Virginia Tech vs. Miami Full Game | 2019 ACC Football

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to go here this afternoon both these teams coming in at two and two [Applause] the ball will come out of bounds first and ten for the Hurricanes and the quarterback Jaron Williams getting the start Mark Jones chopping it up with dusty to Voracek key game for both these teams and key quarterback and Jaron Williams done a nice job he goes against one of the defensive coordinators of all time at Virginia Tech and it's his final season 33rd year at Virginia Tech and this defense hasn't played up the Bud Foster standards he told them to let it loose today and executing Jaron Williams won this starting job throughout spring fall camp over 72 percent completion seven touchdowns and yet to throw an interception can Bud Foster get this defense to try to take the ball away from a young talented quarterback in Jaron Willie what are the great storylines prevailing on the day Williams gonna work out of the shotgun [Applause] first down in ten from the 35 can hand it off to TJ Dallas as the Canes trying to get that running game going it wasn't very prolific in their win a couple of weeks ago here at home against Central Michigan there's a look at Jaron Williams mention the fact that he's thrown for over a thousand yards yet has yet to throw an interception just one of three quarterbacks so far in the FBS to do that he showed some real toughness Jonesy's guys been hit sack 18 times for the young offense blind continues to get up they set up the screen Dallas makes the catch in a crowd and makes it out to about the 40-yard line it'll be third down about five to go first-year head coach Manny Diaz the former defensive coordinator for three years for the Hurricanes said that they want to come out and if nothing else they want to compete and become a team that competes and plays hard and fast this week he wasn't happy with the way they competed against Central Michigan he was happy with the competitive spirit he saw in the first three games but into the bye week he saw a lull and he really tried to impress upon his team to get it going and compete every day on 3rd and 5 Williams gets it out quickly almost intercepted and picked off at the 48 yard line by Germaine Waller and that's the first interception of the season for Jared Williams that was his first pick of the year Waller meanwhile with a second interception for Virginia Tech one more look dusty but tried to hit Harley on an inside slant excellent job jumping the route by the nickel back 22 Temari Conner balls in the air and their best cornerback Jermaine Waller is on an excellent start for this Hokie defense getting to take away early and great field position for Virginia Tech to start the game first and 10 hooker at quarterback hands it off to a start in tailback McAleese has four touchdown runs coming to the ball game this is Hindon hooker just one of Thun passing in his career he redshirted as a freshman played sparingly as a redshirt freshman last year and appearing in just six games for tech coach Justin Fuente now in his fourth season on 2nd and 8th the police again and it feel long third and about seven ago Finlay making the tackle from Miami you know this offense has struggled to run as well only averaging three point six yards per carry and Ryan Willis had turned the football over too much that really opened the door for him dan hooker who's going to bring a different dynamic excellent athlete and gives him a different dimension that they haven't had in this hokey offense as when Willis on the sidelines he began the first four games of the season still available to play today out of the shotgun hooker this is the dimension that he adds that Willis didn't have and he picks up the first down inside the 30-yard line all the way down to the 27 so Hendon hooker picks up 15 yards for Virginia Tech this here is a design run play watch mclees come up and try to iso on the middle backer 55 shaq quarterman they're gonna pass protect at first and you see 33 release out he's going to get up on the second level nice play by Hindon hooker making a play with his legs on a key third down making guys miss in the open field from the 27 out of the shotgun they headed up again mcLeese now to the 23 yard line Romeo Finley making the stop after the 4 yard gain Justin Fuente said he wanted his team to continue to show marked improvement they want to be tougher they want to play very physically here this afternoon he liked a week of practice they had an embarrassing effort against Duke last Friday night at home challenged his team throughout the week and he felt that that as good a week of practice as they've had all season and here responding well early moving the ball after the interception pass complete to the edge to tre V on Robinson and he picks up a first down for Virginia Tech that true freshman has been one of the bright spots offensively dusty as he picks up seven dynamic excellent in space he's got speed the ability to make you miss and as you mentioned already is a true freshman really the standout so far for this hokey offense I like the game plan not putting much on hookers plate running the football allowing him to run it didn't quit passes out on the edge not allowing that Miami pass rush to get home on first and 10 hooker out of the shotgun into the end zone incomplete he tried to hit Damon Hazleton was working against brandy on the play it'll be second down in 10 but if a size mismatch but Damon Hazleton had been out all season tweaked a hammy he was her leading receiver at last year at a big play against Duke and he goes about 6 to 215 and though Trajan bandi outside he's physical he's lacking in the in the height department just 5 9 about 190 pounds second and 10 3 receiver formation Robinson in motion they faked the jet sweep and hooker keeps it and falls down to the 12 yard line Finley in on his third tackle already here today a me with a staunch defense ranked second in the ACC and they really get after it on third down look for Blake Baker defensive coordinator to come after hinden hooker the young inexperienced quarterback on third down hookers gonna take off one guy to beat and did it touchdown Oh keys [Applause] an impressive opening drive capitalizing off the interception for Justin Fuente squad poor job by Miami defensively keeping proper rush lanes when you've got a mobile quarterback you've got to shut down though not just the throwing lanes but the running lanes for a quarterback they get too far on one side of the offensive line a big running Lane opened up and Hindon Hooker saw it took advantage and took it to the house impressive start for Virginia Tech and for hooker that's his first rushing touchdown of the season and her guy making his first start dusty he looks pretty poised to start here well we knew he was going to be athletic and give this off it's a different dye dimension and man huge touchdown for Virginia Tech on the other side I show you exactly how he was able to make it happen see how Jaron Williams responds after throwing his first interception of the season on the last series first down in ten Miami from the 25 play action as a man open at the 45 complete to Bremen Jordan one of the top-rated tight ends out of high school a couple of seasons ago first and 10 Danny knows loves to utilize play-action pass gonna watch brevin Knight come on the deep over sorry for the near side which runs it a simple corner route excellent throw gets behind the coverage play-action pass something Dan eNOS loves to utilize in this offense you know it's a key higher from any DEA's on the reverse this is Jeff Thomas Thomas picking up about eight yards olivia has more on our quarterback Jaron Williams well good response for him on this Drive after throwing his first college interception I asked him this week on the phone I said is there a little pressure kind of that that cloud hanging over you knowing that you're one of the few guys in the conference not throwing an interception yet he told me a little bit we just cannot turn it over so not happy with that but good to meet on the sideline talking to his back out in the cozy barrier William was really looking forward to this game Olivia told me earlier this week at practice he's ready to show the world that this team can be very special he takes off using his leg sliding it down to the 34 yard line pickup of 11 on the play first-year offensive coordinator Danny knows coming over from Alabama where he was quarterbacks coach important in terms of developing talent at that position Dustin did a great job with Jalen Hertz last year at Alabama really helped fine-tune his skillset and talked with Manny Diaz that's one of the main reasons he brought him not only was it difficult to prepare from the SEC but he's known for developing quality quarterbacks you're gonna run a deejay Dallas bouncing outside and drag down at about the 33 by Caleb Farley and as as Manny Diaz told us when Miami's got a good quarterback yet they're pretty tough to beat and they think that they've got something special and the young Cigna college Aaron Williams he beat out the incumbent Perry and Tate Martell the transfer from Ohio State and giving his reasons for Williams winning qb1 Diaz and eNOS both saying that he was just a little bit more instinctive than the other two taking a shot deep into the end zone picked off again this time by Farley he tried to hit D Wiggins and was intercepted for the second time already ball was slightly under thrown but this is outstanding coverage down the field by Caleb Farley big corner at six foot to 207 looking at Farley there missed it on the outside it was excellent job by Farley getting inside position and getting a key takeaway rough start for Darren Williams here at home yeah Danny knows trying to coach him back up on the sidelines two interceptions in the last three passes rough start for Williams Virginia Tech bringing their lunch pail today rated T to M for the tight end James Mitchell so far it's the pale out doing the bling let's touchdown rings look like they need a little bit of work right now yes they do and I'll tell you what Bud Foster he's been looking for this from his defense only had three takeaways coming into today and that's a staple has been for so many years of what Bud Foster does aggressive attacking and be able to create turnovers to already early on here in this first quarter tumble a little bit of pressure on the quarterback and good dump off on the screen out for a six yard gain to Talton keen as we go back to Matt berry in the studio okay Jonesy tactical in the first quarter to Miami interceptions already they've been 109 teams who hadn't thrown one this season hendon hooker at quarterback number two making his first start of the season one-on-one coverage and incomplete intended for Taemin Hazleton their leading receiver a season ago well this week our Saturday Night Football game presented by Wells Fargo on top 25 Big Ten battle number 25 Michigan State number for Ohio State from the shoe in Columbus 730 and Miami has two of them right now Williams completes this pass to Mike Harley they can a couple of slick moves hit him with the 2-piece to pick up the first down good timing there with Mike Harley but it's all about interceptions coming into the game Jaron Williams didn't have one this is just a good defensive play by the nickel Connor to get the deflection second one this is on Jared Williams ball is underthrown you see fairly working for position able to get the interception but coming into the game he was flawless and here early on first two possessions two interceptions intrigued to see how the freshman quarterback responds to a little bit of early adversity he saw Danny knows the offensive coordinator coaching up on the sidelines Williams has said that I love being coached hard and coach eNOS does exactly that with me as he wants me to become a complete quarterback Miami calls timeout we'll take one too with some 15 miles east of here and Miami Gardens and Hard Rock Stadium Cameron Harris diving the eye Williams back to pass under heat nowhere to go he's going to be sacked back to the 21 yard line good pursuit by the Hokies defensively and Connor comes up with the sack but foster dials up pressure and it gets home you'll see it come from both sides Jaron Williams is able to evade the initial defender looks like Diablo gets there first but then it's the safety tamari Connor who's been all over the place her early past deflection which led to a big interception and now he gets a key sack setting up second extra long great start for bud Foster's defense he's already announced that this will be his last year at Virginia Tech after 33 years on the sidelines one of the best to ever do it but foster second 25 Williams pulls the trigger complete that William Matt after 33 years victories get getting the gold watch right back to you yeah we're all wearing gold watches here in studios oz who wants Texas and West Virginia's an Ellen ger good toss to Malcolm F Texas answers were tied at 7 midway through the first quarter I kind of had a feeling that game's gonna be a shootout Texas secondaries beat up Matt's a Mellinger pretty good is we're getting ready for a big one in Dallas next week third and long for the Hurricanes they've had a hard time here in the first quarter offensively Williams and pick up the pressure he chose his birthday of the day Virginia Tech's Waller this time has their third interception and a chorus of boos cascading down on starting quarterback Jaron Williams whoo rough start for the freshman quarterback it starts with the pressure it's going to come off the left side of the offensive line as he takes his shot from 36 to Shaun Crawford gonna get home inside big hit on him right as he delivers the football and the Germaine Waller steps in front of the pass excellent coverage that ball hung in the air too long allowed the corner to make an athletic play and a rough rough start for Jaron Williams here at home and that's three picks in his last six passes in the first 12 and a half minutes up the middle this is King Keyshawn King the second of two tailbacks from Virginia Tech King came into the ball game averaging almost six yards per carry under four minutes to go this is where the strength of this