Visit Berlin - The Don'ts of Visiting Berlin, Germany

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with wolters world and today we're here in berlin germany mild stomping grounds and thing is a city like berlin's got so much history so many museums so many great things to do we're here on museum island there's so many museums they have their own island when you are here and what i want to talk about today it's not things you want to do when you're here i want to talk with things you don't do when you come to berlin okay so today's video is the don'ts of visiting berlin and the first donut i have for you is don't expect to see old world germany this isn't the half-timbered houses or the faf this isn't the beer halls and stuff like that this is an international modern city you see the the tv tower over there that's when you know there was east berlin west berlin you're gonna see a lot more architecture that's modern like that versus the cathedral behind me and that's what's cool about it the city has so much to offer but it is really much an international setting so don't expect to eat a lot of german food don't expect to hear a lot of german you're here you hear lots of english and all kinds of stuff but just know don't expect this to be old world germany that's number one because a lot of people get upset with that because they think they're going to bavaria look berlin is not bavaria okay berlin is this international teaming just amazing city with so much to do from nightlife to clubs to parties to well aside from the party time to museums to all kinds of great stuff and what's cool about it is the second donut i have for you is don't freak out about your budget berlin is actually a really affordable city especially for a large city in europe you can't beat the prices for berlin it's a lot cheaper here than it is going to frankfurt or or munich or hamburg or anything like that hotels airbnbs restaurants you can stay here for a significant discount in other parts of the country so don't worry about your budget when you do come here because if you're going to go out or go to the museums or go eat it's not too bad on the budget which is really awesome now my third don't for you is don't forget to pick up a curry first while you're walking around town for those who don't know what a curveburst is it's a basically a bratwurst a sausage that's chopped up and then they drown it in curry flavored ketchup yes it sounds gross at first i lived here for a number of years it took me a year to try the first time okay but once i had it i couldn't go back like every time i'd bring my sons when number one came the first time and number two came for the first time i'm like boys you have to try this like it's spicy i don't care you must try it it's so good and they all ended up loving it when they were here too so make sure you have that curry verse and they'll sell it sometimes they'll sell to german restaurants around town or if you see like an imbus a little kiosk that's selling food like brats and stuff they'll probably have it as well but i mean they love their curry verse here so much there's even a museum on currywurst here in berlin i know crazy right now my third don't for you is don't think that there's one center of berlin there's actually three centers of berlin okay and the thing is you know there was east berlin and west berlin and they had their own centers that developed now you see the tv tower behind me that's alexanderplatz that's kind of the center of the east or the old east that's where that was so you have the the world time clock that's there you have the the fantasy i'm telling you the big uh shopping mall that's there stuff like that then you go to the west side you go to the zoological garden you go over that side that was like where the west wanted to show off how great they were so you have some really amazing shopping like going to cade bay which is housed vestans or the shopping house of the west which was an amazing amazing department store it still really is we still go there every time we come and when you're over there you've got the kaiser which is the kaiserville memorial church which was bombed during the war but they left it as it is so people can see some of the horrors of war to remind them and that's the center of the west and then you have potsdamer plots which has been completely rebuilt since reunification it's now like kind of like the new like international center of the city and you can go there there's movies and movie theaters and malls and stuff there as well and that's what's so cool is you've got these three distinct different districts that you can kind of stay in and be in a center because what's cool is there's all kinds of public transport going around the city and i guess that'll lead into my next stone is don't take a taxi when you're here in berlin unless you have to get to the airport early in the morning otherwise just stick with public transportation because berlin is huge i mean the city is huge remember three centers means you got a really big city i mean it's its own state as well and if you're going to be going around berlin man taking taxes will take time and costs a lot of money the public transport system here whether it's the s-bahn that's the above-ground trains the u-bahn which is the subway or the buses they go everywhere and it's pretty affordable to take it so just get a day pass a tagaskata and you can go around all over the city and it's well worth it and you're gonna save time and money doing that versus a taxi now my next don't for you has to do with the berlin wall and i'd say this don't expect to see a lot of