Vinland Saga first impressions: CRIMES AGAINST MEDIEVAL REALISM

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[Music] ratings I'm Chad and if you've been watching my content recently you're probably getting used to this different camera angle and you'll know what it is intended for it is kind of like a livestream reaction kind of my format for reaction stuff and I've done like which a trailer stuff in this one I have had a lot of requests for me to check out a new anime called Vinland saga and so I'm on board because I saw the trailer and some of you know images alright and it looks pretty darn good and like on it on an introductory note to this okay III really love it when there is a cultural appreciation because we in the West we generally with like really caught on to some of the cool elements and the things that we appreciate about Japanese history and culture you know samurai guitar and all that stuff and I I personally like it as well when if there's adaptations based on Japanese culture and things that we do it accurately when it's appropriate fantasy I get it and stuff now on the flip side to this it's really interesting to see Japanese cultures see how they adapt kind of medieval IDs and cops concepts into anime and manga and whatever adaptations they're doing and as we've been going on for a while what and what's interesting I'm kind of gonna be revealing my wii beside a bit and also old-school webside when if you go back and you look at some of the adaptations medieval fantasy adaptations in anime there were some significant kind of hiccups along the way where the translation wasn't fully accurate like there were some interesting things missed out and what you kind of see oftentimes is when they don't really understand medieval culture and stuff like that with the gaps that they fill in and they kind of just fill in with their own culture and stuff and so what you'll find and say medieval fantasy certain animes and things is that the food that they eat is like Japanese food not medieval historical food and stuff now I get it as fantasy and things like that but if you want full immersion to make it really feel medieval you want to be more accurate and of course one of the things that they have gotten wrong in many instances is the armor and weapon designs I mean if you go back to one of the or og fantasy adaptations in anime medieval fantasy adaptations anime like Lina notes layers with the main character Lina invest now a better one I glean in verses course made to be a bit more of course it's fantasy but a bit more kind of non serious fantasy but say record of low dose was now that is an awesome why this is good the creator basically wanted to make a Dungeons and Dragons animate alright and you've got all the elements in there and the armor better big fantasy elements in and is not not really authentically accurate to medieval times or not even fully functional so there's some flaws in their swords are a bit better so what there's been flaws along the way yet recently okay with where some of these kind of shows TV shows video game stuff are being produced with the medieval sitting there has been more recently some just tremendous respect done to medieval history and accuracy the Dark Soul series look at how just glorious the armor is in that series well now the video game Dragon's Dogma like dragons not mad they have an item clothing in there it's called a blunt and I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right but it's a medieval type of outer garment and you can get that in Dragon's Dogma you know the fact that they even know what I've launched mostly is or they are we go alright and then when we come to anime Vinland saga is one of these enemies where it's like huh alright well there we go and I mean there's no other animes Scala Grimm did a review of as like someone the witch or something like that but there's like fights and she's not accurate and the witches are magic people aren't accurate but the background characters in scene setting that space scene is really his authentically accurate to the medieval I point in history is like a but a really good buckler scene in that anime and stuff so when I see that I was like that's awesome I salute you thank you for doing it cuz I guess it's added a cultural appreciated I feel like they really appreciating not just like the fun fantasy interpretations of you know European medieval history but they are going further than that they're actually appreciating the the actual historic you know medieval often take part of it right so with Vinland sorry looks like that's happening how far did they go how authentic is it well let's find out I'm gonna watch the first episode it's not going to be like a frame frame watching the whole thing so I'm going to cut to interesting parts throughout the episode that I have thoughts on and and we'll go from there okay good animation looking at his outfit okay first of all Vikings I didn't think they just had the you know the the goatee kind of thing not very common to my understanding amongst Viking fashion it's just beard full beard alright other thing interesting it looks like is wearing a fur jerkin of some kind over male look I have never when it comes to the Viking period specifically there's far more that we don't know than what we do okay so is it plausible yes it's plausible do we have in the editor dance for it no they're the kind of you know types of clothing that we would expect to find his wall basically wool tunics and stuff long kind of going to the knees partha knees and stuff