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good day my friends we are back in Detroit and we are at one of my all-time favorite museums one of the coolest history museums in the United States hey in the world Henry Ford's Museum of American innovation days with Jordan the lion it begins right now and before you go inside they have a big statue Henry Ford definitely a guy who makes my everyday life much easier I don't know how I would ever do this job if I didn't have my own vehicle to drive me around places soon as you enter the museum you got to love this they have the Cornerstone that was dedicated by Thomas Edison Henry Ford's best friend the footprints are still up there his signature is up there and the shovel still in the concrete first car we're looking at is Ronald Reagan's 1972 Lincoln limo steeline first used by President Nixon provided refuge for Ronald Reagan in 1981 after he was shot by would be assassin John hinley like all presidential cars after President Kennedy's assassination it's completely armored closed car with permanent roof and bulletproof glass pretty cool collection we're going to see today 1981 that was the year I was born just give you a view of the whole car of course they rushed him into it get him to the hospital Katie has found the one of the most famous pieces here the Kennedy limo people always like to comment and say basically there's nothing original left of this car that they took it all down to nothing for the investigation that's the car our president President John F Kennedy was shot while traveling in a motor Cade in this car in Dallas supposedly by Lee Harvey Oswald here's a picture of him we go over and match up the side he was on says modern new four-door convertible seemed well suited to a young Forward Thinking president the tragedy struck when President Kennedy was assassinated in November of 1963 while riding in this car through the streets of Dallas Texas 1961 Lincoln right here here J isn't this mind-blowing to see have a photo right behind us of earlier in the day obviously of JFK going through the streets of Dallas and he's out of the side up through the sunroof in that photo he's right here you can see right over here he's on that side but then he would be on the other side when Jackie was in the car right there just makes it feel way too real then of course that image of Jackie crawling out of the back of it down here at the very bottom Katy was pointing out to me where it says that it's been repainted because President Johnson um said the rubber tires were damaged and President Johnson insisted that the entire car be painted black so it was originally at that time that's why people kind of question whether this was the real car or not because the car that Kennedy's in was blue time we have a whole freaking McDonald's setup in here with a big giant sign but on the other side of this display they have a diner inside of that train car there's a studa baker 1951 studa Baker lamby's [Music] Diner we're kind of hungry other words you can check it out inside the train car got ourselves a couple of drinks ordered our food thank you you're welcome enjoy thank you they had a very limited menu but what was on their menu I had to go for Sloppy Joe I love the heavily decorated wagons from before cars they're showing here early public [Music] transportation over here we have Dwight D Eisenhower's bubbletop 1950 Lincoln said it was a stylish car to see and be seen in says it was a new era and the old Fleet of presidential cars was looking decidedly at a date president tman first rode this flashy convertible after it was delivered to the White House along with nine closed limousines in 1950 President Eisenhower later had the car fitted out with a removable plexiglass top that allowed him to see and be seen in bad weather soon became the bubble top was what it was known for yeah he loved to pop out of there and wave to people very cool look at that that is pretty awesome this was also John F Kennedy's presidential car until the 1961 Lincoln was delivered look at this another presidential car the sunshine special 1939 Lincoln Franklin Roosevelt FDR says the White House staff sent five pages of special instructions with the order this new presidential vehicle a World War was looming and added security was crucial even more security features were added in 1942 after Pearl Harbor was bombed they made it also taking into consideration that his legs had become paralyzed so they needed the uh doors to be a little bit bigger pretty cool car they do have a picture of FDR in the car sitting in this car kind of a closeup see he's in it right there that is Teddy Roosevelt's Carriage 1902 Broham An Elegant carriage for the rich and Powerful President Roosevelt was not fond of automobiles and very rarely used one he preferred the old-fashioned style of horong carriage for public parades and outings this luxurious Broham or brome maybe it says two passengers could sit in privacy inside with a Coachman out front that drove the horses it was designed closer to the ground than most carriages so passengers could easily get in and out wow hard top look at this they got a holiday in display they have a steam locomotive over here they also have one here that would pull everything else that was like coaches which I think that is really interesting and fascinating to see it's an alagan