VIOLIN vs VIOLA What’s the Difference??

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hello you guys so this video is about the difference between the violence and the beulah all right so I wanted to just show you the size difference first of all you can see these are both a full-size this is a 16 inch viola and this is a regular space for four size violin and this is what the bows look like this is a violin bow you can see it's a square tip here and this is a viola bow it surrounded the violin bow it's lighter the viola bow is heavier so those are just kind of some really basic things um just really quickly so that you know what this is going to entail I'm gonna tell you a little bit about I'm gonna play them both for you so we're gonna go over the sound we're gonna look at the clef so what the music looks like we'll talk about the size all the different sizes and I'm gonna refer you to a really great website I found that has all that information and then kind of the role in the orchestra as well so and by the way my name is Amber I'm a music teacher in Philadelphia at least now this year in this moment my website is violin viola masterclass if any of you want to reach out and really acted on Instagram I have a patreon there for any of you that are teacher list or that just need a little extra information regarding violin or viola during the week between your lessons so that's at slash violin viola masterclass and I upload a little mini video lesson each Monday for you guys there I'm to $1.00 to subscribe there's also probably at this point some more fun things that are on patreon for you guys um but anyway that's my little commercial let's just go ahead and get started in this so the first thing I should probably do is play you the difference between them so this is the lovely viola it has a C string [Music] and it just sounds like this [Music] it's an auto insurance it's kind of a middle-range instrument I actually Emma that's what my background is I am as ulis yeah I love the viola because if it's beautiful rich sound it's also not really a soloist a kind of instrument at least it wasn't really originally created for that reason that's more the violins thanks so if you're wanting to be the the star kind of in the orchestra at least the violin kind of get to the melody most of the time so but the feel like it to the melody sometimes as well they just have different functions you know just like you can just imagine a soprano voice is gonna have me be more like virtuosic things to do given the wide range right and then the alto might have just a little bit different role right in the choir for example it has to provide some richness and warmth and color and it kind of supports the other instruments is in between the soprano and the bass for example or like the violin and the cello or the violin second violin viola and the cello so it's kind of a mid-range choice and of course then there's the bass and all the other instruments but so here is a low violin the violin that's a much smaller instrument it has a g-string and actually the same G as the viola and the fuel and violin both have a D and they both have an A but the violin has a higher string which is an e can also think of it the viola has a string lower than this it's the C string so the lowest note on the violin and on the viola that's the second string from the bottom so my lowest string I see all right that makes any sense okay so let me just play you a little bit of the violin so you can just hear a basic sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's got like a nice sweet sound to it so and if you know because it's smaller it's a lot kind of easier physically to play the violin because it's smaller although the repertoire may be on the violin it's a little bit trickier than it is on the viola at least because it has the melody most of the time and the viola is Baker and it can be a little bit more awkward to just get around because it's bigger and the things that the strings are thicker so just talking basic things nobody good upset or you know whatever sometimes people can be sensitive to these kinds of discussions for whatever reason but okay here is a visual of the difference in class here's the violin clip it's called the treble clef or the G clef it wraps around the second line from the bottom which is a G and these are what our open strings look like okay this is a really this is a typical class that you encounter your music all the time so if you play the piano the flute the mandolin the guitar I'm assuming I think and then here's the viola clip so it's very different this one kind of outlines the third line here one two three there's the third line and which is a C so here is the open strings C G D and a here so those are what our open strings look like on the viola versus the violin annum I know if you can hear the little cat in the background she loves to come and have a little drink of water or eat her food or go to the bathroom whenever I sit down and record a video maybe you can't hear her probably not but anyway so let's see we've talked about the sound you got to hear them a little bit we've seen visually what they look like we've talked about the bows just really briefly and the role in the orchestra and then I just want to refer you to this website it's called fiddleheads dot EA I'm gonna link it in this in the description but basically there's just a little bit of info about the different sizes so a violin the smallest violin size is 1/32 size so it's basically like this big so it's perfect if you're you know three years old or something to play and then they go up since there's a 30 second a 1/16 oh one tenth and it goes all the way up to a full size which is four four okay and then the viola sizing the smallest viola is 12 inches it's that's kind of perfect for somebody who's six to seven years old and then the full-size viewlet ranges from a size 16 to like a 17 even but just because you get a bigger view Allah doesn't necessarily mean that it's better it's just everything is a little bit different and those people seem to play around a 16 so or 16 and a half four there's just a range of different sizes violas and you can kind of see which what you like best um the hand pattern basically on the both instruments are the same so you've got this basic hand pattern low to extended 3 etc but the spacing it's just a little bit wider on the viola than it is on the violin so you can probably hear the little cat now she's like her what she loves to do this when I sit down to record a video anyway I hope that answers some of your questions on the difference between the violin and the viola um I hope you have a wonderful day I hope this was helpful and I will see you soon
Channel: Violin Viola Masterclass
Views: 324,529
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Keywords: amber reed, violin viola masterclass, violin teacher, viola teacher, violin vs viola, what is the difference between violin and viola, music teacher, blonde, philadelphia music teacher, online violin teacher, online viola teacher
Id: RmOza0RVQfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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