Visiting Ken Ham's Creation Museum with KC & TellTale Atheist || Vlog

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[Music] what's up heathens yeah yeah I in case you can't tell I'm in a car and I know this seems very Josh where fear Stein of me but Casey and I are actually on the way to keep left to stay on i-65 north talking Google so we're meeting telltale atheists up for the creation and Museum and the Ark Encounter we're gonna be going through it and really taking a critical look at everything that they got there hopefully we can actually record some stuff that's what I'm hoping I'm hoping to take you guys with me through the experience and whatnot so if you're interested in that and you want to see more of the Creation Museum and how horrible it is then please stay tuned we got to the hotel that night and fell asleep evening passed the morning came that was the first day so we are on our way to breakfast at Bob Evans slots I don't know but we're gonna go and get breakfast and then we're gonna play some slots and then we'll be meeting up with telltale for lunch so yeah I guess stay tuned for that and I'll see you at breakfast here in a second hey I just wanted you guys to know that giant is back oh damn giant Cod never mind this okay honey you said there was no card here but it says sausage selection yeah I'm gonna have called ooh a sirloin start steak and farm-fresh eggs I don't know the double meat seems to be right up my alley oh wait oh just full now I'm gonna have everybody telling me this is why I'm fat well I know that that plates not yours put me in those too wide that meant not mine off to the casino we go off to the casino we go to spend all of our life savings won't be very much to spend hey well heathens we're about to go into this casino here well we're about to get on the walkway to the casino so hopefully I won't lose all the flat earth money that I just generated people get me bothered to actually walk anymore so they have these flat escalators I've seen them before obviously but I mean it's just funny it's not that far too long yeah I have no idea what to play okay heathens I'm trying video poker which it's taking me a bit as you can tell I started out with 50 credits I'm back up to 40 let's see okay so I get pretty much nothing oh I get two of a kind but it doesn't I guess I still lost even though I get to the time well I get again another and see if we're giving up we get some so we get a magical seahorse now oh oh no it doubled itself and we got 80 credits 79 credits apparently the tail is its own separate thing alright let's do this again oh we get to boomerang fish wait why this seems so random why are those two things matching but like I've got five starfish on this deal and three tortoises oh here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] big fish 800,000 do the hunkered thousand ma well I guess that's okay Oh guys I'm making it big out here in this casino I'm you know I'm gonna have to stop doing YouTube and I'm just gonna live off the dividends some guys update on the casino trip it did not fare well we did not come out millionaires sorry to say but I mean we had fun that was the point and honestly neither of us were expecting to go in there and really win big or anything I mean obviously you're paying for a chance to win that was pretty obvious because there was literally no skill and about any of the games although I will say there was a little bit of skill concerned in the virtual poker for video poker that we played obviously I lacked the skill to select and hold like a full house and win that money but I did end up a thing coming out even on that like you think a cash no no I lost a dollar I lost it all on on that game so yeah so there's a little bit of skill and remembering to hold cards on the poker part but as far as the video and the slots and everything which we didn't play craps or blackjack or anything like that or poker because I don't I at actual tables I mean I'm obviously no poker player so but it was fun all in all I really liked it and I think when we come up here again later on in the summer we'll probably stop back by here and play a little bit maybe Casey and I can start doing some like little poker nights and I can get my poker game up who knows and we maybe we can sit down and play at the poker table next time I'll teach you okay thank you honey what anyways he then we're gonna be next up we're gonna be meeting up with telltale to eat lunch and then we're gonna be going to the Creation Museum so we'll see you heathens then take a soros let's see parking cars five dollars ten oversized vehicles I guess we do I mean they gotta generate money somehow pull forward slowly that sounds so sexual in you into e [Music] Answers in Genesis oh my god public security I didn't think that Answers in Genesis had their own like but you know the fake bacon squad we'll see you guys in there in a second we are venturing into the museum current rel pitting zrv restrooms petting zoo operation yeah we're not gonna go there welcome to the museum entrance please leave all evolutionists thinking elsewhere there now [Applause] and that is the donkey Jesus program and there's two Stegosaurus that was his pet he was a lovely Stegosaurus or maybe that's not a Stegosaurus it doesn't like the right spines for a Stegosaurus it probably says on its placard there's the Jackass again Jesus wrote him on a mask and it was this hearse but he also wrote two asses so the other ass was probably at home and this is Jesus's pet we don't know exactly when he had the pet but we do know if you had a pet dinosaur is this the name do not climb honey the name of the dinosaurs do not climb I'm guessing do not climb this is the time of Daniel de dragón one day Daniel saw a dragon and he gave the dragon an egg and that was the end of them and then the dragon ate him because dragons are big deeds [Music] [Music] you never have to read all the things the red dragon of Wales one day there was a red