Fire Force: Season 1 Part 1 (Full Recap)

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i hate intros fire force season one episode one we kick things off with a quick look on a train where a man suddenly explodes he turns into some fire entity known as an infernal that exits the train but luckily the main character shinra kusakabe is there waiting with open arms to greet him turns out he doesn't have to do anything as fire force company 8 shows up to address the entity a prayer is said by the sister and the man is put to rest by the fire force the sister in the group is nearly crushed forcing shinra to take action with powers that he has in order to save her he then introduces himself to them as their new third generation fire soldier they meet up at special fire cathedral 8 where the team is stationed this is where we get the official introduction of eighth company starting with the captain of the company akitaru obi sitting in on their meeting is the uptight takahisa hinawa who is second in command to ob while they're talking we learned that when sheen refuels tense he has an involuntary reaction forcing him to smile shinra says that he joined to be a hero but there is a story that has earned him quite the opposite title of the devil we get some early fan service to properly introduce the girls of the team there is maki jose who is a second generation fire soldier and a bit of a romantic second is iris a sister originating from the holy soul temple they go over some backstory on the world saying that one day people started to spontaneously combust becoming what is known as infernals infernals lose all sense of themselves and run rampant until they die in order to put an infernal to rest you have to strike their core which is where their heart once was that's where the fire force comes into play tasked with putting the infernal souls to rest as well as protecting all the people nearby their second objective is to find out what exactly is causing the spontaneous combustion and how to put an end to it later on we get a short flashback of when shinro was a boy with his mom who he appeared to love after some incident we see his grandma labeling him devil and refusing to take him in saying that he was responsible for something back to the present where the team goes to answer their first call with shinra inside their special armored fire engine codenamed matchbox they head to a factory where the owner's wife had turned infernal monkey goes to clear a path but when she does it results in an explosion that hurls shinra into a metal pipe this prompts another flashback to shinra's mom being consumed by a fire and telling him to run away in the aftermath everybody starts saying that he was the one responsible with absolutely no proof seems like a fun way to handle a child's grief he also had a younger brother sho who was burned so badly that they couldn't even find his bones inside the flames he saw something else though some entity that wasn't his mom or show and now he is determined to find that entity assuming that it was the one that caused the fire when it comes to they are face to face with the infernal as they engage shinra finds an opening to use his power and attack the infernal killing it with one kick episode ii in the opening scene we see a new face joining 8th company and arthur boyle who is another 3rd generation fire soldier like shinra we also learn from obi that shinra and arthur are going to be participating in the rookie fire soldier games when shinra learns that the new recruit is arthur he isn't too happy because apparently the two have some sort of history over to maki and iris that teach us third generation fire soldiers can start fires on their own while second generation fire soldiers can manipulate fire but can't create it arthur and shinra suddenly bust in on their talk ready to fight one another we learned that the two had gone to training together arthur had taken on the title of knight and shinra always thought the title of hero was cooler so the two have never seen eye to eye ever since then hinawa comes in and orders maki to spar with both shinra and arthur at the same time turns out she's kind of a badass and man handles both of them forcing them to concede they go over all the equipment at their disposal before heading to their next call a father had just went infernal and the mother just went infernal also two years ago leaving the daughter all by herself shinra and arthur are then reprimanded by obi for showing their weapons in front of the daughter because essentially they're about to kill her dad so it's a bit insensitive someone passing by does something to the flame causing it to have a strange reaction which refocuses the team on their mission when they come inside the father is sitting calmly at the table even though he's maintaining his composure everybody assumes that the infernals are in constant pain so arthur puts him to rest after he's dead the bystander who had manipulated the fire before uses some sort of ash to attack the team collapsing the building on top of them and nearly crushing obi we get our first look at the culprit joker who appears to want to target them again episode 3 joker meets up with a man named victor who was the one responsible for giving joker the ash that allowed him to attack the fire force they both seem to have taken an interest in the eighth company for some reason collecting a lot of information on them now we're gonna hop on over to the rookie fire soldier games where shinra comes across the new front