Building the Pyramids of Egypt ...a detailed step by step guide.

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A video with a much better explination

This guy basically rips apart the ancient aliens one by one and this is the part of the video about the great pyramids. the grand galley of the great pyramid of giza was more than likely an ancient freight elevator, and the stones were brought up through an internal ramp that was closed at the end of the construction (evidence of such tunnels exists is supported by a brief GPR survey in the late 90's) I'd highly recommend this video to anyone curious about aincient construction (he goes through stonehenge as well as easter island ect)

EDIT: if you are trying to watch the link on mobile the time that you need to go to is 22 minutes 44 seconds

👍︎︎ 2706 👤︎︎ u/classyinthecorners 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

Digging the "Age of Empires" background music.

👍︎︎ 109 👤︎︎ u/Hullabalooga 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

fuck reddit

👍︎︎ 1307 👤︎︎ u/flaxom 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

Is there any documentation of this, or is this all conjecture?

👍︎︎ 113 👤︎︎ u/isnessisbusiness 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

Regardless of the validity of the idea, I like that he says the ritual pathway was "too engineered for the function" so it must be a canal. Isn't that kind of the pyramids thing, being too engineered (so much so we still aren't 100% sure how they were built) for their function (burial, which can be done with a spade and a few hours).

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/infamous-spaceman 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

I'd love to see people try to build this (water tunnel) with materials from back then.

👍︎︎ 150 👤︎︎ u/ryanrye 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

Total BS - water wasn't invented until like 300 years later.

👍︎︎ 232 👤︎︎ u/mplese 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

The trouble with this method is that the water would not be clean like it's drawn.
It would be filled with dust, mud, insects, shit etc.
Especially at the presinct, it would be like a petri dish of diseases. The workers wouldn't last a week in there.

👍︎︎ 346 👤︎︎ u/Atlatica 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

the two best theories I have seen are this one with the water, and the internal ramp theory..... I don't see why they couldn't use both were each was more practical... float the stones to the paramed, float the lower levels and then use internal ramp as water became less and less practical. as floating, became last practical with vertical progress the stones would get smaller.

