[Vinesauce] Vinny - Dome Keeper ~ Demo

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not to be confused with core keeper here's a game called dome keeper it's uh another next fest demo uh this one i missed and it was recommended by the john fulsos john the full sauce and so i checked it out looked cool and uh then i realized that there was other you know there's some buzz around this so i wanted to check it out seems like something i might be interested in i don't know if this is gonna be just its own video i guess it depends on how much mileage i get out of the demo but if not then uh it'll be part of a compilation i hope everyone watching is doing well thank you as always for stopping by and watching one of my videos [Music] so choose your loadout get laser dome gadget keeper junior i like the visuals so far there's a search for a relic bring it back to your dome all right [Music] um two difficulties hard but doable and brutal all right we'll try brutal that's what it says it's it's it's the intended difficulty so i'm gonna go for it and regret it later is this a controller game or am i because it's like arrow keys to move which controller is always preferable to arrow keys to move in my opinion not always but you know uh laser dome equipped with powerful and precise laser there's upgrades which i can't afford is that poop it's a laser so are you [Music] okay what's neat so far you know i know there's people that are watching this are like it's dick duck [Music] it is it kind of hits [Music] there we go suffering some materials and then we'll we'll see what these upgrades are uh displays the stored resources even when not in the upgrade menu displays the time until hostile life forms arrive at the dome [Music] uh drill strength move faster move faster yeah move faster seems seems great and at some point enemies will attack the dome so it's like you gotta find your resources [Music] whilst also oh i see look at that okay why is there an eggplant on the bottom left how do i stop this stop this oh i'm a dumbass okay it wasn't working though okay so you don't press up and down to move the laser it's left and right [ __ ] your first propellant fruit just grew when next to it hit something to consume it cool button it's the space bar i guess does anyone see any propellant fruits because i don't so you gotta press this first and then you press upgrade so that was where i went wrong prepare your dome repeatedly with cobalt okay i'm gonna need that upgrade soon it seems like an interesting concept it's simple but i can see how it would become addictive just to learn how to use the [ __ ] controls uh so that's something i'd like to see expanded on is just a little bit more readability for some of the controls um especially if you're using a controller because i'm i'm like wait what button but again demo and oh no [Music] okay actually i can do an upgrade for that i could do an upgrade for move laser faster top speed drill strength oh i see okay the enemy meter but yeah we need repairs we go i figured out how to press the buttons oh you can kind of see where there's different textures of rock it took me a minute but yeah there's uh different strength levels that are indicated by a very simple visual i ate the fruit i don't know what the fruit [ __ ] does but all right man get that repair dome strength 100 percent cool uh what do we want now probably carry slow down no i can't get that yet i can't get anything else yet so we'll just defend here oh boy all the lasers on this side i guess it is kind of a good idea to keep it in the middle uh what do we want now maybe uh i could do laser upgrades in a second but i'll just repair the dome i'm going to get carry slow down reduced am i moving slower because i don't have the eggplant i think that's what's happening [Music] is there an upgrade for for that true strength propellant lasts for longer [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] okay let's get up there and i'll get ready for an attack [Music] i'm gonna get laser speed [Music] oh my god [Music] okay we're good i haven't really talked about this yet but kojima said that he tried to watch the boys tv show but he had a he had a similar concept in mind and as a result he could no longer watch the show like because it just i guess it upset him so he watched like some of the first season and then stopped okay that's probably for later i kind of want to see what kojima's take on things are but we're at the point now where kojima could just show up at a convention or sorry at a a game announcement thing like he did for microsoft and just say i am working on game and people are like oh my god kojima game that dude has a lot of pull in this industry i wonder if these are demogorgons oh that sucks but yeah i would have been interested to see what his take was it probably wasn't as similar as he thought it was because that show ends up going in some wacky directions and i feel like kojima stuff goes in wacky directions too but helps wacky wouldn't have been i wonder compared to what we got but uh also i mentioned demogorgon finished you'll probably see this like a week later but i finished watching up until the break point of stranger things and i have to say i mostly enjoyed it it's not the smartest television in the world but it doesn't try to be and i think it is overall probably the for me it's my favorite season since the first one and some of the stuff that they did to like tie the story together actually worked for me like it was kind of almost a prequel a little bit and when you go back and almost not retcon but explain sometimes it can be not great but i thought it was uh it was pretty well done [Music] jesus as i've said before i couldn't believe how it balanced all these characters new ones included like there's all these characters that they added over every season and now you know they're here we are with with even more characters and it i think it's it's working i mean there's still more to come but i've definitely uh enjoyed it more than i thought i would and it feels like its own plot and yet well maybe there's like too much exposition dumping and you know there's some of course