Visiting The Lawson Family Murders Gravesites / Museum + Abandoned Grogans Riverfront Motel

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so today I in germon North Carolina and I wanted to come out here because I wanted to film the final resting places of the lost and family and I will be covering the lost and family murder today so the murder took place on well a few days before Christmas in 1929 here in germon the father Charlie Lawson took the lives of of his daughters and his sons well three of his four sons and also murdered his wife Fanny and his four-month-old baby I think the baby's name is Mary Lou if I'm not mistaken the crazy thing is about their final resting place is that Charlie is actually buried with them and Charlie's name is on the family plot now to me that seem seems a little absurd that is crazy why would you want a heinous murderer that murders his family to be buried with his family that to me makes no sense whatsoever but he is buried here with his family reasons I do not know but if it were up to me I would definitely not let him be buried with his family but that was a very long time ago obviously VI ly what is done is done and he is buried here with his family so like I said I wanted to come out here and visit the grave see it with my own eyes cuz Ive never been out here before now trying to find this grave this Cemetery I should say was very very difficult and this is the lon family plot right here so finding this cemetery is extremely difficult it is located on a very small little side road that is basically like gravel and it's very hard to see off the main road so if you are not keeping a watchful eye you will pass by and not even realize you passed it but I wanted to come out here and visit their graves because I will be going to the Madison dry good store in Madison North Carolina and that is where the funeral the embalming and the viewing took place and the Madison Dry Goods has a really cool loss and family murder Museum up there has a lot of history about it has some artifacts from the house which the house is long gone well the cabin it used to be here in germon somewhere I'm not exactly sure where again that was almost 100 years ago so that's uh that cabin is long gone and I'm sure the property is probably owned by someone probably grown over by now probably very difficult to find the exact location of where that cabin would be so Charlie Lawson like I said murdered his entire family a few days before Christmas in 1929 but Charlie's body wasn't discovered until a few days later in the woods and it was this story is actually very crazy it's insane very sad and if you don't know about this this heinous murder then get ready because it's going to take you on a crazy wild emotional ride so Charlie moved his family to germon a farm in germon in 1927 so just a few years before he murdered his family horrifically murdered his family so The Story Goes Charlie took his family into town to buy new clothes and to also have a family portrait or a family photo taken and this was very unusual for Charlie because Charlie being a a farmer he did not have a lot of money so back then being able to afford a photo like a professional photo cost a lot of money pretty much like the equivalent of taking your family to Disneyland or Disney World nowadays so it pretty much would bankrupt almost a middle class family back in the 1920s so this was very unusual for Charlie to do this and this was all this already pretty much made everything suspicious people will you know like his family was wondering what's going on why are you taking us out to get new clothes why are we going to have a family picture made so I'm pretty sure most of the family was already very suspicious of his behavior around this time so many people also believe that Charlie had this family photo taken pretty much as like a legacy he wanted to have this as like a momento like a thing to remember his family by because he pretty much already knew he was going to murder his family a few days later so he wanted to have this family photo as something to remember his family by I don't think he was thinking about committing suicide at at the time either I think he he committed suicide after he committed the acts and he pretty much just I guess didn't want to live anymore after that and he committed suicide after that so going into the murders this is where things get very dark and very evil so on the day of the murders he actually sent his eldest son James Arthur Lawson and his grave is right over there and I'll be showing it here in a second right here behind the Lawson family plot which I'm not sure why James is not buried here with the family and Charlie is not buried behind the family plot it should be reversed in my opinion but on the day of the murder Charlie sent his son his eldest son James Arthur Lawson on an errand in town and the reason why he did this was probably because he knew that James was the only one that could probably fend for himself maybe fight Charlie subdue Charlie he did not want James to be around because James was a big guy James was a big boy he was very tall you know just very Stout individual so Charlie I I believe sent James out on an errand because he knew he was going to murder the family he did not want James to be there because he was probably afraid that James would take would basically overpower Charlie is what I'm trying to say so Charlie when he murdered his family he started with his daughters first Carrie and Mabel and he shot