[Vinesauce] Joel - Doom Mapping Contest II ( Part 8 )

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and there you go alright so we got two more doom bots seems like Tuesday really is the definitive like doom day for watts I don't know why this happened but hey whatever it seems consistent so you know air Tuesday it's good good pace also by the way we met we have gone through 80 watts so far could you believe it yeah I'm not even kidding [ __ ] 80 watts it's been played on screen pretty much so yes shit's getting done in fact you could say a third of the WOD contest has been don't know we don't know yet because there's a lot of stuff that's gonna be maybe rejected or denied so it might even be less maybe half oh noes Tuesday is doomsday doomsday that's not a bad day doomsday I like it anyway uh so without further ado we're gonna be playing some goddamn doom woods so what is what is on tonight tonight's main you well we're gonna see here in a second uh just do this alright here we go alright so we got from Eduardo hatch it asteroid mining facility let's give that a try see what it's all about something's awesome something's off with this one it could be the the long hair on doom guy who knows hahaha oh yeah by the way before people ask no doom bingo tonight next string will have doom bingo they spent a lot of submissions but we're looking at one that might be defining a final one because it's really good one it's a beta right now it's being worked on but soon we'll have one so no doom bingo tonight sorry but next stream we'll have one that's final and that works right anyway so no that's not even fun and experience buffet Addicks saw a [ __ ] I'm gonna go with buffet of dicks anyway Eduardo had [ __ ] [Music] this is like freedoom gun or whatever there's like a freeware version of the doom water you can like substitute for it's reskin dude and oopsie before all okay really some of your level so far I kind of like it are you in doing prison and that's a mining facility okay this this sounds so much like sweet dreams is made of these but we BL well might listen but it says sounds great [Music] it's sunglass at night all their okay now here it [Music] [ __ ] that's great song alright anyway sunglass tonight I haven't wearing a lot of sunglasses - late by the way like a yeah I spent doing it cuz it's kind of like getting dark outside I'm still [ __ ] wearing something I wear sunglasses inside grocery stores are weird like everywhere man oh hello I'd never take them off I just don't know okay well okay my finding secrets here are whoa well this can't be the X again okay [Music] shortcut huh interesting huh well in case you need a secret exit on this you can use this I suppose Joel is too cool for the grocery store let me tell you something about the grocery store right but I was a kid in the summertime I will just go to the grocery store to be in the dairy section just to cool off we have no a/c at home I just stand there all day [Music] so we did blue one huh I feel like a policeman missed it he's go to the cold section you'll be fine nothing here but music too loud now I made hosta volume of the extreme summer it's a good balance [Music] it's fine okay well okay medkit huh I'm not sure about this design of having like but I suppose it's a mace with a hundred doors so I'm stuck here now or I don't know about this part this is okay lot room no not quiet but yeah it's a little strange the sign shows I gotta be honest I can't go here either so where is it okay this is not this is not a good sign that I that I'm like going back and forth like a headless chicken okay there'll be something here maybe this is a little confusing to navigate they're a little claustrophobic oh there has to be something here I missed like a random place or something [Music] okay it's not here where is it okay [Music] yeah where the hell am I going maybe it's like super obvious where I missed it not here either okay or what huh sub n there's obviously something here right no nothing okay where do you hide the blue one and this one it's like and one of these random doors you can find here okay so this one here - okay why why why this Oh I'm not rocking with this design let me tell you uh a lot of fan of this now now should have done something different with it should have done something different with it dude I don't yeah mmm not a fan got to be honest [Music] but now it's back to like ok a little tedious to do this uh-huh you could hear the last bit of enthusiasts with my voices escape to my [ __ ] player alright yeah that no no no I really don't broke with this design it's just that it's claustrophobic and confusing and it's uh it's too early in the map to do this I think and not here I got that one this one goes in here and then I got a go back or God the [ __ ] is this man [Music] okay so this one and I there you go okay let's save zombie man I have so little health to okay wait this is shooting backwards behind me I don't live here okay gotta escape this [ __ ] yeah this bindle like I see a lot of people say this is blog room now but like no this is not blood room like don't you la la la grimace like become infant infamously bad on the streams like that's [ __ ] case in point what not to do [Music] okay good this Thanks yeah I see the balloon 64 now okay good good be good [Music] oh this is a bastard level huh bastard level huh all right I like it bell but it's got some some design choices right now right let's go [Music] I'm glad for this walking MIDI though thank God [Music] well I can't crash in this level so that's allowed all right I swear to God I thought it was a soul here well hello there rocket launch chair okay back here wait oh so this oh oh no oh no no no I don't want to redo that please please no please god no the love of God do you not want to do that again okay [Music] okay so if that doesn't go there I still need the blue one but I can't tell if I'm supposed to like try this I'm gonna find the blue ones somewhere okay so this uh okay hmm where the hell could the blue one dear where is it I just opens up okay okay that's interesting there's how hold enough water back in the other room you mean this gotcha so they just open like that how does interesting anything up here all finally good it's an okay love it's just kind of really weird to sign choices in it like having having the UH this permanent now locate it's just got something like weird assigned to like the confusing mace you know the horrible but like very anti fun you know it's confusing maybe cuz I'm playing like an idiot I don't know maybe a combination of the both and if when I'm done with this stream I'm gonna definitely listen to the original song of this [Music] Wow look at this it's a mining base after all so it's not like totally fitted to be ergonomic to the player I suppose but surely all this stuff Moorehead scans please this is one more what I wanted the level to be like a little more open you know I do like my claustrophobic doom-doom one stuff but yeah I do like the crouching elements though that's that's kind of cool so this goes back here okay so you can also traverse it okay I see interesting here [Music] can i oh you know what it is a problem with this level wrong with this level is that you go on up in a way you won't be coming back [Music] so or do I so traps you or what oh I wish I can just get them here oh oh no no I don't want to do this porn again can I just [Music] mmm yeah that's there's some there's some design choice here that I really like but this this part of the level sucks like I hate to say it but everything else about the level is great except this one part this part makes me angry [Music] Cleary oh man if you really could have done without doors I think but I like it so far otherwise it's just that one part sucks so wait a minute let's go back here huh I thought the door is all gonna open I've been there too so the only thing that's left now I guess is the open area what's this by the way so it's like a karmic or karmic Romero it and behind that so this one again goes over here but if I can just make that jump how many watts deep is he I'm around 80 watts deep does anybody get quake for Chris our Team Fortress quake clubs from this I suppose a little bit and it's been out long must I play bet or there's nothing here okay again jumping is probably allowed them to in already crouched so I figured why not utilize gzdoom it is a point in this half the boss lock maybe a third other words left you know are the third done rather there's nothing this is a crusher effects okay ma I don't know it's not it's definitely not my favorite level I am it but I can but I'm allowed to say that [ __ ] sake I mean I I have preferences but it does some things good and it does something's bad like you know it's it's a mixed bag this level I said as I said not not my absolute favorite but it is solid and it's all it's not often but here's some choices here that I dislike you it's confusing is it a little bit more I'm talking about other open areas for Cacodemons and this this is what I like this is what about the love of looks good stuff like this I like this stuff I ate that fireball earn dig around for some med kits nothing okay hello get here oh thank you monster infighting nothing here all nice [Music] okay I really need that nothing here huh something in here why can't cool here yet but there is something up there though this map seems to be a real test of your sense of a navigation navigation yeah that's a bit of a nightmare because I'm I'm so lost every time something see this is the rock they mined out of this level ice I suppose you know this song reminds me of recommend for our dream I mean the as2 ass [ __ ] right he's to ease into the the brown tunnel all right age to ace all right here's