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yeah hello did i scare you i hope so bow hi okay something happened to my audio my like uh no not my audio wait something happened to my my bgm file i don't know what happened to it i got to fix it though i wasn't expecting that to happen but for now i am once again here to be your background music um just kidding we're gonna play the game okay so i'm excited to play massage because i'll be honest uh the first part of the play through uh was kinda was not doing a whole lot for me i gotta be honest but i've heard such good things about this game i feel like when we left off last time it was just getting started if that makes sense so i'm excited to see what this play-through part will be does that make sense all right anyway hello welcome back we're going to play some visage besides ah i forgot to refill my humidifier so it's getting kind of crunchy in here you can hear it in my voice a bit ah [Music] anyway let's start the game i was chatting a little bit first you wanna chat do you wanna talk to me huh uh [Music] where where are you getting visas what are you talking about sounds like me massage no it doesn't never mind visage visage am i saying that right or is it like visage is it visage [Music] i don't know i think it's visage uh so i hit the continue button just to refresh on where we left off where we left off was we were going to get the what was her name i don't know her name lady i think it might be our wife we're gonna go get our wife her tea her favorite tea it's in the tea bag right i know it's in the tea box it said like tea and sunshine or something and then we got grabbed by the old lady right and that's when i screamed and then in the stream last time so that's where we left off and every time i hit continue we are literally at the same spot stuff is happening lights are flashing i'm hearing stuff i'm hearing a lady breathing in my ear and i'm pretty sure we're playing as a dude so that can't be us so i'm really not looking forward to jumping right back in because we are literally jumping right back into the game full speed ahead as i was like doing as i hit continue i was like i was like i was thinking to myself wow i'm really not mentally prepared to play this right now but anyway okay i think i got it all out of my system ah is that everybody playing with the lights off lights off feet on the ground ah thanks for your super chats guys thank you are you excited are you excited for the hall alive karaoke i have a lot of songs stuck in my head right now i have a lot of songs i'm excited for the karaoke i'm excited importantly i guess are you excited for massage i'm stalling a little bit [Music] massage i watched marine senpai i watched her play outlast and it was very fun reliving getting to relive the horrors that is outlast although it made me want to replay maybe you want to replay outlast uh on hard mode or nightmare mode or i think i think in the japanese version they call it crazy mode i mean is it it's nightmare mode in english crazy mode in the japanese version i think crazy is funnier crazy bullet it makes me think of ollie crazy i'm stalling still play out last two yeah yeah i don't know some parts of outlast 2 make me uncomfortable and i'm not sure i don't know how i feel about it but i'm excited for outlast 3 that comes out later i talk about that a lot all the time i'm like yeah ls3 wow especially because outlast 3 might be multiplayer i think right it might have online multiplayer because that would be fun that could be really fun all right i'll stop stalling who's ready i'm not i'm not ready no i'm not ready wait i have to cover ah [Music] i have to cover my audio interface from the humidifier i'm scared skin i'm scared some moisture is gonna get into the technical bits and make it go fuse yeah i'm pretty sure i saw that uh at last the newest outlast the outlast that comes out uh this year it'll be multiplayer possibly don't quote me on that i don't know i think so i'm pretty sure i don't know we'll have to wait and see anyway who's ready i'm not let's go visage visage go to here i have candy you want some candy mmm smells like sugar stalling much yeah and what are you gonna do about it what are you gonna do about it huh guru is in control shank okay does anybody remember this game this part of the game give me my tea there was supposed to be tea here there's no t here wow game okay did we get the key does anybody i don't remember how to bring out my menu does anybody remember how to bring up the menu where's the t the lady grabbed us something happened okay now we're back in the room with the shoe okay i've used up my lighter i don't remember does anybody use the i didn't bring up the tab [Music] it's either tab or it's like b or something ah but we have to go we have to go back into the kitchen see this this i can handle this main room right here ah why literally what what what what what i need i can't even remember how to do this examine rotate stop examining put down put it down please thank you okay uh wait uh kitchen we have to go to the kitchen which i think we go i think we go around uh this way huh stop how do we get to the kitchen this is not the kitchen walking i like the walking game it's not through here oh this is the puzzle okay this is a puzzle we had to solve it's a clock puzzle who's breathing is that are we playing as a as a woman is that our breathing hey alex thank you for your super chat what is this supposed to be did anybody remember what the puzzle was did we figure it out before did we figure it out in the last stream tick-tock on the clock but the party don't [Music] got plenty of friends and got no sanity in my brain but oh that's it wow i'm really big am i too big flop 30 33 it's this way right i think it's this way kitchen i don't remember how to get to the kitchen this is like the this is like a wow oh there's a mirror we can smash that but this is like a this is like a safety room right maybe i should have done this before i started the game stop closing the doors on me okay attic okay this is to run is it like through here the game keeps going what is that lurching is that is that the word when it like oh stutters or something breathing did i get your your team ma'am is this where we had to go guys i don't remember we were supposed to do you guys remember turn on the lights 333 three three three let's go try and do the breathing is it my breathing nope nope nope i'm gonna go do the clock we're gonna put three three three three three three 333 who knows how to read an analog clock because i don't 3 33 well you can't do 33 though you can do like no that's wrong you can do 35. unless we just did three three three watch this actually work is this right gouda yeah what also why does my brain not show up in this room are we like safe from things in puzzle rooms will the puzzle tell me anything 666.33 the code is three through three you have to like put it in three three three the like oh geez it would make sense because that's what the clocks say in the house three three three three am i doing this right all hands are three huh oh one two three 666. all right if you guys say so i guess we can try it if it's 666 it's kind of lame that's like it's not the universal