[Vinesauce] Vinny & Friends - VR Mini Golf for Charity #2

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life what about you i am probably just about live in a second or two yeah okay yeah i am live hi everybody hello so let's talk about um what we're doing uh i i think you could do that um hello uh three out of the four of us are here today and what we're here for today is in the support of the american heart association posted in chat via wonderful bots you will see a donation link they'll go to geromatics tiltify page but it's a group tiltify page and that's in the support of american heart association you probably have heard of the american heart association uh they they're they're a wonderful charity that does uh charitable events and funding for research into heart disease and heart related issues heart disease being one of the number one killers in the united states and the world at large if you know someone or have a loved one that has dealt with heart disease or has died of heart disease or been affected in any way american heart association hopes to curb all those issues and bring support to people in the future go read up their page if you can uh you can go to heart.org if you would like to read up more to see what they've done all the funding they've done in the past so that's why we're here also hooties here hello hoodie hello hi what's going on i'm just grooving hooty's grooving with a golf club i don't have up my uh my str my walkabout mini golf yet but when we get into a match you'll you'll see a chat so you guys are all good on balls i'll uh i'll start the first match all right let me let me just make sure i'm i'm balling correctly yeah yeah i think i'm good all right so once again chat if you want you can type exclamation mark donate in my chat and you will find you will find a way to uh to donate okay so we're in vr um so bear with me a minute chad if i fall on my face it's because vr wow this looks great so this is a new map and apparently i didn't buy it so i can't collect new things on it but i can just correct chill and play golf with you guys this is actually pretty crazy there's a ton of shit here wow i like the taffy puller over there overall oh yeah that's cool get some salt water taffy gear accidentally made his character into a beetle and so i did the same i mean you can't really see me but if you watch gear stream gear matic you can see me it's just i'm i guess an amalgamation of paul and a cigarette so who's who's on first i think that's me rocket ships right looks about right oh i'll get out of your way chad is the volume okay you can hear everyone and then you can hear the music a little bit okay vinnie please ascend like you did before uh how do you use something you look up and you hold up it like vibrates for uh yeah [Music] the power to the sun oh my god yeah that's that definitely gives a little you could just pull the trigger i think to go back to oh cool okay someone said music is too quiet oh all right i'll try to figure that out in a minute i mean that's not a bad problem to have overall no no i wouldn't mind a little music but you're right i'm uh thank you oh nice oh my god that was good all right all right i already passed one pay damn wow seriously that was the goal [Laughter] thank you though everybody seriously that's real cool uh do any of you know if there's a way to get into the menu of this game to turn up options um i think you have to go to the big scoreboard in the sky and then hit oh settings thank you you keep redoing your play and it's best for you sorry it's like hard no i'm going for it i got shaky hands man i'm not loosey goosey chat when i do this can you see the chat or do you not see the chat perfect very good very good cool how do you warp to your okay right trigger should be a trigger yeah but it keeps putting me lefty there's a rotation cool yeah yeah yeah yeah probably because your left hand is your default control right now yes yeah i think we're all two two on this one yeah i have it set up so it plays a little uh uh dude horn whenever a donation comes in i've been hearing him come in so thank you guys so go to gear stream and listen to the dude horn if you like wacky noises i know i know don't worry just a warm-up all right we got this hoodie [Music] man we really are walking through candy land aren't we what is your favorite candy hmm candy corn no never candy corn wow wow how about that i wasn't cutting there i'm particular to like the the small like jolly ranchers i like those although sometimes when when you when you're working on one of those candies they turn into a blade in your mouth it's like a tongue shave but it also could turn into knives for a very short period of time good candy to have somebody said uh i'm enjoy and that is just wrong i i don't know spamo is much better mounds backwards should it have negative coconut negative oh hold back in dude i know there we go now i can reach it okay great job yeah um all right that wasn't a great shot paul you know it was terrible man but you know we were in the 60s it didn't matter all right cool it's okay hoodie we're we're just we'll just we'll just suffer this is a par 3. i like um you know what candy i like i i used to have um spree oh yeah he's good in high school i after lunch i would buy the spree and then uh i would sit in class and just chomp on those things then my chemistry teacher my biology teacher was like uh what are you doing are you eating and one of the rules was do not eat in class at all and i said well my blood sugar is a little low and therefore my body chemistry has been thrown off and he just he smirked and he just ignored my eating spree and i ate spree for the rest of the year eating sprees oh you found you found the g code the cheat code was like i need the energy otherwise i'm gonna fall asleep uh better better i'm probably gonna follow suit here that's not bad oh wow that's good okay all right i'm feeling it oh no choke have i told you not so good told y'all the story about my one time going to the minnesota's largest candy shop no it's a fever dream the giant it's a giant yellow building on the side of the interstate in minnesota sorry and they excel pumpkins and everything on the outside but it's like an old corn grain bin and then you go inside and it's it's miles of candy and whatever but it's got like a statue of thanos and darth vader and it has like an animatronic band similar to like chuck e cheese but worse because they're made of metal so it's like creaking it's very terrifying i'll show some footage sometimes still better than the most recent willy wonka movie oh yeah oh wow that was nice is that what blue is just stanos crystals i don't even know where to go with this this is crazy like the blue raspberry flavored i currently have these um these like organic low sugar lollipops it sounds it sounds gross but it's not bad they they definitely when i need a sugar fix it's like i have that and i'm good and the schnaazberries taste like schnozberries that's good when i was growing up my my parents would always buy like bulk foods from a co-op i don't know if you ever you know y'all ever done that like a costco or something yeah it was ran through like our church is really interesting but they sold these things called fruit leathers which i guess are now more popular but it was like the experimental first run fruit leathers and uh i remember one time getting one we definitely had like well it was really good shot yeah like a like newspaper pulp in it oh i wanted to see what tradition it came from i don't know i could see it i think jeez i recently told retold my airhead story about how i ordered a huge like 50 pack of airheads and then just like got myself sick of them in a couple weekends but that was my favorite candy for a while no longer that was that was gonna be great damn i think trying new candies for me is more more fun than like an actual like favorite you know what i mean yeah i could see that why not original like why why do we always have like fruit flavored candy why don't they like invent new flavors like like squirm i feel like they already did that like they invented new flavors and they're like well we can't sell this as new flavor let's just say it's strawberry and yeah sure it tastes like strawberry it doesn't but especially like watermelon flavored candy because that's like very strong fake water melanie there's a parabolic like dish guiding the ball into the hole and you still can't get it in guys no the shit talking has begun i've played this game twice officially i'm here for this first we're talking about candy now we're shit talking you know your songs are shite john your songs are shy what is the walrus nonsense huh i think i think banana right hey everybody [Music] [Laughter] can someone see how