the real berlin wall anymore because pretty much most of it was torn down what you will see now of the berlin wall are pieces that have been chopped up and they use it as a display or if you really want to see a big long piece of the wall you can go to the east side gallery off the ol spawnhof the east train station there's a huge long gallery while basically a huge long part of the wall that people have painted and you can go there and take pictures with that but you won't necessarily see the wall around town but what you might see is if you go by the brandenburg gate you'll see a line in front of it that goes through and it'll show you where the wall went dimawa right between the brandenburg gate and the reichstag which is their parliament it went right between there you're like wow i mean it was really like a no man's land where these famous sites would go cr yes it was so so that's one of the things so don't expect to see the wall all over but you will see pieces okay so not in situ but more as an art piece okay except that east side gallery that that you'll see some wall okay now my next stone for you is when you're by the brandenburg gate you're gonna see the jewish memorial and when you go there you'll see it's all these stones coming up and there are different sizes different things it's to disorientate people that was part of the artist's you know the artist's goal of doing that to show the the uncertainty of things and it's a really moving memorial very interesting more you can walk through and all kinds of stuff and the thing is is the artist wants it to be a part of life it wants to be you know a part of the city not just something to look at but something to like interact with but i will say for that don't use it as a parkour course i can't tell you how many times i've gone there and i see people like doing their instagram pictures look i'm you know back when planking was cool i'm planking between them i'm like dude this is a jewish memorial the jews have been killed around i mean what are you doing and you'll see people jumping across them and things like that look i know the artist wants to be lived in and used but come on i mean have some respect for the dead all right so just just fyi after that so don't use this parkour course go through it see it but no parkour please okay please now on the other side of the brandenburg gate you have the reichstag and what i'm going to say about the dome for that one is don't skip that line that scares you to go up to the top because on top of the reichstag there's a dome okay and you go in the dome and walk to the top and see inside and you can actually see inside to the parliament i mean imagine you went to the capitol in the us you could look down and see the senate look down there or the or the house down like oh wow cool you can do that here it's really kind of cool you see where they sit but also when you're up there you have amazing views of the city so sometimes the lines can be a little long but it's well worth going up i recommend going at night when everything's lit up it's really cool now my next stone for you is don't jaywalk look i lived here for a number of years and anytime i would try to jaywalk it was like there was a grandma there that would stop me and go no zan full bed foodie kinder be an example for the children i'm like there's no children around it's you and me grandma no no no no jaywalking i mean in germany they have sayings for that okay by it's something like by gloom no by hope stan by gloom las dugan which means which is basically like with red you must stay with green you may go you know i'm sure i'm saying it wrong but that's the basic idea of it and you'll hear people say these things when you are here so just don't jaywalk you know because you just just save yourself the trouble um also when you look at the jaywalking take a look at the uh the impermention or the the i know the traffic light guys you'll see then there's the there's the red guy like this and then there's the the walking green guy like this these are things you'll see on postcards and posters for berlin because it's actually a protected a it's a historical thing it's a part of this city it's part of the the city is having these amphimentin so if you're looking for a t-shirt the amber mannequin are always a good choice i usually get my kids that when i come here without them and they're always cool with it so hey there you go now my next home for you we're going back onto that public transportation system what i want to tell you about the public transport is on the s bond you can just walk on there's nobody checking your tickets but just because you can walk on doesn't mean don't get a ticket so don't skip getting your ticket because what happens is they have people that occasionally go through the trains and ask for your ticket and you have to show it to them and if you don't you can get fined for that okay so don't skip out on buying your ticket because you can get in pretty big trouble okay my next stone for you is don't forget to try non-german food when you're here in berlin berlin is an international city and the thing is is when you're here you're going to see the internationalist all the tourism and people and multiculti multicultural stuff here in berlin you really see it and that goes especially for the restaurants and actually there's a history of this if you go back after the second world war west berlin brought in a lot of greek and turkish workers to help rebuild the city and a lot of them stayed and they built restaurants and amazing restaurants like amazing restaurants so like hit up croissburg for some turkish or