football team has to step up you got a lien on seniors like Shaq quarterb and Michael Pinckney and they had to find a way to get a key stop here and keep Miami in this football game the pressure coming hooker drops back backside pressure found his man though and touchdown Hokies keen with another score but there's a flag down back of the torso file roughing the passer defense number 97 15 you're appealing VSS on the kickoff touchdown that's going to go against John Garvin the defensive end the touchdown stands and for Keene that's his first touchdown reception of the season I love the play design misdirection roll hooker to one side sneaked to tight in Dalton Keene out the back side Miami never saw it coming Garvin with a late hit and a walk-in touchdown for the talented tight end Dalton keen what a start for Virginia Tech in Miami Jonesy they seem a little shell-shocked right now there is a stuns three turnovers already by starting quarterback Jared Williams he hadn't thrown a pick all season until this afternoon and he's already given it away three times in the first quarter and the question begs who comes out to take the next series sometimes you just dial up the right play Justin Fuente dials up the perfect play against this defense you're gonna see pressure come off this edge I want you to watch they're gonna rotate the quarterback here and then they're gonna sneak the tight end out the back side he's gonna block and he's gonna come across and nobody is gonna stay with him Titans gonna sit he's gonna hold sneak out the back side right where the Blitz came from nobody is home and then he takes it into the end zone excellent play call by Justin Fuente and good execution by Hindon hooker to the tight end dalton key dusty we got Nkosi perry in the ball game hands it off on his first play to Mike Harvey and Hartley put it on the ground but they're gonna say that he was down and we have a new quarterback Olivia what do you have to tell us well the crowd started booing the second new Cosi Perry took the field as we hear them saying now remember he was the starter last year and struggled Jared Williams was kind of becoming a fan favorite obviously until those three picks I will tell you players on defense and offense coming over to Jared Williams saying it's okay patting him on the helmet but Danny knows made that call and he made it quick he pressed the button here but just under three minutes to go in 2004 jinda technics they have the football let's take one more look at that last play Harley all the ball definitely falls a hundred percent out no question that's gonna be Virginia Tech football Diablo was there to make the hit on the play for the Hokies punched out with his left hand balls on the sidelines Wow what a start for bud Foster's defense and a nightmare scenario unfolding here for Miami they had not turned the ball over passing all season until today and the Hokies will get the ball at the spot there and Virginia Tech came in 128 that have 130 teams in turnover margin they were a minus eight okay they were averaging negative to a game and we're not out of the first quarter and they're plus four there's a look at Harley who put it on the ground a moment ago smart smart by the Virginia Tech Defensive Player 41 Jalen Griffin you see his feet are out of bounds he read he repositions himself back in bout establishes himself back in bounds and then he picks up the football to get a clear recovery for Virginia Tech yeah great catch there dusty on the replay and good pictures from the truck Wow to think that potentially now that Manny Diaz his team has turned it over four times in the first quarter Neal the warning signs were there during the off week on Wednesday they were very lackluster lackadaisical he blew the whistle and made everybody go hard one-on-one drills for a few segments to reset everybody and he told them you're gonna be out here and you're gonna compete or else if we have to fix it it's gonna be trouble they said it was on Wednesday midweek of the bye week there was a huge law this is after a game they didn't compete in so he said I gotta call them up and say I got three options I can yell cuss and scream at you I can run you which I don't want to do or we can just go compete so he had to force these guys to step up compete he said from there everything ratcheted up but that just gives you a sense that this team potentially mindset not quite in the right place I want to revisit though making the switch already to the cozy pair okay that surprises me a little bit you don't like it hey so the first sign of adversity for the young quarterback and all of a sudden it's that quick you're gonna pull him out at the further review the wonder was that down proud to form a Virginia Tech recover freshman tell Virginia Tech please send the clock for 316 here's how we got to this point with 257 ago in the first quarter 14 nothing Hokies Williams got off to a shaky start this was the first of three interceptions that was his first of the season and that was the second one Virginia Tech meanwhile has been very opportunistic hitting 14 points on the board after those interceptions blow at the punch-out right there before he hits the sidelines heads-up play by the junior safety for turnovers and 14 plays dusty mcLeese in the backfield beside hemmed in hooker making his first start hooker had that one batted at the line of scrimmage by Pat Bethel good penetration and pressure up front by Bethel Virginia Tech came into this game and they wanted to prove a point they were fired up they were ready to go before the game [Applause] on second down this is mclees you look at Virginia Tech's schedule so far their two wins dusty against Old Dominion and Furman losses at Boston College and it got drilled by Duke last week at home so a game here against an FBS opponent conference opponent like Miami is huge for them to get in the win column third and six and it feels like old-school Beamer ball and tough defense from Bud Foster taking the ball away and converting when you get they faked the jet sweep hooker keeps it breaks a couple of tackles all the way down to the two yard line to flag down as well but hooker put a great move on Shaq quarterman at middle linebacker he picked up 14 if it stands what hooker has proven to be very elusive so far been very impressive running the football acceleration we've seen the ability to make guys miss in the open field after the play personal foul that's the second one of the ball game already against the Hurricanes that one against bump up Bolden playing his first game with the C tackling is such a key to this coaching staff poor tackling here first it's Shaq quarterman then it's the safety Amari Carter then it's outside the other safety Gervin Hall three missed tackles unable to get Hindon hooker to the ground and now they're inside the one not characteristic of this Miami Hurricanes defense first and goal on the jet sweep another missed tackle touchdown Hokies Mitchell with the score that's michael paint you to see you I mean on the last two plays that's for Miss tackles and again this is a defense Manny Diaz Blake Baker the defensive coordinator they pride themselves on being quality tacklers when the offense is struggling and turning the ball over the way that it is you need your defense to rise up and be able to make open field tackles poor job by Miami defensively on that set as well as Virginia Tech is playing Ray Lewis Jonathan Vilma John Beeson and a whole bunch of hurricanes from past are pretty ticked off at what they're seeing right now Virginia Tech with 21 points off of turnovers and those up where the early story line continues to be now two things by any interceptions with the Hokies able to capitalize on them and then to an abundance of Aaron tackling by the hurricane defense and that has them in a 21 nothing hole here Jeff Thomas on the return and chop down nicely at the 23-yard line let's go back to Matt in the studio I got all right Matt back here first down and 10 from the 23 yard line Nkosi Perry in for his second series tape Martel another quarterback in it receiver there he was right there Nkosi checks it down and completes it to DJ down to the 25-yard line let's go back to Perry's presence in this ball game you weren't quite crazy about the change I just think that Jen Williams we were told yesterday he won this job in the spring and fall camp because he was the more consistent quarterback and he's played well to this point in the season and now of a sudden three bad drives and you're gonna pull flip the switch and go to Nkosi Perry just seems like a quick a quick hook on a quarterback they spoke so highly of just that yesterday when things changing swiftly for the Hurricanes completely under the middle this is Hartley carrying that ball pretty loosely after fumbling the last time he touched it divine Diablo with the tackle on the play in a three yard gain but that football away high and tight parties seem this Hokie defense punched the football and get one loose on the last possession some offense desperately needs a first down and to get some type of momentum some type of rhythm going Virginia Tech prior to this game had struggled in the first quarter today 21 on the board already onto that a result of their opportunistic defense third and three [Music] Perry incomplete at midfield intended again for Harley then he slammed to the turf by Connor the pass falling harmlessly and complete and a quick three and out for the Hurricanes Mike Harley working out of the slot Jamari Connor looks like he might have got there a little bit early we hear the boos from the crowd here let's see if he got there early that's definitely got there early I could have easily drawn to fly this call there by the official concern inched across the faces of the fans here at Hard Rock stadium for the Hurricanes Grimsley back at his own 30 yard line for the Hokies handily with the punt averaging almost 45 on the season to be first and 10 from the 20 yard line nothing on the return after that 52 yard punt well now time for today's Aflac trivia question the question is prior to Clemson this week one of us the last time a team fell from the top spot in the AP rankings after winning a game that's a rarity hey so Alabama hub plungin clemson alabama those two teams seemed to have had a lock on the number one spot in the last several years but I'm going trying to go back a little bit further than maybe Florida State back with Jameis essentially Tonkin Virginia Tech here hand in a hooker having an auspicious beginning here in his first start of the season outside of the pocket behind the line of scrimmage it looks like there was a receiver in the area attendee Sean cake that was King that was close by so no intentional grounding second and ten they set up tried to set up the screen there outside to mcLeese but there were several I apologize to Keyshawn King several offensive linemen were 10 12 yards downfield before the ball was released only easily could have been illegal offensive linemen down the field Justin Fuente may have found his quarterback we're gonna run it on second and ten know where to go that time for Keyshawn king who remains in the ball game the stop made by Russo and its third and long with time winding down here in a great first quarter for the Hokies [Applause] team that has had trouble scoring points early in ball games this year will find itself leading 21 to nothing after the first 15 minutes of play Miami had has had their way in the second quarter so far this season but the Hokies come into the second period high some disgruntled fans here at Hard Rock open for a change of scenery in the next 15 minutes on the handoff this is mcLeese got to the edge got a seam and cuts that front and defense in a nice gain good block by the left guard Smith on the play and a nice pickup for the Hokies of 26 yards third and 10 backed up Miami want to pass coverage defense big hole opens up off the left side good explosion through the hole by DeSean McLeish you mentioned it was Cetus smith christian dara saw on the left side got a nice job opened up Running Room Virginia Tech and that's a Virginia Tech Flags down on the field offensive line ducked Steve we haven't mentioned it yet they have two not one but two true freshman starting there with Hudson and nester and with more on freshman after the call let's go down Swabia deepest jumping to do to some calls in the office to read first then what about those freshmen Olivia well yeah no one wants to be in that position and Justin Fuente was telling us you know what can you do worth this young and of course it's year four for Fuente and he's still dealing with two freshman true freshmen on his offensive line and then hendon hooker who's having quite a day he's being a redshirt sophomore so with Ryan Willis not in there it's really one starting senior it's working so far on to carry this is Keyshawn King tripped up behind the line scrimmage by Michael picnic it's a very young football team inexperience and we're talking with Justin Fuente yesterday you know he he understands that he talked about he wanted this team to be tough for emotionally physically and he recognizes that they're gonna take some lumps but he wants them to learn from those experiences and mature and get better from it second and six [Applause] three receivers out to the right they run it right between the tackles and a nice print by Keyshawn King to pick up five yards Michael pickney making another one of those tackles for the Hurricanes number 56 and quarterman have been mainstays of this hurricanes defense for the last three plus years there's a look at Pinckney Porter man's number 55 the gotten missing is Zach McLeod who has decided to try and take a redshirt the three of them have been starters since their freshman year on third and short and the Hokies pick up the first down behind King and now time for a look at today's PlayStation Player impact ratings and one of the guys we were just alluding to Michael pickney the rating of 88 Carter 99 for the Hurricanes Michael Paton II just really does an excellent job being all over the field your prototype will linebacker speed to the football use him in the pass rush game and Amari Carter but a key piece to this secondary and a retooling lost three seniors last year Mary Carter