shaky my hands are right now yeah oh that's just mean hey so important please all right i feel better about myself got like some nilla wafer stairs or something here no wait what do we do the little sandwich cookies i guess yeah they look yeah they look like the uh what is it the off brand the off-brand ones what what was the original name of oreo before they changed or was it hot like anthrax oh hydrox hydroxy gonna say they don't have it just sounds like poison it it has to do with hydrogen and oxygen and like the cookies and the cream or like the atoms of i don't know i got you they made it yeah yeah oh no oh that's not good well that's a part three i won't make uh sorry bomb we're gonna probably do two courses i don't know how long it's gonna take us my guess is maybe two hours it's my turn let's see do i have just some default avatar do i even have a face yeah you got like a yellow visor on i got yellow yeah that works i guess okay what up dude we're just chillin look at who who who's the expert who's the sweaty we got a sweat lord here hey gear how are you doing sweating [Laughter] oh my god gear's been up since three no no i haven't played this and where the other course we're gonna play oh you're killing it man uh i don't think going straight is going to help me see i'm i'm good at like hitting it hard and then i just fall off at some point i'm terrible dude yeah though yeah yeah yeah yeah you know that's a putt no gears gear's right the frosting gotcha i will do you ate some candy and you you got sick of it very quickly that happened very recently when me and bailey we made lasagna and it was just for us it's like yeah who's who doesn't like eating lasagna turns out after four four days of it yeah you know you think lazada is the worst food on the planet that's why they feed it to the cat and that one cartoon in that one comic strip tom and jerry right that's him yeah that one this is tough i'll take it good setup all right well time for the putt of my life let's go for it i feel pain [Music] do you mind thinking about you in pain right now it's just making me giggle sorry oh no oh [Laughter] so close all right i will accept this one constant reminder here of exclamation point donate to uh get the donation page please thank you donating to the uh american heart association and raise awareness of heart attacks and other heart related diseases speaking of which vinny might be one of those right now are you okay but oh yeah yeah i'm just going to take my shot thank you pretty good reorient myself real quick there we go okay [Music] all right all right do that oh why is my hand shaking oh my god though triple bogey all right still i could no i could come back from this i don't know about this hole specifically i got a plus five that's nice okay yep one of these love it yes i mean uh i like the pocky is like the that's great they've got some good uh touches over here it's very delicious [Laughter] you know at least the sound of your ball hitting the chocolate lake is delicious [Laughter] i've got a hole that will be par three you are good ball nice job wow what's wrong guys can't get over here to the little candy island oh shit no i was having some issues oh i guess you got to follow through on that hit there we go oh jeez it's all on you now zot i'm only one not on the island come over to candy island friend uh-oh looks like you missed candy island [Music] i got the golf shake some song yes hey [Applause] bird not a bird losing it already there we go here we're the ones with most time in this game i just want to point that out to be honest not by that much chat keep them donations coming all right why why donate to make the chocolate river bigger it'll be real how much if you donate enough i'll push for the end all right all right oh oh that was well deserved todd that was good just wow actually it was just uh hiding my power level that whole time and good at games [Music] come on get around get around round around and you get around it didn't go around all the way this is gonna be fun and oh hootie hoodie almost not gonna no that's not gonna work hit it harder it hit it pretty dang hard because there's no sloping okay here you have almost a line of sight i think zombies shot there you go nice one i can hear the chocolate river bubbling the entire time we're playing this oh man great zod right hey man great do you want to take my picture said what that that one too they did this it's filter yeah wow they had a tonal shift i didn't know that was them i all these years i think it buddy one of us has to get part here well this is only two par it's only two par oh geez no why'd you say that it's mine is good too but why did you betray me it's on the wrist there you go have we decided where we're gonna go specifically do our l golf mini golf no we haven't yet i think we're looking for wildwood new jersey i got a place down south man like like an actual place to be not just the place to go mini golf huh let's see par four for this okay i mean oh i'm doing it i'm doing it oh my god holy holy shit um wait hit the replay button let's see where it landed uh which one's the replay button do you know what it is on uh today in index it's uh whatever whatever button oh geez i don't know hold on that takes me it's the top one okay even further than me it's even further than me do that again do that again okay here we go [Laughter] it just stops going after a certain time yeah yeah i was uh i was aiming for a whole eight i guess or something all right don't do that i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna do an experimental shot like cootie but better i think okay i would recommend that slightly better sorry everybody one second zod's lining up the shot let's see if he has what he takes i'm thinking about because there's this big old gumdrop right in the middle it's already concerned about he's down by three right now but this could be his big break to come back [Music] i'm looking at i i figured i i'm thinking all right wow that's that's what you want to do that's it right you got it i'm sorry it's in the hole didn't you see it please right in the chocolate river yeah in the chocolate drink [Laughter] all right oh man oh this i am not making this two more shots yikes you know what's the best part about this game what's that it's not the fact that it's a good golf game it's not even the fact that you can do stuff with friends it's not even the fact you can find hidden balls while you're waiting it's the fact that you can be like the weird little gremlin golfer you are and literally perch on any surface just watch them fail from any angle you desire exactly you got this side [Laughter] the frosting don't count all right no frosting don't count no not there oh no yeesh i mean i guess i technically have a straight shot somewhere here but let's just tap her and see where we go come on fellow golf gremlin you can get it in i mean that might be par maybe it'd be with that chocolate bar ladder that's kind of cool i paid very little attention to actual golf but i i saw a clip from like the arizona open or something some guy made a gnarly shot hole in one's or a deal if people just started throwing shit onto the green are you okay down there oh he's doing come on i've seen too many different versions of willy wonka to know not to you're just help dude sorry no please oh i'll i'll accept i'll accept this direction that's that my ball is taking oh it's good i had a good angle on uh y'all drowning in the in the drink i will need that footage um speaking of chocolate drink what is your opinion on yoohoo kind of a weird greeting but you know i'm alright it's in the name dude chocolate drink they can't tell you it's milk it's something else i mean when i was younger i liked it a lot more hmm wasn't you who bought by google sorry my grandma would always buy it and then i guess at one point she read there was a shortage of it and she bought a whole bunch of it a shortage was she like a toilet paper hoarder no this was like 15 years ago oh she bought a bunch of yoo-hoo and beanie babies oh no i just mentioned i saw an inbox perfect anakin skywalker episode one figurine which i had and i kept in the plastic nice job nice i kept all my star wars episode one figurines perfectly intact and i never played with them because i was told they were gonna be worth something someday and i just saw a flawless perfect anakin for 7.99 accounting for inflation i lost money [Laughter] that a kick in the teeth yeah take a look at the end of the seventh year what in the world is going on here i'm ahead by a little bit oh these are little ramps oh boy that looks fun it's it's waffle guarded by a gun oh it's a waffle maybe guarded by gummy bear nights oh god i'm getting monkey ball flashbacks from this the waffles actually