runner in waifu candidates tamaki katatsu shinra then notices a man nearby who looks just like the guy that responded to the call when he had lost his mom as a kid he approaches the man and we are introduced to leonard burns the captain of fire forces first company when shinra introduces himself and says he wants to talk about the fire that happened 12 years ago leonard seems to have a cold reaction and then dips when he finally catches up to burns he just says that he can't remember the fire leading shinra to believe that he's hiding something the rookies are then tasked with entering a simulated fire scene rescuing anyone inside and being the first to get to the infernal actor shinra uses his abilities to get to the top floor in hopes of gaining a lead but when he gets inside he comes face to face with joker after a little skirmish joker tells him that his little brother sho is still alive joker then says there is some sort of corruption going on in the fire force so he wants shinra to join him and become a real devil arthur and tamaki then come across joker and shinra but think it's a part of the games so they attack joker instead of getting help joker uses his mystery ash to cause an explosion covering his escape while shinra is forced to get everybody to safety later on shinra goes to obi to ask him about the possibility of there being corruption in the fire force this is where we get some more backstory on how the fire force operates there are three factions that make up the fire force the holy soul temple the tokyo armed forces and the fire defense agency each company answers to different factions with the first company answering to the temple the second company answers to the tokyo armed forces however the third and fifth companies answer to hajima industries who is responsible for making a lot of fire force's weapons and tools the fire force companies see each other as rivals and keep what knowledge they gain to themselves obi's eighth company was strong armed into existence by an unknown group with the purpose of investigating companies one through seven in order to find out the truth about human combustion obi believes that someone in the fire force should already know what's causing the infernals to appear and he wants them to reveal it to save lives ye episode 4. the substance that joker has been using was analyzed and revealed to be infernal ashes this essentially means that joker is using the remains of the dead to create explosives we then get a look at a former firefighter named miyamoto who had killed four people for the fun of it and is now on trial he is declared not guilty even though he clearly is and then he bursts into flames he turns into an infernal but seems to be coherent still and attacks the judge even though he had just declared him innocent we then get a quick scene of fifth company's sadist captain hibana saying that she wants to study miyamoto because he still has a sense of self everyone shows up to fight miyamoto but he starts to run so shinra is ordered to chase him because he's the only one fast enough to keep up shanera quickly subdues him but then the fifth company steps in and restrains miyamoto instead of killing him when shinra tries saying that the eighth company is taking care of this he is attacked and pinned by the captain and her company shinra breaks free and is ready to fight the entire company when the others show up putting an end to the conflict even though they're an eighth company's district fifth company wants to take miyamoto because they have a research team that is able to study the sentient infernal since eighth company is new and doesn't have a research team obi agrees as long as they share the results of the study fifth company's toro kishiri a third generation fire soldier stirs things up a bit insulting obi but then gets put in his place by maki in the last scene episode 5. fifth company is clearly not to be trusted and since 8th company is also tasked with finding corrupt members in the other companies they do some digging they learned that hibana had been conducting illegal experiments on infernals and then used the findings to climb her way to captain one night sister iris goes missing and we see that she went to meet with hibana the two appear to be childhood friends as they grew up orphans together she now appears to hate the sisters and the church saying that there is no god and iris is stupid for believing there is she then takes iris hostage to lure out eighth company for a fight eighth company shows up and attacks the base to get iris back arthur ends up running into the stud known as conehead who says that he can't have him snooping around their base joining him is miyamoto who has been administered a special drug that boosts his firepower meanwhile maki and hinawa are attacked by the toru and his explosive bubble gum he now uses his power to bend the bullets around the corner where toru is hiding and slows them down enough to knock him unconscious back on over to arthur who was losing because he's kind of stupid and realized that his sword was in his off hand i feel like that's something you'd realize right away but once he makes that correction he quickly wins episode 6 shinra shows up to fight hibana and save iris but hibana uses heat syncope causing him to have vertigo we then learned that everyone at the covent where hibana iris and other orphans were raised was engulfed in fire they all ended up dying except for hibana and iris which is when hibana gave up on god and became kind of crazy anyways