No One Understands Vinland Saga

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there's this unspoken hall-of-fame when it comes to anime vut many people think can ever be reached again you got your classics cowboy bebop and Evangelion and you got your series that everyone loves like Death Note and Code Geass very very seldom does a new anime show up that busts the doors to this Hall of Fame straight open and seats itself comfortably among the kings we are in what hell of an arrow people we have managed to reach a point where a new king can gaze down their nose at us because today today I want to talk about one of my favorite anime I've seen in a long time an anime that right after watching I immediately rewatched and snuggled into my top 15 anime of all time with ease I want to talk about an anime that aired last year that went under a lot of people's radar because it was only available on Amazon and it's an anime that's far more mature than the generic shown in style that really gets popular and goes mainstream today I want to talk about Vinland saga and I want to tackle it from a completely different angle than I've ever seen anyone talk about it a lot of people just didn't talk about it because it's not one of those hype shouting that's gonna pull in Gillian's of use and be the people that did talk about it are coming from a perspective that well since people that haven't really seen it I can't spoil anything and therefore it's gonna be like a generic recommendation or dope characters dope story oh yeah I just or guys in 17 times you know it's good fam so this isn't necessarily gonna be a recommendation video but it's also not necessarily gonna be a spoiler video I want to talk about the various themes in the series that I think that you can appreciate whether you've seen the show or not if you haven't seen it then I do think that this will get Vinland saga into your must watch list and if you have seen it then I think the subtle things I'm gonna be talking about are going to hit you harder there will be super slight spoilers as far as different characters that are gonna get introduced and different themes that are gonna be approached but I'm not spoiling the final episode and if you saw Vinland saga you know exactly what I'm talking about I've been kind of straying away from anime analysis ish videos recently because even though everyone has their own approach for the most part analyses are attacked from the same direction whereas my me me more personality ish stuff where I get an intraspecies reviewers to be rated the number one anime of all time on my anime list I feel like that's something only I can do so being that a lot of you have been asking me to bring the more analysis style videos back I will do analyses if I feel like no one has talked about it in that way and it's something that I can inject myself into as well right good now if you've seen Finland saga I'm certain you want to read the manga because essentially the first four episodes of Finland saga are a prologue to the full 25 episode season and the full 25 episodes is basically a prologue to the greater story that takes place further where we really see who for Fionn is for finn the protagonist of inland saga is only in the baby stages of his development as far as the anime goes now I have not read all the manga and I will not spoil any of the manga but if you're interested in picking it up I have good news for you this video is sponsored by book Walker book Walker is kadokawa's official eBook manga store with over 14,000 volumes of manga and it is the ultimate go-to place to pick up anything they have a lot of really popular titles that I'm sure you recognize like I don't know maybe in fact you haven't heard of it icon Titan it's a little-known show most people haven't heard of it before they have things like Kona Suba and pretty much anything you can imagine in your wildest dreams today I mostly wanted to talk about why book walkers the goat because of inland saga and they have that entire franchise on there so if you are interested there is a pretty epic st. Patrick's Day sale going on so link to book Walker in the description of the video feel free to hop on over there for the discount on your everyday eBook manga needs that you can read on mobile and on your desktop thanks book walker for sponsoring this video now let's get into the meat and potatoes of Vinland saga i feel like this needs to be said and there's always gonna be someone in the comments that's gonna be like awesome so to cut to the chase the animation direction art style storyboarding and pacing are all absolutely god-tier it's made by which studio the people that made attack on Titan and that anime is I gasm levels of beautiful and they did absolute justice to Vinland saga - alright you're not getting any bargain piece garbage anime adaptation here nah fam this is first-class anime adaptation it's gorgeous and that's aside from everything else we need to be talking about in the video so as a really quick slightly more generic introduction if you're not familiar with the series it takes place in a more Viking esque setting than your average anime we follow the story that actually takes place in history with certain twists I mean Prince Knut was in fact a real dude and he is known in history as a tyrannical ruler so when he's introduced as this shy kid were like uh-oh family what's going on here so it plays into the historical themes of what goes