Abuse of small town police power against the Mischief crew

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There is different YT channel about exotics that has unintentionally become a Copwatch/Auditor channel. Apparently driving those cars is a lot like riding a Harley in the 70's-80's when it comes to getting illegal police attention.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/MarkJ- 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

"The quickest way to attract unwanted attention from the police is to look like you're having a good time". A quote from my cousin who is a cop and one of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Dreams_of_Eagles 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

watched the whole thing waiting for the silver lining and nothing! Just nothing. wtf so disappointed.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/COMBATIBLE 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wait so that's it? There's no resolution to this?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/venounan 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

At 1:50 he's complaining he got in trouble for going 83 in a 55. At 2:24 it looks like the entire group drives through the flashing red. At 2:41 he makes a u-turn in the middle of the street.

I'll keep watching for the police abuse but I don't have a lot of sympathy for asshole drivers.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Milehigher 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

It sounds like both parties in this incident are douchebags.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/methowmethow 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is when you need a stupid rich friend. Someone who can afford to throw so many lawsuits at that town their head will spin.

Also the Washington post thing is bullshit. It reminds me of the Gawker lawsuit. Gawker outed a billionaire as gay. Nothing illegal but entirely shitty. So when Gawker did something illegal like releasing a sex tape of Hulk Hogan who bankrolled that lawsuit for Hogan? The billionaire. Gawker declares bankruptcy as a result of that lawsuit