both of them with a 12 gauge shotgun and then placed their bodies in a Tobacco Barn he returned to the house and then shot his wife Fanny when Mary one of his daughters heard the gunshots that killed her mother she screamed and the two youngest boys James and Raymond ran and tried to hide from Charlie and his Wrath Of Terror Charlie then killed Mary and then eventually found the boys the two youngest boys James and Raymond and then he killed them and now this is where things get extremely dark and this is just disgusting here Charles then went after he'd already killed a few of his kids he then went and killed his four-month-old baby Mary Lou and Mary Lou is right here Mary Lou was not even four months old the day before her four-month-old birthday basically it would have been December 26th of 1929 but she passed away December 25th so not even 4 months old so he killed his four-month-old baby Mary Lou and it's actually said that he he beat not shot but beat his four-month-old baby to death so I mean I can understand if you're shooting your family and then you go and shoot your little baby okay that would kind of make some sense but no he didn't even want to shoot his baby he went and beat his baby to death with his own bare hands if that's not a sick twisted individual then I don't know what is so so a few hours later Charlie went to the woods nearby and committed suicide so like I said he probably felt I don't know if he felt terrible but maybe I would just assume he felt terrible about what he did couldn't live with himself and went to the woods to take his own life so the bodies of his kids and his wife were found with their arms crossed and rocks under their heads as I said before James Arthur was the only Survivor of this because he was sent on an errand at the time of the murders but unfortunately in 1945 I want to go ahead and come over here to James Arthur Lawson's headstone here it says the cross is my anchor James Arthur Lawson 1911 to 1944 so unfortunately L he was killed in a car crash at the age of 32 so that's how James Arthur Lawson passed away so again he is buried over here by himself while the rest of the family is buried over here so it's actually interesting cuz I'm not sure why when I look the information up it's said that he passed away in 1945 but here on his headstone it says 1944 so I'm not sure if I mean this is the only James Arthur Lawson headstone that I could find so it's got to be it has to be the right one I'm looking around everywhere else and I don't see another another James Arthur Lawson anywhere or just an Authur La an Arthur Lawson I'm not seeing that anywhere I'm going try to go over here and see if I can find cuz there is another law and headstone over here so this is Maran and I believe Maran is Charlie's brother Maran was Charlie's brother and he was born February 6th 1896 and passed away July 30th in 1967 and I'm I'm guessing Vera Berg was his wife here you have Nina B born June 12th 1899 passed away August 16th 1972 George W born February 22nd 1897 passed away October 4th 1971 Joe sephine s and Dennis W so here's George Alexander Lawson I'm not sure if he has any ties imagine having your family murdered bruty murdered you didn't know what happened you come home everyone's dead obviously scarred for life and then you end up dying in a auto accident I mean just terrible terrible luck terrible luck in my opinion so many people have wondered why did Charlie do what he did why did he commit these heinous acts of murder some people may believe that it was a head injury that he sustained working on the farm um apparently digging a ditch he hit his head and people believe that maybe after he hit his head he had brain trauma and maybe that was the cause of why he went insane and killed his family but it later revealed in in an autopsy that there was no abnormalities in his brain his brain was fine now this is where again things kind of take a twisted weird turn some people believe that he murdered his family because he impregnated his teenage daughter now if that is true that is really really disgusting so Stella Lawson which I don't think I saw Stella Lawson's headstone here the daughter of Maran so Maran would be Charlie's brother said that she overheard Fanny's sisters-in-law and aunts and Stella's mother Jetty Lawson discussing how Fanny confided in them that she had been concerned about in incestuous relationships between Charles and Mary there's actually a photo of Mary where it looks like she may be pregnant again no one really knows it can just be speculation but there are pictures online where it looks like she may be pregnant so who knows maybe it's true maybe it's not but those are kind of some conspiracies out there there of why Charlie committed this heinous act so yeah that's pretty much the the backstory of the murders and like I said I will be going over to the Madison dry good store here very soon and I'll be going through the loss and family murder Museum and what's interesting about the murder museum is that it was actually featured on the Netflix series 28 days haunted and I'll explain more about that when I get over there but yeah it says not now but in the coming years it will be in a better land we'll read the meaning of our tears and then someone will understand I think that's what it says will understand look at says well understand someone will understand yeah I think that's what it says so I think this this plot here was maybe made by wall Winston I don't know it's hard to read some of this