Don't Visit Costa Rica Until You Watch This

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hey guys ian and anna here from the other side vlog a lot of you already knew that we were just in costa rica for about 25 days and next week we're coming out with our top 10 costa rica video before we did that and shared all the amazing things this country has to offer we wanted to talk to you about some warnings most countries we go to always have some sort of scam going on whether that's big or small but if you don't catch it really early on it will actually still add up throughout your entire trip so we're here to warn you get you ready and hopefully tell the locals not to do this the more they get taught that the less they'll do it a lot of the scams you run into across countries are very similar or it'll be like a taxi driver just charging you more you know we're used to that stuff this one was very interesting though and it didn't we didn't realize it until about 10 days into our trip so who knows how many times it's actually happened to us but basically in costa rica and i've also heard because i mentioned this on instagram that this is common in a lot of central american countries so not like singling out costa rica but warning you taurus basically when you go to order and you get your bill double check your bill at the end that's really all there is to it because they're gonna add on a lot of items ian's birthday he had like two drinks and i had one and they charged us for eight so they more than doubled it and that was a lot for drinks on his birthday on my birthday who does that i think they thought we were like getting tipsy and we wouldn't notice but ian went in and it's so funny because every single time this has happened which by the way once we realized it was a thing it happened to us every single day at least once at some dinner or lunch place and the craziest part was this wasn't just in one town we were all over the west coast of costa rica and it happened everywhere once we were even with a local and they tried to pull out on us and i was like are you is anyone seeing this like is this not yeah it happened to us in uvita santa teresa tambor la fortuna la fortuna yeah all over costa rica and so it's so funny because every single time we went to confront the people hey you charged me an extra they knew right away like it wasn't like oh i'm so oh i must check they just they knew that we caught them i'm ranting i'm just big because i appreciate honesty like if you're a server and you treat me well i'm gonna treat you well i'll give you a good tip but if you try to scam me why would i like you after that i don't know you're not getting a tip just so you guys know we are dead tired because we just did a two-day trip to get to cairo egypt you guys guessed it in our community tab earlier on right behind us is an amazing view of the pyramids the great pyramids at giza the second one isn't really a scam but a lot of people like to call it a scam it's the car rental dilemma in costa rica and this is really filtered towards high season which most things are because high season is when prices are going to be completely jacked up long story short is in costa rica car rentals are very expensive so if you see anything online and it's like oh this deal come in get it and you book your car it's just false advertising because when you get to costa rica basically they tag on taxes and fees that are mandatory not only that it's a mandatory insurance policy from the government that you have to implement on all car sales rental car sales throughout the country so every car rental car company has to do it and it's a lot of money it's like 300 to 400 on top of your price yeah which it's again one of those things just tell me how much i'm gonna pay yeah and i'll pay for it but don't catch me off guard because it just throws off your whole trip this did not happen to us because we booked through enterprise and i say this in our top 10 video but i'll say it one more time and i'm done sharing this because i probably shouldn't be but basically i have a friend that gave me uh one of her corporate codes for a discount on an enterprise all those companies have corporate code so that is a huge hack we got half off our price we spent fourteen hundred dollars for sixteen days it's a it's a lot of money a lot of money that's a lot of money just a little less than our rent one last thing about costa rica it's the only national park that made us feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable it was manuel antonio national park in caipos right at the entrance it's not even at the entrance it's a mile away from the entrance they have these fake guards they're locals with fake vast fake badges and they're trying to make you pull into their own parking lots yeah and they got really mad at wanting me to what you have in your phone i have it oh yeah we'll overlay it got super mean to us they ran in front of our car stopped us they tried to delete the video be sure not to stop the biggest tip i have is to tell them that you are picking up a friend at the front gate of manuel antonio right when we told him that they're like oh go ahead no worries we just left the national park so you already went to the yeah we already went if you park there you literally have to walk so far there's no shuttle so we were seeing these poor people i i can't even it's really far like at least a mile yeah they they had a walk like 30 minutes before they even got to the entrance of manuel antonio so they were sweating before they even got to the park so hot right like it's not easy to walk in costa rica i think it needs to be spread far and wide so share this with anyone heading to costa rica because it's going to make you feel uncomfortable but the closer you get to the entrance there are actual parking people you can't go into the park and park so basically you want to go as close as you can they really need to fix that so tourists can enjoy their time there because you are paying to go into the park i just think when there are moments like this no matter where you're traveling it ruins your vibe yeah and you have a bad mindset so like we got into manuel antonio which is the number one visited national park in costa rica we saw a sloth many birds i mean you see so many cool things there yeah but your mindset was just clouded because everyone's yelling at you it leaves a bad taste in your mouth but let us tell you after spending three weeks a little bit more than three weeks in costa rica the locals there are some of the nicest we've ever met on the road so you should not be nervous just look at your bills do not be scared of scam artists costa rica is a little bit more expensive than we expected but anyone from the us you should come down here there's flights that are cheap from every big airport so that's all and i hope you don't think we're being like negative because i know we don't always go into this stuff but we just felt like it's important i shared it on my instagram story and people loved it so i was like well we gotta share it with our youtube people yeah you guys are the real homies so make sure to follow along on our journey we're right now in egypt and heading to jordan you can hear the um the call to prayers going on behind us so if it's a little loud yeah we have a playlist with all our costa rica videos we hope you enjoy them follow us on instagram subscribe i don't know why you guys aren't subscribed now super easy just put your gmail in it's free okay love you bye [Music]
Channel: Ian and Ana
Views: 126,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costa rica, costa rica travel, costa rica vlog, costa rica 2022, travel costa rica now, costa rica tips, costa rica scams, scam in costa rica, visit costa rica, costa rica travel guide, renting cars in costa rica, Costa Rica, traveling costa rica, how to travel costa rica, costa rica travel insurance, travel insurance costa rica, car insurance costa rica
Id: 0mz0-FyA4Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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