Vinland Saga Season 1 FULL Recap

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Finland Saga season 2 is one of the most anticipated of 2023 so here is your no-nonsense recap of Finland Saga season one as always if I miss anything let me know in the comments and of course murder the Subscribe button because it killed your family and you're out for Revenge also four kills kinda behind you [Music] to go the warrior Thor's is seen leaving the battlefield this man is a viking the name Viking came from the Scandinavians themselves from the old Norse word Vic meaning Bay or creek which formed the root of vikinger in other words ancient Pirates Thor's decided to leave the battle to lead and pursue a peaceful life with his wife Helga to raise his daughter yelva and years later his youngest his son thorfin longing for a great adventure like his father he looks up to his mind is filled with wonder of a land filled with nothing but vast fields of Green from Leif Eriksen vindland however one night a slave breaks free from his owner and drags himself through the cold and harsh snow to freedom to the doorstep of Thor's home taking in the slave the next day they are visited by the slaves owner half Dan obviously looking for his slave knowing he must likely have come to this Village he begins to question however Thor's is a changed man from his Viking days as he instead buys the slave for a much higher price than what he would otherwise be worth only for him to Die the same night thorfin witnessing this only sees his father as someone Larger than Life someone who he would give anything to be like Thor's was thorfin's hero while this happens the war machine keeps raging on as England and Denmark are locked in an attense back and forth and the Vikings are eager for more men in a war they are losing Loki the leader of a band of yom's Vikings seeks out Thor's he was not allowed to escape battle and since he Departed the war front it was either be killed or he stands or join his former Vikings in war the former troll of yam decides to join them to spare his village and family being massacred by Vikings however the yoms Vikings re-enlist stores and as well some of the villagers who are excited for war not realizing really what more means or any of this while this is happening Floki goes to the Viking asklad which they then plot to kill Thor's along with the Villagers who join them there not being spared for his desertion 15 years ago as per the rules setting sail to their inevitable Doom or rather they think as Thor's plans to Simply ditch them as to not subject them to any War this is imperative as while at Sea Thor's finds his young son thorfin stowed away in the ship angry initially Thor's enjoys his time with his son as he knows this likely will be his last then stopping to resupply they are LED into a trap by the yoms Viking leader Floki Thor's then faces off against the yoms of Viking alone even taking on and enrage Bjorn who is under the influence of a mushroom which makes him go berserk surprisingly Thor's is very capable only incapacitating his enemies not killing them he even defeats an enraged Bjorn in surprising fashion until he finally makes his way to the dastardly ask lad while experienced and a fierce foe himself the man called asglad is no match for the troll of Yom but asclay doesn't play clean he was paid to do a job not to honor a duel asglad orders his men to fire a volley of arrows into Thor's body as the men of the village and most importantly his son Witnesses holding his son in his arms as he bleeds to death he tells Leif Eriksen to bring his head to sigvaldi the leader of the yoms Vikings otherwise they will suspect he ignored the summons and Destroy his home Village anyways in a heartbreaking moment the great troll of yam is no more later breaking away thorfin Val's revenge and Boards one of asklad's ships and he promises to One Day murder ascalad even if it's the last thing he'll ever do as they land in England the Vikings brutally pillage a village and in the night when thorfin could have easily killed asglad he fails to do so because he he couldn't do it so thorfin goes into the woods to train and instead challenges asklad to evolve things a duel while defeated time and time again askalad realizes that he could use him in their group if trained and experienced enough so he agrees to keep fighting him in duels sort of as a way to test him and use him as a pawn continuing to follow along thorfin is shocked at how Savage these men are though for asglad it's all business as usual as he makes a deal with the Danish to join their side of the war now the Vikings are mercenaries slaughtering their enemy later that night thorfin in the battle is saved by askglad when nearly being killed by an enemy swordsman though as the battle progresses thorfin brandishes the blades his father used and kills his first man sealing his fate thorfin would eventually join askclad's band of Vikings and for year years they would continue to hone his skills in battle eventually facing off countless times with asklad and Duels so much so that his band of Vikings come to look forward to these duels though as time continues to progress thorfin finds himself in battle once more and like many times prior is injured though what makes this different is that an English family a mother and a daughter rescue intend to thorfin's injuries in a way sort of taming the Beast that is dwarfin's heart even if for a moment though this would all end when asklad's men would land after given