Villainpedia: Dark Link

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[Music] foreign [Music] storytelling is one of the very few constants across all of human history fables myths tall tales and legends have long sought to immortalize the Deeds of both real-life people and fictional characters a common sight in these stories especially those of the fantasy varieties of course a hero a protagonist a character to shoulder The Narrative solve the problem and save the day but when you think about it the more stories like this you consume the paths that these protagonists must take Within These fictional worlds can be a little rough sometimes right paths that are fraught with doubt loss pain fear and always a little bit of Darkness it has even been said that before a true hero's journey is done they must in some way travel to and Traverse the darkness or this idea of the underworld maybe not always like a physical place but just to confront that which holds ultimate power over them personally to stare into the void the abyss within face it and be transformed for the better American author and Professor Joseph Campbell wrote extensively during his life on just that the structure of the hero's journey otherwise known as Monument what this is is like a rough outline and template to be applied to stories that involve a hero going on some sort of Adventure or Quest and the stages that many of them tend to face along the way but for me this bottommost step the death rebirth Abyss Darkness whatever you want to call it has always been particularly interesting but of course dude this is no Universal map its relevance is gonna vary bit by bit based on the media you're holding it up against but in my opinion it absolutely aligns beautifully with countless countless video games in the ways in which they tend to tell stories and convey these themes and over the last 37 years there is no video game series that has captured the Purity the essence of hero-led Adventure quite like The Legend of Zelda and I have found that there is a ton of value in the monument when it comes to the land of Hyrule the Eternal quests of the emerald clad link to conquer evil saw solve puzzles slap fools around with his sword and save the world have etched themselves deeply in the modern collective subconscious when it comes to Classic core approachable storytelling I'm talking Heroes triumphing over villains light overcoming dark good defeating evil and Central to the entire experience is link a silent pure cool skilled Warrior always leading the charge with Grace and strength he is overcoming challenges learning new skills along the way and honing himself on his path into a hero worthy of the final encounter but on the other hand you of course have the darkness the villains that link has bagged over the years are equally as iconic of course you got the main [ __ ] in Ganon Ganondorf but also very interesting one-offs like xanth Majora Astor and a few others but what happens when that darkness that evil that link must face comes purely from within boys I've been doing some thinking thinking about that monomith structure the abyss The Legend of Zelda and a certain adversary that seems to pop up fairly often in this series a character that in my opinion is absolutely representative of that idea of the underworld that sense of self that every hero must in some way overcome I am of course talking about Dark Link the shadow of the warrior an opponent that is meant to be a completely even match with our hero mirroring his every move Instinct and strength a character that for all the interesting lore and World building of this series seems to exist mostly in a vacuum on his own a creature a challenge that is deeply personal for the protagonist so what I want to do in this video is take a real look back talk about the real world inspiration of this archetype and then dig into each iteration of this shadowy Challenger in game I want to see how they differ how they are contextualized how they function and ultimately I want to find out what the purpose of Dark Link is as far as both gameplay and narrative but I want to pause for just one second and thank all of my patrons for supporting this channel away from YouTube it really helps me out so much you guys thank you but I also want to thank thank everyone at large for sticking with me during my recent break in uploads fellas I had an absolutely hellish second half of 2022 I'm not going to sugarcoat it in this community right here really really kept me afloat more than any of you will ever realize so thank you from the bottom of my heart seriously I am ghost your host as always now let's get right back to it turn out the lights and embrace the mystery of Dark Link so with any video the first thing I always think about is who is this character where do they come from what are they doing why are they doing it and if it's a villain how are we going to stop them but today there are no answers to any of those questions this is not a typical video game villain whatsoever more of an obstacle or antagonistic presence you could say that could appear at any moment in any Zelda game Dark Link has had a deep impact on the fandom and video games at large due specifically to his enigmatic silence and lack of any explanation or wants but what we know for certain is that Dark Link always appears just as link does right the cap the tunic the