stuff I mean this obviously this headstone is very very old [Applause] so but yeah this is really cool coming out here filming this again I've known about the Lawson family murders for a very very long time so Jetty Lawson Jetty Lee Ashby wife of MF Lawson how did I not see this Homer Maran our son born 1921 passed away 1941 these precious ones from us are gone their voices we loved are I can't read what that says are stilled their places are vacant in our home which never can be filled okay that's pretty cool so yeah Jetty Lawson over there here's Nancy wife of WG Lawson now some other interesting things about Charlie and his body when they found his body out in the woods there were Footprints all around it which indicated that he was probably pacing around for quite some time before he actually committed suicide so he was probably contemplating it thinking about it should should he really do it and obviously he did but he was pacing around for quite some time before he actually committed suicide when they found his body there were two notes on his person and those notes were unfinished one of the notes read troubles can cause and and that was in quotes and no one to blame but so what was he trying to write I believe maybe the last one was no one to blame but me and maybe the first one troubles can cause I don't know troubles can cause heartbreak troubles can cause maybe you can finish the sentence there I'm not sure now the funeral attracted over 5,000 people and they were given more than 3 hours to be able to uh view the caskets all eight of the family caskets so back then 5,000 people coming out to a funeral is huge I mean even today even in today's time 5,000 people is pretty much unheard of I mean even most celebrities don't get that that many people coming out to their to their funeral so a really crazy and Eerie thing is that on the day of the murders Mary was baking a cake and obviously what happened that day she was unable to finish her cake but that cake that Mary was making that day never would be eaten and it never would be touched again for 5 years well I shouldn't say it wasn't touched because it was but after the murders took place a few years later the Lawson family home was opened to the public as a museum so people could come in pay an entry fee and walk around the house and be able to actually see the house where the murders took place and the blood stains were still there pretty much everything was left as is when the murders happen so that's kind of eerie but Mary's cake that she was baking that day sat on the kitchen table for 5 years now like I said it was basically untouched for 5 years but unfortunately some people who came to visit the house/ museum visitors would come and actually pick raisins off the cake so what the I think Marion was the one who opened opened it to the public Maran which would been Charlie's brother he opened that house as a museum to the public cuz he wanted to get money you know as an entry fee for people to come in to see but Maran had to place a plastic container or a glass container around the cake so nobody would touch it and mess with it but that cake sat there pretty much untouched for the rest of the 5 years and it's just kind of crazy how Mary made that cake and for 5 years it pretty much went almost untouched oh and also after once the museum closed down I guess when the house was torn down or something when the cabin was torn down one of the lawon relatives I'm not sure which one it was actually took the cake home and buried it so that cake is obviously long gone now but I mean just imagine having a cake being untouched for five years all of a sudden the the house SL Museum gets torn down or I'm not sure what happened to it and then all of a sudden they take the cake and they bury it yeah kind of kind of odd but yeah you know just some interesting facts about this loss and family murder the uh Charlie having supposedly having a incestuous relationship with his daughter his teenage daughter is just disgusting I mean not to mention beating his four-month-old baby to death Mary Lou I mean how much lower can you get and then just shooting his other kids with a shotgun and not having I want to say the guts to be able to do it to his oldest son James Arthur Lawson because he knew James would put him in his place and that's why he sent James on an Aaron run because he was probably afraid of him so he's a coward so Charlie is a coward in my opinion he's a coward he couldn't actually do something to someone of his own size so so I made it about 20 minutes over to the town of Madison about to go right up there into Madison Dry Goods up on these floors right here and that is where the LW and family murder museum is so I've been here a few times I've seen this Museum a few times as well it's pretty awesome so let's go ahead and go in there I'm going to show you the lawon family murder Museum okay so I'm now inside the Madison dry good store and I came over here to this little like eery place and this place right here is amazing it's like a little like Diner little diner Cafe area look how awesome this is it says they're open you come up here you sit down order your na and you can come over here and sit one of these little booths this is freaking awesome right here says they're open but I don't see anybody behind the counter I'd probably get a mill here if they were there was somebody behind here this little diner right here is just awesome located right inside Madison Dry Goods but that is not why I am here