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what's up guys today we're back here in the giza plateau i got a hat this time so my hair is not going to be all wild so i found out that there is uh some conspiracy that uh there's a second sphinx so i don't know if it's true uh there's a lot of skepticism behind it so we're gonna go try to find out and see if it's true or not before we go we're stopping off here at the actual sphinx to begin with to point out some things that are pretty interesting so there are so a lot of historians in our history books would teach us that the sphinx was built around i think was about 3 500 years ago by the ancient egyptians however there's a lot of upcoming evidence that proves that i don't want to say proves but it shines a light on a different age that the sphynx was supposedly built first thing you'll realize right behind me is not necessarily on the sphynx itself but on the enclosure around it is evidence of water erosion now where that comes from is especially in this case here is from heavy rainfall over long periods of time and if you look at the history of ancient egypt uh the last time you we saw any evidence of heavy rainfall was around the time of over 10 000 years ago i'm sorry i got to move real quick these guys are having an argument or something so as i was saying though the enclosure around the sphinx you'll see evidence of what is water erosion compared to the wind erosion that you see at a lot of these temples here in egypt uh this has clear evidence of water and a lot of people do argue that maybe uh it was the nile at one point that it flooded up and that that caused the erosion around the sphinx but you don't get vertical fissures like that you get vertical fissures from rainfall being on top and dripping through the ground and because it's so prominent and so heavy it shows evidence of heavy rainfall and as i said the last time we saw any heavy rainfall was around the time during the last ice age in egypt over 10 000 years ago another thing i want to point out is the head of the sphinx um obviously sphinx is a head of a man body of a lion and when we found this it was found only the head above the sand the rest of it was buried down and so what i believe and what honestly it looks like to me is that the body of the sphinx was is an original form that was created over 10 000 years ago but the head was created by maybe some sort of pharaoh some sort of king to represent the ancient egyptians what i believe is that the ancient egyptians were restoring the sphinx and that originally it had the head of a lion it was a full lion itself what's crazy also to note is that if it was uh the full head of a lion body of a lime just the entire sphinx was a lion itself uh over ten thousand years ago when it was built it would have lined up directly facing the constellation of leo 10 000 years ago which as we all know is a lion you know call it a coincidence call it conspiracies or you said it might actually be true we don't know yet and it would just make a lot of sense why the ancient egyptians were so infatuated with the goddess of sekhmet you know was this a dedication to her was she a an actual goddess or deity that was alive during that time we may never know but the way i see the head carve compared to the rest of the body and as i said with it being only buried up to its head whenever we originally found it it shows me that the rest of this body was created at an earlier period and that the head probably was modified by the ancient egyptians another cool little side note is that we have recently found that there is a chamber underneath the left paw of the sphinx obviously i'm probably not going to be able to get into that as no tourists are allowed underneath or inside of the sphinx itself uh but it'd be cool if i could so i'm gonna try to manifest that right now another cool thing as well has to do with all of these stones over here which is the sphinx temple so all these stones that you see right here were carved out of the great sphinx and as we can clearly see right here these stones are giants so the sphinx wasn't just chiseled away like you would think like with a pickaxe or you know with a little chisel these were carved out of great proportions so the question remains how are they able to carve stones this big and move them like even with the technology we have today i don't think we could be able to do this so how was a civilization either 3 500 years ago or over 10 000 years ago able to do this even these stones right here which are smaller than the ones that i was right behind but still pretty large and almost impossible to move uh is still impressive like the fact that you were able to transport all these either 3 500 or 10 000 years ago again like we saw on the last video these are all cut perfectly how are they able to do that again we may never know but we're trying to figure it out right now and sorry i'm having to shift myself around so much during this video uh every time i press record someone walks up and immediately starts and immediately tries to offer me something hello see as i said no thank you no shotgun no problem have a good day you too see you thank you bb so i'm going back up the way as