Vintage Howard Gem Rotavator hasn't run for 15 years.. Will it Start??

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ah check out this old rotary hoe what a beast it's a howard gem i think it's about 50 years old the fella who owns it said it's just too hard to start and a bit heavy for him to maneuver around so he said i can take it away and try and get it running it's been sitting here for about 15 years it hasn't run in that time so that's probably going to need a bit of work it's a single cylinder petrol engine jesus that shed's falling apart three-speed gearbox and reverse everything seems to move so that's a good sign other blades look to be in good condition plenty of meat left on those oh yep they move good basically a two-wheeled tractor with blades so it's going to be a fun machine if i can get it going so that's a cole engine k30 got a few oil leaks there let's see if i can get it to turn over oh yeah it does turn over it's got a bit of compression there so it might be right hopefully seems to be holding it i'll try the other side oh well both the tyres seem to be holding air that's good should be about to move it a bit easier now [Applause] [Applause] so so so [Music] that muffler's seen better days it's going to be loud if it goes take these guards off take that off and try and get that recoiling again and then see if i can get it to spark the splines are worn off this starting mechanism that could be a problem so it looks like the engine's been running um while these teeth have been out and it's just worn down that alloy so that's not ideal first of all i'll try and get this so it's recoiling properly [Laughter] basically just winding the spring up a bit tighter oh that's better well it does seem to be working so it might be okay i don't really want to have to buy another one of those that wouldn't be helping the cooling jammed up with grass i think it should have more compression than that unless a valve is stuck open or something that spark plug seems to be jammed in there it's like it's been cross threaded at some stage it's very tight so that's not good so it looks like it's maybe had the wrong spark plug put in there some stage and it stripped the thread and that spark plug is actually broken as well i'll whip that head off and see what's going on so that ball looks okay let's put there's a bit of carbon there you can see that valve popping up slightly on the compression stroke i think there must be an automatic decompression system in there you can see that valve's just slightly up you can see that spark plug hole is a bit of a mess there it looks like it's been leaking [Music] possibly a warped head either that or it just wasn't done up tight enough this area here next to the exhaust valve that hasn't been sealing properly and it looks like the exhaust gases have been coming out of there because that spark plug thread is so badly damaged you can see the top half of it is totally stripped out um i could try and clean that up with a thread tracer but looks like there'd only be about four millimeters of threads holding it on so i think what i'll do is just drill it out re-tap it and put an insert in there and that'll just solve the problem [Music] uh so i'll clean the threads up with acetone just to make sure there's no oil in there because i'll be using loctite on the insert so that it doesn't move clean the insert as well that might have had oil on it at the factory that's nice and clean so i'll put some loctite on there now high temperature loctite so that should lock it in place and i will put some grease on the inside because i want the spark plug to let go and not insert so a little bit of grease on the inside lock tight on the outside and that should do the job so we'll get that nice and tight in there seems to be seated all the way down yeah that looks good we'll let that lock tight set for a while and then i'll pull that spark plug out all right so that lock light's set i should be able to pull that spark plug out and the insert should stay in there so we'll see how we go i think it's yep that's looking good spark plugs coming out and the insert is staying in that's good it's nicely seated in there the thread is now going all the way through and that insert is locked in there so that shouldn't ever move all sorted so i'll just get a new spark plug for that and it should be good so you need to use high temperature loctite for that because if you just use um standard loctite the heat of the engine is going to break it down so the insert could end up coming out because some of those head bolts were loose the head may have warped a little bit so i've got a flat piece of glass here i'll just put some fine grit sandpaper on there and um just give that a bit of a scrape to take any high points off let's put a bit of oil on there you can see all this right around there this had a good sanding but this part here where the exhaust gases were coming out is still a bit low so i'll just do a bit more starting to look a bit better this is still a bit of a low point there yeah i think that'll do me pretty shiny all the way around now i'll be using this copper gasket cement spray that on both sides of the gasket and um it should seal it up nicely really should replace the heat gasket but i don't really want to spend any money on it until i know it's going to run so the old gasket will be fine with the spray all right for an old rotary hoe just using a torque wrench here i'll take it down to about 15 at first and then i'll take it all the way to 28 foot pounds they're all torqued down to about 28 foot pound nice and evenly so that should be good see