on very very well we tackle the wars going on between England France Denmark and how the Vikings played a role and everything so even from a historical perspective the series is pretty much awesome as well but like any good story we're not following the massive event that took place in these huge wars no we are following characters we are following human beings and their lives and that's what makes this show so fantastic so there are five core characters to Vinland saga there's Thor Fionn the main character ask a lad Thor's Thor kill and Knut and it's these five characters that shape the entire story into what it becomes the series is called Vinland saga because Thor's the father of the protagonist and the biggest mad lad of all time keeps telling his son and the people around him about to this legendary land called Vinland a place where it's forever green where there is no snow where the plains and animals are all of dreamlike quality and it's a land free of war in slavery this became the title of the entire series because the most important theme in the entirety of inland saga and it's something I've never seen anyone talking about before is the idea that Vinland exists and I'm not necessarily talking about Finland because Vinland does not exist but it's the value of the dream of a better future in a different faraway land where some thing can exist somewhere else and that's where things are perfect so we have to strive to make it to that point even if that point doesn't exist now there are some people that believe in this place called Vinland and they're gonna try to find it they're gonna try to create their own Vinland by going there and there are other people that know it doesn't exist but whether it exists or not it doesn't matter it's that dream that dream of a perfect view somewhere even if you know it's false that's enough to pull you out of your deepest darkest moment in Episode two Thor's his family finds a runaway slave from somewhere else and their nurturing him or at least trying to nurture him back to health they fear it's too late and he's about to die and that's when Thor starts telling him about Vinland Thor's is amazing because his character arc spans the entire story even though he's not in most of it the power of his ideals are so strong every character that meets him is completely moved by what this absolute Chad believes why does he tell this slave about Vinland a mystical land with no wars or slavery a land that's green and luscious why does he do any of them he knows the slave is never gonna get to Vinland but even though it's never mentioned in the series and Thor's is the biggest supporter of this Vinland place Thor's doesn't believe it exists either Thor's believes that the ideal of Vinland is far more important than the reality of inland itza now this is the most important theme in the entirety of the series because people are hired to try and assassinate Thor's and it turns out yeah Thor's is the most powerful goddamn warrior of all time this guy is like wrecking people back and forth with his bare hands there's a ship of thirty men he gets on the ship and beats the crap out of all of them when he knocks one into the river he throws him on or so he can hold on to it and float so he doesn't drown this man takes out thirty guys and when their leader later says so uh he beat up all thirty men how many deaths uh none surd is like wait no deaths are you sure did Dee take out again it's unprecedented that someone like Thor's can actually exist and when Thor's beats his opponent in a sword fight and this is an opponent that was trying to kill him mind you he doesn't want to pull the finishing blow and when he says why Thor's you are the strongest warrior I've ever met he said I am NOT a strong warrior if I was a truly strong warrior I wouldn't need to use a sword at all and I don't think he meant kungfu a true warrior someone who can avoid battles not one who charges head fast into them and destroys other people's lives Thor's isn't in the story for the most part but it's his ideals and the impact he has on characters like Thor Fionn and ask a lad that truly crafts one hell of a story for reasons I shall not be queeth now for spoiler reasons orphan and a skill I do not get along orphan in fact joined skyline's little band of pirates because he hopes to become strong enough to best ask a lot in a duel and kill him he wants to kill him in an honourable way also in his own twisted understanding of Thor's ideals to follow in his father's footsteps his father is a noble warrior and therefore he must be one as well he can't slit his throat in the night he has to do it with honor and dignity now the irony behind for Finn's character throughout the entirety of this season of inland saga is in his naive understanding of Thor's his ideals he's doing the opposite of what Thor's would want him to do Thor's wants him to find Vinland the Vinland in his heart obviously not a Vinland in reality he wants him to find this land of luscious peace but due to 'the orphans misunderstanding of what makes a true warrior he thinks he's following his father's ideals by in fact becoming the thing that his father would detest most ask aloud on the other hand is a man of seemingly no morality he's an individual whose backstory is revealed in around episode 20 of the story and while he is a truly horrible individual and a person that you should be scared of he is hands-down my favorite character in