Visit Germany - 10 MORE SHOCKS of Visiting Germany

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super fellow-travellers market Walter's world and we're back for ten more things that shot tourists when they come to Germany we had such a great reaction from our last ten funny little shocking things about Germany so we had to come back for more because after living here for three years and having visited every year for 20 years Germany's got a good place in my heart and I know it's in yours too so let's get started with good more fun the fun shocking things that shocked tourists when they come to Germany now the first thing I'm going to start off with is the German line culture or should I say the lack of German line culture now the stereotype of German is very orderly they like rules and stuff like that all that goes out out the window when it comes to life and you'll see that if you're taking the metro or the s-bahn or or anything they don't get a nice already like it's kind of like a big jumble up to the front it's like a blob instead of a line and if you're going to be waiting in line for something don't like give people space because literally people will walk in front of you to take your space and they'll say well it's your fault you didn't move up I thought you weren't in line anymore and they'll do that and that's how to say you know get your elbows out and to have your space out there and illiterate when you want to get off the metro or the s-bahn or things like that the people will come right on the doors open people are coming in you've got to kind of moon force your way out because at German line culture not so good even in other places I remember I was at the US consulate in Berlin years ago with an old girlfriend of mine and we were in line and we got there we were the third people there we got there hours early somehow we end up being like the 20% because he was kind of known alone oh why I didn't see a lot I'm just right here in the front and you have that happen and it gets really frustrated so that is the first thing that shocked people how there is no real line culture here which is funny because the second thing that shocks you when you are here is how much the Germans do like their rules and regulations they do like to have rules they do like to have regulations they wanted all filled out for them if you work in business with Germans you understand that with their contracts and stuff like that as a tourist what you'll see is there's going to be lots of forms and bureaucracy things you might need if you need to get a visa if you're coming here if you're signing hotels all these kind of things and the funny thing is is the Germans they like to regulations and they'll let you know if you aren't doing the rules or regulations right so for example in our old video we talked about how you pay for toilets and I got so many comments up you don't have to pay for tools there's no law that says you have to pay for toilet so much well yes the ladies do clean the toilet so it's nice to me to leave something there because they're there Oh No but there is no law for that okay fine I got that other things you'll see is so for example with jaywalking raka across the street I live in Germany for three years and I can't tell you how many times I started to cross the street on the red light and some old lady puts the hand in front of me to say bye old mustard stain like Lula sugan which means by red you have to stop and buy green you're you're allowed to go or another one they like to say is I I'm full ability kindom be an example for the children I mean they really like those rules and they'll let you know about it because you might be shocked is how full were the Germans are especially when it comes to the rule and I tend to leave into the third thing that will shock you when you come here are the kooky funny little German isms that you do have when you are here now I did my masters when I when I studied your I lived for long I did my degree here and the funny thing is it's they don't clap when you do some say knock they like knock on the tables like what so that's like the professional way to clap knocking on the tables which is kind of interesting or or here's one if someone's crazy they do this and hey you're stupid is this there's just these little tiny German things out there how yes we are very it's very important to us to have titles and so I am part of the I have the bond ticket okay so like the Deutsche Bahn the train system here you get discounts and stuff like that if you fill out the forms and so you have to put all your titles in so when they send me my information it comes care talk to a professor a lot mock Voltas so mr. doctor professor Mark Walters and there's all these little German isms that are out there it is pretty funny and honestly one of my favorite ones are all the different ways they like to say Proust or Cheers so if you mean a German accent what's the best way to say cheers and they'll have like 15 different versions but they're all just these little tiny German isms out there but you kind of shock people they come into the first time put in a nice way so I will say the German ISM that shocks you the most the very first time you see or here it is when you fly with a bunch of German and a land of some travel destination and they all start clapping on the on the plane you're like what's going on why are y'all clapping so that is kind of a thing now they don't do it as much now but that was a really big thing a while ago so just be ready for those little silly German isms if you have some of those little German silly German ISM make sure you put in the comments section below so we can all have a good laugh about them now going on with those German isms there's one that's actually kind of a shockingly important one to know is in Germany if it doesn't have a stamp it did not happen you have to have a cent stamp so shellfish umpah or a certificate or a shine or the divi because for some reason german unless there's a sense it didn't really happen I remember I did my degree here in Germany okay I have a deep room foolish opposition shop though okay so it's like a master's in economics does all this other stuff and I'm trying to explain to the guys like you know so so how does this translate how should we do these kind of things how do I prove I speak German and the guys like well do you have a shine like Oh a certificate like now you have conned us to accomplish we have like a probe a Lingam out on Zoli contrasted us tune and I think really good German I'm explained de leus I did all these things in Germany I've done all this stuff it's like well if you don't have a certificate you don't speak German like but I'm speaking German with you I can do this well I did my whole degree