they'll get a notification that they are on air and they'll see a red bar beside their name and not only that but the the connection with this guest now changes the video source so we went from the offer video feed to the on-air video feed so if i switch back to off-air you now will see we do the reverse we give a clear off-air indicator to the guest and we show them a green bar and while we're over here there's one more thing when a guest is off air uh you could have the operator cut in and talk to this guest and that's something we have called push to talk so when i do push to talk i can click on and talk to this guest one-on-one and when they are fair what this guest will see is the operator video so we have three video sources that can potentially go back to the guest a video for when they're off air whatever feed you want a video for when they're on air and an operator feed so you can have that one-to-one now if the guests were on air at this point in time i'll switch off push to talk and now we're back to the off air so if the guests were on air at this point in time push to talk would work just like your normal ifb where you the guest would hear you but they would continue seeing the on-air video so it keeps it by recognizing on-air versus our fare you have the ability to work appropriately when you want to talk to that guest either with video or simply as an ifb and we give you that capability here the other piece to this is that we have different ways to manage audio in live to air and in our original life there product we did what was called an automated mix minus we could take all the guest audio and we could combine it into four individual feeds so guest one would hear the audio from guests two three and four and the studio but not their own and so on for each one of the the four guests we have now taken this a step further and what we let you do is you can set up any guest into any number of different mixed minus groups so say you needed to have panelists and maybe there there would be crew that you'd have so you could have the crew all have one mixed minus group and they could all be talking because they're switching or producing remotely and you could have the panelists or working as another group and they would hear each other independently and that gives you that very sophisticated setup capability but not only that we allow you to set up these mixed minus groups for both on-air and off-air so say you wanted to simulate breakout rooms you could turn around and say when i have all my guests on air they all can hear each other and that's great when i switch to off air i want to have them assigned to maybe three different groups where i could have a group that's going to be you know discussing different you know groups that can be discussing different issues so you can use on-air and off-air for a lot of different things and that's one of them that that sense where i can let people separate into different groups and then combine them again to round out a discussion so all that's baked into the way we manage audio in live to air and again because this is all set up let me just go and show you the settings which will give you a little bit more insight into how all this would come together so so well let me start over here if you've worked with live tier you know that we have two different groups uh two different logins for your call-in manager and for your live there so we let you enter both of those in here because as i mentioned live to air now has call and manager capabilities baked into it i also mentioned that we have the ability for the operator to be seen and heard by the guests who push to talk and so this is where you set all of that information up for the operator for the video we now have a lot more going on with video so we allow you to send out the video as ndi but in addition to ndi you can also set it and i don't think i have anything set up here for this but you could also set it so you could send it out via sdi if you had decklink blackmagic decklink hardware so that means you could have both ndi and sdi streaming video simultaneously for each individual guest in addition you can say i want the guest video to go out even when they're off air so this gives you you can turn around and say i really don't want to send guest video out when they're offered because i want to make sure it doesn't go anywhere and that would be great but you may have cases where you want that guest video because say you're going to set up a green room for the guest so when the guests go off air you can take that video and create a branded green room in something like obs or vmix so that would give you that possibility and you know you you can switch it all off on and off for every guest or individual guest so we have that capability and you get to set what's my output resolution for each one of these guests and what are the video returns we mentioned there are two video returns you have the on air and the off air well you can do this for each guest individually so if you wanted different guests to see different videos on air and off air or you wanted everybody to see the same video off air but different video on air all that's all that's available to you here and you can set those up here ndi sdi anything that would be recognized as a video source we let you route that in and then we also have the resolution of the return video to guest and normally you'd say hey i want the the highest but maybe you're running live tear 12 on a system that's a little less powerful you could turn around and say gee i'm going to switch this over to work at 720 for both my ins and outs because i would rather more guess but if you have fewer