there's gonna be plot contrivances but it it does it pretty well it's even though like i complain about the obi-wan show and uh you know how how it's like it's star wars it's it's not going to be the smartest stuff in the world but i feel like that just felt so like boring and cold and it just didn't calculated but weirdly enough stranger things ended up really working for me still not best show ever or anything like that but way better than i expected like i said so it's like you have tv shows there's so many it's hard to keep track it's hard to keep up but you have tv shows that come back for another season and are just like trash but oh [ __ ] uh and then you have shows that start great and end up turning into poop like westworlds which is at this point a show i'm not even bothering to watch the new season started and already people are telling me it don't even bother and you know i'll give it some time but i'm more than likely not going to bother so it's just it's there's so much and it takes me forever to watch a full series because i started stranger things like several weeks ago for example and i just stopped watching it um i might have spent too much triangle to get a dome sick dome now i spent too much triangle and now i'm i'm lacking in triangle which is a shame it's a poor triangle strategy but it is really hard to watch these these series like one of the things about uh the marvel stuff is like now you have to if you want to know what's happening in the marvel universe for some of these movies you don't just have to watch a couple movies to catch up you you now have to watch tv shows which can run for how many [ __ ] hours you know [Music] and that's it there you go [Music] i wonder if there's any progression between runs [Music] i'm gonna try this difficulty one more time now that i know what i'm doing kinda that's a pretty reasonable first upgrade but uh the doctor strange movie the more i had time to think about it the more i realized like it just she's good as a villain scarlet witch but it felt so weird after are getting like redemption at the end of that one division show and now like it's just monster time again good movie in some ways and then in other ways i felt kind of like uh about it but uh at least you know at least there was some cool stuff that i could remember from it because like a lot of these marvel movies are starting to just kind of blend into one another and uh there were a lot of people that didn't like the sam raimi stuff and his like you know editing and shooting it's like that's the stuff that was most interesting to me [Music] but um you know it's a big ask for a lot of people to just constantly have these shows and continuity and i do like continuity but sometimes it's okay to do like a self-contained thing and also there's just too much stuff like the world is is just scary honestly like there's there's a lot of stuff that is just very upsetting and very unfortunate and um it it makes me kind of afraid a little bit and yet at the same time you know we can just numb ourselves with tv okay so those are upgrades for the propellant so that's the gadget which is this so you get this drill faster you eat fat uh you fly faster it's a short period a period of time but you can you can upgrade it it's nice oh let's hope me leaving that stuff there is we're leaving the the laser in that spot is not a bad idea [Music] [Music] i'm gonna need the jetpack stuff need more resources to defend more effectively [Music] you got this you got this you got this [Music] uh the duration of the fruit [Music] well i was gonna hopefully increase the growth time need more more square remember to thank square every 30 minutes no more square [Applause] dome is getting [ __ ] up hmm i can go maybe one more time if i'm punctual okay before i need to repair rather [ __ ] is this so that's what that was before whatever this was oh pick a gadget shred the gadget and gain two cobalt huh slowly produces water through condensation it's all laser that stuns small monsters automatically that sounds nice and laser speed would be good they look like little ammo guys [Music] okay fruit grow good fruit grow fast pretty good haul okay with this um oh what's this oh i can upgrade the stun laser that's that's nice damage up speed up simple ai will activate the stun laser even when you are not inside the control station look at that one i'm also going to get the um one repair one strength upgrade two repair [ __ ] it two repair i'm gonna bring some of these up the mother lode which if you think about it that's a really weird phrase that's a little too weird might upgrade anything else uh not really not yet soon [Music] thank you stun laser stun laser is doing god's work nice much better run so far especially because i know what things are and i see these fruits i know and they seem like too much but with the with the propellant with the fruit eight six six fruit it's not so bad okay upgrade time uh drill strength because we're getting it deep [Music] okay we'll bring up these and then get ready to fight i could use laser power something weird is up there oh dear oh there oh [ __ ] um start with these right uh any upgrades now for extra fruit uh duration i need one of those okay i could do this soon growth time we're not going to increase that every second fruit consumes no water okay all right must fight [Music] oh [Music] and taking a little too much damage going to increa increase increase the um the speed of the little stun laser can we can we get five yeah we can get five no time gotta go back up uh okay another upgrade i'm gonna go for speed upgrade the [ __ ] that was an easy round not all rounds are going to be that easy though so yeah this is where the drill is starting to lose its potency [Music] all right let's get going back up [Music] i was going to leave them there and then get the other ones but now what nope uh with my new jetpack i think i have time to do this [Music] just barely gonna make it [Music] gotta do a repair [Music] okay decent not the worst okay i'll take it should probably have had that fruit just then but i'm gonna go back up i see some yellow some some squares i'm gonna get