build the weaponry and the skill set but he almost looks like a husk a shadow a ghost of Link gray or black skin monochromatic outfit and of course his famous glowing red eyes my man cuts a Sinister silhouette that's for damn sure and there is no mistaking his intentions when he appears on your screen this is a being of malice and mystery regardless of any game-specific context but I think to lay a foundation of what this character represents and really is we need to talk about the background of this archetype so if you take the character of Dark Link at that face value okay his appearance and hostility you could easily jump to the conclusion that he is sort of meant to be the anti-link right the underworld version of the hero who is cruel selfish and evil and this is of course a very simple concept that has been explored in tons of fictional media for years and years a parallel version of a character that just ain't quite right but I want to take a look at that with a more specific and academic lens really quick because another fairly well-known fella you may have heard of in real life is Carl Young a psychoanalyst and philosopher who coined this entire concept of the Shadow which of course is much older than young for sure but he wrote specifically of it as a conceptual blind spot of a person or character's psyche a repressed aspect of a mind that represents the antithesis of the ego ideal in other words your worst nightmare version of you so if you take that idea put it in Zelda personify it give it a sword and think of Dark Link as a doppelganger version of link that is everything he kind of isn't or doesn't want to be but we will come back to that later my friends because a doppelganger now that is also an interesting term and a Timeless thing is it not the idea of an outright evil twin or copy that is representative of bad luck or death so this specific narrative tool of moral storytelling Primal human fear and inner Darkness has deep deep roots across not just the history of video games but ancient mythology and folklore worldwide I mean they were dreaming up dark links like thousands of years ago boy for example the ancient Egyptians believed strongly in spirits known as Ka which were doubles of people who had all the same memories and personality traits of the original person but they would show up mysteriously often times at night but were never ever to be trusted these dudes were Liars with unknown agendas then in Norse mythology you have ghostly doubles that were known to attempt to replace people in strange and malicious ways some of them even had odd colored eyes hair or skin and finally a very creepy example from certain Native American tribes that told Tales of finding a copy of yourself in the forest at night and it would smile at you and laugh beckoning you further into the darkness toward danger or death look my point is these are deep human fears and themes even the simplest idea of your reflection in the mirror smiling at you doesn't it just send a shiver down your spine dude and from all these cultural traditions and media depictions the most common trait is that your doppelganger your evil twin probably shouldn't be trusted that fella is probably kind of evil the twin spirit is almost always seen as a bad Omen so okay bringing that all back now to Zelda of course there is a super strong Motif across this entire franchise of light and dark the balancing of those two forces those two worlds and Link's role in keeping that balance so Dark Link has always represented to me yeah that inherent human fear with doppelgangers and whatnot but also the Timeless Cosmic struggle being explored within the confines of Link himself the physical manifestation of the negativity or potential evil that the hero could wield if he were LED astray or lost his footing on the path of light because hey man I think you would agree that any good hero worth their salt can't be perfect right that is straight up boring there always has to be flaws deep within natural human flaws that then any good villain will attempt to draw out and exploit to claim victory and Link in my opinion is no exception now of course the storytelling and presentation of things in Zelda games is often pretty subtle so we never see link openly struggle with his morality or anything but when you just think about Journeys he goes on the things he does and sees it's very easy to imagine a totally normal personal battle with his own power responsibility and place in history but enough of all that man I think it's best now to dig into what we actually have here the appearances of this character across the last 30 plus years and how they all give us a more completely incomplete picture of Dark Link as a character so one Minor Detail that needs to be addressed is the presence of multiple I guess versions of this villain so officially you got darkling you got Shadow Link and you got Link's Shadow and while there are differences in these depictions for the sake of this video I'm throwing them all into one shadowy sandwich for you to munch on and if you don't like it well uh so this Series has obviously been around a long ass time and the very first version of Dark Link is found way back in 1987 with the second Legend of Zelda title ever the adventure of Link oh man Zelda 2 the black sheep of the entire franchise if you ask me because it took what worked so well with the