steam engine the largest of its time they used it did for military purposes for transporting troops and military equipment but once diesel became the thing they retired all of them they had made you can actually go up there and walk through it so this one you'll notice it has several different names on it like right here it says the president that was its final name that they gave it naming it after president Herbert Hoover but before that it was Named Sam Hill which you'll see right over here who is one of Henry Ford's main mechanics that would work on this but this actually was a a train car that they used to haul the presidential party to the opening of this Museum and then the train car was retired after that so they actually have the car they actually have have the Caboose to where you can get up there and kind of look inside National Historic vehicle register this car the 1952 Hornet is now part of it it says that is a 1931 Bugatti Royale that is a dusenberg model J fenberg built only 481 model JS between 1920 and 1935 no two are identical because independent coach Builders crafted each body to the buyer specific specifications is it the world's finest car one thing is certain the model j will always be in the running the 1956 Continental Mark 2 William Clay Ford revives a tradition of Excellence one of the very first cars 1899 Dua trap cars of this area usually look like squarish horsedrawn buggies Charles durio was inspired by more graceful curves of Victorian Carriage it says this was Henry Ford's wife's car 1914 Dori electric model 47 there for drove this Detroit Electric in the years before World War I many women chose Electric elect cars because they started instantly without hand cranking and had no difficult to shift transmission so the superintendent of the Detroit Electric Factory employed his daughter Lillian Reynolds to sell to women including Clara Ford who drove this car into the 1930s very cool here's the Edo of course edel Ford one of the Ford family members this was his brainchild they're saying on here that Wise Guys used to say that this car looked like a Buick sucking a lemon it did not like the throwback body style 1958 car looking like kind of a 30s car they said School Bus anyone wow 1927 school bus and an actually says huh this could be the oldest surviving American School Bus how about that if you lived in Fort Valley Georgia you might have arrived to school in this bus I had not seen this the last time I was here I didn't make it back to this corner but Katie and I were looking at some cars and I saw this and I go wait a minute whoa whoa whoa wait a minute on the road I go is this Charles Coral's car oh yeah baby that was what he toured around in some of the time look at that right there on the left that is so cool novel idea when Charles CT's boss said yes either imagine that on the road would last 27 years this is the last of several motor homes that carried a three-man TV crew on America's back roads where they took time to meet people listen to Yarns and feel the seasons change the show featured C all superbly crafted stories about ordinary people who are often quite extraordinary here's a photo of the inside that said the crew modified the interior creating secured storage for their equipment film they never stayed overnight in the motor home it was just serving as a rolling Studio this is so cool to see this is so cool cuz Charles caral was like the early version of a travel vlogger really even Before He'll Hower Charles CRT was out there doing what I'm doing just going everywhere meeting anyone that he wants to meet and sharing his stories and sharing those people with the world Jerry uner motor company owned by Bobby uner famous race family this is really cool this 1935 Stage Coach travel trailer was a gift from Henry Ford to his pal Charles Lindberg in 1942 an American hero famous for making his first solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic Charles and his wife an used it as a home on the road and as a spare room and study at home an wrote the Steep Ascent here and Charles wrote portions of his peer prize winning book The Spirit of St Louis inside here how about that Bobby oner's race car how do you win the Pikes Peak inter interational Hill line 19 in a row 19 years you can see this display have it going uphill that is driver Bobby yenser's car for the Pikes Peak races says this is what's left of the worst crash in Indie 500 history first lap of the 1973 race David Walters car hit the outside walk exploded and overturned Walther suffered Burns and injuries to his hands but he recovered and returned to the race in 1974 dang lucky dude it's kind of cool this is Trevor Banes car he was the youngest racer to ever win Daytona 500 it's a day after his 20th birthday in 2011 and if you look at it you can still see all the confetti that was thrown on the car and Coca-Cola that was sprayed all over the car that's kept it made it stick signed by him and the pit crew so this car is pretty interesting this is the 1901 Ford sweep Stakes when Henry Ford first started an auto company it failed and he ended up rebuilding the company by this car helped him win a race that helped him Finance the second auto company which she left few months later started as third and that became the one that was successful he's using it to promote the company name this is the car