today I'm here to go up to the lost and family murders Museum and it is right up here says museum open please in the museum no food drink packages backpacks or bags and the Aon family murder Museum newly opened it's where they filmed the Netflix series 28 days haunted I don't think there's anybody up here so I'll have this place all to myself which will be awesome look at this so I think this store you have like a little banquet area or something in here and right over there they actually have some rooms with some of the family's old clothing and stuff in there primitive dwelling looks like back here is just storage very difficult to see in here pitch black but man I would come in here honestly and I would love to do like an investigation I'm actually going to ask the owner if I could come in here and maybe one night at least for a couple of hours come in here and do an investigation that would be awesome if I could do that but I'm going to ask and see what he says yeah this is a little side room maybe if they have like a I don't know maybe the workers come up here and maybe they have like little socials get togethers or something I don't know but let's go ahead and actually go inside the museum which is right I'm pretty much in the museum right now but the actual Museum part is right here the Modern Age we connect as many people together have started start a few members would roll in some really a speaker up here talking about the museum researchers through that I'm I'm very oldv sh the law family may from part of country a new story maybe about it not sure was actually a member I'm not sure she go over here and sign the guest book got sign this guest book probably I don't know a few years ago it probably be way back in here somewhere but yeah you can come in here and sign the guest book if you want to here's the certificate of death in one of the famous photographs from the funeral James Arthur Lawson story as long so that was Charlie and Fanny's eldest son blast of LW and family members killed in crash and another great grandmother that was that lived within walking distance of the lawon farm at the time my great grandmother that was in the same class as Saturday night this Lone Survivor also met a tragic death he was killed in a truck wreck near Walnut Cove so I actually passed through Walnut Cove coming out this way didn't know exactly where James Arthur Lawson passed away at but Walnut Cove ballot of the lost and family murder so yeah they have a lot of pictures and news clippings and stuff like that from the murders and also the death of James Arthur Wilson as well and right up here farmer slave wife and six children that point and I guess I said I justed all these fromes W Salem Journal Stokes farmer kill's wife six children and himself standard certificate of death and this was Charlie Lawson profession farmer and if you want to donate you can donate something right here I've donated in the past like I said I've been here quite a few times so if you do come to the museum put a few dollars in there because this museum is free but to keep this Museum going and even also add additions and maybe renovate sometimes money is needed so donation would be appreciated so yeah talked about the history of the murders how it happened why many believed it happened door just that door just moved did y'all hear that the door just moved I don't know if it was me that door is not moving I'm I'm I'm even really giving it some some push and it's not moving but this door just moved I walked away from it so I don't know that was weird maybe it's cuz the floor and I stepped over there and then moved the door and my short now this place does give some Eerie Vibes for sure and it is hot in here like I am sweating look at me I am like perspiring badly it is hot hot hot but here is one of the caskets now I don't know if this casket was actually used I mean maybe I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it was actually used I think this might just be like a prop that was put here but again I'm not 100% sure you have bombing supplies through that door so this this area I'm loud this area right up here was used has the viewing and the embalming rooms and there's the cabin the Lawson cabin in germon where I was just at says the law and property had to be sold to settle the estate the documents to the right give an insight into the items the family own and is an interesting intimate look into their lives author would go to marry Nina Lawson and have several children and this is their certificate of marriage here Hotel more pictures and news clippings and that's where the conne Lawson house draws crowds visitors pay admissions remember like I was saying Maran opened the lawon family house as a museum and was charging admission to come in there and there's the Lawson plot where I was at out in germon the funeral slowly and silently the remaining Lawson and manering family okay so the manering family was part of it okay so that kind of explains the mandering headstones out there family members filed past the coffins one by one they whispered in Audible and final goodbyes once the last of the family members passed the caskets the official funeral service was over once the family had viewed the bodies and filed out two lines were formed to allow the huge crowd to file past and view the bodies family head again 5,000 C funeral eight SL Stokes yeah so this place is filled with a ton of paraphernalia about the murders obviously as it should this is the museum Charlie