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/theguyreddithates 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2015 🗫︎ replies
to theorizing about the construction process involved in building the pyramids much of what shaped his ideas and then formulate his process was already evident and established the pyramid precinct was already there 22 feet wide and 33 feet deep there was evidence of a canal and there was a covered causeway in 450 BC nearly 2,000 years after the construction of the pyramids the Greek historian Herodotus travelled to Egypt and visited the Giza Plateau here his guide explained to him that the causeway alone took 10 years to build but whereas traditional historians view it as a walkway used for ceremonial purposes Chris saw a pipe a culvert to engineered and far too robust for such a simple function with these parts of the puzzle already in place Chris began to construct his own method the project would begin by putting all of the infrastructure in place a canal would be dug from the Nile connected to the limestone quarry and as close to the pyramid site as possible a harbor would be built on the canal and a roofed causeway built from the harbor to the pyramid build area a moat that is the precinct would be dug around the limestone outcrop and filled with water the workforce would be told that any rock protruding through the water leaves chipping off once all the protruding stone has been removed the water level would be lowered and the process repeated the whole area inside the moat need not be leveled only around the first metres in it is imperative the perimeter blocks a precisely level for structural strength like the perimeter walls of a house the interior is less important and there is little need to remove rock only to replace it with blocks once the water level has been dropped thirty millimeters around the full perimeter of the pyramid base and no rock is protruding the Foundation's are leveled and ready to receive the blocks as soon as the project starts and infrastructure is being put in place coring and shaping the blocks can begin an enormous amount of blocks would be completed by the time the pyramid site is ready to accept them when limestone is first quarried it is a relatively soft rock which hardens when exposed to the co2 in the atmosphere by placing the blocks straight into water after they're released from the quarry phase the stone will stay softer and more easily worked with copper tools by shaping the blocks in the water the water surface can be used as a constant level by moving floats around the blocks they could be easily turned in the water and all six sides leveled and shaped furthermore working in water is also a more pleasant call the Spree environment the outer casing blocks would be quarried upstream at the quarry ature a groove would be precisely carved into the quarry floor and every block would be placed into the groove during shaping by using the water surface as a level every block placed into the groove would produce exactly the same angled face which would line up perfectly when placed the casing block angle can be checked by using a simple water level [Music] whoring process can take place all year-round once shaped and blocks would have floats attached and then left in a store area on the quarry floor ideally the floats would be made from cedar wood the density of limestone is around 2.5 ton per cubic meter when placed in water each cube displaces one ton of water so you only need one point five ton of buoyant material attached to float a stone block cedar wood has a density of around 500 kilograms per cube so around three cube of cedar wood would be required to float each cube of limestone the amount of buoyant material required could be massively reduced by either hollowing out the wood or replacing the wood with more buoyant material but then as now Egypt was not blessed with large forests and an abundance of timber so the floats would be made from silk papyrus matting wrapped around inflated animal skins of iris grew in abundance and the whole population knew how to work it making everyday products shoes to curtains with it papyrus buoyancy properties were well known and had been used for millennia to make simple rafts animal skins were commonly used to store liquids such as wine and water when empty and inflated they make excellent floats by having the floats pre attached to the blocks they would float in the water not on it so saving thousands of man-hours trying to load the multi-ton blocks on top of unstable rafts the blocks would require far less buoyant material to float them in the water due to the Archimedes principle of displacement no blocks will be lost to the river floor due to capsizing as any block floating low and just have more buoyancy attached if floating a few tons of stone blocks seems improbable to you then consider right now we have oil tankers sailing on the oceans weighing several thousand tonnes when it comes to size and weight anything can float the majority of the pyramid-building workforce would have been farmers and only available during the three-month flood season when their fields were underwater and unworkable when flood season begins the Nile would rise and deep in the water in the quarry floor thousands of blocks would float up ready for transportation multiple blocks could be roped together and using either men in simple read boats or cattle on a tow path we dragged up towards the giza Harbor leading from the harbor all the way up to the pyramid precinct is a covered causeway the causeway is like a water pipe and totally filled with water from bottom to top the bottom of the causeway has two gates built into it the lower gate is level with the water in the harbor while the upper gate is around eight meters further up the causeway at a much higher level the higher gave is closed sealing off the pipe and holding little water in above the lower gate is then opened although the applicate stands on a higher plane than the lower gate the water will stay in place because it is not exposed to atmospheric pressure it will act like water in a glass pint pot when turned upside down in a water filled sink with the water staying in place even though it's above the sinks water level [Music] atmospheric air pressure is the equivalent of a 25-foot high column of water [Music] with the bottom gate open blocks can be floated into the causeway when the space between the two gates is full of blocks the lower gate can be closed and the upper gate opened the blocks will then float upwards towards the water-filled precinct due to the pressure of water on the bottom gates an extra pair of gates will be built around halfway of the causeway to reduce his pressure an endless rope could be thread through the floor of the causeway and the blocks attached to speed up the floatation through the tube after leveling the precinct the moat would be semi refilled with water the blocks would float up the causeway and into the water filled precinct the first blocks to be placed arturro angled casing stones they would be floated around the precinct and lowered into position a longer precise remarked line when building a house the perimeter brickwork is placed first to give the building his precise shape and strength with a roof sitting on the perimeter brickwork and the majority of the internal wall not being load-bearing be it a house or a jigsaw by starting and joining the perimeter pieces the uniform shape is made the interior will be then easily sorted out the same will apply the pyramid building get the outer blocks precisely placed and the structure will have the right shape the first few layers behind the facing blocks would need to be precisely caught and joined together to give the structure inherent strength due to the lower blocks not being raised above the precinct height larger blocks can be placed giving a strong foundation to the building as each block layer is placed he's checked for level against the water surface adjustments would then be made to the blocks when a layer has been completed and level checked more water is added to the precinct moat making the water deeper so that the next layer can be floated into position this process would continue until the waters level for the top of the precinct wall which was around a meters high when the first few layers have been positioned and a nearly level with the precinct wall the blocks will have to be raised above the precinct water level by building a lift shaft onto the side of the pyramid could recreate a