your chain gone yep definitely doom 64 okay now now I can rock and roll one thing left now is to go back and see oh yeah now gonna traverse all the way back okay going to you now that I know the level it's a little more manual but like the first impressions what this was just like where am I what's going on you're not horrible but is the end I guess we gotta continue here Bella ah there you are oh oh a lot of do Marines and drill on ice this is where Hale starts taking over into the mining base I guess [Music] I'm not dead y'all okay why am I playing this instead of Noah's Ark 3d all right oh hell yeah should I save ya let's save on one HP [ __ ] one shooter ran in the [ __ ] well if you were playing doom bingo this what I made it in one day fear on oh I like this room close the door thanks good save oh yeah definitely [Music] come on come on me falling flying meatball down you know what I'm begging for right now super shotgun super shotgun right now will be like a vacation [Music] come on and there you go no it's dance please hello revenant that I'm not gonna bother with cos I I knew it actually I have to be able to know but hey you know what I can do so do the boner thing hang on so I thought damn it let's do it [Music] boner tactics can't rather do it on a plane though [ __ ] don't don't do their yeah cool cool neat [Music] well at least I'm off my armor though but it's a say much I got put in the calzone exactly oh hello nope I'm I'm gravy thanks yeah there you go by hell night uh you know what I love I love the flat death textures on the walls in Doom it looks like this guy was just like they they kill them so hard he became flat he squished him so hard he went it's all right asking about the emails we keep missing missing as many just passing on the MIT yeah it takes me a couple of days to respond to messages so I haven't responded it Joe but trust me I will read [Music] this is what I'm like now we're getting into like them then the marble green of doom I love this [ __ ] [Music] oh okay this is cool I don't why but I got like sound till vibes for this oh my god [Music] with Jay Yerevan crushed by flesh just flesh well heavier been slaughtered by a hell night up close like that I have I meant I wonder if I can could I hang on it I'm wondering it's a [ __ ] come back down is it us now is our waiting now point no wait yeah dumbass getting crushed by flesh is a good weekend to you I see so now the level starts quite badly in my opinion but then it gets really good towards the end like this part is great [Music] yeah the the latter part of this level looks good looks great and plays great if that start with the confusing mace that were like really puts you off yes lovely so exhilarating to play towards the end it's a little more healthy kids though I'd say it's a little bit more that and we are set he's probably beat somewhere that's what I figured now with this I guess we gotta rush the [ __ ] back this is something okay well hang on I was allowed to jump after all but I guess I I ignored that huh so he's clear the babies and get out of here because I'm not gonna I'm not gonna waste too much ammo on the Baron oh hell but he can only like really I gained nothing from killing him except just wasting bullets on him so if I go back now [Music] I can't be the way [Music] hello all boners how you doing it I can't tell if killing them is actually going to do something but I'll try anyway with my 1 hp all right yes it's not to break out that rocket launcher huh nothing all you dumbass ooh joke Annie stream a goose bumps game sometimes Doris boob said oh I did that in 2015 actually I didn't I did the the new one that came out actually hey I'm super talkin all along I wonder [Music] snake in here do a little sneaky Babu oh [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] assist me that is just mean we need like a vine Joel artfully mode like we need wounded I hate them so much sweet Jesus Oh yep hey buddy Scott how the hell did the effects work okay so basically the arch fault is harmless until it can see you if you see see one lost with the fire and he can do a full funny pics in like two seconds if you're still in the fire zone you can see you you explode funny I'll have to do this then I'll have to do it gotta kill him oh she's [ __ ] he wasn't even dead [Music] and go on go on go oh my god [Music] what a huge map huh wait wait well I did that all for nothing oh I see you okay [Music] pakhi okay we got a cutscene here at the end I guess [Music] wait a minute wait wait what was that about Oh totally missed it total and this emitter is a dick really ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha disqualified use of [ __ ] imagery not allowed all right well let's see here we got underground by Victorio again with the map I'd say it's got a little bit of fault to it but it's good it's it's got both good and bad so it's kind of like a mixed bag the one it's good it does it really good when it's bad it's like kind of you know but I say some of the the confusing may stuff could be trimmed them otherwise it's good but yes but anyway from Victorious Underground oh yeah classics do immediately alright Victoire Jesus is this is like I see the ambition of this map already I like it underground undertale homie okay all right thought I could take up the spectrum ahead but guess not full partial miscibility amber search to all this this is like classic dude stuff I loves it a little bit of a library a library on slop inspectors this is great is it great is this class you can get all right oh man it's gonna yeah an infighting fight they take out the hell night real quick what if I told you caki Dimas back when I play this in life how old was I four years old they were the scariest enemies before doom - I thought they were the scariest ones cos they just look so like weird and now they're just like oh this is my old friend the Catco demon okay it's like eat eat - if you play on not hardly playing but I think it's ultra violence on e2m 1 or 2 you see your first check with the me like what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that thank you he went em - yes all right key part of that goodbye just get all the ammo here for ham whoop thanks super shotgun super shocked and I said [Music] all right plus the the new super shotgun in in the new doom it wasn't it like slot semmen or whatever like they really put it up high [Music] you guys just love to [ __ ] with me this year huh you just love to do that uh-huh [Music] in fact this is a maths - a thousand - a thousand - mm Wow all right okay look at him oh then they're making my ball shirt [Music] invest at all [Music] I'll deal with the bone oh my god what what level have you done what is this what the [ __ ] have you done oh no all your wards horrible what the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out oh my god yellow Jeep are you serious you're having a laugh Victor was having a laugh when he made this he was having a [ __ ] laugh when he made this nothing but hitscan and up enough thousand [ __ ] your eminence look at it it's it's amazing oh it's [ __ ] it fantastic I love it for this this this is a glorious [ __ ] oh it's pant I love it all do this is like poop in my mouth all this fantas is splendid I live in the end it's not even the end holy [ __ ] [Music] - what the [ __ ] so if that's not the end that what is how can you possibly need more oh my god so nice a sheath in our mouths [Music] what else what else is there what what is that save that save I guess I'll do it anything I can do it huh huh frame [ __ ] perfect all right oh here we go you know what I think maybe I gotta take down all the cyberdemon here in the should be fine it's at the end oh I know where they have my firing this bf G's but they're comin just kill everything on the on the [ __ ] unit so what could possibly be obvi beyond this [Music] and yeah somebody said there's a smaller rod this is a slaughter body [Music] where am I going we got a backtrack but back back here it's like an infinite war zone in here okay blue keycard okay there is more walk to him but why am I getting hurt Welbeck here what the [ __ ] oh my god dude you're [ __ ] one it's amazing he's [ __ ] his [ __ ] hurt he's [ __ ] with us he's [ __ ] with us look at this look at look at look at this [ __ ] infinite arch balls and a hurting zone I'm in lockdown [ __ ] have you done I was this is astoundingly [ __ ] terrible [Music] I'm a few I'm a serious gonna throw up oh wow this is like not quite letters of doom yet but holy [ __ ] the whole [ __ ] go oh my god somehow he's also made one incredibly tense endings holy [ __ ] vomit mace oh my god that ending was was hysterical it was like not only was it like a huge slaughter at the end it's also like Archibald Mays but I kind of liked it I kind of like it was it was a huge [ __ ] but it was also like a [ __ ] that was like fun to eat it's like a [ __ ] it's like a [ __ ] that every time you bite into it it made uh a slide whistle noise and every time everything you chewed it and made this noise hang on wait but that's it this is weirdest best of weirdest honking sound give me a good one how about comedy hi sound effect there we go there you go that's the one you want ready I'm gonna I'm out time this right - ready for this right play it to do it there we go I want them today top had enough don't do it again I'll have your head on a [ __ ] pike alright good good good good it wasn't terrible but it had a lot of Confucian in it but good Confucian see I like the the connotation of being confuse because it's very close to being surprised anyway we're gonna check from here's one from Applejack Pony sky town just give this one a try [Music] [Applause] [Music] see what it's all about yeah I know Chad yeah I shut