the story he is the most complex character I've seen in years and the way the story frames the dynamic between ask lad and for Fionn is also amazing every time for Fionn loses a fight for example and drops his knife in the reflection of the blade as it's falling you see the past you see the twists and turns of his life that brought him to this point and whenever asked a lad is speaking you are looking at him through a camera angle in the corner of the house where you're looking at him ponder through a spiderweb knowing he had he has some really crazy master plan and he's in the center of all the madness that's about to unfold Vinland saga frames its characters in fantastic lights through the visual storytelling giving you more of an inkling into exactly what's going on on-screen when Thor fans knife is falling and he's flashing back to everything that brought him here he's reassessing everything that made him who he is today and when asked a lad is pondering you know that he is the spider in the center of the spiderweb and all of his selflessness is probably a ruse now I'm not gonna spoil episode 24 for very obvious reasons but Escalades finale is one of the greatest in the history of anime and I will always remember ask as one of my favorites but what's really fantastic about ask lad is how he ties into the overall narrative him themes of Vinland saga even better than you would think he would you think he's a glance at a cruel sinister planning individual who with big brain alone is making a huge impact in Tazawa with his wacky strategies and his crazy ideas where he allies with people he actually did tests for personal gain and we'll be happy to discard them later but when you actually see his backstory you realize his character is a lot more ingrained into the thematic presence of villain saga because he's not just an intricate part to the world he's not some antagonistic force that is causing for Fionn to react in different ways and development he's all that and more he as an individual is probably the most important character in the first season of Finland saga and even though I won't spoil his backstory his mother was a slave exported from the land of Wales and she had a miserable she was always ill she was always frail she was mistreated by the Viking that bought her who happens to coincidentally be the father of her son Aeschylus escalade had a tough upbringing as well this guy's called ask a lad which translates to ash and dirt because he was always covered and sucked when he was doing all the tasks that his mother needed to do plus all the tasks that he needed to do and also care for her and try to keep her alive in health but despite the Troublesome environment he was growing up in his mother always had a smile on her face she was always happy for some odd reason until she completely snapped her mental fortitude was astonishing and it's because she would always tell him the story a legendary story about how their great-great-grandfather Artorius the King of Wales the hero that will someday return and liberate them and save their people this king of Britannia will one day come back and save us all we just need to keep hoping and keep believing she put so much faith into artorias the hero who will return she was able to keep up a genuine happy facade even though she was in the worst environment possible it was a story she would tell so often in Escalades words even he started to believe it and he started to gain hope for the hero Artorius is returned if this sounds familiar to you it's because it's the same exact theme as Thor's trying to reach Finland this perfect beautiful bountiful land that does not exist it's a beautiful and also tragic message in this entire story about focusing on something that even though it's not real it can bring you this warmth and happiness and can push you to survive and thrive day to day it can make you a better person and a more positive person even though it in itself is completely false when something was about to happen to his mother and he realized that he had to go and save her and put his life on the line that's in his words when he realized that the hero Artorius was never going to come that is when he cast aside that entire ideal and that is when he became the really cruel vindictive escalade he is today compare him to force for a moment he enforced both had the same idea of some perfect ideal of a future whether it's Vinland or it Sartorius something you can hold on to and something that you can become the difference is once they both grew wise enough to realize that this ridiculously beautiful ideal of a future is fake they took very different routes thor's took the route of hammering in that no it is in fact real even though we wouldn't delude himself perhaps he can delude other people and give them some sort of warmth in their hearts and ask a lad went to the complete other direction and said artorias is not coming he is no hero and I am NOT gonna take his mantle as a hero there are no heroes this led to a life where Thor's built a beautiful family and was surrounded by people that he adored and that adored him even not living in luxury and living as a humble individual and then there was asked Allen a man who was constantly chasing riches a man who was amassing wealth and power the man who became one of the most powerful people in all of Denmark through his conniving alone but this man had no friends this man des tested everyone around