that Barney olfield raced this was the 9.99 other people were afraid to drive their own machine so they'd hire a Fearless driver and he was the guy for this one Barney olfield he's a professional bicycle racer said although he' never driven a car Oldfield not only mastered it but also won his first race went on to become America's first nationally known racing hero there he is in that car 1919 Model T Ford here's a 56 Thunderbird with an old toll Booth right there little cool display that is the first band camper 1959 Volkwagen with f here's the 1986 Ford tus they're saying that people wanted something more futuristic looking so they came up with this and it was so futuristic looking that when they made RoboCop these were what they used for the futuristic looking cop cars this is one of my my favorite parts of the museum this room is all dedicated to the Declaration of Independence and they talk about how when it was originally written they had 200 exact copies made for educational purposes exactly replicating the size everything now only 30 exist and this is one of the 30 you can see John Hancock signature right there famous signature [Music] here on display they have a combination portable writing desk and copying press from 1787 that they attribute to the invention of Thomas Jefferson over here in this section it says by the end of the Revolutionary War no man was more admired than George Washington he had proven that he cared more for his men cared more for himself than he cared more for himself to his troops and officers then to the cheering crowds lining the streets Washington was a hero these are all part of his campsite from 1783 as the war wound down Washington used this mes kit specially made for him in New York and New England there's his bed how crazy is that folding camping bed of George Washington what use this between 1775 and 1780 this says this would have been the speaker of the Supreme Court speaker's chair in 1790 wow very very early days of our country there's a civil war drum that's the famous chair Fords theater chair that Abraham Lincoln is assassinated in you see all the discoloration everything can you imagine chair that he shot in by John W's [Music] Booth then they actually have glass on both sides so you can see both sides [Music] and of course after he was shot they took him across the street and he lied there until he died so there he is in his deathbed of course they were looking for Sean WS Booth this to me is just one of the most interesting things you can see in American history in a museum and then to think that it's in the same place with the Kennedy limo kind of [Music] mindblowing so now they have another really amazing piece of History we have to show you in the same area then what changed it all Rosa Parks the Rosa Parks bus the Montgomery city bus she is buried in Detroit so that's why it's here I think that's why it's here I mean I don't know if Henry Ford made arrangements or how that all worked but she's buried here and they do allow you to go on the bus you can enter the bus enter in the back take your photo in that exact seat but they they're still open are they around so all the front seats of course were whites only and when Rosa par went to sit down she sat here which was still a White's only seat so the bus driver was actually the one that made a big deal and was wanting her to move so it's that seat right there K sitting in the seat right now in the afternoon pass had there front of the seat I occupi was the first of the seat where the Negro passengers take as the on this route the driver noticed that the front of the bus was filled with white passengers and there would be two three men standing he looked back and asked to se where I had take them along with three other plac one in the seat with me and two across I seated he demanded the seat that we were occupying the other has very reluctantly gave up their seat but I refused to do so the driver said that if I refuse to leave the seet he would have to call the police and I told him call the police he did and when they they came they placed me under arrest going to get off the back now including uh colored only drinking [Music] fountain I love this this is an exploded Model T it shows you exactly how they were put together here they have Henry's assembly line says this is a kiosk from the IBM Pavilion of the 1964 New York World's Fair interesting wow says that this table right here and the side chair belonged to Abraham Lincoln both of these the table beneath the painting of Mark Dain was actually owned by Mark dway that was his table this was a portable writing deck of Edgar alen pose is this desk right here this a card table owned by John Hancock this is Henry Ford's violin collection he like to collect fiddles and good ones too says he moved to Detroit and focused on building a successful automobile company but by the mid 1920s he want to pick up an old habit playing the fiddle again so he went shopping for some violins but not just any fiddles he wanted the best violins he could afford so this is one of my favorite parts of the museum also I was telling Katie about they have all kinds of interesting invention type things and nods to inventors but right here where they have Edison's bust if you don't know about it you could very easily miss it right here in this little vial right there they even have a