the hell up all right anyway looks pretty good so far a little golden oh look at look at look at that huh Lloyd Lloyd whoa it's got some something to stuff up we'll hang on so this is my lair is where I sleep I sleep with a microwave and I have a little tub oh [Music] okay okay so it was the door actually huh this day was a little cool than ie so uh yeah sure actually uh funny stuff funny stuff I was actually I figured out how to play this on on the keyboard the other day I was just [ __ ] around with a synthesizer and I'm like BAM I can actually play the dude to opener with Sapphira James Bondy by the way doesn't it but little do you know it is actually a song is actually a Megadeth song which is the hangar 18 song get forget which quarters but it's not something like an image stuff then it makes it sound like mysterious [Music] name's do hangar 18 hello me meet real be my misfits wait alive a lot they've doing a [ __ ] at Dave Mustaine hindsight is always 20/20 looking back it's still a little bit fuzzy really paranoid Oh in stereo Nell pillow meet [Music] Oh all that equipment the adding an awesome mustard stain yes my favorite metal guy mustard stain [Music] like this especially a reminds me a little bit of a lettuces in apps for of doom - especially not my actual level of June - levels are 5 like and pay up because I only played like I've only played like completed like not all of them that's like 75% of them but all of us is gonna bring myself to do it they were boring they're just a bunch of [ __ ] straight Morgan and I look at this look at that design huh oh I love [ __ ] like this pointless architectural niceness Joel did you not give your life due to this I did it was pretty good but I wish the modding plus more better for it because you know doom from 93 is still being played today because of its modern you know but it's like they [ __ ] up on the snapback thing there's next snapback the snap map thing like you can only do a certain amount of enemies and it was like very limited you know this is not money station with a I mean a minecart snap back for Doom mmm the thing of the the role-playing game with me curve holy [ __ ] sound like this oh I see where's he coming towards me I thought it was like a feature I thought was like a like a cackle demon train in Quebec Satan's spawn the cackle be alright [Applause] somebody asked if tens of the - I like that I like it hmm I gotta stand up for a second this give me a second wait hang on wait it's gonna sound really weird this is gonna sound very weird and like just what the [ __ ] Joel but a fart moment it sounds like my might one of my balls was going into my my stomach like it felt like um my whole pelvis was imploding I think my spine is about like snapping what as when you sit down too long ow Joel that's called sex well I hate it Joel what you just experienced was an organism that's called blob [Music] sex live on stream [Music] there's a cool map so far it's definitely has a default dune field to which I'd like a lot you can't [ __ ] with perfection but it feels like a various solid doom to marry you know a little bit of doom one mixed into it like I'm not gonna deal with you yes captain mr. anything more sadist time to the super shotgun honestly let me I don't think any any other weapon comes close to this a couple with the animation of them dying maybe [ __ ] low it when your boo it's so good oh nice Oh obviously I'm here oh I like that some tea and tea map I'm thinking of whatever that has like gold stuff like that gold pull them the skull porridge for whatever think it's booked only or tea at the I'm thinking or something or something there's on that by the way [Music] someone know what I'm talking about here is my mind games chicks are all right well there's a huge map in fact God the Amma you know in the future of like the space technology all the windows will be like fifties windows look at them Italian countryside 50s windows that is what the future will be Saint Romero has as particulars and the multiple comment and transform our agriculture and an overall life in theists like marble bricks and goo why I don't know all right [Music] spaghetti windows yes this is where we started yeah okay I did the complete 180 on this oh it's like lon nonlinear as they say [ __ ] off you go to hell you died your dad bought you know I'd like to think that the the Baron of hell and the the hell out there so ripped that a bullets are too afraid to answer them like they're bullets and go in the air and they're like I don't know man he looks too tough to deal with so there's kind of like they don't they don't hit as hard they're intimidated now it is for you guys Three Stooges for all gone see I think the favorite shopping a little too much and now I have Southfork so that not even presentation that would equality never test on livestream hi nothing has happened so far huh nothing well that's funny nothing Auggie so so why is it even there then holy [ __ ] I ate that father help me oh my god [ __ ] sure let's say why not strategic savor bad save on all definitely uh oh Christ try to get brother hits cans [Music] [Applause] there are the worst ones reveal the first zone all right [Music] awesome okay give some plasma in us there we go something in here I know it's gonna be something in here man it's a huge [ __ ] map look at this toxic library man it's gonna be the new size Lord album toxic librarian when a sauce is going to call CAC would be late when it's gonna be called where's my biosuit and what it's gonna be called why there's a can't even have a butthole arch ball well well why my vices all right anyway don't off I'm a lot to jump but well they [ __ ] like the Maggie what's going on shut up one more time now I'm radioactive that can't be good OOP yeah that's good this is nothing what's it stair-climbing oh my god that's a blue one that's a blue one coffee blue one pussy-ass to get my over nothing rocket launcher right there but I'm gonna just get down yes missus don't dwell too much don't dwell too much come on open oh why the hell did he skadoodle over there I know second some weird lag going on let us give me six do you guys see this to it like weird stuttering you see it you see it like it's going sort of yeah it's just some like not raindrops but it's like some stink to it whoa wait how did I go in there was I don't have the red one yet did I sequence break whoa this is cool whoa well I could the sign of this that's cool is having it float like that like it's it's using limits to your advantage against powerfully which go down Plus down right here and do nothing [Music] so is that a reference to the new doom spider spider mastermind [ __ ] my best weapon to do this with promote they I thought the Flinx there was what some of that little are top rap but it was fine and reroute question much yes okay it's pretty good but I have a question our question what's that the nice sequence breaking cuz we went all the way over here right and then we went like did that part cuz that blue I didn't have written key court yet so uh but the help yeah yeah it's basically that say this but I kind of have forgot the command for all map show map aware it's called I know it's how do you keep people saying it doesn't work you always forget the idea I used to reduce it for like show them format while playing [Music] wait a minute buddy a flame we're talking about outside of console okay oh let's say oh I see like that okay interesting that's an interesting mechanic anyways so it seems we got all of the then after what most out what was I've read very detailed map by the way like been BAM look at all this if that went here which is gold that's what's here that's the blue one I didn't go here yet he's definitely there was something I missed in this map yeah I missed this part it's pretty expansive to look at this so hot hot hot so hot oh my god so I see what's broken how did I do that oh that's unfortunate and then this would lead back here and then you would read keep but but I had that so uh how do I get that though bad ass ending though [Music] it's just like an intergalactic dimensional [ __ ] maybe toilet damp or loop I like it pretty badass map though very solid that's a lot of things good classic stuff various overall fun punchy classic experience and I really liked it really really liked it not bad whatsoever it's solid and we ever write back hit time we're gonna be some more doom board so don't going over I'm gonna figure out what's going off the frames too so yeah right back [Music] Daytona oh my balls ooh anyway so we're gonna be keep on playing some more stuff and what is the next tooth well it's funny we're streaming it's a sequel guess what doom the robot or turns with twitch HQ - well what's what's this one huh it's a good one I'll tell you that yeah hmm well he's back boys give it a try he'll just invade Earth the entire world is in peril somehow the demons and made themselves powerful with some kind of unknown technology has never been seen before the UAC has done all they can to hold off the attacks of the demons to figure out what its power is there's one clue that could provide some answers what the hell is happening and I know the city the most Costabile together around the start a part of the city yes it's a it's a vac or UAC she's gonna kind of meet up the UAC sets up you and an elite squad of Marines to go investigate a fight breaks out and the entire squad gets brutally murdered with no other choice but fall back you run inside in a ban on a corporate big should able jumping Maslak and crouching if you have at it whoo lights should be a nail automatically well I think my DC do should do that anyway so all right someone get self-aware boys so this is a sequel to last year submission doom the robot and well