[Vinesauce] Vinny - Prison Simulator

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[Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] i assume this will be a game the duck button would be very useful for if i gave a fuck hi welcome everybody to prison simulator someone just said trash bin please that could be the name of this segment the trash bin hi everybody uh you're here early so am i if you're joining then you have you have nothing else to do i guess i've had some computer woes over the past day and a half and uh i'm hoping my gpu doesn't explode as it did during halo we'll see that's a long story i got into it in a past stream you'll see in the future um someone said why this now i don't know so it's prison simulator um it looks like it'll be one of those things it's made by the people who made bum simulator [Music] and uh do you ever see the game hard time yeah well it reminds me of that they sent me a key for this and it looked like oh boy boy did it look like uh something is this what happens when you get a twitch dmca this is what happens when you play gta on stream yes well anybody uh anyway everybody any anybody out there let's watch let's play uh we'll try the basic mode name your prison okay name your prison um who are prison i like yeah chat jail is good you can choose the appearance of your convicts randomize all sounds nice um so albert jones um [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] oh my god oh this is gonna be a fucking nightmare uh yeah this is gonna be one of those things isn't it hmm [Music] hang on a minute [Music] oh my god oh my god this why would someone make this video game john zuckerstein did he make facebook i know there's a way to customize the appearance because that's one of the things i saw it was like the oblivion creator you could make like goblins [Music] pretending to be a grandson to elderly people is this dude's crime edward deckard [Music] what pretending to be a replicant it's next to appearance huh where do you see that add a new skin to the game oh use generator let's let's see oh here we go now we can make some clowns get a t-pose i don't understand what i'm looking at here [Music] modify face [Music] yes very good [Music] literal clowns [Music] this is one of the weirdest creators [Music] remember this dude is pretending to be a grandson [Music] i mean i never would have guessed [Music] there we go there we go [Music] very beautiful man this is a nice man [Music] they were like you know what let's just let's just have them create whatever they want it doesn't matter [Music] just whatever they want it's fine [Music] whatever they want they can create oh no that's my grandson yes definitely very very nice i i couldn't tell the difference nope [Music] no i couldn't i nope no couldn't couldn't tell no no no no no this this is a nice young lad i took care of me groceries [Music] oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what am i what am i done oh my god okay okay um [Music] how do i just get a regular texture for like a human face is there a way i guess that's as close as i'm gonna get [Music] oh yes that that's my grandson i i didn't know it wasn't looked just like him [Music] i think it's just fascinating that you get to do all of this there's going to be eyes on the side of his face that's fine [Music] that's fine image tint or you can make some real goblin looking motherfuckers [Music] there's like a face within a face [Music] would you want to add this prisoner yeah there he is [Music] i'd have fought at the cattle cat cruelty all right i'm gonna have to uh make a new character here [Music] there we go i'll make a couple custom prisoners should we maybe do uh [Music] like a goblin let's do a goblin like we sent a goblin to prison for cat cruelty [Music] [Applause] okay so far so gob all right um well the first way you can do it is uh there we go now we have like gob ears very nice [Music] see what else can i do here that's that's pretty gobliny so far [Music] have you heard of the high elves [Music] how's that chat i think we i think we're good yeah so i'm gonna change the name of this dude to gob lin [Music] now that's a goblin that's a goblin voice all right um so how do we lock this okay so you're locked we got deckard who's locked helmet more all right helmet we can do uh what did he do breaking into a museum [Music] breaking into a museum it's a shame i can't just like randomize entirely from here i just want to randomize all of this [Music] okay i don't need an overlay mask of you know someone's [Music] someone's face i'll make this dude [Music] like uh yeah something like that looks nice i vote for a clown next well [Music] too bad vinnie's not live for this says a chat member okay well it's too bad uh vinnie's not live for this well already really good looks like phil spector a little bit [Music] mixed with like someone from gorillas [Music] already already it's beautiful [Music] i don't think i want to fuck around with this one too much more i like this one i like this one it's the nft monkey oh that's so good wait what happened to my what no [Music] that's not who i created oh [Music] man i used a different mo oh maybe i had to [Music] i created like this guy [Music] press save uh [Music] change the body i don't know how to do that [Music] are you on a shirt are you sure you want to make this prisoner no it seems like you can't really because it's like [Music] you gotta kind of you gotta work with what you're given [Music] oh change the body right [Music] well you can do this right and then you can also see oh i see how this works it's fucking weird this isn't ideal but [Music] uh i can't really um do exactly what i want here see i would like to use this right there whatever man all right um what's this character's name chat he caused a fatal accident i thought we were gonna have breaking into a museum but no bunga how about billy fuck balls that's a classic [Music] richard larson participated in a fight i thought it would be larceny okay um appearance [Music] holy shoot boy yeah [Music] okay we can do some good work here i'm gonna keep the model as is and i'm just going to um clownify why why does it look like this i mean we can we could always do something like that [Music] you know we can like um [Music] clown it up a little bit [Music] because the texture is mis-scaled [Music] yeah that's true why is it miss scale though did anyone develop this game [Music] how about that chat that's pretty good right i like how the neck bones protrude from the um the garb [Music] scoot or clown face um i think maybe you could we could try to make a scoot of some kind [Music] i like that it's all right [Music] this is just tragedy [Music] it looks like a fucking skyrim mask [Music] i like this character this is i think we're good on this one punished kojima do you want to add this prisoner [Music] i'm not going to call him kojima but kajumbo [Music] that works poaching okay joseph smith wait a minute [Music] let me see i i'm gonna try to upload a skin hang on a minute let's see what i can do here i'm gonna go into my meme folders just give me a second where the fuck is my desktop from this this is like very crude [Music] alerta uh i know i have uh where where's my where's my meat and you have to like change the name of it too so you know what would be best [Music] i'd actually have to like make a new folder but i am curious to see if it would work um is there a way to minimize a full screen game [Music] make dorslessness just alt enter oh yeah that'll do it okay so i'm just going to type meat meat worm i just want to see maybe it'll work maybe it won't [Music] and there's a good picture of meat right here and i'm going to put that into meat folder and i'm gonna throw animal crossing scoot animal crossing sorry bear with me everybody i found a good image of scoot that we could use [Music] and we'll try that i don't know if this is gonna work this game is jank in the face editor you can upload a picture of me okay [Music] upload skin [Music] um upload image meet well the scoot one didn't work this isn't going be as as good as we want it to be chat because you still have to [Music] you know you still have to line it up like i'll make the meat one but it's it's gonna be a nightmare [Music] you see what i mean like you have to find the perfect face green meat and that doesn't look great [Music] i don't think there's a way oh my god i just [Music] i just something else isn't it [Music] it's like meat on top of another human face at least meat voted right that's nice [Music] no the tint isn't isn't gonna do it any favors i don't think i don't know how to like get rid of the tint now close the dude's eyes okay but [Music] oh fuck [Music] yeah the tint has ruined the meat [Music] not like this already wasn't a complete shit show [Music] close close the dude's eyes let's try that [Music] someone said what kind of ungodly flesh academy is this have you heard of the high elves welcome to cyrodiil companion [Music] [Music] this is the jankiest shit [Music] i mean there's some there's something meat-ish [Music] could do that [Music] and then just flatten the face as much as possible [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] that's not really helping is it [Music] [Applause] it's like a meat like i mean the thing about it is it's almost meat-ish in the in the smile and the pain there's a lot of pain [Music] [Music] oh my god oh no oh it's so bad [Music] like how the the sideburns don't oh eyeballs cool the sideburns don't attach to the face they knew what they were doing with this editor [Music] they knew they knew i guess we'll just get the meat tint oh i got the meat sweats [Music] john meat why did they add blinkable ears don't question the ways of this game kenneth pretzel has broken into apartments [Music] hmm pretzel eh eh you know [Music] i'm just gonna go for uh face fuckery uh that didn't sound right [Music] [Music] imagine being the musician who made the song for the editor and then finding this video would your face be like this or would it be like this this now is a star wars creature this is the thing from the cantina it's a celestia right a celestion [Music] nope i'm not the vagineer [Music] oh oh no oh no [Music] it's i think it's more the lack of symmetry that's making me uncomfortable right now [Music] and not the giant mouth vagina definitely not that [Music] cool well pixar if you need a new mascot [Music] let's not talk about the tongue and teeth [Music] hmm thanks [Music] [Music] you get some good cheek pouches here i don't want to fuck with the width of the face too much [Music] someone said can't wait for him to eat food [Music] that's nice you know what yeah i like that that's good [Music] i don't want to do that to the to his ears [Music] do we even does he even need ears no i don't think so [Music] what's this character's name something pretzel what's the what's the jesus pretzel oh someone was just saying jesus like they were surprised i'm going to call him jesus pretzel stealing a purebred dog [Music] you can't do that what are you fucking crazy stealing a purebred dog you know how many years you can get for that [Music] game store robbery that's what i'm talking about [Music] i'm gonna um see if i can point this to a folder so i can get um a good i got the the thing now i'm gonna see i'm just loading random images so whatever they are i don't know not this one give me a second here chad i got something like this could work [Music] i mean it could just be a face tattoo right what a shame that this texture application is such a fucking mess this could be so much more fun do i still have the ai generated hogs of course why would i get rid of those [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] erio i don't even like the texture i'm not trying to make sponge i'm just trying to like use the texture as like a starting point for fun really i think we have accomplished exactly that [Music] [Music] you know what that's good this is a nice collection of sleep paralysis demons you've you've created thanks what's this guy's name erio irio rodriguez perfect jason dunkle all right let's see what we can do with jason dunkle all right that wasn't sponge that was dish rag hell yeah it's him i'm gonna try to find [Music] some uh some interesting images here [Music] this is another mario image oh my god let's see [Music] uh well i i found my face [Music] [Music] i mean it looks like complete shit [Music] me that is but you know [Music] you're not gonna be able to really like really do much with this but um i'm gonna stick with it as a starting point because it really is like extremely cursed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's good all right mouth is done [Music] what was this dude's crime drugs he's the sus man [Music] no i don't know about drugs from this guy no [Music] you wouldn't trust this guy [Music] now would you trust him how about now he's like a flying squirrel like he can puff out his cheeks so that he can glide to the ground yeah i think that's pretty good [Music] yeah we can add that prisoner what's this guy's name [Music] gaper no [Music] jungle wait jungle dunkle all right olaf gordon well that's easy we'll stick with olaf um hmm [Music] no we can't hold off the whole face unfortunately [Music] all right no problem we'll just we'll create an original character then i'm going to look for an image that we can use as a starting point as always well not as always but you know for a couple of these we can do that uh let's see how far back what the fuck is this image [Music] nothing nothing that would work [Music] oh this no it's just weird like texts like here here's one have you ever seen this like how the bird's tongue wrapped wraps around its skull [Music] so this dude can have a tattoo of like like it's educational you