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KingKookus 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
I'm gonna issue guys all reckless driving tickets guilty by association [Applause] [Music] this story is not to feel sorry for us if we did something illegal we're responsible for our actions believe it or not this could pretty much happen to anybody every year since 2009 we would go out to West Virginia and we do these private drives just like a handful of mischief people five eight cars at a time and we go in November and right when the leaves change low traffic clean road smooth roads move out there and have a blast we do that for a weekend once every year and it's not a race because when you go on Canyon runs you don't race each other so that that's not the point this is like a spirited Drive I wanted to do it one last time and get Beauty shots this is before drones dad oh one of his hobbies was playing with these giant remote-control helicopters and he would touch a GoPro in the bottom and and in film raaz he has a black e90 m3 at the time he said hey look you know I can't get in trouble with the job that I have so I'll stay towards the back which I didn't mind because this is where we started buying GoPros and we put GoPros on all the other quicker cars are the fastest cars up front it was a three-day weekend 16 drivers 16 cars 10 passengers of 26 people really good friends of ours these weren't just random people they had to fire fighters in a McLaren we had a federal cop we had a military cop with us several people with top security clearances with the government a couple military guys these are the type of guys that will get in trouble if they got a really massive speeding ticket or even a reckless driving ticket it will affect their job when we film this shift we will never play around and go nuts in the Virginia DC area if you've ever heard horror stories of Virginia they are so strict 20 miles over speed limit is a misdemeanor reckless driving so I'm the same level is DUI it's happened to me I had to spend a couple weekends in jail for going 83 to 55 which is terrible unfortunately to get to the West Virginia route you have to drive through Virginia so it was a three-day weekend Veterans Day was on a Sunday we stayed the night in Harrisonburg where James Madison University is partying it up had a good time at the bars and then the next morning we had more people we just had our hotel get on the highway it's like this four-lane highway 81 for about 10 miles before we get into Augusta County it's kind of weird being with Daddo and being at the back of the pack and letting everybody else go ahead as soon as we got to Augusta and get started getting on the back roads that's when everything went south a lot of traffic on his back roads so we were pretty much bunched up not going that fast cop car came up behind there's a threesome you see behind us cop car came around us and the McLaren and then disappeared around the corner and that does what dado does and stops makes a u-turn I'm trying to call everybody on my cell phone hey there's a cop coming up we have no idea where it came from no service pull into this dirt drive away we get out and we're trying to figure out what's going on as we're standing there the game warden comes around the corner sees us and like dramatically like slams on the brakes and backs up and saying hey you guys with that that group of cars like yeah so he comes up parks like license registration we had a couple phone calls and and and on you guys no big deal I'm not driving I'll take one for the team here's my license you know good data didn't want to get in trouble and when I give him my license I was standing against out at the back of dedos and three and the cop reached around me and grabbed the GoPro that was on top of the trunk and then that I was a sitting inside his car and he was trying to remove the GoPro and the windshield and the cop came and took that easily just for evidence goes to the Z pulls off the GoPro off the Z need is for evidence Andrea's like wow you can't do that but kept her mouth shut so or another five minutes two more cars in our group made a u-turn came down around the corner and the police truck was right there so he stopped them another cop car came up now we're six cars on a dangerous curve on this back road so they said hey don't we have your license just follow us a couple miles up the road and there's like a clearing it's called headwaters there's like a little gas station post office and I mean dado pulled in somebody's driveway guy named deputy Ross he was the first cop that we saw that was on the scene so he was considered the arresting officer so he was kind of running the show while we were dealing with the game warden my friend and that he has a lime rock and he was just sitting there waiting for the cars to come back everybody just split up so he's sitting there in a cop car came up asked for a license registration I guess he saw scoper he's like I want the GoPro and so my friend took to go proud of the window and we gave the cops the GoPro deputy Ross got the GoPros that they were confiscated and mixed up all the SD cards he's trying to get the SD cards to working is I guess hated download some stuff it just took forever they took all the GoPros without warrant and Plus this time nobody did anything wrong with it was just a phone call but we don't know if the other guys half the group was gone if they caused an accident nobody knows we still have no cell phone service while all this is going on the rest of the group are in the mountain split up one by one cars are getting picked off by police up there cops are really cool they're like hey look you know we got some phone call complaints and from Augusta County so it's a beautiful day we're not gonna ruin your day have a great time because they're used to people come through there enjoy yourself take it easy by letting the friends go all the cars that are up in the mountains kind of came together they get into this one small town Monterey County there's a police roadblock and it shuffled everybody into this Bank parking lot and they did it at this intersection before the main highway worker people can escape because what we were at we were pretty much blocked by the police on both sides of this 15 mile road in the mountains so trying to figure out you know what's going on the police say well you're wanted in gustav canyon we're gonna take you back to Augusta County and they went around it took more GoPros off the cars they were there for like 10 minutes and he said okay everybody in their cars they're gonna get an escort back to Augusta back at headwaters where the rest of us were in the valley officer Ross saw video of us racing on route 66 in Virginia the night before but he can't tell from what car so he gets frustrated gets out and yells at everybody there you guys are racing I have the evidence here you're all getting reckless driving tickets based on guilt by association and I'm impounding all your cars I've been through this before I'm trying to calm everybody down and now everybody's freaking out and I'm kind of freaking out