Lawson a farmer from germon killed his wife six of their seven children and then himself the events that led up to and after remain a subject of interest and debate so why did Charlie do this hand his act like I said many believe it was either from his head injury that he sustained digging a hole out in his farm or because he had an incestuous relationship with his teenage daughter one Mary but again no one really knows and this is Mary right here days later there's the wife Fanny wow and here's the POS Charlie the eldest son Arthur [Music] and James and here's the Lawson family photo and look at this this is the actual photo of the murders Christmas Day 1929 now I'm sure this photo was probably enhanced colorized a little bit because again back then I don't think that the cameras were that great quality that's pretty decent quality but still you kind of get an idea of what the murder scene looked like and here's the caskets on that day yeah so most of these pictures had to be edited enhanced colorized and here's the little Netflix sign because Netflix was out here in 2022 filming 28 days haunted so if you haven't seen that Netflix series go and watch it it's actually pretty decent I wouldn't say it's the best but it is pretty decent but it's where they have a team of paranormal investigators that go to different haunted areas around the country and of course they spend 28 days there and they try to get as much evidence as possible but says here about 10 or 12 days before Christmas Charlie announced that the entire family would be making a trip into Winston Charlie told his wife that he was going to buy each member of the family a new set of clothes and a family portrait made so let's go ahead and walk in the main area up here which is the bigger area now this area up here is where majority of the Netflix show 28 days haunted was filmed they kind of set up their little base camp right in here and like I said if you watch the show you'll see that pretty much most of all the filming took place right in this little area here and this was the biggest this is the biggest part of the museum is right up here in this big area right here oh man this feels really good cuz it's so hot up in here but under this fan oh it feels amazing right here yeah it is insanely hot out today and being up here with no AC or anything anything it is it is really really hot this little sofa seat right here this chair you can see that in the in the Netflix show but I think this was actually over here like right here during the show now this door right here says do not enter this goes up to the attic space and supposedly what the former owner told me the person who owned this Pro who owned this store before this current owner took over I think last year so about two years ago the former owner told me that this attic right here is extremely haunted so me being the idiot that I am I said hey let me go up there and let me just sit up there in the dart by myself and let me see what I can um what I can feel so he actually allowed me to go up there for a good while about 30 45 minutes this was November I think of 2022 it was about 8 8:30 at night so it was very very late pitch dark I couldn't see anything up there all I had was my phone light but I went up there and honestly I didn't really feel anything so I don't know maybe if it's just at certain times of the year maybe certain times of the day that people feel activity but I went up there by myself and I did not feel anything whatsoever so I don't know but now they have it locked off you cannot go up there maybe if I were to speak to the owner and ask if I could go up there maybe I could but not going to happen today I have been up there once but won't be able to get up there this time so up here they have like a lot different like little hge Podge stuff I'm not sure if it's for sale I would imagine it being for sale yeah they have little price tags on them yeah they had price tag yeah so $15 it's not really focusing there we go it says apple pie top I don't know but yeah this stuff is for sale $55 so I guess if you want to come up here and purchase stuff you can so this is like a little yard sell kind of thing they got going on up here they have like little they have dolls over here Barbie dolls they have some conic books pictures clown pcture so yeah this stuff up here's for sale Browns ual yeah right in there yeah I would love to just have like a couple of hours up here at night to walk through and just see if I could feel anything see if I can see anything now this right here was not open the last time I was here so I'm going to try to open this and I can get in here Al yeah this was actually blocked off the last time I was here but this shaft this little Elevator Shaft or whatever you want to call it this was actually used to Hoist the bodies up to prepare them for embalming this shaft right here was used to hoist all the bodies up the LW and family bodies yeah this was actually locked the last time this door was locked the last time and I wasn't going to try to get up in here but it's open now so I'm going to film it so yeah they would hoist these bodies up bring them up right here open this and that's where they bring the bodies in here and bring them over and put them in the other room over there and start having them embalmed prepare them for viewing please enjoy our Museum sign our guest registry please don't enter marked area photos allowed credit to Madison Dry Goods Madison messenger I don't know if I don't know if any of