Virtual Reality Mod in Among Us!

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today we're playing the vr mod and things gonna get really weird starting off as you can see dudes we are literally in virtual reality everybody oh my what is that oh okay the goal of this video in the top left you can see i'm currently level one and in the middle we have a timer going down of three minutes it's my job to level up so that we can get buffs so that in the mini games we have everything we need to win the game now it might get a little crazy because we have to do some tasks all around the map but you can see it's all a custom map and honestly i'm gonna be pretty excited about this all what is invisibility hack does this make me go invisible it does okay that is op okay this is gonna be sick let's be sick on top of that we not only do tasks we also have to fight people with our beat saber so we hear sigils hi smashing space fast face i'm winning i'm winning i'm winning i'm winning i'm winning i have 45 50. oh that's over you bro it's over for you oh and i just got some nice levels thank you so much for the levels appreciate that in the top next to the laser tag you can see i have a buff that little running guy that means that in the first mini game i'll have an ability i can use during the mini game my goal is to get all those buffs before the two minute timer ends now there's four mini games and they're all really crazy and really different the first one is laser tag it's gonna be me versus everybody else it's a teams of two so it might get a little crazy and listen junior and i as the imposter towards the end it's gonna get real crazy because i have to level up my headset and let me show you guys exactly how that's done there's upgrade stations all over the map there's one actually right here once i go to this upgrade station i can literally upgrade my helmet that just happened so now i have the new upgraded headset in the top right you see i have all those buffs yep those buffs are gonna be applied to the first mini game and someone's on the cameras right now someone's watching our every move luckily we are upgraded pretty quickly so let's go ahead and use that bad boy and now we have the dash buff so now i believe we have all the buffs and i'm gonna make sure by going up to do this one more task because i think that's everything checking keys yep that's everything okay dudes we are looking good and we also just unlocked carrie which is pretty sick with only 40 seconds left to the mini game it's about to get spicy i lost all my energy what are you guys doing get ready for the mini game it's me it's sunday okay i knew we were gonna win all right why are we in the middle why are we in the middle all right let's go find some people left right here right here oh all right right here right oh what's up oh give me a game what's up bro okay what's up bro press c you can dash i can dash wait wait what oh oh he got me oh gary down did you guys look at the top right i have two lives left two lives left oh gosh okay we're we're looking good dude it's sort of cheating we're so good we're so dabbing you know what's up bro okay oh people go we can win this we can win this sunday saying it saying it we're doing good oh we can shoot off this oh my bro here we need to be careful we need we need to get a wall hold the wall gary right here right here mitch is over here mrs over here i just started running they're all spawning up here i heard someone screaming hello oh oh that's who i heard kate oh my gosh good thing you saw a good thing you saw her i see it later i see lasers they're over here the far in the bridge look at him dash i'm going in oh i got her dashing he's it he's in this wall he's in this wall yeah [Music] [Applause] i can't be too suspicious i don't know let's just go back to our middle spawn point who is it i think it's kate oh laser watch out okay left side left side left side [Music] good choice good choice good choice zod you were cheating you're level one garbage oh damn oh wait i'm the only level three now everyone else is still level two look at that oh that's nice as you guys notice last round i got the ability to carry hey did you say we were arch nemesis i did well you betrayed me well you're supposed to be teammates hey man i hate to bring it to you but you know you gotta go in the lava pit no you can't do it [Laughter] yeah so because of the imposter i can carry people and then literally kill them it's actually pretty freaking great on top of that because i am now level three i have this new ability called avatar task the avatar will go to the next task i have and go and do it for me so it's going all the way up here to do my keys it's doing it for free look at that it's gonna insert keys for drop ship just for me boom now i have the speed buff but we have to go and do more tasks because the next game mode we have is tron and i've got to make sure we do that and get all the abilities in the top before that game mode starts because tron is a little crazy so let's do this bad boy which is easy a little bit of wires here and there bing bang boom wires are always so easy to do look at this easy and i have another ability i can use called avatar kill but what would this game mode be if i did all them right away huh i can't show you guys all of them right out of the gate i'm a little behind i have one more task to do one more i always want to get the easy ones out of the way so we have all our buffs it's now time i sort of want to okay bc repeat i'm going to beat you i'm beat no good i'm barely winning i'm barely winning oh it's over it's over oh xp thank you for the xp oh we're going in put me down please this is tron this is strong now i have all the buffs so we should be good oh geez here we go here we go get ready tron okay this would be sick this is actually to be sick whoa what was that okay i gotta win this i gotta win this you know what's great about this i can actually go into my own line all right biffle's dead here [Music] wait yes i died the same time as pat i heard the explosion okay who am i killing somebody nominate somebody uh look him is really look him said he was gonna keep