managing to fight through the vertigo shinra gets to hibana and decks the in the face knocking her unconscious when she wakes up i guess she realized that what she did was wrong so she makes up with shinra and iris after the credits they decide to tell everyone in the fifth that the attack was a part of a training drill in cooperation with the eighth we also learned in the last scene that hibana is so cooperative now because she's thirsty as for shinra and his sinister smile yeah episode seven we get a quick scene introducing three new faces at the first company's cathedral and who young lee rekha hoshimiya and kareem lom who all answer to burns meanwhile the fifth and eighth companies have a party to show that there's no hard feelings between the two hibana goes on to share all of her information with obi as well they had learned that somebody out there is creating artificial infernals but that doesn't mean that every spontaneous combustion is the result of this the suspected artificial infernos all had something in common they were first sighted near shinjuku ward which is first company's territory they plan to use the rookie training reassignment system to have shinra and arthur infiltrate first company along with the from fifth company tohru one other rookie was brought in from second company in the new face takaru noto to tag along as well ho yon lee kareem and rekka are tasked with looking after the rookies shortly after arriving shinra challenges burns to a sparring match and if he wins he gets to ask them a question all of the rookies have to participate in the sparring and noto is forced to go first against rekka we learned that noto doesn't like flames and try joining the fire force to learn how to control them so he inadvertently attacks rekka which he dodges most of the fighting is just filler content to show off everybody's abilities although we also do see that noto falls in love with tamaki which let's be honest is completely understandable burns then ordered shinra and arthur to fight him at the same time we see that both of their attacks do off for damage even when arthur's excalibur which is a plasma sword makes direct contact with burns he then defeats both of them with one shot ending the sparring in the last scene episode 8 using kibana's research obi learns that the artificial infernals were created using some sort of bug that forced its way into the human's heart everyone responds to a mass combustion call where five victims have turned to infernals shinra and arthur are ordered to wait nearby but they see a man get infected with one of the bugs turning him into an infernal also they rush after the culprit responsible and run into rucka and kareem who were nearby but nothing comes from it once back they go to investigate kareem's room they find one of the insects in his desk but then he reveals that he is trying to find the culprit just like them kareem suspects that rekka is responsible since he was the only one nearby hop on over to rekka and tamaki who round up some kids so that he can perform a prayer that prevents them from becoming infernals because tamaki wanted to be present for the prayer he then knocks her out and attacks the mother accompanying the children turning her into an infernal using one of the bugs and kills her rekka is apparently creating infernals to find someone who can host the pilot light tamaki comes too just in time to get her ass kicked by rekka again he then targets one of the kids infecting him with another bug as well luckily this kid doesn't turn into an inferno because he just so happened to be compatible tamaki uses her powers to send up a signal which shinra sees and he comes to save her just before she is killed by rekka episode 9. even after shinra smashed his head into the ground rekka is still up and fighting one of rekka's bugs seems to be reacting to shinra's fire and rekka says that it's trying to get back to his flames apparently shinra is the third person that the evangelist has been searching for because he has an undefiled flame called the adola burst another scrimmage breaks out and again sheen ruins when asked what his goal is rekka explains that followers of the evangelist are trying to set the entire world of flame and turn it into a second son rekka also says that he was planning on taking the children to become followers of the evangelist as well this makes sheener think it's possible that's what happened to his little brother kareem steps in and puts an end to the fight when he freezes rekka the original plan was to defrost the wreck a popsicle to get some answers from him but then he is shot by an unknown archer her and another member are in white robes which will later mark them as being a part of the white clad a group led by the evangelist she begins firing on the others as well and ho young lee gets his arm blown off while saving kareem they use smoke and ice to obstruct the archer's view forcing them to retreat kareem then volunteers first company to help 8th company in finding the evangelist and bringing them to justice we also learned that tamaki has been put on suspension because of the incident so 8th company has taken her in until her suspension is over yep so 10. all of the company's captains are summoned to meet at the imperial throne room in order to discuss the evangelist group that is now known as the conference is about to get underway we get an official introduction of all of the company's captains we already know first company's captain in leonard burns second company is gustav