*STUNNING* African Cichlid Fish Farm

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in real life that fish looks like literally like a painting this is one of our Eureka red breeders only seven people have them that we sold them to you can see that one started to get more prominent let's have three different types of bows ma I growing those we've probably got 30 types of rainbow these are going to be our breeders here only a few people in the US have this fish come from a big river system it's a big fish he doesn't like people being around the retain a great fish for for African Pink's I really enjoy and feel like it's a privilege to be able to do this you know for a living I love it I'm out here today in Imperial tropicals with Mike droughty you guys may know them for their African cichlids but they got a lot more so heading into the greenhouse one you said this is yeah this is the one of the reading rooms and the fire rooms I don't know if you just man you feel that he's rolling out the greenhouse number one this is where we we keep some of the African cichlids that we breed and a lot of the fryer kept in this room it's very hot in here so be ready so we'll net out some fish we'll do some fish that is pretty new to the AVI right now because only southern people have them that we sold them to but it's the albino Turkish peacock and [Music] this is some of the adults right here [Music] you know beautiful fish right there and we see the blue blue on the face like the beautiful fish we we started reading the Turkish about two years ago and we started getting a few albinos from home and we sorted them out I haven't think albino fish I really like them I've got a lot of different albino fish that we work on like our binder red empress is another one that's one of my favorite but the strain you developed here in house and appeal tropical yes diner turkish yes yeah yeah the turkish peacock is not a very common one to start with and then i have yet to see anybody with albinos yet so we were kind of excited to start getting some of those these are some albino plain backs this is a Victorian look that we're working on I see what they call the point bag oh yeah so we have an eye area I strain that we breathe also which is very similar for this except those aren't albino madoka white lips this is another one that is really really popular for all male peacock tanks there's some young breeders and they got some big white lips and when they get bigger those lips become more prominent like see that one's starting to get more prominent on that one how big the biggest we my original Merrill which I'll show you in a room when we go to because I have him in an aquarium we just kind of you know retarding because he was getting kind of a hump on his back from this old age but he's probably about eight inches you know a lot of new projects in here so this is the traversée right here this is a mbuna that really really nice you got three demoulas in house you breed hats and peacocks also yes and most of your breeding is to take place I don't know maybe take a look the part later footage but post your breeding do you do it out in the pond here or door store yeah they they don't do as well breeding in the pond some types do take off like the Victorian cichlids some of those guys breed like rabbits in the ponds but the mabu knows don't do very well and the peacocks will breed out there but you just don't get that many survival because the other fish meeting the fry so you might have you know you're first-generation a lot of babies growing off and then as they continue you've read the other fisher or test from the baby mostly growing out [Music] Wow and I've been working with dirt so when people look at my we're out there redoing some of the farm before the rainy season gets I know you live here on property too right yes yeah oh he's kind of doing somebody both the pool but you're always working on fish dog home tub all blended together it's one big one big family so yeah I live right in the middle of property and you know I'm you know fishes you know what I love you know I really enjoy and feel like it's a privilege to be able to do this you know for a living I love it wow these this is a new strain of flavor scent that we started reading cos the old strain actually never took them to market because I was not real happy with the strain they did not have that I really look for so you know when we get a new strain of fish it takes us a long time to to breed on get them up the size and then sometimes we're not happy with the quality you know so we'll we'll actually not take those to market and so we find a better strain and we do bring in quite a few wild stock a lot of nice potential start book you have a lot of yellow on the side a really nice fish it talked to me up near you so you collect some of the fry you stick them in some of these yes fire for the first time first a little bit first couple days they'll be in the in the box here the albino fish actually never go to the pond they know they'd never do well in a pond so a lot of the albino fish are grown up in sight he's looked like some albinos that she pulled yesterday actually no this is the flower scent that just light-colored so we'll collect off right here and then I have another staging area when they leave here they're only here for a couple days and until they absorber egg sack and then they go to another grow out these on the back here district jumping for jumping sometimes sunlight gets really intense in some areas and we'll start getting a lot of algae the MAV owners like it they'll eat it but the Peacocks it will start drawing filamentous algae so will will kind of move these around because of that we have shade cloth on the building but if you allow just full Sun then it's going to allow too much sunlight in the building and you're going to get negative effects on the on the algae so this is one of our Eureka red breeders here they look like they look fake like in real life I don't how can I come up on camera but in real life you look like marble eat glass like fake yeah so perfect yes no it's like salt water tight colors we got quite a few empties down here we do have some shallow sea bees right here these guys are showing some good color we're starting to breed more more mabu nose because just everybody daphnia's too so the