that's the kind of thing you would expect but it's not out of the realms of possibility for something like this and is wearing males male existed amongst the Vikings now when I say Vikings that's like of course you know this repeat the people where early medieval Scandinavians Vikings were the people who went a Viking I get that I fully understand it but also I understand that language is evolving and you just admitted subject for another video still if he's wearing male here and if they're being fully accurate that would be there to represent that he's a fairly wealthy Viking anyway so look I'm not sure we're gonna get through a whole episode because it might just be way too long like you can freeze a frame on a lot of things and break so much down on it so my goal here is just to get enough get conversation you know share my any observations that I find it interesting and we'll see how far we go Pharrell delay of like jerking for a kind of thing a delay a male looks like a gambeson underneath and then some type of braces when the gloves will show the gambeson but thing for now I'm it's probably gonna come up a bit later so we'll see how far we progress sorry well this is some good animation already bad to have another chick sent a grip round shield the shield is like mwah that's about as good as you can get and a helmet skullcap we see an axe right there and the sword like look that the if I was being particularly peaky the the guard I wouldn't go it's not a cross guard cross cars along them but the guard is pretty chunky yet the style of the guard is perfectly Viking purity under stuff then we see a guy with a spear as well okay and it's going off to the side yeah for a kind of jerky mean coat thing over mail again oh good animation good animation right there this guy here with the accent shield he done goofed okay see what happens what watch what he does here so mean harity he kind of ducks under the strike get behind him and this guy he over extends and he's kind of opening his shield up but it's not too much this shoot is still cool at one point there and then he gets fully behind him or in the back yeah he's gone he's gone that's like a deus ex machina save right there somebody I'm looking at the fight scene we can let it slide a bit more but nice boots what this expression top tier animation regarding an anime specifically in rounds of realms of anime especially a TV series anime this is this is pretty good stuff I know there are better of course especially when it's like a anime made to be a movie and they can go all out but for an episode like episodic series this is very good stuff [Laughter] it's got a vase like obviously bullcrap but for the epic kind of fuel this is an action thing they really ever get out I'm onboard I'm fully onboard with it that's awesome I mean the axe blade could only be like that big and then his cut a swath of what that looks like five meters in front of him yeah that's brilliant add three male and everything of course bull crap I get it but obviously this episode is gonna have a bit of a vibe war violence content because violence in the anime and one fight see I when you know anime is adapting something from like medieval history of stuff like yeah I'm more than happy to keep certain classic anime tropes and like the over-the-top action and violence even yeah key like of course slice is a guy right in half Oh straight down and you know the guy doesn't look like is wearing any armor or anything and just like the bike Viking style swords okay I like to call them vans because I've caught not just the Vikings use these types of swords early medieval swords essentially one-handed and stuff they have a bit of heft erm these are solid cutting swords okay they're a bit top-heavy for a reason they're meant to be used with a shield this guy isn't using a shield so look maybe he lost it somewhere along the way it's still what I'm getting at could a Viking sword do that he came down full swing full power if it's the sort of sharp enough I was saying it's possible Oh close-up at the sword oh do you see that pummel right there that is a Viking style pummel a lot like historical references here you go right now to see what I mean about so the attention to detail some animes are going to a case in point Viking style longships yeah 987 ad so this is a that means this is towards more to the end of the Viking period the Normans in France would be very well established and this is not too far ahead of the Norman invasion of Brittany by William the Conqueror okay so how prevalent were the Vikings towards this planet well it was kind of starting to be phased out a bit but the Vikings was so around people going on a Viking I should say so but each other okay that means we have a very direct point reference with this thing with this point like in time we could expect to see Kai shields that would be all right it would be a bit early but because the the big point wouldn't reference Meraki shields we have that is of course the Bayeux Tapestry but we could expect high shields male even some mounted combat and stuff but it's good we have a point in time that there's a set in [Applause] so the axe his holding doesn't really pass or authenticity you if it's meant to be a day in axe it's too way too chunky am too heavy but he picks up a shield oh all right big point to the anime right here okay in so many TV shows especially anime and stuff arrows are fine I just dodged it but in reality like a volley of arrows good luck dodging a volley of arrows and so what do they do here I'm gonna show