honda third company dr giovanni fourth company so ichiro hager fifth company's crazy turned shinra simp sixth company kayoko huang seventh companies benny marushimon who's supposed to be the strongest soldier in the entire fire force and of course eighth company's captain good guy ob leading the meeting is the decrepitly old emperor raffles iii before the meeting even starts shimon makes a scene saying that he doesn't answer to their god and then storms out after that they discuss the fact that shinra has an edola burst the emperor explains that the edola burst is an unsolid pure flame it's said to be the primordial flame and the spark that the god soul used when creating the world we also learn about the amaterasu which is the perpetual thermal energy plant providing all of the energy to the entire tokyo empire the amadorasu is ran by a flame that is no more or less than an idola burst as well the evangelists are seeking the edola burst flames and it's likely that they'll come for shinra everyone starts to head back except for shinra who wanted to go see the rasu up close while he's there he's approached by his old pal joker as a reward for exposing rekka joker gives him some more information he tells him that shinra's brother shoku sakabe is the commander of the knights of the ashen flame which is a part of the white clad later on at dinner shinra fills eighth company and on joker's appearance and the possibility of his brother working with the white clad episode 11. we get the 8th company's origin story in the form of a flashback one of hinawa's friends named tojo had ended up turning into an infernal right in front of him in tojo's last moments he was begging he now want to kill him but he couldn't do it a team of soldiers then busts in and kills tojo instead later on he meets up with obie who was just a normal firefighter at the time the two of them worked together to put an infernal to rest because the company that was supposed to be taking care of it was busy with another one obi decides that he's gonna make his own fire force company and after two years of hard work he finally succeeds hiring hinawa in the process they needed some new talent so he now brought in maki who he knew from his time in the tokyo armed forces back to the present where they investigate the eighth company's very first call the infernal in the incident had white clothes on and they recovered a red cross from him as well it seemed like the business he worked for was in a hurry to retrieve this and when they looked up that business it was in seventh company's jurisdiction hop on over to seventh company where we meet the two lolly twins in the company hikage and hinata the last member is a third generation fire soldier named sagamia conroe eighth company shows up unexpectedly to search the jurisdiction in an attempt to find the evangelist shortly after their arrival everyone is alerted to another infernal that has been spotted so captain shimon jumps into action we learned that he is a compound fire soldier having both second and third generation powers this of course means that he can create his own fire and simultaneously control it the man who had turned into an infernal was an old friend of shinmon so he kills it without a fight in the last scene [Music] episode 12. both 7th and 8th companies worked to repair the buildings that shin moon had damaged as a tribute to the infernal after seeing how kind the eighth company is shin moon comes around to helping with their investigation we learned that conroe was affected by tephrosis which is when a third generation keeps using their power even after overheating and burning themselves in the process shainra was sent by obi to go request another meeting with shimon in an alley when he goes there he sees two evangelist members who look exactly like obi and hinawa they talk about how they are the ones responsible for turning shimon's friend into an infernal and plan to destroy the entire district thinking eighth company is in on it he picks a fight with all of them because he's the strongest soldier in all of the fire force nobody can keep up with him obie despite not having any powers at all is the only one that can manage to land a shot on him which makes shimon get serious it seems like he's charging up a powerful attack but before he can launch it conroe steps in and calms him down enough to hear them out they explained that it wasn't them so shimon goes to investigate what actually happened while waiting for him to return we get the story of how conroe got so injured after numerous people went infernal conroe and shimon were at their limits and confronted with some sort of demon infernal conroe forces shimon out of the fight knocking him unconscious in the process and then pushes himself past his limits to defeat the infernal the repercussions of his powers left him severely wounded and now he can't use his powers without making his wounds worse i'm gonna be doing part two and you can find that in the left side whenever i'm finished with it or you can check out all the fire force recaps in the playlist on the right side you can also find the links in the description below and the only thing i hate more than intros is outros
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Keywords: fire force, season 1, part 1, full recap, recap, Enen no Shouboutai, fire force season 1 full recap, what to know, everything to know, all episodes
Id: WchFJ1wsW5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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