him this man had everything yet had less than nothing at the same time that's another reason why the final episode of ask lads character in Vinland saga was so impactful it was the scene where he finally chose something else above himself for the first time and it's a scene where for the first time in his life he was proud of himself and he urged Thor Fionn to go seek out Vinland I could talk about the evil machinations of Aska led for days on end how he would do the most horrible things in the names of other people to get the prince to become a stronger individual this man is self-centered and terrifying and he is no hero now the two other characters that to mention in the story where Knut and Thor kill because they're two other angles on the same premise of course because that's what makes a show amazing Prince Knut to someone who's introduced to the story as a very weak willed lily-livered prince who people confused as a girl and who likes doing things like cooking which is undercover for Prince just breakable yet as the story goes on he begins to realize that he has to really start taking matters into his own hands he comes to this very drastic conclusion of what God is and this state of mind that he puts himself in gives him the wherewithal to gain a tremendous amount of charisma and confidence even though obviously he as a person is still the same person it's only that one little mindset twist that gives him an entirely different quite frankly frightening persona that manages to give him some of the most powerful men holding up his banner behind him while as far as being a king or a prince this change in his mannerisms was definitely for the better on an individual level it's clearly not the case he was a much happier person before he was a much more lighthearted good-natured guy and not some sort of terrifying presence that will become one of the most tyrannical rulers in history he had a priest teaching him all these different ways of God and how to understand God and how to serve God and until this point he knew that God was gonna save the day in the end Messiah was gonna come we have to all be good people sing Kumbaya around the campfire and things are gonna be wonderful and because of this he was shy he was timid and he never really wanted to step out of his comfort zone to do anything but once he saw this war-torn battlefield where people were dying left and right we're his closest comrades met their fates being deceived by other former comrades he came to the really twisted realization that God is not gonna save the day for him he has to take it into his own hands and he's not gonna wait for God to eventually bring them to some sort of paradise he is going to make that paradise cuz God ain't coming fascinating how this lines up very well with the previous two philosophies I just talked about there's the Thora's approach of the land that doesn't exist there's the escalate approach about the hero that will never come and then there's the knut approach of the God that doesn't care again following Canute's new understanding he became a much more terrifying person but lost so much of himself and so much happiness on the way only one who actually seemed to have it figured out in order to make your life more valuable and the people around you happier was thor's the one who may believe he believed in a fake paradise I briefly mentioned these four characters until now without spoiling anything fors oskol ad Knut and Thorin whose absorbing every bit of information he is seeing from these three monoliths and crafting his own twisted understanding of what it all means where he himself needs to figure it out on his journey and finally time to talk about best girl not best girl of this anime no no no not best girl of 2019 no no no no best girl of all time for kill the tall every scene Thor kill is on screen I could not stop salivating this man's confidence at charisma were beautiful he was defending the London Bridge and when the Danes came and said why have you betrayed us and gone to the other side is it for money we'll give you double he's like nah fam I'm not gonna be on the side of a battle that knows they're gonna win hahaha it proceeds to throw logs and boulders at their ships single-handedly annihilating an entire fleet this man is a beautiful man people betrayed an enemy force just because they knew they were gonna be going up against Thor kill to go join Thor kill and then Thor kill wipes out all of them saying how dare you ruin my chances of a fun battle by wanting to join me Thor kill at a hostage and he was ambushed so he released to the hostage to the people ambushing him and then said okay now that we released the hostage let's fight and they're like wait what you want to fight after you released the hostage yeah we figured you could fight at full power if you're not worried about injuring our hostage Thor kill steals the show every moment he is on screen and this man has the pure wholehearted viking philosophy that we begin to start acclimating to in every single Viking show whether it's a show like Vikings or a show like Finland sacks the idea of the greatest warrior that dies on the battlefield gets the better spot in Valhalla the heaven of Heroes this man loves fighting loves killing and he doesn't mind putting himself at risk because if he dies on the battlefield trying his best well then this guy's making it to the top the Viking philosophy is also very fascinating this