My Story after Leaving the Amish

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i am cj and this is the amish potato let's get into it [Applause] [Music] in my testimony i have two now a long version which is the first video i uploaded is more detailed testimony and then the second shorter one which is only 20 minutes long the other one's like an hour and 20 minutes yeah uh so if you haven't watched those go watch those and then come back to this one uh in those testimonies i kind of left off i i moved out here life got better christian church right i got married and then i just kind of left off there so many of you have been wondering how me and my wife met and kind of what our family is like now so here it is when when i moved out here i started working at jayco and at jayco i was and kind of an inspector i would walk the line and make sure people are doing their jobs correctly and not cheating you know the testing that went on make sure that the um [Music] the lights are being tested correctly the water system is being tested correctly the uh the correct screws are being put into place the you know and so on you know i moved out here i didn't know anybody so i i worked there and on the weekends i would go do stuff i would find trails to hike i would find caves to adventure too waterfalls whatever anything i could you know lay my you know get info on i would i would go search it out on the weekends my wife she happened to work at jayco at the time and she was the prettiest girl at jaco and it just so happened that uh she did a lot of the testing with the water testing the lights the electrical outlets and stuff so i had to come watch her do her job and make sure she's doing it correctly she only did it correctly when i was around i know one of the stories she tells now is the one time i was i came around to uh watch her inspector right do her job and and she came out of the trailer and she fell down the steps i was standing on the outside of the rv and she comes out of the door and falls and she now make sure everybody knows that i didn't even try to catch her she says she fell out of the trip and fell out of the trailer uh she can say what she wants she she what really happened was that she comes out that door and she sees me and she just melts her knees get weak and she just melts and just crumbles right she didn't actually trip and fall i know we got to know each other and my wife her name's savannah who is a bit of a spitfire she also has a big heart she tries to hide it but it's there i know it's there uh she you know she kind of felt sorry for me because she knew that i didn't know anybody out here that i was all alone and she invited me to uh one of her daughter's baseball games so she had three kids when i met her she had never married but she had three kids um she had a bit of a hard life she she invited me to her oldest daughter or now i say our kids our oldest daughter hannah's baseball game and i didn't want to turn her down so you know i showed up we hung out with her family i i don't know i don't know if she would admit it i don't know if she was crushing on me then or not or if she was just being nice uh i've asked her i think or tried to ask her and i don't know she would admit it if she was i don't know anyway so and from then on out you know we just became really good friends and i would when i'd find a new waterfall to hike to or new caves to hike to i would invite her along and i would you know and and her and the kids and we would go do this stuff we would just hang out she became my best friend and you know there's a lot of guys that i worked with but most of them just um they were into drinking and you know the bar scene and all that and i just didn't interest me you know i i didn't want that i just didn't want that right so so you know i would do my own thing and and she would come along and we'd go hang out and then eventually that just turned into uh us dating and getting married you know that whole time i i was still just starting to come to know the truth about christ right like i said i was listening to charles stanley um and i was i was wanting to go to a church but i didn't know which one like i looked at some baptist churches i looked at community church of christ you know i actually sunday mornings a couple times i got dressed and went and parked in their parking lots or close to their parking lots uh but i was never brave enough to go in but i was i i was i was searching i wanted to go to church i wanted to be you know a part of one and i was learning right learning the truth of christ and salvation and all that and and i would we would talk about this me and savannah on our hikes and stuff like that and she wasn't saved at the time she was not a believer uh her grandma she had gone to church with her grandma a few times one time we i've talked about we talked about long enough and i and i think i kind of stressed to her how important it is to be saved and one saturday she said uh i'm gonna go to church tomorrow my grandma used to go to calvary chapel in mule and i'm gonna go and me being like well if you need somebody to go with you i'll go with you all the time thinking yes finally i don't have to walk through the doors by myself right of course i played it off as i'm doing her a favor so backing up a little bit of my life my cousin cynthia got married i don't know how old i was 18 19 20. she got married she wasn't married amish so she got married in napaneen missionary church in napanee indiana and she had a i don't know his name a younger probably 30s mid-30s pastor marry her and he did a little sermon um before he got married and i remember him preaching and i had never heard anybody teach that clearly it was simply just a you know message on uh marriage you know it was simply this is simply teaching scripture but but when somebody teaches truth it truth just resonates somehow there is so it's so clear and so powerful you know and i walked away that day and knowing that i would never be satisfied until i could attend a church with someone who teaches like that i don't know his name i wish i did so i could contact him and thank him for what he has done you know he he obviously doesn't know but he was definitely a tool that god used to and that was a turning point in my life i didn't know that time either so anyway when my wife said that i'm gonna go to church tomorrow um and i volunteered to go with her you know we we walked through that door sunday morning in calvary chapel beale and worship it was a full band worship something i had never experienced before i gotta say it was a little uncomfortable at first um but we got through that and jackie roberts our our pastor stood up and started teaching and there was there was that clear uh teacher that i knew i knew they were out there and he was one of them and and we have never turned back we have been attending that church ever since so uh it's kind of crazy how god works so long story short we ended up getting married my poor wife though i i didn't give her a wedding uh we planned the date and and she started making wedding plans and and the closer it got to that date the more i started freaking out on the inside um i couldn't tell my parents i'm starting to think about all these people that are going to show up and i couldn't tell my parents because i knew that it would break their hearts number one amish