Visiting the World’s Most Daпgeгous Road: “Karakoram D℮ath Road” (There are casuaIti℮s!)

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hello everyone RI Cate here there are some roads in life that shap people's lives but this road ended many people's lives we are in the baltistan gilat region of Pakistan we spent plenty of efforts to come here we even saw people losing their lives Rose problems are plantiful first of all it is totally neglected villagers of the ninth biggest mountain in the world nanga parbat have opened this road and ever since it was never restorated our journey started from the capital of Pakistan Islam Abad we are on a bus and going to musafer where we will meet our private driver while nervously thinking about the road the bus stopped and the man with a camera asked all passengers to lower their masks then started recording our faces for further identity checks we reached the zero point of danger here we go a journey which will take roughly between 12 to 15 hours this is the time for only from here to our starting point in gilgit after gilgit we're planning to reach fairy Meadows by taking the world's most dangerous road the total time is approximately 24 hours right now we are at the karakurum highway it was built as a trading route by the corporation of Pakistan and China in 1960s and70s it connects Islamabad city of Pakistan and kashkar city of China and is very dangerous more than 1,000 workers have lost their life during the construction of the road brain makes it even more slippery there are land slides [Music] constantly even at the beginning we're seeing signs to turn [Music] back while we are going forward with the danger of AA falling on us at any time vehicles coming by are waiting for us to pass through this narrow part of the road we're hoping that what we're seeing here won't happen to us a rock falls on our car we see a military car going 15 minutes ahead of us has fallen from the [Music] cliff now an ambulance just came here there are casualties in this fresh accd that's how near the end is the car rolled down from the spot he's pointing at and people lost their lives they're taking out of the car one by one aaq may roll down from here lots of rocks are rolling down you'll see the points where rocks fell onto steel barriers and smash them into pieces we are at risk just for staying here aaq might fall on us there's a leak in our tire an ale penetrated through we see a huge rock that fell a few minutes ago waiting to be removed you see a rock fell there load the tracks narrow the road even further a rock just fell on the C front window Pakistan is a Mountain Country four of the world's 14 mountains exceeding 26,000 ft are in this region overcoming them requires patience talent and nerves of Steal floods and puddles are not getting drained from bumpy roads that have no drains the road has collapsed our stomachs feel sick while going through collapsed roads [Music] our car with a flat right rear tire pulls to the right since we could not have it patched it is pumped air into as a temporary solution this is such a torture and another incident people have been trying to fix the road by patching it with their bare hands for 20 minutes at this time we hope that norx fall on us from the hill while Vehicles pass through one of them usually goes backward and finds a place to hide in order to give way [Music] Pakistan we're seeing a third accident in carak today and we haven't even reached the most dangerous part yet all of this shows us what a gamble we are playing against our lives and fear makes our stomachs even sicker get some fresh [Music] air fast flowing streams and steep Mountain slows caracum is full of [Music] danger sides that we see on the road Fascinate us and are simply baithing us to Danger with their beauty we have beautiful [Music] bunny oh finally we passed we are on such a road that going through the most dangerous road without experiencing this one will be a h story because this this is a whole another danger by itself we saw people falling down having accidents on these roads we are in the void we came to the end of the road which we started at 11: in the morning and almost after 12 hours now the time is 10:53 p.m. the real journey will start after the Night We'll sleep gather our energy back and hit the world's most dangerous road we came to the hotel we will be staying at this is a toilet area area as you can see there are spider reps everywhere many insects stuck into them they put a miswa there which is a teeth cleaning twig it seems like every guest is using the same Mis because this is the used one it is a disgusting toilet it will be a hard night now this road is so dangerous that our driver cannot drive on this road actually you saw that he's a really good driver with great reflexes but this road isn't for every driver he loses his driver title on this road he will as well be a passenger with us is it really big problem problem so we'll try our luck we will stick our camera here okay you don't have a seat belt right yeah [Music] here we go as the safety barrier is lifted we are holding our [Music] breath as you see it is not an asphalt road neither steel barriers nor Asphalt in case of land slides or rock falls from the above there are no protections against we're just going at random fairy Meadows path that leaves from kakum Highway will lead us to tattoo village with narrow climbing last stop is fairy Meadows a sight firm Heavens reach by passing through the clouds at 10,800 FT many adventurers who wented to see there have lost their life on the [Music] road this road has so many ups and down that our neck muscles are tired to keep our head stable it is like we're going on the terrain not on the road they could just not build the road as well we are at the starting point right now we haven't reached the dangers yet villagers of the 9 biggest mountain in the world nanga parpa opened this road and ever since it hasn't been repaired our driver should keep his eyes on the road constantly while going on this road that buried many people in its holes before this 3our long 16.2 km gravel path is such a road that sometimes Memorials of the people that fell down and has lost their lives can be seen at the accident points we hope not to see one and keep our motivation alive look down guys there isn't any protection also the wind is starting to pick up a little there are no precautions to prevent a car falling down from Cliffs and bursting into flames as you can already see we are going on rocks a land slide doesn't only make a rock fall on our heads it also may cause us to fall down we began to go on really narrow pads the adrenaline levels are getting higher [Music] now [Music] the world's most dangerous road below us our Cliffs if the car Falls it might blow up but we definitely lose our life too risky incredibly risky look at these roads it looks even more threatening from the side there is no protection there a landslide has cleared away everything on its path we are in the CL out we will climb even higher we are actually at the beginning of the road yet there's no phone signal if anything happens to us here we can't reach anyone there's no one here this path is a deadly one locals call it the Grave Road I hope that it won't be our Graves Road this is a bizarre experience