spooky number six six six oh geez guru no what you know what i'm trying to invest here i don't know should we just go six oh wait that's 6 30. this would be 666 wouldn't it should i come back to this later ah thank you for your super chat well this this is this is 666. maybe there's something in the co-pocket hello is there a hello hey now how how are we supposed to solve this one that's 12 30. uh-oh uh oh is my stupid showing you didn't see that stop it stop it game well is the are the clocks connected to this puzzle game the puzzle experience no no no no no no no no no no no 6 6 30 12. why would it be that though is that something that you can find in the game does anybody remember because i remember we were trying to find the we were trying to find uh the clocks in the game throughout the game to see oh no that wouldn't make any sense how is it 6 6 30 and 12. try three again we can try three so three is the hour so the big hand goes on the that's not right so the big hand is on the 12 and the little hand goes on the three so that's three why would it be six six thirty and twelve that doesn't make sense oh this is annoying come on stop it stop it that's annoying isn't it oh i did it again [Music] can i like drag it no oh i took the pills okay ah i thought i did something i took my last pill i didn't did i no we got one okay ah sorry telling time is scary scares me six three six twelve three six twelve is it like multiples wait why is there mass in this game this is bad okay if it's if it's multiples of 12 that makes sense because the clocks do say three three three uh everywhere or the digital clock say three three three there are analog clocks throughout the game that say different times maybe we should go through and find those but i really don't want to i really just want to figure these out now is that supposed to say something like a four or nine three six nine it would have to be three six nine if it was going in in the multiples of three six three thirty twelve how why would it be that though six three thirty twelve that doesn't make sense six seven eight nine ten eleven dollars it has to be six nine three three is that right six through thirty twelve well we're gonna leave this here then i don't know what it does i don't know what this does does that have to do with these so like what you spin this one three times you need to find the clue i don't even know what i'm looking for though oh well i guess i'm just gonna keep dying if i go out here though because i don't have any pills well there's breathing in here let's go see what she wants oh the lights on now maybe she's not here anymore hello ma'am bollocks thanks for your super chat you are super duper three three three so i guess this doesn't mean anything hold grab what's in the freezer who keeps nothing in the freezer do you know everything everybody has at least one thing in the freezer if it's not ice or like really old leftovers then i have at least popsicles what's in the fridge then aha there we go there we go baking soda a must mustard steak sauce ketchup okay all right thank you everybody has ice cream the best part of waking up is fresh grounds in your cup is this the specialty e winter white earl grey okay so i'm assuming that's the specialty is it this is sponsored karaoke would you watch that like a jingle karaoke where we only do i guess only some people would know specific jingles food jingles how do we get to the kitchen but that was the kitchen that's where she was why did she run away from me oh it's my favorite channel how did you know well we have more windows to smash that's always good right we have to bring this to the lady um i'm trying to remember how this game not how this game works but like um i think we uh this is the garage let's go in we're gonna stay in the trippy tunnel we're gonna have a chat in the trippy tunnel what happened see sometimes it's a good thing to be oblivious you know it's not always bad is this the right way also this humidifier it kind of looks like a ghost breath so it's kind of freaking me out stop it we just mentioned you guys like luigi's mansion i like luigi's mansion is this our way i literally have no idea where i'm supposed to go although i don't remember does this always happen can i go back this way oh yeah oh good we're in the basement again i would like to not be here why are these doors so hard to open we're gonna do a goodie smash and i put this away i don't remember i don't remember how to ah is there one in here is it empty it's empty okay anyway there was a mirror here right did we smash again wow maybe we can use the t maybe we can use this he's this here's this a peace offering i'm scared i'm gonna take out one ear from the headphones [Music] look guys we're doing it girl you're not tall enough to open this door [Music] guru you must be this tall to ride this ride i don't want to put this down but how do we oh no no no no i am huge today i'm sorry big shark [Music] okay let's go yep gertrude i have your tea oh okay i don't like this we like go through them no no no no no no this is bad guys that was not yes it might be i'm not going to jinx myself i'm going to shut my mouth hey guys are you scared i'm scared light it on fire can we light it on fire i don't think we can pick it up i didn't get any prompt to light it on fire take one it says you can't take it you cannot store this item okay i can go up here though you can use the bollocks to what oh who wants some haunted house water ah [Music] look guys it's a shower you ever seen one of these before i'm joking am i still crouched okay is cs go tactics ready when you like i'm gonna talk as if i've played enough csgo to know how to use the cs go tactics ah we're gonna drop it we're gonna cut the chain i like how this auto focus is this looks really good with the shower well i don't know some people may not know what a shower is they might prefer baths maybe some people use uh uh some people use the washcloth in the sink and they just wash the areas that are the stinkiest maybe we don't do anything with this oh we need something we need to find a crank battery i'm peeking banana how do we get through this i don't think we can get through this i think the only way is done can we use this as a crank holder let me see i like the candles though they're actually pretty tab nope all right there's a shot so i guess we have to go here we're gonna fall wait what maybe we need to oh can we use this as a crank yeah any of the crankies down here with us come on what now whoa i need this no yes i'm confused what do we do this is like one of those parts of the game where if you walk past it enough times things will keep changing this is not gonna work how is this gonna work it's impossible now i bet that's gonna follow me around the entire rest of the game am i crouched oh is there like a secret door maybe just the way down bridge bridge what oh bridge smart whoever said that bridge nice next we need to get a crank is that a gun that's a gun why is it so slow [Music] [Applause] now now no i want to use the gun is that the whole point of this this was literally just a room for uh is there anything else in here seriously maybe something has changed you got beated uh is the crank just not here am i am i getting