Virtual Beachcombing Festival: Making Framed Art Using Seaglass and Epoxy - Seaglass & Serenity

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hi my name is Kristen hi my name is Virginia and we are sick less and serenity we provide relaxing beachside retreats for you to experience a rejuvenating weekend connecting with others through beach calming yoga and art on our weekend retreats we always incorporate art for our guests including frames sea glass art Virginia is actually our jewelry teacher sagat's truly making teacher and she teaches our guests how to make beautiful wire wrapped pendants and earrings out of sea glass but today we're gonna focus on teaching you how to make framed art using your favorite beachcombing vines [Music] so these are the things that you need to make your beautiful frame art you need a frame you need epoxy you need glue and you need a glue applicator with a fine tip you need a plastic cup you need a straw you need a popsicle stick you need a business card or something that has a flat edge to move the epoxy around a glass cleaner and paper towels okay so we can get started now the first thing you need to do is set up your area and make sure that you have something protective down on whatever surface you're working on because anything that the epoxy gets on if you don't wipe it up right away or notice that it's going to be there forever so make sure that you put something protective down on your surface the other thing that you want to do ahead of time is make sure that you have your design ready we have here a nice pretty flower design kind of simple and you'll notice that I set it up in a frame but that's not the frame I'm going to use to set it I'm going to set it in a different frame because it's easier to move the pieces I'm also have already taken a picture of my design just in case I forgot how it looked so I kind of refer back that just in case it gets mixed up the other thing you need to do ahead of time is gluing the glass into your frame so we have here a frame we're gonna take the glass out we are going to take our buying tipped applicator which we have filled with our we use as the deco art it's actually a gloss glaze but it works really well as a glue because it dries clear if you have a favorite glue feel free to use it but this one works really really well mm-hmm and we're just going to apply it on all of the edges okay so make sure you get the corners really well and I like to spin the frame so that I can get the right angle you can see it it's nice because you can see it but it dries clear and then once the glue is in or the glaze is in you're going to reset the glass obviously you want to do it carefully so the glass doesn't break all right and then as an added protection if you want to you can kind of caulk the edges again with another layer the reason you want to seal it so well is because you want to make sure that when you pour the epoxy on the front of the frame that it doesn't leak out the sides great blue ticks and then you set it aside for 24 hours to dry so you have your frame it's all dried you want to make sure you use a glass cleaner and your favorite well you want to make sure that you've got the glass really clean on the front because once the epoxy is poured there's no way to clean that glass and you want to make sure it dries and it looks crystal clear so make sure that's really clean okay so that's the clean frame dried frame is clear now we're gonna take our plastic cup and our popsicle stick our two-part epoxy the one that we use is the enviro text it's a poor on two part epoxy with a resin and a hardener and thatís what the plastic cup is for so you're gonna take your clear resin and I'm going to do about two or three tablespoons but essentially you want a 50/50 ratio so you're gonna pour that in all right and then you're gonna take your hardener and do the same amount all right and then you're gonna take your popsicle stick take you take the little popsicle stick and you're gonna mix it let me show you scrape the edges make sure you really get kind of all around you can do that for two minutes and when you're done mixing there might be some air bubbles in there and that's okay we're gonna take care of those later and so after you have your epoxy which we have when all ready to go we will show you how to pour it so for this first one we're gonna do we're gonna pour the epoxy and then put the sea glass in and that way it's going to retain that beautiful frosted look that we all love so much about our sea glass and then the next frame we do will show you how to do it where you put the glass in first and then pour the resin over it and then you get that wet shiny look totally up to you totally a preference everyone has their own you know ideas about which one is better neither one is right so we take our epoxy we're gonna pour it on our frame all around the edges you want to be careful not to go too close because you don't want to get the epoxy on the frame but you want to get close enough to the edges that it's gonna be easy to push it and spread it and you want to under ports you can always add more you don't want to over pour because then the glass will get lost in the epoxy you don't want that so after you've poured it we take your business card and you can spread the epoxy you want to make sure you get it all close to the edges and into the corners don't be afraid to push it around the next step is you have the epoxy it's it's evened out you're going to notice bubbles because the mixing motion created bubbles in your poxy so you can either blow it out just by blowing on it or what we find isn't much easier and it goes much quicker and you can see it happen magically is to use a straw so you take your straw you blow gently but evenly all around kind of at an angle and blow those bubbles a tip that we have definitely noticed that we want to be careful of because we made the mistake is if you don't tell about your straw in between any moisture that has has built up in your straw will eventually drip out and you don't want that to drip on your epoxy so clear that straw out in between frames and you should be good to go so now you have a nice clear frame with epoxy it looks like there's it just looks like clear glass and now you can move your pattern your design so we have a piece of pottery and we have the glass and you'll notice I'm just gonna kind of drop it on I'm not gonna get my fingers close because I can fix it doesn't have to be perfect it's better to avoid touching the epoxy and we're using nice thick pieces of glass that will stand up to the epoxy that won't get enveloped by the epoxy or disappear into it so when you're putting it in it's not so important that it be exactly perfect how it was because you're going to have lots of room for error to move it around once it's in and you can use a clean dry popsicle stick and you can move things around if you want to give it perfect the way you want them yeah just be careful that you don't touch the epoxy of a popsicle stick because then your glass if it's touched with the epoxy on the top will look permanently wet so we're gonna put this aside to dry you're gonna want to watch it because the pieces might kind of float away a little bit if you don't pay close attention for the first 10-15 minutes all right so Virginia's gonna find a nice place to dry yeah a nice dust free and not that this has happened to me about cat free area it'll take about ten or fifteen twenty minutes to get tacky dry but then the curing process takes probably a day or two so really just give it a good couple days to dry so the next one we're going to do is going to be the one that I'm going to show you that involves putting the glass on sea glass on the frame first and then the epoxy and this is kind of another fun little tip if you have any kind of mold that you can use you can make shapes so I'm gonna make a heart I have a heart shaped cookie cutter it's actually what it is I'm gonna put it on the glass and I'm gonna use the flame Shekhinah I'm gonna use the frame to kind of shake it so all the edges have a pretty heart oh that's really nice it's one of my favorites because it's so easy but easy I'm looking so pretty and then you're gonna take more of your epoxy and this time we're gonna pour it over so you see what that looks like and you notice I put some white piece of the glass in there those are gonna look really almost transparent it's better to use the darker pieces but I wanted to show the contrast we're still gonna go to the edges this time you can use a little bit more epoxy because you don't have to worry so much about keeping that frosted look and it's okay if you don't get every piece of sea glass they'll kind of stick to each other you are gonna still need your business card it gets a little trickier now because you have to push it to the edges but just be patient and just work it until everything looks even and again itself settling so a lot of this will will even out and because we use so much epoxy it's more likely to float away so you definitely want to watch this one and make sure the pieces stay together and you can use a popsicle stick to kind of or the or that business card for that matter to kind of push it in if you want to okay and that's it you can blow out the bubbles again and you have a beautiful heart a little bit more shiny less frosted but still beautiful alright so that is everything that you need to know to make beautiful sea glass art we encourage you to try it we encourage you not to be afraid to make mistakes and just have fun with it anyway we will see you soon yeah we'll see you soon bye you
Channel: Beachcombing Magazine
Views: 1,368
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: sea glass, seaglass, beach glass, beachglass, glassing, beach comber, beachcomber, beach combing, beachcombing, beach, beachcomb, beach comb, beachcombing magazine, beachcombingmagazine, ocean, art, resin, framed, mosaic
Id: 94i0_oxQ2Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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