like a hazard yeah it is uh your ball didn't reset hoodie right it's it's in the no it's right over here yeah it's okay it's in the syrup wells of the waffle understood yeah that's a good shot chat for the record i did change out my ssd and i have no idea if if it's gonna work but i have done my best we'll see if that was the cause your ssd fail i don't know i'm having random weird crashes that was weird that was weird yeah great job i don't know it's it's still rolling yeah it's still going there we go consider your options okay yeah this won't be as tough as it seems but that's still a weird one the one with the actual hole in it has like baby bumpers to keep you inside of it yeah that's nice you said baby bumpers and not big dumpers right [Music] brain okay can we do the american brain association next [Laughter] yeah i think that might be a good call yeah under qualified that's a good that's a good question mega man we may be may be able to locate dr wawi very good well it's welcome to waffling i'm in the waffle that's all that matters i i wish there was do any of you guys have a waffle house near you no no no i got to try one finally though when i went to indiana for the first time i i miss waffle house there's none near me it was pretty good i didn't have any problems with it it was good perfect late night here you can come join me you got one out there john i'd have to look i honestly don't know i think it's only south of a certain like you know like there's none in new york or pennsylvania that kind of thing [Music] it's the perfect late night food and you know that the chefs can kick anyone's ass they'll just the waiters and waitresses the waitresses yeah yeah that's like are you sure about this sir happiest place on earth time to use your elixirs [Laughter] oh wow already at 2 000 1777. good donations everybody uh if you want to add to that amount exclamation point donate we're donating to the american heart association helping raise awareness for heart disease and other heart related uh injury not injuries so i guess injuries but diseases issues yeah there are waffle houses in pa you know what i've been to one in pa that's correct uh out in near bethlehem thank you chat member you're correct all right it's not too far of a drive it's maybe an hour and a half to a waffle house for me you go out there hitting dave and buster at a waffle house yeah bobby go there too he's he's the chef [Music] you must have far better dave and busters out uh out of we got some we got some good ones yeah a lot of early dates [Music] uh i don't know a lot of this carnival games it seemed well we got plenty of carny games too yeah but some decent arcade machines there's a luigi's mansion ghost suck and also what all right nothing sorry and mark and mario you said another trademark mario kart as well in the middle of making a luigi's mansion game about my personal experiences but then i decided to make crystal head vodka instead all right i'm doing it here we go i'm gonna cut the line yeah yeah hootie yeah oh yeah yeah speaking of carnival games yes do it wow that's the sh um if it's not set up automatically you might want to hit start recording too if you think you can handle both i don't think i want to test that or tempt that fate at the moment but twitch will save the vod yeah yeah all right yeah um hey chat hi uh am i live uh yes that was a fast hardware swap holy shit yeah seriously let's see if i'm good i got chat um i need a second here because because uh i can't see the chat so i'm gonna reload obr ovr toolkit and then we can get started golfing you're i think you're the last the putt so we'll start okay that was really nice i'm sorry i can't help but chuckle at that i'm actually going to go dead [Music] yeah the chat is i don't know how i forgot how to do this an ovr toolkit oh you're trying to capture chatty um so you would you have it on your your wrist watch to look at oer toolkit oh i think i got it thank you never mind thanks all right so real quick let me just um just say thank you sorry everybody i know this is a bummer i know this ruins a lot of streams lately and i want to apologize thank you for your patience this has been a really it's been bumming me out truthfully so uh i'm hoping that maybe it was a hardware swap issue and if i disappear again then you won't see me until i get my computer fixed so you know bear with me a little bit i just got to move a box of hardware out of the way uh this has been an ongoing issue for several months now so uh sorry everybody i really i hate uh i hate killing the vibe of a stream with tech problems but such is life okay here we go i'm finally golfing again um who won the last one you uh oh wow yeah it's very close and i got a hole in the one on the last one but no one talks about that but it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine yeah down here you see that hole in one damn that's gorgeous yeah it was enough to bring them back though [Laughter] as germa once said life is pain i hate [Applause] i hate life is pain fresh golf ball with club i must oh my god oh wow so close that's okay i will accept my booty on this one sorry i was trying to turn the camera that's somebody yeah oh yeah okay all right i [Applause] let me go to that great putter in the sky and lower the music a little bit chat is the um is the volume okay i think that's a hat that's true hazard right there too yeah look how much it slowed down that's that's new yeah well i don't i think if you land in the sand directly i i i get i thought it was but you're in the sand over there so i'm not sure i think the sand's slow i don't think it's like sand is slow sand is sandy you're in the bunker dude i just watched tremors for the first time yesterday and there's a lot of sand in that movie yeah jemmer's is a is a top two yeah they made too many of the sequels though and bert was in all of them yes original movie gun nut from tremors tremors eight from dusk till dawn sec the second one the tremors could fly via farting oh that's nice yeah they call them ass blasters i'm not making this up that is in the script no i'm no i'm not going to hit the ball how about that after all that yeah i got to find you in chat i'm gonna find you all the ass blasters we're in three sorry i don't know my tremors lore that good i should have just stayed offline you wanted to come back the hardware thought does that make you elden ring not compatible at 2070 is is elden ring compatible yeah right yeah oh yeah absolutely i i still can get a titan from 1995 or a voodoo graphics card it's it's all a matter of we'll see how this works if this crashes then i know it's for sure not a video card issue and that's a good thing to know i do miss the graphics card terrifying 3d art of the yester age yeah a lot of that stuff was very catchy to see in best buy or pc richards and son all the richards and one son so many richards one son if he didn't agree to handle the richards empire it would have the line would have ended right there [Applause] here's a fun fact i remember my parents buying me mega man 3 on the game boy at a pc richards so that's a weird memory yeah pc richards is is a thing i'm playing okay that's like um i don't know go there and like lease a tv to own but it's like you lease it to own for like 60 years until you get it oh it's like it's like like an errands or a renter center right right right now kinda yeah and they sell it for the record people who are saying it could be a psu issue i deliberately bought a good psu not too long ago to make sure that it wasn't that so how do i uh get this ball uh you hold down on your little stick well wait wait you have a different thing if you don't if you don't own the um map you can't grab it i don't own this map did you buy the dlc no okay yeah you can't but they're kind enough to let you play with friends so it's a very polite thing to do it's a very polite game i like the future yeah payday does that too where you can play a map if you don't own it as long as somebody else owns it i like that well that sucks that's fucking awful i didn't think we could pull off the edge there well no you know the terrible seminar movie with will forte and there's just a scene in it about him selling swords and there's just them using every cut of him saying well now you know you shit and they do it like five times in a row and it's stuck in my brain forever now you do oh i'm so close someone was asking about the hundred dollar t-shirt thing uh that's for us not not for you guys in order to redeem it i have to turn it on for you guys to see it's kind of counterintuitive though uh since we passed 400 dollars me zot hoodie and vinnie are gonna get a t-shirt thanks guys thanks nicely like thank you sweet now that we said that don't forget exclamation point donate to