ahead of myself maybe there's an easter egg yeah am i too ahead of myself in the game because we still had to i don't know i feel like we can't pass here most items are found elsewhere okay yeah i don't think we're ready for this yet oh we have to go all the way around bring the t mac thank you yes the game is very good at waiting i was so excited for the shotgun and then the music was hype and then nothing where do i bring the t yeah bring the team i don't know where to bring the title that's the that's the thing wow all right well back we go to the woman to the woman does anybody remember where the woman was is she in one of the mirrors well that was trippy dolores tea and the attic i think i think i have the t i think this is the t mannequin no don't make me go back there no kitchen in the mirror world okay which mirror this mirror [Music] mirror across the mannequin oh okay let me see no i don't like that okay it's just a medic it's just man again serious i don't remember how to put things back in my inventory what that the t wasn't in the place where the team was supposed to be what thank you for your super chat she said the t the t was in in the special box right why this should work aim has this guy never made tea before ah we're making tea hello hello tuesday isn't it no it's a stinker ah i knew it you know what so you you damned scoundrel what killing oh thought it was rat poison joke's on you that was actually tea double jokes on you it was laxative tea ah gotcha she's gonna eat us for breakfast hot it's nice though it's a dry heat my god uh all right dolores behavioral development nice well now what oh this is a crank oh it's cute i can make that face see and this must be a crowbar all right not what we were looking for but something i guess up hey i really i don't want to go back through here please don't make me i don't want to see that thing does anybody else wanna play i don't wanna play i don't wanna see the thing [Music] hello [Music] is the only way out through the the front i feel like this is the only way out i don't know what to do what do i do guys we need a crank can we find a crank here would uh crank me in the garage i know the crank would be in the garage this is the only way out six three [Music] three thirty three all the clocks say 333. guys i don't want to leave this spot up the ladder okay we can go up the ladder very quickly up ascend 333 oh isn't this this is where we oh the crowbar you guys are so smart i forgot about this okay here we go crowbar might have to drink water or something scary can happen that's really loud compass please oh no that's not what i want no stop oh i had to crouch i have the crouch how do i put things away oh store wait no we're gonna drop this we're gonna pick this up we're gonna we're gonna store we're gonna [Music] we can store this is it broken well i can't take it with me so okay crowbar okay crowbar is the storable item so you have a compass that i think might be broken i don't know what to do what do you do with a broken crumb fish hello goodbye you don't need this go outside which one is outside [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] hi [Music] [Music] hope this isn't too far back might kind of suck okay well at least i know i understand now like a bit more so she's the one chasing us uh-huh all right this is fine so you have compass you can die in this game oh yeah oh yeah especially me okay well i'm gonna die a lot in this game yeah who's ready for a lot of dying so that door is locked up clock says something i don't know we need to find a crowbar i feel like i'm kind of just aimlessly walking around now we're gonna try and get outside which means we have to get back upstairs which means that some of the doors are not open i don't remember which doors are open i don't want to go in there this one goes to the classroom i believe can we go through here stop going to the bathroom okay you can do that this isn't the bathroom but the lights on safety room oh oh oh wait i think i know how to get there i just gotta walk around in circles for a little bit stop oh i remember where it is now we have to go through here okay oh it does work it points to the statue wow it does not point to the statue is that josh music it wants us to go oh wow we're fast look at this okay ah yes brick wall you don't have a good feeling about this neither do i but i don't really i don't understand ah this is a puzzle i want to solve it i just don't know hello if it doesn't want us to go north then which way does it want us to go but if we spin this we have to go down the road last time we went down the road it brought us back to the center so i think i was just you know yeah i think this will just bring us back it doesn't want us to go that far it didn't want us to go this far last time it didn't let us go this far last time but now but now you have a compass now that's right how could i have how could i have forgotten now we have a compass come pass compass am i supposed to be going north well it has a saving thing so are you guys scared of cemeteries they're very peaceful and quiet it can be scary though um i'm not bad are we supposed to be following north oh i think it wants us to go this way yep okay so we do go this way no not really they scary at night they can be scary at night i see them as a potential walking hazard at night if you don't see what you're going and you trip over you trip over something you land face first and a big pile of stone you did you thank you guacamole guacamole guacamole [Music] ah nom nom nom nom nom nom i'm assuming they want us to go this way it's the path that we're going to press w let's just brought us in a big old circle is this symbolic ew is that a baby cradle oh no it's a maze don't worry i can figure this out no worries i got this i got this don't you worry chat i got this under control you just sit there and look adorable okay i grew up take care of this that guru take control where's the interact button there it is is something gonna jump out is this dangerous time to take a sip of water [Applause] hmm pebble asmr [Applause] hurry up please thank you oh box what is that a spaceship that don't look like a spaceship it looks like a it looks like one of those things you use on the grill you know those things you use on the grill to take the steak off the grill it looks like one of those i don't like those that's what it looks like it doesn't look like a spaceship no not a spaceship all right what do we use that for well the door's open we can go out now let's go out digs one pebble at a time they really did a wrench yeah i guess it looks like a wrench maybe we can use it as a wrench looks like an electric guitar electric guitar with a really cool like one of those really cool electric guitars hello please let me out we can go this way wow that's quite a big spaceship yes sure it is go this way let's go this way i was talking about how i was watching buddy senpai play wait i already talked about that oh geez yeah i want to replay outlast i want to play it on like hardcore or whatever the hardest difficulty is can you speedrun outlast oh i don't like this i don't like this at all nope i don't like it are those cat ears yeah yeah yeah okay [Music] hardcore outlast has zero batteries