next six months you'll see a lot of new pipes in the Lunas coming out from us also on the peacocks and HAP's like we're just continuing to expand in these in these Bruce because they're so colorful like you were talking about you know there's a nice nice smell starting to get some really good fellow so we've been breeding African cichlids I was say in the early 80s he's sort of reading the you know ones that are kind of common now like the news - Sokoloff I read zebra yellow labs to poke support days Livingstone I was probably about 15 or 20 tights that we bred and you know I was young I was in fact I wasn't even involved in the fish back then I didn't really get I mean I had duties and stuff and I helped take care of the fish but I never knew that there were so many different varieties of African cichlids and really until I got back into the Hobby when I got out of military in 2002 - I said I want to learn everything that I can if I'm gonna do this you know as a job I want to be the best at it that I can and and since then you know we really targeted fish that are not commonly bred and now most of the more basic types we don't breed we have local people that were friends with that breed a lot of the you know what I would consider bread-and-butter stuff you know I still read some of the news too because I like to grow them up big people like males you know but I don't breed a lot of them you know this is another new one that that's really looking hot be observe couple chromis yeah see that fish I don't know it's coming on camera but in real life that fish looks like literally like a like a painting like a glass painting like marble oh it's gorgeous stunning he's the dominant one of the tank and even a sub dominance on believe I'm drink arla which and a tank this big this is the 200 gallon tank you'll have we try to have about you know three to four feet Mel's and then about you know six females to every male that kind of spreads out the aggression and each one of those metals will have a different area in the tank to breathe yeah the burial vaults casket yeah they last forever some of these be paths over you know 30 years so so this is a new room that you know it's almost 2 years old now but we put in some new tanks so most of these are four so I do have some in here that are for future breeders but let's take a look with the zebra bleep is right here this big of markets yeah I don't know if you can get them before he goes underneath the slate right now these are not these are going to be our breeders here we've got more coming in from cell or cell from a friend of mine through them up to the size when I first got on they were like this most two in here I know I have six okay that's a super rare fish that were super excited about breeding we've bred a lot of hype ancestry is before in the past I've never grown out zebras I've had them for years and usually just sold on but now we're ready to start breeding I got the space the tanks so some redheaded top hose these are actually for sell some to itch and you know when they're this size they don't look stunning but when they get about three four inches they're stunning that's a beautiful fish so people that are in the South Americans I like gif Vegas the redheaded chopper Papa Joe's or the one of my favorites this is another Gio Figgis type that's super rare these going to be for future breeders this is the Geo Vegas artist thickness and to think about the artistic this is only a few people in the US have this fish because of the rarity of it very seldom is that ever brought in from the wild so I was lucky enough to get some from a friend of mine that brought them in and actually had success reading them so these are EFT ones so we're hoping to have success reading these guys yeah yeah the common name would be Blue Book below us we have some clown butchers and on my B's I'm showing these guys off it's because we're really proud of our clown loaches being very healthy when we send them out by Eagle sometimes quarantine these guys for over a month before they ever leave our facility and that is something that that's a fish that is typically when it's sold it's not quarantined and treated properly so a lot of people have health issues with them when they first receive them but we do a really good job taking care of those guys there's that no he's he's old though he's I've had him for a long time and one of my original original metals and my previous times out here pasture yeah yeah this is a Cuban cichlid this is a male that I grew up for pitchers and I've liked the fish so much that we're going to start breeding them because they're just really really nice fish yeah he does he doesn't like people being around the team a really nice fish yeah we got some firecrackers Orpheus Chum Chum boys really nice to Orpheus one of my favorites they're just now starting to get really good color but really shy when you first walk up there some peacock gun gems this is another one that we haven't started selling them yet because they just haven't looked 100% yet but we've had them for over a month they seem to be meeting really well now and I think a lot better so hopefully we'll start you know doing some of these these are these would do good with rainbowfish they come from the same area yeah panda gars one of my favorites or the like little mini mouse you know or you know the like super energetic they'll actually climb out of the team yes yes because they do climb great algae cleaner they don't get very big this is a new tetra this is the phoenix tetra and this is another one that we've had a long time when they came in they're really small well we have you know we grew them up to get good photographs of them a lot of times when we get small fish end they don't have any color we won't sell them until we actually grow them out yeah make sure they're the right fish get a good photograph because you know if you take a picture of just a little silver fish it has absolutely no color you know nobody wants you know to buy it so when you grow the fish out make sure it's the right fish and it looks like wow look at that fish and we can show people what they look like you know so we like to like doing that the tetra kolos those are centered on two spatulas those guys are really popular great fish for the african thinks this is the bottom cleaners