donate more yeah let's get it so many shirts other people are too silent is that true chat or is that one guy they're quiet huh all right [Music] hang on i mean should be better a little bit hopefully how much to buy me a haircut i just i just got a haircut like a month ago yep all right now that i've officially accepted that i'm a bald man i've been getting really good at it shaving my head just without a mirror just do it by feel dude they're accessible except then one time i was it was something that was on gear stream and then i said my head was really shiny and i got you know a little i'm just saying gear's kind of an asshole wouldn't you rather now though welcome to my stream i'm gearing up you can check it out you have to know someone's got to tell you it's like having something stuck in your teeth you got to know okay that is i'm stuck with my head i'm not stuck with the stuff that's in my teeth zai that's captain picard's head is very shiny you could bounce a phaser off of it that's a thing it's a thing to aspire to but okay finn you haven't seen my head that's fine but i have like a a growth growing out of my skull oh and it is like a devil's horn oh i'm not saying i'm a a devil or a demon or a dracula i'm just saying the reason my head was shiny is because my the light was refracting off the the lump and gear was like hey your head's shiny it's like no that's your deflector dish that's my deflection well it's a good thing you're not a dracula dude it's just like something in your teeth oh man fuck up this shot because of because of all this channel your anger into a perfect shot [Laughter] it seems in your anger you missed your shot lord vader the lump is uh i hate that the lump is not harmful it uh it's okay that's yeah they really messed up at that hospital um no it's um it's called an osteoma non-cancerous non uh it's uh what do you what's the opposite of malignant movie nine a nigga man oh yeah this is a test of your zen the music's there for take your time yeah right there yeah all right balls right there here great gear you know what thank you for letting me know i'm glad i know all right i'll send yours flying off the bridge i just knocked on your door to just let you know your ball is over there that's my ball right there all right i'm going to talk shit i'm going to get this all right watch this shit you got a hole in the wrong i'll put an extra 100 bucks in yep [Laughter] farther than gear that's all right though noise that's unfortunate i uh i didn't think very hard about that one do better than me think ooh gear ah could've been worse yeah this ball's gonna drive me crazy where is this thing trying to keep it on the playing field take it [Music] okay uh what are we doing here fellas we're doing that wow you say palace or fellas fellas it didn't sound like fellows it's a very mickey mouse thing what happened no shoot i put a phallus on the cover of the little mermaid it's an old urban legend it's true they made a phallus palace i know i had no shot next yeah no i i think my aunt had a copy that had that on there yeah that wasn't uh like an early internet i learned that it was like did the artist sneak this in that's like i don't know the early formation of like disney animation that was i don't know how i did that honestly holy crap place some of the balls over oh here gosh nice work [Music] [Applause] oh okay what what is this oh there's a little pipe oh dear oh dear yeah look at these guys analyzing a hole by the way the ball's over here hootie the ball's everywhere hold up right here oh what happened here oh you got to be kidding me oh man i'm almost looking right there got into the pipe oh oh god that's great that's good that's good tesseract science uh ball that's good that's a nice shot i'm just gonna hang out down here and wait for the ball well that's not terrible i mean could be worse i don't like to be spoiled but i'm also last so nobody's seeing anything in mind oh the sex dust is from lion king thank you oh okay oh right i forgot about that wow aladdin was what was the job uh good girls take off their clothes or something like isn't that what it was what yeah there was a secret message there was like a voice line that sounded like really close to that if you like squinted your ears damn squinted okay [Laughter] [Music] damn it i was in a good spot oh well there we go hootie that's almost yeah i found the ball angles where's the ball at oh yeah a ball angles we have heard on high here up here ben i saw it i can't get it though because i'm right sorry i i didn't buy the electric crowbar not bad yeah sure oh that's rude that is rude ah i told you i do great until a certain point and then it's just done i don't have a straight shot into it and also my body like innately wants to lean on this pipe and full well i cannot the vr it's the hip new thing i too enjoy destroying my surroundings by accident i thought of a cool challenge there you go that's cool makes a good noise ah nice like six shots ago yes i thought of a good uh vr challenge which is you set up a bunch of empty glass bottles all around you on like near your feet um on little tables maybe a couple hanging from the ceiling and then you do a really intense vr game uh hot spot and you just have to be real careful that's it play hot squat all right where's this bowl there's i'm pretty happy with that shot and it's if your arm isn't composed of mostly porcelain by the end of your session you're not doing it right [Music] i'll take it safe is good on this one yeah i think so you really don't want to get in the sand thanks to everyone that's rejoining my stream tonight again sorry for the technical difficulties it's it's nice to have you back though this the tech problems have been a real bummer for me but uh i'm grateful that people are still here and you know are willing to uh tolerate such issues that means a lot i just realized that doesn't reset my ball this is the worst news [Applause] exclamation point donate if you can spare a few dollars yeah if you're just joining um we are doing a charity right now for the american heart association it's an extremely good cause and i've had people in my family that also have had issues with such things so raising a couple bucks we've already done very well but a couple more bucks could never hurt you got this you lined it up i felt that sorry [Laughter] oh goodness oh boy why is vinnie doing good why is benny doing good now 20 70 luck over i'll sit on this little stool here yes oh it's like a it's like a oh no okay the ball is like a you know what i've i've only had bad luck since that 3080 was put in my computer hmm ignore that cursed cursed gpu all right here we go i saw the aggressive club swing their gear i'm sorry all right well there you go i mean i need some more beans in my pc very kind of i say is i'm behind almost everyone is that an eagle oh my god i think you're gonna pull ahead pretty soon yeah wow i might make more on this would you pet an eagle like a bald eagle if given the chance um yeah i would but would you hug an eagle like peacemaker probably not oh hmm no i don't know i don't want to hug a bird that can like take out an eye very quickly [Music] i mean i was supposed most birds can take out your eyes yeah goggles i feel like goggles when hugging eagles using my goggles for fucking eagles eagle hugging goggles precisely made to give you the best effective viewing angle of the eagle hug while not allowing the eagle to get to your very very precious eyeballs good good yeah that would be another important part to be careful about i'm in the way and you want to watch your hog as well i heard washing watch it no no no watch it watch it [Laughter] what are you doing john don't worry i'll my fucking computer will crash on the last hole as i'm about to win so yeah we went middly diddly golfing but you couldn't you couldn't compete me songs was better [Applause] oh wow sitting pretty at minus three there man oh there's my key oh thanks look there's my replay the way you your curses like go into the back of your room and the the the change in ambiance away from the mic to curse that's amazing i love it it's on day for the new century yeah good shot it's a children's game [Applause] i've been playing monopoly all wrong then we go here you just got like two or three more hits left like whoa wow that was actually a sick bank shot my estimations and shit talking were wrong the whole time [Laughter] oh there we go there you are hey that's an ugly oh no oh no all right watch and learn watch and learn i'm getting off that groove talking about hitting the groove let me show you oh getting in the groove i don't know why i'm laughing i'm probably the same thing it's a process i'm back back in the new york groove uh it is it is not a fun angle so don't be afraid to