know what i mean like this is just educational [Music] this can't be real said some i don't know i don't know if it is it could be i i uh this is an image that i found [Music] i like that [Music] wait what is that is that the t is that teeth did they not like draw the teeth properly [Music] if only i wanted to make this dude's uh skin like olaf but i can't do that so we're gonna go for like uh a deep like purple [Music] i can increase the uh the contrast that's pretty cool [Music] i'm okay with that we gotta have a couple people that look somewhat normal um i'm gonna call this olaf bird birdo olaf birdo [Music] okay so animal cruelty john zuckerstein i'm really just gonna have one like normal ass looking prisoner [Music] it won't be this dude though use generator all right um see if i can find a decent image but i think uh i'm getting to the point now where maybe it's better not to use the images this is just i found just a towed image [Music] but it's lumpy from the star wars holiday special [Music] let's see if i can get it any better than that wow [Music] i think i can do even better if i just make it a little [Music] [Music] what do you think of that i don't even have to do very much [Music] i think it just works [Music] i think it just works i'm gonna close the left eye though or the right eye sorry if possible i don't know if you can i think the eye blink uh it doesn't matter it won't be there anyway [Music] saying do some some subtle face dancing so this was oh in dune i'm reading about um a face dancer who can change his face what the hell's his name cybok um saitail yes that's the character's name this is him i think this is fine [Music] i have a good name for this character too scy scitel is that how you spell it chat if anyone's read june cytobacca all right how about cybaca that's better sasibaka no no no no no no no no we need someone with a beard breaking into bank accounts this dude was do [Music] okay [Music] see [Music] now this one this one could work [Music] i'm gonna surprise you with this one i think [Music] [Music] oh that's all the way tinted okay we can't do that that's okay then we can just do that [Music] the lowest quality image of shrek [Music] i mean it's a similar snarl to the other character so i'm gonna have to figure out something unique [Music] we don't want pointy ears because then that's very goblin that's pretty that's pretty unique i think it might be hidden by the beard though [Music] yeah you can see the teeth through the beard i'm just gonna call this guy um shrek sorry meth shrek robbery assault with fatal outcome this prisoner um okay [Music] keep him normal no not yet no we don't we don't need any any normal prisoners yet [Music] i found an interesting uh image [Music] it's like a dude with a fetus in his brain [Music] these dudes have sick face tattoos [Music] [Music] there's not like when you do something like this there's really not a whole lot that you can do with the face itself you just have to let the tattoo speak for itself you know you can make the eyebrows bulge a little bit [Music] yeah get those eyeballs moving [Music] [Music] it's like the scream [Music] [Music] [Applause] we just need to do a little bit more with the eyes [Music] [Music] i can't wait to see these people like like do things in the game i i have no idea what that's even gonna look like um i'm gonna name this dude i need i need help with this one pog [Music] i'm looking remulon how about rem remulon pog [Music] wow this seems so quaint in comparison actually i can i can uh fix billy fuck balls hang on [Music] [Music] sometimes you need a dude just like this you know just just simple maybe we just leave them we just leave billy fuck balls like that that's fine [Music] wow how far we've come oh god these people are amazing [Music] okay uh remember the voice it's randomized anyway breaking into a museum [Music] now there there will be one one normal dude no this we're gonna the customization is gonna be the best part of this game guaranteed make his face beans i i can't the problem with the image selector is that it's just the name of the image and not like you can't see it so i have no idea what images like for example look at the one i just chose can you tell what that is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is that the the football man with the mask that became a funny meme [Music] um [Music] oh it's this dude from that one e3 presentation [Music] let's see try again [Music] i don't know if this would make for a good tattoo yeah that was naoki move your body priebly that was him [Music] i'll find something interesting in a minute [Music] oops all tarantula eggs no it's not that one you know sometimes there's religious imagery [Music] in uh people get tattooed in prison [Music] it's warrior [Music] okay i want the the top to be more or less intact but how do we how do we get something different because i mean you could just max out sliders and you get something great but how do you really get something unique out of this is my question that's pretty good so far [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay okay [Music] [Music] that's gonna be fun to watch this prisoner eat [Music] nice [Music] we can just have it like the nose sinking into the black hole that is the mouth is that tongue i think that might be a little bit of tongue yeah [Music] question do we make a mouth portal what do you think chad should we should we leave it like that or close the mouth portal the sphincter section leave give a mouth portal all right well i think we need we need that for the glory hole so we'll just leave that there that's good [Music] this be a dick sucking place [Music] cool ears nice nice ears you know what you you get the honor of the nice ears [Music] we will add this prisoner um breaking into um s sphinct [Music] sphinct [Music] uh [Music] sphincter i don't know man i don't know stealing a purebred dog again i can't have that oh no no no we don't possession of pirated software yes sure [Music] [Music] someone with glasses would be nice [Music] this time i'm not going to do the weird picture color thing this time i'm just going to modify the face i mean i'm done [Music] i mean it's kind of smiling at least that's nice [Music] [Music] [Music] good enough man that's fine that's good do you want um i'm gonna call skull [Music] face now skull fell off is his skull it come off felt fell off i'm gonna spell the skull normally because that's gonna bother me otherwise i'm gonna read that as skull how about skull fell off like that and then that's good [Music] all right possession of games from an illegal source um [Music] let's see that's illegal you know [Music] let's see what fun what fun things we can do here [Music] what's this fun image [Music] nothing special [Music] should i [Music] when is it on sale yeah god i wish i knew [Music] um it was supposed to be like three weeks ago but [Music] do