idea of Valhalla allows these crazy warriors to do even crazier things without worries for repercussion worst thing that'll happen they die on the battlefield which is technically the best thing that could happen it makes these ridiculous battles take place but with smiles on the Vikings faces everyone knows to stay away from Thor kill the tall this guy is a one-man army that people do not think they will ever survive he could throw a javelin across a valley and pierced three enemy soldiers he walks around wielding these two massive battle axes that no one could even get close enough to him to land a scrape on the guy and when they do it'll just make him smile whiter someone tries to stab him so he lets him stab him through his palm so he could grab his hand and just smash him around like a sack of potatoes for ten minutes saying hey you're pretty good Thor kills pure enjoyment of the situation makes him not only one of the greatest anime characters to witness but the best girl in all of anime it's the ultimate passion of megamans explosions but it's every moment of every day when it comes to Thor killed at all and no he's not just a fantastic character because of the sheer badassery he adds to the story it's not because he brings this positive twist on everything and it's not even that he's actually shrewd and intelligent behind the scenes even though he doesn't really need to think that much for what he usually does it's because of the impact this guy has on everything turns out he knew Thor's a while ago they were the two strongest fighters on the Holmes Vikings fleet before Thor's abandoned to start a nice happy life in a much more humble town so our kill was always upset because Thor's was the only man he ever met that was actually stronger than he was when Thor's was abandoning the ALMS Vikings and running away Thor kill actually found him Thor kill actually wanted to stop him Thor's gave him an ultimatum he said either I'll beat you right now or you could join me he could run away with me we could start a new life in some little town and Thor kit was like nothin it attacked him and got clobbered in an in-store kill after many many battles where he's lost fingers and he lost an eye in previous bouts says at one point tooth orphan the only thing in his life that he truly regrets is that he didn't follow Thor is that one day this is the Viking that saw infinite battles that one infinite battles that is gonna get 1l of a spot in Valhalla that was all within his grasp but the one impossibility is turning back time following Thor's because Thor has found the true way to be a warrior and even if you look at all these other Vikings that believe in going to Valhalla their belief in Valhalla gives them the high they need to pick a good fight but at the same time when going up against a monster like Thor kill that they know they're gonna lose opponents just snap in front of it they completely get mental breakdowns when they see this giant monster approaching why do they care they'll fight the strongest warrior and if the strongest warrior kills them in a valley in battle then they'll get a high place in Valhalla is it that they don't believe enough is it that they are just deluding themselves into believing it so that they can have an excuse to pillage plunder and cause terror while they're believing in Valhalla their lives are happier they are proud of their achievements they're proud of what they do and they don't have remorse for killing opponents on the battlefield because you're welcome I killed you you're going to heaven it's only once their belief in their religious understanding of life wavers that's when they lose their mind Thor kill is so powerful that him backing Prince Knut at one point gave the Prince so much political power because no one wants to go up against Thor kills me or 500 men no matter how many they have on their side this Thor Kilvert all this fall of passion and energy that I honestly would love to give a hug if top 10 characters I want to give a hug to for kill number 1 also top 5 anime cuddle buddies if I get a body pillow which I'll probably never do because yes the weed life is great but it's sometimes kind of cringe but if I do mark my words Thor kill will be my first choice ok this man is beautiful he is a beautiful man and top-10 waifu's in the history of anime damn do I love this dude and even though he's so powerful and he has everything that any Viking could even dream of having he is still regretful that he did not follow Thor's that one day the human mind is fascinating the psychology behind this show fits perfectly for each individual character and for how they ended up acting the rest of their life Thor kill with a wide smile is entering every single battle destroying countless enemies having a great time but there's always that resentment that he never joined Thor's and that one possibility of becoming a true warrior Thor is living his whole life he was happy his children loved him his wife loved him the people around him loved Thor's head a humble life where he was slowly but surely creating his own Vin ask a lad despite having riches beyond his wildest dreams at certain occasions and he was loved by all the girls in the village that he lived in and had the undying support of everyone around him he detested them all he detested everything about who he was and what was going on around him I feel like the only moment in his entire life that he truly found