i did in the last video got the sphinx here to my right and we're gonna go see if we can get a glimpse of that second sphinx again it is in a little bit of forbidden territory but uh the last time i was here i was able to scope out a little bit of a route so we don't run into a security guard and what that's going to involve is us going all the way up there all the way out into the desert and then looping back around so hopefully no guards can see us uh because i know if i beam lime straight to where i want to go i'm gonna get caught so let's see so i believe the second sphinx is somewhere over here and so last time we went this way in order to go around this time we're gonna go this way all the way into the desert and once again you can hear all the prayers going off all over cairo so far so good it looks like this guy might be trying to take my same approach actually i think i might have more of a shot if i come down here looks like this goes down and around because right now i'm at the very top so how anyone can see me so i'm going to go out a little bit further just to be safe okay and now i'm completely hidden by any guards at the very bottom and let's just hope that it remains this way for the entire time okay we're getting a little closer here you can see the top all right i'm still down low but i can see that there's might be excavation tents or might be security over there so i think i'm just gonna have to be a little crafty here and sneak up top and then down real quick okay looks like there might be some excavation going on here oh wow i wonder what they're doing right here what they found again we're seeing the barbed wire not even really a fence once again i have no idea if we're really allowed back in here i don't see anyone at these tents so i'm gonna make a break for it okay okay okay we made it over let's see what we can find oh okay all right looks like there's a tunnel back here that curves to the left so there looks like there's crack down here whether that goes inward or not i cannot see but we're gonna let's go around the back side so that way no one up front sees oh oh there's a way over here okay guys this is it this is the supposed second sphinx whether this entire part is the sphynx itself i'm not too sure but you could definitely tell it's got a similar structure to the sphinx let's go around and see if we can get a shot see there's barbed wire here but let's see oh wow this wow this goes deep again we have these types of stones that appear different appear to be cut in slabs of some sort this is the front of it and again if there was any sort of head or face it's long gone which is why there's such conspiracy behind this and some skepticism and understandably so uh it's very hard to tell if this actually is a second sphynx but still we have as you saw a sphinx-like body and object from the back but just said from the front you can't really tell anything um and you have these super finely cut stones again which is just uh it's such a wonder every time i see this because it just reminds me that you know maybe there was a civilization that was more advanced than ours that was wiped out that maybe they took for granted things and i don't know maybe the universe or god whatever you believe in decide to reprimand that civilization oh wow again though i don't know if i'm allowed back here i don't see any signs or anything but all i can do is find my way around where i can okay looks like someone down here may have kicked this out tried to squeeze in he said you can clearly see a hieroglyphics up here [Music] what is this one i have no idea it looks like some sort of alien like creature praying maybe even maybe just a human praying to something in front of him i don't know that's clearly a man oh wow there's a little opening right here looks like there is a gate though but this way is open above me it's all gated off as well all right the gate again clearly locked and clearly go somewhere that actually might be the way around from when i saw it it might link up to here but now it looks like it goes inward so we whoa look at it all these hieroglyphics wow okay i can clearly be seen so i'm gonna go down a little bit oh what's in here though oh i could totally oh no one's around did you see right here more hieroglyphs i'm just really fascinated with the ones of a man or what could be an alien i don't know okay let's get out of here before anyone asks questions okay all right now let's go back around the other way just trying to find any possible way for me to get in that's not blocked i don't think i'm gonna find something like that but you never know but before we go back this way i do want to see what these pillars are about this is pretty interesting so we have these four pillars right here and if you look closely it's a representation of a door now i did look this up and you can find all over ancient sites all over the world whether it's cambodia uh peru there are carvings of what looks like doorways and some even have hieroglyphs or carvings of ancient creatures of some sort they don't look like humans or if they are like why are they carved next to these doors like was there some sort of teleportation that allowed the link between all these doorways