we have anyone who's red like this red i don't think so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] why is this so amusing still [Music] [Music] can we do that i guess we can kind of do that sure mouth open as if it needs to be open any further holy fuck [Music] you can't even see the fucking vine shroom anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's like the omega lol sorry lol [Music] but why do they give you goblin ears like why is that an option i'm fine with it it's it's a good option but like why i don't i don't know yeah we can add this prisoner um [Music] red vineman [Music] and finally um i guess the one normal prisoner will be trevor svenson who was broke into the prime minister's house [Music] all right [Music] gang creator [Music] randomize all i'm fine with randomized so we can we can do um oh we can do uh that [Music] okay so the name of this gang will be the the burbs this will [Music] be um [Music] finger fucks finger cock swoops [Music] and um the skull fucks could you believe skull fell off is not a part of the skull fox [Music] keep finger cucks why are you doing this to me chat you know what trevor is a part of a gang that cannot be trevor will be the only one not part of a gang [Music] holy christ on a fucking cross it's been an hour and seven minutes and i haven't even played the game yet [Music] again these people made or either just made or published a bum simulator which i also played which was a disaster and a nightmare of a game whoa what was wrong with his eyes and i didn't even customize that person yeah rock and roll music carry out the routines assigned to you for the day journal value to other guards and prisoners affects your level of respect your free time you can relax and play mini games you're the new correctional officer i got no i got this whistle whistle i want to see my prisoners is that like diablo 2 12 string music i'm kenneth your new warden nice to meet you how are you feeling no i'm good sir mark it on your map do your routine do your duties that's all any questions when do we get paid every day you report the better you do the more you get paid questions about raises will be ignored i'm good [Music] get some sprunk eating restores hp don't think i need food just yet i'm here to examine the prisoners i want them to line up like that scene in clockwork orange can you smoke cigarettes when you're on duty in a prison is that a thing attendance check check attendance sq entrance press q to count them down find out why he's not cooperating react to prisoners who are not behaving okay oh god hmm you why aren't you at roll call i don't feel too good yeah no shit you don't i'll let the duty doctor know then i know it's the matter i'll be okay in a moment i just need to lie down for a bit fine but we'll keep an eye on you i'll mark you present thanks a screw with a heart is a rare sight that's one all right cybaca there's a fire already i just got [Music] here billy fuck balls can you take care of that [Music] event fight if a prisoner does not stick to the rules he should be punished you need to pacify him with a night stick or taser select the walkie-talkie go to an aggressive person choose the available punishments oh my god oh my god you can't kill but you can pacify a problematic prisoner [Applause] billy fuckballs i swear to god you asshole i found cola status legal all right fine you can have your cola trying to do roll call you fuckers i could eat some bacon and eggs um i can't click this prisoner shrek i'm trying to do roll call what it's even worse with the fucking weird language so i pressed q right so i press q there's trevor i'm not locked in here with them they're locked in here with me says the only one who doesn't have some kind of like freakish face and tattoo and isn't in a gang all right shrek you're accounted for remulon pog you're accounted for my ass is itchy he says billy fuckballs you should be sent to solitary but i'll let you i'll let you go this one time edward deckard my very first prisoner you're doing great goblin just a regular old goblin nothing to see here punished could jumbo [Music] erio rodriguez i'm not uh there's a repeat jungle dunkle okay olaf birdo you know what all right olaf birdo you're accounted for um sphincter skull fell off and red vineman bro call roll call has been completed okay i can do some side quests you earn money and gain respect check the map and you can find mini games i'm sure the mini games in this game are as quality as the actual i game the door before that prisoner could get back to his cell [Music] no pissing while i'm on duty [Music] is this i'm sorry is this pillow legal that's not being hard [Applause] oh we found some joints i'm gonna take those for myself hmm nice toilet joints it didn't take long to start stealing joints wait um is there the target practice can i smoke the feed you can scrap it i want to eventually sell it maybe lock unlocked at level six welcome to the shooting range here you can relax by shooting relax you say [Music] so how does this stack up to battlefield shooting yeah maybe even slightly better look at all this relaxation we're doing in our free time now that is some relaxation [Music] can't do other weapons until later hit skull yeah brother skull you uh my health is okay i don't think i need to drink some sprunk routine package search you have to search for contraband john meat package pick up an item and inspect it by rotating it [Music] [Music] seems okay [Music] mmm risotto seems okay no shanks in there bend a knee hey bend the knee [Music] what the fuck is this a needle i'm securing that anti [Music] zarza phonics have you ever needed some treatment for your tsar's athonics and you just didn't know well get some anti zarzathonics it heals everything there's 30 sea souls here wow it's like grove street games did the textures on this one heels air thing [Music] okay john meats package is good now this is the unchecked so this is checked john meet okay the boy with the unicorn tattoo contrary to popular belief larum ipsum is not simply random text it has roots in a piece of classical latin literature from 45 bc [Music] what comic sans who uses comic sans but buy this book anyway please the publisher jahan langer a scion of one of the wealthiest families in the world disappeared all this time the whole three days later his aged auntie decided to seek the truth for her own she hires lisa bloomrose an annoying but young and ambitious journalist to investigate the mysterious disappearance she's aided by the good-looking and tattooed boy robert salamander together they tap into a vein of unfathomable crime and waste of good weed i kind of want to just like take that book and throw in the fucking trash anyway lon palito for broken heart and other heart problems okay apple candies seems legit [Music] there's going to be a rat in the risotto at some point all right begrudgingly i have