Visit London - The DON'Ts of Visiting London, England

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hey there fellow travelers mark you with waltz rule didn't say we're in London yep there's the Parliament behind me and today we're gonna have for you by a few don'ts of visiting London because we always had the things you should do when you go places now I'm gonna give you the things you should don't do when you go to London and the first thing you don't want to do is don't forget to look right the biggest thing that gets tourist when they're here it's a walk into traffic think you know I look left then right then left and I'll be fine wrong they drive on the other side of the road here people that means the cars will be coming from the right so look right and then left and then right otherwise I hope you don't didn't forget to get your insurance because van you're gonna get hurt so that's the first time the second don't we have is don't forget to tap out your Oyster Card look public transportation in London is expensive and if you're gonna be taking the tube a lot it you know three pounds for one ride looks like five dollars that four euros or five bucks that's a lot of money so what you want to do is get an oyster card which will they get cheaper to ride so it's like half price but the thing is you tap in to get in but also you have to tap when you get out otherwise they'll charge you like a super mega fee like you went out to an airport or something now came back and eat up all your money so don't forget to tap out the third don't of coming to London it is don't think that this is England London is an international city and you've got people from all over the world so you've got great Chinese food you've got great America for a great Mexican food you got people from all over that work here live here have children here this is a super international city I was I mean for me it's the most international city in Europe with all the different people that come here and mix and stuff and match and have a great time but also work and live and the thing is people come expecting the Downton Abbey kind of England Britain kind of stuff London isn't like that London is a vibrant modern city of true Europe because with all the people coming from all over Europe to work here so don't think that it's just England here it is so much more than that but don't worry you can still have your your high tea at four and you can have you know have your picture in the in the phone booth and those kind of things and wave at the Queen and see the change of the guard they do have those really good English things but don't think it's just England here an international city and that leads to the fourth don't don't just eat at the pubs when you come here yes you do need to eat at the pubs but they're gonna have a beef burger or or you're gonna have a steak and kidney pie or fingers and mash all these really typical English foods but the thing is London gives you the opportunity to explore member I talk about all those different nationalities here there's that many nationalities of restaurants as well and you have fantastic restaurants here in London and the thing is this place is expensive but the difference between expensive and not as expensive and medium price ones aren't that much so you can actually eat a decent meal go a little bit higher and have the better version of the meal than other places so there is that and that kind of goes in with the fifth don't we have is don't expect to go home with a lot of money in your wallet okay London is expensive the hotels the transport I was talking about some of the museums I mean I remember when I went to Madame Tussauds with the conversion rate it was $50 to go in that's why I'm never really promoting it very much to go there and you can really spend a lot of money when you're here hitting the pubs and getting a beer for four or five pounds oh that's like seven or eight dollars it adds up really quick especially when you've got a nice day like today you're gonna be out with the pub's having some drinks with your friends or some of the locals you meet here and just know this is not not a cheap experience so don't expect to go home with a lot of money that why I say for number six don't forget about the free stuff there's a lot of great free museums and free things to do here in London my favorite the British Museum it's free to go you can see the rosetta stone how they figured out how to read hieroglyphics you can go see you know the sarcophagi of the Egyptian pharaohs you can see the Greek stuff you can see all kinds of things from all over the world there and it's one of the coolest museums you can go to it whether you're young or old you will love it it is just that awesome a museum but there's not just that yes go in and see the big van and parla it's going by like wow you know you have that kind of vacation moment look kids Big Ben Parliament you can't help yourself getting in awe because you walk around here you see so many sites that you've seen in movies and all kinds of stuff that it really makes you look there's the globe yes it cost a lot of money to go in but it's free to look out from the outside go watch the changing of the guard in the morning you know a Buckingham Palace there's all kinds of cool free stuff so don't miss out on that because you don't always have to spend a lot okay yes sometimes it's worth the money going to Westminster Abbey and paying to go in there that is worth the money other things might not be now my seventh don't is don't expect to get anywhere on a Sunday morning this is for my European travelers they're gonna be using Ryanair and easyJet and they're gonna have those early early morning flights you know like 6:00 a.m. from Stansted or something like that Sunday mornings in London it seems like it's when they're always doing construction on a train trekker or or maintenance on a tube line or things like that and the tube lines of stuff like that might not be working or you might not be able to get to the tube to connect to the Train and those kind of things so if you have a chance choose a flight later in the day on Sunday to fly out I'm actually flying out on a Sunday here and I got a 2:30 flight because I knew if I took that 8 o'clock in the morning flight I might end up taking a taxi out to Stansted for a hundred pounds ok now the thing is if you want you know save money in terms of those airports a lot like terre vision there's other kinds other bus companies that'll go between the airports they might go from Victoria Station but you still have to get there and getting that cab at 5:00 in the morning or 4:00 in the morning from you know from from Greenwich to there that can add up as well it actually cost more than your cheap flight ticket ok so be careful with that viii don't I have is don't mess up with the queueing look Brits and English people in general are very much polite straightforward people oh you're please and thank yous and your sarees make sure you bring your manners but especially when it comes to queuing or forming a line the Brits love their lives and they follow their lines and if you get out of line or try to button line or cut in line oh you'll if you will suffer the ire of the Brits ok of the Londoners so make sure you do mind your P's and Q's and also the Pisa cues mean what you say but also the cue the line okay so those are my don'ts of visiting London what are some things you recommend the to us don't do when they are here please put in the comments section below so we can have some more don'ts to help outsource if you will learn more five things you love and hate about live visiting London 10 things that will shock you about London well you should know before you come to London I think you get the idea there on our website at Walters WorldCom we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube all these things and we appreciate all your followings all your subscriptions all your likes it means the world to us I just want to say thank you and we hope you have a great time here in London and don't forget to have a great time but I don't think you will forget yeah okay enough with the Dunson bye
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 806,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, advice, tourist, attractions, vlogger, London, The don'ts of london, what tourists shouldn't do in london
Id: Ve5XpUB3nqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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