oh nice actually i saw somebody mention how when i played outlast i didn't use a lot of batteries i guess i didn't use it as much as i should have it's a lot it's really dark for a lot of people through the play through so maybe hardcore wouldn't be that hard i'm just kidding i need to save up a lot of uh like energy ah my humidifier ran out of juice and it was telling me hey shut me off i want to have a piece of candy but knowing my luck i would swallow it and choke on stream hardcore outlast with a heart heart rate monitor beat saber with a heart rate monitor wait what shaving oh i don't like this okay we still need a um look light light light i'm standing in the light light um light love it please let me up through here gibberish oh oh okay i know where we are so this is the front door i have no idea where this is come on thank you why are we playing barbie horse adventure is that a light switch it's a plug i want to play i don't want to play barbie horse adventure we just need to get permission for it so we're waiting for permission let's go in here we get stuck in here last time lighters don't help huh lighters don't count towards we've already been down here oh [ __ ] knife that's not a knife it's a cake spoon scraper i just wanna disappear [Music] okay who got that [Applause] that was really good that's a good jump scare that's a good jump scare silent easily missed but if you if you hit is just right okay i'm good i'm gonna take a sip of water right here excellent jump scare that got me very well aw muscle spasm in the legs oh uh okay let's keep playing uh bring back my baby stop playing peekaboo with me dolores you guys missed it yeah if you turned away if you turned away you definitely missed it um it was silent we went into the bathroom and somebody peeked their head around the corner and i just turned right the right second i don't want to leave this room but we're going to anyway hi can we break this mirror i don't have it with me this is the safety room the stream froze as it happened that's unfortunate that was really good i actually i liked that that was a good that was really good that got me really really good uh okay so we returned the tea we need to find oh let's find out what the gibberish is because maybe we were supposed to see what that is is there a dinner party going on someone's coming who the hell is that guy just the new resident the crazy one yeah he's nuts always on drugs and alcohol don't mind him he's probably out of it anyway everyone who lives here is [ __ ] up anyway [ __ ] him let's move on did you see what the bat [ __ ] crazy old [ __ ] did yesterday oh i know i've seen her oh shut up you can't breathe microwave no one can hear it from your or your toasted brain hey wow watch it with the toast and remarks anyway i hear she's been walking around the house completely naked like a [ __ ] [ __ ] wow oh no kitchen utensils are mean kidding me what the hell is wrong with this old hag will you shut up i'm trying to get some sleep here oh boo hoo big guy needs a sleep by the way you guys have been repeating the same walking around naked semi joke for months now i have some real news for you guys oh yeah what's that you [ __ ] you're stuck with me don't you remember i think if you had some news i'd have heard it along with you you're right it keeps making me look i can't get away my sources whisper me some great stuff your source is my ass you're talking about that broom you can't trust a broom i tell you i'll quit your wine i would like to get away from this i heard and saddle up it's big news i heard that the old woman murdered her husband in cold blood not only that i heard that she plunged seven knives in his chest and that he's sitting dead in his study room how crazy is that wow it's inconceivable oh okay am i where a crowbar would be um that's not a pot that's a base does it want us to go to the study i feel like it wants us to go to the study and the study is upstairs uh uh upstairs nope nope nope please don't peekaboo with me [Music] maybe i can run through her okay i'm gonna play peek-a-boo first i'm better peek-a-boo than you peek-a-boo oh finally the pizza's here what took you so long didn't even leave it outside nothing okay we gotta go upstairs to the study you need to smash this is the utility or the utility closet uh is the the closet that we get all the stuff in is that only on the bottom floor this is the study right lots of mirrors to smash okay i think we need to go down and get the hammer because we can smash a bunch of mirrors up here okay oh i really don't want to go back downstairs but here we go is it is there a way is there a way we can get it upstairs maybe in the the safety safe room yeah there's three mirrors on the floor let's try and go to the safe safe room right that makes sense they have one there and there over here there's no way they would only have one on the basement floor that would be mean cruel bad is it only on the bottom floor guys know what i'm talking about yeah storage room is there one upstairs here or do we have to go downstairs hey mom i agree when your furniture starts talking to you it's time to replace it only downstairs okay well uh how do we get there again uh yeah we're gonna go into the basement we're gonna go get the hammer and then we're gonna come back upstairs and smash a bunch of mirrors yeah that is the gameplay yeah this house is confusing i keep forgetting how to get back up uh i remember how to get back up uh i think i remember how to get back up [Music] i don't like it down here like right let me store item again no peekaboo for you okay the peekaboo got me i got me really good i need some i need to take him i need to drink a water home okay this is a fast way back it's really dark look at that back where we wanna be hammer time let's go smash some mirrors hey ghost i'll smash kneecaps too i'm not scared i'm not scared of you i'm a little scared you please don't jump out of me okay there's a mirror in here oh the breakers went i don't care about the breakers uh yep oh yuck are we store nice there's a baby oh okay bye give me your sphere that's a marble thanks for the marble i'm gonna go now bye okay the breaker went stop stop stop stop stop stop yeah you want to go come on come on i'll knock your knees out i'll do it guys where's the electric room i don't remember where the electric room is like candles there's a candle in the kitchen basement this oh no i was just in the basement [Music] [Music] why does it sometimes not let me oh okay me all right here we go i don't want to drop the hammer look it's uh what do you guys see in the picture uh huh why is it ticking wait i don't want to put the hammer down so i have to go get it again all right which painting oh maybe there's a pattern goodbye hammer maybe i should have smashed all the windows for all right let's see the pattern here triangle man shooting star uh planet water ghost shooting star did you catch that hi wings thank you wait what is the pattern ha ha we haven't seen this one face this is like this is like michael myers a clown face a meteor and another face face space meteor base water triangle clown face meteor what nothing in this room seems to help oh oh we can take these off the wall okay it doesn't want me