Too Much Rust?

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hi everyone this is Steven strong a cast iron cook wire we can find information help you better collect restore news cast iron cookware today we're going to be talking about rust and how much is too much we're going to be doing that coming right up [Music] before we get started into the video I just want to say thank you to everyone who has purchased my season instead I just want to let you know that that has been making it possible for me to continue making videos and if you're interested in purchasing my cast iron season you can find it at CI cookware comm so check it out because that is what keeps this channel going okay now on to the cast iron I got quite a few pieces and I'm going to go ahead and pull the camera down so I can see them now you'll always find pieces that have a little bit of rust in them like this a little bit of dirt a little bit of everything else old seasoning probably even some old food this in here it's got just a little speck of rust right here now when you're looking at cast iron you're going to be getting your hands dirty now you can rub around and you can see if there's going to be pits or not this one right here does not appear that it will have any pets but I can tell you the handle feels a little rough so there has been some rust that has affected the surface a little bit but I'm telling you once we'll get this and cleaned and get it seasoned it's a little number three Birmingham stove and range red mountain with the small pour spouts and I think it will clean up just nice we have another one right here and it is a Wagner we're made in USA and it's got some surface rust on it and a little bit of deeper rust right here in one cup it's like this cup had some water dripping in it and it just rusted but even though it has lost a little bit of its surface it will clean up just right and season up without an issue now here is a Birmingham stove in range and it is terrible it's a century series but you can even see where it's so spotty and even pieces of layers of the bottom or even pilling off and this looks horrible I mean you just I just don't even want to touch it hardly and it's pitted really badly now I'm going to tell you it will probably still clean up and be a good user but far as looks it will always look pitted it will always look rough even on the edges and I've seen these before somebody laughed at me because I said this I've even seen it where the letters were rusted so bad that you you couldn't even read them they were almost rusted away so this one right here is in terrible shape it can be a user but not very much collectible value involved in that we have kind of the same issue with this one we have it appears to be one cup got the water I wouldn't be surprised to say that these were probably stacked together because that's what we have and the water dripped and filled both cups but it's a little rusty but you can feel it it feels a little on the rough side but on the back you can still see some of the old seasoning it's a little bit black now this is a large large had several different styles this one right here had the wide hole and it also had the knob sometimes you'll see them with a little flat spot here there were several different design changes now here is another Lodge that is a lot like the Birmingham stove in range we had and it is terrible front and back it's going to clean up and be able to be used the forest collectible value there really are not any collector they left in this one but it's still a good user not at this point but it can be cleaned up we'll change the camera around just a little bit take these and send them to the side now here's a little muffin pan that we showed on their last video we had several of these and this one right here has got some surface rust on it and it's not too bad and most of the surface rust is on the outside the inside the appears to be nice and slick not an issue at all this going to clean up and look like news we get done with it so going back to our original question how much rust is too much we'll take a little large pan and their little Birmingham stove and range pan that are actually pitted now if I seen these out I would definitely pass on them now if somebody gave them to me which is almost kind of how it's went I'm not going to let them go I won't get them cleaned up but far as trouble and labor putting into it those are really not worth it so if somebody tell me that I could have these for $2 apiece I would probably say no not really interested or if they said well I'll just let you have them because I don't know what to do with them I'm not really interested in it either because the amount of labour compared to how much return you're going to get back on it for us you know having something that looks good and of course it's going to be a good user don't get me wrong it's just not worth the trouble so we'll take this little piece here it's a Wagner sitting yellow now you can still see the seasoning on the back of it the old seasoned announcer got rust round edges and on the inside it's pretty rusty now I can kind of rub it around and I don't see any pits there is a lot of surface rust I don't think it actually stood in water I think it was mostly kundan station moisture that caused this one to rust now I believe this one will clean up and not have any issues at all even though it looks bad now sometimes you'll be surprised you may clean this thing up and it'll have pits and all kind of issues that were covered up by the rust also this is a number 6 now if it's a piece that's a little hard to find it's more worth saving even if it is more rusty now we got this Lodge number 8 3 knotch now it's got a lot of surface rust on it and you can feel the roughness and it doesn't feel like the roughness of the original cast it feels like the roughness like some of the layers have been taken off of it the handle has got a roughness even around the bottom you can actually it feels kind of like sandpaper so there is the rust has taken its toll on this one and it has eaten down into the metal and you especially around the edge you can just feel it you can hear it as I'm rubbing it now if you rub it in place and it's not making a lot of noise but this is like sandpaper of it now the inside is full of rust but it