we're back is a true sequel a true sequel can I go out I don't know if this isn't the original but that's that's funny a specific little Easter Egg just for a little thing that's great - that's great that's fantastic the vines have started growing since last time aw sick seesaw toilet - toilet - top of this car it was a giant Dwayne here last time by the way hey nonny hmm a better saying now love the atmosphere so far by the way I'll just oh man something's wrong very wrong definitely got good timing and atmosphere I love it it's got a great look to it as well robots robots is that you twitch HP's been taken over by robots a little rubber crops I recognize this music from somewhere isn't like it from something you doing related oh man strife or something well this is a Oh Oh No oh no what have you what is that Oh guys guys guys he's back it's meme John to classic I love that guy whoo he's finally back I'm just gonna see if I can kinda do this instead nope nope can't do that save me meme John save me oh [ __ ] bedroom bedroom bedroom why am I in here and what the hell will I be in here Oh secret partial miscibility invisibility Oh awesome look how invisible I was [ __ ] this very helpful [ __ ] useless all right oh it's gonna be a huge man I can see there's a great nap so far man I I love it I'd love a shotgun though I'd love a shotgun at the moment okay you fight in fight please whoa well half-life sounds I dig it whoa whoa whoa whoa hit scan well what the [ __ ] Auto sentry oh no oh [ __ ] no it's also like super hard misses the shelf yeah yeah you know I'd love to use the shelfs in all that but like I'm have a shotgun self-aware do see I see now the air of - clear the skies one short okay mano-a-mano huh and there are a couple more shells down the street only here nope nothing okay punch our robots as our tip of the day okay here we go oh this shells right there hang on got to get a come on bro beats [ __ ] robots [ __ ] robots not like [ __ ] robots don't do that you'll get that computer virus ee you better we are Norton hi hey use protection baby whoo ha ha remember Fisto from from fallout 3 not the best character pistol [Music] please assume the position okay Fisto anything for you baby [ __ ] gray whoa Camila gotcha what J then look at this you know that love maps if you think he's just a joke gonna mean but they are actually really good and fun to play they have the right amount of humor supplemented by the right amount of the fun in gameplay as I do it there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah letters from doom yeah that's that's how you do it that's the hehehe stuff that I love interesting I'm actually slow down here in the water can't do my fast run anymore yeah yeah dude joke Maps become a lot less funny when you're miserable while playing yeah that's true too it's true too they said no one who sometimes I'd like images in your head in your life do you scan shot off I'm starting to think more and more but Fisto and fallout 3 wasn't fist those hand like just giant like claws honey honey cuz he didn't have a fist oh hello oh it's a new Vegas all right oh oh like this this is cool get out of here and now with the water race that can aah this is excellent gasps is this blood room ha ha ha ha I thought it was funny I thought it was funny that really feels like I'm playing through them but when I'm underwater firing in my shotgun I think I'll climb aboard your piece of community or shipped car you cannot get your stuff back if you are underwater and you go sits like permanently a health loss so you got to be gotta be careful when you're playing this oh my god on my thought here I think that was just health boy fresh levels and if I get really anxious underwater to like to get them like bring it again but you're on your tippy toes still like oh god the oxygen I hold my breath when playing levels like this like a Boop and we humans sure traumatize the pet fish a lot Michelin were like cleaning the aquariums like to transfer fish to another bowl before transferring them back again it's like they see God for a moment just like pulled them from Earth and just like Oh God Oh God okay everything's clean now Oh God so am I not supposed to go back down okay I guess I've missed something like underwater parts I guess we gotta go back then hey at least I know sort of where I'm going maybe these go everywhere you haven't been there essentially that that'll do it well it's not like half life where the guns don't work with more kind of water but all right I've been everywhere right oh no oh I don't mmm I mean I like this idea a lot it's just playing underwater confusing stuff it's just it gotta backtrack even more oh hang on if it flipped down right so maybe I can go up now or oh okay I guess I must leave the final water to race it but people prevent hmm as a Mason looking love look look look at the subtle things - just like this light illuminating the wall here I love the city just a little little nifty touches you know whoa whoa hello well maybe care for what's down here whoa whoa whoa shooting me or Spiker speak their main or [ __ ] I don't feel so good are we I want that make you King Thanks all right a lot of the robotic enemies in strife are taking only cyborgs white strife I mean everything has to meet maybe first race but like you I remember strife having robots like this I can't remember what I ate yesterday there was a big map huh big boy well it was actually a reason to go down here huh interesting I don't know dr. Connors class all [ __ ] man what up what up you live but you know what's so surprising with this level it doesn't feel boring yet like it still surprises me that stuff and it's it's fun damn you know I think it's interesting by the way that Peter Parker's always been like a high school kid right because the spider-man was always written for like uh for like like minded like in the same age no he was not I thought so right I see he's like that in the new movies right but whatever whatever the case it's always funny to like be like what was I doing in high school oh yeah I was like smoking cigarette butts and like screaming metal lyrics on my math book meanwhile Peter Parker's like saving the world but little pizzas to phone right oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how about no I'm in a horrible decision I'm gonna pay for this I knew what I knew I'll be here all day a BL all day dr. corners class the set of our bother you guys that that you see the the age of like corner freemen that he's like he's like 27 or whatever in in half-life and I'm like wait a minute wait a minute it's like 27 like that DEP that's not that's not Rockets that's like you know not too far away for me it's a couple years sure but like Jesus should be a 40 [ __ ] you should be like you know 20s why don't I have a rocket science degree why don't I do theoretical science and theoretical degrees genius hello the red skull huh that's why ok Yasha something there ok I think it's time to backtrack a little bit no no that's not to go here actually we'll get out of here what who it's good the idea whoa spiders speaker it ought really [ __ ] me up how old is Adrienne Shepard in opposing force there we go 22 Adrienne Shepard is younger than me in opposing force holy [ __ ] isn't that isn't that the most [ __ ] up thing okay saving the world Here I am it's like playing video games actually kind of [ __ ] up reverse oh hey joke's on him isn't mortgage supposed to be like 25 as well and he's got a mustache no no 25 year old can like grow a mustache like that you know he's 23 all right [Music] no [ __ ] way I've had a moustache Senate Senate I was 14 dude when I when I was 13 I had I had a moustache actually I had but it wasn't like like beard but it was mustache and that's when you did like you try to impress all the girls you're like yo you know I got a beard girl you know I'm riding my moped you know Pizza face yo yeah I'm cool now awful anyway I hate to say this and I think this I call nothing on my streams but man the music sure you says like Jack Jack Rabbit to look at something look at the Hell Gate okay now and have to figure out how to get to the Red Gate it's over here whoa holy [ __ ] scared me spook me you'll give me the beer oh my god [Music] you know it's oddly it oddly weird for me to think about Jesus there we go let's say let's say we have a future where we make robots right actually this is this big becoming like a movie it's a movie plot okay let's say we make robots that survive into the future right let's say the human race dies do you think at some point that humans will look back on humanity like they were gods they made us and then we become like Thor but we became the mythological creatures of their time you know if that makes any sense lucky the humanity will become their their [ __ ] they like make movies about you not I mean don't make no sense yeah probably not all right Oh what's this you know these fans remind me of sort of a certain game oh okay [Music] all right so this goes all the way here to six inches and price ISM bigger level I think um the think to and I think for next year this another rule out kind of on a state yes I think we need to do a gameplay average thing because I see some some not to sit criticize this level but I see some people making super huge maps and it's kind of little detrimental to the enjoyment because it's like some people try to like cram in as much [ __ ] as possible because it's just one map which not so good day so we should have like an average like time to do stings hang on so we need to get in here but how so where I came from idea and love of this very pretty alright [ __ ] get me kill them whoo whoo whoo whoo look at that floor [Music] mmm then here okay so so it's huge but at soft