you what another guy just picks up a dick corpse as a shield to block the arrow fire that's brilliant I love it they picked up a little bit you can always young it's like so interesting there I of course has anyone would be areas in my historical knowledge that are lacking and you know they're the prevalence II and exact use of Viking longships is one of them I know you know some of the fancy features and how they are builded and the advantages that they had and how fast they get all these things and Vikings to my knowledge really did naval engagements naval combat okay the whole thing was to get on land and then fight on land fighting on boats I don't know of a reference where that happened any of you share them in description love to hear so I'm bit dubious on that and that the goatees just book very out of place oh my girl don't we're taking us yoculan sorry kid very anime this guy war just-joan 12 footnote that's that's like 20 foot in the air almost like that super jumps well yeah anime you know he can't avoid us well you could avoid it that guys I'm bloody super you massively of course we saw this / that we saw before this is ramped up to pretty high levels and in the animes defense if you read some of the Viking sagas and the feats that certain Vikings are described to you have been done in these Viking sagas it's almost on a comparable level to the things are seeing in the anime and so if they're just saying we're being accurate to a certain historical Viking sagas alright yeah you know it's the Viking kind of fantasy interpretation of their combat I'm on board I'm happy with it I'm willing to enjoy and accepted knowing of course is bullcrap but yeah I mean you know fantasy fun oh he this guy he's just like he doesn't even weigh a damn thing otherwise jumping alright alright what does action fun the guys is fighting are just standing to be hit I mean that guy kind of raises a sword to a fight it's holding a bow like his own bow and look the sword is a bit chunky here call that's fine and with the rate I'm going I'm not gonna be able to get to the full episode because this video is probably already 15 minutes and we've only got one deal two minutes into the video that already there's there's a lot to break down so this is obviously first impressions kind of thing I can't do a full review but as I what to appreciate already and what we're seeing and yet would there like it was a very cool scene is it going backwards now you just basically slash slash slash through all these guys but kind of steel like we're gonna Basha interesting what is we're hearing can listen my it could have just been you know in wool tunic that's fine their neck and yeah my kings absolutely used bows arrows and stuffing existing with the skin name is everything yeah of course so yeah that's awesome and see what these are like what these guys are wearing very authentic to kind of a special day period wool tunics basically yep spot-on taking them a box yeah Dane axe is too chunky it should be kind of like a bearded axe essentially bonus it's still Dane axe is a fruity yet pronounced it would there tape huh I have a small art connection point on the shaft and they taper out to wider blade this is far too chunky on where it's connected to the the wooden shaft here sorry nasal skullcap yep I mean so we have seen instances of like a weapon chopping through mail like it wasn't there that was super big hit from an axe so I wonder how far they're gonna go with the effectiveness Adama like in what we see here the guy isn't wearing am it's just got like a tunic by the look of its of course played right through the guts but I wonder if they're gonna be doing things like that with mail as well his enemy and we'll see I'd love to see them treat armor the way that arm is supposed to function Virgin Mary so they're not fighting other Vikings here fighting Christians at least like the reason why I'm pausing it at the arrow shot here obviously doesn't down him I won't like it seems like perhaps they're saying the armors wearing is doing something but it wasn't enough to go deep to do serious damage on it we'll find out that's why you should have kept that shield down how I dropped it disarms so yeah Alex do I think the connects boys still shiny but Dana's I'm happy it's essentially all I'm happy they're showing axes so prevalently because if you want to see one of the most common weapons that the Vikings use it wasn't swords it was accident spears absolutely and so we're seeing axes a lot of it that's brilliant fancy move whenever someone fights in combat okay if they're going to combat that are gonna train to do it well and so you could expect types of martial arts to have existed amongst the Vikings absolutely do we have any evidence that no but it's logical okay yeah if they're fighting they're gonna train to do it better and so I like that they're showing this guy he's got moves on him okay he is a good fighter with technical you know advanced trained skill like a move that we see him pull off here very nice is ducks are ducks the the strike grabs him pulling him over the arm like this and just a nice technical martial art style throat poor final execution he went with him I'm sorry I'm sorry the guys wearing like a full male hauberk okay he should be sinking like a rock and is holding a sword is at-at is wearing an anchor and then is holding another anchor in hand and it's just floating there that's bullcrap okay I'm not sure I could even excuse this just cuz I look you're just living like is wearing normal clothes I like a sort of