greek food heck in today new immigrants and new foods are here indian food here is fantastic thai food spanish food there's so much great international food so don't feel like it's just going to be ice bine which is like a ham hock and curry versus no no have the international food when you're here you will not be disappointed okay now my next stone for you is don't skip the museums look i've talked about eating i've talked about how great the partying is here and how much nightlife there is in the bars and and all kinds of stuff and there's theaters and movies and shows and all kinds of stuff but don't skip on the museums i mean i'm here on museum island okay there's amazing museums when you're here you want to see the gates of the the pergamon altar the gates of babylon oh yeah they have it right over there at the pergamon museum there is amazing museums around the entire city you want to go see the history of of of the wall go to checkpoint charlie museum and hear about the stories of people escaping from there oh no no i want to have a european palace feeling go to the charlottenburg palace and do a tour there it is so there's so much great museum so much great history you want to know about the history of the data air the the east germany they have a museum for that curry versus museum yep we've got that oh you want to see old masters we got that right over there i mean you want to see nefertiti's bust yeah we got that over there too there are so many amazing museums in this city that honestly you could spend i mean i lived here for years and we would go every weekend seeing new museums new museums new museums because there's so many here so get out and explore the culture of berlin because it's so great to really go and see all these museums let alone the historic sites that are here like going to the brandenburg gate and seeing the zika zoiler the victory tower that's behind there the reichstag going to see that yes the east side gallery vashawa bridge in the vassal you have all this cool architecture all this cool history all these cool museums go out and explore the city because the the public transport lets you do that so go see so much of it because it is really amazing that way and i guess my last don't for you uh for this is don't forget to check which airport you're flying into and flying out of but also what trade you're coming into and going out of because berlin has basically two main airports you know you got tagle which is in the north west of the city and you have shenafeld or berlin brandenburg international airport i it obviously should have failed for me because that's what it was when i was here that's in the south east of the city and tegel has a bus that goes to it shoulda felt has an s bomb the s9 the the overland train that goes to it so they're kind of far apart so you want to make sure are you txl or vbi or which what what sign are you in terms of which airport it's really important to check out because some airlines might fly into one and you might have a flight out of the other one so check for that and the train stations you kind of have three like manor train stations yes you have the hot bomb huff the main station which is kind of like in the center and then you have the osbonhof which is the east train station if you're going to be over there then you have zoological garden which is in the west those are kind of like three main stations but all the really big trains really pretty much go through the hough on half the main station and from there you can take the subway and the s bonds the overland trains from there no problem but i do want you to make sure you check because you don't want to end up at the wrong airport or the wrong station for where your airbnb is where your hotel is or or heck just to get home okay so i hope this list helps you for some of the don'ts of coming to berlin obviously the day's getting started i'm gonna go to explore the city more museums open at 10 so i've got a few minutes can't wait to see the pergamon altar again it is really cool actually the program museum is my favorite museum in the city the thing is there's more stuff going all the time here in berlin the temporary exhibits um you know all kinds of installments and things like that symphonies music concerts man i've seen some of the greatest bands here ever berlin is an awesome city well worth a long weekend for any traveler oh also i can throw in some other don'ts don't forget to do some day trips from here it's kind of easy to get to some but probably the best one is going to potsdam you go out to possum i think it's the s7 we'll take you out to potsdam and there there's the sunset sea park which has all these little mini palaces because it was the summer residence of the kaiser so there's all kinds of cool stuff out there anyway i will leave you with that because obviously i'm geeking over berlin so i'm i'm sorry that i i got a little fast am i talking here but i love this city it really means a lot to me um and i hope it means a lot to you so if you want to learn more about visiting berlin five things you love and hate about berlin uh five things you should eat when you're here check us out on our website at we're also on twitter facebook instagram youtube we really appreciate your likes subscriptions we hope you have a great time here in berlin but i'm not worried so don't you worry either bye from berlin choose
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 893,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy, Germany, Berlin
Id: 4TwGid87U8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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