this stuff is actually let's see yeah I don't know if this was actually part of the Lawson family but yeah I don't know could be could have been yeah but these old pictures I always find like these old pictures it just makes people look just I don't know creepy like some of the pictures like black out the the person's eyes they just look like really weird so this is the first room that room I had already that room I've already gone in so I don't know if this dress was actually worn by any members of the Lawson family again why would it be up here if if it wasn't I feel like everything up here should be kind of a part of the Lawson family got some more dresses over here and here is like some bedding I guess maybe what like the girl's bedroom may have looked like in The Farmhouse [Music] yeah this floor is insanely [Music] creaky and there's some people that have actually just come up here now so I'm not having this place to myself anymore says this is room number 14 of Hotel Sterling so yeah I don't think this had any part to do with the Lawson family but still pretty cool to actually go in here and look at anyway I can't really see it says going to zoom in this casket $325 wow okay thought it may have said like this casket belonged to to Mary Lou or somebody but here is this little placard here that says TB KN Funeral Home established by TB Knight in 1920 and operated till 1939 during that time it was merged with Mr sugs in the later years it was operated as night sugs funeral home this Funeral Home was located on the second floor of this building night Funeral Home provided a chapel room two viewing rooms and bombing and ambulance services and sold caskets many of the items in this room date back to the 1920s 30s and earlier it was very common in the 1900s for hardware stores and funeral homes to own and operate the same company so I know that TB Knight provided the caskets for the Lawson family so I don't know if these caskets were actually maybe used in the viewing and maybe they changed the caskets with something else when they were being buried I don't know but still very interesting if these were used in the viewing but again I'm not 100% certain so yeah this looks like this would just be I guess what a hardware store back in the day would look like was that again pin hardware and furniture company so yeah maybe this area doesn't have anything to do with the Lawson family but it's still interesting to look at that though say Moors paint varnish Moresco not sure what Moresco is yeah pretty awesome [Music] yeah so you have one two three four five rooms up here look at this picture right here like what in the and just these old timey pictures just make people look so freaking weird like see what I'm saying it kind of blacks her eyes out so yeah I don't know what all these little artifacts and stuff belong to I don't think they belong to the Lawson family but Washington bills company but still still cool little trinkets to look at who this guy is yeah so I think these rooms are from Hotel Sterling 16 rooms located on the second third floor of this building okay so this used to be Hotel Sterling I never I did not know that the dining room was located on the first floor the hotel operated from 1908 to 1920s this room is typical of what a hotel lobby would have looked like in the early 1900s Hotel Sterling provided rooms for many weary Travelers and businessmen who came to Madison during its Heyday of tobacco plug warehouses so was this Hotel Sterling I don't know maybe maybe this was a hotel at one point and then then it became a funeral parlor kind of thing I don't know again I'm not a huge history buff I just think the story of the lost and family murders is really cool so that's why I like to come here and visit but I don't I don't know if this place used to be a hotel or not I don't know interesting though so I've covered pretty much every every inch of this place I don't know what else I could cover but yeah so 28 days haunted being filmed here the loss and family murders the bodies coming up here being in bonded putting in caskets for viewing pretty awesome if you ask me this place is full of history and supposedly haunted I don't know if it is like I said I've been up here many times I've never felt anything heard anything experien anything weird so I don't know but if you've been here before let me know comment below did you like it what did you think about it have you ever heard of the LW and family murders before and if you have let me know as well this story is not a huge story it's not like it went worldwide but it was still a pretty big story that happened around this area back in the 20s so so I ventured about a half a mile down the road and I saw this place on the side of the road and I said I had to stop over here and film this because this is amazing so this is grogan's Riverfront appears to be some kind of Motel abandoned Motel I have no idea so this this is extra footage oh almost stepped down a hole back there so extra footage I was going to end with the lawon family murd museum but I saw this place and I had to stop and check this out I know today is not an abandoned location day but still grogan's river front right here floatery let me stop down right here so you have floatery the art of River fun tubing camping and Adventure so apparently grogan's Riverfront now offers like tubing and floating and river adventures pretty interesting look at this back here Rogan's River Front up here man this is amazing stuff right here I mean right