[Vinesauce] Vinny - Corruption Stockpile #43

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[Music] [Music] welcome to the stream sunday stream intro for a sunday stream hi good one patrick i know so little about spongebob and yet i played the game once and now i'm an expert welcome once again to the stream hang on we gotta get the logo stuck on the screen there gotta get it stuck and crispy pretty crispy windows g enable welcome all right let's do sunday stream i have uh some corruptions i have part two of the flash games um i did a part one a couple months ago it was just like classic weird [ __ ] up flash games from back in the day so i have a part two and then i have a particularly weird grab bag gamble but i mean it's not really getting weird with it because some of it's good some of it's bad so it's just grab bag gamble if i manage to finish all that which i won't i have bonus materials but i think you'll be um happy with the flash and the corruptions at the very least so let's do it in five four three so corruptions have arrived again and it's it's good graphics and uh we have corruptions but these corruptions are a bunch of like big uh mixes mix-ups mixes yeah and like i have um mario bros 3 i have some n64 and i have a mega mix so that's just like a consolidation pile of just a bunch of random [ __ ] um i think charity corruptions are gonna be amazing so consider this like a kind of a hold over smaller corruption stream it's still gonna be good but it'll be a smaller corruption stream than the charity one xenoblade please helix ii what why why you keep saying helix too one dude is like hylix 2 over and over and over again it's sunday man um all right well i'm not going to make that person happy but here's here's a super mario world actually i'm going to shrink this and stick this in the middle here so you can there we go so now we can get the full screen wait this isn't super mario world this is super mario world josh's island almost ready i really gotta get my graphics together like ahead of time okay so this pack uh collection of corruptions pulled from stockpiles that didn't make the cut as full-length stockpiles names attached when known thank you nary for making this pack uh epilepsy warning by the way as always for corruption streams so you know watch your eyes like keep an eye on your eyes it's been a lot of very interesting and cursed yoshi's island corruptions lately wow [Music] they fly now okay it's like pilot wings island there's just no island it's been flattened it's about to become a parking [Music] lot uh what [Music] okay well hang on a minute let me get let me get the volume limiter just in case these things get really loud i forgot to do that [Music] all right good and i can adjust the volume from here too so that that helps quite a bit [Music] okay so this one's called that's not my child good they're in an uproar over the baby that fell from the sky they should all just leave [Music] they're not leaving but they're just looking the other way well what is left of the yoshis [Music] but yeah there's definitely some games in here that we've seen corrupted a bunch some i've never even heard of and some i don't think we've corrupted ever so that's gonna be fun um but yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good music [Music] all right good [Music] instant pop [Music] yeah you know it's corruptions when you get to hear some marble [Music] the amount of times this particular song has been [ __ ] up is nearly uncountable but it's always welcome uh yeah otherwise it's it's kind of playable [Music] music is kind of hitting the limiter a little hard what the [ __ ] just happened i don't know if i caused it to glitch or it was baked into the corruption but maybe mario's gone no consequences either [Music] this is the follow-up to uh the previous corruption no one wanted to take care of baby mario so they didn't yoshi got stuck with oh never mind [Music] where are we going yoshi yeah i don't know if yoshi's on a motorcycle but nintendo likes to change up their games so i could see a yoshi motorcycle game maybe yoshi is the motorcycle also if you change some of the letters around you get soda michael which baby are we talking about here yo she's just going going about his day it's like i'm off to work [Music] chat was the five minute crust fixed [Music] seems like it [Music] jesus christ [Music] nice angry pain yoshi [Music] construction yoshi oh [Music] ghost noises either that or the corruptions are booing me they don't like the way i stream anymore the corruptions need to find a wackier host like a parasite are done with you vinny we need someone wackier cool face mario i don't know someone's gonna make art of that i'm sure it doesn't quite work does it listen i tried someone's going to make art of it [Music] that exact same face appeared in a previous corruption then we already have art of that face yeah this is a favorite [Music] people like when this game is corrupted there's only a couple of these but [Music] limiter going okay [Music] okay i'm ready to play move there is no playing [Music] i don't know if that's part of the corruption or what peanuts peanuts the name of this corruption is funny word with two peanuts you chose with three peanuts [Music] that works for me with nine peanuts the bag with