original and said no [ __ ] we're turning this into a side-scrolling action game that's brutally designed and insanely difficult but the story here in Zelda 2 surrounds a Sleeping Princess Zelda locked away only to be awoken by who else but link and of course you gotta use that magical tool known as the Triforce the three pieces being that of power wisdom and courage while I'm very serious that this game is total [ __ ] if you are able to muscle your way all the way through at the very end of the game you will be greeted by Link's Shadow the gatekeeper of the Triforce of courage and actually the final test of the entire game so when you walk into this place the screen simply freezes turns purple Your Shadow leaps out from within you that's it it is go time foreign I gotta say I love this Sprite it is just black no details no gray tones whatsoever literally a shadow and when I said this game's [ __ ] boy this is King [ __ ] right here you pretty much have to cheese him to win or at least I do and once I finally defeated him boy it felt great Scrappy bastard and while the symbolic nature of Link besting the darkness within himself to claim the Triforce of Courage specifically and then save the princess is obvious within the game's somewhat limited story it seems to me in my opinion that Link's Shadow is more of a trial like a spell set up by whatever hero in the past claimed the Triforce for themselves and really a way for that Relic to be reserved only for those who are able to conquer Their Own Strength which I think is really cool it's worth noting also though that a lot of comics were published in the late 80s surrounding Zelda 2's story now how Canon these are is uh yeah they're not but the character of Link's Shadow here was simply referred to as the Shadow and was clearly an independent entity a minion of the deceased Ganon who was attempting to mess around with link and the kingdom overall he had the ability to not only mimic link but any person and I mean wow these Comics have some insane panels dude again this is not directly correlated to the game but it's interesting to me that all of this was officially explored and licensed by Nintendo and the Zelda team but I think Zelda 2 being so kind of strange and forgotten by the fans and Nintendo led to the character the idea of an evil link kind of going on the shelf for a little while you know almost a decade but in my opinion the Simplicity here of Link's Shadow is very powerful and it was a wonderful introduction to the simplest concept of Link having to face himself and show some courage it's all good stuff but the second time this archetype appeared man it was a much bigger deal Dark Link from the Ocarina of Time is absolutely the most famous iteration of this character and in my opinion the one responsible for making him more of a presence into the future Ocarina of Time was the first 3D game in the franchise ever and is considered by many to be not only the best Zelda but one of the best games ever made links polygon filled time-trotting Adventure through Hyrule has so many memorable moments it's almost silly amazing dungeons boss fights items to collect characters to meet mini-games to play until a little bit over halfway through the game when you're really peaking in power and hitting your stride [Music] yeah boy it's that part of the game that keeps so many fans from replaying it when they remember this place even exists I covered this a little bit in my water and video games video so check that out if you like but this is definitely the most infamously tough and irritating area in this franchise however if you ask me I don't mind it I like water stuff aquatic themes and music it's good enough it's good enough but it is actually here about halfway through this dungeon that link enters into a very strange place a Placid Lake a single dead tree and a gray sky this obviously looks nothing like the rest of the dungeon and immediately feels off in some way out of place it's an ominous little arena with the exit on the opposite side but once link passes said tree his reflection in the water completely disappears with no way out the player will inevitably look around to see before them Dark Link Navi has this little quick tip that just says conquer yourself and boy you are off to the races thank you Dark Link has just as much health as your link and mirrors the player's actions very closely attacking and defending when you do but as you're able to land hits and hold your own Dark Link falls through the water really strangely then bounces back up a little more opaque until hit by hit by hit he becomes more solid fully taking on the appearance of a shadowy watery version of our hero additionally he has this deeper demonic version of Link's voice that's pretty unnerving and as he's becoming more solid physically gets increasingly aggressive and difficult to fight even boldly standing on your sword it's crazy this is absolutely one of the hardest Encounters in the game the hardest for me and feels incredibly special and strange from the jump so ever since I was a little kid I wondered what the hell is this [ __ ] man it seems so out of place but in a really cool way almost like a dream so of course in real world terms it's entirely possible that this whole fight in encounter was meant as a little fan service for those of you who enjoy Zelda 2 back in the day Nintendo is definitely