Visual Studio Code Gets Another Awesome Update

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hello ladies and gentlemen it's Mike here at game from scratch and lately Visual Studio code have been just nailing it with updates and it's that time again head on over to your Visual Studio code and you will find it is probably time to restart to update and this is because the oddly named March update yeah they're always one month behind on their naming convention here but the March update was released basically last Friday uh some really nice stuff in here we're going to jump in and take a look at the coolest new features of this release in fact this release has something I've been waiting for basically forever with Visual Studio code and that is this I'm going to head on over here these are my extensions what you're going to notice here is I have a variety of extensions to update and this has always been kind of an annoying thing with Visual Studio code cuz quite frankly you do the update and then you have to restart Visual Studio code well what you may notice now is you have this option restart extension so you can now install extensions and just basically restart that single extension no more needing to restart Visual Studio code to update each of your extensions I love this I don't know why it took as long as it did to get here probably a lot harder to do behind the scenes but this update alone just makes the whole thing work for me now another thing that we can do here let's go check out um a project here so let's go open up this code for example and one thing that you'll notice here is you've got your uh your mini map here and honestly I don't really use the mini map that much cuz I I don't look at my code aesthetically I guess to navigate through it but this is going to change things a little bit for me what you can now do is put in a comment and call it Mark and then put your words in here my important label like so and what you're going to notice is that Mark will now show up in your mini map so it makes navigating through your mini map a lot easier so let's go uh down here Mark another label like so and now you're going to see Pop so you can pop between your labels like so uh if you're using typescript there's another way of doing it but basically pick whichever language you're working with so if you're using python you do like a hash and then put that Mark in the name of your label and done I do wish it worked with like the existing like region type definitions but still very handy if you are using the MIP map for navigating your code you can now easily put these labels in there as well and speaking of labels that's another functionality that was added in here so let's go up here to your preferences now if you're using it for game development like you know this channel is all about you're probably not going to find this that useful because the situations don't rise that much but if you're using um let's say you're working on a web project where you might have like index.html or something equivalent you may have like nine of them inside of your project uh and then when you open it up it shows up here in your tab as uh you know index at HTML you have to tab over it like highlight over it to get the extension to figure out what the hell kind it is well now you can do is actually set up these custom label patterns so basically you can pick the uh the directory area hierarchy and then the file name and then you can give it an alias on the other end so you can actually have it label out uh so to be index and and then the folder that it's in or something like that so if you're working in a project where you have a bunch of different um or bunch of files that are exactly the same names open at the same time but in different locations this is going to be a godsend for you personally not something I'm going to use a lot but I can definitely see the value especially if you're working again on web where it's really common to have something like index being used over and over and over again uh this is going to make determining which one very very nice now this next feature Builds on one of my favorite features from uh two releases ago so what we've got now is the ability to come in here and you can actually break off tabs so if you're working with multiple monitors this one is an absolute godsend and this functionality that I've been waiting for basically since Visual Studio code was first released so you got the ability to undock and break away multiple different tabs now the problem used to be in the past it only worked with like text code that kind of thing well that has changed we're going to need these anyways I'll go through the release notes in just a second but let's go ahead and open up the release notes now this is the kind of window this HTML 5 rendering again markdown rendering that kind of stuff wouldn't work before so now what you can do is this and then boom drag it off and it will render now one thing to be aware of with the way this works though it will automatically do a refresh of the page when it's broken off so when I put this tab back in over here it will automatically uh reload it one time not a big deal just one of those things to be aware of so those are the Highlight those are the coolest new features in my opinion but there's some other stuff in here to look at so we got again custom labels uh lock scrolling so you can compare side by side with synchronized scrolling so you can see so you can have scroll lock scrolling turned on and then when you scroll one it will scroll the other honestly I I don't really know the use case here if you can think of why that this is important I would love well I guess they're yeah so you're you want to do it if you're doing a line by line comparison I guess that does make sense so that is a new feature you can lock and unlock so you scroll things at the same time so you want to compare two things you can now do that in the scrolling style uh you have uh extension updates again no longer needing to reload visual ual Studio code to update an extension perfect I love that uh the native code coverage support and uh Visual Studio code for test coverage uh folder marking we saw that earlier on uh quick search Improvement so sticky file path separators and separator buttons uh you can run all cells in a notebook section we got improvements to co-pilots of course python autod detect improvements and uh start a co-pilot inline chat conversation directly from the terminal I'm not sure what I think of all this co-pilot stuff actually being considered as part of Visual Studio code updates I think it should be an extension because co-pilot is definitely one of those optional things but obviously Microsoft wants you to use co-pilot so they're trying to sell you on it and they're doing the updates directly there but personally I think that these should be separate I think they should be extensions and so on but that's just my opinion I'd love to hear your opinion on it as well as you can see I'm not using co-pilot anymore I actually switched over to codium and I did a video on that as well I love codium so far it might not be as powerful but it's also Less in my way I find but uh so I kind of do wish that the co-pilot stuff was separate personally but I can understand why it's integrated but I'm curious what you think of its integration what do you think of this update so again some really nice things here uh the custom labels uh for multiple different files of the same type definitely useful there locked scrolling the updates without having to restart that is absolutely lovely just in general uh Visual Studio code has been just releasing Banger updates in my humble opinion and I love the fact that now this undocking I actually undock it completely but the ability to undock all kinds of files including you know rendered files definitely an improvement there as well so that is the visual studio code March update uh for early April let me know what you think of the way that Visual Studio code is improving or do you not think it's improving let me know that as well and I will talk to you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 127,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Code, IDE, Programming, January Update, Triggered Breakpoints, Visual Studio Code Breakpoints, Per Window Zoom, gamefromscratch, March Update, Copilot, Locked Scrolling, VSC, Visual Studio Code update
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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