that we recommend you know the center bounces got fish or african peacock things a lot of people like putting the bushy nose or sucker fish in their butt and they have success so we don't you know tell people it's impossible but you know we like having fish that are compatible with success is going to be much better when you do that yeah talk to me about these sponge filters this kind of side here so this is like a sponge yeah yeah so basically I'll show you actually they're gonna get a little bit wild up they'll be okay so we have the the air sponge has got a 90 degree elbow with coals drilled in it so when it pushes the air up there's holes in the pipe that's pulling everything into the sponge so we've been using home you'll see them in our vats to bigger bigger setups like that and we like it first of all if you have a fish room that's got a lot of tanks you need to run a a central air pump because you hang on the backs or canister filters for 50 thanks you this is the electricity alone would be affordable so by having a central air pump like we do for all our rooms we're running one air pump and we're able to run several hundred tanks out one air palm these were the Malawi Hawks the wrists of chrome assist I and these are some grow outs that we have we're getting asked to do a lot of predator haps so we have a lot growing up and that will be we'll be doing a lot of predator HAP's in the future those were the they look like front toasters but they stay considerably smaller but that's the neo lamp or logos cephalus no they're all get stripes okay so the some of them are just getting the stripes earlier than others but no they'll all get stripes the male's will have a little bit more blue and collar but not much both of them look really nice so really nice thing and again yeah that's the triple red rocket orgs and the vistas or we can't keep keep them in stock fast enough they're really popular people people like their apistogramma 's and we're working on a lot of new types of those guys too so we do a lot of Tropius in this section there's probably 12 tanks of Tropius here we've got some of the fire crackers readers in that pink cherry spot red saddle Kaiser - another fire crackers Bimbo's we got some wild clock fun closely with them now these are the breeders yeah so we do have quite a bit of lots a claw today we have a couple hundred riding in the dole those guys are really nice see the big job run baby right there so we have Annette's custom-made to fit the burial vaults I really like it for the fry and it's a little bit cooler on this room - is luteus from Uruguay these are something you want to know that's been our reading project we really haven't been working with them we've just been housing them because I have future plans on doing a big tank just for them so I think I have a pretty good idea on how to breed them but I need a little bit different setup yeah yeah yeah these fish actually had actually went down to South America to learn more about them so we went to where they come from in the wild and actually collected on and you know was able to learn about their habitats and they come from a big river system that's a big fish that's why the top ten on that fish is about eight inches long you know so I just see it off a div bigger setup with faster current and I think you could get on the breed peacock bass yeah Azul he caught actually got some whip tail cat subtle beating in that paint those are from Uruguay a lot of the fire kept in these tubs when we pull the mops a little little fly right there we feed them green bring water when they're small like that yeah we actually in the 2017 you have the hurricane and it did a lot of damage to our building so we've redone most of them but there's still signs of the damage from the green [Music] stunning well actually have you some of the preachers that won't be saw in the real okay well actually have three different types of Bozeman i drawing up so some three different locations yeah some have more yellow some have more blues some have more red I mean they're all found you know within a hundred miles of each other I would say but they're isolated from each other because of the terrain so those mountains and and maybe this Creek will have this particular boesemani and 30 miles away another Creek will have a slightly different those model so this is our breeding room we also have fish per cell and these tanks a lot of the rainbow fish we keep in here because it's temperature control so we're the greenhouses that Bachchu eights we still have tons of rainbows in the greenhouse but this is kind of like a staging area before we sell a lot of the rainbows those are the Gorter rivers that's really nice those nose and really started to get some color we really like rainbow fish that's one reason I went to that trip to New Guinea or Papua to collect new types of rainbow fish I have a 125 set up I had no peacocks in it for a long time and then about maybe three months ago I set it up as a rainbow team so now got rainbows at home that is a breathing tear some albino millenniums so it does a this is like the the red millennium but there are finals are like oranges yeah you have really popular fish for all mel rainbow tanks and then the camasta Dorf rainbows those guys are real popular really really like this fish and it was new to us we've been selling it for about six months and we just fell in love with them because just really nice colors they don't get very big so just a great rainbow this is a new rainbow and see I don't have much follow at this size but this is a super rare one right here that not very many people have in the US yeah justify side rainbow where's it from it's from Papua also yeah all the rainbows come from the northern Australia and all the way into Papua New Guinea and Papua there's a big island north of Australia and that's pretty much with all the rainbow fish were found these guys got a little shot and we walked up there but that's a breeding group of Bolivian Rams really nice fish really peaceful fish here's a pair of some severum some turkey sevens again they're pretty pretty shy you don't have food in your hand yes yeah that's the triple bread toys these guys are also going to hi this is a future breeding group of the buffalo head there's also real popular they get a big hump on their head like a five