dragon of Wales he was putting mad so he ate a green dragon employers and now there is only a red dragon of waves Marco Polo and the dragon there was a dragon Marco Polo tickled him until he died and that is the end of that story plus a ship maybe if not my mind should suffice this bar is like John of Damascus he had a pet dragon and he wrote very sadly about the dragon and so the dragon left then tears the red dragon of the Creation Museum a floater here I'll majestically okay guys see I disagree with this entire painting over here dragons can't read we all know this one day there was a green dragon and then nowhere worked about the dragon and he died oh wait no - Robert - sniffling then the green dragon went over to this guy right here whose name is sugar they've heard about them and then he died creation these things are like elaborate oh no not the Romans what is it there was a turn in the detector fortress and then the fortress one he died Romans and Dragon and the director made the go to Falls of Damascus and as he ate the balls of Damascus he one day a red dragon noticed a damsel in distress chained to a pillar and then she died st. George and the dragon here's a brief summary George killed the dragon and or said he did it with that particular spear right there in that sword there's this helmet this is all factual please believe me please this is a story of Beowulf if you really want the story you can just rent it on Netflix or Amazon Prime Beowulf in the dragon there's the actual sword look don't mess with that guy or else he'll eat your golden cup [Music] there's dragons everywhere guys apparently the Dragons were found in the desert yeah this is actually legitimately cool right here it's it's an old planetarium projector all planetary projector water to injure each other who would be now well the insides gonna win first forever truck did one first it was hers once it hurts no and there goes our money in trash so like legitimately took us about 20 minutes just to get through the entrance because of all the dragons guys Noah's cafe do you think they're cooking the animals on the ark in there I want a giraffe burger right now pop Jesus Christ this is like really elaborate inside and I have to say this first Jesus is the mammoth so some mammoth I don't know if this is a manor it might be a mammoth it might not be this is Jesus's mammoth though he wrote it into Jerusalem all with his ass why isn't Jesus on me I know Jesus was there I'm so sorry turtle you were imprisoned in the Creation Museum blink twice if you want us to help I don't know what kind of dinosaur these look like t-rex oh she just sort of playing with the squirrel does she try to feed that squirrel or carrot I believe that's a carrot she's trying to feed the nets book notes a snake look at it I know he's playing in the water hey kid maybe hey kid you know you liable to fall in and like lose an eye this is primitive man playing in the water soon he will be eaten an evolution will prove to be true it's just a murky asaurus brontoburgers horse his natural habitat before the fall of man eating on leaves and stuff because we're all vegetarians at heart nads Oh science this is from about 2,000 years ago so the first room that we're in is obviously this one and it's got the two guys on the floor that are doing some kind of archeological thing and basically this room is talking about how creationists and evolutionists have the same evidence but come at it from different perspectives and they do this with these two working scientists one is an evolutionist the other is a creationist and that what they're trying to do is normalize creationism of course this is my reaction so basically these people explain the Lucy skeleton as being a primates but not connected at all to being an actual human which as we all know it is totally breakfast she's a transitional fossil and is definitely proof of evolution thank you these people actually think that to constantly the cave isn't to constant [Music] I am God's work same universe man's word the Big Bang evolution galaxies evolution of our solar system evolution of Earth and then evolution of continents billions of years ago God's Word day one let there be light in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth day 2 let there be a firmament day three let Lent dry land appear and then day forward let there be lights hold on now how was their day before all of at this point also the moon is not a light the their moons the moon reflects light it is not alleged itself okay don't don't believe this right here this is same plants and animals man's word first life and then rationality takes place but then over here you have irrationality from the beginning and then you just kind of go from there God's Word don't don't stop no same apes and humans man's word first 820 million years ago Lucy present the evolution tree God's Word okay so here's here's something that I don't get in hand maybe you can point this out for me so you start out with a regular 8 as we know them now like a chimp and then all everything and then apparently the fool it happens that that's in blue presumably just like this start spreading and apparently they backtracked a lot to get to Lucy and then enough so I don't know how this makes sense this definitely doesn't make sense humans 6000 years ago God created man in his own image there the flood okay for one thing Lucy did not look like this this was this is their interpretation of Lucy this is a lot well maybe not a line to them all right it's time to play which one is Ken Ham answer just about all of them which one do you think is Ken Ham I think it's this one right here actually oh yeah Lucy is a chimp that's what I go yeah okay God's Word is the key to the past and future [Music] we have God's Word in our hands he touched a bird and wrote the Gospels Amy and this is actually some legit piece of history something interesting yep all right y'all so this is what happens when scripture is abandoned