them after this dome strength increased hmm duration 40 seconds plus 33 percent gonna get that [Music] oh my god [Music] the [ __ ] died oh my god oh my god the luck holy [ __ ] okay we need some serious upgrades yeah get all of them get all of them um all right keep going okay uh gonna need to upgrade the carry strength but i think oh [ __ ] we lost one all right uh all right no problem i think number one would be to upgrade the laser the strength of it [Music] god i think speed has got to be next [Music] i use the power of the fruit to get all of these back to the base in one go maybe not the best use of fruit but i don't mind [Music] yeah i'll wait for the laser speed upgrade [Music] okay [Music] get the [ __ ] up there right now go [Music] [Applause] [Music] cool [Music] hmm [Music] okay uh do i want to play more of this i think i do because the game is good [Music] question is do i want to just stay on the same difficulty i'm going to try one more time same difficulty because now i i might even be a little bit better at the game i'm not sure yet with the backgrounds are different at least each time it's a slightly different flavor yeah i can see this being very addictive especially if there's any kind of progression and maybe some like different stuff to do like i know there's different fruits and different um domes and stuff um just sucks starting from zero and your drill sucks and you suck so we can build a large central tunnel [Music] [Applause] hey speed drill so we got the most basic stuff resource gathering completed yeah now i gotta haul these all the way back up the tube it's fine but yes starting with the central tube seems like a good idea okay took a little bit of damage okay no upgrades yet gonna need to know when monsters arrive because that is that is getting me extra damage that i do not want do not want remember that meme that's that's a classic do not want [Music] there it is there's the radar i don't know how much health the dome has but i guess i could tell just by looking at it so that's an upgrade that maybe i don't need just yet [Music] i'm gonna get fruit [Music] more fruit [Music] nice music good vibe vibe i don't like barney the purple dinosaur thinks it's a vibe but thanks barney appreciate the input [Music] there's some quick mining over here nothing all right back up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] take a risk and leave it there good hey with this i will upgrade i don't know never mind i can't do that could use that upgrade right about now actually the the one big one all right quickly now quickly now [Music] laser strength do i repair or do i keep trying to upgrade the integrity of the thing that's that's the real question what would a pro of this game do [Music] this may take a while but it'll be very worth it i hope [Music] [Music] that stun laser truthfully wasn't really doing it for me it was okay [Music] it's all a probe into your suit which can reveal nearby resources manually triggered needs to be recharged yeah i like that it's good [Music] i'm gonna do one repair [Music] nothing there [Music] [Music] me we need the weasels oh no ah no that's the danger of a large shaft i guess [ __ ] damn it all right yeah so some of those are now all the way down there uh probably should have increased the health a while ago [Music] damn you little bastards [Music] so [Music] god now i'm not even using the goddamn shaft so you were the one who was called shaft [Music] i need to save up for an upgrade [Music] it's a little early for this [ __ ] oh my god [Music] bring these back up kind of comfortably bring up five but i'm going to need to upgrade my haul strength i think that that will be my next upgrade and then i'm just gonna hope that i can handle whatever enemies it throws at me that and also um growth time that's what i meant to get earlier and i somehow [ __ ] that up so that's cool my phone has been predicting dungy instead of don't and i'm like what the [ __ ] oh and then i remembered elden ring i called dung eater dungy once and my phone was like that's a good word i'll remember that like please no you could just just not remember that too we're gonna bring these up bring the next batch up quickly waste no time can be done can be done it is done i'm gonna go for hmm hmm i didn't want to have to do that so soon but i think yeah i think the attack upgrade is going to be vital it looks like into the breach a little bit the background [Music] [Music] come on work your power good laser yeah i think this laser was a good choice yeah a very very good choice [Music] [ __ ] i've already committed to this god damn it uh [Music] [Music] was probably not worth the effort but it's too late now [Music] i'm gonna upgrade the uh thing and then i'm gonna upgrade the thing so i've got a couple couple upgrades out of that all right let's hope for the best [Music] i need to repair it sucks that i have to do that i don't want to waste that stuff but i guess i don't really see much of a choice ain't nothing here however and get something so i love the noises they make as they pop come on just in time yeah i'm gonna need a laser speed upgrade [Music] i know to drill there now because there's a lot of stuff down there [Music] [Applause] so could use a better drill for this though quickly now [Music] quickly now [Music] good round damn it all right i'm not gonna waste too much time never mind i have to waste time now because i press the wrong button i want to drop it all right at least the fruit regenerates quickly my next upgrade jetpack speed oh this is one or the okay i have to choose one um i'm gonna go for speed and then i'm gonna do the thing where i get uh easy fruits all the time that should be the logo that's the slogan for 866 fruit [Music] [Music] [Music] you need to stop that [Applause] so just in time nope uh i probably have time to do a quick scan that i got to come back up there's nothing down there jeez [Music] [Music] lucky round still in need of fruits i don't know why the fruit has stopped growing i don't know how that works [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] why did the fruit stop growing [Music] not really sure how that works