wallop it was that was that song made by the band like the sweet i thought kiss covered it but i don't know who wrote the song okay i didn't [Music] [Applause] not a bad hole but you know what i mean a tough hole yeah it's it's not fun oh you did a fucking edge grind i said i'm out of here what tony hawk would be proud he wasn't selling nfts right now he was in the new jackass movie briefly really yeah yeah um there was a godzilla that shot a substance on him oh well there you go all right what is this oh no i don't like this one no i do not like this hole wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait are we to believe wait what where's the hole uh the hole is downstairs oh thank god okay okay this whole sucks a lot more than it even appears first i mean it's not it's not the worst thing that could have happened yeah yeah when i first did this i walloped the ball about four times and then managed to i think i got i don't know quad bogey or something you've got the quad boogie that's pretty good hootie i mean still in the sand but not bad not bad you you know i i just didn't wanna mess it up this time a pretty good shot i think mega man wow mega man that's a good question sorry guys over here by the way it's in the flowers oh good christian no he says that and dr uh light in that mega man game he goes wow mega man that's a good question it's like c c r e s t i o and yeah they could just hear the voice actor like stumbling over his lines we may be able to uh stop the doctor why are we beast appear to be energy weasels oh i'm sorry sorry if i was distracting it's just right as you said [Laughter] been making funny noises wrists give up yeah i learned how to play the game some somewhere in between between in betwixt changing my gpu the power of anger i would i would agree to that to a certain degree like you the the like adrenaline i think the performance enhancing anger you got there appears to be a mega man you got this see you later all right [Applause] oh oh we we're going up the steps all right well that was a blunder i don't know and can my chat not hear me no i'm sneezing yeah you can hear me the ball bell don't go back on your words all right i'm going all the way you'll see i hear a bird squealing in the distance oh wait that was just brian johnson wanting food from his uh from from his band mate oh what is that brian you need a little bit of biddy yeah all right let me let angus take care of this and do a little regurgitation into your mouth there sorry it's a bit that hasn't come out yet this is my new bit everybody i'm trying it out but it's pre-recorded it's in one of my videos that's going to be coming up soon it's brian johnson from ac dc as a bird and angus young as the mother bird regurgitating food into his mouth i'm telling you it's gonna kill it's gonna kill my audience [Music] damn it a little bit of love there you go there we go i'm okay with that yeah holy shit oh my god just grab the eagle by the neck i'm worried he goggles where i'm going i am worried nice work see i'm a generally poor player but you know i got those like rng like crit hits or whatever i don't know i'm just making shit up crit hit tweets all right scott you and i continue to uh have a bit of a rivalry happening here let's make it happen new whole record oh it's right so they've done this before good work my turn oh we're tied scott we are home [Music] it's got like the math in the brain i guess i don't know i guess did you did you become matrix you have the right equations in your hands i didn't have the right equation yeah i didn't think about it it's too hard enough oh well done whatever you do so did chat wrote detroit become matrix i'm gonna play it safe ball ball i don't like this kind of hard i guess excuse me oh my game is doing something weird i think i'm getting trickster i might have to come in and back out i'm not sure it's like just showing me the walk about mini golf like loading screen oh that's what happened last time remember you should be able to leave okay i'll do that [Applause] after a hole in one actually have to take a breather man sucks all right we'll be here hey zero zito i hope you're doing okay man i hope everything's going well in life nice to see you shout out to the devs of the this game um they've been they they've been retweeting our charity causes and whatnot yes oh very cool yeah so they've been very very kind and and everything so i want to give them a round of applause mighty coconut is the name of them thank you devs i appreciate you helping our streams out here for sure uh your back ends up looks like yeah yeah yeah i'm good yeah i didn't want to finish the hole to you back in you know oh it's really good i appreciate it you know i didn't know if it would let you in easy oh fun okay all right well yeah that's some shit it's a part five for a good reason i'm gonna go over here to see oh my god nice that's really good hoodie that was really good that makes me nervous i don't think i've gotten an albatross in this game yet so oh wait please yes yes sorry i was just so happy [Music] oh there's a wall there i think she just started crying one sec damn that's a good shot gear yeah yeah yeah two three one two three coming back three gamers have made it to the hole i think he's taking care of something yes but only one can get it in sex dust from the lion king this summer brought to you from the people who injected adult content into children's show why was there a phallus on the cover of little mermaid the world may never know number nine fallacy that makes me more nervous yeah yeah look at that hoodie pulls ahead heating up go for that gamers yeah gaming oh no oh no it's game too hard oh game's too hard could not come back oh jeez no that's lame fucking almost gotten albert dude i'm sorry the no from across the distant no real room all right what hole are we on okay yeah i'm no i don't know man i don't know i don't reminded of the i think you should leave skit or he's dressed like the old man i don't i don't want to i want to do this anymore nah you do it i think this be scared that's now you should be scared [Laughter] oh my god that's a shit dude i'm sorry good for dave everybody's watching me intently i'm just gonna do some squats while this is happening i did a jig there i'm gonna be zach everybody look away me gaga yeah the whole uh the ball is here it's like underneath underneath you gotta like duck down a little bit oh what's that brian you need your time you for your food well you need a little bit of worm oh i already got that one oh you yeah that's not fun i am good i i get nervous when hoodie makes good shots yeah yeah all right then nearly shit myself that ledge isn't very high i was really worried about hitting it hard yeah yeah oh come on let's do this this is now my game to lose nice good shot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all here ball here ball here oh yeah i got that one i think i'm missing this next one though there's too much crap over here to hide behind good good nice work good stuff proud proud make your daddy proud this is a par 5. uh i do not recall doing well on this one at all so all right we're gonna gamble i'm empire well i have nothing to lose then right yeah i have nothing to lose so i'm gonna try some tricky stuff damn it i was hoping you'd do the tricky stuff first it might take me two shots to line up actually we helped did i just lose the game i might have that might be it a few more holes left oh dang it bad angle on that i wanted to hit this edge to see if it would do a ricochet you would have had to hit that a lot harder i think yeah no and also good gooder more bien as i say more being los pollos hermanos good restaurant coming back man [Music] that's starting up right before my birthday which is great i don't know why that's fucking funny to me yeah chili dogs oh yeah the putter clipping through stuff is is perfect it's like the best thing about this game no not the best thing but one of the better things about this game what'd you all have for dinner tonight eat something scrumptious you know i made a brussels sprout with pork chop but the pork chop was uh cinnamon like um was it cinnamon it was bourbon something powder and then it was like a pan sauce with uh diced apples it was really good nice amazing uh why you do this [Music] street cart chicken like the halal guys in new york we replicated their recipe it's very good that's cool yeah we did it with the yellow rice i like it i like that stuff i so i have to there's a cart that's not far that i like but i try not to get it too much because it's too good yeah it's it's um it's chicken thighs marinated with mayo and a bunch of really good spices and that's just grilled and then chopped up and then turmeric yeah turmeric and turmeric rice and then