stepped up that and I start to the season first down in ten hooker tosses it to the field at that time some good open-field tackling by the Hurricanes defensively Garvin got their on the play along with Paul jr. loved watching this line backing core from Ivy on tape I mean they get after their attacking style front to see Shaq quarterman running sideline to sideline getting down hill making a play on the near side finishing off that tackle these guys have been starting together Jonesy since the fourth day of their freshman season in the spring ball it's incredible the longevity they both displayed here at the University of Miami the football is important to him that time it was his teammate Pinkney making the tackle on hooker and back to Shaq quarterman you know coach Blake Baker the defensive coordinator told us about his first meeting with quarterman he said what are your goals and quarterman looked at him and got really emotional and that teary eyed and said I want to be one of the best to ever play football here at the University of Miami when you consider the lineage here that meanings a lot means a lot to both of these guys and so does his third down to this defense they got to find a way to get a stop here I play the Hokies drive and Justin point he gonna call a timeout for Virginia Tech while we mentioned the lineage Beeson filmer and this guy the hall of famer two backers here Jonesy I got to step it up and start to play at a higher level back in the day Ted Hendricks the Raiders little quarterback draw hooker another productive run inside the 30 down at the 28 yard line approaching 11 minutes to go here in the first half Hall making the tackle after the 6 yard game keep in mind that guy you're looking at right there end in hooker about eight months ago folks he was in the transfer portal ok he was thinking about leaving and those people who at North Carolina A&T were his father played or trying to lure him there as he hands it off to mcLeese and a change of heart decided to come back now finds himself in at quarterback [Music] Allen hooker in Miami player falls and grabs his hamstring there towards the bottom of your screen trying to get off the field that's Trayvon Hill the former Virginia Tech hokey there's a look as he tried to get off the field and um grab the back of his leg this is an emotional game for him was a great player for Virginia Tech he's trying to get off the field as he runs to the side Wow goes down grabs his hamstring you know we talked to the defensive coordinator Blake Baker on what the message to him this week was and they challenged him to control his emotions stay level-headed and a guy who had a great career going at Virginia Tech and got kind of sideways last year after an Old Dominion game and at the end of the season opted to transfer to Miami after graduating from Virginia Tech and this is a game that he's had circled for quite some time if you ask him he's still not sure why he was dismissed from Virginia Tech but he's happened to be on the sidelines here for the Miami Hurricanes the best pass rushers coaching staff said he's been an excellent addition to the team hey our main event on pay-per-view featuring champ in hometown hero Robert Whittaker taking on the interim champ Israel a neat SIA Anna Sonia and the middleweight championship unification about 10:00 Eastern 7:00 Pacific order the main card in English and Spanish for the ESPN / PPV and be sure to download the ESPN app if you're watching on your mobile device espn2 and espn2 portes will have the prelims starting at 8:00 Eastern Time and Pacific we got Anna Sonya I'll take out a son okay we down that got a little bit more power second and six backside heat the past complete to Mitchell and that's gonna be a first down I tell you handed hooker through a pair of pretty authoritative past that time dust had some zip on I like the way eighty two tight end James Mitchell high points it goes up and gets it Garvin terms the edge almost gets to the football strong hands by James Michels he goes up makes a nice grab for another first down talked about him being in the transfer portal Chicago Bear and North Carolina A&T former player Tariq Cohen actually added him tarik Cohen added him on Twitter and said hey why not us the alma mater Dayton T right now is with Virginia Tech and they are going in for another score Keane with his second touchdown of the day got a great block from Mitchell for the touchdown [Applause] and the Hokies have stormed into Miami Gardens and put one on the hurricane so far blown coverage the doulton teams just lined up in the backfield sneaks out into the flats and nobody goes with them easy walking touchdown again by Virginia Tech 14 that's his first two touchdown game of his career with maybe more to come one more look at this run by Keene after the catch took copious notes man you look like you were really I had questions and I wanted answers Jonesy I want the truth if I'm Allah if I'm on the committee I'm running from you a very educational fun process gave me a really good look behind the scenes or what all goes in to the selection committee's process and try to better educate our fans as we get closer and closer to the CFP let's go back to the studio my man it's got answers but the good of the sport dusty D is not on the committee it was very mock after a beau Nick's interception Florida takes advantage Trask to Josh Hammond Gators take a 14-6 lead in the second and then a little bit of a surprise in Morgantown right now Austin Kendal TD West Virginia 14-7 the second alright Nkosi Perry in at quarterback still for the Miami Hurricanes after replacing Jared Williams who threw three interceptions in the first quarter flags down in the play as Jeff Thomas one of the hurricanes playmakers makes the reception set up the wide receiver screen outside gotta get Jeff Thomas touches he's so explosive with the football in his face there's no foul the ball will touch behind the line second down let's take a look back at this look there's nobody gonna cover the flats these guys gonna come down where does he Dalton keen just come outside he's gonna fake as if he's gonna block and he's just gonna walk outside nobody covering the flats a blown coverage by Miami and a walk-in touchdown for the second time the junior tight in Dalton keen defensive coordinator Blake Baker got to be scratching his head right now as to what's going on the defensive side of the football second and seven nine minutes to go in the first half Perry hands it off to deejay Dallas and Dallas is going to be stopped up at the 30 yard line by Connor making another stop [Applause] guys starting quarterback Jaron Williams is back out he did go in the locker room and he was waving his arms above his head to loosen up his shoulder seemingly he did tell me this week that he's been dealing with a sore shoulder in his throwing arm and I did notice some tape underneath that shoulder pads so could be a part of the issue but he looks like he's back out and warming up that's gonna be interesting to hear what they say postgame about that pass complete by Perry out to the 35 yard line to Bremen Jordan one of their top playmakers and their leading receiver that's going to be a hurricane first down at the 35 and you hear a very sarcastic sounding cheer coming from the hurricane nation that's Rob you looking on third down this one of the best players on this football team a real weapon as a pass catchers improved as a blocker nice job going up and getting a key first down by brevin Jordan Posey Perry in a quarterback out of Ocala Florida bleats it into the short side of the field onto the 45 that's Mike Harley making the catch close to the first down and hey with TJ out with an Achilles injury that's right Tom Johnson out with an Achilles Brian Clark stepping in got his back taking his spot with Boo Braun NFL primetime Sunday 7:30 only on ESPN plus all the highlights breakdowns get you a from Monday night Scott Van Pelt Joe tessitura will also be part of the fun that ESPN Plus download the app or go to ESPN Plus calm be careful once you hit that ain't wide open night with the crab and a foursome gold to the Hurricanes all the way down inside the vibe just what the doctor ordered feed that man the football I play maker for this offense brevin Jordan the bottom of your screen oh screen and Goga fakes as if he's going to block on the screen the defender bites and he's wide open down the sidelines nice play call an excellent execution by brevin Jordans selling that he's coming to block gets the defender to commit and then he's wide open ball put on the money by the knut quarterback Nkosi perry 51 yard gain on the play by nine pardon me Jordan Perry rolling out hits the edge and incomplete and the end zone intended for Bryan Hightower by six 38 to go in the first half if I told you that Virginia Tech would be leading 28 to nothing what would you say both crazy man I mean based off of you know Miami coming off a bye what they've put on tape so far this year the way Virginia Tech played at home an uninspired game against Duke I didn't see it give a lot of credit Justin Fuente Bud Foster for getting this team to respond and be ready to play here today second and goal Perry they pulled the trigger incomplete at the goal line knocked away nicely by Reggie Boyd who's the only hokey senior on that defense for Virginia Tech Redmond Jordan the intended receiver so it's third down and goal how big is a touchdown here not a field one but a touchdown for my it's huge and I think you're already in the spot where you got to go for a touchdown regardless okay you're down forest floors and we're approaching halftime I mean this is a two down territory in my opinion I wouldn't be afraid to go back to brevin Jordan there he is circled Perry looks to him again incomplete he was locked on him the whole way dusty Reggie Boyd again the defender and it's fourth and goal and they have to leave their offense on the field here and I agree with the call no question actually kind of double coverage there both for short Ashby and the safety cheating over the top on brevin Jordan it's good coverage by Virginia Tech so they've gone to Jordan twice he comes out of the ball game here on fourth and goal big big receiver down here at the bottom of your screen number 7 Brian Hightower six-foot-three Nkosi Perry comes the other way into the end zone and picked off for the court time today Farley stings them again that's his second pick of the afternoon new quarterback same result for this Miami hurricane offense tried to roll the pocket to the right and Caleb Farley for the second time today steps in front Miami can't get anything right it's all about the Hokies in the 305 [Music] backyard Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens Florida hurricane fans right now busted disgusted and not to be trusted first and ten Hokies leaned by for for your game kind of like Bob Marley Rastafari remember he said don't worry I don't know if my anything do that right now yeah I want to hear everything's gonna be all right I don't think so they just want to touch down wrong Jam yeah change that to twenty eight to nothing need some buffalo soldiers to get some points on the board right now second down is six he's done a third and four King on the run and you know there was a really kind of almost somber mood when we met with some of the Virginia Tech people during this week in our meetings and man I tell you what they might have been kind of just hiding a little bit of their optimism because they've come out here and played a spirited football game and uh man packed in jumping offsides they did say that they practiced well this week coach point they did here's the call all sigh deep into 71 you up in the neutral zone causing that office tool yet your ability is awesome the first down honey you got him backed up third and six situation potentially get the ball back and good field position and you give them a gift that's just man the hits just keep on coming the mistakes are unbelievable here in this first half for the Miami Hurricanes for a guy that has been coaching at the University of Miami since 2016 Manny Diaz went to school here in Miami at Miami Country Day is from Miami worked at ESPN former colleague of ours as a production assistant and speaking of colleague stars back in the studio Matt berry man bye guys Dan Mullen questionable fake punt didn't get it gave Albarn a short field in the first play they take advantage Bo Knicks to Seth Williams they kicked the extra point 1413 now at the swamp right back here second down and 11 and the four and a half minutes to go [Applause] Booker hands it off again to Keyshawn King no gain on the play sets up a third down and long for Virginia Tech with very opportunistic here in the first half nice play by Trayvon Hill haven't seen him making much of an impact so far afterward had a little bit of emotion as we talked about the former hokey plant against his old team game that means a lot to him and you know you're talking about yesterday was kind of a somber mood and I got to give it up to Justin Fuente because the game plan is completely changed with Hindon hooker more quarterback run utilizing the tight ends a little bit more a scheme and have executed to perfection here in this first half yeah they've found life with deuce back their hand in hooker pressing all the right buttons we'll be back right after this she's intrigued to see if that Spartan defense can challenge the Buckeyes third and long hurricanes need to stop here here's the jet sweep Robinson the true freshman nice one Waterman push to my bounds man he got a very favorable spot on the play I think it's going to be an extra 15 yards afterward I think they're gonna get him for does that Shack quarterly number guys okay maybe not it was really close over on the sidelines we'll see my it's on the play maybe there was a whole load on the sideline Miami's pointing out the directions so that would have been catastrophic but a disastrous first half for Manny Diaz in the hurricane there's some fouls on the plate holding outfits no maybe one after this is to the goal after the play personal foul defense number 55 continue our penalty automatic first down Wow Shaq porterman is senior linebacker with a personal foul first down at Hokies mistake after