looking he's still level one you killed for that one sorry pat it's because i beat you in beat saber you're just not even a competition to me wow holy smokes i'm the next level already look at me yeah well i'm about to get it no you're not you're not good enough no it's not you're not you're just not good enough i'm literally about to get it no no oh oh oh oh oh i'm running i'm running oh no oh [Music] [Applause] what just happened he didn't die you killed him no i didn't i had the hot potato also you look um you might be the one though no wait unless wait wait wait unless sunday was the imposter and he hot potatoed you and then you threw the hot potato he threw at you at you and i ran away it's not possible the game would have ended i think the imposter though was invisible how wait can the imposter throw the hot potato while invisible yeah i think so yeah oh snap okay look we can trust each other we're both clear the good thing looking didn't realize that i sort of am the one that blew up sunday there all right i didn't want to say anything but we've got to get our next task the next game mode we have is sumo which is a little dangerous but luckily we can get our tasks pretty quickly we have our keys up here we can go do keys we can go do keys right here easy bing bang boom yeah we have all the buffs right now at the top oh poor sunday it was nice knowing you man i've got good news and i've got bad news what's the news that's good well here's the thing i plan on winning sumo but i have also done enough tasks to level me up to level five but no way i don't want to do it yet just in case jess and kate someone else wins sumo all right i know there is a chance there is a change so i want to make sure i don't guarantee my level really you're assuming okay you know what i'm literally the best at zuma you really can't do sumo if you're being carried the whole time though no put me down like if we go into the next game mode and i'm carrying you the game will break and you'll instantly die and i'm not trying to say that because oh is that don't do is that what are you doing out there we don't have to talk about that here we go we're going in i'm gonna slap you in your face the rings are shrinking i gotta keep the middle gotta keep the middle ah gary find me gary paige's cheating kate's cheating i gotta stay in the middle the middle is the hot spot oh my everyone's dying around us i'm doing so good back up oh they're gonna ring what's up gary what's up bro what's up bruh you want oh bro you want something oh everyone's spotting oh my god there's so many people left alive yes get out of here no no i will not lose i will never surrender gary i get you i'm a gay no oh she wants to play huh she wants to play what's up no no no no no no no no i dashed off idiot yeah yeah she didn't know let's go you know what because she called me idiots she's dead who's the idiot now who's the idiot now okay the last game mode we have dudes the last one is laser tag but it's a 1v1 so these last two people i'm gonna take out now we have a brand new ability called matrix portal and avatar kills we can use those abilities but we have to go and make sure we get all our unlocks first and we'll be able to go ahead and win in the next game mode so we gotta make sure we do all those and we are max level at level five i think we're gonna keep biffle for the end game bitful is probably gonna be the easiest to take out look him is a pretty good shooter and mitz is she was slaying in the laser tag i gotta be honest she was doing really good all right we're gonna go invisible here and we are gonna go avatar kill mints hey there's myth there's mitz all right ready cardboard still oh no it's either people or gary then hey hey what's going on yeah what's going on just sending out my avatar to go and do a task what's happening just so miss dying from what where oh here you know i'm not the imposter because well we were together and we clear each other that means it has to be biffle yeah i think it's beautiful or i'm not sure about you wait wait wait wait wait why are you still level one because this is the best one look at my cardboard is the best one i have my 600 by 600 resolution with this you're using cardboard look you can level up i don't want to level up i prefer my cardboard look at this look what i could do as as the max level ready watch this i can hit matrix teleport right and then i can click here and then oh my god that was brutal okay i did not realize that that would happen by matrix teleporting where is biffle it's going to be a 1v1 versus biff i have no way i can press oh there he is there he is hey gary hey i got an upgrade i got bad news gary i've got bad news biffle what's the bad news gary i gotta upgrade i just witnessed look him die how did look who's died hey you look just like me but you're not me because i'm the imposter oh god no no no no no no no please please please wait you're going down 1v1 the ultimate standoff oh that was clean he almost got me there oh what the heck i'm stuck inside here yes it works somehow okay he spawns over here he spawns over here i can literally spawn camp him okay that was dirty okay he actually got me did he forget i spawned there or he's is he just bad i think he's just bad knowing biffle he's gonna roll out of here watch i knew it i knew it okay he has one life left toby what he has spawn protection okay i gotta be careful gary what's up gary oh yeah you want to play this game help stop i can't shoot you my god he was stuck in the wall gary please oh goodbye biffle it was nice knowing you did winner winner let's go that was sick
Channel: GarryBlox
Views: 464,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among us, among us mod, among us modded, among us imposter, ssundee among us, among us ssundee mod, funny ssundee, among us tips, funny moments, funny, sabotage, how to win, crewmates, ssundee, sunde among us, among us sunde, mods, modded, sigils, biffle, henwy, new among us mod, new among us map, best among us mods, among us update, among us dlc, among us modes
Id: peI9LD8Qoz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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