we made some nan bread to go with it yen yeah yeah jesse we have to cook we have to cook you told the first time i had brussels sprouts was like fairly recently and i know it's like one of the classic ooh gross veggies i i really enjoyed it they're like little cabbage you just have to make them right it's just oven oil salt pepper and you know don't overcook because then they get mushy but if you get them just crispy enough they're delicious i've been i've been getting whole heads of cabbage and cutting into wedges and just searing them on my cast iron and i just eat that like they burn the heck out of it it tastes really good i don't know why but yeah if you ever tried it do some charred cabbage okay it's like eating a whole salad just but it's just a it's just a wedge a cabbage it's just a bunch of cabbage it's really good though seriously the burn bits on the cabbage it's it's legit that's the good stuff is the burn bits garbage that's too fucking true hey guys um i'm really sorry uh i have a little bit of a family emergency i'm not going to be able to finish all right yeah no problem no yeah thanks and i really appreciate it and thanks again so much everyone for for donating so much to the american heart association i will uh i'll chat with you guys later all right bye you won no no hope everything's okay but yeah um as i'm gonna say i'm gonna chalk that up to a hootie win because he had he was doing great and he was gonna like ace this hole what are you doing dude what are you doing bees okay i shouldn't i shouldn't yell i'm stuck my landlord's gonna be like what the fuck's going on down there are you stuck in i i hate this hole need to be a little bit more zen about it then then yeah zen hole it's the most holistic hole all right good job good job jesse we need to cook fuck [Music] the brussels sprouts charred them a little bit you dummy they're gonna taste like shit otherwise uh okay i'm not even gonna i'm not gonna no spoilery knows on this one i guess oh dear look at this there's a monkey ball level through and through i will take that damn yeah how am i doing anyway am i i'm oh it's very close between me and gear now that last one like fucking ruined me oh that bounced out of bounds uh yeah yeah why did you design it so you fucking bounce nevermind no no i'm in i see it i don't know man it's good i'll take that jesse have you been eating funyuns for four years straight yeah mr white this is my dinner jesse i need to cook you a proper meal all right dad i mean mr white birdie oh eagle yeah okay gear could that be worse than people shit talking to people like giving you like yeah like it's okay just got a false that's okay it's okay it's okay don't worry about it yeah no you're fine you're but you're fi you're you're fine you'll be okay all right there's no need to be a dramatic about it inoperable is not a an excuse i mean okay okay okay [Music] okay okay someone just wrote in my chat funny i was just watching breaking bad there's only those fights like typos like that they're good is that today's wordle bade i bait you goodbye my good sir that's that's um before at saying it how is birdle not a thing how is there there is yeah they saw this stuff they call it quartal and it's four of quadrants i fear that [Applause] well actually what happened when when ben's computer broke is that he went and got golf lessons and i had to download the program into my positronic net data you can't just download golf oh jordy he's lower than 3080. i definitely did [Applause] this this this guy talk about things he liked too much i don't like this guy fucking guy plays video game time to leave well i don't love that but it could have been worse at least it sets me up for a shot yeah bright side all right oh shit oh shit oh shit shit bright side my ball is still fucking around it's still [Music] good yeah i mean i really only fucked up on that one hole just that last one which was just miserable here's a here's a hypothetical um you have to have a virtual assistant that like does all your stuff it's it does everything for you but it must have either the voice of gilbert godfrey or steven seagal which do you choose you know you need to get yourself to the doctor i wasn't even that was a terrible gilbert godfrey [Laughter] or gilbert or yeah you know you your wake-up call is ready it's time to go i think i like gilbert better for that there's an urgency you know i just try to i'm trying to imagine steve seagal suggesting someone goes to the doctor just in person so i think from my experience as a navy seal and a keto master and in my time as a law man in louisiana parish in my time that one time i was on a raid and we killed a bunch of chickens which is true um wait what i think no you don't know about that no so during his filming of lawman um he was actually kicked out of louisiana parish when he was doing that because he was found out to um be holding someone against their will in his house but beyond that uh allegedly uh but beyond that when he went to arizona with the sheriff there good job they apparently did a raid on a cockfighting ring which apparently it wasn't a cockfire ring was just show tickets uh and they brought like an apc along with and apparently like a hundred chickens died oh my god yeah they bring that up in the dvd commentary on this stuff i don't know why they were just trying to do cock magic and segal rode on in like a fucking hurricane that's a shame poor chickens i hope mcdonald's got some part of that at least sorry that was i don't know what to do just support local businesses instead i don't know you don't need to not mcdonald's some other chicken nugget place mom and pop owned [Applause] yeah at that point you could just feed people but i mean i like chickens i like birds in general that makes me very sad and also steven seagal is such a good actor [Laughter] yeah is that the hole down there or is it into the these horns no i think it's down wait what because it's like i see the flag down there i'm pretty sure it's down there yeah so this is it right here that's what i think oh that's mental i heard the bell go off that bell ruined me that bell ruined me is it really just it goes down all the way yeah all the way careful too much power and you hit the bell i'm just gonna just walk it off i don't even know oh there it is there it is oh shit okay yeah we're in the same general region zot i mean you got a better shot than i do it does go down i do oh my god i actually physically recoiled because the ball flew at my face that was a jump scare it should be like where did it fucking go it hit a corner check your replay dude the fuck how the fuck did it do that i don't know man they should have a wordle clone called squirtle and it's just pokemon with five letters can you name a pokemon with only five letters in its name uh through the geometry krabby shallows that's six uh uh ponyta don't know my pokemon yes says it says a chat member oh arbok and ekkins oh damn lapras that's six fuck so is gengar if you try hard enough okay turns out there's a lot of pokemon with five letters i didn't know i'm not there's a lot there's a lot eevee someone wrote kirby that's not correct curry couldn't be a pokemon no one's ever tried a ball on him mario i mean i thought jigglypuff was a kirby when i played smash for the first time that was good dude that's pretty good i'll take it i'll take it it's a long put dude not too hard oh sorry multiple abras chicken butt not too hard [Music] oh geez [Applause] i'll take yeah yeah that's you almost went back down man okay that was it vinnie wow i am shocked at how how that went down but i gotta be honest the true hero here is hootie and i think he would have won this so we only had like two or three holes left before he had to go but i'm pretty sure hudi was about to win so you did really good in the last four though yeah yeah i yeah i'm happy with that um but i got a hole in one right there i see that hole in one yeah yeah my the the rng uh skills is how that works then you see that right after that one is a seven so yeah uh anyway um then anytime you want to play it uh again yeah we're happy for we're only gonna do two if you i mean i don't know what gear what your plan is but um um i'm good to stop unless you guys really want to do another one i'm hoping to do it again i don't think i would do the 18 uh holes i would do the maybe like i'm down for a nine hole because i missed nine holes earlier so it would be fun to see a new map and just see best of nine chat you down for that that is just they're they're saying nine hole is my favorite pokemon so yeah that's a good oh yeah uh you to do the front none of the back nine back nine is probably more exciting um [Music] get you get no decision oh this place is like was this babylon right yeah that one i