to say this package is fine for the shrek fella jungle dunkle how i escaped from my prison by t jones story of a young man who's prisoner of his own mind how could he defeat his own demons how he defeat his own demons can you escape from yourself very inspirational it is great for every crazy fire free for i mean for every person with head problems oh just buy it great guide for the ones whose bodies are their cages [Music] funny hey there's no wheat in the apple candies pure pudriddin 40. nothing in there clear [Music] clear cybaca [Music] nothing weird in there more escape from mind prison it's fine it's mind prison not real prison so it's okay chicken tits what deluxe chunk chicken tits in water you can't you can't do that you can't sell this product [Music] they're chicken boobs they're not chicken britson's premium organic anti-hair loss shampoo the future of your hair is bright it is written in the stars no sls no para parabens no harsh chemicals mr woods do you there okay this is fine aside from chicken tits which is not okay absolutely no terpenes [Music] there's absolutely no terpenes there's absolutely no preservatives no antifreeze no motor oil absolutely no [Music] and i glycol to go home with a joint all right hang on a second here wow i will say the creator was funnier than this but who knows maybe more interesting things will have listen it's it's no hard time which is a classic but hard time can you create goblins yes kind of with mods oh we're going to work in the workshop okay meth shrek you're coming with me no you i think someone shit themselves excuse me i'm gonna have to search for contraband can you get off the toilet how long have you been pissing for all right you're coming with me you're coming with me good jumbo i'm leaving you here okay we need one more prisoner all right good assembly lads it's time to work [Music] i've never seen a finer group of prisoners in all my years working in this fucking godforsaken nightmare of a prison this is the nexus between dimensions where everybody this dies and someone needs to be punished [Music] you will be punished for your unacceptable behavior huh the penalty of isolation you're being transferred to solitary maybe you could think about your behavior there okay i don't know how to choose choose which prisoners will go to the workshop i don't know how to do that now i know how to do that i mean i skipped all the tutorials so of course you know i mean this is my fault i grumped it on purpose you're here fast [Music] excuse me [Music] i'm good no i'm good [Music] oh then me [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh man oops sorry i was muted because i had a uh oh god i had a sneeze that was so loud i muted myself you could have imagined my commentary it was the usual [Music] i kinda wouldn't mind if edward deckard got set on fire [Music] vinnie we heard that sneeze oh there was another one there was another one i know why it got weird because i pressed the wrong button on the steam deck why aren't you working break time can i rest a little [Music] get back to work it's bleeding pretty bad stop whining okay fine [Music] is this how ikea furniture is made well i mean yeah when the goblins are working at maximum capacity i like how the goblin is on the machine that's very appropriate [Music] do you know carpentry no thoughts i'll get lost already oh come on hey don't take petty revenge on me we're supposed to be professionals here [Music] [Music] no one's gonna stop this [Music] okay i guess i deserve that [Music] task complete [Music] i guess um it's time to work out oh we can play darts [Music] i bet there's so much fun oh look donut stereotype not wrong it's a contraband inside this toaster [Music] didn't we just get into a fight [Music] contrabread darts is not available that was a fucking lie i i so desperately wanted to see my prisoners eat you can play darts in this maybe you have to unlock it another dunkle he's going to tell us how to do um tug of war in the most efficient way possible oh yeah it's like yeah it's like san andreas uh-oh too fast did you see sonic and monster hunter rise they included the butt rock they included tails as a palette palomute sonic is the cat and you can wear like a sonic fursuit as your character in monster hunter they even put rings in the game is this real go type sonic monster hunter rise if you don't think this is real [Music] and you can even like again the song is the one from that one game that we meme about well that's there's like a lot of sonic songs that get memed rihanna man that character creation tool showed so much promise this is where they should just have it be like a janky on purpose i don't know like again hard time comes to mind someone named sonic's dumpy ass in chat said imagine being a sonic fan omega lulu come on [Music] that's a cow okay go what a beautiful sight this is look at gorham boy huh [Music] he didn't even do anything wrong he did nothing wrong aside from you know his face you did that to his face yeah manipulations of the flesh face are apparently illegal in this prison for some reason like these people don't have it hardened and hard enough looking like that [Music] it's a good way to hold the box see now that's smart because it takes the um the pressure away from your fingers and it's all on your forearms [Music] [Music] a chet why are you doing the frog eyes [Music] oh the evil laugh okay [Music] compare the data and fingerprints taken by the police convict was committed to the facility breaking into a museum what are you fucking breaking into a museum for what do you even do in a broken into museum [Music] like are you are you gonna steal like a an egyptian bone and then try to sell it at a pawn shop best i can do 25 bucks i can't seem to hide i can't hold by [Music] so i got to search you again [Music] my job to stare at you man [Music] [Music] i feel like this game really says a lot about society [Music] [Music] you gotta do fucking paperwork in this game i don't wanna do paperwork i wanna see janky face creatures lurking around in a prison and you can get it like set on fire i don't know [Music] yeah you're fine [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] where am i going all right i mean this is good it's no skyrim i installed the sky ui mod by the way to finally fix that god-awful skyrim ui so when i do another skyrim thing it'll not be shit well it'll be shit but not in the same way it was it is a good mod [Music] also the person who made the meet follower can you update that update that to the special edition thank you okay [Music] you ready to learn some tricks from your older colleagues what are these tricks um okay i just skipped dialogue because i'm a fucking dipshit so i don't know what i'm what i don't know what i'm gonna be learning but i don't i don't mind [Music] i want to give you a promotion [Music] a new assignment for you you'll have access to