Visit Poland - The DON'Ts of Poland

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either fellow travelers mark here with Walters room today we're in Warsaw Poland for things you don't do when you are here in Poland I'm gonna get off the started no need with number one before we get started with number one I'm gonna start at number zero the thing you need to know before you come here is don't tell or call the Polish Eastern Europeans you will not make any friends saying that if you look on the map you'll see the Poland is actually in the center of Europe a little bit north but it's in the center of Europe and they like to be called central Europeans not Eastern European so I want to get that one out of the way first because that's probably your quickest don't really upset people so remember don't say Eastern Europe okay now when you're gonna meet the Polish people here are second or I guess our first don't for you is don't shake hands or say goodbye over the threshold like in a doorway people really don't like that so either make it a choose your side are you in the door or you out of the door when you shake hands and say goodbye just one of those little things there and if you do get to meet some Polish people and they invite you to your home when you go there if you see they're wearing slippers or they're not wearing shoes you don't wear your shoes in the house either it's kind of rude that way so just three quick little ones to start off with just to give you some ideas of hospitality here in Poland so our next don't for you has to do with the language look don't underestimate how helpful a few words of Polish will be for you and your visit here whether you're up in Gdansk you're down at Cracow or Lublin or wherever because we all know that no one watching this video price speaks polish unless you're polish by ancestry and the thing is is the poles know that and so they learned that you know theologically speaking English or German or Russian and stuff like that to help out the tourists but the thing is if you know a free words and polish it really opens the door like people are really happy even if it's just like Jin Korea which is like thank you our pro scene which is pleased our Pivo which is beer I remember I was like people put a seemed like hey you know there is so happy with it and it really goes a long way to open up to people because seals the old note some people seem kind of dour and quiet and Stern sometimes and that's one way to open them up okay now our next don't for you is don't worry about busting your the bank when you come here to Poland pulling is extremely affordable country to visit hotels eating drinking all kinds of stuff making merry it is really cheap here also going to museums is really affordable as well so it's a nice place to check out that's why when you go to Krakow they get ten million tourists from you know high-end tourist alone low-end and low-income not well income but people are spending a lot of money on tourism because it's not a expensive place to be so that's the kind of a cool thing now my fifth don't for you kind of goes along with that cheap eating and drinking don't drink in public in Poland look you can get arrested or fined for drinking in public now you see this guys square here yes you can eat and drink at the restaurants and the bars like that no problem but if you're gonna like take up some wine or a beer some the local beer which are pretty good here and go take that to a park and drink there with your friends you can get in trouble with the cops so make sure you do not drink in public to go along with that don't don't forget you need to have an ID with you all the time if you don't want to carry your passport with you what I do is I actually have my driver's license from home and a photocopy of my passport with my passport locked up back at the hotel so you do have that because the cops could ask you for it if they really wanted to they usually don't bother the tourists so it's not that big of a deal but just in case so you know now our next stunt for you is don't try to pay with big Bill's now big Bill's are like fifty swati's or 100 Sporty's like 100 or 50 it was like under 20 because people ask you all do you have anything smaller they're always gonna ask for a smaller bill the thing is when you go to the ATMs it gives you 50 s and a hundreds when you go get a beer or something like that it's you know seven or eight and like odd you have some smaller bills you have some smaller bills so when you go to museums you go to like big stores and stuff like that use the bigger bills there the hundreds and stuff like that to break them into tens and 20s so then you can go get your little snacks maybe you want your little you know Polish donut or you want to go get a hot dog or something like that when you're here or just grab a beer you need that change ok so don't use the big Bill's here right another don't I half you don't forget to tip when you are here usually a tip ten to fifteen percent ten percent normal fifteen percent of its good but you can look on the men when some restaurants already put that 10% on there I know the place I waited here on the square and I remember don't but you're not gonna bust the bank so it wasn't I hope didn't feel group table because it was so cheap the 10% was already included she was very nice and helpful I gave her a little bit extra on there no big deal okay and going along with that when you pay your bill the Louis asks you don't play with credit card or cash if you're gonna pay with cash if you put the money in the little thing and give it to them don't say thank you unless you want them to keep all the money okay so let's say you know you got a hundred 110 bill and you give them 150 you say thank you or genku you know they go a 40 40 40 tip for me and they'll just walk away with it you need to tell them here is this then they'll bring your change back and then you leave your tip like that so you have those things there what I try to do is just have the tip already there now you might tell them look I want to pay 140 and so they'll just have the tip from there and give your ten back if you have a hundred and a 50 no big deal they're my tenth don't feel is don't be late the polls are actually pretty much an on time kind of people like their German neighbors if you're going to be late to somebody's house you're gonna visit make sure you call or text them or whatsapp them before so they know you're coming behind because it's kind of rude to be late when you are here I mean we were at the muse I was at the Museum this morning and it's supposed to open up at 10:00 the guy unlocked it like in 1001 if you were like come on it says 10 o'clock let's go you know so you do have that there so make sure you are on time and my last don't for you is don't fall for the nature tourism propaganda in Poland look you'll see lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of tourism videos about the nature of Poland and there are some beautiful nature's here the Tatras mountains in the south bicycle pay me goes you know skiing in the summer or summer in the winter you can go to the Missourian lakes the north it's just beautiful there's Castle there there's all kinds of great nature here but look it was your first time to Pullen focus on the cool cities that are here Krakow is amazing with the with the Town Square and the cloth hall and the churches in the vaudeville Hill and you can go out to see Auschwitz and Birkenau the concentration cancers are very moving you go up to Gdansk in the very north and see that city it's beautiful Lublin come here and check out Warsaw and you can get around pretty easy don't worry about getting around I guess there'll be another one don't worry about getting around and Poland there's lots of buses and trains that go all over the place it is a big country so it does take time but don't be too worried about it anyway do some of the don'ts we have about Poland I actually have another don't video just for Krakow that don'ts of Krakow which I hope you'll check out if you do like videos like this we put out two travel videos every week every Wednesday and Saturday so please do click that subscribe button we really do appreciate it and you can always find us on Instagram Facebook Twitter obviously YouTube and we really appreciate those likes and subscriptions oh in comments so I'll say bye from Warsaw
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 3,013,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, advice, tourist, attractions, vlogger, Poland, Polish tourism, what to see in poland, what should i do in poland, what shouldn't i do in poland, what not to do in poland
Id: zmHjuBvvZZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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