the signal by thorfin and raid and pillage the village all the while once again thorfin realizes what his actions have just caused however as king swin withdraws from England the invasion of England is officially on hold and so seeking jobs and contracts asklad goes to France there askglad uses thorfin for an important role to negotiate with the leader of the French army jebase their new job is to Simply defend the French Fort from Attack which they are indeed successful in thanks to assclad fooling the French I mean I could make a joke here about the French but I won't they loot their Fort of treasure and make haste fooling the jabeth in a turn promising Thor Finn another duel with assclad now with more Capital asklad makes his way to yorm's Village demanding his men drink for their job well done and more importantly granting thorfin has one duel once again thorfin is defeated this time asklad does so by making thorfin angry causing his attacks to be Reckless and thus easy to read defeating the young lad choosing to stay on the ship that night while his comrades celebrate thorfin talks with a yorm's slave hoarderland the former daughter of a lord that was defeated and thus was sold into slavery the two have quite an interesting conversation where as he feasts on the plate that she was ordered to send him asks if he is a thrall for asklad however thorfin replies that he is a warrior who is free not only that but if left in her position he would kill yorm and flee hordoland the name of which confused asglad as he thought it was a name of a region of land says that she could never kill anyone thinking it to be an awful idea however humoring thorfin she wonders where she would even go wondering if there really even is a place where she a slave could be free thorfin then Regals her about the tale of a lan called Vinland the night passes and the war machine starts to churn once more as king swin continues his invasion of England and Gainsborough but they would end up challenging a beast unlike any other thorkel the tall on London Bridge thorkel one of the most feared in the battlefield is supporting the English in their defense of London seeing this as an opportunity and because it's thorkel asklad since thorfin to battle against the Invincible thorkel with one goal bring back his head however while thorfin impresses thorkel as someone with much promise ultimately the son of Thor's is no match for the Danish Terminator as he would be forced to flee injured from the battle though not before taking some of his fingers and regrouping with asklad to make their way to Wessex as this happens King swin leaves behind his son Prince knut to join his right hand man Ragnar in the battlefield with the English in other words he done [ __ ] it up not just because they're going to face off with thorkel and by the way none of them stand chance against him in the battlefield anyways but also because they successfully raided the camp that Prince knut is set up in capturing the prince while a massive mistake on King's win's part escalant is also delighted to hear this because now he gets to play Hero and recapture the taken Prince returning him to his father however things are never what they seem as they should be with asklad as we will soon find out now with his hostages Ragnar and Knute thorkel continues his unrelenting march to swin's Army to take advantage of the situation or simply kill them all however thorkel being a monstrous bloodthirsty Sentinel decides to release Ragnar and canoe to the Danish soldiers because he knows they cannot win especially when fighting thorkel in close quarters though asklad uses this as an opportunity to set fire to the forest confusing both the Danish soldiers and the Invincible Danish brute allowing Thor Finn and the confusion to capture Ragnar and the young prince and to wrestling enough however thorkel realizing this doesn't want his soldiers to fall to thorfin as he knows he can probably just slaughter them all so he simply opts to allow them to enact their plan after all it does not matter thorkel has plans for them now with Prince knut thorkel is in pursuit of the band of Vikings and is not relenting so ask glad sins for reinforcements but are then confronted by the commander of the Welsh Army gradianus and I'm sorry if I mispronounce any of these words by the way because I will they now have their reinforcements but as they continue their travel they come across a river headed to Wales and arrive at brychenog I think is how you pronounce it tell me in the comments if I'm wrong which leaves them ambushed but by who oh the messenger is a bright shinog the leader of the group Asser speaks a different language that nobody but asklad understands calling their people Danish barbarians nice racism as glad Asser refuses to remove his his troops as he feels insulted by asclad's values nice almost racism but flirting pretty close Asser so Asher then plans to use knut as a shield though for asglad this is all just an act and he has a plan that he keeps hidden until the right moment he then tells Knute to make a speech say literally anything to frighten the others and wound up the spirit of asked lad's men and instead the cowardly and timid Prince hides behind Ragnar which the latter then suggests as he speaks for the prince though asklad remains firm saying it's knut's moment to act not ragnars eventually now at Mercia they decide to join the Danish and Gainsborough Crossing Northern Mercia they experience the harsh cold climates of the area but it