a little bit too so no the officer is there we're saying anything off was this one guy younger guy rained the whole show how is he can get tow trucks out here he called over a dozen tow trucks from three surrounding counties to get our cars out of that area so all the tow trucks are arriving the second group is coming down off the mountain really slow so when they're coming down the mountains they can see the valley on the right-hand side and they see this chaos of cop cars everywhere and then tow trucks coming up from the other end it's funny they took the GoPro cameras but I hid all the rest of our cameras and plus we could use our phones I have video of those like the parade of shame coming down the mountain there was really no place for them to pull off the Ross that the guides said hey tell them to go park into this field well these are lowered cars would you know the carbon-fiber lips and everything and they're like officer we can't because there's a ditch there they said we don't care the car kept on getting damaged after damage just to pull them on the grass out of the road as much as you want to say hey you have no right to deuce that's where you get yourself in trouble especially in Old Town so think of this Sunday you get in trouble they put you in jail Monday's a holiday then you have to wait until Tuesday be out of jail you're four or five hours away from home and how you explain that to your boss it's just keep your mouth shut we had to keep everybody cool we had no service so none of this were on social media because I was I was I was look at the copy I wanted to put on social media cuz I wasn't thinking it would go this far while I'm filming some of the cars coming off the mountain in the background you can hear another cop talking so I kind of have some bad news and good news and the good news is that we're not impounding your cars the bad news is that since we can't cancel all the tow trucks we ordered an order for you to go home you have to tow your car out of the area and we're like what you said yeah don't worry about you get to go home they made it sound like you're not caught you're not getting impounded but the only way you can go is is pick a tow truck take that to the nearest ATM pay them and you're free to go home the reason is because he's already got the tow trucks committed okay so no we can get the cars yeah okay fine we just got we don't kind of counselor my one friend Ryan was his wife there and his Supra they come out nearly all foggy hmm I don't want my car damaged on the truck and then Ross says no they have to be towed out of the area the only card that couldn't get a tow truck was a mclaren understandable I didn't care at this point let's get the diner let's get on the first tow truck and get the hell out of here and try to figure this out and see where he drops us off and they have no idea back at his office you know where to go so he said we know what I'm gonna drive through the Augusta Police Department and see what they want to do he was kind enough to let me unload out his car with our extra evidence and stuff and i hitted against their building up behind bushes so when they brought the car into the impound lot there was nothing in it they're like we don't want these cars just chop them off at a gas station and they come back up at the car and said pack it all up we're gonna drop you off down the street drop this up down the street for like 200 bucks the rest the gang was all getting towed up and brought to different parts and different counties wherever was closer to the next ATM so at this point they scanned this out of $3500 and towing charges for no reason at all I'm sitting here and like they did all this based on phone calls there was not one please chaste because most of the people were either parked to try Farah what's going on or they were doing the speed limit they've gotten pulled over before but other cops and then let go and then they rounded everybody up and they did all this to us everybody got a reckless driving ticket written by different police there because there were so many of us there was nothing said about the seven GoPros oh they took from us and nothing was said at the time with with the tow charges if we're gonna need that back or any of the cars are gonna be repaired finally got everybody gather at this restaurant and we agreed keep it off social media let's keep it quiet and just get this over with as soon as possible kind of helped us out there was a local college there and I had a car club friends and mischief they were going to come out there one of the kids parents was you're in the real estate and they had a house for sale on side of this mountain with a runway a private runway so they wanted us to come and race them for fine it was a good way to blow off some steam the reason that's important I'll tell you in a minute the next day we go home there is a couple news stations down there the car club caught and they're looking for witnesses contact the police department which was a good sign for us because they didn't have any the beginning of this story I said this can happen to anybody all this happens without the police knowing what mischief was we were a car club so it means it can happen to anybody then I get an email from Jalopnik and Jalopnik is like an automotive blog one of the guys from the DC area contacted me say hey were you part of this car club of course I'm not going to answer Jalopnik they called Augusta County found that I was involved told I guess the county all about what mischief was when Jalopnik came out with their article the police department did this big press release that they caught mischief a production company were filming an illegal race rally in their counties they mentioned a retired officer copper said that he witnessed us reckless driving from his porch his front porch just like oh my god because now of course on Jalopnik all the car forms are going crazy I'm getting all these emails you know and we have to keep her mouth shut so Thursday the warrants for the GoPros come out under my name with all the serial numbers of all the GoPros we found that later on but they got the they got the warrants to search the car so his GoPros four days later in same week there's a local Washington Post reporter he contacted me he's like I want to do a story about mischief not about what happened just about you guys we knew it was Bobby yes yeah I ignored his phone call if the next couple weeks I'm talking to every single person trying to keep everybody together now we're looking for lawyers we start calling the local lawyers and we know all the lawyers are in on it cuz it's a small town oh we've heard about you normally we charge five hundred dollars but this is complicated all of a sudden $2,000 $2,500 per driver they wouldn't take more than one of us I got one of those flyers in the mail when you get a traffic ticket about a lawyer that could help you out this lady named Sheila and she didn't live in Augusta she's like that this is something they always do I will take all of you I don't care I hate that County ten of us signed up with her with her you she was awesome a couple