people never want their young men to get married to a non-amish woman because they haven't grown up and been raised with the values of the amish right number two it meant that if i got married out here that i would probably never move back home because that was always a possibility before getting married you know that i might potentially move back to indiana so i didn't want to break their hearts and i had a heart i didn't want to tell them and i couldn't tell them and the date got closer and closer and uh i called my wife i was like i don't know i don't know if i can do this and you know she obviously freaked out like what is going on you know it was you know a little rough there for a couple days and i called her i was on the road in a truck at the time i call her i told her okay look i'm i'm struggling here so i don't know if i can do the wedding the way we were planning but when i once i get home from the road let's just get with the pastor and get married just pastor his wife and a few friends that's it so we did so we i got home from the road and the pastor uh married us but of course people found out about our wedding and they wanted to show up and how could we tell them no so there ended up being 50 people there or something uh yeah so my wife's whole marriage plans that she had the invitations about ready to be sent out and the flowers ordered and stuff and people were helping her so that was all ruined because of me you know i just i was struggling with basically telling my parents and and the baby you know got to the day before and i heard about all these people coming i started freaking out and almost bailed out again and i called i called and left the message voicemail with my mom and dad i told them hey i'm getting married tomorrow i'm just going to do a quick quick wedding and and do it and i found out that the following day my dad was didn't go to work because he was sick so was he sick from the flu i think he was sick to the stomach because of me getting married and never the chance of me ever being a michigan or the chance of me ever [Music] coming back to living in indiana was over right but so i got through the wedding we got married and uh after that it was a relief like it was a done deal now and i was relieved uh you know so we took a short little weekend honeymoon to salt lake city uh once again i was into strongly interested in apologetics and um my poor wife once again we went to salt lake city and we hired there and we uh toured the temple square the mormon you know the lds church so now we have a house and some and a shop on two acres here in castle fort idaho and we have chickens we have our dog bear who's getting older and we have um two cats we've gone through quite a bit of cats our road likes to kill cats but currently we have pixie who usually is making sounds around here while i'm shooting video she was found in a harvester um by a friend who asked if we wanted a cat since my wife's favorite cat had recently died i went and added one of them they she was the cutest little kitten i'll put pictures in here she is now one of our favorite cats and we have another cat coco who are they found outside somewhere who is a little bit more skittish not as cute i think but she lives with us and yeah that's it for now we had a couple pigs we just harvested them and they are now in the freezer and so i asked you guys to help us name our rooster and uh thank you for all the suggestions uh we settled finally settled on homer and then homer a week after he got named was killed on the road but we just got a new shipment of chicks in we are getting colombian wine.hen we are getting two barn welders which are those are still coming and we are getting another rooster the same kind the silver lace wine dot rooster which will be named homer and we are getting two a brown and a black polish chickens which are the goofy looking ones with the head feathers that are plenty so that will be our new chicken family our house uh used to be fully finished in the basement they had some flooding so they tore some stuff out now we have to rebuild it it was a foreclosed home when we bought it once it's fully furnished again it'll be a six bedroom house about 4 600 square feet yeah it's big bigger than what we wanted but it was what we could afford housing here in idaho is is a little pricey and and our three daughters the oldest one hannah is now 17 she is uh has a love for christ which is the best thing that a parent could wish for she is into ffa a lot she plays a lot of softball and is is just a very busy person she works at the boys and girls club currently our second child dara she is a spitfire like her mom but i can tell that she also has a big heart like her mom and there's a lot of positives that i see in her and i have great hopes for her in the future and then there is the youngest one miranda she's the bubbly one she is who i nicknamed squirly bear because well she she lives in the moment she is only aware of five feet around her right she um but that's what makes her bubbly and fun and and just so joyful miranda is the only one that doesn't know her dad she uh i am the only dad that she's ever known and her love language is quality time which is the same as mine so you'll probably see us hanging out more in the videos because we like spending time with each other the others are have different love languages if you don't know what love languages are go check it out the five love languages by gary chapman i think they are key to accessible marriage so yes we are we are a family who is uh um kind of pieced together but we are trying to um take our broken lives and and make something good out of it and and although it is a struggle at times especially me and my wife coming from two completely different backgrounds they're the opposite ends of the spectrum but as long as we you know put god first i think everything will work out in the end i work i drive truck three days a week my wife is currently running a little cafe five days a week and we have a dece a good sized garden thankfully my wife is not lazy and she never did garden before we got married but we decided to do a garden and she fell in love with it and i think that is so beautiful like i like in the evenings the sun starts going down i can see her out there picking weeds or attending to her plants in the garden it is um that is very i don't know it's very beautiful to me for some reason just she looks so peaceful and happy out there you'll probably be seeing the kids on camera uh my wife does not my wife does not like being in front of the camera so i don't know how much you'll see her here's pixie now come here girl how are you huh you like being in the spotlight uh-huh yeah you were a cutie when you were young i don't know why you got the collar on do you like that i keep taking it off girls keep putting it back on so that is how we met it's a little bit about our family and where we're at now um right now i want to go get some food because i'm hungry so make sure you like it subscribe if you haven't already and we will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: the amish potato
Views: 10,033
Rating: 4.9418759 out of 5
Keywords: amish, mennonite, Hutterite, quaker, brethren, marriage, family, dog, cat, chickens
Id: 7s-QjGn-fA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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