to put this one down so i guess they want me to use this one am i ahead of myself again i guess i'm ahead of myself all right well let's go back then if this is where we're supposed to be yet this is confusing this is confusing i'm just trying to pick up my mess all right i guess we go back then pattern is elsewhere all right i guess let's go switch the breakers back yay i take this nice okay we're gonna go do the breaker and we're gonna go get the hammer right near the the other tv okay i know where that is that's what i was assuming it was do you imagine if this is how you went to your basement every time hold on i gotta go get the box of christmas ornaments from the basement welcome back to the twilight zone so somewhere in here whoopsie stop okay it's one of these rooms i do know that breaker breaker right nope yep i'm just here for the hammer ma'am i'm just able to hammer add a blue breaker one-on-one this is just the way i know how to go all right we're just gonna keep going this way because that's just how i know how to get back up well i don't think we can get back up because the if you go up lot of the doors are blocked off so i guess i guess this works hello dolores all right breaker fixed now i want to go upstairs there's a lot of mirrors upstairs we missed is everyone in here stop she following me okay if you are a mirror come on please i want to smash guru smash hey walk walk walk walk walk [ __ ] walking smash that then it's upstairs upstairs we go upstairs to like the peekaboo it's all right it's all right it's all right we just need her to go away say shoot sure lady don't bother me i'll just walk right up to her i don't care i'll do it i gotta get upstairs ma'am ma'am i need to get upstairs ma'am [Music] uh-oh i'm in danger should we go through this one or should we smash the other one is that mature cute [Music] um i figure out how to do this oh okay we're fine i saved i do quick save we're good hi back to game resume i saved what danger is now dangerous now danger is now dangerous now dangerous now dangerous now oh i have a piece of brownie huh i try that again okay she took my hammer no she didn't oh it's saved here all right please don't move my inventory's full whirling in an everlasting dream a two-sided moon with cloud and vision lies down innocently by it's quietly shadow what wailing in an everlasting dream a two-sided moon with clouded vision uh lies down innocently by its quietly shadow guilty shadow oh my god okay goodbye what's this we got the crank we can go back to the room with all the lacrosses and stuff right store yes nice or we can use it here can i have a back we're letting the light in it's like when you guys open the blinds when you wake up do you hiss at the sun don't hiss at the sun i go that's why you're going to get yourself uh special curtains that keep the sunlight out yep kind of just in my seat just pinching my butt oh am i doing this right oh my goodness i'm still shaken by that one dark in here that old lady keeps stalking me am i doing this right is this a puzzle i think this is a puzzle this is gonna suck up is actually a puzzle it's a puzzle okay maybe it shows something downstairs now of course it's a puzzle how is this a puzzle i don't understand three three three three six nine you gotta work to get scared what if we the drawing doesn't seem to depict anything what that's not a drawing oh there's a those drawings on them okay a skull nothing a butterfly a moon an eye nothing so should we close the lights that don't have anything wait hold on failing in an everlasting dream you think this has something to do with it a two-sided moon with clouded vision until moon moon and eyeball lies down innocently by its guilty shadow do you think that has something to lose okay aha shadow shadow moon i nothing shadow moon no shadow i no what moon i shadow so we don't need a butterfly so if we if we close these moon eyeshadow yeah up here and close the rest so like this one so i moon shadow all right and we close the rest what is guilty though uh the skull maybe so we don't need this one i moon and then this is the butterfly a butterfly would represent a sense correct innocence is not highlighted two-sided moon clouded vision guilty shadow well no it's just a shadow i think yeah yes so we'll close this one this is the shadow you also have a spears well what okay we did it we did it yeah we did it i swear i saw something move i saw something following us hey nice um [Music] oh 333 again oh yay [Music] ah tidy hi thank you for your super chat yeah yeah isn't there there's another mirror upstairs that we want to smash we gotta do another one maybe we can try it we can try and do the the clock again it has to be 333 you can't change into three three three what do the plates mean is this just your favorite spot to be fine i'll go play with the the clock again annoying i still don't understand this poem this poem this puzzle me turn that frown upside down mister now this is something to do with these i don't understand uh well let's go smash that mirror then ah glass ball oh that's right we have a glass ball what can we do with this oh there should be something in the garage to help you break it you guys want to go smash this big marble in the garage we know where the garage is let's go smash the okay ready just gotta run really quick to the garage say hi to delores on the way by hi dolores okay good this this reminds me of the thing have you guys ever seen how they break open a geode what is geod a scary word [Music] in the garage an air compressor want to be this you can like squeeze it in between here ah [Music] yeah i watched a video of how they like break open a geode they use something kind of like this but it's like a big chain and then the chain gets wrapped around what is it a note with scribbles on it what is this bugs oh the clocks come on come on come on come on come on come on nice six three thirty wait what six three thirty twelve so you guys were right you guys were right all right uh sideways sideways facing inward and then right side up okay sideways sideways inwards right side up all right oh that was easy what did he do though that's right right i heard music go off yeah that's right yeah the clocks are wrong the clocks are wrong you're right uh e uncomfortable it's six the one in the middle is right and then twelve okay now it's done hey 12 30 12 30 yeah what did i do though i don't understand did i do it right we got the we got like a music musical cue okay let's go smash another mirror dolores can we smash this mirror no no no no no no no no no no no yes ah yeah that's for the that's what they were talking about infusion injection is this gonna be like uh like a secret i was hoping we would have to pull a book under the bookshelf a secret door i want a door like this like a like a top secret door and i put the what no no no no no okay well we have the crank so we can go back there that's in the basement we'll be right back buddy ah did you guys get it that time i got you that time did you catch it that time uh yeah that was good yep you got us dolores you got us you scared us really good stop it i got you yeah okay we are going to the basement no where which one was the uh which one was the the one with the you keep