beautiful great shot there but just swimming he should have sunk like a rock and it's clearly like he's basically functioning on a superhuman level so I could have just said look he sings right to the bottom up because it's just so damn tanked he just walks along the bottom of the sea to the shore and is able to hold his breath for however long it takes he say it didn't take too long cause our clothes and stuff that would have been more better the fact that he's just swimming with me on no sorry night so it is walking now maybe he did sink alright so with the amount of commentary that I've been out of pull out just for the first three to four minutes of this not gonna have time to the whole episodes a lot of it I'm gonna jump to the trailer villain side because that means we're gonna get some more sweeping shots of the anime or overall to get an idea of some of the aesthetics that they're pulling from so let's have a look at that quickly just to round off my review of how that what this looks how well this anime looks to be depicting the Viking period essentially the Latin of the Viking period so quarter you're the daughter is shown you I love the shields being used to protect across for the arrow fire it's a what it they're fighting a wooden you know defenses and that wouldn't defense embattlement it was very authentic that's easy a guy doing this massive unit so clearly we've already seen that the heroes in this series are essentially assume humans they ask sorry I'm and it's an anime thing I I'm on board with it I could enjoy this epic heroic kind of tale where the heroes are really heroic in there doing some crazy superhuman stuff but I can I'm on board I could enjoy it and and there's a lot to appreciate about this scene just separate to the superhuman leap I'm yeah Exxon taco night toys so I'm not him oh I have no idea what I'm saying I should probably should've looked up with one subtitle but I probably wouldn't read him anyway I just want me to experience it okay well dark what a night [Music] so it does look like the anime at the animation quality remains fairly consistent through it and this little guy I'm it looks to be the main character and he is just an absolute not not ha ha hang on look at that beautiful yeah all right and the aiya that's very anglo-saxon style Holmen right there beautiful a full be good to see those guys a full beard at some point get rid of that stupid goatee oh we're gonna make some of us money or not in the Sun since Lucas Lucas so I did a good job of the stools is good other knows what it is does Israel skeleton up stuff for dessert I add to this easy I'm a New York hundred this is why I kind of you know did some wink wink and nod nod to the camera whenever I saw something that I was looking a bit like a gamma so now we see something that it definitely a quilted type of you know textile arm a gamble right here okay and the reason why the the winks and nods of the cameras because there's an open kind of debate happening about whether Vikings even had Jemison's and I've already mentioned where I sit on that and I've heard the counter arguments and it was very interesting I don't have the time to go into what perhaps I'll do a dedicated video to share what my further thoughts are after hearing counter arguments to it and stuff like that okay tonight I was gonna sounds a weird looking at hilt for a sword but okay oh very cool very but now when it comes to like a fanciest swords and stuff I'm perfectly on board with them kind of breaking some traditional sword convention design because this is supposed to be a unique do you like iconic distinct sword that was made to be to stand out to be different from the normal type and especially yeah perfectly on board and looks like there's even crosses on there maybe some Christian influence with the design of that one but yeah oh I can't watch till storm I thought it was smooth under a total Seuss - nada we don't know and there we go alright this has been some of my first impressions of Vinland sag we didn't get too far into it because there's all there's a lot to say and if I did a commentary on the whole first episode it'd be like four hours long I think but I gotta say I really liked what I saw like I'm on board I want to watch this now well that's what we're gonna see check out the whole thing because what I did see was brilliant there was some particularly accurate elements in just that like in that just a few minutes we saw there was the respect that they have shown to this point in history and of course it to make yeah I yeah they're not making a documentary they want to make it fun and the action was just over the top that's he's a runner I love it I'm on board that's good so there we go what did you think about what we saw in vidalin sorry if you've seen the whole thing share what your thoughts are in the comment section below really look forward to hearing them reading them and I mean thank you for watching and of course I hope to see you again so until that time [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 379,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinland saga, viking, medieval, middle ages, anime, animation, review, sword, swords, sverd, manga, shield, viking sword, viking shield, for honor, skyrim, game of thrones, goblin slayer, axe, ax, axes, action, the witcher, witcher, berserk, berserker, dungeons and dragons, dnd, d&d, roleplaying, rpg, role, playing, game, video, top 10
Id: i25F1GcevSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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