Vinegar Spray Rust Removal

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[Music] hey everyone this is Steven strong at the cast iron cookware channel we can find information help you better collect restore and use cast iron cookware today I'm going to do something I've never tried before it's a little bit of an experiment and what I'm going to do today is vinegar spray rust removal and I'm going to be removing the rust from this little 1 quart stewpot now it's not too rusty but there is a little bit of rust on the inside and a little bit of surface rust on the outside so we're going to be taking care of that coming right up there's a few things that you got a member when it comes to using vinegar to remove rust number one is you never want to leave it in a vinegar bath any more than 30 minutes I personally only like to go 20 minutes and then check it and then if it needs a little more I may put it in there for a few more minutes depending on how severe the rust is I know there has been people who have left it in overnight and because there wasn't any pitting they didn't have as much of an issue but I'm telling you if rust has already got ahold of it then if you leave it in there too long it will just eat away at it so never leave it in a vinegar bath any more than 30 minutes then if you need to do it again you can repeat the cycle and I would say 10 or 15 minutes the second time around so my plan is to spray this and down really good let it sit for about 10 minutes and this just kind of scrub it a little bit and then rinse it off and see what happens so let's go check it out okay we're outside and I've got my vinegar water solution now my solution is 50% water 50% white vinegar you don't want to use 100% vinegar because it's just too strong so all I'm going to do is I'm just going to spray it down inside now and it smells a little bit like Easter eggs and I'm just gonna let it sit the thing about vinegar it's not gonna hurt your hands we're gonna let this sit for about 10 minutes let's not forget the lid it's gonna soak it down real good we're going to let our timer set for about 10 minutes we're gonna come back and we'll scrub it down we're about at the five-minute point so I'm just gonna give it a little bit of a soaking just to make sure you got coverage give it another 5 minutes okay it's been 10 minutes I didn't want to go over too long because I don't want to cause any issues okay I'm just gonna take a scrubby and just kind of give it a good scrub in the inside a good thing about doing this outside don't make too much of a mess now this one doesn't have a whole lot of heavy rust but it's mainly proof of concept let's get the lid [Music] give it a little bit of a scrub here we're gonna rinse it off with a little bit of a garden hose water looking pretty good so far I'm gonna go ahead and give it another spray and let it go maybe another 10 minutes and then let's check it out again here another spray is a sprayer lid again we're gonna give it another ten minutes we'll come back and check it out okay it's been about ten minutes and we're gonna go ahead and give it a little bit of a scrub check it out this little place here doing pretty good too of course there wasn't a whole lot of rust but this is to prove the concept I think it's going to clean up really nice so let's go ahead and take it in the kitchen and add a little bit of dish soap and just see how it turns out at this point we're gonna go ahead and rinse it off a little bit one of my favorite little tools isn't a saucepan [Music] we're just gonna go over the whole piece [Music] you know SOS pad is not going to hurt your cast iron that's the inside is kind of cooled outside and you can't actually use a magic eraser once you get it dried and go over it if there's any surface rust left on there sometimes you may deal with flash rust but I got a answer for flash rust right here just go over the whole piece real good it's kind of rinse it off this is what we've got and if you got any places like that has a little bit of rust like there's just a little bit right here inside the heating ring a little bit of work with a it's always pad right there I'll take it right out and as soon as I get it out of water I'm gonna dry quickly and apply paste coat of my seizing the water I'm gonna go ahead and hit this with a little bit of [Music] dishwashing liquid I'm using dawn but you can use any kind of dishwashing liquid the chief prefer the fact that these bubbles are white instead of orange is a good sign that all the rust is gone let's go ahead and take care of her lid small ready we're going to rinse it with this hot water as you can spin so we're going to dry it you can use paper towels or e just to the rigor you know house towel but I can tell you by experience you don't want to use a nice white towel and here's my secret while it's still warm I'm gonna go ahead and hit it with my seasoning oil I'm using buzzy wax but you can use Crisco grapeseed oil lard and just massage it in rub it into every little nook and cranny that she possibly can the hard part is going to be getting it inside that little hole nothing had done that we're going to her the pace will let this and set for a minute then rinse her other piece off be sure we got all the soap I can tell the call to the buzzy wax on my fingers I'm already getting a coating on this pan so they're not a bad idea when you're resting and before you apply your basecoat it doesn't have to be bone dry just dry enough so you can get a good coating we're going to go ahead and cover this little in stewpot and we're just going to massage it in now be careful because it's going to be slick now after you got your pace coat applied and you know you covered it completely then you can go back and wipe off the excess for now when we put it in the oven to apply our first seasoning layer after it gets hot somewhere around 150 and 200 degrees we can still handle it you're gonna go back and wipe it down again then we got a pretty thick coat on here right now and that's mainly to prevent flash rust so there we have it ready to start our first seasoning layer in the oven all the rust is gone actually proof of concept it's pretty neat well I'm really surprised how it turned out it turned out really good you know we have a nice paste coat of buzzy wax you know of course the inside turned out really good [Music] now this thing is gonna be beautiful after I go through about three rounds of seasoning and oven but I just wanted to share this idea and it is proof of concept one thing that I really like about it is this this was almost full now I've got a little carried away and I saturated it a couple times and just sprayed sprayed sprayed but it doesn't take that much all you have to do is put a few spritz on it and I use probably twice or three times as much as maybe I could have gotten by with so instead of having to use an entire gallon or half a gallon of vinegar and a foot tub or something like that this is very economical and the piece turned out really nice I'm not going to go ahead and go through the entire process one thing I like about having a paste coat like we have on this one here is that I can set it on the shelf and wait till I get three or four or five six ahold of and full of pieces so that I can season them all at once so this turned out really nice I hope that you've enjoyed this video and you found it to be useful if you have don't forget to subscribe if you're not subscribed hit the notification build that way you won't miss out on new videos when they come out thank you again for watching cast iron cookware [Music]
Channel: Cast Iron Cookware
Views: 55,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinegar rust removal, rust removal, cast iron rust removal, vinegar bath, rust vinegar, cast iron cookware, stephen strawn, removing rust, removing rust with vinegar, how to remove rust, rust, vinegar, vinegar rust removal cast iron, cast iron, cast iron cooking, cast iron skillet, cast iron collecting, vintage cast iron, easy rust removal, from cast iron, rust from cast iron, cast iron restoration, spray vinegar rust removal, best rust remover, vinegar spray, strawn, bsr
Id: 4zoovZ-15MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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