mistake after mistake the senior Shaq quarterman a it's right on the line I mean but you got to be smarter than that and it be smarter than that over there they were backed up on their own one-yard line that's the second penalty on this drive to eight him to first down they are handing room service to Virginia Tech pick me the lone senior linebacker right there in the ball game right now first down in 10 338 to go Virginia Tech in control and that's mclees picking up about four on the play russo making the tackle Bubba Bolden comes in it's a hit on that play the USC transfer getting his first action for the Miami hope for the Miami Hurricanes very decided to have him in the lineup there he is number 21 USC transfer another Bishop Gorman player from Las Vegas on the team talented safety he's got a bright bright future here in South Beach second down in six Virginia Tech [Applause] on the run this is mcLeese sets up a third down and two let's go back to the studio all right guys coming up in the Lexus halftime report Kyle Trask injured for the Gators out of the game we'll update you on the accident the swamp plus a big one for Michigan today at home it's the big house and Texas in 1 on the road against West Virginia jets Palmer Joey Galloway join me coming up i me liked his halftime report all right Matt back here 227 to go in the first half and the Miami Hurricanes facing adversity here at home [Applause] hooker keeps it and picks up the first down what do you make of hooker making his first start here today and the way that he's performed here in the first two quarter he's been unbelievably impressive and you know I give Justin Fuente a lot of credit for turning the page and recognizing Ryan Willis wasn't getting it done he was turned the football over too much and he's gonna bring in a quarterback that's got a different skill set and they're playing to that they're changing a lot of what they do offensively going to a lot more quarterback run allowing Hin and hooker to make plays with his athleticism and you know he told them this week have fun and let it loose this is your opportunity take advantage of it he's gonna keep it on the run here and pick up about two yards and it's interesting as Olivia reported a little bit earlier Justin Fuente has been in his shoes he said I've been him before and I never liked anybody I don't never like to look over my shoulder whenever I had the job so that was why in part he told his quarterback go out there and have fun set them down in seven hook over plenty of time and now sacked by Rousseau he leads the team now with his fourth sack of the season and at six six he can reach out and get those quota bags dusty well this young man is a physical freak we're gonna see him working inside he's gonna come all the way across I mean so he's working on the outside right there just gets a bull rush gets up to field he's six six he's 260 pounds he played receiver and safety in high school was an all-state wide receiver he's packed on some weight still has the athleticism and talking with Coach Baker they think he's got first-day potential possibly he's still trying to figure things out and already one of the most dynamic guys this Miami Hurricanes team has up front they said in their own words he is a beautiful-looking player stepping off the bus and into the hotel lobby he's he makes that whole all hotel lobby team when he got a bunch of football players hanging around the hotel two years ago the dude was catching passes in high school as an all-state receiver long lean third and 17 as a result for the Hokies very disconsolate Hard Rock Stadium home team down 28 nothing being shut out Rooker keeps it again and picks up about three brought down by Silver Arrow on the play 104 to go in the first half time out on the field Diaz trying to go five missile a little bit about the you let me a Satan County baby huh Miami's colors are green white and orange after this punt I want you to tell me what each color means sound fun one minute to go and it's going to triple down to the 16 yard line where guys are throwing hands on that 56-yard punt it'll be first down in 10 for the Hurricanes so white green and orange a go okay I'm gonna say the orange is for the fruitful abundant land down here in Miami the green is for the money Orange over the trees green is for the leaves and white is for the blossoms there you go okay all right oranges or sour oranges orange trees out there orange flowers I was getting there I was getting to the oranges on the tree you know I'm you know I'm handicapped right because I'm colorful I know you're from Toronto 30 years in Miami Nkosi Perry completes it down to the 45 yard line first and ten to Jeff Thomas Nkosi Perry making a play evades the rush keeps the play alive rolls to his right and he finds a big-time shot down the field to Jeff Thomas got a player injured down there for Virginia Tech Taiwan's orbit he wins on inside spin move Nkosi pairing rolls to his right throws a dime on the move leads his wide receiver and Jeff Thomas very talented wide out makes the catch as he falls to the ground rolls out of bounds I can't tell you what this could potentially do from a momentum standpoint if Miami can get a touchdown before the half Deshawn Crawford the injured hokey defensive tackle on the far side lines being helped on yeah he's the guy that brought the lunch pail onto the field today he is their lunch pail Player of the Week for the Hokies and he'll back to Jeff Thomas there's another guy that bumpy ride here at Miami at the end of last year with Mark Richt as head coach was thinking about transferring actually entered the portal was thinking about going to Illinois when Manny Diaz got the job decided to come back to the you trying to have a big season here to help the Canes in the win column 35 seconds to go Perrie into traffic incomplete as Harley couldn't hang on to it and he took a hit to Whalen was there to knock the ball loose and the clock stopped is 28 seconds to go but foster still being aggressive brought a corner blitz Caleb Farley comes on the pressure Nkosi Perry's hit right as he releases it and he tries to hit Mike Harley right up the scene he gets delivered a big hit Mudd Foster for a defense it hasn't really performed well coming into today stepped it up big time for the veteran coach no timeouts remaining Barry's got to work quick there's a flag down Perry's going to take off with it and he's forced out of bounds at about the 31 yard line but this was going to be a hole against Scaife number 51 14 yard game holding offense number 51 tenure penalty second down taijuan car but the defensive end who beat him earlier on an inside spin move take a look on the outside gets him with the rib it's improved a little bit Garvin had to leave the game the Virginia Tech's most dynamic pass rusher this offensive line for the Hurricanes conversely dusty coming into the game they've given up 18 sacks folks the worst in the nation statistically very trying to get it out and does completely at the 38 yard line and okay J Osborn they could hurry 801 seconds ago no timeouts remaining gotta go trying to get into field goal range for Bubba backs up and one of the officials hit the turf they stopped the clock with six seconds to go they're about three yards outside of boxes field goal range [Applause] oh we got tripped up by Hewitt i Hewitt I know Nkosi Perry's just looking for an open target but you better understand situations you can understand that you need to try to find something along the sidelines and allow your guy to be able to get out of bounds especially he's gonna be short of a first down there's got to be really quick work out something very fast Bubba boxer has a season long 50-yard field goal and a career long 50 as well he's 5 of 9 on the season so uh they still need about five or six yards to get that close but once again we revisit the interceptions have written the story of the day so far these are the interceptions three of them in the first quarter by starting quarterback Jaron Williams and it got worse from there that one in the red zone which [Applause] that's been the prevailing line of the day five interceptions and think about it they hadn't thrown one coming into the game four interceptions apartment and then the fumble yeah and that's right you know Williams coming into today had not thrown an interception had completed 72% of his passes and he got the quick hook after his third interception Miami doesn't have any timeouts remaining Perry looks like they're gonna try and throw this one of the end zone time will expire Mary loads up and heaves it battle sucking Todd touchdown [Applause] and showing a sign of life it was tipped and then caught by Mark Pope Wow that is exactly what Miami needed to give them some life some energy before the half they had to tow receivers down here with boat that looked like the fall got tipped right into the hands of mark Pope and all of a sudden a little juice a little energy on the sidelines for the you dusty that's just the way that you drill it right need to get guys down there and you tip it up and he give yourselves a chance Danny knows doing just that 38 yards for the touchdown hey cuz 85 will Mallory the tide in he was on the bottom side Nkosi Perry rolls to the near sideline puts a lot of air underneath the football Mallory gets the tip Polk gets the touchdown and the Hurricanes on the board for the first time today wow what an end to the first half as they say here in meinem of the important and cogent numbers from the first half Virginia Tech 21 points off of five Miami turnovers don't be first and ten for the Hokies just a moment ago Olivia caught up with man ETS don't you switch quarterbacks in the first quarter what went behind that decision well to be 14 second story got a throw-in catch and we weren't throwing and catching very well we thought Nicosia gave us a better chance who gives you the better chance in the second half it will go in the coast thanks coach there's the answer that a lot of us were still wondering it'll be Perry the rest of the way we can talk about that one mind he gets on the on the offensive side but that's a interesting call here for a young quarterback this early in the football game to switch and now go with last year starter Nkosi Perry mclees on the carry guys it's also important that Jared Williams is back out here you know dealing with that shoulder soreness he's back here and throwing just fine and his available on cold the quarterbacking change takes on an even different context if you think about him not being interested second down in a hooker under pressure outrunning a couple of defenders and picks up about eight or nine yards pickney couldn't make the tackle and boy hooker looks to be shaken up they're having a tough time getting up and in hooker started this game made his first start of the season for Virginia Tech replacing Ryan Willis the six board senior and he's being tended to by the athletic training staff Ryan Willis warming up meaning while Ryan and Willis is in the ball game right now because this guy Hendon hooker number two is on the sidelines you see him stretching his legs the good sign for the Hokies is that their starting quarterback was able to leave the field under his own power so the starter for the beginning of the season the first four games of the season Ryan Willis the former Kansas transfer is taking the snap third down and one mcLeese in the backfield Poseidon police on the handoff I'm sure that he got the first down let's see where they spot this Jonathan forward and Greg russo making the stop on the play for Miami good penetration up front could have come up a little bit short dust pressure here by Pinckney also off the edge by 30 when Pinckney here we'll see 30 come there they get excellent penetration up front a big key stop then a rare three and out by the Miami defense this afternoon Brad burners get a punt averaging almost 48 yards per on the season Jeff Thomas calls for the bear catch all the way back at the 12 yard line wow what a punt by Oscar Bradburn 54 yards into the humid air here in Miami remember this is a team that last week got drilled by do 45 10 wide open who's Sofia touchdown [Applause] it's all going Dukes way tonight a different looking crew in their defense keying the strong performance here Connor and Diablo that time with a pressure on Perry Manning that passed down to bind Diablo number 17 right there what about Foster's defenders in the secondary but lost in his last season on the sidelines at Virginia Tech after 33 years and you had to it was I couldn't wait to see how Virginia Tech would respond an embarrassing effort on both sides of the ball against Duke glass Friday they've shown up so far with a different attitude different energy on this football game they are leading the rush heaves it downfield appear to be conned initially by KJ Osborne but a great recovery by Reggie Floyd we've seen Reggie Floyd dusty make some great plays defensively here today breaking up a couple of passes especially was matched up against Jordan earlier he's time against Osborne hey J Osborne goes up at high points to football excellent job as he's coming down with the ball to knock it out of his hands force the incompletion wearing that number one having a heck of a ballgame here so far Osborne the only but me Floyd the only senior on that Virginia Tech defense very he's going to try and pass a kid laid it right in between the two defenders for the first down the catch made by brevin Jordan and the Hurricanes are playing with a little bit of tempo now quickly up to the line of scrimmage 26 yards on the game excellent throw right there by the co see Perry to brevin Jordan right over the defender inside of the corner perfect placement on the sidelines and a huge conversion on 3rd and 10 for Perry seized the job from Malik rosier little over a year ago and now he came into the season number 2 play-action [Applause] gets rid of it to the tie head out of the backfield and a good open field tackle on the play Connor making the stop Temari Connors had a heck of a ballgame today got that initial pass break up on the first interception Tanna sack they brought him in a lot of different pressure situations quality open field tackle by the nickel from Virginia Tech they'll pair it