is it her upgrade that you get more water i don't [ __ ] i wish i knew i didn't repair the dome but now it will take less damage [Music] come on [Music] good [Music] uh next upgrade hmm yeah fruit gone [ __ ] there's also one repair that i can do got it and what do i need so i save up for attack consume the fruit to puff your movement uses water is the blue stuff water like when you find it does that just give you more fruit [Music] [Music] [Applause] i am thinking about those split upgrade drill strength hmm there we go nothing here okay so that is my next destination maybe these get added to the grinder and then more water uh i don't i wasn't paying as much attention as i should have yeah that's exactly what happens [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's go [Music] okay now that water is going to do its thing and i definitely definitely need more more of them fruit some of this rock is going to be really hard to get through [Music] [Music] so [Music] you have very little margin of error in this difficulty mode i think [Music] [Music] should be good live to fight and shoot another day [Music] i'm gonna upgrade this so that i can start growing these things without water upgrading the jet pack too okay let's get down there and use this to the maximum advantage [Music] there is stuff up there [Music] so nice okay i think it's time to save up for some attack stuff that seems like it might be the best use of my resources at the moment peace like uh one or one or the other i don't know which one yet then drill or carry slow down or top speed so yeah i think it might be a good time to save up for that stuff [Music] [ __ ] hate when that happens [Music] oh it's two of them that's a good thing i use that [ __ ] radar because this is probably uh yeah this is a lot of yellow maybe we're lucky there's something down there too [Music] can't do the upgrade yet going real quick i want to get that upgrade before the next wave if possible at all important thing [Music] i'm [ __ ] [Music] i am doomed maybe not necessarily teleport yourself our resources back shred the gadget to gain to cobalt i i really didn't want to do that but yeah i'm also one short oh there's two of these [Music] if i didn't shred it for cobalt i would have that would have been it because this this lad is probably going to attack [Music] oh good luck all right gotta get back down there and uh get the yellow stuff and quickly all right um strength speed while firing is is low or should i get double i'm gonna get the double and i can't get this yet but that would be a nice upgrade to have at some point i [ __ ] up i should have recharged my thing do this we can do this quickly only three it's easy this way and go up this way this needs four but at least i know [Music] damn it [Music] this is very good damn it [ __ ] god damn it come on fruit i need you to regenerate quickly [Music] so bring these up and then go back and get the rest but uh hmm yeah i'm gonna get dome hp now that the dome is settled for a little while at least i feel more comfortable going and exploring [Music] i mean this is essentially a speed upgrade as well so i'm just wondering how it's going to do against those large lads [Music] oh another one perfect is this one bigger than usual oh my god [Music] i'll have to come back to that it's probably a slightly better use of of this time just to grab these but that one's huge so i'm wondering how that upgrade is gonna end up being [Music] i'm gonna get the range up on that because i like that one having extra range seems appropriate [Music] shame i can't have the double laser meet up in the like you know on one spot so i can just focus both lasers on this one [ __ ] [Music] oh i see what happened so even though i have a [ __ ] load more range on this um on the thing it's only one charge i know there's something down here this will fit we're gonna have to like dig a bigger shaft [Music] it's gonna be just fine oh man well i'm lucky i found this [Music] oh that's the relic oh oh i didn't realize that was the end game [Music] [Music] golly i don't think i was ready for this [Music] mate come on oh okay [Music] okay that worked out great [Music] new difficulty unlocked okay sure install a brewing tank producing a repelling liquid activate to release the repellent delaying the arrival of the next wave [Music] cool i think the water meter needs to be slightly better communicated oh that's an interesting dome on the left awesome game really cool demo really like sells it [Music] very interested to see what these other keepers are like [Music] different game modes seem cool you have different domes [Music] well it's your dumb to lose yeah no thanks um cool game i would say that this is an excellent demo um as you can see i've gone over an hour and a half so this doesn't need to be packaged with other demos this stood on its own pretty nicely and i would recommend it for people that like this sort of thing i think it's fun um maybe you know i don't really have too many complaints but i just want to see what it ends up being when it's released it's just really fun okay well thank you everybody for watching i hope you have a good day a good life good everything i i wish you the best because in uh you know in in the year of our lord 2022 and um for the past several years you know i know a lot of people have been down angry upset you name it sucks it sucks on top of the fear of mortality that we all inherently have within us so i just as a small part of the human race i'd like to just wish you the best i don't know where this is coming from or why it's at the end of domekeeper but i'm you know just being just being honest hope you're doing okay out there everybody hang in there take care and continue watching my stuff if you like it and if you don't there's other stuff okay goodbye we'll see
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 26,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Mining, Action Roguelike, Time Management
Id: jG8_RB7DB28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 57sec (5817 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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