other guys got their own personal lawyers and so everything's pretty quiet until the summer 23rd so on the front page of the Washington Post we look and street racers and my names in there and mischief and I'm just like oh my god I'm reading the article so poorly written guess what story changes in the The Washington Post we run officer copper off the road in his pickup truck now all of a sudden I am leading when a mile police chase at speeds over 100 miles an hour through these back roads I'm reading this like this is this is crazy you know like this is the most unbelievable thing of course it's the Washington Post but I'm just like they didn't get anything right I'd even drive that day you know it does sound pretty cool that I was evading police than a black m3 it's so mischief but it didn't happen article comes out then becomes the week-long death threats as people want to be part of the story so on the Washington comment section they start posting up addresses where we live our myspace photos from about you know now everybody that was on the verge of losing your job are panicking because this is coming out the next year the one thing we were worried about if they would grab one of our drivers to turn them against us since they didn't have any real witnesses they kept on changing the court date because the cops couldn't get there they were up to something we knew there was something and they changed the court date except one guy and there's the military cop he was going to be the guy to turn against us however they picked the wrong guy because he's the last car that got stopped didn't see anything his lawyer was working with the police and then they wrote him a letter right before he went to court it was basically a letter to me saying that we're going after Dustin for maximum jail time which is 12 months $25 and fines because they've been caught doing this the SEC same thing last year that was all I to it just sitting there like they're playing all these crazy mind games he goes in it and and and tells his story to the police but he didn't really see anything his plea bargain for doing that was twelve hundred dollars in fines and 200 hours of community service and he lived five hours away just like he helped you guys out and it was the craziest things another friend of mine was just sick of waiting he got his lawyer to go down there and watch all the videos to make sure he wasn't you know on the video for driving recklessly he was able to get out of it so they gave him five hundred dollars disobeying a sign so he took that instead of the reckless driving so then that's good that it's some hope for us the court date in April we get there never met the lawyer before she said okay so they want to go after two people really hard Dustin and the guy owned the owners of McLaren I don't know why I think because they said that maybe because that was the most exotic car of the group they want to go for the rich guy - I'm not sure I'm like I'm going to jail I'd rather me go to jail than them lose their jobs I'm the one that said to stop that if they're my friend you know before we go into the courtroom I find out my my lawyer that they know that I wasn't the driver that day because I kept my mouth shut they watched him videos but not in peace information didn't come out until that day so all the drivers were presented a plea which was $500 disobeying a sign also it included giving up your GoPro which goes around that whole mess of not having a warrant for the GoPro and they would have to all testify against me but now that I'm out of the picture it's it's pretty much a solid deal for everybody there's no reason to continue this on you know appealing it these guys wanted they were they were so beaten up by it online and by their bosses and the note just get it over with going to courtroom and it was a small courtroom it's just sauce the judge and the police officer involved laughing up there having a good time prosecutor comes out makes this important announcement they wrote assault tickets in their wrong County we're in Highland County when he gave his tickets for Augusta there Augusta cops should have been all thrown out right there no it wasn't they were so embarrassed by going to ring they just wanted the nail is so hard everybody came up there and took the plea and then I came up there and I said not guilty and the judges like look you see my kids have gotten harsher penalties for speeding than you guys he said do you have any footage any other footage that wasn't confiscated and I look at the dye lawyer she wouldn't that look at me I said yeah I do he's like okay I don't want to see any of this future footage that you have this whole Drive on a feature DVD no problem your honor as soon as I walked out the judge is like well we are going to go after your your friend dad oh we know that he was a driver we're gonna go after him hard up to this point we spent over $30,000 the tow charges were never brought up damage to the cars pulling him in the grass never brought up no apologies for anybody and this all happened within a one-hour drive that we did it's a guy that had the McLaren he had to reschedule his court date he got the same deals everybody else the military cop he got his changed over to the $500 give up your GoPro now it's time to clear my name of course none of the newspapers nobody would would write another article or retract it or anything like that I figured so but I wanted to sue that The Washington Post for what they did does I'm considered a public figure and be a waste of money great what else was over to explain that our cars didn't get impounded the evidence was racing with these college kids on this runway almost a year later than that exact court date Dada was driving to work in DC and he was pulling into a parking garage and there was a cop on a bicycle and he saw that his emission sticker was expired and they they ran license pulled a gun at him arrested him on the spot to take him to the local courthouse to get booked there was a warrant for his arrest for augusta county so luckily he ended up getting the same deal this is the first time really talking about it most of us carry around wallets that look a lot more like suitcases than like a toolkit for what we actually need for our day the ridge makes a line of wallets and bags that help you to carry exactly what you need and nothing you don't so leave the junk at home and go to Ridge comm /bin wiki and use the code bin wiki at checkout for a discount let them know how much you appreciate their support of the bin wiki Channel [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 1,702,050
Rating: 4.8062892 out of 5
Keywords: Dustin Worles, teckademics, mischief, police corruption, abuse of power, daily driven exotics, mclaren, lime rock m3, bmw, dado, intinimdation, unlawful search, vinwiki, car stories, E90, E92, E46, gopro, search, lawyers, reckless driving, dvd, warrant, tickets, citation, virginia, west virginia, county, speeding, washington post, jalopnik, series, impounded, damage, plea bargain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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