peanuts jesus christ stop saying it with ten peanut the bag with zero peanuts it says penises the elephant's face makes it honestly it's it's all about the elephant's face right now just staring at luigi knowing exactly what's being said oh no sound oh oh [ __ ] it's the behind the scenes it's the green screen i can't believe they used green screen in ocarina of time and they just chroma keyed the background out i can't believe it come on exit how does one exit this hell hole there we go oh wow everything here is [ __ ] up i don't know if if it's just this corruption or if it's let me double check that we have sound here should have it yeah it's the corruption interesting i mean i should give the benefit of the doubt to the corruptions if there's no sound but you never know red screen they're using like red chroma key okay now we're supposed i think we're supposed to have sound here let me check again it's another zelda corruption with no sound oh wait never mind it's it says here's zelutma which i thought was another game so when i said there's a game i never heard of in this collection i guess it's just zelutma zelda oot ah there we go there we go recovered and slow motion i'm under the spell of dark link you saved me thanks [ __ ] there's no escape okay this is like dark link from zelda two with the way this one evades good nice nice magic power link he's pogoing on his own sword it really is zelda two and drowned oh link must sacrifice himself to bring dark link into this world it's the only way it can happen sometimes i can fight sometimes i can't right now my controls are just stuck but i can make link like stank walk a little bit like like frame skip walk hey space he gets a goatee every now and then even better he's screaming morpha so oh scared dead [Music] why do i have the mirror shield this early i say knowing full well that the answer is corruptions [Music] also not questioning that i have light [Music] arrows [Music] the name of this corruption is link rages upon death [Music] no froze oh no oh no shot resolution reset though i can get the resolution up but if it crashes it doesn't save so then we go back to like crispy pixels you good [Music] we good [Music] yep yep we're fine i was told to um roll into this tree [Music] is currently in many positions all at the same time the superposition one might say [Music] nope [Music] just never mind the ocarina he can't play it doesn't know how to he's also shy so he's hiding from the camera right now [Music] all right kakariko village probably going to be totally normal [Music] i mean maybe maybe loading into a new zone has made it totally normal yeah kinda did [Music] yep normal and then like complete whiplash from zelda 64 to this game river city ransom corruptions by question marks so i guess no one no one knows who made the made these corruptions no one knows who made the english [Music] language [Music] this dude is that even like a real person is that a decorative person [Music] it's this dude again the one river city dude that does not want to fight as the as the main um antagonist of this scene yields himself into the sky [Music] wow that sucks i always thought this dude is wearing sandals because you can see the bottom of his feet which makes no sense because sandals don't show the bottom of your feet um it's just because of the limited palette the bottom of his shoe is flesh tone [Music] so like the most useless form of foot protection footwear you could ever possibly find aside from crocs or kfc crocs which is real by the way there are crocs that look like chicken cutlets not cut it's like fried chicken kirby goes to hell corruptions by question marks more corruptions birthed from the void with no author [Music] [Music] has been defeated finally not as powerful as he once claimed to be [Music] pretty normal now the name of this corruption is wave dash to win actually yeah [Music] easy fight no problem [Music] okay the sound of machinery just dying all right well that was an easy segment that was an easy level look at my uh my lives on the bottom right is it was like a 50 lives backwards cool trying to do something here i'm bear with me a second hmm trying to manually blast without destroying the game no game destroyed all right never mind just checking this feels legendary even though it's just kirby in the background [Music] jamie the power is gone yeah it says get to the first pillar for a bad trip so i think we we have seen exactly that [Music] your n64 is low on batteries if the n64 took batteries it would take 26 double a's [Music] mystical ninja starring goemon [Music] hang on a minute before i do this i need to rebind rewind because things are a little screwy right now i just want to double check that everything here is because it says press z follow me but i can't press z it won't let me got it [Music] there it is why do things just [ __ ] explode in this game like a full on explosion what kind of weapon is goemon using [Music] what is that chat why are you saying banned that's nothing [Music] there's nothing on the screen it's just a pile of like limbs oh well this isn't much better to be honest [Music] nary's note um i wish i could go back to before i remembered this was a thing [Music] okay so the name of this corruption is press b for next level planking i guess nary