must be done as thorkel is still tracking them this is where one of the most shocking moments in season one comes when they stumble upon a village of Christians one being a girl who sold a gold ring and is keeping it hidden for her sins sadly asklad and his men find them and while they do what they do best pillage and murder everyone in the village even the children burying them in a mass grave this was done to keep their secret from getting out though as they arrive the girl who stole the ring is at the hollowed out tree toiling away with her ring as if it were a toy and kind of seeking forgiveness all at the same time she is the only Survivor and the reason thorkal is able to track down ask lad much quicker thorkel now heading to askglad's Direction the English Nobles are tired of war and are vying to accept a Danish Warrior while this is happening English soldiers find ask lad's men though asclan has a plan wanting Knute to get over his ways and mature him much further they go through with a plan to murder Ragnar and Cold Blood pinning the blame on one of the English however Ragnar before his death reveals something truly horrifying King swins plan to kill his own Prince son Knute all in the name of politics and putting his older brother into power asgalat on the other hand starts to torture the captain of the English they just wiped out he wants to know how they were able to find and track him down though while this is happening four Kells ever looming presence interrupts him turns out that while this is happening and with the fear of Thor Kell approaching ascland's men begin to plan a betrayal and Mutiny of asglad if you can't beat them join them and that's exactly what askglads now former men begin to do they want to join thorkel's side though it does not matter as when the Danish Terminator arrives he kills them all as for the rest of asklad's men as they make their way to a river to cut down a bridge to slow thorkel's men the rest of askglad's men begin to prepare a mutiny once more however asglad was prepared for this as a child asklad's mother became sickly and thus they kept her in the barn with the cattle she tells ask Lan as a young child of a land far away in which their ancestor king artorius would return from and free them all saving them as he recounts this tale asglad Reveals His deep-seated hatred for the Danish to his Danish shoulders and kills two of them almost immediately Bjorn now with four Finn canoed and the priests are chased by thorkel's Warriors as asklad is left to deal with the rest of this former band of Vikings though while on the sleigh they escape and eventually crash and thorfin not wanting anyone to kill ascland gets on a horse to head back to defend him the latter handles himself actually rather well taking out much of his men but is ultimately hit with a volley of arrows crippling his movements thorkel then arrives good news I guess giving the last of asglad's been an option die or die fighting like Warriors though as thorphin arrives he brings his attention to the young man instead he wants a duel with thorkel maybe not thorfin's best plan of action as the two Warriors battle Knute has a dream in which Ragnar tells him that he loved him dearly and in some ways made a mistake for raising him as a son rather than a king knut disagrees as he enjoyed his time with Ragnar though ultimately as glad was right now it is time for Knute to grow up and his death will serve as an example to him as he awakes the drunken priest tells him Ragnar did none of that out of love and then the two discussed the differences between love and discrimination how man discriminates but the nature and the world around them really does not this allows Knute to awaken to his true self and face the current situation head on his first test is the Raging Bjorn who while under the influence of mushrooms has just finished killing his former men but in the process has lost his mind he calms down Bjorn but in the process he has been mortally wounded thorfin himself is dealing with the sheer power of thorkel strikes as his arm and ribs are broken though knowing he will win this fight and wanting more allows asklan to treat his injuries nonetheless this is when thorkel reveals that he and Thor's were commanders in the yoms Vikings and sigvaldi the leader was his older brother and gave Thor Finn's father his daughter which would become his wife Helga now that it's revealed that the two are actually family the two continue you their fight but this time thorfin is able to gouge his eyes and knocks him out with a blow to the chin though thorkel's men are at the ready until it's Thor Kell who stops them why because thorfin won the duel fair and square though something shocking happens as canoe arrives he tells thorkel it matters not if they capture him as he informs him that his father has already chosen his older brother wanting him to get killed ideally in this battle so he then declares that he will be fighting against the king of gangsboro which unites both Thor Kell and asklad under one man Prince knut now a unified Force they make their way to Gainesboro and there they meet Floki and his army of Danes demanding to see King swin and the castle Knute waits to see his father but are ambushed by King swin wanting his youngest dead though asglad is able to convince King swin that Knute was behind the victory in London he ultimately decides to spare canoe to which then leads to an interesting scene where Gunnar Ragnar's brother goes to Knute to swear filthy and