missing it you missed it again how did you keep your eyes on the stream closet behind the storage oy that's right is it right i missed something in the the clock room clock room window well we're here let's do that really quick because we're here and then we're gonna go and do the other room the room with the crank which is in the basement across from the storage room oh is this another puzzle is it also in here ah open close open all right now it's now it's done now we did it now i really wish i hadn't did it guys hi ghost thank you what do i do does it want the star maybe it wants the star toy ah ah stop it it's gonna make me cry oh no don't make me give up the hammer i need no [Music] are those needles no they're baby monitors that's what they are why do i have a baby monitor nice but now it's really dark what do we do with this what are you with the baby monitor parents bedroom can we give it to the i'm a babysitter now i want to be the babysitter i want to be the baby maybe we could give this to uh what's her name dolores when we fall through the floor on the in the in the yeah yeah yeah yeah the lady who like give me my baby how do we get there again and we jump to the bathroom right i think so it's good this is on it's on the way we can we can uh we can i don't know man i really don't know put in the the parents room the parents room that's like one of these mirrors that i don't remember which oh bad i don't like this down here which one is the you gotta go to the storage room no no let me in thank you okay we're gonna go do this one avoid standing in the i'm in the wall what do you want me to do i'm a little mouse and i'm looking for cheese okay we need to do this again nice okay so we're gonna go put the we're gonna put the crank in the wall have i been crouching how long have i been crouching progress bad time to drink water but i'm doing it anyway uh-huh i know it's stupid you would be really creepy if you're standing in this room and then all of a sudden you just hear like uh and all the candles go out that would be creepy a knife thanks for the knife they now need to give the lady a baby monitor [Music] um please don't peekaboo please just jump please just jump in there i don't want to be down here anymore please hey lady boy wait wait i'm not supposed to oh no am i supposed to use it to like find clues or something i thought you couldn't get me i'm sorry is this like uh like the thing you can use in phasmaphobia dolores dolores give us a sign dolores are you old maybe give it to the baby look i can smell this room i don't like it i don't like it we're leaving goodbye what do i do with this do you know daddy phantom did we miss any mirrors baby i think you get away from the darkness i gotta get away from the darkness yeah okay so the baby's in that room are you going ghost i hope so fam i have your baby it would like to speak to you ma'am ma'am your child's on the line you wanna speak to your baby it's for you do you want it i don't want this anymore [Music] is that a man did it turn into a man what do i do with this [Music] take this i don't want it what did i do with the baby uh hurry go aha baby monitor nice is the baby in here [Music] hello i don't i don't i don't okay ah nice it's a maze oh it's one of these we have to memorize which way we go so first we go straight [Music] what huh the clocks they don't say anything one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve it did doesn't say anything am i stuck in here i think i'm stuck in here how do i do this guys one two three four roses drop the hammer ah [Music] doesn't do anything i need to go back i can't go back though doesn't let me go back it just brings me here well just keep swimming baby monitors we just go until we hear something on the baby monitor yummy crunchy in my ears oh that scared me yeah there's a door but i won't let me go through it oh oh um [Music] i'll follow the painting maybe because it wasn't there painting on this wall and on this one i can leave here okay let's try and leave again it's really hard to see though let me out this is fine no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die goodbye goodbye i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i don't like that compass that makes sense okay so we need to go to the basement you need to go to the basement nice basement to grab the compass and we need to turn on the breaker room and you guys say to go into the parents bedroom to drop off the baby monitor i don't remember how to get there parent's bedroom where is the parent's bedroom that's in the basement you don't need the compass well let's get to the parents bedroom then um i know you don't have pizza leave me alone you never have pizza okay well if you if you ding dong twice you might have pizza that's not pizza that's a lady my brain is very very frazzled right now i need i need to try and remember what i'm doing it's upstairs to the right thank you oh that better i thought you meant in the in the mirror oh i know where that bedroom is it's unfortunate that the breaker i think we need to go turn the breaker on before we do this yeah okay we're gonna go we gotta go to the breakers we're going to the basement we're doing a breaker detour is there a faster way to get to the basement or is this the only way i think this is oh this is the way that my brain is uh doing it so we're doing it this way hello i'm here to turn on the breaker biker breaker micah breaker nice now we go to the bathroom no peekaboo bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom okay now we're gonna go put the now we're gonna go put the baby monitor in the upstairs bedroom oh wow so we have to fall through the floor in order to go back upstairs that's really weird okay i feel like i should put the hammer down so this way i can hold this in my other hand right okay why is the light not working oh oh this was different oh look okay so we can find pieces for the what is this called this is called um uh i can't remember what it's called we put an iphone we can play the cassettes too nice one is this a dolores symptoms are aggravating doctors tell me it's become very hard to pinpoint the exact disorder they tell me she's got symptoms of schizophrenia bipolar disorder i don't know what to do anymore it's called a mobile that's what it is we're only making things worse today she told me she often hears her own voice whispering a sequence of five numbers through the baby monitor she said it's the key to her inner house what does that even mean what am i supposed to do oh the people has the paintings that we need to see in the other mirror oh i remember now okay well let's pop this out dolores now has moments of severe psychosis people pay contact with reality i'm getting it i'm getting it she hardly remembers me anymore she's lost her trust in me and it's becoming harder and harder to administer her treatments she sometimes forgets where she is or even the fact that she has to wear clothes she keeps on scratching her nails or banging her head on doors she murmurs gibberish sentences and roams aimlessly around the house the other day she even accused me of trying to poison her i'm on the edge i don't think i can take much more of this how am i supposed to work take care of the baby and