if there's any oil in that engine well it does have oil it's fairly dirty so i'll drain that out and put some fresh stuff in it that's been there for a while black is tar it is turning but the teeth seem to be slipping on the in the spline there so it's making a lot of noise and i don't know how long that's going to last like that all right so that's a new spark plug and we'll just see if there's any spark there now that's nice healthy spark oh yeah that's some pretty yellow looking fuel so flush that out of there get our ear locks out that pump doesn't seem to be working either nothing coming out of there [Applause] that's this little spring-loaded pump a couple of valves in there that valve could be stuck there this was sitting so long yeah that was i think that check valve was stuck down see what that does now i can hear that working now so i think those valves were just stuck from sitting for so long that should be okay now aha those valves were just stuck that's pumping now sweet no wonder it wasn't running multiple issues it's not coming into the carburetor bowl we might have a stuck float valve in there because not getting through to the carb oh yeah you can see the problem there there's chocolate full with crud should be able to see through that that might actually be rubber you can see through that now much better aha success that's going through there now no problems all sorted it's working well all right that ball should be filled up now that's just slipping in there on the spline so i can't really get a decent pull on it i think you can start these from here as well there's like a kick start lever so i might keep an eye out for one of those two hey boy come on [Music] hey buddy right i'm going to try and make a crank handle for it i'll use these parts to cobble something together i know the uh shaft is this size so i'll just make up a socket around that and maybe something like that a piece in there make up a bit of a socket that goes over the over the shaft and also need to attach it to the frame so i think i can use this internal diameter make up some sort of mount for it that fits quite snugly in there so i'll use that as the mount to the frame that's the plan anyway [Music] foreign that'll work swing around and that will stay up there [Laughter] all right i suspect that carburetor might be causing some issues so it's leaking fuel um this throttle valve is worn out and um the corrosion around the main jet won't be helping either so i just got another one are there only twenty dollars so i'll pop that on see if it helps check those jets should be around two two turns out each going [Laughter] it's not really running it's it's coughing and farting so it seems to be pushing fuel back out of the carburetor so i'll check the valve clearances behind this panel here reed valve type thing all right so we'll get a feeler gauge in there and see what sort of clearance there is the intake valve should be point zero one put the workshop manual on the phone here turn the engine around a little bit and that opens up that's 0.012 and it's fitting in there quite easily so i need to wind that back down close that gap up a bit zero one two doesn't fit in there now so we'll get the zero one oh it's still quite loose in there the clearances obviously were a bit higher i think so that's bang on this is it zero one zero of an inch so that's pretty good zero one seven doesn't fit in there so i think that's wound in a bit tight actually it's way too tight that's spot on now so we've got 018 and 010 on the inlet hopefully that makes a difference that's even feeling better already like it's harder to crank now so that's got to be a good sign that shows it's got more compression now i think that exhaust valve wasn't fully closing so the fingers crossed i'll go now all right let's try that out because the the end of that exhaust is blown off i've made up a little cap there for it so the exhaust gases come down that should quieten it down quite a bit i think an old hubcap offer um toyota hilux that should do the job we'll see if that's going to start now [Music] so oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so noisy oh they worked really well it's bloody noisy though there's a few things i have to do to improve it uh maybe get a bit of muffler for there um possibly wrap the pipe around bring it out the other side and put a proper muffler there that's just about hard on the ears that one it is missing a blade on that side so i'll find a replacement for that but from that that cuts pretty good that did pretty well in that uh hard grass just chopped it up nicely it's fairly easy going through there actually it was a bit harder on this side with all the roots and um from those old stumps i pulled out a while ago but it's uh strewed through it all right so we've got a plan to be garden in there now needs a bit of a rake just to get it sort of even again that's done a good job
Channel: Marty T
Views: 636,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tiller, howard, gem, tractor, self propelled, garden, kohler, made in usa, market garden, NZ, diy gardening, cultivator, grow vegetables, rototiller, howard tiller, rotavator, grow vegetable, Máy xới đất, tiếng hú, Đá quý, Máy kéo, tự hành, vườn, Kohler, Sản xuất tại Hoa Kỳ, Vườn chợ, Tự làm vườn, Người trồng trọt, Trồng rau, Máy quay, Trồn, 分蘖, 霍华德, 宝石, 拖拉机, 自走式, 花园, 科勒, 美国制造, 市场花园, 新西兰, DIY 园艺, 中耕机, 种植蔬菜, 旋耕机, 霍华德分蘖, 轮耕机, Культиватор, трактор, самоходный, сад, культиватор, культиватор Говарда, ротаватор
Id: QytVLK5Xtac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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