Visa Dilemmas - Border Interceptors - Border Documentary

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in the world today protecting our country's  borders is vital it is seen as a gateway to   the UK these are the men and women in uniform  responsible for safeguarding Ireland's borders   stopping look at me behind the yellow Lane  searching have you been stopped at a Checkmate   before you just listen to me we just listened and  seizing drugs arms and illegal Goods if anyone   tries to harm me that dog will turn them to shreds  saving lives oh I'd say about 200 kilometers per   hour and protecting Islands inhabitants and  millions of visiting tourists you could have   been here a hundred times it doesn't mean that  you're guaranteed to get in the 101st time they   police the ports well you have to make sure to  definitely know nobody only need a vehicle the   airports where did you tell me you weren't working  and the roads these are very badly damaged strands   if you can't drive the truck shouldn't be on the  road [Music] these are the Border interceptors coming up a routine stop and search that's  the story turns up an alarming find for the   Garda traffic court some drugs paraphernalia  here the needles and tubes for making up their   own syringes cork ports four-legged secret  weapon that dog will tearing him to shreds   under Dublin Airport immigration  you with the group yes   dude and who may be on the next plane  home I have a problem then beans is used corkport is the second busiest port in  Ireland and welcomes car ferries cruise   ships and freight carriers giving  easy access to the whole of Ireland   the front line is protected by armed police  their primary role is to stop people trying   to smuggle themselves illegally across the border  thanks so much mostly families come in here but   you still have to be very careful about to check  to carry off well it takes a minute it's mostly   people that were interested in we work hand in  hand with customs and they're just contraband is not just that the two-legged variety   officer Harrington is one of two guarded Dog  Handlers for County core assisted by two dogs   laser and Rex Rex's trained to find and detect  various different illegal drugs very common   misconception is that the dogs are addicted to the  drugs they're trying to find they're not because a   lot of the drugs that he's trying to detect wood  if he got him into a system or up his nose would   actually overwhelm his system and kill him the  other dog we have here today his name is laser   Liz was trained primarily for certain risk of  missing or vulnerable people but if the person   tries to hurt the dog heart mirror escape the  dog is trying to bite them and detained he's   there to defend me at all costs if anyone tries  to harm me that dog will tear it up to shreds   when you have a big Angry German Shepherd  at barking and telling people to cap on nine   times out of ten to tend to listen wrexon officer  Harrington however vigilance as they Patrol the   port working as a team to try to bring Contraband  into into the country just letting them have a   walk by just seeing any pick up on anything  and plastic in any of the cars um like it's   just cannabis renting a dad in the car they have  a very pungent smell and you'll actually pick it   up the dogs and pick it up outside the vehicles  from time to time you'll get specific information   that might suggest that a particular car might  be under ferry that might be of interest to us ferry from France is about to dock at the port are about to act on a tip-off  about a truck on board okay guys we have the ferry coming from ruskaft  this morning 480 vehicles on board there's one   truck that's of interest to us we're going  to be checking that truck so as usual [Music]   with around 180 Vehicles rolling off the ferry any  one of these could be carrying illegal immigrants [Music]   foreign the officers spot the target vehicle as it  leaves the ferry and they pull it over as it heads   to leave the port they now move in to perform a  thorough search before deciding if the truck will   be allowed to enter the country can we just have  a quick look in the back though thanks very much   empty we checked over at the fast  seat three times you were checked yeah   the Garda are prepped and ready to act should  anyone be hiding amongst the empty containers   we've had some problems the last few months in  relation to that I suppose it's just a current   climate in Europe a lot of desperate people over  there trying to get a life and we're here to make   sure that there are brothers are secure we've  had some clandestines come in and Backer trailers   yeah I'm satisfied this is secure  and there's nobody on board   they may have found nothing but they're  not finished yet it's time to bring in   the big guns all right so let's go come  on Rex where is it where is it [Music]   okay active guarder Ray Flannery is on duty  at the immigration booths in Dublin Airport   how long are you going to stay in Ireland uh one  more day he's keeping an eye out for anything that   may indicate a passenger is not being honest  about their intentions in Ireland where are   you going to be based um all Hollows and then  at Trinity College Dublin a group of American   students have just landed from Heathrow  in the UK you're a part of the group yeah they're stopping off in Ireland  for a few days on their way back   to the U.S you with the group  yes do you have a second Visa but it seems one of the students  has a problem with his Visa you   have a problem then because that Visa is used the tutor arrives at officer Flannery's desk in  order to explain the situation yeah but the VZ has   a single entry Visa yes and uh the people on this  side made a mistake in the