break from one thing and that's disorientation because everything is kind of green the metal factory texture and that's not good this is the this this this is not cool I mean yes it works but it's also red school okay see this is mmm you know you used to switch that open the gate already okay blood group no no no no no no no map is good but it's like indirection out say so like it's a lot of stuff but yeah it's good but trim it trim it please trim the winter Bush so wait this goes here and then and now I'm getting a little Mme that did something and that goes here but hmm yeah that started to like nice trunk just think a little because now now I want to like get on with it now I don't want to do this I don't want this yes I don't like like people are saying go underwater and [ __ ] now now that my smile is kind of gone Oh laughs pop pop pop pop pop pop now it's starting to like his Swedish is called me butter they moved uh you know anything would linger I don't know yeah now I'm started to kind of hate this actually because it's I can't figure out where to go hourly excitement has kind of disappeared now now I'm kind of running like oh this is not not good it's not good for this level actually run do messages off really anyone okay well I don't know how to turn it back on then yeah this this isn't this isn't so good because it's it's looking all so much say me and it's very confusing to play so it's good at the start but now now it's the overstay its welcome I'd say it needs to [ __ ] head like it's back and forth ad nauseam yep yep again real sick of this now how do I progress this is it awesome is that it oh that wasn't it this bit I don't know I had a lot of fun with this at the start but now it's bloated and yeah I hope it picks up after this because this is you're on the wrong side of the map all thanks Alex all right so I need to go in there okay here we go okay but I've been in the cave system too no guys this is my guys know I know bread no guys no mmm maybe there's something how to do here all right well struggling to play this level now cuz I really want to go on but everything looks the same it started so good and then it kind of really really some dag of everything levan hates all right now ban across the Crushers but I've turned on the message I don't want that but a little bit of extra health though could this be it this leads here though all all progress maybe well what the said boy this - teleporters ba-bye Oh finally okay that was really confusing odd odd that's real odd decision okay well I want to get out you're gonna run back now here y'all going this time your [ __ ] meme I'll finally I needed this would have ever thought that I would ever see you again how long has it been a year a kind of well that's not important right now right now the mainframe of twitch HQ is what we should be focusing on yep this is the mainframe of twitch not sure why it's full steam isn't [ __ ] shape I'm looking a questioning where you're about the logo to is one of the teleporters to one of the many sections of the mainframe I'm in the mainframe of course they're into the core of the mainframe you have to go on both of these portals and deactivate those other parts of train frantic inside have to plan it I would imagine this is the main reason why judges service is always so shitty hey who uh I'm not sure what exactly is behind these portals so be careful okay now if you excuse me I'm gonna go back home play tonight for my dick it's a tradition for me you know by doing the robot by now please now please dude honey - I gotta figure out how to get the messages back again I accidentally turn it off the f8 there you go yes okay good good good how park you see so interesting with this one like I started to really hate it this map like at the the green robot zone like where am I going but now now let's pick it up again if we went from loop to war up you know it's like it's a roller coaster ride ball ha ha you know we shall see who's the best all right he'll park you hate it because we got lost but yeah but isn't that a reason to hate something because it's like it's confusing but when I say hey I mean literally hate it I mean more like I'm in love pain pain pain this is a hot dog storm oh oh I love that game step swing Jumeirah I'd say if this is if this can have a director's caught on it have the green zone at this game be way more slim did you get that done then you have a way better map on your hands it's it's funny though it's a great map so far but just that that green robot zone is just confusing Kollek or a little differently and and and make the teleporter thing also a little different so it's like oh that there's this different teleports here oh okay I'm just trying to give kind of crazy system please excuse me most scooter dudes scooter dudes don't get lost Drago on this exit huh he'll dive oh yeah dance with doing oh no oh no well there he is boys there he is and you're like a better weapon for this come on we gotta get rid of this all this stuff oh [ __ ] your whatnot Jesus what in God's name that come huh not had gone worse the one thing to go worse with and that happened then with a stand on the braylon's they awful here we gonna wait a little bit for Guinan do you like make progress here cause that's where we got to go Oh spooky oh and other song [Music] hmm [Music] a funny cuz now we're just like this we iced Finnish markka party and now our party music nothing in here huh but it's a toilet though oh nice take a bath spooky two states [Music] nothing here nothing here okay now the Year mr. Kennedy Mista came indeed Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] Serious Sam heart-attack everybody uh [Music] yourself [Music] sonic 1 sonic 2 sonic 2 sonic for sonic 5 sonic but that boat okay glass of milk glass and what it says like a spook they all wait I see this is the the the spooky mansion I made medically this place okay [Music] by metal gear acid to live a murky the pump up what the [ __ ] is that throws to the funny voice clip whoa who the [ __ ] is that free TV holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that what's in here [ __ ] game [ __ ] [ __ ] Angry Birds in five nights at Freddy's Note 3 animated truly a spooky Engine [Applause] can't tell if unintentional glitch sport genius gameplay feature okay see this this this map pass at all it's got some really the test full of green green stuff in it that I was just like okay but now fisting I'm playing a completely different one it's just making me crack up in okay it's got it all baby I thought I could stand on the chain oh [Music] god I did it before no don't you dare don't you dare [ __ ] but you love the the arch bosses like laughs hey what's this oh cool something following me along what is this but what who follow what's going on [Music] slain their main is that you of everybody heard everything to be going 300 no mean gone oh he's back boys we meet again at last hi hello meme John you think you can escape for me this time well don't worry I have some new tricks up my sleeve so don't worry you'll be scape there's no way you'll escape let's not have any sleeves but this time I will kill you run Oh God we're oh what the [ __ ] Oh oh no oh [ __ ] with shutting off the lights what kind of cruel joke is this oh don't do this mean John no you're better than this Oh God okay I have no idea where I'm going Oh meme John no means oh where am I where's beam John oh my [ __ ] god this is stressing the [ __ ] out of me oh I don't know where to go man Oh God Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] I said like all the same it's all the same all gone oh man Oh Oh well it's at the ending think that might be the ending on oh wait no no no that's where I started [Music] okay well [Music] I'd love to check the map and all that but I can't I can't woo okay that's where I started okay oh my god [Music] oh here comes here comes that mean John oh my god [Music] oh please oh please wait hang on I've been here yet I think I mean John Oh Oh try me Oh run who's [ __ ] with the lights ha this is okay I've no not for a two oh I found it ah [ __ ] dang [Music] I see this is a strange map because it's got like everything in it I get Scott it's got serious par she's got not so serious parties and then it's not like he'll park in it it's kind of weird but it's just really one map though I mean yeah it is but you know what I'm saying you know let it is one map it's just very very big Bulldog black Blaine although I'm a dance it used to rain a hundred rockets on him ittle bit whoa watch out for that fireball now oh that's right it's full speed all right come on iraq controlling go to sleep now oh my [ __ ] now follow me now [ __ ] off [ __ ] off of his thanks Oh see my car that's where you belong good good almost well am i bothering with this revenues because I just want to dance with you he's dead they drink himself to death oh dear a bear you uh they're new [Music] how dare you interrupt my fun time we're gonna be copyright strike down on YouTube for that by the way yes so you know hunky oh he died the bones the bones amazing I service this again this was a Hulk smash get no [ __ ] we can just chill you hope masturbate but it's going to hold a good idea I'll get lost huh I liked a macho man low bonus points for that see this off I did a little silo phone bone walk on those guys hello in the ladies restroom I am the purtiest lady mr. giant trashcan Oh in the ladies restroom all right so let's see here where haven't I been yet I have been here yet actually who I have in here that would do a strong Jimmy [Music] all right oh here we go have a good one guys look at Z doom z doom slopes oh nice sorry mega pay to use the bathroom eyes he I like it too both yep well that's fine that is funny good reference