and did everything around here like with maybe the second sphinx or the actual sphinx of the actual pyramids like did they have something to do with it i we just don't know but being away down here i don't know if it's entirely blocked off man i get in so much trouble if i were to go down [Music] maybe i'll revisit it as i said i just don't want any more trouble with government officials and the last thing i want to do is be stuck here in egypt but look at this door like this is obviously carved into but what obviously he only carved it to go in this deep but why even do it in the first place what was here before okay i'm seeing people up ahead so i've got to be very sneaky here i did see uh a guard with some tourists over here so they might have bribed him not too sure i just don't want to get caught by him so he's inside let me see okay so we're coming up on what apparently our tune and you can see the same doorway little etchings all over i don't know what they're for but it looks like oh it's okay oh these wow pretty close they're pretty cool there's another one oh wow trash and trash everywhere yeah no one pick up no one no one picks up the trash or feronia de pen oh wow i can't believe he's letting me do this i can't really see that shotgun on my baby he's on his phone right now i just said i don't want to go in if they're telling me i can go in because they're gonna ask for money or something but he's on his phone right now so i'm gonna try to get as far away from this possible always distracted i'm gonna go back this way okay all right looks like if i walk fast enough he might be able we might be able to go our separate ways looks like he might he's still someone heading in my direction i'm gonna see if i can maybe dip around this temple real quick and just b-line it yes oh that's okay i just walked hopefully i just saw someone go this way i'm sorry half a minute huh money no no as i say i spent it all on the tickets oh cool oh cool okay it's okay so what is roman roman statue roman ah ah another tomb it's a see the carving of a door i wonder what beautiful beautiful way down yes see there's more tomb more more to him this morning yes it used to be sphinx more sphinx oh so you believe you believe it it is faint it's sphinx wow oh wow so we're not the only ones to believe that okay so we found another guide looks like we're getting let in wow a statue of two people oh we go up tomorrow i would love to i would love so yeah that was really really interesting and uh kind of terrifying at the same time because he took me all around there what you saw in the pictures uh and he was asking for 200. so we get down where that sarcophagus was and i gave him 200. and then he was saying 200 again but i think he was asking for change so i didn't really understand so i just i gave him another 200 because i'm like you guys can split it you and the policeman can split the 200. uh but uh when we got up there i don't know what he was trying to relate but i kept telling him that i gave you 400. he gave me the 200 dollar bill back and he was saying you know change so i was like okay well then i gave him a hundred dollars or 100 pounds and change so i'm still giving 400 he's got 200 and i gave the other 200 myself to the policeman and so he's trying to say that no i didn't get the 200 and i'm like yeah you do i gave you a 200 you have a 200 pound bill and then i gave the 200 and change to the police man i don't know why but i that's i thought what he was asking so you know it is what it is and i just stood my ground until i got no more money for you man like that's it that's it i don't have any more money to give you it's i gave you it all so that was just a really interesting to witness as i said before in the last video just make sure you know the scope of what you're getting into anytime someone's like i'll show you a secret they're going to ask for money but the policeman was actually really cool though he didn't really ask for money and he helped translate as best as he could it seemed like he was more on my side so i had no problem giving him 200 at all so that's really cool but uh you know it's so cool to see that the policeman actually knew about the second sphinx and he actually leaves it as a second sphinx as well so there's a lot of a lot about this land that we have still yet to discover and still need to look into so i'm glad you guys have to come on this journey with me and got to see it for yourselves shout out to all you watching and i'll see you happy bees as we go beyond life in the next one
Channel: Beyond Brannon
Views: 201,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: second sphinx, egypt sphinx, the great sphinx, hidden secrets in egypt, what is under the sphinx, discoveries in egypt, second sphinx egypt, what is egypt like, inside the pyramids, the pyramids of egypt, the sphinx documentary, Egypt documentary, hidden secrets in the egypt, alternative history egypt, inside the sphinx, when was the sphinx built, how old sphinx, new discovery egypt, egypt conspiracy, sphinx conspiracy, two sphinxs, ancient egypt, egyptian, giza pyramids
Id: S9wrlSw_kNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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