deal with her dementia all at the same time oh that's really sad i now fear for the baby she has become obsessed with him she says she can always hear him cry over the baby monitor even when it's off she has trouble differentiating him from the dolls in the house very heavy once she threw a doll away realizing it wasn't the baby i am horrified at the idea that she might do the same to the baby thinking she's holding a doll i've got rid of all the dolls in the house and now she keeps on calling him never remembering where he is i have to keep a constant eye on both of them the only time i can get some work done is when she's sedated it feels like a nightmare okay we're missing one one more question please don't jump out of me face space base face space face [Music] face space base it starts as a whole face and then it melts so it's a face that is melting right so can we break this with the hammer maybe we should break this one oh yeah i break this with a hammer if i had one baby monitor i have the piece i don't want to go out there she's she's yelling screaming crying uh turn on the baby monitor oh five zero three seven three five five zero three three seven three maybe that's okay well we need to remember that maybe there's a you guys will remember that right five zero three seven three yeah you guys got it nice nice i like this teamwork all right speaking of teamwork who's gonna be next to go through the door any volunteers [Applause] i don't wanna go i already forgot it's all right me too five zero three seven three five zero three seven three five zero three seven hey how do i get up here how do i get up there we have like a liner i can use oh no that's where we came down that's the attic all right i'm in the light what are you talking about stop it stopped okay i didn't remember what i have to do so do we go back to that place that is asking for us to put the things on the wall i don't even remember where that is it's up here somewhere though isn't it which one is that [Music] hi mister ham do we have something for you ah you gonna stab him is it going to make a squishy sound [Music] [Music] ah i love you okay what does this key go to could it be the safe let's try to save no what else needs a key oh boy wait what's there here maybe this is what it is oh okay [Music] okay nice baby toy cassette dolores behavior development one this is a freezer oh that's never good ew what's glycine injection okay we need a crowbar crowbar dude i stabbed you you shouldn't be walking five five do you want some medication should we run at him close the door is he walking towards me uh-huh no peek-a-boo okay okay well now there's a man walking around um what else we need to do well let's go back to the baby room because we're upstairs no peekaboo [Music] [Music] [Music] wow i'll play dolores why no no no no no no what do you mean oh it goes over there okay let's listen to the tape i fear that dolores is getting worse by the day her temperaments are extremely bipolar she gets easily upset over small things almost always immediately followed by self-resentment in the asking for forgiveness this is all the presents it's getting harder to cope with her outbursts but my love for her is strong still and i'll do whatever it takes to help her overcome her condition oh no i'm going to be late for tea where i put that damned atticook are we listening to this out of order or is this just weird i i i don't know we need a crowbar need a crowbar we need uh i can't carry the crowbar or the mirror smasher you don't need a crowbar try the key okay i don't have a key i was thinking of the room in the the study i want to smash the bedroom mirror i think it's the last mirror the music box is still locked yeah hi ace thank you thank you ace it's very kind of you the attic hook i have the attic hook do you use that for the door huh i i don't understand you know the bathroom puzzle are you sure i don't like this one ah nice okay uh do we follow this oh well we don't have it anymore does anybody remember it's like three three or is it a different code three six thirty twelve 36 12 30 3 5 9 30 6 4 five or is it the is it the dolores is it this one five zero three how did you put zero on a clock oh well let's try it did they change five zero three seven three seven five thank you that's enough five zero three seven three twelve is zero yeah three seven three five zero three seven three we did it my baby's really crying ah that's really loud don't touch that [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] sounds like my stomach oh [Music] honor [Music] it's mario's birthday on the 30th of october ew [Music] oh [Music] what hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what oh can i leave please you oh no why are we saving why what happened uh what do we need hammer time right we're gonna go smash the mirror in the upstairs bedroom last mirror here we go mom hey lady we found your baby dolores bring me my child no i don't think i will okay time to smash this is nasty yeah it kind of took a nasty turn yep kind of nasty well let's follow it it wants us to go up here what is this the umbilical cord umbilical cord okay what do we do do we do we need to go to the baby or do we smash the mirror smash okay we'll smash somewhere we'll smash and we'll get the baby maybe we can run by dolores [Music] okay she's not here this is weird she's always right here no no no [Music] no oh music box let me smash this first what ah ridiculous uh all right well we'll do this what ridiculous nonsense okay we're gonna do the baby then [Music] oh i'm outside [Music] that didn't get me as bad as the uh peekaboo peekaboo actually scared me he's not so much all right so okay uh baby baby because we can't smash the mirror and we can't get into the music box unless i should have grabbed the maybe i should have grabbed the other thing the what's the thing probably we should grab a cobra crowbar uh formula graph oh the one in there the tea in the attic there was no tea in the attic i looked but we took it we already took the tea in the attic there's no tea in the attic smash the baby no yeah squishy really baby [Music] [Music] baby they bring it to doors wow is it alive dolores i have your baby she's gonna be mad hey zombie man [Laughter] she's gonna be mad isn't she maybe she'll leave us alone [Music] okay the last piece okay i'm ready for you whatever's out there okay we go upstairs okay upstairs no peekaboo upstairs everybody please don't close on me nice okay ah he did it we did that okay okay so puzzles that we need to do now when you do this puzzle right uh what room is that in it's not the bathroom it's not the study oh it's this one please don't touch me right was that our clue was the faces yeah the painting room yeah we need this one um okay we need oh i can't see that now no they need faces this one is the last one this one goes here um and then we need um i'm assuming [Music] oh [Music] this is the last piece okay sunshine mr sun sun mr golden sun please be nice to me nothing at the top of the mirror please thank you all right go back up to the baby room [Music] resume the music box okay open sesame there's a phonograph in the basement i don't want to go down there who's ready for the basement guys still want to keep