Virgin Pilot Gets Angry

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it's like somebody's not used to a little Freedom that's what I thought too grow up Jen Brad coats are coming I already know this is going to be a super controversial video but here's the full audio ground version 232 golf request taxi for 365. version 232 golf heavy Austin Ground Three Six right Tech to be a golf one hotel Bravo golf one hotel Bravo sax Sergeant 232 golf version two three two go if you don't have to wait for that Southwest you can just sidestep him okay so I'm saying golf one is ahead of us so he just pushed back in front of us and not enough room for the charm Roger incredibly poor incredibly poor we anticipate first time of being in here so and we were approaching golf one and the Southwest continued to push it was bright and fun to be Colonna so and the ground Handler saw it when they were still the gate before the push and uh I've never seen anything quite like it so this is taking place in Austin Texas and it seems like there's a combo with Austin Texas and Southwest that seems to be a theme lately this is the airport and this right here is the area where all this is happening the Virgin plane is here on Charlie one and their instructions were three six right via golf 1 hotel and Bravo and some of you may be wondering why didn't the controller start off with the instructions saying Charlie one but this ramp is uncontrolled listen here what the controller says the versions with the two golf heavy Roger unfortunately so the ramside controller have no control over who typically you'll find in the International Airport ramps are controlled and a controlled ramp means that you have to request permission to push your plane Back start your engines and then a controller who's in charge of that area will tell you exactly how they want you to get out of that area that's what a controlled ramp is uncontrolled means just like what sounds like there's no controller in there so you don't have to request permission to start your engines or push back and it's kind of like taking six toys throwing it into a sandbox with 10 little boys and hoping that they're all gonna play nice yeah it's possible that it all works out but you kind of already see how things are going to play out the Virgin aircraft is here and they need to get out of the ramp on golf one but Southwest is pushing off of gate 12. and if you're wondering Kelsey how do you know that they're off of gate 12 well I've heard the whole audio before so you didn't miss anything you're going to hear later on how I know they're on 12 but that's where they're pushing out of so just trust me that Southwest is here at gate 12 pushing back and that's when I think the controller sees the Virgin aircraft has stopped and then the controller says this version two three two go if you don't have to wait for that Southwest you can just sidestep hill now sidestep and Aviation means you just go one to the left or one to the right you might hear it sometimes when a plane is landing they'll ask if you can sidestep to the runway to the left or Runway to the right uh or a taxiway to the left or a taxiway to the right that's what side step means essentially what he's asking the Virgin Pilots is this he's saying you don't need to stop here you can actually just slide down to Charlie 2 and go around them onto golf one and be on your way here's the problem one of the things that Pilots get taught very early in flight school is stay on the yellow line that yellow line is what we follow as we're taxing around so by getting off of that yellow line and sliding over across the ramp there where there is not a yellow line there is some anxiety and a lot of Pilots don't want to do it because they know that if they're not on that yellow line and they hit something or something goes wrong they're going to be in a lot of trouble I had a pilot when I was flying corporate Jets he was a retired airline pilot and he said to me here's the one thing to remember when you're taxing hit whatever you want but make sure that your nose is on the center line and following that yellow line so he's basically saying like if you end up hitting another plane or something happens that goes wrong if your nose is on the center line and following that yellow line you're going to have a lot better uh point or justification when you're talking with your Chief pilot that obviously does not apply when you taxi into a pole but you get my point so as you see here if they were to cut across they'd be following no lines and then there'd be a risk if they hit something the problem here is when the controller is saying that I don't know if they're realizing what the wingspan of a 787 is it's roughly about 200 feet so this is a taxi chart here so if I add Wing restrictions on the chart of a triple seven which is the closest that I have in wingspan to a 787 you can see here they couldn't have gone down there because if they had hit something it would have been a hundred percent those Pilots fault I don't think the controller was trying to get these pilots in any trouble and I don't know if these Pilots even have the same chart that I'm using here but either way they're not going to want to get off of their taxi line slide across the ramp and if they do have this chart then they 100 know that they can't get over there on that line now they could have gone at an angle here and cut across and got onto golf one while letting Southwest to do their pushback now these Pilots are being conservative by staying on their line and refusing to slide over that's their choice they don't have to do that and I understand their situation they got a nine or nine and a half hour day ahead of them they want to get it done with and they want to get in the air because once you get an air you can get everything set up and start your break and just get your flight over with when you have a long flight you don't really want to spend an extra 10 or 20 minutes on the ground and I understand Southwest perspective as well they have a lot of flights to do they want to keep it moving and that's again kind of their their style they're fast moving and they want to get it going so the pilots that were in the Virgin plane or the Southwest Pilots could have done something and said hey I'm going to go ahead and pull my plane forward or I'm going to push it back so it's back far enough so that way you can get out all that could have happened if the Virgin aircraft had said hey Southwest uh we see you're pushing back but can you have them push you deeper or can you have them tug you forward so we can get out of golf one then the pilots that were in the southwest aircraft could have relayed that to the Chug driver so that way the tug