happiness was in episode 24 of Vinland Saga Knut became an entirely different person than the person he was growing up it definitely benefits him in this ridiculous political environment he finds himself wound up in but in the end of the day it's not like it's making him a happier or a better person and then there's Thorin the character that grows from the entirety of the situation around him a character that for the longest time is a dog of Aska lads accomplishing in Escalades name as much as he can to gain enough brownie points to challenge him to a duel where he could kill him for Fionn is the lost puppy of Vinland saga and not at all the driving protagonist of the story at least not in the anime the entire anime is just shaping up what for Fionn wants for the future and how thor Fionn will regard this personal Vinland and it will be the saga of how he finds or does not find again I've not fully caught up in the manga but all the people I know that read the manga praise it to high heaven saying that we didn't even get the best art in this season and it was still so phenomenal I'd like to book Walker in the description if you want to pick it up but the beauty is the mindset of each of these characters that is so changed by how they're regarding their idealistic unrealistic future is also completely different depending on where they put themselves in their mind - it's not just about your belief system or you deluding yourself into believing things or whether you're telling other people things even if you know they're not true Eska lad and King Sweyn had a very interesting conversation the first time they met the King said to ask a lad before I became the ruler of Denmark I had so many noble ideas I was gonna save the world I was gonna do amazing thing I had the people in mind first and foremost I was a selfless individual and then he put the crown on his head and all of a sudden he no longer was able to obey his own wishes he was no longer able to be the selfless person he was before he was completely being mind-controlled by the crown once the crown was on his head he didn't use the crown to command the crown used him to commit it's a completely different perspective and a completely different understanding of human nature depending on the position you are in at any given point in time if you regard yourself as a hero you will be that role model to everyone around you if you regard yourself as the king then everyone around you is just beneath you and then there's a scale at the counter to King Sweyn who completely dropped the facade of being the hero artorias that all the legend said would eventually come someone who's able to look the king in the eye and say how could such a beautiful crown rest upon such an ugly face now even though I'm interpreting this story in a way that the story is saying alright guys look ask a lad total bummer of life Knut unhappy prick for kill regrets following Thor's Thor Finn just barely getting his act together now but was a total nutcase for the entirety of the show the only guy who actually had it figured out was Thor's right and the answer to that is no while Thor's is painted in that light and how he impacted everyone if you actually take a look at how things ended up for Thor's well in regards to himself it didn't go exactly how idealistic Lee he planned it the goal and if you look at his son and what happened to him even the people closest to Thor's aren't people that we're completely safe snuggled into this perfect idealistic Vinland world worked for a bunch of years he had a lot of years of happiness and love things didn't just sail smoothly after that Vinland saga is a show that after you learn about every single character it makes you ponder makes you ponder what the right path you're supposed to be taking is this is why I love anime this is not just brutal badasses beating the bejesus out of each other there's so much more going on behind the scenes so yeah this is a video where I was tackling all of that you're right I wasn't spoiling any bits of plot because I didn't even need to talk about the plot hell yeah this is how you analyze the show sorry I'm just patting myself on the back here a little bit because I'm trying to get back in the vibe of doing more occasional anime analyses every once in a while you guys have been requesting them a lot and I want to do them right but here's where Vinland saga becomes the goat everything I've mentioned so far it's preparing you for what you're about to hear what is the right approach to Finland what is the right approach to a dream what is the right approach to an ideal the answer is drumroll please [Music] everything we saw in this show was the wrong approach to an ideal if you look at the results on what happened to everyone that no one was left with the perfect idealistic mindset that we should try to adopt in our lives because Vinland sagas not telling you how to think fiddling saga is not telling you how to feel finland saga is telling you the story of thor Fionn a character who for the first 25 episodes and the prologue of his entire life was hit dead-on by these four really powerful figures Thor's escalade Thor kill and Knut and he now has to pick and choose and figure out his own path forward his own way where he can tackle his ideals and create the Vinland that his father so badly wanted to find fors is a character who relied so much on this ideal even though he wasn't real he almost lost track