Irish airport but the   person stamped it accidentally because she just  took the whole lot of ours and stay at the mall   he has to be convinced that  they are telling the truth   or the student will be back on a plane  and on his way out of the country   it's deemed used once it's stumped we didn't  know this and yeah yeah so technically you   should because you came to here to go to the UK  yeah but yeah so once you landed here what airline   would you go to UK with when we went through  the Irish Consulate in Boston we gave them the   itinerary and said we were flying Aer Lingus from  you know into Dublin to Heathrow and this is what   they yeah officer Flannery is happy that there  has been a genuine mistake we're staying until   Tuesday and allows the boy to enter Ireland to  join his fellow students okay thank you very much you had the correct visas but uh just  the Irish Visa was stamped in her   um it didn't need to be Sam coming through  here in transit the next passenger at officer   Flannery's desk has flown in from Brazil I  have a Irish Irish family a wife and a Johnson   he and his family have previously lived in Ireland  that have been back in South America his family   have flown home ahead of him and he's just arrived  to join them we are living in Brazil and during   that period there my my journey be expired his  gnib card has expired this gives him immigration   permission to stay in the country Beyond 90 days  he will have to register again for a new card   are you living in Dublin you're down the country  you go to the local but everything seems to be   an order until officer Flannery asks the man his  address in Ireland what address are you living in   when I left when I left what we're going  to leave now when you left your living room the address they have on record is from  2009. okay when did you live in Triton   refuses When we married in 2009 officer Flannery  isn't concerned about the man's intentions   but explains that he needs to keep his  contact details up to date at all times   anytime you move a dress you have to notify  immigration that you have moved address okay   it's very important to do so and we hold  on to this card because it's expired with   officer Flannery holding on to the expired gnib  card the man will need to register for a new one   this time making sure all his details  are correct and up to date thank you okay back at cork Port the god of border patrol are  on high alert can I just have a quick look in   the back though thanks very much they've had  a tip-off that a truck arriving from France   may be carrying something or someone it shouldn't  have been there's nobody on board so far they've   discovered nothing time to bring out their secret  weapon Rex wait what is this you're going to work   every time these dogs go to work they think  they're playing the game so if the dog isn't   happy to be searching for his toy he won't  do it so you have to keep the dogs happy at   all at times the dog goes to work checking  potential hiding places for smuggle drugs   so I know he's in work mode and he will just  fly through this truck searching it and if he   comes across anything he would stop beside it and  start barking and scratching at using his paws   with a sense of smell two thousand times stronger  and 50 times more sensitive than that of a humans   Rex is a potent weapon in security operations  oh boy Rex to him it's a game but if he finds   anything the drivers won't be smiling  he's a very very good at what he does   and he can make our search teams jobs  an awful lot easier oh boy good boy Rex's expert knows finds nothing given the all clear the truck is  weighed through into the country on   this occasion the tip-off hasn't led  to a burst but the squad will remain   Vigilant ready for the next illegal  attempt to enter the country [Music]   the Garda traffic court patrols the roads around  Dublin port and Dublin airports it's their job   to keep these busy entry points to the Republic  of Ireland safe [Music] officers Paddy McElroy   and Philip Earl are in their patrol car and  they've spotted something that Rings alarm Bells [Music] they turn the vehicle around and head  off in pursuit of the Nissan Micra just   took the turn of it quick for my liking as the  driver overtakes other Road users erratically   said he wouldn't drive without  anything nowhere behind   the officers radio in for a vehicle check I can't  tell just looking for a vehicle registration this year five percent it's time to pull this driver over [Music]   summer kelroy approaches the car to investigate you keep an eye on them you're coming up a lot of stuff  missing on your car yeah documentation NCT is gone tax is gone no insurance displayed  immature is not paid for me just turn off your   internet for a second it's off is it off yeah do  you have a driver's license no identification no   who'd you buy this car off I bought a filler  in the ocean group yesterday yesterday dead   before so I did four yesterday  you're tripping yourself up now got no tax no insurance and no answer key it's  got a mail driver a female fancy passenger the   female has all the usual physical signs of a drug  user he's saying that he's just bought the car   so uh he doesn't appear to have any documentation  to back it up okay I like to take this one up and   the cream Seas officer McElroy suspects the man  is telling him a pack of lies he's got no ID and   no proof that the car is legally allowed on the  road so the officers had no choice but to seize   his vehicle if we get in a tow truck up to this  location please your car is going to be seized   the section 41 on the road please participation of  no insurance you see if you told me yet you told   me you said you bought it yesterday how to get  insurance