yes you could turn around say i wanted to be 1080 or if you had a really powerful system everything could be 1080 back and forth all the time the other thing we have that can help with system performance is we now let you select different hardware for encoding and decoding or do it in software so right now i'm set up to do it in software but i could actually have uh nvinc and nvdec working here and use this for different sorts of video cards so if i had quadros i could set all of these inputs and outputs to work on the quadro card because they have unlimited encodes and decodes but you also can have multiple gpus in your system so if you wanted to turn around and say yes i have two lower end uh gpus you could do that and use both of them if they're quadros to do encodes and that takes loads off the cpu so a lot of capability the way we have this set up in doing your video the other thing we have which i mentioned was that we have the ability to set up different mixed minus groups and here's an example of how some of this can work together so we have right now basically four groups that we set up so we have one which could be a group for allow panelists maybe a group for all the panelists and the assistants together uh so like when they're off air they want to be hearing their you know pr people and their maybe compliance people if it's something that requires that so you could have this set up so people would break out that way you could have one for the crew and you could have something which is set up for everybody in addition to being able to have these as mixed minus groups for how the audio gets routed we also let you take and send those out as an aggregate feed of everybody in that group so this means that if you wanted to put this into a mix in which you didn't have channels for 12 individual guests you could turn around and just say i'm just going to take audio feeds out for these individual groups and if you're using something like like we have here dante virtual sound card you could set that up because right now we support windows device model uh with this but we're working on audio support uh azir support so that's that's you know on our punch list of things to get done but this will let you now take and do this all over ip so very very powerful for these types of things but in addition say you want a 20 forecast you could run two of these and use an aggregate feed from system one to push audio from that system into system two and from system two into system one so now the guests across all 24 channels can all hear each other and interact so a lot of flexibility with these mixed minus groups and you get to name them so you can keep track you also remember them by by number alone and if we come and look at what we have over here in the audio section you can now see that we have ndi audio you can also output to a second audio device you could do ndi and dante ndi and wdm based audio interfaces anything like that and you can have a different audio return for your uh warfare and on air things that we mentioned and here is where you would end up seeing how the mixed minus groups can work so i can have everybody this guest is going to be in the all group when we they are switched off air and they are going to be in the panel group when they're switched on here so you have this flexibility now to do this and you can see these are all the different mixed minus groups we have available so again another way to make things a little more flexible and extend the types of productions you can do with live to air and finally we have voice optimization enabled or disabled so this will allow you to apply echo cancellation and any type of thing that will sort of built into browsers normally this gives the ability to turn that on and off because sometimes it helps but sometimes you can get better audio when you switch it off and so for each channel you can turn this or optimization on and off so the last thing that i want to talk about over here is we have an advanced tab here and there are a lot of things this login is all about anything that we want to do if you needed to debug something with us we can tell you what to turn on but the other thing which is really interesting because we talked about the metadata and having that metadata available for all these guests which when you get up to 12 guests can make a difference to have that organized in some way what we do is we let you write this out into a file whether that's on a network drive or a local drive but you can write this metadata out to a file and leverage that so if you're using vmix you can use that in inside of a vmix to create titles in lower thirds you can work with data link on the tricaster or you can just pull it out and use it in you know anything else a new blue title or anything else you want but that data now becomes available and i'll show you that in a second we also have the ability to put different color bars in and for a lot of people they want to do things that are branded and you know look like their studio uh setup you know their br studio branding is so we give the ability to just change the image so those color bars that you see over here you can set those up to be anything and these things flow out even when there's no guesses okay no guest is connected so that means that when these videos are all here if you want to take and crop them and look at them downstream like you're setting this up inside your switcher you'll get video channels coming out with all these channels and the name and the number of the channel without having to guess connected so it lets you crop and set it all up and make sure you got the right places the right feeds going to the