of reality and when it was time for reality to slap him across the face it slapped him hard then you have a character like escalade who so badly did not want anything to do with any form of falsehood and stayed in 100% realism mode he hated the people around him even though things were materialistically looking up for it's all about that blend fam but as glad and Thor's despite being polar opposites for the majority of the story actually had one pretty major similarity one really huge thing that they had in common that really hits home exactly what you're supposed to be taking away from villain side right before their character arc was about to end they both made some sort of sacrifice that I won't spoil in order to save someone that they cared about and that was the only time that they truly found this peace with themselves now force was always at beast with himself that was never the issue but if you really think about it as Collider is always at peace with himself - they both liked who they were despite having ridiculously opposing ideals but in both of their final moments of screen time they found that balance they found that balance of realism and idealism the really beautiful message that Vinland saga is trying to teach us is a message that we all really can incorporate into our everyday life it's the blend it's not a matter of disregarding reality because reality will catch up to you and it's not about living in fantasy for very much of the same reason but at the same time without any ideals it will eat you and that selfless Thora's moment and that selfless escalade moment for just the briefest amount of time Escalade became the hero artorias and Thor's sent his child off to live a happy life in Finland it's all about creating that ridiculous impossible ideal because even though you won't be able to make it 100% of the ridiculous impossibility of the nature of Vinland let's say only make it 75% way let's say you're not a full hero that saves a million people but you're only 75% of a hero and you save seven hundred and fifty thousand people if you strain yourself really hard to reach an unrealistic goal you could still reach a realistic goal at your highest potential making videos on YouTube you think I ever imagined to hit a million subscribers we can all do so much more than we even begin to imagine and it's not just about setting that bar high and it's not just about these unrealistic ideals that we have to live with in our mind at all times Finland saga is not a story about waiting for the hero Artorius to finally arrive finland saga is a story about becoming the hero artorias finland saga is not a story about finding the mystical land of inland finland sagas the story about building your own personal Vinland finland saga is not about what's real or what's not real finland saga is about what's making what's not real real finland saga tells you that you can only truly find your Heights when you blend idealism and realism and keep pushing it one step further it doesn't matter whether there's a crown on your head or whether you're shackled as a slave it doesn't matter the position you're in and that's not what makes you who you are sometimes that causes you to have different responsibilities but it doesn't make you a different person you have to find your ideal you and it's not the chain around your neck that's gonna command you and it's not the crown that's upon your head that's gonna tell you right from wrong it's what's in your mind and what's in your heart this is a story about politics Vikings and a kid with massive anger management issues and it crafted one of the most beautiful stories I've seen in the longest of times this is why for me Finland saga has entered the realm of the anime kings this is why Finland sagas easily in my top fifth anime of all time this is why you should watch Finland saga if you haven't already and why you should pick up the manga if you haven't read it yet I once again truly appreciate book Walker for sponsoring this video link in the description to the site where you could pick up tons of different manga including Finland saga where you could become the best that you can be in an epic battle but a NAPA wait wrong anime hope you enjoyed this video really glad I got to put it together there's so many more things I wanted to mention about Vinland saga that I couldn't without spoiling so here you go fam an anime analysis and it's long and it's intense and it's deep as promised it happened again subscribe for future ones and let's just say I'll start working on another anime analysis video if you get this video to over 50,000 likes so hit that like button subscribe if you're interested in future anime shoes and memes as well as me trolling everyone because I'm bored sometimes it happens I apologize I genuinely love you guys I'll try to be your Vinland if you can be mine have yourselves the most wonderful evening and remember to stay weird fam [Music]
Channel: Nux Taku
Views: 524,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, vinland saga, anime, memes, anime memes, Nux Taku anime, Nux Taku memes, anime king, anime compilation, anime funny, anime flexes, anime fights, anime 2020, anime new, best anime ever, biggest flexes in anime, Gigguk vinland saga, King of anime
Id: oGbR4uy4dA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 41sec (2081 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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