my computer which you can purchase the necessary improvements don't spend it all in one day create a separate profile my commute for you you can use it during breaks even if i'm in the office i want you to do something else for me the guards will provide me with requests and complaints from prisoners in every block your job will be to review them red stamp on the rejected ones green ones blah blah blah you get the picture [Music] is that legal yeah that's okay i'm not making you forge my signature when you're done with the documents i'll sign them in my spare time didn't i just start [Music] open the cool web browser [Music] warden master 69 [Music] hmm yeah this'll be nice hey check out my lego gun prisoner that would go over real well or how about my lightsaber night stick racing stick honestly one of these looked like a dilda luckily it was not uh you can also upgrade prisoner shirts og inmate octopus style prisoner pants cameras you can upgrade the toilets the fuck is this game neon john neglected toilet less neglected toilet [Music] bedding okay uh workshop okay ranking top 20. chat jail is all the way at the bottom of the list frenzy k mac security prison why does this company insist on making games like this [Music] i don't really know cool web not porn v2 good folder streamer bait yeah i mean yes definitely streamer bait [Music] but like you know i'm playing it because that's what i do and i got to make some scummy characters but like did i actually influence anyone to buy this thing because that's not my intention [Music] learn some new tricks skill points and money you get skill points for beating the shit out of prisoners i guess there's a fucking skill tree [Music] you can hear very suspicious data [Music] you can trade with one to two inmates depending on how much respect they have for you odds of being offended offended huh offered bigger bribes imagine that like a prisoner's like you're a poop you're a poop guard and then you get offended health boost what's this music prison music [Music] [Music] i'll bet 10 bucks [Music] miss [Music] dog that was right in the center [Music] good shot [Music] miss [Music] it's the one thing i missed from mario party [Music] i win go to the search room man i want to fucking give an anal probe to the prisoners i don't want to i just that's what i thought the game was committing new prisoners again you cannot leave the oh man [Music] [Music] okay everything oh dear lord can we put you in another prison fantasy story everything that a good fantasy story needs magic dragons naked elvish women everything in one book one book to rule them all this book has a nice discount better than the last season of you know what oh fuck yeah nice needle 40 needle and chicken tits too dear lord now i know why the elf ears are in this game exactly [Music] issue the prisoner with supplies uh [Music] okay get out of here oh man it's all paperwork and busy work [Music] brian johnson crime singing in ac dc was a fast machine i mean they had to send him to goblin prison [Music] ruthie's milk chocolate with crunchy nuts [Music] that's fine here no no needles or knives dude what is this you put weed in the chicken tits it's gonna smell disgusting it's gonna be soggy [Music] [Applause] orange drink you can keep your orange drink here get the fuck out of here i said get the fuck out of here i hate what this game is doing to me i guess the fucking loudspeaker is gone now where are my lads i need to go visit them i need to check your toilet all right all right take a look at this what have we here illegal drugs you can have them everyone has illegal drugs everyone [Music] okay two people have illegal drugs three people have illegal drugs so is that how your face got like that i think someone shit themselves well you're the only one that doesn't have drugs on your pillow vinny is chaotic evil he beats prisoners but also lets them drug up this is disgusting why would you store your potato chips in the toilet it's not even illegal billy fuckballs what's wrong with you drill bit fucking drill bit how is all of this coming into the prison needles [Music] looking for your needles pal shit joints again [Music] you miss your family where in orgrimmar [Music] one day i was at the cafe and i saw a beautiful waitress her eyes were so beautiful what's the catch there is no catch she was just beautiful okay hmm [Music] i can't believe it i can't believe it i can't believe it this dude's getting fucking zonked he's zerkin off thinking about that beautiful woman he's getting zonked from shit joints and pillow cocaine that's what and then he just shits that's what leads to the green orc skin sorry goblin skin punished kajumbo what what games are you making lately you want me to help you with your poem i'm listening do you have any cigarettes have you forgotten who you're talking to been so hard to get them lately i know how to help you kick a bad habit my knees are fucking killing me like you wouldn't believe it's gonna rain maybe you ought to move your ass a little bit every now and then we got a doctor over here i know what's wrong with me [Music] am i getting punched while searching the bed hmm there better not be needles or drugs oh there's joints in the sink bloody hell [Music] hmm hey john meat you're not yeah and then they'll come up with some sort of debt or favors for reading one piece of paper just read one piece it'll take you four years maybe i'll read the lady of the earrings again what are we doing here you know what i can't let you have that me [Music] is that legal robertsons more illegal drugs you know what you can't no meat you not loud [Music] cola yeah you can have that just just keep that in your toilet hey john me can you uh move for a sec thanks i just need to check the sink oh god a file more drugs me you have been going off the deep end lately you have a hammer are you kidding me [Music] you will be punished for your unacceptable behavior you have a hammer and drugs um no leaving your cell for the rest of the day okay it's for your own good check the poster can't check the poster prison meet jesus pretzel okay it's been a long time since you got hit huh caramel cake all right fine you can have that i need to search your bed please i swear i got these prisoners just need to search i need to search in here for a second thanks drugs why are people shitting with their pants on no wonder everyone has said so far i think the other one someone has shit themselves like they're not gonna say they shit themselves but that's really what it was they all shit themselves each and every one of them they don't understand that they can't shit through their pants come on don't don't disappoint me don't disappoint me oh there's like multiple levels of searching i found orange juice there's a whole extra area they could hide stuff oh man you two this is just me or are you up to something report what you want i don't give a