we climbed up these mountains we have a long road ahead it is windy raining and they say it will start to snow but you see we are in a natural [Music] beauty M Pakistan the weather gets even worse our Jeep is stuck on the [Music] road [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after a small fix we continue our [Music] journey Wind and Rain got worse so rocks may fall on us I just want to finish this road as soon as possible here leaving this moment is equal to holding your breath every second pounds of our hands and SS of our feet are sweating at every turn you'll hear these kind of horns at the blind spots in sharp turns the driver is trying to warn other drivers that we are coming a fallen Rock he pulls it away so the road won't be [Music] blocked it doesn't seem secure at all birds aren't enough to Define what we are experiencing even this footages cannot express the situation enough as we go past narrow bands we close our eyes not to see Cliffs beginning just near the tires of the car if anything goes wrong for example a 5cent gasket fails everything is over I hope you won't get stuck here there's a problem with the [Applause] [Music] car well the Drone switched to autopilot and hit one of the Rocks looks awful while getting through these rocks it signal connection was lost when it lost connection it switched to return back home mode in return back home mode it couldn't adjust itself its height it didn't rise at the points it should have while going straight it hit one of these Hills I'm breathless but at least we can save the recordings inside for now nothing happened to us it is good to be alive we downright get beat by the car during the journey we take a hit at every roughness from place to place the road gets so narrow that we get off from the Jeep to check if our vehicle can go through look something may fall from above as you see we just want to finish this journey as soon as possible we also cannot go back there aren't many places for vehicles to take a U-turn but just look at the Natural Beauty look at that tree it somehow grew horizontally the is slippery very wet this curv on the bridge is a result of a rock that has fallen from above since it became impossible to use will go around the narrow turn I asked them to stop they didn't want to stay here as there is a big risk of rock falls at this point the path becomes too narrow for the Jeep to pass so we'll continue on on food very cold [Music] outside okay but now today is day the RO is going to on the mountain you know little bit small Stone is coming F here is the two Village people have been living here for a long time now the grandchildren of that old civilization are here after this this Village there isn't any other settlement we will walk approximately 3 hours passing hillsides we might see lots of mountain goats on our way you see there is snow the weather is very cold it is around 36° fenit or 2° C as we get wet we will feel more cold people live longer in tat Village since the altitude is high there lungs are wider than ours their organs have developed depending on that if a person dies at 80 or 90 years old it is considered as he or she died young for us 80 90 is an old age for 30 minutes we walked a little and climbed some a group of [Music] goats they are very strong animals beers are seen here as well from time to time but their numbers are decreasing every year we are actually shrinking their habitats 2,500 come on come on we are on our horses we're heading to fairy Meadows on Horseback we paid those guys 5,000 rupees for the horses which is roughly $67 we will both go and come back with their horses if the horses feel uncomfortable with us or if we mislead them it may cause us to fall from the cliffs it got a little fast look for instance it tends to that way on its own if the man wasn't holding it could go there if the horse's foot goes into a hole or it makes a full step we may completely get toppled just look at here the slightest mistake equals to that we are going by chance it is crucial that we keep our control on horses and keep them calm there there since we are staying still on the horses this cause us to feel even more cold our horses are resting how do you feel my fingertips are completely numb when I switch on and off the camera I don't feel I'm turning the batter as it can be told by the snow we got even closer to the top we have 30 minutes of distance left Road has become even deeper if you hit this road one day you will need to bring plenty of Courage with you it is now tricky [Music] here I hope it doesn't take a wrong step these roads we took for the sake of the view cost us almost 24 hours it has cost some adventurers a lifetime many hotels have settled here of course horse's foood might sleep here we are in the [Music] mud can you hear the horse Breathing heavily of course it is surely tired we finally reached fairy Meadows here is fairy Meadows we got wet we're soaking and this makes everything even harder for sure [Music] [Music] open sit here okay brother thank you we are in a unique place like this they opened some space inside for us to get warm we will dry ourselves here and then we will continue our journey my fingers are numb too they gave us some tea now our insides will get warmer as well as our [Music] bodies [Music] since there's F we can't see the view but the feeling here is really [Music] special in order to see this place a 5H hour bus ride from laor City to Capital Islamabad a 12-hour extremely dangerous car trip from Islamabad to gilgit region from that Region Three hours of Journey with the jeep through the world's most dangerous road after that 30 minutes of tracking and 2 hours of horseback climbing and we finally reached the fairy Meadows we brought one GoPro two mirrorless cameras six lances and one drone for filming this video our drone tore into pieces on the road besides traveling cost and the problems that we faced a huge effort was put in this video with editing and animation process it took a whole month for the project to come to you we came came to the end of the world's most dangerous road finally we're at the top eight climax nature is very beautiful here Pakistan is a very different country it also contains one of the most beautiful landscapes Hospitality of Pakistani people were amazing thank you for watching this is RI CET I am an independent documentary filmmaker and me and my team we will continue to travel all around the world to bring you valuable information which are very rare on the internet to your doorstep if you want to support me and my team with the travel cost I now enable the join button on my YouTube channel you can click on the links that are in the description box of this video and help us to create independent documentaries with you documentaries with Comprehensive approach thank you for your support RI CET was here for all of you [Music] guys
Channel: Ruhi Çenet
Views: 12,548,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discover with cenet, fairy meadows, ruhi cenet, hardest day of my life, road trip, mountain road, pakistan, fairy meadows road, karakoram highway, islamabad, gilgit, batistan region, batistan, trick, jeep, riding horse
Id: FryCzL17YRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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