subtle but effective I like it I hang on oh it's kind of like sneak behind it I think I got got to leave now anyway so whoop and I should go back to the local stock room one day we'll see what I can cook up you don't know maybe I will maybe I won't I said the next one Heil zone what the hell is this okay and are docked which okay Oh check this out right right it's gotta be worth the hammock 450 well he said jumping was allowed set off the loud dammit [Music] what is it yes is this like a slaughter now or what but what's what's guys what's Happ cease me confused me brain very hard today but maybe you're confused may take nap because me think too much when playing game from 24 years ago the other watchtower alright there's another watchtower woody what what are you talking about let's check a demon grave we think he think real hard sometime but then the brain juice comes out and you'll confuse very bad little stinky there's a second oh I see [Laughter] the brained used concept and you're very confused too oh there was another one I see diarrhea this is I mean it's a lot of variation on this map but it sure doesn't feel like one map I'll tell you that much it feels like thirty ones already but I guess I'll let it slide because there they are the moves everything else in this level now all neat though oh Jesus [Music] hello bye-bye [Music] I'm just gonna stink a little bit but oh [ __ ] me there's a that's why I should have taken care of all that [ __ ] earlier huh well what the hell is this but who are these what the [ __ ] okay I'm not gonna go in there then can i stinking or that guy do I have to shoot him oh my god did you just pass a chainsaw yeah yeah I don't want the chainsaw yeah good good luck like trying to figure out how to kill like a cyber team with a chainsaw on a room like this you know I mean you're ready for attempting but we're all speakers built babe come on yeah nothing like a bunch of pinkies around yeah right all right come on you can do it oh I just ran out of ammo - excellent no I am the king can even get up no they can't so what's the poster point in death or wasn't just pointless I think it was pointless hang on open up something Jesus Christ how long is this map dude and I'm like I like the effort here but like they hamd I mean now I feels like we're playing but you do stuff I think you could you could have gone the same effect you could have gone to the same effect with less I think you could have done it again same same thing with just less and it would have been even better coming it's just so [ __ ] long there should be next year's to be a rule to try not to put like ten maps in one I should put foot within parentheses you know what I need hmm yes a fine balance of like football no oh Jesus level service its ups and downs this is up down because now we're in a confused library full of 100 [ __ ] demons that all have like our claws and we have the bank you buy and you know revenants it's cool and all that but this this level is too [ __ ] long now it's good but again too [ __ ] long it's like it's like a really good spaghetti but then you're full of spaghetti and then you're like you wanna throw up spaghetti and then you're eating it the same spaghetti you threw up and you're like ah okay I need to take a break from this blog it's too long and applying for 4045 minutes it's too long [Music] it's still long [Music] I'm not gonna disqualify but it's really it's it's it's just too long at this point I guess we need to either do a part two for this 45 minutes is incredible long as tell you what we actually have to wants to finish it's there so long that we need to actually do a part two of this there's the the blood one it's called not blood room but blood one and two it's very like cool stuff but for this it's just too [ __ ] long you know I'd love to do more but I uh yeah so it's 55 minutes not 45 oh I was in game hours - all right I can probably only afford to do one more because I'm totally out of time it took so long to do but yeah you still liked it a lot but Jesus so we're gonna do something a nice and quick we're gonna do guess what moon base by moot 1/n check it out it's not a custom one [Music] oh hello a little train Oh a remix of this theme we took a train to this base that's that's unique [Music] demon detected demon Vorta I love the fact it's so nonspecific just watch out where when demon what's out oh my [ __ ] god and the sound oh that's funny I mean I don't know there's a joker no but whatever it is it's it's hysterical [ __ ] demon that's like that's like saying getting a letter then you say medical alert you will die oh how when watch out this you are [ __ ] with me now oh it's finalized super quick I see well actually actually impressive that the fact about some pattern present but the blood aligned half-life noises it's just a little half-life inspired you do arrive by train zone all right red key card pshh shut up what's at I found the demon [Music] I guess we can go in here huh see it's a monster in fighting to happen there but [Music] that much useless detection ever guys identifying demon machine doctor what is it wow it's a demon congratulations it's a demon well whoa whoa whoa where am I going whoa weird lights II can't real [ __ ] spooking this room ma'am oh my god oh my god I wish I was up hard or music do a joke look this music it's not copyrighted or else it's gonna walk blocked in Germany as per usual all right Oh mate hello every young Germany always gets [ __ ] with need the nice pop right stuff it's always German I don't know why this is so satisfying look dad Dan oh hello well some one of the rules suits MIDI music no it was more son like please do use many music if you're not use it because again it [ __ ] with the stuff on YouTube it could like it loose it's the ability in Germany and stuff like that so yeah okay one one is fine a hundred of them is not so I was right on up [Music] absolutely oh he's a bad sailor oh my god please kill me took too much damage anyway it's too tight for this too tight for this now the question is do I not have a class mommy I do not as competent thankfulness slowest moving door in the world shoutouts you know set the real slowest moving door in the world do not a big fan big fan and to [ __ ] out of the way and this level is a little bit earlier but I like it but it does [ __ ] with your level and I mean a lot [Music] that what I think it is called the ladies veto it is a it is a real babe let me do an interactive stream ready well what the what the [ __ ] but Nazir oh no yes that was a Betsy police please you had one job I love this remix [Music] but real serious now yeah pretty fun level here whoo stop but who's this who's that and freaking die mr. tentacles cage [Music] it's a cage addition oh no I'm gonna take my face on face oh I wanted my face off [Music] Jesus Christ getting a real stinky now holy [ __ ] it's good whoa how am I do this it's like invincible okay we have approached shit-shit levels on this map now oh okay can kill yourself with the that hit him Brizzy Kitsch debt oh there it is what is that on tape my face oh god no not the bees oh my legs I broke my legs oh [ __ ] you know gotta get it why is it so difficult face oh my god [Music] okay it's impossible to kill [Music] I think so no why would save their butt super hitscan enemies can please [ __ ] off like they gotta stay out here like wait you off Oh neat this is a cool this is a funny thing he he he ha ha mm-hmm he can teleport I think oh my [ __ ] he's like scary took it is so good [Music] what what the [ __ ] what what is this what have you done what have you done what have you done he had such a good water and you solve it alright see what you got you want you want me to do this with limited spheres since L see what you bought what is that noise for thus the Pepsi's customer and on via Pepsi well I guess we just do this then you gotta be kidding me peps uses bullets oh okay here we go you have made some simple could be that it's kind of now you want me to kill them how Wow let in it that no way no way three thumbs [ __ ] is that a weekend like that huh you have entered deeply into the infested starport but something is wrong the hell with that at the end well okay well whale whale we all agreed we both do well we need to do that was pretty good I liked it I liked it but you played some good stuff today but I'd say next stream we have to finish the blood level blot blot Armageddon forget what it was called and twitch HQ so that's the next one I do you guys want that really short one like a super quick one honestly if I can do that real quick I'm just curious if I played this one [Music] I don't think I have so okay [Music] here we go spooky castle by toxic Cal oh oh the seems great it seems too great to be playing it welcome to spooky castle oh no that seems fantastic oh oh [Music] I see these recommend okay all the seams amazing [Music] I kind of love it already this is a problem all right well I guess I guess we'll be one more than [ __ ] so that that's all it's like ganondorf's Castle I like that back to the classics but who's this I was I saw like what's it called air air hog no anuraga earpiece was he called Wiener wiener prakruti and grapes and aurora borealis in this part of Doom EP and this cat I've seen him before what was it called air air air bud not air hoops what the [ __ ] is wrong with me there's that dog are these my friends I can't tell sure so you come friends don't drive stay cool there's a new house at that game in Japan by the way and I really want to play I must run to that shitty movie bought movie but in the house or decade slow motion a desert eagle girl you have good taste and finding this vehicle what's that I don't know very bad but to find out and connect just climb