doesn't want to remember planking what's wrong it was an innocent time everyone was just laying flat on objects so what we look like jack offs do you remember plank twerking do you remember plank twerk dabbing do you remember squirking oh my god you don't remember squirking and due to luigi's incompetence nothing ever gets done no one ever gets saved i don't know how you guys don't remember blarbing remember felching oh wait a second whoa whoa whoa back it up oh god damn it luigi again yeah felching is what you do to make arrows isn't it meera dragon made these croc corruptions [Music] [Music] [Music] where's croc what's happening well the name of the corruption is croc is born into a twisted flesh nightmare so i'm gonna hold off on skipping to the next corruption until we see the twisted flesh nightmare i'm like anticipating flesh nightmares i see nothing [Applause] why is the screen so small i have no idea actually i think it's just a resolution thing for the game's [Music] cutscenes i'm [Music] i missed the flesh nightmare that looks like a flesh nightmare [Music] yeah no this is good i played this on forgotten mascots but it's just playing it like this and then hearing the noises there's just a bit of a dissonance [Music] for spot [Music] the name of this one is windows 98 [Music] screensaver [Music] the height of human technology it really is just a slideshow of different like i could see this at a developer's conference in 1996 [Music] as you can see here we can push this many polygons and colors on screen at the same time with the sony playstation workflow environment now you can see we've got the nodal transports on the bottom and the elliptical uh rendo sp rendo spheres in the top and that's when we're able to put the game together bring it to life you know that's why you should choose sony playstations megaflops over the nintendo 64. [Music] okay the name of this corruption is just jape elevator god damn it let him live [Music] is the dog supposed to be that big [Music] i don't believe the chat when they say yes i know i'm not believing it not buying it for a second nice body wow i didn't know that crocs body and head could separate that's a cool platforming um game mechanic stolen from rayman [ __ ] voices [Music] is croc gonna get the spyro and crash treatment and spongebob like we got spongebob rehydrated but we didn't get we didn't get uh croc i guess we're gonna get out ally instead ali the alligator [Music] made by uh charlie bros and the name of the corruption is if tool made f-zero oh no [Music] captain falcon like went to the racetrack high he didn't mean to but like you know how some mushrooms poison you like he was just trying to smell some feet and it was a poisonous foot [Music] he didn't know he was just you know doing his thing as usual and then uh he was he said i'm poisoned [Music] oh [Music] it's incorrect link no that's not how you know link that is incorrect someone in chat said vinnie can you please explain foot mushrooms i cannot it's a secret to everyone i know a guy who can though [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think the only thing corrupted is the horse poor opponent yeah i mean well that and link is now missing oh wait wait what [Music] jesus oh okay i guess we're not in majora's mask anymore [Music] and that is with the limiter on [Music] [Applause] oh wow void wall the kokiri were smart they constructed a giant wooden barrier so that their kingdom would never be um infiltrated by ganon and his loud [ __ ] ocarina that's that's the see they they underestimated ganon because he shows up with a [ __ ] ocarina and starts doing like mental warfare on them it's like when like soldiers were blasting metallica outside of saddam's house i don't even know if that's true that's probably not even true [Music] i guess everything else here is normal except the ocarina sound being very very loud so link tell me what do you drive you drive a cadillac you drive a lincoln you probably drive a lincoln don't you you know another misalignment wait this is the same misalignment i think there is a repeat there's some corruption repeats very strange welcome to laser forest [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] i want to hear the laser music [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there goes that one pretty good music though it says press z to move or hold z to move i mean i can move a little bit let's see if i can get into a hut maybe like a secret hut i kinda can't really control which direction i'm going in and bungled [Music] [ __ ] hell all right all right all right next i mean speaking of outrageous camera angles i don't think the game would have nearly been as successful as it was if it looked like this [Music] yeah yeah good racers oh yeah good course actually really really nice level nice level [Music] the corruptions on the minimap are actually reflective of the corruptions in the game world [Music] i want like that specific koopa troopa to be back in mario kart oh god [Music] awesome high-pitched beeping [Music] awesome icicle music just just look at yoshi go you know eventually they'll make a dent in the wall [Music] i want to see what people were talking about when they said peach had a gun i need i need to this seems less corrupted on the title screen peach has a gun all