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[Music] i have no words [Music] so we recently traveled to costa rica and it was the most incredible trip it was about four hours total in travel time and once we got there we were greeted with costa rica's gorgeous lush green rainy season [Music] we are here we got a rental car things have been crazy oh my goodness it's raining out we just stopped at this little cafe to get some food and then we have a two-hour drive to our airbnb [Music] just got to our airbnb this view like what in the world it doesn't even do it justice this was our second time in costa rica and this trip our goal was really to get a feel for the smaller local towns and stay in an airbnb for the first few days to really get a feel for the country and just everything that it that it has to offer and that is exactly what we did and we stayed at this gorgeous little airbnb right on the coast of samara and it was the most incredible experience [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have no words i have no words so freaking beautiful for this first half of our stay we were staying on the nakoya peninsula that's where samara is and nosara the places we visited during that first half of the trip and these places are actually considered to be a part of the blue zone of costa rica which is where people live upwards of 100 years old 110 years old and since we arrived it was easy to see how people were living much slower much healthier lifestyles here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] first day here in samara or samurai we can't figure out how we're supposed to sit but we had such a good night slept with the door open listen to the ocean and the rain all night long and it was glorious we are starving very hot it's very hot here and um yeah ac doesn't seem to really be a thing so totally okay but we are trying to figure out food so we're gonna go find food and i will show you where we end up going [Music] the beauty that costa rica has to offer makes it really hard to want to stay inside and want to drive around it was so much nicer to be able to walk everywhere we went and to get out of the house as much as possible there's so much beauty there's so much to see we got really lucky with some really sunny days during the rainy season [Music] why are you so precious coming up on a little farmer's market [Music] so we've just been by the pool so excuse the crazy hair and all the sweat but we went to and you probably saw it in um the in one of the clips before this we went to a really really awesome huge farmers market it was so cool just all locals selling their craft and their food that they've grown and we got some fun things so i wanted to show you so over here is our little farmer's market hall and every single owner of all the shops we didn't really talk to him a ton but every owner of all these shops was so sweet and just like i don't know i felt like we made we made friends we got from annie organics a bug spray very simple ingredients but does the trick we forgot our bug spray so this is going to come in handy and then this beautiful necklace from a woman here in costa rica i'll leave the shop name here the instagram handle so pretty looks really cute just worn long like that and then we got some rambut rambutan i think is what this is called very excited i've always wanted to try it so we're gonna take one of these out by the pool and try it and then we've been so sad without our sauerkraut so we saw this lady that was selling a bunch of vegan things and sauerkraut so we got it and it's delicious can confirm i'll leave the shop name for that as well just so you guys can go follow if you want and this was really special so this woman makes candles out of these um there's this artist here that makes these really cool all this really cool pottery with this design on it we actually have one with this flower on it that we got when we were here on our honeymoon so this was really fun it's just a soy candle scented with essential oils i just thought it was a really cool way to use one of his pieces so there is our little farmer's market haul such a fun day good morning morning number three here in samurai costa rica didn't film a ton yesterday because we just kind of chilled and we went to the beach and then we stayed at the house the airbnb by the pool for a very long time and then we went out for dinner so the only thing about being here during this season is we have found it very hard to find vegan food they have a ton of vegan restaurants and even like little healthy organic vegan grocery stores but they're all closed for the down season which is why which is when we're here so didn't really think that one through um definitely we'll have to come back when all of the yummy restaurants are open but yeah i guess i guess that has been a lot different than we were expecting so it's been harder to find food um but other than that it is a really really cool little town and i think today we're gonna drive a little bit further south and then a little further north and just kind of explore a little bit more what all is around here which is really exciting and um yeah i'll be sure to bring you along i feel like i haven't updated much on here but we're trying to do an equal amount of documenting and being off our phones and relaxing so definitely want to update a little more tomorrow we're actually leaving at the airbnb and we're going up north back to um the resort that we honeymooned at so that'll be really fun too just kind of a change of pace from being here and you know kind of running around and doing our own thing to relaxing and having everything done for us so very excited about that and um yeah it's super early january's still sleeping so i decided to come out here and just have some time and ground into the day and yeah excited to have a really awesome day today [Music] so [Music] well we're barely surviving what that was a lamb not a it was a lamb yeah we're barely surviving in the car these days but we did get to go into a whole food store that we've been dying to go into what was it samara okay next tomorrow organic because we such good coffee i only found my coffee place yes when we move back we have our coffee place our kombucha place they have really good ice cream as well perfect car snack ice cream and kombucha and coffee and coffee now we're on our way to nosara which we've heard is a better surf town and possibly a little bit bigger than samara yeah because we're such surfers yeah we're gonna go surf so yeah just checking it out we're gonna go check it out hopefully they have a vegan restaurant opened fingers crossed [Music] after being here in the blue zone and just seeing how people are living their lives so simply and so healthy it was really cool to see that just the simple things like good friends and lots of sunshine and good food were enough to sustain and thrive here and i think sometimes we get caught up in the mentality that more is better and i would go to say that it's the opposite i think sometimes more can tie us down and can keep us in our heads and keep us wanting instead of just being happy and grateful for where we are [Music] i keep forgetting to update because we get so tired at night when we have just explored all day and yeah i keep forgetting to come on here and close out but we enjoyed seeing nosara so much last night we went and drove an hour to see it and it was such a cute little like surf town it was so cool very different than here lots of it was busier lots of vegan restaurants open it was so so cute you'll have seen some of the clips before this but now we are packing up and we are off to the resort that we honeymooned at for our last four nights so very excited to get there sad to be leaving the airbnb but excited to go and fully just relax [Music] [Applause] [Music] just got to our room so nice just like we remembered they gave us some fun little five-year anniversary things how does this open we got a tropical view nice and secluded outdoor hot tub [Music] so nice oh my goodness so so nice [Music] off to our first dinner [Music] waiting on dinner i'm hungry because we forgot to bring dress pants it's okay we're okay with waiting we have to sit outside because no pants but that's okay [Music] i want to encourage you to slow down and take deep breaths and really take in your surroundings and everything you've been given and be grateful for this life that you have and live it to the absolute fullest [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Faith Kristina
Views: 5,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bA5W_aGOjSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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