in Germany in German sorry sir unless you have a certificate with the stamp it didn't actually happen that's one of those funny little things about Jeremy that night will shock you but it will be fun now the good thing that shocks to us when they come here is Germans actually speak English pretty darn well it's just if you prefer if you start in German and then they really open up and you'll be shocked how nice the Germans will be when you do start speaking a little bit of German yes they will laugh at you but then they'll just switch to English for you so don't be shocked if that German you think doesn't speak in English actually speaks better English than probably me okay and that leads into the nether shocked I kind of alluded to it the Germans actual are really nice really helpful wonderful people you know we've had these stereotypes for years how mean and awful Germans are now unfriendly they are and how uncaring they are and then it's so not true Germans are really are wonderful people you'll meet them in your hosts you'll meet them at the restaurant to the waiters and stuff like that and we start to talk them you get to know them you really see how wonderful Germans really are and it does shock people because they've been told their whole life the Germans would be part with uncaring people but honestly if you have a German friend you have a German friend for life and it's amazing now the seventh shock I have for you when you come to Germany is it's not just pork yes I know pork is spread the most top of the dish on food product kind of thing you will have here in Germany but I'll be honest if you come here this is probably the best place in the world for vegetarian and vegan food that you can find and the people here they're really to help you find those things that we'll have on the menu oh this is a vegetarian addition this has you know if this has conservatives on there if it has caffeine they're really cool is helping those things out so look yes you can have all the pork you want from bratwurst to hoxa2 those kind of things to non pork things as well so you really do have a really great time eating here because they also brought in foods from all around the world and they really are excited to have good versions of those international foods here in Germany so don't worry it's not just bratwurst oh and the most popular snack in Germany isn't a bratwurst it's actually doner kebab which comes from Turkey so there you go now the a thing that will shock you to come here is the fun if you're not sure what spawned it it's a deposit when you're going if you're coming here for Christmas markets and you get your Glatt your mug of gluhwein it'll say all the gluhwein is three four or five euros or whatever and it will be this word called spawned next to it with another I don't know five euros on top of that so you're five euro gluhwein or hot wine actual cost you ten the thing is if you turn that Cup back in you get to fajn back the deposit back that's five euros and it can get pretty pricey we had eight hot wines and stuff and kid wines last night it didn't have like a ninety dollar bill or 90 year-old bill because of all the deposits on there when you take it back you'll get your money back and with that don't throw away your bottles and cans because they also have signs on them as well it's a positive that you can turn back in at certain stores and get your money back now the ninth thing is going to shock you to come to Germany is when you actually drive on the Autobahn it is shockingly scary how fast people drive and yes they do have a really fast lane stuff like that but also sometimes people are shocked when they find out they're actually our speed limits on the Autobahn it's not open road open season all the time there's actually times when there are speed limits you know and the thing is when they have the speed limits they have the Blitzen the Lightning no not the reindeer it's a box it takes a picture of you like this and they get you when you're speeding so don't go and make sure you follow the speed limits when they are out there and if you are going to drive on the Autobahn on the really fast part stay on the right side because you may be thinking I'm the fastest person out there there'll always be somebody else on a Ferrari or a Porsche or something like that that's going to go right by you okay and that can shakashaka you know what out of you when it happened and attempting that shocks tourists I do come to Germany is the sauna kaku kaku - or the free body culture of Germany look Germans are very open with their nudity and things like that if you go to beaches or parks or things like that you might see a nipple here a penis there these kind of things and for some tours that come from more humble countries like in the US it does kind of shock them when they see all that nudity but don't worry the Germans don't care about it I could go lay naked and no one's going to care so no one really wants to see that but they're not really going to care or say anything but what I will say is if you're coming here with your family be careful on TV because if you give junior the the remote control all you got jet lag kid just click through the channels he probably will find softcore porn you know late night on normal television and in the end in the hotels you'll find hardcore porn that'll show for five or six minutes and disappear so for some tourists that is a bit shocking anyway those are ten more things that might shock to us when they come to Germany it is an amazing place I highly recommend it whether you go into Berlin whether you're coming here to Munich to Heidelberg of the hops mountains or wherever literally this place is amazing Hamburg oh my god so much fun there but anyway it's going to learn more about travelling Germany see our other video on 10 shots of Germany you know check that out also we really appreciate your likes and subscriptions and you want to learn more about Germany what you should eat when you're here five things you love and hate we have it all on our website at Walters worldcom we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube please do click those subscription please do click that back that please do click that subscribe button and you will get two or three travel videos from around the world every single week so if they choose or a little move are formal of use in from Munich my
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 361,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, advice, tourist, attractions, vlogger, Berlin, Germany, tourism information germany, deutschland, parodie, Munich, Oktoberfest, culture shock germany
Id: wVIg9nInakI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2017
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