right places downstream so that's a good high level view of everything one other thing i did want to show here is what the metadata looks like so if you look here this is a copy of the metadata file that we create so we have metadata for all 12 channels here and you can see for the first one we know everything from the status so we know the guest is off there that's their name that's their email phone we have notes in here we have their they're in different uh groups which something we didn't really talk about with uh uh caller manager you can group people and make that easy to manage them and location so this metadata is all available and can be picked up by any program in addition it changes dynamically so let me say i actually want to say oh their location is wrong here so i can go in here and say they're actually from new york new york so we're just going to go and change that so i just click and save that and now if i change this over here if we go over here now you can see that this has changed then a location is updated so this can be changed here in live to air but it could also be changed over in colon manager and that means that you could have somebody else working remotely as an operator and do certain things that maybe you don't want to tie people that are working in the studio uh have them tied up doing those so a lot of flexibility around this so that's the that's the big overview here there's there's a lot more subtlety and detail behind this but we just wanted to give you a sense of what types of productions you could do and the tool sets that we offer here to let you do them so before we wrap up for the main show let me go back and uh so uh see what else we have here is coming in as questions so so randall was just asking how do you get chat into live to air so that's that's a question we we actually get a lot uh right now and this is we do not have chat baked into live to air but it is on our sort of list of features to add in the future we know that it could be really useful especially if you don't want to necessarily talk to somebody but simply give them a message on screen uh so that's something we've been thinking about how to implement well and uh sort of stay tuned on that one because that that's probably something that will be in a future release so we also have bill mew so let's see bill is saying hello from tunbridge wells in the uk bill thank you for joining us i appreciate you taking your friday night and watching us here so thank you so we have torture uh ch and torture hello thank you for joining us it's always good to see you here uh so bill mew is asking what are the hardware and os requirements so that's a great question because there's there's a couple of things so i showed the 12 channel version we also have a six channel version so we have a six channel and a 12 channel for the 12 channel version what we're showing here we are recommending a a 12 core cpu and a p4000 gpu which is a quadro gpu so with those two that will give you a lot of overhead that you can you know in terms of capability so you should be able to use everything pretty much that we we looked at here at all at 1080 resolution and that's we think something that you know is is a good recommended spec if you were building this from scratch but you could also run on lower end hardware you can run on eight core systems you could run with like a p2200 you may need to configure certain things if you wanted to use all 12 guests to you know be slightly lower resolutions but in doing that you have you know a lot of flexibility so you can turn around and say i love having 12 and everybody at 720 if i need them for production but i know that i can do six or eight people at 1080 on my hardware so it gives you that flexibility to configure what works best around the hardware for our six channel system we normally recommend an eight core and a p2200 that's our normal spec for what we ship and we think that's uh you know that's a reasonably priced and you know strong alternative for doing it that way uh but again lower end hardware with slightly lower uh resolutions on these things and again that that can that can work for you everything here is windows 10 so we set this up windows 10 pro we'll work on standard windows 10. we're not recommending people jump to windows 11 quite yet but uh hopefully that answers the key questions here so so let's see uh so i'm sorry if i'm missing some of these there's more coming in than uh i uh i can keep up with here so uh let's see so uh we have america newscape is saying it's absolutely amazing america thank you we appreciate that so randall packer says what are you doing now uh so in terms of if that's about the hardware that we have here oh so i'm sorry so randall was asking how we now i understand so randall was asking how to bring messaging into live to air he was asking how we're doing the messaging on screen so we're using vmix social to do the messages that we we pull up from comments so vmix social is available from as far as i know the minimum vmix you can purchase all the way up to the highest end and it's there and it works as an independent application so you can go through uh i believe it's youtube facebook twitch irc and there might be something else though i'm not sure but that will cover pretty much the the main ways that people would be doing commenting and uh you know that lets you then take them and feed them into as basically as xml into lower thirds that can be displayed on screen so that's that's how that's done so i apologize i i didn't understand the question in the beginning so let's see so david ramirez says is it possible to share my screen and camera at the same time