going ready for basement time right there's a phonograph in the basement the attic hook no you don't want to go in the attic why do you want to go in the attic do we i think it's basement time yeah yep hi sweeney thank you thanks thank you i didn't catch what you said what did you say say it again say it again all right is this the end of the game this is where she dies what do you mean what's coming say don't say that don't say that stop it yes no fine i like this i don't know what to do [Music] [Music] huh [Music] somebody's dancing over there i'm just following the music [Music] hmm [Music] i don't understand what's in my ear [Music] [Music] what i'm trying to follow the music but it's um [Music] thank you for your super chat [Music] did i just do a complete circle [Music] bro are you how did i do that [Music] was i supposed one five five five one one i don't understand what what i don't get it what happened i mean i know what happened but how did that happen did i mess something up i slipped stone stairs are very dangerous you can slip very easily [Music] don't tap the glass it scares the streamer what do i do i don't get it do i jump down this is the wrong way again bye so loud i messed up oh all right let's land here then okay i broke my legs oh the hardest puzzle of the wall thanks for your selfish yet i i i i messed up yeah and so okay follow the music follow the music [Music] okay this way yes now it stays this way [Music] it's here it wants me to go over there i don't understand [Music] it's like up here i don't know how to ah yeah yeah yeah wrong way i know i know i know [Music] it's really in my my left ear i don't understand we have to go left eventually so we go down here and then up and around no [Music] [Music] i am following [Music] oh for crying out loud okay start again let me how am i doing this wrong how i don't i don't understand [Music] okay follow the path to the upper yeah because that's where it's uh okay fine we'll just we'll just figure it out then whatever [Music] oh my word bye [Music] [Music] let's just start again there we go is this right i'm gonna scream [Music] even the game's getting frustrated with me game's like stop [Music] [Music] ah oh my god [Music] stop it is this right what's happening i don't know i'm doing a puzzle wrong amazed i'm doing a maze wrong she's so loud i want to start over should we start over now so [Music] it's not how i just follow the music that's what i was doing all right [Music] [Music] is that it no follow the music i keep trying with all the music let me follow the music music wants to go up well i need to start over hold on let me break my legs follow the orchestra okay we're following the orchestra who would have thought the hardest puzzle would have been just listen to the music [Music] okay follow music this way right [Music] no you haven't been here though yet okay not right all right all right we're going back we're going back here we go are my headphones on backwards maybe my headphones are on backwards oh let me check make sure my headphones aren't on backwards [Music] they are not on backwards so i am hearing this in the right direction [Music] [Music] oh boy direction doesn't matter what is the goal of this part to get up here i don't even know which door i'm aiming for that's problem here [Music] oh my okay it's okay we got this i'm hearing it in this thing uh oh my goodness we don't go up okay okay okay okay okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] do we have to go up this right here [Music] [Music] me is this the one i want to take yes no no i passed it okay is it this one then [Music] no i didn't go up i'm up this door [Music] i can't get in [Music] go left maybe we go down let's go towards the window with the light on yeah this is it yeah [Music] look it's dolores [Music] dancer stands [Music] please let me out no okay this has to be right this has to be right because this is different [Music] [Music] uh this way do we like do this oh boy okay good on nice and easy nice and easy he wants me to go this way he wants me to go this way this way [Music] i did it there we go [Music] how many of you had your your uh your head in your hands this stupid shark it's all good thank y'all for your super time baby baby oh squishy so did she okay never mind i'm gonna hold off on saying anything no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i don't like this so this is the room hey bro thank you thank you oh wait grab okay only one people works i don't want to look through it very much ah yeah [Music] huh [Music] okay here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna click on this and you're gonna look okay i'm gonna close my eyes ready guys keep your eyes open here we go what do you see what do you say okay i'll look i'll help you [Music] she put the baby in bed there's a baby in the bay [Music] yay baby [Music] hi [Music] so [Music] yay progress ah so that was the delores chapter okay [Music] so that was dolores chapter oh boy there's more who's ready for part three [Music] oh okay something is still chasing us now what there's more what now is it like a another chapter how do we activate the next chapter the mirrors are gone we still have our items like a baby monitor and stuff wait if dolores is done then all the panda how about we save this for next time ah whose stomach is going i'm a mom feed me i'm gonna pause this right here thanks for coming to watching me finish playing the delores chapter we might die right now but anyway um [Music] um this is not pause the game i guess not anyway thanks for watching everybody i'm gonna go now uh if you guys wanna watch the next to part of the next chapter then by all means we'll play the next chapter but for now i'm gonna go i'm gonna get a snack and i'm gonna try and calm my brain down i hope you guys enjoyed uh today i had fun i really actually i honestly really like this game uh not as many jump scares as say like the outlast dlc or anything um but i don't know it's still i still like this game i do like this game yeah um anyway thanks for coming into my stream thank you for your super chat thank you jason thank you crim okay things are starting to happen i'm gonna go now thanks laura thanks for hanging out with me uh okay i'll see you next time goodbye oh my god the next thing just killed me i don't know if i want to play the next chapter anyways you goodbye oh my god i saved right before it happened though don't worry we're good we're good don't worry i said it and then i died it was perfect timing perfect timing um chef kiss my stomach is really growling do you hear it it's going wow do you have anything else to say stomach do you want to say one more final ingredient circle you sound like a creature you're going bro yeah no nothing it only likes to growl when i'm talking anyway all right goodbye you
Channel: Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN
Views: 797,692
Rating: 4.9807348 out of 5
Keywords: ホロライブ, hololive, ホロライブプロダクション, hololive production, ホロプロ, Gawr, Gura, がうる, ぐら, hololive English, holoEN, hololive Myth, holoMyth
Id: wuUpQStQ6Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 45sec (12825 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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