want to see this one oh yeah go do it yo yo [Music] this is this is dank this is crazy i love it i don't i don't love that i don't like that at all that's dang my shots suck i didn't realize you'd clip the corner like that great zit you did it you don't have to be that nice calling me that i hate like when you're on someone's name on the our popping something oh yeah i i was going to say r i hate when you're on that cursed website and then like you're you're sorting by all and like something from our popping shows up and it's just like hey y'all found a great one and then you click it because it sounds so positive and it's just like goo bursting out of someone's disgusting pores my hubby just had this great one to show y'all we saved it for you yeah yeah we've been saving it for two months it's been sorting by all i know i know i need to like i call it russian roulette put your mouth on the faucet you don't sort by all but you filter every time the subreddit i don't like i filter it out i do that too sometimes but i'm also a dumbass and there's most of it is bad it's just when i'm in the mood for when i'm in the mood for punishment and i want to keep my finger on the pulse of what's happening on the internet i check that out and then i hate myself so what's happening god damn it [Applause] i'm just thinking of like that that equivalency is like you're browsing on whatever your phone or your device but like the the cyberpunk equivalent of that just indirectly digesting all the the the trash feeds right oh i'm taking off the filters no don't do it you won't come out i'm telling you if you take those filters off chum you're dead i got this jenny [Music] um was that a par that's a bogey that sucks all right well listen there's you know there's just okay [Music] [Music] cyberpunk but instead of v and keanu it's walter and jesse we need to cook joom yeah i don't know about that mr keanu what's his name johnny for for funsies i wanted to like try an mmo this is not a promotion but i've been playing elder scrolls online and there's a quest you could do where you help out people on a on a moon sugar farm and i'm thinking man what a cool questline would be to help two guys like like jesse booger sugar like no it's like breaking bad of but that's making scuba right i'm trying to think of like jesse is an argonian he has like a jessie mini mini teeth or whatever yeah trying to think of like the argonian oh and a nord walter white jesse we need to get in there and cook this meth belongs to me my recipe jesse no jesse's a congenital so he could say this this jesse doesn't like this have you heard of the high elves doesn't change at all though right have you heard of the high elves you know the 9-inch nail song where he goes i hurt myself today yeah that was me yesterday because my friend tyler wanted to have dominoes so we ordered dominoes and we had it with beer and we watched tremors and i gotta be honest i've never related to a 9-inch nail song more in my life did you acknowledge what you were doing i knew what was happening i knew what was happening okay it was like the first time we've done this in over like two years i think so it was like let's just if we're going to do it do it and just no get the tums ready [Music] i've actually been re-listening tonight nails i really enjoyed their with teeth album that's one of my great out that was the one that um i was a fan for when it released you know what i mean like i i i had their albums prior but i wasn't as big of a fan and then when with teeth came out i was like hell yeah um i know i know trent actually didn't want to release the hand that feeds because he felt it was too too commercial yeah and then he was right but um it's a great song beside you in time is actually my favorite track on that just because of how i don't know it hit me in an emotional spot i don't know how to explain it but like any song that gives me free song is the is when the the beat hits in that song would get gnarly for song that's a good one i like um i might be wrong what song is it um on amnesiac it's uh come on come on when the beat hits on that i lose my shit i love that one but for nine inch nails on that album i love every day is exactly the same that's my favorite from that one [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] they're still clapping for bogeys they're kind of they're kind of just in different collapse i imagine yeah yeah we got paid to do this all right let's move on you know what what made me really self-conscious one time when i laughed on stream someone said i laughed like seth rogen they said i laugh as much as jimmy fallon which was like the two worst laughers yeah yeah so whatever man zod i will tell you that every aspect of my being has been picked apart by randos on the internet over the past 12 years every fiber jesse every single ounce it's mine it's like crowd funding like psychoanalysis by a bunch of randos who don't yeah right hey chat how you doing hey chat no the only thing jimmy fallon should host is a parasite i was waiting for somebody dang it i love that quote that's that's the best mike stokalaza line i've ever heard oh yeah i got in on it did you see my ape paris hilton checkout they they had no right in smiling friends doing jimmy fallon i i just yeah really i just saw that one what was it was mr frog's just happy to be here happy to be here hello hello [Music] that's a tough one that's that's awful in fact i don't know what i'm doing that's been me my whole life story [Music] you know i have to take an exam for the first time since getting out of college i have to take one on friday what are you gonna i'm working on my masters that's cool no maybe a little bit i'm doing it i'm doing it because it's paid for this full disclosure i'm not i wouldn't be doing if i had to pay for it um i'm doing a master's in business analytics with a side side dealio and cyber security does not matter it's whatever but i think it's all supposed to be all online but they still make me show up to take an exam show up i don't you have to like show up there's people that are taking this course in a different country and they have to have someone well why don't they just host it in jack box you know just do it like yeah like uh you have to draw like a draw i was thinking like a garlic phone or something he's like you got two minutes into this short question short answer question god i wish you luck though not with your shot i hope you fail yeah on your masters not bad yeah there we go you will fail you're just quietly making the shots getting getting the the good shots oh that's not a good shot never mind i'm sorry did you see the wide rio announcement for street fighter 6 i heard it looked bad i didn't see it though um very high muscle definition on that ryu they they make an effort to like show you like his his back muscles just to show his back muscles off like look at these muscles on ryu and he's just real wide he's kind of wide it's the the framing of the shot doesn't help because it's it just it shows them at like chest levels and then it's like ryu's face is kind of wide so it kind of trains the eye to be wide but yeah i don't know maybe they were hoping for the kylo ren meme potential well they showed the logo off for street fighter 6 and it's just like it's it's kind of a very simple logo i don't know i heard about that yeah it's like soul calibur losing exciting logos over time yeah oh my my controller doesn't want to track one second i'm gonna do the same thing y'all did but cooler why does this hole suck here got it oh yeah close enough i guess you go in har i am at a plus two oof i don't think they get scored until the balls are in so we'll see [Applause] okay where are we going here okay i see that's a long putt i should uh should have put a little bit more elbow grease into that one y'all ever been to like a like a butterfly like like in an enclosure a sanctuary yeah but yeah sanctuary yeah that conversation came up recently um i have not but after watching that peacemaker show i don't think i ever want to oh i haven't seen you i'll check i watched like the first episode of the first episode but we have one at my um at the university and people go in there and like study but they'll just have butterflies they'll just randomly like drop on them oh yeah that makes studying yeah i guess they like that i don't know if you're not careful you end up like murdering the property of the museum i closed my book too hard it took out a whole whole lineage of butterflies right yeah well oh yeah you know you almost almost got to the next one [Music] it's like that's like four from now we got like six more over here oh right off the board and into the world me don't jump over the wall just hit it baby yes yes oh dude it's fine i'm still on the