on the catch for the Hurricanes we would receive the screen tunnel screen complete and on the move it's Thomas trying to make the play all the way down to the 40-yard line for Miami Connor with another tackle but not before Jim Thomas picks up 18 on the play and Miami offensively showing some signs of life does need I love this play call get the ball of Jeff Thomas tunnel screen up top Jeff Malory's gonna go here offensive lines get to come out and there to get some key block Jeff Thomas is gonna come underneath tied in gets the initial block the offensive linemen get to the second level and Jeff Thomas doing Jeff Thomas type things in the open field it was bad that made some big plays for Miami last year in this game with these defeated the Hokies 38:17 a season ago this is Harris picks up about nine on the play but blocking up front by that out ffensive line to find a seam and make the crease well coming up this week on Sunday NFL countdown Randy Moss ranks the best catches from today's college get action was how Daniel Jones's dupe routes have turned him into the new king of New York in the legend Cowboys line linebacker Layton Vander vendor ish come on man typo former Boise State linebacker Dallas Cowboys defense pretty cold fish you gentlemen coming off an elbow this time with Harris I wonder if on you got must we might see this catch right here that's a great point it could be afraid he was smart and watching this will make it in there hey one thing I really like about what I've seen here they convert the long third down now you get a tunnel screen to Jeff Thomas and on back-to-back plays for the first time all day establishing the line of scrimmage and running the football the most solid drive we've seen all day from Miami here to start the second half first and 10 Perry off the high snap got one on one on the corner little contact incomplete Osborne and a flag on the play Farley was defending KJ Osbourne it was a lot of pushing down the sidelines there and they had to dad to fill this it took him forever for the referee to pull the flag this ball is underthrown okay and KJ Osborne the Buffalo transfer he's trying to work back to the football and Caleb Farley doesn't allow him and then finally there comes a flag that's the right call ball underthrown KJ Osborne trying to work back to it Farley committee contact not allowing him to and now Miami inside the 10 single back-formation Perry with a nice ball fake touchdown Miami Jordan with a catch love to play call play-action pass a quality fake by Nkosi Perry kinds it hides the football brevin Jordan blocks holds and then sneaks out the back door wide open Manny Diaz couldn't have drawn up to start to the second half any better an impressive opening drive here in the third quarter Perry's been the guy and will be the guy the rest of the way that's what he told Olivia moment ago and Perry leads the team down the field into the end zone Jordan with a second touchdown catch of the season Nkosi Perry they've seen this version of him before and he's won some vault [Applause] let me down by 14 points take one more look at the touchdown what was a key the key to any play action watch brevin Jordon watch him sell this block before he comes out late in the pass right you got to sell it sell the block hold it he's blocking now the sudden the safety thinks it's run he's reading his key brevin Jordans sold that as a run play with the blocking came out the last second wide open perfectly executed by bread and Jordan that is a fundamental claim tied in and the play-action pass game sell the wrong block sneak out late for the reception poke her back in a quarterback for the Hokies hands it off into the boundary McClay stopped up for a loss of one on the play that's Michael pickney talked about him and quarterman being starters since their freshman year picked me very much one of the personalities on that defense Uncle Mo's in the building Jones es you can feel it it's tangible it's real in its life Rooker pulls it out on the jet sweep and he picks up about four on the play and he closer to five it'll be third down coming up for the Hokies Miami's defense got a three and out last time they were on the field Hill in on that tackle for the Hurricanes Travon Hill he took the fake big hit on the man in the jet sweep motion and a huge third down here for this Miami defense trade bought Hill a lot of emotion right now near side defensive end he was the guy unceremoniously dismissed and it looks like this one's going to go against the Hokies I think this means something to him Jonesy yeah definitely a lot of emotion out there on the field right now as you mentioned this crowd has come to life and now Virginia Tech the team making some mistakes here early in the second half will has been vocal about how much he was looking forward to this game this week dismissed from Virginia Tech last year is one of their best players at the time passionate fans like these by live ma student section here the money student section is already on the national watchlist go to slash Taco Bell to see how your school can compete or get the committee's attention using hashtag lip-balm student section context monkeys pucker up top and overshoots his receiver at the 40-yard line so back-to-back three announced for the hurricane defense and he'll was hot on that one Trevon hill but the little hit on the quarterback just try to throw a go route all the way down the sidelines ball was overthrown will see Trayvon Hill working inside kind of gets thrown into the quarterback shot on hendon hooker the second big stop here to start the second half of his Miami defense Osbourne back there and Thomas calls for the fair catch and we got a flag down at the 40-yard line on that 51 yard punt [Applause] officials still work in this out during the return during the kick holy receive a team number 24 at the distance to go home from the end of the kid rush down well this has been a tale of two halves so far the picture on the left is our super fan from Miami in the first half second half much more to cheer about a little bit more lighthearted amongst this hurricane rally he was disgusted in the first half and this place getting a little bit rowdy I told you man don't worry yeah you did go Bob Marley on me Miami scored on this last he drives little of course Marley got an ally got a lane and had a good walk out in front scorn and Griffin Jordan Jordan helping to spring him free for 23 yards complete player does a little bit everything I like this going to fake to toss and we're gonna see breath and Jordan boom at a perfect block to help spring Farley on the perimeter as you mentioned Osborne as well quality blocking out on the perimeter for a nice pickup on first down that's their longest one of the day this time they run it with DJ Dallas Dallas stopped up you know how to lose a yard on the play Allen Tisdale making the stop speaking with DJ Dallas earlier this week at practice and he said he often gets texts and phone calls from Clinton Portis Willis McGahee Frank Gore sand hurricane greats that have played in the NFL and done well in the pro level said after that Central Michigan game they they went a little bit dark on me they was their way of giving them the silent treatment as if to say you guys need to pick it up that's what they find themselves doing here this afternoon Perry gonna be sacked back to the 27th good wash and tackled by Ashby a strong move right up the middle Oh bud Foster's defense isn't going to go quietly Rashard Ashby here to see him on the Blitz really a quality linebacker Donaldson tries to come down good strength and power by the linebacker to throw the big 345 pound guard out of the way and get to the quarterback Nkosi Perry huge play for this Virginia Tech defense all the momentum starting the shift to Miami and they come up with a big negative play sets up a third down in 20 that's a nine on that last blade very little bit of time here and now the looting truck will close it up for grabs and picked off Miami turnover what out of the two yard line there is a flag there is a flag it could be a whole personal foul welcome to pasture thief a 75 Wow incredible and to think that's Jared Hewitt wearing the Frank Beamer number today 25 isn't this the exact opposite of the first half it was Miami making these type of penalties Oh clearly I mean he got to be smart on that Jared hue it's a leader of this football team grabs him up by the neck area and just throws him to the ground well after the play Bud Foster he doesn't like the call but I'm sorry coach it's the right one yet he was incredulous there on the sidelines that's third and 20 yeah I didn't interception I mean wow what a game-changing type of play in mistake by the junior Jared Hewitt so Miami gets the ball first and ten at their own 43 yard line Nkosi Perry has to feel that he got away with one there a little bit if he more careful with a football rolling to his right tries to throw up a prayer he is very fortunate that interception comes back play fake Harry with time on the post incomplete broken up nicely by Farley point Farley has done a really nice job on the corner dusty for Virginia Tech that pass intended for Pope hey it quality coverage down the field running stride for stride but mark Pope who missed the Central Michigan game and he told us he's explosive a home run hitter at a huge game against the food cook Minh excellent coverage down the field by Caleb Farley Pope one of those guys along with Harley that one on the University of Miami track team as well speed to burn berry pump fakes and now tucks it under the run Nkosi peri is going to be marked about a couple feet shy of that first down this forever think they got to go here right what's third down yeah they better go yeah it's a little short first read wasn't therefore Nkosi Perry looks like they're giving enough for the first down the movement give it to him okay the cozy Perry's first read wasn't there he saw some green grass and front tucks two ball and a nice run to pick up a first down one thing I like to see Danny knows to member last Drive when he mixed in the run with Cameron Harris maybe get DJ Dallas and established this rushing attack you have to wonder take another look at it you have to wonder about how much the youth on that offensive line affects some of the play calling in the run game especially Gordon eNOS [Music] big game hey by the way they move that back to the yard back third one they run the iso to the full-back first man through and the walk-on will get the call Jimmy Murphy who scored his first collegiate touchdown a couple of weeks ago coupled with a celebratory backflip and he picked up the first down you see how happy is about it that's a former walk-on five foot seven hundred and eighty-five pound fullback old school fullback dive to pick up a much-needed one-yard Wow [Applause] Avon Connecticut in the shadows of Bristol Connecticut not that far from our headquarters and ESPN first down in ten [Music] very and he got his receiver DJ Dallas just laid out he got drilled by Jalen Griffin but this is the play that we're talking about few weeks ago he scores the touchdown Murphy does and watch what he does afterwards first of all he's bombed by his teammates and then watch this dusty I like it hey listen well cards don't get in often they don't get the spotlight often you don't have a problem if I could have done that back in the day I would have done that after a sack come on a sweet how about the guy knocking him down he lands on his feet like a cat great pursuit by jaylen Griffin making his second consecutive play defensively yeah he can show out after great pursuit like that it brings up a third down and long that's the second sack of the season for Griffin look like some miscommunication there they went with them he went to play fake but there wasn't a running back there to play fake it to it was going to be a boot to the other side the defensive end 41 Jalen Griffin comes clean he's working on left tackle Zion Nelson the true freshman who's been pretty solid so far today but a costly sack at a big point in this game 18 years old protecting their quarterbacks blindside Harry they set the screen Paris out near midfield at the 48 yard line going to be sure to the first down it'll be fourth and long a gain of six on the play and we have an injured hurricane down on the field at about the 47 yard line Tisdale making the play for Virginia Tech choukai Clark the true freshman right guard but foster up there part one of the one of the Virginia Tech coaches or athletic trainers out there it Clark really shaken up on this while coca-cola invites you to share a coke while tuning into this upcoming matchup tonight Michigan State taking on Ohio State that's at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on ABC number 25 against number 4 Justin fields had an amazing start to the season with that defense Kenny Willa kiss Joe Bochy the nice test for him tonight this is Joe Pye Clark and he got rolled up on number 53 right there right leg gets overextended he looks like he's in quite a bit of pain he's gonna try to limp off on his own and it's crazy dusty those are offensive linemen they wear knee braces and you still get rolled up on it's still gonna hurt absolutely big man showing some toughness Brendan out and walking off on his own power and it he had to come out against Central Michigan and when he did DJ skate the right tackle slid down to right guard and 74 John Campbell came in at right tackle now we'll see maybe he can sit over on the sidelines and be able to come back in but if he doesn't they will have to do some shuffling along the offensive line true freshman 310 pounds you know we mentioned earlier Virginia Tech starting to true freshman miss Miami offensive line starting to true freshman as well I'll start Opaques number 24 Bobby I literally walk down so they'll move it back a little bit Hezekiah Grimsley meanwhile standing in his own 10-yard line for Virginia Tech this has been a afternoon where the Hurricanes have had a proclivity for numerous mistakes on both sides of the football Headly is gonna punt averaging 45 per year Park burper I've told myself I'm gonna start bringing the source or a dictionary proclivity and I thought I got a college degree and all but you take it to a new