in future it leads to a life hopelessness meaninglessness and apparently graffiti okay everywhere antique Christian graffiti by the way I know it's a destroyed world we got plants growing everywhere basically walking dead but perficient's see this is where people that spit on the wall and then put time magazines up this these at the sides become turn again falling and welcome to the world of creation nobody can hear me over this music honey it's horrible oh no we're descending into the time tunnel alright are you guys ready to learn to experience the seven C's of history this is all real history don't don't contradict me first there was creation where God farted out of the earth and then there was corruption where Adam and Eve told God to go himself and then there was a catastrophe where again the human said God go yourself and then there was confusion and everybody was became confused because God confused them that is in no way God's fault that's all our fault we promised and then there's Christ when God for some reason came back as a man when he could have just blinked it away and then there's the cross where God died for whatever reason still trying to figure that one out and then consummation where we fulfilled God's Word and Jesus comes back rolls all and kills all the non-christians yay for non history it definitely does mean but we're gonna have to fight in order to get to that part I mean that's given what the I know right yes this is under video surveillance oh there's a kid remember how I wanted to drink Jaguar as a pet look at him he's majestic name and all the enemas I mean you got that cat staring at him like I think you can maybe I mean you know Adam did try every animal before God created Eve the cats like that looks like a sausage it's like please don't do that so I'd like to point out something here real quick here's almas boom there's a freaking dinosaur just eaten on a pineapple it looks like a cancerous pineapple too okay what the dinosaurs ate God said to every beast of the earth been to every bird of the air and to everything that creepeth upon the earth where then there is life I have given every green herb for food so that means edibles are all right right oh here's the food that we're not supposed to eat come on baby won't you say it ain't gonna suck your dick so come aunt me ain't got nothing else to do are you talking about I mean I already named all the animals he made you out of my red come on I deserve something fine give me your twig and berries [Music] rejection we're good to corruption you should have lunch goodbye listen you know the world's not safe anymore see we got all these locks you see me [Music] now these are just this is honestly what I really paid for [Music] honey honey control yourself don't pet the Raptor better yeah so pretty much after this point it's still rehashing the Bible it takes us through Noah and how he built his ark and all that without any nails and stuff and then it goes into the more or less like Jesus storyline of it I mean this entire section is taking you through those seven seas that we saw earlier to be quite honest we blew through this last section pretty quickly I mean we were trying to make this planetarium show that was about aliens in the Bible and we didn't really have a lot of time to really you know film the rest of this part of the museum but even then that wasn't all of it because they still had a whole bunch of things that were kind of like side attractions to it like they had like an insect lab that talks about mixing science and God in there and all this other stuff and I mean they had a lot of things that we weren't able to take part in like the petting zoo and stuff we're planning on going again soon so hopefully we'll be able to see a little bit more than that but also the Ark Encounter we're gonna be doing both of those so I hope you heathens will join us then for the Ark Encounter which will be a second part to this video I don't know if I'll be able to get any video of this last half of the museum but I'm sure that you guys have already had enough of this we left the Creation Museum that day feeling a lot dumber than we had arrived once we got back to the hotel we fell asleep evening passed and moring came that was the second day we had a lot of fun there and actually all of the attendance and whatnot were actually really nice I know that there are some videos people get kicked out of places but you know we didn't want to infringe on their proprietary rights so we didn't really feel any of the movies or anything really so I hope you guys can understand that but although it was a good trip I mean it was it was stupid about halfway through the Creation Museum and pretty pointless perk for us to keep going and we actually kind of rushed through the very end because it was all a bunch of Jesus stuff and whatnot so but I hope that you liked seeing our adventure going up there and everything and I'm sure that we'll have another video coming out where we kind of talk about more in depth of the experience it was awesome getting to see telltale and everything but you know I hope you guys will comment with your thoughts on the experience down below and don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe if you like this kind of content so we can make more of it in don't forget to stand up use your voice bye Hidan [Music]
Channel: Godless Engineer
Views: 31,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godless engineer, ken ham, ken ham creation museum, ken ham creation, creation museum, visiting creation museum, creation museum vlog, telltale atheist creation museum, telltale atheist, ken ham noah's ark, ken hamm, ken ham ark, ken ham answers in genesis, ken ham creationist, ken ham creationist museum, ken ham creation science, creation museum kentucky, creation museum tour, creation museum atheist, atheist
Id: KtB_KjUybcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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