over this oh I don't like to break the level if I do that but no definitely not just jump here I go what you're yours fantastic it's silly enough and it it's also fun to play it's a great combination whoop okay I thought I could interact with via the raccoon there for a second but I guess not oh whoa hang on this more to Air Bud [Music] airball airball to air but three air but and raccoon air but the aussie tour snow buddies space buddies spooky buddies Santa buddies Santa Paws to the search for Santa Paws treasure buddies super buddies golden winter Beverly Hills Chihuahua carotids dog top dog the dog saved Halloween the dog who saved Easter the dog ruined these third at Chico the plague dog the plague dogs no thanks well what now all that for nothing well not for nothing but a lot of [ __ ] jokes first effort for a joke and I like that I like that a little too much in fact you know what I don't like though you know what I don't like though for you minutes for the first key card that I can't find it but that's that's just me bitching over the Rakuten but how are you guys seeing all the stuff that I can't see very unfair what how the [ __ ] did you see that solution all alone hmm ha ha what the ha ha how do you see that but you guys made this wad all together just like [ __ ] between you very very hidden one - oh my girl helping hope the wrestling level isn't like that I made this guy's we need like a vine joke blind emotional but I'm afraid I'll be cheating the system because all everybody would have just get that emotes and make fun of me every day and I can't have that oh [ __ ] wrong way [Music] hidden the quote-unquote well I didn't see that I was like okay uh where oh the cool dinky I'll he exploded whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa use 48.4 [ __ ] [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] for [ __ ] lunch buffet I need that no eating grapes by the way raccoon eating grapes might make it his first official debut in in the new Windows Vista pilot video maybe ooh I like that I'm fine how am i fine though oh wait why am I here what your wants [ __ ] you you know that it's really [ __ ] you and it's also like the funniest water we've ever seen okay oh you add it's it ends like that so how am i okay what if I don't oh oh okay I see this is just a fake yeah it's just a joke eat oh my god so that whole [ __ ] this oh my god okay you can't get through all right well what I going back with okay I got a resistant wind if music doesn't someone press the button to the left of cocaine but this one is hysterical like and I mean that sincerely if it's actually really really funny it's hard to pull off like a very successfully funny wanted to puppet dances you find the bookcase oh okay ah awesome aw it's also showing this is that this is my very good not only is it aspherical it's actually got a real jazz jackrabbit to music which is like I always say that but here we are I mean you're getting ridiculous like good points for this a man after my own heart talk [Music] very fun oh yes yeah grab it do come on oh not now you're not not and now you're trying to cheat because now your trial like you're playing my heartstrings buddy do you see that that was a subtle like effect I think oh look at that look at that you might not notice it but it's a slight Cylon teleport into that very interesting [Music] this one is and here I said hey you guys want to see a quick one and here we are like playing one of the best ones holy [ __ ] it's a treat this one is a treat and now you might see a little bit of ink co-op in fact it's got that fun mentality to it where it's just like don't take that seriously but it's very like just cool you know very nice castle definitely making a impression on me so far [Music] Vicki laughs make it fry please don't forget on nice nice cool and nice ah thanks med kit that I need after that horrible onslaught of violence laughs make your pride whoa whoa whoa whoa where am I Oh we'll accidentally made a deal off of this thing kind of swivel Oh No what although it's tense now this this one in particular is I say I think I said this before in the stream mixing funny stuff with old stuff and pulling it off can be hard but this one does it the Excel ascetic okay now have all of them it's not very fun very very fun let's play at home what whoa what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this aw did this one this one is the [ __ ] bomb okay so we got up you know I think I got to jump over it it's like turbo tunnel [ __ ] yep this is awesome wow this is fantastic Wow walking this book paths whoa the windows screensaver [Applause] [Music] oh well the [ __ ] water is amazing and the roller courses that could and this Wow took a while whoa wow there's this what III can't and going down again are you sure you want me to go this oh my god are you telling me this entire wall is just a roller coaster ride at this point holy [ __ ] regular five door hello cyberdemon and friends it's [ __ ] waters the best [ __ ] oh it's so good oh like [ __ ] hell [ __ ] hell it's good oh my god III want to play this twice I don't wanna play like that this one is so much damn fun I want to actually play twice oh my god man you've created some some [ __ ] intense for all they revive - oh my god okay [Music] I like that it's almost like more 64 in a way sort of it and that you get health back to so this is business fair off this lot though let's just first up at the plasma gun shine we Oh God watch out watch out would have it's so good it's like it's funny it surprises you and it's like alright whoa what now focusing on the cyberdemon here folks on the thigh the sunday cyberdemon what [Music] because I think killing the minions walking [ __ ] maybe I don't know come on why did it mischief-makers to a man after my own heart [Music] [Music] I loved it holy Shh look at this Wow it was so short so above it wasn't short but it was like stolen from the video game site it was it was like in bursts short bursts of funny short bursts of like you know a legitimate doom and man they were playing my my first walk map what the [ __ ] did you you totally blew me away with your first what the our natural is damn [ __ ] [Music] that was that was amazing holy [ __ ] well I need to do something real quick [Music] - anything else I missed here because I feel I need to get all the secrets this part for example [Music] is it live here yeah that FCR park caught me totally [ __ ] off-guard [Laughter] anyone I want to do that again I actually want to do that again it was just so so short and so funny I want to do it again what about this one this is lead anywhere [Music] there is stuff up here can you actually get though but good luck anyway here we go look at map oh hang on was it uh Oh talk to the cow you're in chat tonight hole [ __ ] man I gotta say man you you you blew me away for sure like you you made something here that I I and I was just like I'm gonna play something short and sweet and I'm like okay but this is actually okay because I still have like fly on I think I because I sequence broke it no clip fly I have on the foxy wagon yet I kind of broken hang on let me let me try that again noclip life there we go I can't believe that's just your first map do do you you have made something but like I could never dream of doing it this is your first thing and look at look at this like oh man it's a treat to play oh hello wait and here we go I'm going for another ride boys did I see the cyber Tina's face yea select yeah here we go [Music] [Laughter] you know all a secret ultimate path although I think I broke it I broke it I thought the only I would break this huh no you know why this would have been a my death that's why let's find out [Music] maybe I no I don't think so funny I broke it I managed to break it somehow maybe I wasn't so let's go that way never girl here's the right path whoa has a Sven co-op life to it not the deadness really maybe crack up and then of course you have yes and then back again clunk spam Pez and then it's all the way down again well it's just fantastic and then whoop and back man yeah man after my own heart it snuck in recruiting grapes mischief-makers f0x the sound effects too like this timing on this you need the subtle stuff you know and this talk to just you know that stuff it's just I just kill monsters here we go I think you could go down there you look back at the door what do you mean with what which door too late no one let me see oh good [Music] Oh you broke a lot of skirts why no clipping I guess [Music] is this a door you're talking about ah yes excellent excellent now the end thing the end screen I don't know where that is again but yeah like once again man this is absolute treat to go through and it was it was short and sweet - it didn't overstay its welcome like it didn't take fifty five minutes to do so yeah I'd say this is what Preston meaty but finally you get the committee button I said listen I wasn't trying to talk trash about twitch HQ bit like this this is how you do it oh man yeah once again man this was blew me away I'm just trying to find the the end room here it might just be here hang on wait yes here's the ending look look at it - you did it you did it in little your winner well we're gonna end tonight with this what I thought a treat this one was oh my god I can't I can't wait until doing bought two is done the contest so everybody can play this - this must was an absolute to treat welcome to spooky castle look ten out of [ __ ] ten I loved it can't recommend enough man awesome awesome Wow fantastic job fantastic job well everybody it's gonna be each for doom today next time we will finish twitch say to you and we'll finish the other blood water I forget what it's called but yes but for now thank you so