right i have to look into that wow koopa troopa's real nutty look at how easy it is to spin out of control this game brings back good memories but also some of the most frustrating memories of my entire life like how [ __ ] bad i was at this game as a kid and you know the vom story yep this was a very very frustrating game as a kid but still very warm memories you know like the vom was warm definitely [Music] oh yeah peach does have a gun [Music] she's got like a space gun [Music] was it worth the victory for this to be life [Music] so these aren't the mario 3 corruptions that we're gonna god dammit i need to rebind the controls hang on ah chat you are nothing if not predictable the song doesn't even it's a big [ __ ] you because the song isn't even like finishing you know like like in the lyrics [Music] um [Music] [Applause] holy [ __ ] i can't stop we don't need to see this corruption we can just listen to it it says this is what happens when you don't pay koji kondo [Music] also just that was a link included in the corruption um apparently koji kondo maybe borrowed [Music] that theme for zelda [Music] for zelda [Music] no i mean it says here it says koji kondo is a genius plagiarism no accidental yes inspiration unintentional theft no maybe probably subconscious i mean it doesn't resolve the same way and it's it's just an ostinato thing but you know a lot of great composers even john williams like there's a i'm listening to a thing on on the original star wars and yeah there's a lot of borrowing well this was a weird aside for a corruption stream hang on a minute what is that song called uh okay i'll i'll tell you hang on the song is called dodge dempai ost seven mido arashi spinning tornado shot theme have fun typing all that in good luck on my own as you are as you were as i want you this is um it says here super mario princess thesis paper um people are still trying to do the song not gonna work chat not this time [Music] holy [ __ ] help help is right [Music] mario now is not the time to sit [Music] i'm tired mario we're paying you the audience is paying big money for this game no i'm a tired mario please stop scooting your ass on the carpet you're gonna get [ __ ] all over the carpet mario go to the [Music] no mommy oh no [Music] what [Music] [Applause] anxiety music [Music] and then relief and now it's creepier that there's no sound whatsoever just stillness [Music] came in what [Music] [Music] how about some n64 corruptions from degree okay [Music] this is cruising world why is it crash though that's weird oh [ __ ] i just overcame that car oh it crashes on 69 every time god damn [Music] it um nice reflections no that is how reflections work correct fourth dimensional cars so the name of this corruption is sebulba sabotage is your car [Applause] oh we're in big trouble and i can know oh no the boy's been corrupted [Music] what are you doing yellow car please [Music] choose your car [Music] why does it have guns on it [Music] so here's castlevania 64. why not [Music] okay we gotta let the intro play oh [ __ ] is that pac-man [Music] the click track is really annoying isn't it it's not even holding the right tempo [Music] nope nope nope [Music] please note i guess that was the corruption whatever awaits i have no regrets [Laughter] zero regrets none all right only those two corruptions for castlevania by the way so this is a great song i have to mute it because it'll get the whole [ __ ] video [ __ ] canned [Music] the name of this corruption is a normal night in new york city oh [ __ ] lights out gorilla radio turn that [ __ ] up uh oh oh that's corrupted too i couldn't tell if that was the corrupted bit for a second [Music] [Applause] so tony hawk's default state is just jump it's transformative enough that it won't get claimed i don't think [Music] i'm trying to do the 900 it won't let me the name of this corruption is tony ass [Music] corruptions i believe i'm now doing the 900. [Music] ah okay we go from mario kart to mario kart 64. where are we going [Music] wow [Music] detuned organ and all uh-huh okay [Music] hmm okay this is the only way i know i can race just this or this once again siboba [ __ ] destroyed luigi's card good old bubs bulba [Music] [Music] i was told to play this one a couple times [Music] oh i can actually race this time this is a really weird corruption apparently it has a different effect almost every time okay see you item oh okay hi items everyone got hit with the shell all at the same time what the [ __ ] e angela would like this game from trials of mata she would love this game i had to specify from trials of mana because people will be like wait who's angela i need to find out i need to find out angela from accounting that's right it's dwight's uh dwight's girlfriend who's dwight we need to find you know from the office [Music] bingo which office the one in scroton scroton pennsylvania all right let's keep going [Music] you know the famous band scrantonicity plays there i can see for miles who's miles says chat you know from sonic the hedgehog the name of this corruption is the singularity appropriate for a second the music sounded like a space engine being sucked into a black hole so it was fairly appropriate [Music] someone said wait who's chat okay chat is from final fantasy 7 remake [Music] whoa this is