serve him just like his younger brother did however asglad is wisened and realized he cannot be trusted though later on ulti the man who put a knife in Bjorn's back tells him to leave and never to go raise a sword again ordered to go to York Knute goes along with his band to a town called northumbria region as they arrive Knute is hitting the chest with an arrow it's an assassination attempt though thorfin tracks him down and eventually kills the would-be Assassin he notices a familiar face Leaf Erickson trying to get thorfin to return home thorfin is not interested in what Leaf has to suggest only his revenge while this is happening we learned that actually the person that was shot by an arrow was nobody just a slave woman dressed as Knute planned by knut now as they pass Floki asklad tries to spread by word there are people enemies who want Canute dead and as well miss information to gunr however this is not the only issue that asklad is to deal with thorfin with a broken arm now demands another duel though what's surprising here is that Bjorn intervenes and instead demands a duel with ascalad he is dying and thus once the duel askglad to go to Valhalla like a true warrior assuring that they are friends asklad duels the Wounded Warrior and eventually kills him ascland has just killed the only man he could ever call a friend Bjorn though thorfin after this moment still demands his duel and he really gets it boy does he get it throwing away his sword thorfin angrily attacks asklad but instead asklad once again beats the boy within an inch of his life asglad has just taken out his feelings of Bjorn's death onto thorphin poor boy never set a chance as knut stops the fight asglad once again recalls his childhood in particular of his mother and how she met Olaf as a slave woman all because of Olaf's fighting skills impressing her though much like thorfin wants to do ascline eventually took revenge on Olaf for his treatment of his mother smartly pinning it on someone else to escape the suspicion this made asklad grow to hate the Vikings for their constant warring because his father fought for these ideals thorfin in the process has learned nothing from askglad or his experience traveling with his band of Vikings thorfin is the very embodiment of Olaf his father and thus he hates that asclad still supports Knute however because he is the most fit to rule the most fit to be the king of the Vikings however on the flip side King swin tries to deal with the situation he's created about the assassination attempt on knut's life he Praises not only thorkel but is well Knute while addressing Elders of Denmark he even gives Mercia a very important part of England to knut as they plan to attack Ireland for revenge in particular what went down with King Harold and Brian boru believing his plan is coming to fruition with Newt he is shocked when King swin announces his plans for whales as they want to Snuff out any possible Rebellion as this is happening thorfin beaten and broken in jail is visited by Leif Erickson who begs him to come home to Iceland though at the council flockey once again manipulating the situation to form swin of the way asglad feels about his opinions on whales though this shows that asklan has too much of a weakness for the Welsh people in swin's opinion so ask lad tries to come up with some kind of plan to stop swin eventually telling thorkel that his mother was Welsh and swearing to keep it a secret only to be called before King swin as he's rewarded by King swin for his efforts he asks the king about his orders to deal with whales he tries to convince swin to not do it as the country is poor and instead would rather broker Peace So swen gives him two options whales or Knute but if he chooses whales then he must kill Knute himself while this is happening Leif Erickson fails to convince thorfin to come home askclad then denounces swin and draws his blade declaring asglad's real identity as Lucius artorius castis the hair to Britannia asglad that behead swim and as canoe Witnesses this act realizes what's happening asglad is protecting knut giving him a chance to do one thing step forward become a man and kill asklad to submit his role as the king of the Vikings by slaying the very heir to Britannia as he goes to do this thorfin Witnesses Knute slaying ass lad which sends him into a flying rage as he tries to attack knut but is subdued dragged away thorfin is crushed and as the blade Falls we recount the journey so far thorfin is left in a state of denial as he spent all of these years fighting seeking Revenge only to have it taken away from him knut now assumes his new role as the king of the Viking Army and the ruler of England asklad has fallen now the True Story begins as the war Arc is concluded ending the prologue to Finland Saga if you enjoyed this video on the left is a playlist of all of my vinyl and Saga videos on the right is a playlist of my best videos if you're new to the C tactics thanks for watching bye
Channel: SeaTactics
Views: 173,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SeaTactics, Anime, vinland saga, vinland saga season 2, vinland saga anime, vinland saga season 1, vinland saga recap, vinland saga season 1 recap, vinland saga season 2 reaction, vinland saga season 1 ending, vinland saga season 1 breakdown, vinland saga s1 recap, seatactics vinland saga, sea tactics vinland saga, vinland saga in minutes
Id: fi68kiLiBTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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