shit that's what i'm going to do be more careful now huh can you help me it says settle it in prison smash okay well now you're stuck in here so you and erio are cell mates now [Music] i hope you appreciate what you've done [Music] all right jungle don't disappoint me no drugs all right we got legal nachos in the toilet legal nachos to double legal nachos or did i just not search properly i think i missed the prompt ah fuck we got illegal drugs legal nachos and illegal drugs both in the toilet hmm you know what i can use those nachos i have blood in my eyes oops wrong button then you're supposed to be securing the items not taking them see now i'm healthy again i could have made quark from deep space nine olaf birdo i'm not even gonna search yourself just watch yourself sphinct air welcome welcome any problems just saying hi it's not against the rules is it [Music] sell the drugs for money i believe you can the best part about this stream is seeing the reactions of people who just joined i'm with you on that it's sprunk i'm taking it like yeah people who didn't see the character creator and they're just like is this part of the game multivitamin juice i'll let you keep that but i'm drinking your sprunk right hmm nut chocolate you know you want to hear about nut chocolate you know what it really is okay let's just say you had some like jerk chicken [Music] no you don't want to hear more all right guys i like this classic pinup poster more drugs dumb dicks i don't know how about for wizardry how about for fucking wizardry and drugs yeah skull fell off the bed hmm i've got you saw dino tonight [Music] aren't you just in solitary legal energy drink fine you can keep your energy drink hmm [Music] what game was that from hmm i knew we'd find the drugs eventually oh minecraft the villagers right and you you've committed the most heinous crime of them all being swedish needles don't take that away from me it's from my medical needs i don't know how much are you giving ten dollars okay ten dollars for the needles are we sure that that was for some kind of medical purpose [Music] why do half of these guys look like they were put through a taffy puller have you never been to wildwood new jersey this is where they were all born hmm honestly though this is what atlantic city looks like as soon as you walk away from uh the main casinos you start getting stuff like skull fell off vinny you might be able to search the outlets too no i mean there are quests nice attached to the sink why is there blood in here oh my god oh my god all right i honestly i think i'm just about done playing this game truthfully i would like to cook myself some food and uh now is getting close to the time i'd like to do it i really don't think we're gonna get that much more entertainment value maybe a couple things i mean it's possible i'll just find like one more thing to do and then uh go to the next day next day is tutorial for riot oh okay well that's good we gotta do that i'm not leaving yet perfect thing for you uh give you a package you're going to deliver it i'm in wait so this is just run to the next location where you see a green light and press the button these simulators have such good gameplay i'm lacking the stamina for this they make one of these a year oh fuck all right well this mission just failed never mind um no they make more than one of these a year check this developer's page on steam i lost twenty dollars for that prison yard you have to use um force sometimes and uh wow okay all right yeah we'll play a little bit longer just a little bit i need to see what's happening here all of my uh beautiful people are going out for a nice stroll together be on the lookout for illegal activities i'm playing basketball with them [Applause] god think fast now i didn't know much about andy dufresne when he got to shawshank except that he was a goblin man dude singing my buddies don't think you lift that barbell 15 times in 60 seconds maybe next time [Music] this amount of fire seems a little high for how long i've been in this prison working here [Music] no more fighting oh cool he's got pink fingernails i didn't even see that before when i see this guy from a distance i think corrado soprano mixed with larry david and a skull keep order yeah we're all ordered here 10 bucks says i can play basketball [Applause] so [Applause] hang on i'm still doing the thing jordan i'm yeah i was very wait where did the person go are all my prisoners gone prisoners yeah they're all fucking gone they just disappeared did they all escape while i was playing basketball like hey hey you wanna play uh you wanna play a game okay i'm gonna show you a card you just have to guess if it's spades hearts diamonds or clubs if you do that i'll move to your village application process i don't want to do that i just i i want to so how soon do i get to check out this riot system [Music] president files check your email with the orders someone said the next day 20 minutes erroneously issued pardon letters uh all pardons issued in may of this year are invalid did vinnie talk about the game awards um i did in the past which you'll see in the future [Music] [Music] just to prove everything i would like to ask you for a mattress change or at least proper laundry it looks as just as dirty as when it came back from the laundry is what has it hasn't i'm reading too fast because i don't care but um as when it hasn't been washed for a month [Music] cellmate is always hitting this person you know what approved [Music] five days put a court hearing approved are you checking out that radiohead game tomorrow um if someone can find a way to get it you know like to get it downloaded then uh yeah if there's a way to get it [Music] i'm sure there would be ways [Music] also that would be like insta dmca game but i've been playing san andreas well a version of san andreas you could say and um that's just welcome to the jungle we've got fun and games we can mute your vod uh every day hell yeah level four ten years gone chat member you can turn off the radio right you could i mean unless you go into the options and turn off the music but it ruins it ruins the vibe of the game when the best thing in the game for me are the songs i don't care if it's demonetized i just worry about like strikes so it's just like is anyone ever going to be able to stream a gta game again [Music] [Applause] [Music] fuck it turned into a horror game [Music] you want to see true horror what do you want do you have a cigarette see there's a prisoner that might be responsible for this check the shit yard main exit and search room he might try to escape through one of the doors there god that's loud that is so loud bane more i'm a scraper okay so no no one's escaping this way that's good because if any of these prisoners got out the gene pool would be contaminated everything is fine i'm just cleaning the locks really just cleaning the locks huh