the power of drifting nintendo knows this power well as they implemented this in all of their joy-cons nearly 20 years later i like maritot over there the portrait of toad was perfectly aligned with mario's head the organ player died yeah it was it was sad but you know he did he died playing organ so you know died doing what he loved [Music] nino [Music] wow good [Music] well thus ends the n64 corruptions let's um let's load up those mario 3 corruptions like i said this is a smaller corruption pack than um you know than usual because uh charity corruptions will be the next ones and those ones are gonna be um i think more interesting but mario three pack is pretty long apparently um so we can let's see i've been doing this for about an hour and 16 minutes yeah we could do the we do the mario 3 pack this is by rupee clock some of these were made back in the day using the vinesauce rom corrupter i still get people emailing me asking me for tutorials on how to use the vinesauce rom corrupter and it is very counter-intuitive to use that for corruptions when we have the real time corrupter i would not recommend it it is not what we use anymore really uh it's very difficult also i don't know how to like i don't remember how to do it i used to know how to do it a little bit but i barely remember how to do corruptions in the vine sauce rom corrupter so i would recommend uh rtc and i'd also recommend i i don't have to i don't have the tutorials i can't help you wait what i thought this was super mario brothers 3. t-o-o-t orioles like the baseball team it's a mario mixture okay nice mario what the mushroom had mario's face [Music] wow that is a scummy mushroom [Music] it is extraordinarily scummy mushroom sorry toad had to be done i don't care who stands in my way i have to get to the princess mario i am the princess what no you're not oh oh i've destroyed the warp pipe [Music] are you destroying your friendships [Music] these are some bridges you can't rebuild mario [Music] this is the mushroom kingdom mario it's peaceful [Music] my yeah my head cannon for this right now my internal lore my lorometer is basically um mario this is the true version of mario right mario's running around the mushroom kingdom as it is so called the mushroom kingdom and you know he wasn't used to the brew of mushroom and so he thinks that all these are goombas because in his you know native area of brooklyn goomba is like a connected mob guy so they're like the bad guys and because the mario brothers are the good guys and the goombas from the mob go to the um the plumbing shop the mario brothers own and they try to get them to you know keep it as a front they want they want to pay for uh security and the mario bros have been fighting it for a long time you know so since they don't want the security they go off one night to do a job they get stuck they go to the mushroom kingdom through like a dirty pipe [Music] right mario can't handle the mushrooms because he's hungry he gets [ __ ] up and then he starts killing all the innocent denizens there was never a problem in the first place and so he thinks they're goombas aka corrupted mushrooms aka the mob that's trying to get mario to turn his store into a front for the mafia [Music] mario was the bad guy [Music] okay [Music] okay so we're just doing chirp music by the way i'm controlling this [Music] i'd like to apologize to all the dogs that watch the stream [Music] hell yeah ice power up [Music] the most powerful variant of mario this is actually kind of amazing [Music] [Music] slows down the game pretty extensively but this is really cool [Music] i'm picking up background tiles foreground tiles four skin tiles everything mario can pick up everything you know what else you gotta clean luigi what mario you're pipes whenever you're on a job [Music] and the mafia is trying to get you to do it a front for them so they can make some protection money always clean the pipes all right mario i need you to be a favor i need to just split into like five or six guys uh so we can make the best mushroom board [Music] lab [Music] it says here read me vinnie snaz it's is a game genie code i found 10 years ago non coin blocks will do different things depending on where the camera is whoa for the following snaz this is corruptions the spawn point is intended is the intended place you're supposed to jump the camera is properly aligned oh i see okay so this is i just load and jump okay [Music] [ __ ] jump up and die twice don't jump and die once james bond double death why not play a little game with the chat and so you can get to pop see who you can get to pop out of this note block remember contents change depending on the screen's horizontal position oh oh all right i'm going to say this time it'll be a um a big turtle nope hammer bro yo that one's cool [Music] all right hitting this note block at this angle at different times will produce different results mostly just crashes or resets but each one is unique and there's one particularly cool outcome with good timing it said yo [Music] huh [ __ ] hell [Music] universe destruction music note [Music] yo [Music] what i thought that was that was that looks like ectoplasm i thought that was an ectoplasm ghost but it's a bouncy ghost [Music] oh yes i've had uh multiple sexual experiences with ghosts wait