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you guys are underneath the video people comment below and you're like oh my god that was so funny visually for us because I feel like I never see it coming what's going on what're you looking at I was looking at that box so organized that's one was standing there I didn't see the person I got a lot of concern that I couldn't see the person you were we having fun today or what yeah welcome back to our Sunday video today we are joined by Jason and we are actually going to play a game that a fans sent to our PL box a few months ago which was so nice cuz they know how hard it is for us to come up with Sunday video yeah so what are you like here I made your game yeah that's incredible you know so they gave us directions it's called vlog squad trivia there's a little bag full of cards that we have to answer the question yeah so it says the blue ones are vlog squad trivia question the orange ones are dares or tasks and the red ones are spill the tea Jason your honored guests you can go first yeah name at least three of Alex parents's songs I think what is the government's wiretapping me I love my bunny is another one right yeah I'm leading this group chat Alex always leaves our group chat and David I'll put it back in and then Alex a leave for no reason you know I don't like the energy like one of them's called like moon something the actual songs are the First Noel Oh speakeasy yeah yeah sim I saw it I'd like oh that's Alex of song but I can't just remember it lovestruck after-hours Wow and this one's really telling new life oh my new life out of the great yeah I was an amazing voice sounds like such a crooner I remember when the First Noel came out I was like what oh I know Alex is so like quiet so when he's saying I was like oh my god yeah oh she got an orange oh a dairy task post an ugly picture of someone well it's not gonna be of me I can post this one of David it's kind of ugly [Laughter] perfect okay ranked the following from most to least Instagram followers oh this is easy who are they okay so yeah I've got a rank from most to least Todd big Nick Jason and Alex oh okay you're mine I know Todd obviously number one has the most followers I don't think so oh yeah yes yeah he's more than me okay what's his number one the Alex has more followers than Todd he doesn't even eros exactly no but if you do feature to date like ever loves Friday with long I'm gonna go I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with you guys cuz you guys know what you're talking about I'm gonna go out Todd Jason big Nick okay alex ernst alex has 1.9 and todd has 102.3 you have been pointing to you and now it's our time is ever really hope it is there someone you don't have a genuine friendship with in the vlogs I'm like it's hard to say like I think we're all friend like friendly but like I'm definitely closer to other yeah different people I wouldn't say somebody that you wish you could spend more time with he had a better friendship Oh interesting that's a good way to phrase it I feel like I wish I could spend more time with I never get to see Jonah like I feel like I could hang out a lot I feel like they're asking like oh is it just like for video like Oh like are we only friends for the video of genuine friendship no we get to see you guys a lot more now yeah I don't want anything is like just further walk no oh call Zayn and tell him yes to take care of whitey for three months wait that's perfect ask him to watch her when we go to New York should you do it then because elby's only answer why would I had to ask him that whitey oh it's connecting hey Zane can you watch whitey for three months can do you think you could watch whitey for three months Carly and I got a job in Ecuador so we're gonna be gone for three months it's like a tour type thing they're touring us yeah I don't know it's just like little venues but you have a house and mats there and Amanda's there so like you guys could all just kind of take care of her you know okay well we're not really going to Ecuador and I don't need you to watch her for three months but that's really nice that you would do that for up me we just miss you it was like over there they're not an a/c unit in here to talk how many videos are on Carly and Aaron's Channel hmm I have no idea my post three times a week and we have for like two years I can't even do that I don't even know but like the first six months probably posted two times yeah jeans are like 400 plus it's easy I'm gonna say 510 okay what do you say or 20 both are very close for 55 Jason really smells as bad as David claims he does oh you never smelled I didn't even know says you smell bad yeah he says it a lot sometimes I said I have smelled in the past David just likes to start rumors texts one of your friends that you have explosive diarrhea that's for help should I text David yeah I feel like he comes up with his camera this is so funny because we got back from Vegas he could not believe she was pooping now we were talking on the plane herbals like oh my god our stomachs hurt we're gonna poop our pain good hangover we're laughing at everything oh man we had a good time on that flight I haven't died yet yeah buddy is there any more toilet paper help screenshot it have you ever read something online that really hurt you and you still think about like where do I start yeah we're doing you get upset when people call you all me no no I don't get it I don't get upset at that what about commenting on like your looks or your weight like that's what kind of comments we get weight stuff doesn't bother me but you know III get ones too that are like if I'll be like diems that are like stop see like don't hang out with younger kids yeah stuff like that like that yeah now that really bothers me too yeah I go off on them haters that bothers me when they're like you like you're doing nothing with your life you're hanging out with all these young people and it's like yeah it's like you're not 21 and I'm like I know I know I'm not 21 and like but little tight oh you're kidding sorry Tostitos thank you I just have to Reno's oh that's what it is young what were you gonna do I love the topic of girls how big is it Aaron when did Jason post his first vlog 2016 is it yeah but do i August September are you going up or down December I think it was more like November December let's see December how is the brilliant movie FML raiden raiden on IMDB white out of 10 do you know yeah I think it's like a five oh the thing about making a movie that no one understands oh we're true like for the people like you know it's the thing people don't understand is like so you write a movie and then you're like okay and then someone's like okay I'll give you the money for it and you're like okay great so they're like we're gonna give you like a million dollars for it you're like okay that sounds like a lot of money yeah but it's not like okay you have two weeks to shoot this so you're like oh okay and then things start to get like I mean you're like busy busy Phillips yes yeah you ready that's what happens and then you can't and then you can't get certain people that you thought you could get cuz you near agree to shoot it and then but I'm proud of the movie I think it came out great I put it on my youtube channel the comments were like amazing yeah yeah and go ahead open it up I think it hasn't got five now this takes point to yes baby c-plus I know it's good these get degrees all right all right guys looks really really fun to shoot and really high very and on that note make sure to LIKE and subscribe and we'll see you on Tuesday you
Channel: Carly and Erin
Views: 500,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carly and erin, erin and carly, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, vlog squad, jason nash, carly erin jason, vlog squad trivia, vlog squad girls, david dobrik, carly erin david, alex ernst, vlog squad music, youtuber music
Id: xoD1xI5W688
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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