level tendency tendency gonna catch at the 21 yard line for brimsley a 36-yard punt I mean I'm in all of your vocabulary and all but hey at least I knew about orange trees and white blossoms now yeah well I won't forget hopefully I can remember I dunno how many counties there are in this day but good they're doing anything Oh 67 Hey third time's a charm see if Miami's defense could get another stop finding hooker this offense haven't gotten much going here in the second half defensive coordinator for Miami [Applause] there's a look at Keyshawn king Brock down right around the line of scrimmage by Romeo Finley playing that striker position but the Canes have this year no Manny Diaz former defensive coordinator at Miami he likes to play a lot of pressure a lot of blitzing they blitz about 40% of the time wanting to have to go in the third quarter back run games a huge part of this offense in the first half I haven't seen a whole lot of it here in the second to keep it between the tackles with King and he's tackled by Michael Pinkney pickup of two yards on the play much more sound up front the line of scrimmage here in the second after they wore in the first Virginia Tech was really getting some things going in the run game has it been much there in the second half brother big third down as hurricanes defense got to be mindful of quarterback run game the hooker back there at quarterback third and long eight to go hooker delivers incomplete no flag on the play tight coverage there on Caleb Smith and now in the second half this hurricane defense has produced three three-ounce including the former hokey hill good initial protection by the offensive line better coverage booth it takes a big hit as he delivers the Pats really good defense three straight possessions here in the second half for Miami Bradburn has been really punting well drives Thomas all the way back to the 24 got a wall there on the left side Jeff Thomas still on his feet and finally tackled on Virginia Tech's side of midfield at the 45 yard line with 24 seconds to go in the third quarter of 53-yard punt but Thomas got thirty yards back on the return talking about doing the little things right watch right here this is exactly how coaches draw it up and you're going to see it right here as well when you're because this is such a point of emphasis that you can't do blindside blocks okay put their hands up get their bodies in front of the defender to set up the wall big return for just Jeff Thomas and quality execution on the special teams unit that's how they coach have put your hands up show the ref absolutely and that's exactly how they coach very under 2r s and sent all the way back at the 45 yard line by Pollard could heat up front by the Hokies and that takes the Hurricanes back on their side of midfield fourth sack of the afternoon by Virginia Tech sorry but I go back to aren't they run the football right I mean we the only time we've really seen him try to run the football they had success on their offensive touchdown drive to start the second half they continue to drop Brack and Bud Foster continues to bring pressure they're gonna have to establish the line of scrimmage and stablish a running attack before this game's over Justin Fuente fired up for the Hokies his team leading by 14 points going into the fourth quarter 35 minutes from here Perry to start the fourth quarter almost picked off at the 43 yard line Conner was the closest one to the football third and 19 coming up for the Hurricanes Cosi Perry lucky right there Jonesy that was way off target the only person even within the even close to that football was a Virginia Tech defender and I have to be careful with the football at this juncture they cannot afford another turnover berry replaced those year last year at times Perry has had some maturity issues but since grown and gotten through those looking at third down in 19 backside pressure steps up flag down Barry down at the 43 yard line Belmar beat Nelson the starting left tackle and we got a hold on the play holding off it's number 16 the fella needs the car walk down it's that true freshman Zion Nelson who's had his struggles this year Emanuel Belmar can be working up top working on Zion Nelson just beats him with a speed rush gets the rip up definitely held them Belmar continued to the quarterback and draws the flag and gets the sack quality pass rush and rough couple of series in a row now for Zion Nelson today what that Bud Foster defense is looking like a Bud Foster defense today that's exactly right takeaways pressure in the quarterback been aggressive staples tough ooh bud Foster's been for 33 years now at Virginia Tech Grimsley watches the ball bounce harmlessly into the end zone a 58 yard punt by Headley but it'll come back out first and 10 for a hooker at quarterback bounced up and taught touchdown miracle Miami and showing a sign of life it was tipped and then caught by mark Pope Wow that gave us a ball game dusting as it did and gave us a ball game ball batted down at the line of scrimmage by Jonathan Ford incomplete that was a key juncture in the game it gave the Hurricanes temporary life and they held a momentum there in the third quarter Virginia Tech only had 15 total yards in the third quarter of play going to be entrances to see dusty now with hooker didn't get them back to where they were in the first half offensively second and ten play clock at 6:00 Keenen motion in his sets and keep it with hooker and he's going to pick up about seven yards and in hooker got a nice block out front I'm John Garvin who was coming off the edge so it's third down and short coming up for Virginia Tech and Jonathan Garvin got to make that tackle one on one on the edge this job by hinden Hoecker a power through the arm tackle and get to the sidelines at quarterback run game and a big key and a bit of curveball here today with this Virginia Tech offense got to be mindful of it here on third down hurricane defense at three three and outs in the third quarter they come with a little pressure hooker has a man wide open room service cut Michell drag down at the two yard line by Bolden what a play in connection from hooker to Mitchell 67 yards at all Wow blown coverage little pick play outside the Damon Hazleton came in on a slant was able to create a little rub there with the safety bubble Bolden he met with James Mitchell yesterday from a small coal mining town called Big Stone Gap Virginia and he was very much in the belief that his team was going to come out and play well this afternoon big catch huge play at least in the backfield hooker pulls it out touchdown that's the third one of the day 14 [Applause] and the Hokies stormed back to start off the fourth quarter play-action pass the aggressive Miami defense playing for the run and Dalton Keene wide open in the end zone for his third touchdown reception of the afternoon there's a reason why Keene was voted All ACC honorable mention to start the season he has been huge for the Hokies this afternoon the big play of course the catch by James Mitchell in over 60 yards to set up the touchdown it felt like in the third quarter momentum it shifted to Miami until they strive little rub there Bouldin gets caught Mitchell wide open huge play which leads to little play-action pass the Dalton Keene Virginia Tech with a firm lead late 18:44 you got to be careful with the Sun down here dusty I'm Cellini no I want you going back home all red and burnt till Libya poor side the last couple of days Liv you think Olivia's you know son Bobby had that SPF 30 right I always wear 50 plus guys blond-haired blue-eyed sunburn is no joke and the Destiny allegedly was laying by the pool allegedly well you know what speaking of burns right now Perry and that Miami offense has been burned repeatedly by throwing the ball away they've turned it over way too many times five turnovers first and ten to twelve forty three to go in the fourth quarter there he completes this one to Harley as we go back to the studio all right guys Albarn started this drive at their own five had a look to take the lead or get within it and Bo Nix throws the pic Pat Donovan Steiner right now heading to the fourth 1713 Florida a lot of football to go there up five hours north of here in Gainesville second down in three whistlin we got some flags down to the field I'll start off it's number nine five-yard penalty check it down but foster has already announced that this is going to be his last year as defensive coordinator at Virginia Tech and he's one of the best ever to do it folks simply put we looked at the amount of guys that he has put into the league shacks today interceptions points allowed I mean check check check your typical Bud Foster type of football game here today five sacks five takeaways his imprints and staple all over this football game berry completes it to his tight end at Griffin Jordan and Jordan over the midfield line to the 49 picks up the first down you know I think about one of the first times I met but Foster doing a Virginia Tech game in Blacksburg down at field looked over and pointed to one of his DBS number 27 at the time it said coach at guy looks real good I said mark I had that guy's name he's a freshman his name's Jimmy Williams he's going to be in the league for a long time knows how to recruit them yeah knows how to recruit him and we gonna try and run it here DJ Tallis with nowhere to go 24 years is the defensive coordinator 33 years at Virginia Tech just an unbelievable career and you know he's at peace with his decision you know he's done all he can really do he's gonna stay with this University he's going to spend more time with his family his three grandchildren and you know talk with Danny knows yesterday said the word icon and Manny Diaz said the thing is when you pop into tape you can see in his players Bud Foster and those players exemplify what he's about and the way he coaches defense and Manny Diaz said you can't give a better compliment to a coach as respected a guy as there is defensively in all of college football and I just say a salute to him for what he's done at Virginia Tech for over three decades now and really as dialed in and passionate and excited and pleased as I've watched Bud Foster be all game on the sideline he was cool calm collected before the game sitting on the bench and I said coach what you do and he said I'm taking it all in this might be my last night at Hard Rock Stadium yeah Libya was a wonderful moment of introspection and presence and fog [Music] but when the game starts he brings that heat he got a fastball sniffing that beat us he can still throw it to thirty third year on the staff one of the other memories was that he was 19 a Sugar Bowl game against Texas back in the early 90s circa 92 93 and what but Foster really one of the great guys in the business young play-by-play guys still trying to figure things out Pass complete to tee Wiggins his first reception of the game with under 10 minutes to go Miami moving the chains solid catch over the middle by Dee Wiggins strong hands to get fully reached out and bring that ball in for a nice first down hurricanes going quick Barry but the pump fake now takes off and runs it go see Perry can end up about three yards shy of the first down his second down coming up picked up seven on the play [Applause] very out of that central Florida City Ocala lose the ball at the 22 yard line play action and parry gonna give up another sack that offensive line giving up another sack the 6:1 of the afternoon that time it was jaylen Griffin while ACC network is your home for more a CC sports visit get a to check for providers in your area they don't see yours listed contact them and demand that they carry ACC Network get on them see all the great games for Miami and you got to think that they're uh - down territory here I have someone down territory I got to go for it yeah it's go time if they can't get this on third down they're definitely gonna go for a move down three touchdowns eight and a half minutes you know Dani noce was telling us yesterday he thought after that first game against Florida they gave up ten sacks they'd been better and he thought that it was going to trim in a better direction but especially here in the second half Virginia Tech getting a lot of pressure on the coast Perry Paul is going to come out a little bit faster Perry scrambling for his life again completes it the deejay Dallas was short of the first down the pressure by the Virginia Tech front garbin Taiwan Garbett with a bull rush on DJ skate flushing the cozy Perry outside the pocket if we locate his check down the sidelines fourth down and six Miami needs a school were to stay competitive here my tight end brethren Jordan if I got the chance [Applause] with trips right formation very close to his outside receiver for the first down catch made by KJ Oscar Osbourne has made an immediate impact with Miami he and offensive coordinator Danny know essentially that on campus the same day and they think so much of Osbourne that he was their media day representative at ACC meetings it's a young inexperienced receiver room and they said from day one he walked in it's kind of taking ownership of it been a leader we've seen some Buffalo guys transfer the other FBS schools and be successful power five conference schools Mabry tied in up at Maryland and KJ Osborne here Miami into the end zone Perry caught touchdown Kane's Thomas a Miami trying to stay alive [Applause] tom has gotten behind Armani Chapman and for Thomas that's his first touchdown catch of the season in the six of his career the cozy Perry puts a lot of irony the football it gets an excellent adjustment in the air by Thomas to locate the football and come down with it for a big touchdown seven minutes left it's game it in over yet Jonesy a lot of football still left to be played not by any stretch after the extra point could only be over a two touchdown game the extra point good by Bubba back so Thomas tapping that 75-yard Drive his first start of the season has had himself an afternoon that extra dimension that he brought to the field today has really helped out the hope he's something that Brian Willis was unable to do in the first four weeks he's been I love the game plan easy throw screen game play-action pass lot of throws to the tight end hits the