yeah shadow enough stop hitting me did you steal fuses yes i took them you're facing a longer sentence for trying to escape and disrupting prison order none of you can keep me safe if you have a problem with the other prisoners tell the warden it's the last person who can help me before that i'll search you open up fuse status legal the second fuse yeah i have two of them i had two of them must have fallen out of my ass just don't hit me i'm telling you the truth where could you have lost them somewhere on my escape path could be in the hall the workshop maybe the canteen [Music] i took some food i mean that's why they call it a prison wallet the fuck do i get there yeah going the exact opposite way now he's good he's not going to escape with a face like that how could that was frightening wimpy car hmm this fucking game whoa whoa whoa whoa oh that was a cigarette okay someone said what a moment to arrive with no context ah yes prison meal delicious let's see uh there's no fuse in here well this is i guess i didn't search good enough oh it is right there i'm hoping that the uh riot thing will happen again all i really wanted to see was my prisoners eat but a riot might be fun to look at for a minute [Music] hmm [Music] hell yeah brother we're gonna run our breather school it up my friends i don't understand how good this game could be so good report to the warden the chad warden uh there is a power outage because of some asshole with a weird face and he tried to escape looks like i'll stay here for a few more years um i'm really good at getting lost in this building uh yeah it's over for today okay one more day we're gonna see maybe we'll get the tutorial here the parcel checking room was that chat member serious you serious [Music] i gotta check all this crap fucking chocolate weed chocolate rain [Music] some stay dry and others feel the pain do you remember when that dude covered the skyrim theme and he had this like deep voice but he still does but 10 years ago the dude who did chocolate rain did um a cover of the dovahkiin skyrim theme and now it's 10 years later wow really and i'm playing skyrim again like i said nothing has changed this dude really wants drugs all right here's your drug free package [Music] oh razor [Music] no it's just a computer forget me not very famous author okay uh it's from meth shrek [Music] very famous author go get the prisoners from the cell block this has to be it wants to do workshop again are we sure this is a real thing or did the chat member just make that up was that a singular person it triggers when you get very low respect riots are real they only happen if prisoner respect is low all right sorry me someone robbed this prisoner i don't have time why are you pissing you just piss on me [Music] this game i hate what it does so how about that prisoner respect the prisoner respect is only um going down by a little bit even though i'm beating the shit out of people if you can call these people they're like goblins it's really probably not enough but i'm going to try to get that below 40 and see if that uh does anything you can flip them off [Music] you know where you can put that finger why are there so many different ways to give the finger there's like oh shit i know there's a way to get a gun i saw it in the trailer well you can't do that you can't you can't do that you can't do that those walls are fucking prison property you can't draw robertson's on them uh okay i don't i don't think this riot thing is gonna be happening but if i just give the finger to all of them hang on uh oh injured prisoners due to fighting or knife wounds no no no no that's okay where's the um computer i want to shoot them like it's weird because i i thought i had the ability to get a pistol but oh here we go no emergency box i need that you have to level up to get guns i mean you just order it on the internet and it'll it'll arrive because you're not actually issued a weapon here aside from your own brutality then you will get a riot pistol from that box if they start rioting you need a prisoner respect to be zero percent and then wait for the next day oh that that's gonna take forever [Music] and yeah i can't even i can't even do that you can't buy gun all right um all right oh man i wanted to eat a bunch in a row fuck can i use these use joints no vin definitely gets baited easily into these sims i do i got a free key for this one so there was like no no potential loss of um i mean time we can't get these two and a half hours back ever but if i didn't play this then we wouldn't have such beautiful creatures as uh cybaca so i mean in my opinion it all went down after the um character creator isn't that right remylonpog oh dear [Music] good good game engine hates mario i just found out that this dude hates mario how much respect is lost on die i again i can't kill them and even though like um they're losing respect for me it's so minimal like you'd really i mean it could you know it could happen eventually i guess but you will be punished for your unacceptable behavior no phones there you go beautiful now i can eat some of these chips there we go i think remylon pog is fucked up yeah he's all kinds of fucked up he needs medical attention [Music] i've had enough of this game yeah i think i've had enough uh well again it's uh the good character creator and the gameplay is what you'd expect from these simulator games it's it's nothing it's nothing like hard time but it's entertaining for a couple minutes and you know it's more of the same shit that we've seen a thousand times i don't know but anyway thank you for watching i hope uh i hope you have a good day everybody thank you for stopping by the stream i don't say this enough but it really means a lot that you still watch my streams after all these years and uh all that we've been through sick bro sick cocks bro [Music] no thank you everybody um there's gonna be a broadcast tonight as well i don't know what's up but there will be some gameplay uh that's pre-recorded on this channel later as well so i'll see you soon um and i don't know when we'll do more skyrim but that will be fun uh i did halo footage that got corrupted but then it got uncorrupted and i think it's okay um yeah john maybe you can premiere something uh halo john you have that uploaded whatever you're gonna do today if you want to just do that because we have like a backlog of stuff yes john cool so john john halo's got you with halo i don't know when but at some point so check back if you want okay goodbye thanks again [Music] i went to go offline and then i pressed the wrong button
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 72,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, PC, Prison Simulator
Id: 8iDtqJKyqEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 11sec (9851 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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