much for watching on a bier bu show the art but once again thanks everybody entering and submitting once again and yes indeedy and yeah blood mind blood mind see I know blood mind there we go next one man blood man's a blood mind and and twitch HQ to next time I promise you first thing so uh yeah man anyway I brought back to show the art so don't go anywhere alright let's check out some of the work tonight uh let's see oh my god comfy for this because I've been sharing for awhile and I want to put my beats up on the bed so expect a little microphone difference here when I try to get all comfy to check the org so alright so I think this is where we last left off from from James I'll do this compensate a little bit now you have the microphone right on me alright anyway well well whoa whoa dude okay here we go from James 15x oh god get it off soon here's my he hit munch on with the action it's a bad idea let me do that again with the head on it and it's horrifying and I love them from Aves tube bulk bogan themed animated Lincoln source sure I'll check it out it's only 14 seconds but it's good enough I don't let me see if I turn it up and we should do the limit get the [ __ ] out of my face growl stop on your tasty quest tonight [Laughter] tonight [Laughter] wow dude a limit get the [ __ ] out of my face but I'll stop on your tasty list tonight dee likely the low-quality changed there for a second I know what happened there but wow that's incredible I loved it make more please make more please base take place tonight well really good from the sheet oh it's a little wallpaper Ivar shelter thing I mean it's got rain - and I love rain so new wallpaper maybe maybe I don't know the transparent version with a fork shroom only I'll check that out let's check it out y'all go check it out y'all here's the history wallpaper oh you over here what is this voice yeah this this voice has no no no room on this stream perhaps know your fire already from with Yahoo Dum Dums it had to be done did it did it really have to be done I guess so I don't know but yes I'm Barney pebble you guys want me to rant about yes I want to rant about the defenseless movie again no I don't I like it Red Rocks I guess it was a little too hard to fit in some sort of like rock related thing to psyche Lord huh I guess but I liked it from from Nik Punk I think yeah there we go yeah it's a taut I think where is my shirt Joel you want a cycloid shirt well those are coming soon I'm sorry it's taken a while wait sorry I got ass nice like I got a burp sorry I'm unprofessional at the end of the streets but listen I'm a stringer for like five or six hours today so sorry from the best kind of stupid get on the train bless you five hours to their damn hey not bad for niacin from green cat kid here's fine Joel blinder I love it from divorced Pokemon uh walk back to [ __ ] yes that's fantastic that is fan fantastic you from Zebby man behind the mask I love it I loves it looks like I'm I have a really thick neck in this one but I like it from Feeny 14 here's Pepsi man hyrax Todd yes I wasn't sure how long I had to make it so I had to rush it hence why it looks something I hope you like it yeah dude it's awesome from the detai san andreas stuff taught on the little bit taught on CD I can't talk I'm full of Pepsi look that's our key yeah oh the end of the stream is has gone to [ __ ] with this very nice thank you so much there Pepsi man look at him zapped the thirst here's that one lady from San Andreas use that kept fire and gone for no reason someone leave they kept shooting in the air yep so I fire my gun that's awesome thank you from block mechanics here's punished CJ there he is I'm nuclei I'm I hate that's fantastic I seriously I love it too I'm cosmic topaz you need to take a shower okay okay okay that's awesome thank you so much from Valen see here I had to [ __ ] on Memorial Day happy post Memorial Day guys hope you all had a lot of sausages or whatever you do on Memorial Day I had a lot of sleep so a how funny would it be if you watched this fan art and didn't know what the [ __ ] the context was like there is context to [ __ ] them and Memorial Day trust me there's not this [ __ ] lovely work that you had from Erina sucrets arena so practice while the sign uses this is life I hate vidya hey Uncle Joe Ellis huh why are there so many zubats in a cave this is life I'm gonna use this mic I'm gonna cap this and boom deceased life hungry missing and wait hang on alright anyways so yes very nice for vine sloth the pixel Joel is that me like holding the VAR self and working like a dog she's floating around and biting dudes that's great this is fantastic from oh look at this from the coconut gun here's me wrestling with an arch val oh that's awesome look look how great this looks huh oh that's a treat Oh what the [ __ ] man that is awesome you watch the gonads I have a little protection on there yo that is me in there works out every time maxed German that's a badass looking arch fella - [ __ ] you awesome I've got a little bit of that bony bony Ness that I like about them - some some some people depict their art fast like brain enemies like they have a giant brain but I like them little ferocious skull looked at you know I like that part a lot but awesome thank you so much damn that is incredible very very nice love the expression here - her green cat kid here's a little old Jolin as the train conductor main very nice bloke mechanics wanna meet over on the promotion oh man Pokemon generation one yellow remake is happening on intend to switch what this is just confirmed Nani I'll make Ottawa huh look through keep minutes ago okay [ __ ] I should have watched that Bethesda stream huh Todd Howard dropping a lot of pokémon huh damn unbelievable that's Barry and I saw thank you so much I loves it too from kdd multitrack duty fatigue ooh why is it so low quality I didn't there we go look at me look at my nose that's fantastic I look like a woodpecker multi-track drifting hey kansai drift oh well that's fantastic I love it that's great a splendid artwork splendid from from the best kind of stupid train time debate while Louie time oh man such good our tonight here's one from Zorro and wowee look at this do map and contest number dois and it gives me blasting wads with my plans my gun and my shotgun aah oh my God look a little hands on the woods to a man's treat such good art is not holy [ __ ] not to mention the giant vork Stelter mushroom it's spewing all these wards out damn damn that's fantastic that is wonderful look at that face look at that face that just says it all doesn't it what splendid awkward tonight god damn man thank you all thank you all for the Ortz I'm not even done yet but thank you all holy [ __ ] from rat rat rattletrap mmm trettel [ __ ] [ __ ] pronounce name but a rattle tram Devinder I guess you [ __ ] up could have uh [ __ ] up dude I love it come scoop a scoop potatoes large scale Thor aka Joel who's that guy never heard what did you block out in the corner here huh did he write words like booger and Goblin and Bart maybe from Accardi OD i random do and I guess it's me being grumpy McCarty draw me with short hair for the first time actually interesting from flatulent demon what a name very nice by the way thank you super murder vorticella Thor look at that site I love it look at fireball - it's got some snaggletooth teeth random little tea ffice coming out just teeth it's us the thief et thesis Thetas TT TVs yes the tusks very nice from the the best kind of stupid here's demon alarm Oh No Oh awesome well that's gonna be dark for tonight damn a lot a little really good [ __ ] gotta say man anyway thank you so much for watching tonight the long stream I actually ended up going until 4 a.m. and the [ __ ] morning could you believe it so there is like how many there's actually like Fred's live I must live Darren's live Jenn's live Rebbe's live holy [ __ ] there's so many people [ __ ] live at the moment I think there's a multiplayer thing going on right now but yeah anyway I think I'm done for the night yes I am done for though I'm gonna sleep after this then I'm gonna check out the new Pokemon thing this the house looks interesting and you know ye ya see all around thanks for enjoying doom stuff tomorrow I'll do some dwarf fortress and I'll also try to do maybe a new game we'll see what's ahead but be on the lookout the old tip of today is it's actually that tip someone gave me if you have wasps problems did you know that wasps hate peppermint oil so I haven't tried this out yourself my self but apparently they hate it and if you put a lot of peppermint oil near your windows they won't come in because they're like disgusted by it so hmm more so not my tip but I might try it because I hate wasps oh hey you know spiders do too oh really well some useful tips for the summer anyway I'll see y'all around thanks for watching and I think I'll host Fred alright but anyway peace out take care and thanks for watching the doom watts and densha to go and thanks to all the artists participating by doing the art very very nice thank you all so much alright anyway I'm gonna piece off the bed now so boom I see all around be good to each other and remember that we are now closer to Halloween one day and her happy early Halloween bye
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 72,461
Rating: 4.9487567 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, doom, wad, contest, custom, weapon, texture, revenant, archvile, bingo, best, level, download, new, mod, competition, twitch hq, funny, script, toxicoow, skeleton, arch-vile
Id: vNFhjt5Qejg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 41sec (10301 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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