every month where did you get insurance   downtown you only said you wanted yesterday no  therefore yesterday monthly it's 200 pounds I'm   not satisfied please go don't just not satisfied  when I say this if you've known you've no license   you have insurance our checks I'm from the North  Carolina license expenses of random decision   okay if he's going to stand any chance of changing  their minds he's going to have to think fast with up to 740 flights landing every day from  180 potential destinations in 42 countries over   four continents the task of keeping Ireland's  borders safe at Dublin Airport is no mean feat   Hi how are you talking to me at the immigration  desks officer O'Connell is on duty helping to   protect those borders from potential threats how  are you doing a gentleman has just flown in from   Hong Kong and has arrived at his desk who do  you visit my brother and sister your brother   and sister do they work here yes they work here  and do you have their their immigration details   no do you have a letter no okay I'll try and find  them on my system officer O'Connell can't find   any record of the relatives on the system if the  man can't prove where he is staying and who with   then he could be denied entry into the country  they're not on my system they're not here no   I was asking my sister yeah it turns out that  the man is traveling with another of his sisters   joins him at officer O'Connell's immigration  desk so he can question her about their   reasons for coming to Ireland my sister and her  father okay no mobile number no mobile phone this is your sister uh Sylvia okay  the woman gives him a phone number but there's no answer voicemail he needs to  confirm their story to ensure that they aren't   trying to enter the country illegally  for work for now they are going nowhere   do you know your sister's date of birth date date  of birth your sister yeah yes please her date of   birth yeah and on top of that the language barrier  is starting to become a problem date of birth yes oh is this 1948 1948 September and foreign our nationality Hong Kong yeah   yeah okay no records he tries  to get through again [Music] hello Sylvia and this time the call Connects   immigration Dublin Airport  you're expecting a visitor   who is it okay so I just need to get your gnib  number okay and did you register with immigration you did okay the 8th of October 1956.   ah yes the woman on the phone has registered  with the Garda National immigration Bureau   is able to give officer O'Connell her details yeah  that's fine he finds her on the system very good   it's satisfied that the couple are genuine and  is happy to give them leave to land so when you   are visiting next time just get a letter from  your sister with all her details on us okay   because then we won't be delaying the other people  okay okay thank you very much bye bye [Music] if there hadn't any contact details um it's  grounds to refuse to be honest with you because   they're telling you they're coming to visit  people and if I can find them on the system   that means they're probably not here legally  so if I hadn't been able to find them it would   have been grounds for refusal God a traffic  core officers Paddy McElroy and Philip Earl   have pulled over a car for driving erratically  coming up with loads of stuff missing on your car   they suspect the driver is being far  from honest with them I'm not satisfied he's got no tax no insurance and  no National car test certificate   and on top of all that he can't produce  a driving license expand incision okay they've seized the car but before the tow  truck arrives it's time for a routine search   yeah we're going to give a quick search you  have nothing in the car that you shouldn't have [Music] do you take any drugs at all drink yeah [Music] and the plot thickens who was on the cocaine  nobody I don't think we're going to drink some drugs paraphernalia here with the pipes  that they use for smoking and this seems to   be it's not something you'd see much of  these days where they appear to be making   up their own needles by using pins and so on  no need for that in the modern day with the   government needle exchange programs and so on  it's unusual to see it it's very old-fashioned   to say you'd see the likes that the needles and  tubes you know for making up their own syringes   it's almost like you'd see in prison  rather than on the streets to be honest the likes of this your tin  foil that you use for smoking   then we've got this container here  Telltale sign here is the green liquid   in the bottom that's methadone which  is a substitute for heroin people who   are coming off heroin will be prescribed  this through clinics and doctors and so on the bag here is crushed tablets  of some sort we're gonna guess   from the color and from experience they tend to  be sleeping tablets again more medication these   are all in the name of another lady who's  not in the car who's related to this lady   she tells us she doesn't take drugs but a check  on her system tells us the opposite they seem to   be harmless enough two characters living homes  especially living out of the car unfortunately   the car is into tax insured or NCT so there's  no way we can let them drive around like that although they found drugs paraphernalia there's  no drugs so the officers can only seize their car   they let them get their things together   and it looks like they have their entire  lives in a handful of carrier bags the cars heading to the pound and the  couple are heading off under their own stain [Music]
Channel: Banijay Bluelight
Views: 86,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J8jcGGiNQyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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