Visiting Amish Relatives and What They are Like.

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so i got my daughter miranda here dressed as a little amish girl my uh my mom and my sisters blessed the two youngest girls with dresses and coverings head coverings so i had her here because i wanted her to explain what little amish kids are like she gets to go visit her cousins every year once a year quick little disclaimer here so we live in southern idaho um with the closest amish community being about five hours away in salmon and we don't really know anybody there so miranda her our daughters my wife are not they don't interact with amish people regularly the only time is when we go back to visit my parents which is once or twice a year so she doesn't know how to speak pennsylvania dutch or isn't that familiar with the culture but yeah here's her view on what it's like and also the pictures and photos that i'm sharing here are not for my family maybe not even for my community um one reason is because well i don't have any so i'm pulling them off of uh google images and even if i did have some or if i would go back and get some video or photos of my community or my family i i would be very hesitant on sharing them on my youtube videos on my channel one reason because my parents will not agree with some of the stuff i'm doing here they definitely won't agree with some of the doctrine issues that i'm getting into and um i just don't want to put their lives out there like that i don't want to use them to for my work for my whatever i'm doing here so uh you'll probably be stuck with the talking head a lot and um i apologize i wish i could i wish i could get tons of video um i just i kind of hate inviting those guys is privacy doing so so i know there's controversy on amish people not liking their getting their picture taken and they'll say it's because of what the bible says about graven image and that is the case um you could take too much pride in a photo but i think most of it is more like if if you're they're humans right and and if people are out there taking pictures of them they feel like they're in a zoo like a zoo animal and i think it's you know like they're an exhibit and they're humans right so i don't think they mind every anybody taking pictures of their farms or their buggies or their you know whatever it's just be careful snapping up close pictures of them that's it just makes you feel weird trust me i know so uh yeah that's it um if you want good pictures of amish families and farms or farms and buggies and stuff go check out the facebook groups they're doing a phenomenal job the amish facebook groups are doing a great job of uploading video or uploading photos so that is my excuse and i guess enjoy the video [Music] so what's your favorite thing about going to visit indiana your amish cousins um we get to play and hang out and um some nights all the adults would gather around and just hang out and then um the kids would come with a plan to scare them and then at their house there's fire lights like fireflies fires yeah indiana has fireflies we don't have those in idaho and we catch them and put them where in our jar and then we would release them i see what uh so what are amish houses like um well what's it like at an amish house amish houses are basically like normal houses but um but they don't have tvs oh so you can't watch tv but um like they would have the same they would have stairs they they would have kitchens and they have a phone in the garage phone in the garage yep you're gonna get my parents in trouble did they have one in the garage i think they had one of those wireless home phones and then um they had parked the buggies in there and where in the garage okay and then they have like roller skates and basketballs to play with and they have dogs and horses do they have ponies that you guys drive uh-huh there's one pony called honey and that's our favorite that's your favorite and um you guys can't get enough of that can you how tall is honey show us how tall honey is honey's like um honey's like like that big she yep she's probably not that big she's tiny i'm taller than honey is uh so what else do you do like what else do you know do they speak pet do they speak pennsylvania dutch while you guys are playing with them um no actually they would speak english for us to understand them what about the ones that can't that are too young to speak english um one of our cousins will tell us what that means oh so they translate and and his sister um was teaching us some amish words oh like like what phoebe stew bibish do how are you essa essa eat fossil fossil water and there's like daddy and mommy daughty and mommy is a grandma and grandpa or grandpa and grandma daddy is grandpa and mommy is grandma grandma is a house when you sleep in the house is it weird waking up in the morning and everything's just silent and you hear horses trotting down the road is that cool or not it's like cool because every time i i would be the last one to wake up in the house everyone would already be awake and leah would already already be at school by the time i oh i said their names that's fine that's fine i was just thinking nieces and nephews leah's my sister she still goes to school she goes to school and um she would always go and then mommy would take us to walmart but me to walmart and we would get stuff and last time we were there she bought me dad and hannah some legos and i got a friend set and so um his grandma um every time we would go visit we would sleep upstairs and she would sleep down my grandma has an apartment upstairs in her house which is right next door to my mom and dad's and they have phone checks yep they have phone jacks so