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oh this is not good guys I gotta break some bad news to you okay I'm sure most of you guys know James and Gabe they're in like almost every single video they went out on a camping trip and they're actually stuck they are literally stuck on a deserted island in like the middle of nowhere they're miles off the coast and I gotta go save them I need something to get out there I can use this I can use this right I can do this no no no this floats this is not gonna work nope this is not gonna work okay wait I have an idea I know what I can use so it's not perfect I'm sure most of you guys remember this breaking news game and James are stuck on a deserted island miles off the coast with a ton of water but zero food a brave man that goes by the name unspeakable this building what seems to be a Lego boat to save them we've just arrived on the scene with unspeakable himself yeah so uh this is my boat you know Legos okay so in order to make this thing successfully travel miles off the coast we're gonna need to upgrade a couple things number one we gotta get rid of that motor it's electric we need gas we need more horsepower number two we're gonna need a roof because shelter number three we're gonna need to reinforce the front of this thing because there's gonna be waves and sharks number four step number four is uh I really thought that far but I'm working on okay folks let's hope unspeak blesses a Lego boat built within the next five seconds because I'm done it's complete like a boat is ready ladies and gentleman let me explain I think I have a device they can save James and Gabe we have a Lego boat the front of it is reinforced stronger than ever more nails more glue than we've ever seen we also have a roof shelter that hopefully does not come off we also have our flagpole right here with our unspeakable trick on there as well and we have upgraded the engine and reinforced the back of the boat this new engine is gasoline it is no longer electric ladies and gentlemen let me show you how it works look at that we got speed control right here that is gonna get us across the sea pretty quickly if you ask me alright well last thing we need to do is get some supplies together and hit the water turn off the motor here so I can talk to you guys we're about um I'd say about a mile mile and half off coast probably got another I don't know 20 minutes or so traveling but so far the Leggett boats holding up you don't have any leaks or anything as you can see we are in the water let's go [Music] I see the island right there right now we're full speed on the motor hopefully we don't really here we're roasting the island looks like we have some debris in the water up we're gonna make it we're here to save game of James I hope they have some food hi guys we're approaching the island I'd say probably were about a thousand feet out right there no sign of James have game yet but will be destroyed soon the engineer we were just driving around the island right now trying to see if we can spot gaiba James how's anything there's so much vegetation on this island oh it's so thick no but simply our brain for it we're gonna go a little bit farther down let's see if we can find some of that it almost looks like a raft I wonder if I trying to go to the oldest kind of looks like a little bow maybe someone tried to film we try to yell form again ah I don't know I think we're just gonna keep going around the island you only made it about halfway around so let's go around to the other side hello hello go ahead no game is game James are you guys good hey hey hey calm down it's me Nathan right unspeakable hey call yourself hey listen listen it's okay though I'm here to save you guys oh I'm here to save you guys how long have you guys been here call it put the stick down put the stick down hi human hi build Lego boat and save you I give you I give you I give you a home gone gone gone you are you hungry oh yes oh it's good yes what is that all right yeah what is this is there a video on here uh-huh you made a video huh what happens to them how long have you guys been on this island oh gosh okay I'm gonna teach these guys how to speak English again this is not good okay so apparently they gave me an SD card which has a video on it let's go ahead and roll this video and see what's on it all right Gabe we're here on this island we gotta find food shelter don't really see anything right now but find something probably should have brought it and should have brought more than just a 10 we'll check in back with you guys leave yeah let's go that way hi I'd like three water bottles they're gonna like the first two our where are we going anyway just making a path I mean are we going in circles if you're watching this please send help [Music] the only source of water around here is our sweat I think we're going to lo crazy gave a little more ants and bees keep attacking him you okay I don't know what to do well you lost your mind you guys want to like show me around the island like what are you sleep you had to you there's no way you guys didn't sleep okay I'll follow you oh my gosh there's so many fines I know you women have a stick what is there like wild animals on here okay yo there's a tire you guys put them in a car with this this is insane I'm like where do you guys what do you guys eat right there you eat there they have absolutely no idea what I'm doing they've forgotten how to speak quite I don't eat grass we can catch some fish you know I will admit I still get a cell service out here so I think we'll be okay in this room you guys I mean other people have been on this island before so they still got a little bit of Sun sunk though they have not completely lost their minds I have a little worried maybe if I talked to like they talked to me they'll understand so you lost sleep loss where you're lost uh what do you mean we came and right then we're like literally right there I don't remember where they slept and you believe this I'm wearing flip-flops flip-flops good sleep hello I think this is where they sleep okay this makes sense it's a little bit a little darker shaded over here the grounds a little soft let me just say that I do not understand anything they're saying I want to take them back to the shore cuz I do a little bit of a prize for them I think if these boys get some food in their mouth we will be back to normal hey you guys want to follow me hey follow me I got a present for you guys a gift a gift you see something okay follow me follow me oh my gosh wait am I even come come let's get back to the shore guys honestly if I were you guys I would have stayed on shore the whole time because going in deep into these woods not fun I know you guys probably can't even understand what I'm saying but I'd rather present for you after I give you guys this present I'm gonna get you guys off this island we're going home boys all right boys we're back eyes are you guys all right check this out I brought you guys something look at this now you don't have to hold the machete anymore we got some fishing rods no no it's a fishing rod it gets your fish out in the water yeah use it so you have the rod down in there you're gonna go ahead and do that and look there's a button right here you're gonna press that and then you press this button shoot yeah look at that she's gonna wait for a fish to reel it in with this one right here look you're really right in super easy to use and you do it again and on an iPhone like seven days ago I don't get how this is so amazing be careful because they have hooks on them so you can actually catch fish and they have will be on the inside too huh there you go James now just wait you gotta be patient you gotta be patient it takes time to catch some fish named the far out there you'll hit a fish like all the way out there James's fishing over here you guys really don't remember me and speakable to speakable merch unspeakable yeah you used to wear this for all the videos yeah I don't really knows we do these boys I think they're kind of helpless I think I need to take them back to actual plan let's go a five-star restaurant all right you guys like sushi yeah where do you want to go we have a boat we can get home we mean we can leave hey look it's stuck on a branch we're gonna get in this boat okay I built it to save you guys all right you guys hop in hop in don't move it just happened don't break my boat don't break my boat I'm gonna take you guys home we're gonna sleep in a bed all right boys [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 29,899,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: s8_WVWtBPn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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