Visiting 3 Tropical Fish Farms in 24 Hours!

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what's for breakfast jimmy what's for breakfast we're gonna go get something [Music] we are leaving sunny seattle headed for rainy miami [Applause] [Music] is corey back there he's in the back yeah there's our driver emily with the co-op shirt that's right [Music] [Music] so i'm here at watley discus with my buddy jimmy now what a lot of people don't know is i bought discus from jack watley back in the late 70s early 80s and it was always my let's call it my childhood dream to visit watley discus see his these are obviously wild wilds down here some more wild ones up here a lot of heckles in here some crosses so uh one thing off the list now jimmy dream come true yeah there you go [Music] what do you think this got to be like a 50 gallon or 60 gallon breeder type size and where would you see this in a wholesale situation hardly ever right sediment filter maybe [Music] [Music] what's got going on there looking you're at at fish farm and you're looking at plants yeah [Music] it follows you everywhere it follows me where are we here we go we're at the neighborhood fish farm in miami florida i think it's semi-retail all outdoor ponds concrete ponds mostly there are some plastic tubs and plastic tanks it's warm out here very warm corey knows more about these they're food fish yeah they said they're a white meat um catfish that gives about six feet long when they're young they have teeth when they're older they lose their teeth and just feed off of algae and stuff oh wow [Music] has anything changed that's your last being here not really no no yeah same layout like that stuff i mean a little bit of the fish change a little bit but it's still hot oh did they sell the artwork i think so that's why that's going to be oh i don't like that one right there you like this one it's kind of like that i kind of like that one but it's too crazy a little bit wow that that was pretty cool it looks pretty good that was that was a nice one well hello my name is orion welcome to neighborhood fish farm we've been here since 1971. family's been here since 1965. the bradwell blue snails are registered actually created on this farm back in the late 70s early 80s i believe um that was open retail seven days a week eleven till five you can walk around stroller friendly wheelchair accessible definitely throughout the whole farm so everybody in your family can get an experience we have a years and endless years of knowledge with carolyn christie ali asked for any of them well thank you very much you're unnatural man so you get to pet the dojo loaches while you're here just come on the club right there don't do that they come out here and they just hang out and eat out your hands awesome [Music] if i was setting up africans and i was bringing something home it'd be red front nose and stuff yeah black widow frontosa yeah they're cool [Music] pause previous shows [Music] finally just got here first spawn collecting let me fix my cpl real quick parked on the side of the road here i think we're in mar-a-lago corey's already wanting to get in the water i could already see some fish here on the sides looking good that's got to be going right now yeah i ain't going in the water we had a gentleman just tell us that uh there's a gator in stealth mode walking around so we gotta look for air bubbles who looks tastier me or corey well i'm tastier for sure how dare you it's not quite as warm as peru here's the first fish jimmy you wanna pull the net out out of the water yeah it's an apisto i have no idea what it is ready jimmy i mean i don't even know what they are to protect the bridge is there peacock what's the purple one anybody want a crayfish anyone want a crayfish oh there's a jewel fish right here that's a jewel fish yep this is a mayan cichlid and this is another jewel fish he's just not as mature as this guy oh there we go wow that's the best colored one i've seen so far for sure there's dual cichlid oh yeah this is great get in on it jimmy look at that thing oh my goodness yeah that thing's right wow that's the one making the babies oh that's right jake [Laughter] just uh like an uncolored one of those there's these two i will bet you i don't know here's what that in there okay fuel sicker than one of cory's pawns the muscle here's the dead all right bigger than we want to ship though the biggest of the big dang that's those are the biggest male female pair probably i guess let's see let's see it oh wow here dude yeah we're keeping these i've been filming a lot of the plants oh wow rotala i'm pretty sure that's rotala looks like it's huh yeah pull it out i'll plant it right back in there here's another super nice red one with the babies i got dad with babies i think so the water from where you are right there where it's at your knees to here i'm standing against the bottom yeah like a three foot drop yes i stepped right here and went right there let's check out dad here or whatever it's gonna be right here there's lots of babies in there but then bright red wow that's probably the reddest so far he gets more red and red what's that in the book we want a bunch of babies to go with it because there's a bunch in here yeah we'll put them in the auction a lot of snails too huh yeah but you can see all the babies hopping hopping babies those might be too small as yeah here we go here's another beautiful bright bright red one are we getting any females looks like it looks like i got them look at that yeah so even in the wild the snails are attaching themselves to sales the uh ballast and area i'm eating here's the flowering uh lilies beautiful yeah [Applause] okay i got the biggest ever i don't know zenzo is this the same as what you got looks like it yeah what do you think so far zenzo yeah yeah it's dope i didn't want to keep any of the fish yeah i'm already thinking like how can i keep all the fish it's time for a commercial dean hey extreme these these jewel cichlids in the canal are raised on crew flakes that's a pretty good one i think it's a pair ooh you do have a pair yeah that's a pair what looks super red well wow that's pretty rad they're right you know what i don't think anyone's gonna want them after we breed them but man do they look good i'm not sure what this is super red purple put them all in the bucket and then that scoop up some water put them right back [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] gonna die i lost it no all right so zenzo trying to fly under the bridge do it the other way be easier and corey's trying to retrieve it off as the business expense [Applause] that's not looking good oh we got another helper here take your hat could you see anything when you're in the water i opened my eyes it's definitely mercury i'm nervous oh yeah yeah i got some roots here what is that uh gruffalo if anybody has fish yell and someone will take it or throw back we have fish we gotta get what do you guys end up getting a lot of jewel cichlids okay me too yeah we got some protein grommies one i think one molly's there's a stick there's a cigarette in here okay probably uh mayan or spotted filament no it wasn't a mayan you have your little glass thing uh that's not a cigarette that's something yeah that's a good looking fish yeah bluegill yeah this is my first row done with spot number one we only lost one drone three spots three drones that we're going for [Music] this guy's like a sheep dog the way he hurts [Music] okay i remember you're banning this idea [Music] uh i know that guy's looking for blue [Music] here we go again you got a bucket cory awesome all right we're really deep in the wild today got dean collecting right next to the wilderness here's what i'm flying home with for my tanganyikan tank oh uh the kabamba flotala look how beautiful that is a little bluefin killing that's a nice little male yeah it yeah whoa i got something long and skinny [Music] anybody want those no that's a darter yeah look how neon green that kabamba is [Music] got it okay let me get the cool one for you here hang on jimmy here we go oh yeah that guy oh yeah [Music] he's live you're not the cameraman now we're on take three and that has to be the weirdest place i've ever collected fish right over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i hope that you enjoyed this compilation of our trip to florida the american library association was quite gracious to host us and i can speak for the entire team at aquarium co-op when i say that we had a blast make sure to check out our videos on the summerland fish farm tour as well as a visit to bad fish florida's aquarium store also stay tuned for more upcoming content thanks for watching and we'll catch you on the next one [Music] yes i am a terrible drone pilot obviously as i crashed that one into the canal but i did get a new one so no worries
Channel: Aquarium Co-Op
Views: 106,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aquarium Co-Op, #aquariumcoop, Community Aquarium, Fish and Aquaria, Aquaria, fish farm, fish farm tour, aquarium fish farm, collecting fish, collecting wild fish, catching fish, catching aquarium fish, catching wild aquarium fish, american livebearer association
Id: YDOdV0cUxbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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