they just put up a new phone jack at their house and grandma has her own phone shack and then um they have like stores and restaurants probably different than the ones here in idaho um actually they're like the same because they would have walmart and you we have all my hair yep and um yeah they might be a little bit different chip shawana is a craft craft store haven just a bunch of crafts and candles that they sell i once made a bet with some girls that um every store in shipshawana sells candles except for the harness shop and the feed store they didn't believe me but i think i i think i think i won that bet so did you fart no next question i don't know what the next question is barefarted which else should i ask um what else do we want to talk about he stinks bad our dog just farted he stinks really bad oh my gosh i'm taking a break what are you eating oh it's bad we gotta sit here and sniff it up oh that's bad was that you hannah oh bear i'm sitting on bear's butt probably stained what else do you have to say anything no actually what all uh they're schools talk about the schools um like they're different like did you get to go visit an amish school you did didn't you while you were there how was that it was different because have how they place recess because they don't have playgrounds like us what'd they do they would like just like like outside doing like playing stuff like they wouldn't be able to play like they would they wouldn't be able to play basketball volleyball are you sure yeah usually a lot of schools play softball and those kids become really good at playing softball and a lot of amish kids actually play in leagues and end up being state champions and then inside their classrooms um they're learning english yep at art schools because they the original language is pennsylvania dutch so they learn english english in school they only they're only allowed to speak english in school aren't they and they do their laundry different was it did it did their school look like laura ingalls wilder school all right explain explain the laundry the laundry is like so it's not like our expensive ones they have like these ones that you like put the clothes in and they wash they have a ringer or not a ringer they have a tub where it it's hooked to a generator right and it swishes the clothes around then what and then they have to put it through this um like thing that strings it it's a ringer and then it pushes all the water out of it then it goes into coal and then it goes into hot water and then they strain it again through the ringer and then they have to put it in this bucket and then once all the clothes are done they go outside and hang them up yep so one wash two rinses then outside to hang them up on the clothesline and i actually got my hand when i was a little kid probably your age maybe a little bit younger i got my hand went all the way into the ringer up to here it didn't even hurt it scared me more than anything come in what that's it did you go to a zoo that's operated by an amish guy uh-huh how did we get around the zoo there's like there's like a train it's a wagon that horses pull two draft horses pull and you go through an african safari type of deal what all animals is out there there's a unicorn there's some reindeer and uh some zebras buffaloes and all that stuff zebras and campbells they got monkeys and parrots and all that little amish own zoo uh it's just off of 120 in shipshawana it's really kind of cool it smells bad well it's a farm i'm not talking about that oh you're talking about barry i think he's back here pooping his pants that's bad well that's all i have do you like visiting what's more fun playing with your friends here or playing with your friends back there back there you like for playing with your friends back there more why because all i want all my friends here just wanna talk about what they've been doing on electronics and the other ones just wanna hang out and play yeah it's good kids without electronics is the best most healthiest kids i'm guilty of letting them have them but it is it is a better life without electronics i see that now so he took away our tv yeah you guys hate me for it don't you all right well this is miranda her view on um visiting indiana this is an amish community back there uh we try to do it once a year and uh i always enjoy it i think they do too you know my wife the first time before the first time she went back she wasn't sure um she wasn't sure what amish people are like so she started studying up on amish people by watching all the tv shows she could like uh amish in the city and her as anderson city i can't remember i can't remember all those shows amish mafia uh all that stuff all the fake stuff and yeah i just had to laugh she thought amish people were always just stern didn't smile we're talking about the bible all the time and that couldn't be further from the truth so they are a fun people they don't talk about the bible a whole lot a lot less than christians do but they joke around they're they're happy people they're they're fun to be around so all right until next time so do you remember when brian and heidi went back with us to indiana to visit for a week yeah do you think they'd be interested in doing a video yeah about their experience you think so do you think they watch these videos yes do you think they'll hear this yeah if bryan and heidi are watching this video and you're interested get ahold of us
Channel: the amish potato
Views: 30,032
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Id: gmqe9inJ_fo
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Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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