hundos okay they look really nice this is the Watauga as you can see a male starting to get nice yellow right there in the back these pink friend Gary Lane who's like world-famous for rainbow fish a lot of his strains going and he's been a lot of help making sure we you know have the right names and get good strains of a rainbow get it right directly yeah this is a these are also real poplar the shell dwellers this is the multi classy otters so they have their babies and the shells and that's how they take pill and you can see some babies hanging out inside the cage like the shell Darrell is a really popular from Blair rainbows this is another nice one this this fish is named after heiko Blair who's a famous explorer for fish I think you may have more rainbow fish varieties than I've never seen any one place before man yeah I mean how many I mean even rainbow fries you get at least a dozen Oh more know there's probably we probably got thirty types of rainbows [Music] some German blue Rams those were real popular you see the mills popping them in the back [Music] electric blue Rams this is another new rainbow fish this is the upper root River upper Catherine river and it's an undescribed so it just has the location but I don't know how well it's gonna show on the camera of a really beautiful fish that's got a lot of purple on it about those guys this big guy right here that said the merest sip with soma from the ergh way my son Spencer Jack brought these back to us we actually have a bunch of them and I've actually got him in here for photographs so then letting him settle down and and working off cuz a lot of times when you take the fish out to put them in a photograph tank they lose all our color so a lot of fish off stage in here just to let them get their colors back and then I'll take photographs of them in the tank you this is another pretty rare fish kind of hiding in the back I think we got some bigger ones this is the Frick these McKinley are so this is also a super rare fish these are from Mexico and they're come from one little area that is threatened from environmental issues so we had a scientist from Texas I did like several years worth of research on this fish and he asked us to breed it to preserve the fish for the hobby in case one day they were extinct in the wild that they would be still I don't have any lights on this tank unfortunately but yeah that's the winemiller ID yeah the big probably ten inches from most one day I'll have a light on this tank and really sure them for what they are there's two pairs of discus and we actually were throwing them out hoping that would clear off and they have carried off and you can see eggs on the one slate right there that they're protecting but what schools they scare it off at the same pattern yeah let's kiss are incredibly hard for us to read because they require a lot of soft water and it's hard for us because our water source is very hard so we have to use make RO water for the discus and it takes a lot of our water to the districts outside of the room there's all done manually the other side of the room we have valves underneath each tank in fact that they can look out there so people could understand what I'm talking about so basically if we wanted to do a 50% water change on this we have a valve that is actually calmed down to the very bottom of the rack and all we have to do is turn the valve and drain the tank down so it's really made water changes so this one right there right bring to that standpipe okay then we'll stir things up there's still some vacuuming that's done but not nearly as much ready there's one hundred and fifty seven ponds total on the property so there's 20 acres and pretty much the entire property is surrounded by ponds so we're getting fresh dirt in right here to repair some of the roads before the rainy season gets here but but yeah that's where the fish go after we breed them even the rainbow fish the Africans everything goes out to the pond there's only a few fish that do not go to the pond and that would be like the Petronius types some reason they don't do well we put you know ponds with with fry in it and we never get very many back same thing with the bushy no split goes they don't do well in the ponds neither so so those fish cherry shrimp is another one we have a one greenhouse dedicated to shrimp those shrimp do not go to the ponds so mostly rainbow fish South America and Central American cichlids Africans all those once they breathe so where are you guys at in terms of yeah there's fish in there right now like right now and spring we're coming out of winter time so we're trying to turn over as many pods as we can and set up with fresh babies so that's what you see them out there doing right now with the pump behind us is they're cleaning out ponds and making them ready for a new batch of fish to go out you know so right now it's the breeding season we're trying to breed as many as we can because once this coming winter starts the breeding pretty much stops you know once it gets cold so we're very dependent on the weather you know so when it's hot fish for breeding we do have some breeding rooms that we breed year round in but it's a much better when all these fish in the greenhouses and everywhere it's breeding yeah yeah you see the little one he's about to go under yeah how close he lets his gaze so you try to remove them only when they get big will remove them we have a permit to remove if they get big but the small guys date they normally eat crayfish snakes you know and there's quite a few yeah that's a plate in Oman the papi right now
Channel: Wild Fish Tanks
Views: 1,435,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aquarium, wild fish, wild fish tank, wild fish tanks, fish tank, aquarium fish, fish aquarium, tropical fish, freshwater fish, pet fish, freshwater aquarium, aquarium channel, fish farm tour, florida fish farm tour, tropical fish farm tour, fish farm, african cichlid fish farm, aquarium fish farm, cichlid fish farm, cichlid fish farm florida, florida fish farm, imperial tropicals fish farm, imperial tropicals tour, imperial tropicals, imperial tropicals cichlids
Id: KgHXSebrwLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 42sec (2142 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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