platform chat i i've been meaning not to say anything because i didn't want to jinx it but um i haven't crashed was it the gpu including the one that they sent me as an rma is it possible that it could be that even though you got a new power supply it's not really dealing with a high transience of power that it's drawing or um i know that the one that you have but some of the ryzen chips have a pci4 issue which you can toggle that down to pc pci three to test so many different things that one must consider with a computer well i'm going to continue testing this and we'll see if it's yeah i i can i can drop you a a test computer if you want to try it in a different computer just to see maybe maybe well if you're willing to make the trip out to staten island we could talk about that but we'll uh we'll reconvene let's see how let's see if i crash within the next four holes um i don't like this one yeah there's not much to like about this one but that's pretty good well it's not terrible this sounds like skyrim music it kind of does doesn't it yeah need something holy shit wow what a shot wow [Music] that is illegal you know fuck look at the replay look at the replay everybody oh also really close is this a dlc map john yes okay yeah yeah but i think all the deals that are nine dollars that's that's a pretty good price for that many horses i think they plan on losing one more and then maybe doing the pack where you get them all for 10 or something i don't quote me but i think okay well this has definitely become one of my favorite vr experiences so oh boy the old archimedes crew oh you got screwed yeah you were waiting for that huh yeah maybe maybe it's gonna happen to me too so it's all right oh my god got touched oh no oh no vinnie did you play yesterday's wordle did you get it i got it yeah got it in four i think today's wordle and yesterday's yeah i have a new streak a bruin that's rough dude there you go there you go that's yup i don't know why this game is inspiring all these weird voices i guess everything is a weird voice in my life so whatever but this is good all right john all right you know what game i got back into playing what's that solitaire of all things oh oh are you working a desk job well yeah i do but i play it at home and oh okay well it's a good game but then i streamed it the other day because i wanted to stream just how bad the windows store version is and it's it's rough it's pretty haggard but solitaire it's a it's a roguelike yes it is yeah i guess it is it broke my brain and it's like oh is that the first roguelike because there's a chance you just lose no going out into the woods as a child this was the first rogue like yeah that's that yeah you're right rogue is a solitaire like please oh well there you go there you go fuck to the putt 170 dollars away from 7 000 let's get them in i think we can do it well if you're just showing up um we're raising money for the american heart association type exclamation mark donate in my chat if you're on my stream and uh please you know check out the charity it's a good cause if we can get to 7 000 that would be pretty amazing you could do it in my chat too don't worry you could do it in john's chat too like john said aromatic on twitch i don't hate it i don't hate it [Music] the objective not do that it hasn't told me it's my turn yet yeah that's the weird thing it did no he didn't crash i could see his hand moving very slightly where's the ball i think if you are you holding the do not release button there he goes it's back he's back whoa hold on couldn't i do that last time and i missed it yeah well yeah yeah oh there it is wow fuck you game [Music] anger anger get on get on back please well i hear those donations coming in thank you [Music] [Applause] stop it for you thank you [Music] wow all right oh god look at this one two more not a two more from the belly [Music] oh wow it hates you the game how is that possible [Music] hey you wow same spot just about there about this and thus the cycle of failure begins where like you get stuck in a fail it becomes a fail hole and no matter no matter how hard you try to like shoot well you just you can't it sucks it's like a exponential failure [Music] that's pretty good [Music] for skin all right i think people had difficulty searching for ps4 skins yeah for their home page engine optimization ain't that great i'm just saying or force wielders in the star wars universe and their kin i'll stop now [Music] welcome to charity everybody yeah oh yeah that's right that too this is a heart charity not not a uh a a another type of charity i'm gonna jump in this stream here and see what people are doing to raise money for our nice organization we're professionals and we're we're we're so excited that they're raising money for us and then they hear foreskin it's like oh dear lord hosting charity is in october this year i want to grow my foreskin back again you came a little early can you can you hear my neighbor's dog barking no because there's other animals on in the game okay that's good his name is banjo by the way just figured that was relevant let's see where we're at now this is the last hole of the night everybody so let's let's see how how this is progressing i'm at a plus seven that's bad uh gear is at a minus a plus uh plus three so you know i mean it's possible for me to come back here but i don't think that's going to happen it's the fountain it's the it's the fountain so if you don't make it in you just you get you get murdered no yeah the different parts of the different fears you can see the symbols on them all right wow wow zod wow wow takes a little thinking that's all i mean that was unexpected but i'll take it [Music] tied it up oh hey ah tied look at that oh man what a shot that was zot yeah i'd replay your yeah i'll do it one more time why not wow it's very awkward because my player is very near somewhere else anyway and that's we hit 7k wow wow thank you guys yeah thank you everybody um on my on my end i'm going to excuse me i'm going to say that appreciate everybody joining and you know again tech issues aside this was a lot of fun and uh hootie we wish she could have finished that last one with us he probably would have won but this was still great and i had a lot of fun i'd like to do this again sometime then check out this place the space out the space one that looks like next charity next charity we'll do it cool yeah i wouldn't mind doing more regular sessions of this just because it's a it's very cathartic uh and also just like i like the it literally just crashed on me it's cathartic um but no i i enjoy this and also the just the the joshing around and and playing with you guys a lot of fun i think i loved it yeah this was awesome i would i would definitely do this again and i'm so happy we we did really well we smashed the charity goal times seven so i'm pretty happy about that um all right well hey i wanna um just let you all know that okay i think you're left um okay so i'm just going to let you all know i'm going to continue i'm going to play zelda because i'm live i want to like stress test my machine and because i want to play some zelda so bonus for everybody in just a minute but gear thank you so much for getting this going i appreciate it well thank you for coming to play man of course and um thank you for helping with tech issues i know we'll figure it out at some point always fun thank you for for being here ben and helping get all the people around and getting donating we really uh really appreciate man i'm happy to help final shout outs if you haven't go check out gear's channel gearmatic twitch.tv you can always check out my channel here great zot um and yeah you're on vinnie's channel you're on his channel you go check him out he's a good streamer right here um but uh beyond that uh thank you for for being uh so kind in your donations uh again supporting american heart association uh i'm gonna go uh in gear i think i'm gonna go as well just from either stream uh because my nose won't stop running so anyway thanks again everybody have a good night see ya bye guys for donating uh chat if you'll just give me a little bit of time i can switch over to my microphone and get ocarina of time uh set up so if you give me just a minute actually i'll probably do a brb so be patient and i will return i will return all i want to grow my poor skin back again
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 20,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Full Sauce, FullSauce, Playthrough, Gameplay, VR, Virtual Reality, Valve Index, VRChat, VR Chat, Walkabout Mini Golf VR
Id: smD77LDqvJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 24sec (7764 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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