driver could move them or push them or get them out of the way so a virgin could get out but nobody communicated that to the tug driver so the tug driver is just going to do whatever he's going to do and that's when all the drama starts here's what happens Quest 10 is tinting Austin ground Runway three six left taxes via golf 1 Hotel Charlie golf one hotel Charlie uh to uh Southwestern that's Southwest 10-16 uh just sort of interesting you actually see us though as you're pushing back that's all they were already pushing us hey we you won't though but we'll file thanks somebody's not used to a little freedom grow up Jen red coats are coming as they say there's two sides to every story so on one side from the perspective of the international pilots in the Virgin aircraft I understand their perspective they want to get on with their day and they were already in the ramp area so they wanted to keep moving and get on with their flight on the other side the ramp is uncontrolled so Southwest does have a right to technically push their plane back the tug drivers should have advised these Pilots hey there's a virgin aircraft in the alleyway or a virgin aircraft that's looking like they're going to move out and had they known that I'm guessing the Southwest Pilots would have said yeah okay let them let them move out possibly or they would have said hey can you tug us forward or tug us out of the way or communicated something to the control tower or to the Virgin Pilots to say hey what way are you getting out a lot of things could have happened there to avoid this situation now it doesn't really make sense why the Virgin Pilots would ask this of Southwest as it was 10 16. that's so interesting you actually see us though as your back it doesn't make any sense to ask that because it's after the fact Southwest has already got their engines started up and they're ready to move so okay that doesn't make any sense right now to even ask that except to make yourself get more irritated if they had suggested to Southwest or to the tower while that tug was pushing them back hey can you have them push them back or tug them forward or get them out of the way so we can get out of golf one and then those Southwest guys said no or we don't want to do that or something like that okay well that would be a totally different case but the Virgin Pilots didn't do that they just sat there and kind of stood and were upset about what was going on in this uncontrolled ramp and unfortunately the Southwest pilots from that aspect were not wrong but saying something like this looks like somebody's not used to a little Freedom it's really just rude and childish because if he did see them like he's saying that he did as soon as they started to push back they could have suggested to the tug driver hey is that guy taxi out can you pull us forward or tug us back or push us back or get us out of the way so he can get out they they could have done that he's saying they pushed back and they didn't see them until they were pushed back the Virgin Pilot's saying like that's not true which I'm not there so I can't see what the Southwest Pilots could or couldn't see if they had another plane and the gate right next to him they wouldn't really been able to see that the tub driver should have seen hey there's a plane that's already back there you sure you guys want to go and maybe they said yeah let's go anyways it might take them forever to do their checks so that could be true but he's saying the Southwest pilot that they didn't see virgin until they'd already started their push well at that point they could have asked the tug driver to move them out of the way so that way that virgin plane could move because they heard the Virgin Pilots talking with air traffic control about trying to get out of the way or trying to get them out of the way so they could get out of golf one so really they're both wrong here the Virgin Pilots are are kind of crying instead of like being more assertive and saying like hey can you move or tug or get out of the way so we can get out of golf one is what they should have said the Southwest Pilots are saying they saw them but then were just discourteous and didn't try to be polite to even give them any room in this uncontrolled area for them to get out and then the guys start getting rude which is where really where I have the most issue was this part right here somebody's not used to a little Freedom that's what I thought too patience is a virtue go up Jen right coats are coming so to me that part is super unprofessional and really not necessary and it's really a very rude to be doing stuff like that and I have a problem when people have have a keyboard courage and they start saying all these things on the computer with these uh icons or profile pictures which are not anybody that's them and it's kind of the same thing you'll hear sometimes on the radio guys get real courageous on the radio saying stuff but they wouldn't say that to someone's face so that's where I really have a problem with that I don't really care when people say mean steps about me on the internet I think it's kind of funny but when I hear people doing like this professional Pilots that are flying International or domestically or whatever but your professional airline pilot and you're kind of bashing on them the red coats are coming you're not used to Freedom it's just like dude really like you probably wouldn't say that to their face I'm guessing maybe you would but it's a super jerk thing to say and if you did see them you should have asked to be moved out of the way so they could get out that's what I would do and if I was the Virgin pilot I would have said something like hey can you guys pull forward or get other way so we can get out of golf one I probably would have said that now I may be more assertive these British pilots and or maybe just trying to be a little bit more polite but that is just the way it kind of shook out both guys were wrong in some aspects the Virgin pet being like we're gonna file our report and then you have the American Pilots all being jerks so really all their pilots had a responsibility in how this played out they all could have done something differently except the pilots that were just being jerks on the radio and the red cuts are coming that's just super unnecessary so but at the end of the day what do I know I'm just a fake 747 pilot dressed up in a hotel room that apparently has a green screen behind me so what do I really know just a a really big green screen back there if you enjoyed this video check out this one over here I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 755,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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