looks like most of it is surface rust and dirt and dust and sand and just a little bit of everything mixed in there with it this and here will probably clean up nicely but it will still have some roughness from the rust that one there it's kind of borderline if I seen this out somewhere and somebody said I'll let you have it for $5 I would probably take that but anything over that the return of the value is just not worth the trouble putting into it anything over that now here's a piece I showed in my other video and it's a Wagner Sidney oh and it's the squire skillet with the squared off handle and their specs right here you get a turn this right you can see specs all around the bottom and you can feel the roughness of those specs compared to the front of the pan so there's going to be some pitting right there there's going to be some pitting inside the handle but the top surface looks really nice and a piece like this if they said well I'll let you have this for $15 I would probably do that because this one is worth a lot more even in its condition once it's finished so the rarity of a piece and the value of one that's in great condition has a lot to do with it so I would take a piece like this you know for ten bucks before I would pick up a piece like this for ten bucks I would probably even pay twenty for this one and not paying them more than five for this and in its condition I have people ask me questions and they'll send me pictures of pieces and they'll say what do you think about this one or sometimes I won't even send a picture they'll say I got this piece it's a Birmingham stone range what do you think is it worth $50 it sits flat some well-conditioned has a whole lot to do with it it could be worth $50 if it's a red mountain number eight and it's in great shape and doesn't spin but if it spins a little bit or wobbles a little bit or if it's pitted or is it a lot of rust it has a lot to do with the value of the piece so a piece that has a lot of issues it may not be worth but you know ten or fifteen dollars if you got a Dutch oven that the bottom is a spinner and is terrible but the lid is perfect you'd probably buy the piece for the value of the lid and not even consider the ball condition versus the rarity of the piece this is one right here now this is a Red Mountain flat bottom pot now it's pitted on the bottom you can't really tell it in the in the video so much but here's pity I mean if you wants to lay a piece of paper on it and take a pencil and run across it you're gonna have a bunch of little holes because it's pitted pretty badly on the bottom and it gets a little better as it goes up the sides the other side we just have surface rust and the lid looks pretty good and of course the inside it still has a little bit of old seasoning in it then the inside we have some more rust and there's probably some pitting on the inside we have some pitting from rust on the edges here so this piece right here in good condition is probably worth about $75 but with the rust factor involved in the pits on the bottom all these shoes are involved in it I would say it's more like it sense unfinished more around 25 30 bucks now I first finished a problem to be worth about $50 but it just depends on how it looks when you're finished now here is a Birmingham stove and rain square skillet and you can just tell from a distance all the little specks you know that's pitted all across the edge it looks like it's been buried in mud for quite a few years it is really bad thankfully got a good ring to it it's not cracked or broken but I'm telling you what it is terrible now I have a little bit of a rock to it so that has a fact on condition as well but this piece right here normally when it's finished and looking good probably worth about 35 or 40 dollars but this one will never see a $40 value this in here even after it's finished is probably going to be worth about 20 maybe $25 that's if you put about three or four or five layers of seasoning on it to really cover over and look nice but if you put about three layers of seasoning on it you're going to be doing good to get twenty-five dollars out of it just because it looks so bad here's another piece here is a made in USA Lodge cornbread pen and there's a lot of rust inside there but you can kind of rub around and fill around and you can see that there's not any pits because the rust is really really fine now you get a piece where the rust is real hard and greedy and thick that's part of your iron that's just came loose because it has rusted so badly but you take a piece that has really smooth fine almost like dust then chances are you're not gonna pitting now listen right here feels really smooth even though it has some surface rust around the edge I believe this one right here will clean up and look just as good as a brand new piece when it's done so in this case not an issue at all now here's a big piece now it has looks like dirt it's been caked on it mud or something and it's got a lot of surface rust but it is a larger piece larger pieces tend to bring larger money now this is a kind of a new lodge but this one here will clean up and it would be worth if somebody said I'll let you have this and for ten ten bucks it would be worth putting another $15 worth of labor in it you could probably get thirty or forty dollars out of it just because it will clean up nicely and it's not eat up with rust it does have surface rust but condition really has a lot to do with if it's worth dealing with or not we got a Birmingham stove and range it's a century series you can tell us a century series by the bottoms for one if we could even see this the descriptive lettering it may not even show it says NO dot 810 and five-eighths inch so this is century now has a lot of surface rust and there's going to be some pitting around the edges and there's going to be some pitting on the inside usually when you see rust there's two or three different colors you may have deep pitting in some areas and a lighter more shallow pitting in others so this piece right here is not going to turn out to be like a new piece ever now we have the same descriptive in the center the dimples radiate in a even pattern so it's not Red Mountain it's not random and there is a lot of surface rust on this and this little piece here has some spin to it what I've noticed