similar structure to the causeway again build two separated gates at the bottom of the shaft fill the shaft with water and again close a second gate to hold the water in the shaft open the first gate and float in numerous blocks then should the first gate open the second gate and the plot will float up to the summit of the pyramid to keep water pressure down on the lower gates every 15 metres or so additional pairs of gates will be built into the shaft here we see blocks floating off the water lift shaft [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] during the process of building the water shaft the waste side of a facing block would be used to create a perfect seal as it already starts at the correct angle here we see the process of extending the water shaft as the build is complete a layer of the pyramid the final facing blocks are moved into place and the temporary wall is extended above either mud and masonry walls or a wooden box will be built around in a both the lift shaft to form a temporary structure to seal in the water here we see an example using the modern masonry wall once the top of the shaft is extended with the mud bricks it is flooded with water because the quantity of water it contains is small compared to the shaft it doesn't require the same level of reinforcement then each of the blocks needed to create the next level are floated off and into place until the layer is complete the lift shaft system requires the shaft behind less than a meter for each pyramid level arise taking relatively little material and time to build compared to the heightening widening and lengthening of the traditional ramp theory for each level rise of the pyramid the shaft wall could be anywhere up to 3 meters thick circumventing any issues regarding water pressure further to this the shaft would be waterproofed there are many ways to achieve this given the materials available the time these include overlapping animal skins timber bitumen bricks for the most likely solution will be to line the shaft with dried clay plaster which is then covered with waterproofing animal facts or bitumen as often used for their neighbors the Sumerians after a layer is completed and gully is built around the perimeter of the upper level it is made watertight by lining the floor and walls the gully with mud and let the scorching Egyptian Sun bake the clay dry once dried the gully can be filled with water levels can again be taken an extra mud apply to the gully floor to make minor adjustments the lift shafts would be extended to join the gully blocks can then be floated up the shaft and into the gully and then be floated anywhere around the pyramid the most difficult part of pyramid building is raising the multi-ton blocks hundreds of feet into the air which the water shaft does relatively easily once the blocks are up to the high level they could just be pulled on rollers or dragged on a wet mud floor into position but as water filled gullies would already be in place to check the structure for levelness it could be extended and used to float the blocks directly into position due to the enormous amount of blocks in the lower a lift shaft would be built on all four sides to speed of the erection process the perimeter casing blocks are floated into position first then a small wall is built on top to form a gully this image shows how the pyramid site would look during erection adhi Walt gulley would be required the majority of the floats are stucked on top of the blocks there could then be positioned right next to each other as pictured if however the float significantly cell past the side of the blocks a shallower gully system could be used and positioned as in the picture there is significant evidence that spring water bubbled up under the pyramid fed from the water the significantly higher Lake Maris as a natural spring and the lake lies directly underneath the pyramid a tunnel could have been built down to improve water flow and as the pyramid structure rose internal tunnels were extended to help the water flow to higher levels as the pyramid got higher water pressure would slowly reduce so smaller extension channels were built upwards from the king in Queen's Chamber to raise the water even higher to eke out as much water as possible if this was the case then the water could have been gravity fed through the interior shafts in the Great Pyramid filling the upper gullies and shafts only the highest few levels would need the water bucketing up if the spring waters were not available then lines of people could pass buckets of water of the structure it is likely that these workers would be shaded by reeds suspended above them to protect them from the heat of the Sun there are multiple ways for raising water from the manual approach seen here in the picture or using the shadows method gas seen here from 19th century Egypt well they could even use oxen pulling bucket Laden ropes as a comparison a standard domestic outdoor hose pipe can deliver around 15 litres a minute compared to the 600 litres a minute using book is if a 10 liter bucket is passed in one second then 100 litres could be passed in 10 seconds 600 litres a minute per line at the higher levels of the pyramid smaller blocks were used for construction therefore the water shaft would equally reduce in size using less material the higher we go here we see how the completed pyramid would look without the centuries of wear that we see today the white limestone of Terra would shine in the sunlight here we see the traditional view of pyramid building with thousands of men cracking staggering weights of an enormous ramp which would take millions of tons of material to construct once completed his enormous ramp would need to be demolished the material dispersed compared to the easily demolished at lift shafts which could be smashed from above and act like a rubbish chute evidence is beginning to surface that lends itself to the theory of using water shafts and moving the blocks to the pyramids the picture you see here is of a roofed causeway that was discovered near sniff Rouge bent pyramid the walls are almost three meters in height and 2.5 meters wide this type of causeway is just like the kind that Chris imagines with his theory or how about this here we see the well-preserved causeway at the Pyramid of units one over the walls built so strong and thick and so she large roof slabs used just to create a walkway even National Geographic of posted a story on the discovery a canal linking the as one quarry to the Nile River another article in The Telegraph reports the scientists have discovered the secret that allowed angle wat a famous 1000 year old temple complex in Cambodia to be constructed far faster than should have been possible using canals could this technique have been widespread in the ancient world further evidence of the use of water can be found in these photos from John Cadman their show salt in the structure as well as water erosion in the lower chambers compelling new evidence is now coming to light that there were significant large high pressure Springs bubbling up on the Giza plain at the time the pyramids were built these high-pressure Springs were fed by a huge underground aquifer that at the time from the faster running deeper Nile we also have supporting evidence to the flotation theory in the discovery of connection bosses as you can see in the image these bosses have been found on various pyramid blocks much like the modern-day lifting looks because of their orientation it is clear that they would be used to suspend the blocks from above as would be the case with flotation other evidence that lends credence to the flotation theory is the fact that throughout the pyramid structure salt and water-based impurity has been found this points towards the notion that there was a lot of water contained at some point within the pyramid structure finally it has been known for some time for the great pyramid has very subtle concave sides it is only visible with the correct lighting conditions as seen here could this be evidence of the water shaft for a deeper look into the water shaft theory and please read the book [Music]
Channel: pyramidsreallybuilt
Views: 8,140,288
Rating: 4.2768164 out of 5
Keywords: Egyptian Pyramids, Ancient Egypt Pyramid Giza Water Floatation Chris Massey, Great Pyramid Of Giza (Pyramid), Chris Massey, Giza, Pyramid, Floatation, Water shaft, theory, build, how
Id: C1y8N0ePuF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2013
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