mr aykroyd you're telling me that you've had sex with a ghost oh oh yeah oh yeah that's uh that's why i wrote the movie ghostbusters do you understand now did you get it ah yeah it was originally an x-rated film but the studio wouldn't allow it so we went for a comedy ghost movie for kids and that's why dan aykroyd hasn't been acting he gave that interview and they just said let's get this guy let's get this guy off we just have to get get him off of the hollywood lot [Music] [Applause] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] moon some really interesting results here yeah you just complete the level like that [Music] what [Music] it's mario 3 like you've never seen it before [Music] the name of this corruption is wide goomba uh yeah that was it was a goomba now it's a cloud the goomba cloud look at the face in mario ouija's uh body [Music] what oh okay block just exits as the three members of the et alien council stare at you they try to spin you off the planet but it doesn't succeed these corruptions are just pure insanity spoon [Music] vinnie please epilepsy warning the sound makes me feel sick okay hey that's not how sound works i mean it could but uh b every corruption stream at the beginning has an epilepsy warning throughout the whole stream that if that warning is in effect 100 but you you can't like you know it's more of a visual epilepsy thing unless there's some kind of sound condition i'm unaware of in which case you know better than i do and probably shouldn't be watching this garbage just throwing that out there my friend always beware the corruption streams that's my warning always what the [ __ ] who's this dog [Music] holy [ __ ] epilepsy just means recurrent seizures not vision problems in general oh yes okay all right there's a woman who has auditory epilepsy and has a seizure whenever she hears an usher song well to be fair most people have all right listen audio and visual epilepsy warning for every corruption stream ever that's 100 in effect for every stream i do with corruptions be aware of that god bless um also this says the eighth koopaling who is this koopaling sewage sewage von koopa [Music] and is now gone i was gonna make a missing no joke but the koopaling is now missing so it wouldn't be a joke would it nice the flames of eternity that's awesome oh cool that kind of looks like a face facing right just on the left of the throne there i don't know what the [ __ ] is missing king no king [Music] excellent [Music] mario's stupid face while he's a raccoon on the world map always gets me [Music] you you may be able to throw hammers at me but i have infinite skins in which i can shed what what a cool mario 3 level this was well is that barrio you can stomp on your enemies using a goomba's shoe oh thanks princess whoa whoa [Music] also brown arrow the name of this corruption is lackatoo's new strategy this is genuinely frightening [Music] and i'm not just talking about lakitu's like entire being which is also pretty [ __ ] frightening [Music] oh we're really we're really brown aren't we [Music] [Music] toad what are you doing here why are you spawning corruptions oh by the way that reminds me puck spark made another video now felt appropriate given the noise i just made always always nice work okay all mario's go to heaven i guess where are we going vine beard nowhere i guess oh wow everything's vines this is my kind of place [Music] holy [ __ ] that's a lot of vines [Music] i always liked this secret area in particular for some reason it was just cool to be up in the clouds and then you come back down to the ground for a short time the vines not withstanding and then you could if you had um god i remember these secret areas fondly after a certain point a good chunk of my mario 3 playthroughs we're just trying to find new secrets or get to ones that i've only been to a couple times [Music] again when you only have like seven games you know well probably more than maybe 10 by the time mario 3 came out but when you only have like you know a limited number of video games you just tend to play the ones you had over and over and over again looking for more stuff and these mario games are pretty dense with secrets there's a lot of [ __ ] that you can find in them nowadays you can buy 1483 games for five dollars or there might be a steam sale and you can get a game that lasts a thousand and a half hours and you can get that for five bucks [Music] yeah i like terraria exactly uh peepee so it's a lockatoo named pp throwing angry sons at mario these are a lot better than i expected sometimes you just think you've seen it all when it comes to corruptions and then you see pp sun and then a green wizard well he's a king but you know [Music] please tell name my name is mario thanks thanks okay [Music] hmm [Music] green sun [Music] excuse me what is toad what is this creature what the [ __ ] are you toad it's um one of those things the beetle things that you jump on right but it grew legs that's gonna be art i like the toads at the bottom throwing their children and items into the void [Music] otherwise yeah it's it's like um yeah it's a oh god that's that's a flesh beetle thing meat [Music] how many boom booms are there now five there's so many that it doesn't stop [Music] flickering wow boom boom almost killed mario brown