off the side of the road you have Dan River right over there where this car's coming right over there and then this Motel this amazing looking Motel just sits right off the freaking side of the road [Music] wow so looking this place up online grogan's Riverfront used to be a motel obviously this was the office right here you would come in here get your room key pay your pay your fee for the night or however long you're staying here and then you would go right back around here and you would stay in one of these these rooms right back here and I don't know what this building over here was used for maybe overflow maybe there extra rooms that were over there I'm not quite sure but researching online a little bit grogan's [Laughter] Riverfront was used as a motel like I was saying and it was used for basically married men who wanted to cheat on their wives with their mistress they would come here and get a room for the night and this is where they would stay in one of those rooms right there with those white doors and apparently it looks like there's 1 2 3 four five 6 7 8 n 10 rooms and so once the men would come over here and get their room keys and get settled in for the night they would come over here and they would be assigned a garage you would come through the garage park your car that way if your wife were to come by looking for you she would not know where you were you would be up in the room with your mistress doing what you had to do and your wife would never know that you were here so these garages is where you would park your car so you go park your car right in there and I guess you would come out this door right here so I guess each they have numbers on there this is number two so I'm assuming maybe this is number one right down here no this says like 28 I don't know so okay so these doors go all the way down to number 31 let me get over here to see this is like yeah some of the numbers are have been chipped off yeah these garages these garage doors are in very bad condition obviously don't know if you can see in there yeah look like a lot of storage in there got a tire some boxes very hard to see inside there very very dark inside there so it's very hard for the camera to adjust fully let's see if I can see in here this actually this glass looks a little bit better than the other one no way too dark to see in there which again I'm not sure what this building over here was used for your guess is as good as mine but I also looked up in the history of this place that grogan's riverfront was actually used during I think the 60s and 70s where they would host like dances proms maybe after parties actually so you go to your prom your school dance and then you would come here and they would have like a dinner or or some kind of a social but that's what they would do here back in the like 50s 60s and 70s they would have little after parties I guess but yeah grogan's Riverfront I think this was at one point called like grogan's grogan's Court yeah that's what it was called grogan's court so this was called grogan's court but now it's called grogan's Riverfront and like I said I think this place was built back in the early 1900s and it's pretty much been abandoned for the most part of 40 years maybe 50 years I'm pretty sure I've driven by here many times but again never really paid it much attention yeah I mean it's right off the main road but they have a pretty brand new mailbox as well as a ring camera a ring doorbell camera look at that vintage sign imagine that thing being lit up at night little neon sign drawing you in like a tractor beam come stay of the night at grin's Riverfront the yeah like I said Dan River right over there across the road well the bridge but this is a cool little find grogan's Riverfront I want to peek inside here and see what's in here is that like a coffee pot or something teapot very difficult to see inside here yeah it's very hard to see in there but yeah this is pretty pretty cool these doors look pretty new as well these these door knobs look very very new got a little light switch here yeah so I'm guessing maybe some Renovations are going on here I'm not sure if this place will ever reopen what the plans are for this place but it appears to me like they're doing some kind of Renovations the doors look new but that's pretty much all that looks new is just the doors so grogan's Riverfront here in Madison North Carolina got some Vine growing up there I don't know what the state of condition is inside this place I would imagine it being pretty bad just judging from the outside I mean you had these boards covering the what the windows would be so I'm not sure what the condition is but like I said I'm imagining it being pretty bad but all right I'm going to head out of here been in Madison for a little too long time to get out head back home but yeah grogan's River Front got a cemetery right here behind me too up on that Hill grogan's Riverfront so if you could do me a favor hit that like button also subscribe to the channel it mean a lot to me and ring that notification Bell that way you will stay in the loop for future uploads here on this channel very busy road but as always take care and explore very carefully and I'll see see you all in the next one [Applause]
Channel: Nerd Epix
Views: 1,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1mTOzXs95xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 16sec (3556 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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