big pass in the last Drive to James Mitchell and his ability to utilize athleticism the quarterback run game been such a key today impressive start for Hendon hook you're on the road against a quality Miami defense his dad was a North Carolina A&T standout Allen Booker as we check in with the studio all right guys checking in on Texas West Virginia this game was close West Virginia's turned the ball over four times there Devon doing a first career rushing touch that Texas just tacked on another one starting to create some separation the fourth on ABC alright Matt berry and back here ball on the 19th first down in ten for Virginia Tech want to tell that Hendon hooker story one more time back in January he entered the transfer portal thought about leaving but here he is some 10 months later and starting at quarterback for Virginia Tech Michael pickney making two stop on the play and after he entered the transfer portal Chicago Bears running back : an 18 and a Mt grad and start with the Bears said hey maybe you want to check us out the alma mater he held firm plenty out things work out sometimes Dustin yes it is and then when you get an opportunity making the most of it making it count and doing exactly what his coach said just go out there don't worry about anything and have some fun it only thrown two career passes coming into this game police gets back to the line of scrimmage and very quickly it's third down coming up timeout timeout one of the three remaining I said man there's a lot of time left in this football game 621 hey it's been a wild game so far we've seen interceptions different quarterbacks don't go anywhere it can get crazy putting out over the turnover chain and the turnover rings today because the lunch-pail mentality of the Virginia Tech Hokies has been the predominant and prevailing stamp on this game we've only seen those rings come out a couple of times not enough for the liking of the Hurricanes but Dalton Keene has had three touchdown receptions a big third down come up for Hooker can he convert hey sack back to the 15 and Miami stays alive mortarman and he'll the former hokey getting the sack on his former teammate and then hooker and they'll have to punt with 6:15 to go take a look here we'll go ahead quarterman gonna come as well they needed pressure able to get pressure Sarge Pinkney the color of quarter MIT comes late hill gets him quarterman comes at the very end huge play for Trayvon Hill against his former squad Miami very quickly calls the timeout 6:15 to go well the defense needed to get a stop and they actually came up with some of the trends that have developed the five turnovers the biggest one and what about that Virginia Tech defense ive led by the front been incredible today and he stepped up I mean it's been everything I've never seen a help Mary in person before as the first I've ever seen him you know what that crazy and it came at a good time in terms of the competitiveness of our game here [Applause] fair catch called at the 39-yard line by Miami and Jeff Thomas who caught the touchdown a moment ago 607 to play one more look at one of the more memorable plays of the game Perry and jump all the tip and then caught by Pope in the endzone but it was Mallory the backup tight end that Tipton and kept the ball alive Cosi Perry was 7 for 7 75 yards in a touchdown pass in that last Drive she's going to magic here left under heat over the middle wide open at the 45 Greeks been moved by Thomas and Thomas stops the clock steps out of bounds at the 35 yard line Miami moving quickly with the first down picked up 26 started the protection protection solid Jeff Thomas finds a soft spot in the middle of the field sets down and then he puts Reggie Floyd into a spin cycle before he steps out of bounds first and ten very downfield incomplete intended for KJ Osborne but boy Belmar was right in his face applying the pressure Manuel Belmar tae-hwan Garbett Jalen Griffin all three of these defensive ends today for Virginia Tech constant pressure on Nkosi Perry and Jaron Williams early taking advantage of my in the offensive line that struggled protection all year long they got to give him some time to throw the football if they want to have any chance of winning [Applause] where he gets rid of it in time completely that's going to be Griffin Jordan with another Miami first down and a flag down as well Jordan having a career day here for the Hurricanes I think this might be offensive pass interference it's going to come back [Applause] passage affairs office number 615 liability that's going to go against a disbelieving mark Pope mark ho that was the end of the pili it's gonna come all the way back [Applause] looks like the rich cancel the penalty will play is the fourth down well some confusion there between the referee yes forget what they just called it's a first down on the 24 called off the penalty gave them the first down Mary looking for a receiver and wisely it's outside the pocket a receiver in the area number 13 deejay Dallas the pressure by Allen Tisdale at second intent from Miami 517 to go down 14 points that was kind of bizarre there yeah I'm still trying to we didn't get my head you didn't see the offensive pass interference but they threw the flag and then gave no explanation really even said that they were calling the flag off you went to referee camp this summer right I did did they teach you what to do when that they didn't teach us what to do that's how I talked his trip out of the book that wasn't on the test on now second in ten very working out of the shotgun he's looking to get rid of it quickly to spit out of trouble and a late flag coming in as Tisdale delivered a forearm shiver on the hip Kendricks was there as well the true freshman royal Kendricks was taking into the ground in 34 Tisdale comes [Applause] watch the end of the play here need three Kendricks working well in the center good brush boy I don't know I don't know about that there's one more look another angle I'm not sure that he used the crown of his helmet or anything on that [Applause] I think by the letter the law that's going to be a targeting anything deemed above the facemask or to the side is deemed the crown of the helmet [Music] [Applause] can I say something yes I'm going to referee school with you next year well dangerous hit we're getting involved launch him upward thrust or severe strike there was no launch there that wasn't one of the components the helmet part of it there's a little bit more of a gray area I do like the fact that all of these targeting penalties are reviewed now yes and they have to meet all the components to be confirmed and we've seen a lot more this season I just got the numbers the other yesterday on an email we've seen a lot more of these overturned than we had previously so it's a good job by these guys understanding that it's not just 15 yards it's an ejection from the game and at this point you have to miss the first half of next game so they want to make sure that they get these calls right this one's really close together Jones yeah I don't got to be honest sometimes I don't [Applause] and correct not ejected disqualified garbage day please this year that's the guy that they're looking at Alan Tisdale in to hit on quarterback see you go see Perry the coast superior see I don't I got to be honest I don't think I see a launch that's that's what I had said initially I it had to have been we'll see what the referencing else after we do there is no file for targeting good for the referee is working hard and try to get that right take a look at it one more time [Applause] no launch head up [Applause] think it was incident I think it was incident helmet-to-helmet contact so goodbye these officials working together taking their due diligence and get the right call 509 to go clock running [Applause] very on third and long for the Canes trying to stay alive wide open Thomas touchdown Miami now down by just a touchdown Jeff Thomas with another touchdown get his second of the day not in behind Caleb Farley and Perry laid it right in there [Applause] they're gonna go for two here dusty why they're gonna go for two [Applause] and Nkosi Perry brevin Jordans in a quarterback sorry No eh eh Dallas taking a direct snap here [Applause] Dallas has to outrun a couple of guys turn to corner looks like he extended got it what an individual in interval inferred by DJ Dallas he launched his body into the endzone extended his left arm I'm still somewhat perplexed on why they went for pick up two I mean up like you said individual effort deejay Dallas carrying it like a loaf of bread don't matter puts a little stutter step on Farley full-extension over the pylon that's an excellent display of athleticism and sheer want to deejay Dallas was not going to be denied as he doesn't all on his own to make this a six-point ballgame DJ Dallas was telling me earlier this week at practice he lost 20 pounds to get lighter faster and stronger he did it by eating fish for an entire month mixed in a little bit of venison from time to time but he looked really explosive on that touchdown run I'm guessing that's gonna be because of analytics if he doesn't get it they can still tie if he does they go for the win watch this route right here but by Jeff Thomas and then he's gonna win outside he's going to shake out caleb Farley it's an excellent route it's a little stutter step before he breaks it off to the corner starts it inside little stutter beats Farley and a dime delivered by Nkosi perry who has really stepped up they made some key plays here in this second half and then this is one man just one tip more than the other guys what a play why DJ down that little hesitation move dusty that he made to freeze the defenders allowed him to turn the corner and now the margin is just six been a crazy football game here in Miami the Hokies dusty have a bunch of guys up around the 45 yard line just in case of an onside kick I'd be a little bit too early for that though to trust their defense as we go back to the studio Big Finish coming up let's go to the studio first hey guys socket all right Matt back here 455 to go end in hooker with a defining moment in his young career here on this potential game closing drive they set up the screen complete and good open field tackling that time on James Mitchell by DJ ivy the Miami Hurricanes with one timeout remaining they need a stop boy it feels like a different venue within the first half you guys these fans are loud when they boo they are much louder when they cheer these the opening hard rock stadium raindrops all known as celebration motor than Miami said it's starting to rain and that's an incompletion that a little wet down there on the field intended for Damon Hazleton broken up nicely by bandy one of their more experienced corners and it's third down and long for Virginia Tech pass a tooth pass a little bit too much inside from Hindon hooker allowed bandy to make a nice play on the football setting up third and long and if you're the Miami pass rush ears pinned back looking to go get a quarterback huge play here late in this football game for $29 Keene has been key for hooker so far this afternoon has time incomplete in and out of the hands of his receiver Phil Patterson so the Hokies will punt on fourth down the Hurricanes still alive and as you mentioned rain coming down wonder if a wet ball anything to do with this pass was a little bit inside but Phil Patterson clearly could have made this catch he runs a good route pass is there on time he's working back to it just goes right through his hands is it right at the sticks you're gonna catch that got a help out your front your sophomore quarterback Brad Byrne with a long punt 31 yard line 43 yards nothing on the return 406 to go I'm gonna tell you man this has been a crazy day five turnovers seven sacks for Virginia Tech we've seen four different quarterbacks a hill Mary first time I've been at a game and even seen one live the Miami two-point conversion rains coming down what's next for this final four minutes the cose Perry has had himself an afternoon in relief 367 yards passing is there one more moment left he's going to take off very picks up about seven on the play you can see the rain now really starting to come down and you know what it's about seven o'clock Eastern Time here in Miami that's about what happens every day set your watch to it huh yes plenty of time right now Miami still has one timeout second down and three Thomas split wide to the top of your screen four receivers in on this formation [Applause] there he hands it off first man through his teaching talents DJ still spinnin DJ play that song touchdown 62 yards for the touchdown deejay Dallas appeared to be stopped up in that first wave of potential tacklers [Applause] first was mostly like on the ground unsportsmanlike conduct against the Hurricanes new DJ Dallas had that explosiveness in him and how about that the two-point conversion as he dives in gets the ball over he has played the role of super hero here late remember the Hurricanes amazing run to give the hurricane potentially their first lead the ballgame welcome back so with the extra point ting sit off the upright and blew it he missed the extra point after all that bump up AXA leaves the game tied at 35 dusty you asked what was next oh this is very yeah Matt berry we can't believe it either back to you look I'll tell you guys what's next is Georgia Tennessee that's going to kick on espn2 until the conclusion of your wild game finishes but right now Georgia Tennessee over on espn2 as we all wait with baited entertained breath to see how Miami Virginia Tech fans okay and remember there's a personal foul now so it's going to give them better field position they have to back up 15 to kick it from their own 20 Wow incredible what a day missed extra point dusty the board check they went for two and cut the two on the previous touchdown and it was just a six point game the easy extra point apparently not so easy speaking of incredible after this kick I'm going to take you back and show you a replay that deejay Dallas run into excellent individual effort but also his teammates down the field continuing the block late in the play to help escort him into the end zone what a fantastic ballgame and you've got a young man making his first