currently the only way we have to do that is to open up a second tab inside of your remote guest and have one be for your desktop and the other be for your camera uh to do that you would need to make one tab sort of a private tab so they don't interfere with each other but that would let you it's pretty straightforward to do it would take two channels in life to air but it should be uh a fairly straightforward way to do that combined but you can as i said switch between the two and the either the guest or the live to air operator can make that change between the cameras and that's part of when i showed that you have the drop down access to control you could do that from either side so let's see uh what else do we have so so does it does it have bit focus companion integration uh bill mu is asking that uh at this point we do not we [Music] we are very keen on adding uh some level of automation to this especially given the uh the number of channels that people were dealing with it isn't here yet and i i i ask everybody's indulgence with you know some of these feature set uh requests we are really looking at at getting this launched and over the first three months of next year we were expecting to launch in january and so over the next three months we really are going to be focusing much more on making sure this all rolls out smoothly making some back-end changes we want to make to help with some of the extended functionality we want in the future and probably in the second quarter we're going to start to look at rolling in some of these new features and we know automation is one of them we know that azio support for dante is another one and these are ones that are high on the list and also uh the ability to do messaging which probably isn't as high on the list as those but definitely in the mix of features we want to add so let's see so is the deck link limited to 10 uh to 1080 59 64. uh it right now in life to air we because we're working with with what we'll see is sort of remote guest cameras you know which are typically lower res and coming off of webr webrtc we limit the outputs up we have the apples go up to 1080 uh 30p so that will give 29.97 so that will give you sort of that standard hd level not the 3g level so that's that's definitely something that uh you know we could extend in the future as as bandwidth and people's cameras on the remote ends would be increased but right now that's sort of the limit down to you know the lowest resolution you know supported in sdi which would just be a a standard definition resolution probably 640 by 360 sort of the widescreen so let's see can we use source codes to improve upon uh so right now uh we don't have the ability because you know if we had ways to control this we would have sort of the ability to do extensions there really isn't any extendability into uh the live to air system right now so hopefully this is something that uh you know we covered all the key things and there won't be a lot of production need for that but if we're missing features in here that are important please just let us know definitely uh would love to to hear about that and let's see so we have davis this looks like easier than an srt connection so so david there's there's a couple of things uh srt is one direction so if you make an srt connection with somebody remotely you need to have a connection back to them to give them a feed both audio and video so you could have this as a conversation the other thing about srt is it does need poor forwarding on at least one side of the connection uh and typically this does not you know given where a lot of uh the technology has gone over the past sort of year and a half we a lot more people are open to webrtc and their firewalls and other things so we're finding that the connectivity is simpler than setting up something with srt and certainly structurally you know this just works with a browser so it can work on a mobile device uh or a desktop device mac pc so you don't have the same limitations srt is an application that has to be deployed remotely as well so in doing that you don't you know when using livetair it is just browser-based so it makes that pretty straightforward in terms of bringing on guests especially for like what we do here we just have people call in uh having that ability is is great when it's all browser-based and they don't have to download anything on the remote end so bill mew uh is asking if we're looking to make it available for mac os uh we we are we are looking at the we have one of the new uh m1 macbook pros here in-house one of our developers is working with that and uh we are sort of or struck by the the the price value proposition in in those systems unfortunately we are built around directx and cuda which are really windows centric technologies right now uh so it is something we would consider but this is not going to be something that would happen near-term and i apologize because i i know we have uh a fair number of uh mac users out there so that isn't something i can give you sort of this immediate yep just wait six months and we'll show you something great it's not going to be that type of time frame but it is something we're keeping an eye on because the capabilities inside of metal and inside the cpus that apple is building those arm-based cpus with a lot of built-in smarts and encoding baked in uh it's something we definitely are keeping an eye on because it it could be exciting for us at some point in the future so so let's see so maybe uh color correction is essential in my opinion so maybe uh that's that's a a fair point the question for us and this is right now if i go up here we do give you let me just switch over