rio [Music] yeah that's normal that's fine just yep we'll just put a monty mole in an item block that [ __ ] you [Music] that morse code [Music] i think i see what's happening with mario's outfit going from red to brown it's the color palette of tanuki i see i see i see i solved the puzzle someone translate that uh i think mono can probably [Music] this one's called tutti frutti bowser battle come on you know tutti frutti come on you know [Music] i mean i do have infinite hammer which is nice wait does this bowser go down that easily when you have hammer bro [Music] just kidding bye bye oh [Music] there's still some more apparently this one is fully playable also there's a pow block in the main mario 3 game we come to speed we're going to spin and make us sick [Music] yes well i'm just contributing lyrics to the song that everyone everyone's shocked at me like vin what did you just say oh my god meanwhile everyone is typing i come in [Music] chat [Music] it says guess what happens when most of the enemies get replaced with toad it's just text isn't it it's just [ __ ] nonsensical trash text constant nonsensical trash text oh well that was a [ __ ] like subversion and goodbye this is a rather unfortunate ship bowser built wasn't it wasn't built to float sadly it says a clown sneezes all over world 8-1 promise you this level's beatable pinky swear you can wipe away some of the clown snot by rew by pausing [Music] you know what i believe it i don't want to find out so yeah without a condom all right let's keep moving oh my god okay every 10 seconds a super unstable blast will hit the nes scrambling the screen amazingly this doesn't seem to crash the game but after three minutes an unrecoverable crash will occur [Music] i'm good i really just don't even need to find out this is the worst castle too i hate this i hate this castle for oh uh memory problems equals bad castle oh [ __ ] big bertha has merged with king koopa a maricopa [Music] uh the name of this corruption is bowser calls in the cavalry i mean apparently a lot of this stuff is beatable but i'm just gonna keep going through them wow okay this one it says automated bowser battle don't press anything so i'm not going to yeah basically mario maker as a series works sometimes when people type poggers in chat i read it as rogers i'm like who is that what are people red you're right your edges all right well that was easy [Music] no budget [Music] [Music] oh sorry nothing dmc 2 best game booty please play donkey is good he shoot the gun [Music] god damn it [Music] it says same ending with modified dialogue but no visual garbage the ending sequence will play out as normal thank you for playing my stockpile yeah and finally here's a bonus corruption from rupee clock the nes screams for its life well there you go great mario 3 corruptions i mean again you you definitely with nes corruptions think that you've seen it all but those were some of the best mario 3 corruptions i've ever seen really great work and thank you everyone that submitted corruptions today it was good like i said we're kind of saving some of the corruptions for the charity stream which is in less than a month now so if you want to um i have to get the weekend right because i always let me check the calendar it's july 24th to the 26th july 17th to the 19th yep that's correct i got it wrong it's july 17th to july 19th that's coming up real soon yep what charity is it going to be pediatric cancer research foundation same one as always we really like what they do uh so thank you for the corruptions i would like to show you one quick thing before we take a break which is a thing that you might find very interesting someone emailed me a um like you know how ai creates different weird things like this cat does not exist someone sent me they said they were going to send me a bunch of hogs that were generated by an ai that you know these hogs do not exist so i open up the folder the file and it's almost 900 hogs 900 ai disturbing [ __ ] weird non-existent hogs including a hog tato like why why why did that need to be a thing is that is that a hog human on the bot what the [ __ ] um uh oh xsplit froze uh oh all right no no no not yet okay we're good we're good uh just so you can see the hog tato up close that is one of them amazing all right everybody we're gonna take a quick break i'll be back with classic flash games pack number two should be real crusty stick around if you want and if not i'll see you later thanks for joining
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 131,299
Rating: 4.9589677 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Corruption Stockpile, Corruptions, Gameplay, Lets Play, Playthrough, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, NES, SNES, N64, Yoshi's Island, Mario's Early Years, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, River City Ransom, Kirby 64, Paper Mario, Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, F-Zero X, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Cruis'n World, Castlevania 64, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Mario Kart 64, 900 AI generated Hogs
Id: 1Ch9Evx8Fo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 24sec (6744 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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