Visit the Home of Molly Brown — Survivor Of The Titanic

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[Music] the house was originally built in 1889 so it's 123 years old the Browns were not the first family to live here however they moved here in 1894 when the house was five years old it remained in the family from the time they bought it in 1894 until mrs. brown's death in October 1932 at that time all of the contents every single thing was sold it in a state sale and the house itself was sold to pay estate expenses so the house was sold out of the family it became a boarding house for men and a home for wayward girls not simultaneously it was going to be torn down in 1970 to become a parking lot 18 private denver citizens got together to raise the money and save it from the wrecking ball they founded an organization called historic denver which over the course of the last 42 years has become one of the largest nonprofit citizen's preservation groups in the country the wall and ceiling covering in this room are original they date to the homes construction in 1889 they're not metal you guys they're a kind of wall paper called anaglypta this house was built with electricity for illumination it never used gas this house was built with central heat and this house was built with the most convenient of the modern conveniences plumbing thank you the stained glass window on the west wall is original we have five stained-glass windows in the house three of the five have survived the past 123 years intact of course most people have only a cursory knowledge of mrs. Brown remember her as a survivor of the sinking of RMS Titanic Titanic of course sank on Monday morning April 15 19:12 in the icy waters of the North Atlantic at about 2:20 a.m. mrs. Brown was one of 700 survivors over 1500 died she grew up to be a lifelong campaigner for women's suffrage started the first juvenile court system with west of the Mississippi right here in Denver with the help of her friend the very controversial judge van Lindsay I seated in the platform rocker is JJ brown God love him the guy had names James Joseph but he usually went by JJ he was born in Wayne County Pennsylvania in 1854 very much a self-made man he left home in the early 1870s still a teenager and moved west to the Black Hills of South Dakota where he became a silver miner outside of Deadwood but he apprenticed himself to a mining engineer and in 1880 he left South Dakota for Aspen Colorado where he got his first job as JJ Brown mining engineer after four years there he moved to Leadville where it was really happening and got hired by ibex mining company the very same ibex mining company of which he would become part owner nine years later standing next to him is Margaret and Tobin TOB i-n Brown born July 18th 1867 in Hannibal Missouri as I mentioned she was the fourth of six children of John and Joanna Tobin she was still living at home with her mama and daddy in Hannibal in January 1886 at the ripe old age of eighteen and a half when she received a letter from Linville it was from her older brother Dan Dan Tobin had been living and working in Leadville as a silver miner for about a year and enclosed in the letter to his younger sister was cash cash for her to use for train fare to come to Leadville to find herself a husband thank you very much she got herself on that train she got herself up to Leadville she met JJ and June at a Catholic Church picnic and she married him on September 1st in that same Catholic Church just six weeks after her 19th birthday can I get a hallelujah son Larry was born 14 months later in November 1887 daughter Helen seated under Papa's lap was born in April 1889 coincidentally the same time this house was completed but remembered the family did not move down here to Denver tell Helen in the house were five-years-old number one right here with the robin's egg blue brocade is Helens room the Brown's daughter the dark green bedroom that you come to next is mrs. brown's bedroom it's the only room in the house with a wall-to-wall carpet across the hall with the seafoam green brocade is mr. Brown's bedroom it's the largest bedroom in the house the only one with a fireplace and yes they had separate bedrooms this tiny bedroom we called the Tobin Room it's where her mama and daddy John and Joanna Tobin lived her daddy died in this room in 1899 her mom Joanna died at st. joseph´s in 1905
Channel: The Denver Post
Views: 3,216,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube, newsvideo, Margaret Brown (Disaster Survivor), Film (Media Genre), RMS Titanic (Ship), Educational Film (Film Genre)
Id: V_UhQi07jAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2012
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