start on the road and Hindon hooker still got a chance to play hero this hokey football team Bubba back so can make up for that this sports in a moment ago with a good kickoff here and he drills it all the way down to the nine yard line he's Shawn King on the return for the Hokies and chopped down at the 35 yard line tell me about what happened on this Dallas run what's missed tackles okay we're going to take a look at 17 Devine Diablo as well as 34 Allen Tisdale it's excellent effort right here guys miss tackles by both of these guys deejay Dallas ducks underneath the arm tackles and then he's out in the open field and it's a sprint but he's also got KJ Osborne he's got Jeff Thomas walking down the field helping us score him into the end zone what a play what a game hooker taking a shot up top one-on-one coverage what a catch over the shoulder by Hazleton Wow over the top of Bandi the defensive back first and ten for the Hokies that's how you answer throw of the day so far for Hindon hooker just a go rout puts it in perfect position over the shoulder coverage and ok bye baby but a dime deliver at crunch time by hendon hooker nine yards on the pickup first down in ten 9 of 19 but he has been very efficient and has added a running portion to this potent offense today Dean in motion and they hand it off the Cleese puts his team in field goal range Bryan Johnson has a career-long of 45 yards for Virginia Tech the nose of the ball is at the 33 which would make it a 50-yard field goal approaching two minutes to play Johnson's long this year is just 35 if he gets the opportunity but they're perhaps thinking about six instead of three right now second and nine he keeps it on the run ran through one tackle stays and bounced down at the 29 yard line SportsCenter from LA tonight after Washington Stanford with Linda and stand alive herpes biggest takeaways from the day twins Yankees raise Astros as well as UFC 243 post fight coverage for me A's analysis Sports Center after college football on ESPN as well as the ESPN dust are you okay this is the way we liked it right man there's Brian Johnson is 3 of 11 on field goals over 40 partner looks like that rain is subsided quite a bit it's coming down just five minutes ago pretty substantial at third and five hookers camp has a man open they left keen all alone that's the wrong guy to leave open keen on the ruse and drilled at the 4 yard line but first and goal with 136 to go what a great play call and delivery by Hendon hooker to pick up 25 what's the same play they ran earlier in the first quarter on the first touchdown they went back to it misdirection boot hidden and hooker to the right sneaked Dalton Keene out the backside will show it to you right here he's going to come out here and he's just going to come across it's a beautiful play design misdirection Miami overflowed went with it Dalton key out the backdoor and a huge pickup put in Virginia Tech inside the five to play calling today by Justin Fuente setting up this quarterback have hands it off to mcLeese mclees touchdown Hokies they go ahead that's an answer what an answer by Virginia Tech an impressive go-ahead drive led by quarterback hendon hooker take a look and see if he gets in I think that's a touchdown I don't think that there's gonna be anything I think when his knee touchdown dusty the ball had already crossed the plane of the gold holy agree with that that looks like a touchdown I definitely think there'll be indisputable evidence to be able to overturn it from a clean if it stands that's his first rushing touchdown of the season and the six of his career the ball there's the wall right there breaking the plane as he hits the ground this call is going to be confirmed [Applause] Wow and you hear the smattering of cheers from the Hokey fans that have made the trip here from Blacksburg as mcLeese puts his team up by six points Hindon hooker and his first start ladies and gentlemen if you're just joining us he had to pass attempts in his career this is a team that lost 45:10 de Duke last Friday night at home they changed quarterbacks they had a great week of practice they come on the road and he just let a huge drive to put them up but let me tell you something there's a minute three and Miami's got a timeout in the way this game is gone who knows what's gonna have that we've seen a lot of miracles back to you guys what a remarkable game just wanted to remind you that Georgia and Tennessee has already kicked and is over on espn2 at the conclusion of Virginia Tech Miami we will move that over here to ESPN but if you look at the Jordan Tennessee head over to espn2 for now all right so while we get ready to play Network gymnastics with the switches we're gonna fill you in on the remaining 103 Nkosi Perry is saw shot of him the quarterback for the Hurricanes a moment ago on the sidelines in the first half he came in in relief of the starting quarterback Jared Williams and he is approaching 400 yards passing on the afternoon already with four touchdowns and he's had some impressive moments as well but 103 to go dusty just one timeout remaining for the Hurricanes Jeff Thomas and KJ Osbourne back teeth [Music] the big play of that drive for Virginia Tech was that passed by hooker to Hazleton right here perfect pass over the shoulder only the receiver can make a play steps out of bounds I mean that's defenseless right that is defenseless that's immense a perfect pass it's a great route and again I'd mentioned it earlier they just get Hazleton back last last week was his first game of the season been working on a hammy makes a big play Hindon hooker wow what a drive Nkosi perry's time lost the ball it came loose he passed it he threw with his left hand is actually a smart play by Nkosi Perry I gotta say second down tae-hwan Garbett gets the pressure and before he's able to go to the ground he switches hands puts it in his left and he's outside the tackle box so that is not intentional grounding heads up smart play right there by Nkosi perry because not only if he doesn't do that do you lose the yardage but the clock also runs because it's a sack and right now you're 55 seconds and just one timeout cerebral quarterback Nkosi perry look at the ebb and flow of this football game the story of two entirely contrasting has 57 seconds [Applause] you know one thing I'd like to point out that last rush it's only a three-man rush they're dropping a right now for Virginia Tech and Virginia Tech's only gonna rush three they got five into block they got it get into cozy Perry more time [Music] second and ten for Miami very census man downfield Osborne incomplete that ball under thrown and broken up nicely by Connor boy Connor has been ubiquitous all over the field this afternoon for bud Foster's defense and it's third down and 10 that coverage down the field Nkosi Perry rolls to his right trying to buy his receiver some time was working KJ Osborne to try to get open and as you mentioned pass well under thrown cagey Osborne unable to get back and attempt to make a play on the football third and 10 Amy with just one timeout remaining Perry gonna swing it completely over the middle arm to the 45-yard line - teeny Wiggins it audience took a big hit there on the gate of 20 get on it you want to spike it kill him Wiggins is shaken up I mean he took a hit they rocked his world a little bit after he made the catch take one more look at it in real spheal real time big uns a very life and slight six three two hundred pounds and I'm not sure that bodies are meant to bend like that dusty under that type of force Ashby delivered the hint from his linebacker spot there's a look at Ashby on the sidelines 40 seconds to go good to see Wiggins get up come off the field under his own power that's one less tall target on the field for Perry here the dying moments of this football game both these teams looking for their first conference win Danny knows the offensive coordinator matched up against Bud Foster the DC for the Hokies what just fascists it's Ben Perry has plenty of time as they drop bait for Jordan and it's incomplete and the clock stops with 29 seconds to go Nkosi Perry put out in front for brevin Jordan to try to make an acrobatic diving catch just a little bit too far the very athletic tight in he's second down in ten 29 seconds to go and Jordan getting up slowly there on the far side lines under the way he hit and made and wind out of himself he's a guy that speaks a lot to former hurricane tight ends tell me earlier this week he spoke with Jeremy Shockey I told him his key to success at Miami was knowing his playbook and being attuned with his quarterback is something that Reverend Jordan has worked on a lot since arriving on campus last couple of years and some great tight ends come through the you yes Tony spoke with David and Joe ku as well Gregg Olson there goes the old teammate good friend he's for Miami players very prideful and their University their alma mater second down in 10dc Bud Foster on the right Danny nose on the left there he comes underneath my boot bleats it to boat is gonna be sure to push down by about three yards so it'll be third and 321 seconds to go and Miami is gonna burn its final timeout with 21 seconds to play good leverage there by Virginia Tech ensuring that they keep the Miami receiver in bounds as he's trying to come to the near sidelines burned that final timeout we've already seen one almarri you can see coach Fuente telling his team let's finish hooker the quarterback say no it's not gonna happen we got this and but foster his defensive coordinator trying to keep it on lock right now and Manny Diaz a little bit disconcerted and despondent on the other sideline for the Hurricanes here in the games dying moments and introspective Manny Diaz in a pretty turbulent very different first season as head coach for the University of Miami [Music] Justin Fuente meanwhile in his fourth season this could be a big and pivotal win for his broker and say huge game for both of these programs [Applause] third and three Perry to the outside complete and Wiggins back in the ballgame after taking that big hit picks up the first down with 17 seconds to go Miami with no timeouts remaining crucial play timing route on time and on target and out of bounds they pick up the first down and only burned four seconds very well executed out of a timeout got maybe two maybe three remaining plays on which one of them do you take it into the end zone not yet you want anything breaking out to the sidelines or got to be past the sticks to stop the clock from the 36 Perry sex throws it out of bounds so that stops the clock with 11 seconds to go look at it probably two plays remaining two plays I think that you try to look for something around the sidelines right around the first down marker give yourself a little bit better opportunity get closer to the end zone then you got to take your shot again sacks can't take one getting tackled short of the first down inbounds can't happen or the game is over Osborne split wide to the bottom of your screen and Virginia Tech is going to call timeout use one of their remaining two timeouts right here with 11 seconds to go it has been an afternoon that has been extremely unconventional started with the lunch pail and the mentality that comes along with it something that has been ingrained something that has been indigenous Virginia Tech under Frank Beamer and beyond and well the turnover chain hasn't made many appearances here but there have been some touchdown ring earning performances the best one so far perhaps from TJ Townsend in that moment the missed extra point and the counter on that last Drive by the Hokies which brings us to this point of the evening dusty we're running about 20 out of seven it's about a four-hour game now but a great one how do you see this thing on vault evolving in these last couple of plays well let's go right to the action I mean they got two chances Perry flag thrown perry sings it completed the 20 yard line but hold on flag down [Applause] catch was by Osborne let's see where they placed the ball they're gonna keep it at 220 after the catch five seconds to go [Applause] and Virginia Tech is going to call its last timeout so this is the play right dusty this is the a few question a moment ago to get Jeff's answer this is the play now for the Miami Hurricanes got to take it to the end zone obviously let's go back to the studio real quick yeah quickly guys while you're locked into this over on espn2 the Andre Swift for Georgia punches it in from three yards out Jax kicked over on e2 will move it over to ESPN here at the conclusion of Miami Virginia Tech okay Jeff Thomas has been one of the big receivers so far today got Jordan got a bunch of guys KJ Osborne the vent who's your pick I think KJ I was doing okay breath and Jordan those are the two guys I'm gonna try to target I'm gonna try to set something out and get them open at the same time if they blow a coverage somebody else wins Nkosi Perry's got to find wherever the open man is but I think coming out of this KJ Osborne's better better been a big red zone target for this team all season and then they brevin Jordans the most talented player they have in their offense so that's what I'm gonna try to isolate and target coming out of this timeout you wonder if Danny knows has a little trickery perhaps in his bag something that he brought from Tuscaloosa as quarterbacks coach under Nick Saban this game any fun man this has been as good as it gets from the 10-yard line after the penalty this is it harry out of the shotgun [Applause] tipped up incomplete ballgame Hokies the clock shows zero but hold on man EDS says there's a second remaining I think there was they went for brevin Jordan on a post looked like Reggie Floyd was able to tip the ball make one set in the game oh no ok they call game here in Miami Gardens it's over hooker the lunch-pail lead Miami Gardens with the way in 42 to 35 for Olivia Decker dusty Devore checking our entire crew I'm Mark Jones the Hokies get their first conference win
Channel: ACC Digital Network
Views: 22,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Oscaklx4GFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 44sec (9044 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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