description of what it is Thomas Edison's Last Breath Thomas Edison was Henry Ford's hero as well as his friend during Edison's final illness a rack of test tubes was close to his bedside upon his death Edison son Charles had them sealed with paraffin wax he sent one to Henry Ford knowing their close relationship one of several electrical switches that was used to connect the generators at Thomas Edison's house so right here they have a model of the Pearl Street Station power station that Edison was living in and that's what those that generator switch would have been used there and here they don't have the bulb itself but they do have the socket with the switch right there for a light bulb over here they have a bust of Nicola Tesla also credit is inventing the electrical motor I want to showcase the daxian house way of living of the future if the future were 1946 good luck the good news open house today we're going to take you on a tour of that house right now let's do it don't be scared buy a round house it's a smart thing to do here's an overhead view of what we're going to see 17 Square ft of living space wow uh-huh to [Laughter] yeah nobody ever trust me until how do we get in here so I guess we can't walk inside you can see all the way around it inside it's a pretty cool living space that takes up about 2/3 of it what we've seen I thought before you were allowed to get in and walk around but I guess not still very cool [Music] experience the doorway oh and you can see that's where you would have slept when you walk in that's where you put your clothes walk in there the original yellow band wiener the wiener rolling down the road coming to a town near you the 1952 wiener mobile a true classic they have a real a real uh stringent way of picking who they go with you have to have like a degree and all that stuff when they hire somebody to drive that thing around now had a friend of mine tried to do it it says 1936 Oscar Meyer company began to promote their hot dogs on the streets of Chicago with the very first wiener mobile the only 1952 model in its original design the Wier mobile and our collection serves as a prototype for Oscar Meers more recent 1988 Fleet awesome I'm cool with that I don't know where the hell you'd park it but look good at a stadium and the lyrics to the Oscar Meer Wiener song here they have a little metal plate that you can do your own rubbing your own little souvenir over here we have a cotton Bale they have a microscope in this glass case right here used by George Washington Carver Carver is the first African-American to earn an advanced degree in Agricultural Science he used this microscope in his laboratory at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama helped him document the cellular structure of sweet potatoes peanuts other crops that nurtured the soil and could be converted into Industrial Products and he was actually a good friend of Henry Ford's look over here we found the flight section it's the number one fuer oh come on grow up says it right there just for expedition look at this guy doing aerial tricks or that lady jeez that's crazy flying over the fair oh it's a cool simulator look at that so we're supposed to be getting on board with that guy whoa don't get motion sick that is awesome you chicken you can get up here she's afraid to fly I [Music] [Music] think boy somebody calls Scott Michaels Hilton sisters the right brothers look at this little camera set up showing the first flight they went to all the trouble of giving it its own freaking room we should at least kind of give you the experience of it I think forever the first it says 1903 the're right Brothers they actually have you know since the wri brothers started with a cycle company they have one of their Cycles here and here in Greenfield Village they also have one of the cycle shops here they're talking about Bill Boeing making a fortune in the lumber industry and then wanting to get into Aviation this was Henry Ford's personal airplane although he only flew a handful of times in his life according to Charles Lumberg so that he acknowledged that airplanes belong to another generation and that they were part of the future it just wasn't what he liked plus apparently you know he was a big fan of traveling in cars well my friends we will finish it off with Henry Ford's attempt at airplanes they called this the model te of the sky the 1926 Ford flyver or Ford fliver hope you all enjoyed our tour of the Henry Ford Museum today in Detroit have a great night and goodbye [Music] [Music] I was feeling when I now I [Applause] am why did you say here M me that way was
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 639,947
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Keywords: travel vlogger, urbex, history, tourism, filming locations, travel, jacob the carpetbagger, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, travel guide, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, wolters world, tourist, adam the woo, The daily woo, Graves, Cemetery, Dearly departed, Grimm life collective, Lamont at large, Hollywood graveyard, Famous graves, Celebrity homes, True crime, Biography, Jfk death limo, Assassination, Rosa parks bus, Lincoln assassination chair, Henry ford museum
Id: L3N0rvoE5bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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