to the live tear interface for a second here we do give you the ability to do some basics that's a gamma and contrast so well not color correction you know and i'm not pretending it is it does give you some level of video based you know connection to try to you know dial in dial in blacks and create you know a better balance in the image we do not though have uh color correction baked into this at this point in time something we're considering it's more complicated to be to be honest in terms of scope of projects than some of the other things we talked about but uh i i appreciate what you're saying the other thing that we found and this is you know we're very open to feedback on this is that most of the switches this isn't a switching application most of the switches that we're dealing with have some basic color correction baked into them whether that's uh you know whether that's vmix or uh the anything with the in the tricaster family so hopefully you know that will create that will cover you for the areas where just so the grosser you know less refined gamma and contrast corrections won't help but i i hear you on that and i i appreciate that as feedback so randall so he says i hope i haven't asked too many questions but what is the audio bandwidth is it stereo and is it possible to increase it for musical performances so the uh the full let me start with the easy one so we're using opus so opus does have a lot of uh capabilities for setting it up right now i i don't believe we have a mechanism to let you change the frequency response uh but that was something you know i would definitely look into him now we have probably have one of our technical guys is probably going oh i could tell you right away so if there is an answer somebody can feed it to me i'll be happy to give you on on on the ability to to adjust that uh in terms of stereo uh we have a new version of the front end that will be coming out shortly that will allow you to select like basically shut things off in the for all the audio correction and take the raw audio in full stereo into live to air and we do stereo return if you shut off the optimization voice optimization shut that off inside of the live tai audio that should give you a stereo return back as well so you can optimize the audio in both directions but right now we don't have that release that will be coming out as part of our rollout but isn't going to be day one so we're trying to stage what we do but uh very fair question there all right then so uh why don't we call that a wrap for today's show we will jump to the uh post show and we can carry on the conversation after any other questions i'd be happy to talk about anything here or anything streaming in general but i would like to just have a sort of a quick get together if anybody's around uh and uh basically sort of a end of season two uh slash holiday party uh and uh you know it would be great to talk to people if you're around but uh if you can't be please know everybody here we celebrate christmas here but whatever holiday you celebrate definitely would uh love to wish you a very happy one peaceful and restful with family so uh till the after show if you're gonna stick around we'll see you in a second otherwise see you next week take care everyone hello everyone welcome back to the pro show uh so we had a couple of questions that that i didn't get to here so the first one is uh bill was asking if you can run live to air 12 and vmix on a single pc so right now we are uh so our setup here is uh a a one pc with vmix and uh live tear running uh i don't know how far you could push this uh so we're doing this sort of in a in a limited demo mode but definitely this would be something uh you could do certainly for for four or six if the if the system were powerful enough but uh you know this would be something we'd have to measure and get a bit more feedback from the community to see what they're running on the other piece though is we do run in aws so uh you could run a g4 dn 8x large instance uh if you can get them on aw and that would let you run it so even if you don't have the hardware local it is something you could deploy in the cloud as well so if you run vmix and uh livecare in aws that's another packaging sort of deployment option for live to air so let's see so george uh basis said thanks again for a great show george thank you i appreciate you spending time with us here so uh let's see uh ken benedict is asking msrp so for the life to air 6 it's 799 u.s but anybody that has live to air already or buys life to air prior to life to air 6 and 12 launching in january live there cost 4.99 and we will give everyone that purchases lighter or has purchased live to air a free upgrade to life to air six live to air 12 is 14.99 1 499 u.s and uh you know that uh that should give you uh and you can also upgrade for seven hundred dollars from live day or six to live tier twelve so let's see uh so let's see i yeah randall is is asking about if he can drop on uh unfortunately we're having i'm just getting told we're having internet problems here so i'm gonna have to to wrap this up but randall if uh if you want why don't you uh why don't you just uh connect with me outside of this and we'll cover this so sorry for the short pro show everyone but uh thank you so much for joining us here wonderful holidays to all of you and if we can we'll see you next week take care everyone you
Channel: The Streaming Alchemy Show
Views: 366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P5b_qWGbr9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 20sec (3380 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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