about Birmingham stoven range dutch ovens you almost never find one that sits dead flat you may find one that has a little wobble and you're doing really good most of them spin like a top but on the rare occasion you will find one that doesn't spin usually if you find a piece that has never been used forever bidding the fire or heat but this little piece right here probably worth about $50 if it was in great condition but it's not in great condition it's got issues so even after this thing here has been cleaned and restored it's probably going to fetch about 35 maybe 40 dollars if you're really lucky so if you know it's going to fetch about $35 and you're going to put about 20 dollars worth of labor in it you're not going to want to pay no more than 10 or 15 dollars for a piece like this because you put you put 15 dollars into labor you pay 10 dollars for it and you know we get 35 you're breaking even cast iron collector is fun but you don't want to break even you want to gain a little somewhere along the way and last but not least this little spider right here and it it has probably been around for a long long time and it is an old gate mark you can see the gate walk right across the bottom where they poured it it was poured in the mold this way they pour they poured the iron to the top through the spout and it filled in the pan from there this one has got some serious issues there's a little bit you can't hardly tell it but there's a little bit of a pink hue on this one it doesn't show up in the cameras pink but there is a little outline a pink across through there and that tells me that it has heat damaged not just that you can see where it's really bad pitted it looks like it's not just pitted because of the rust but sometimes one will rust a lot faster if it's been fire damaged and if one has been fire damaged you will almost never get it to hold seasoning it'll just soak it up like a sponge and disappear so where did they all go I don't know it just won't take it and it will continue to delaminate and no matter how many times you try to put a seasonal layer on it it just will not stick but this piece right here we're gonna try to clean it up we're gonna do our best but I don't have a whole lot of hopes for this piece now because it is so rare you don't get these spiders very often I would probably pay $20 for it even in this awful condition because if there is a chance at all that I can get this thing cleaned up and accept a seasoning it'll be worth having but it's more like a gamble it's as bad a condition chances are it'll never take a seasoning but I would never pay more than that for a piece like this that isn't that bad of a shape just because I can tell by looking at it chances are it's not going to turn out unless it was almost given to me I would walk away from it now each one of these pieces I'm going to go ahead and put them in a vinegar water bath and I'm gonna let them soak for about another rust-eze really bad restaurants I'm not gonna let them soak too long because they will pit really fast it seems like that vinegar will attack those pits and really eat away at it and it'll it'll disintegrate before you know it so I'm probably gonna put the really bad pitted pieces in a vinegar water bath for about 15 minutes take it out and scrub it down real good and see how it's doing if it's starting to you know clean up really good I might put it in there for a couple maybe five more minutes and just scrub it down and then start getting ready for seasoning now the pieces that I put in there that doesn't seem to have a lot of issues with pitting I'll leave them in there for about 25 or 30 minutes scrub them down and take a look at them and if they look like they could use a little more I'll stick them back in the vinegar bath for maybe 10 minutes and do that again I'll repeat the process until I'm satisfied with how much rust has been removed at that point I'm going to apply a paste coat of seasoning oil to kind of hold off the rust until I get ready to put it in the oven and finish off the process of seasoning so I'm really curious how they turn out hopefully I'll get to share some of them in the future once I get them done but I've got a pile of cast iron to get clean so I don't know what I'm going to get them done so I hope that you've enjoyed this video if you have please don't forget to subscribe it's a notification bail and I promise I'll keep more of them coming don't forget to check out my website see I cook that's where you can find the season and stick I'm going to be working on some changes of the name so that'll be coming soon I had a friend tell me I need to do a little better with the name it's a little bit on the bland side so I'm working on a new name and a new look but the product is still going to be the same internally so just stay tuned for changes there you can also follow cast iron cookware on facebook Instagram and Twitter sign up to receive emails from cast iron cookware I try to send them out about every two or three weeks I'm a little behind right now if you're interested you can also join the cast iron cookware Facebook group it is growing really quickly I think at this point we've got nearly a thousand members which is really exciting a great bunch of people there who love care turn love sharing so thank you again for watching cast on cookware I appreciate you so much before you go I just want to share something with you really quickly in Matthew chapter 7 verse 24 and 25 it says therefore whosoever hears these things of mine and do them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock I just want to say share the word and their blessing [Music]
Channel: Cast Iron Cookware
Views: 56,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust repair, cast iron cookware, vintage cast iron, stephen strawn, how to remove rust, rust removal electrolysis, cast iron, cast iron skillet, cast iron cooking, cast iron skillet seasoning, cast iron skillet cleaning, cast iron cookware collection, cast iron restoration, birmingham stove and range, rust, vintage cast iron skillet, cast iron skillet seasoning process, cast iron skillet cleaning hack, cast iron skillet cleaning after cooking, bsr, how to remove rust from metal
Id: p3-_x-v_UGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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