known to wink at their fan base a little bit but at the same time this is a classic Zelda story isn't it Ganondorf has got Zelda he's trying to crush Hyrule and rule the world and it seems his powers are at an all-time high So within the game Dark Link could definitely be a thrall of his a shadow that he sent after link to straight up kill him a Minion from the dark world that simply does his master's bidding but I don't know I have always personally felt that ocarina's Dark Link is a bit more of a neutral evil for some reason it's just my opinion but the entire room ends up being an illusion the water the Mist the tree the whole thing of Dark Link coming out of your reflection even it seems more like a spell of some sort on the water temple itself I mean hey maybe put there by Ganondorf who knows but not unlike Link's shadow in Zelda 2 more of an enchantment to test an adventurer coming in here to confirm that they are worthy of continuing on or another cool idea is that it could be totally a battle within Link's mind so going back really quick to that Carl Young idea of the Shadow he wrote also about how encountering your own shadow might often be done in meditation or Daydream now that's kind of interesting now of course Carl Young was not writing the law of the universe and to my knowledge did not work on the Ocarina of Time but it's an interesting angle for sure all of these are just my thoughts okay so let me know down below what you think this character is so I can tell you that you're wrong but no matter how you slice it for millions and millions of people out there when they hear Dark Link it is this one unspoken short hard encounter right here next up is Oracle of Ages on the Game Boy Color which is a wonderful game boys wonderful game but things here are a little more off the beaten path in general less Ganon and more varen the Sorceress of Shadows oh and the Dark Link we get here feels a bit lesser in both execution and significance so during Link's final battle against Baron she summons actually Four dark links that don't fight as much as they are just obstacles they mirror your movement and kind of annoy you but within the context of the boss it's a really easy way to chop one down and grab a heart when you need it narratively however there are some interesting things at play so the dark world is something I've mentioned a few times and it's a theme that has been explored a fair amount in the franchise think of it like an alternate version of Hyrule a place of Shadow and evil with the normal world of course acting as the light World well varen is said to have been summoned from that very dark world and if you take a look here she absolutely has that sort of grayish skin and red eyes just like we have seen from Dark Link add on to this that it is stated within ages all monsters link fights are summoned from the Dark World leads many to believe that these shadowy links are beings that kinda exist there as well hanging out doing shadowy things living shadowy lives but I think the most key contribution to the Dark Link lore here is there just being more than one darkling this opens the door for several possible fun Theory things number one Dark Link is more of a conceptual type enemy in universe that those with the proper dark power can conjure number two that Dark Link is more than an individual guy waiting around in the shadows and three that Nintendo very likely just likes the idea of an evil link they think he's cool looks cool they're gonna stick him wherever they want how many of him as they want and they're not going to care about continuity at all baby that's a big one because the next Dark Link sighting is also a group Affair in the link to the past Game Boy Advance Port there's this optional dungeon unlocked after you have completed the game and completed the multiplayer Adventure called four Swords this dungeon is known as the Palace of the four sword and the boss or dungeon master is four dark links again but all with different color palettes to match the four links from the four Swords game what so wait a second okay in the four Swords link picks up a weapon known as the four sword and it splits him into four links yeah it's very [ __ ] stupid but I like it but this is an interesting opportunity when you look back on it you know a split up link and darkling I mean if you're taking it back to the internal darkness of the hero idea even a little bit you could have these four Dudes represent different aspects of Link's internal demons maybe one for anger one for greed sadness and then doubt hey I don't know but unfortunately here it's more of a progression boss fight one comes out after the other and it gets increasingly tough maybe I'll just go ahead and attach my headcanon to it because I like it but to be honest it's a very fight it takes a really long time and feels like the ultimate challenge of that game to me so once you complete it you know you have done everything it's really cool and I like how they look in the different colors for sure but it feels more like a sweet boss fight than anything juicy in regards to expanding the idea of darkling and to be honest for a second that's mostly what these appearances are people who love video game lore like you and me are chronically addicted to attaching meaning to stuff right but like I said at the very top this really isn't a typical villain with a backstory and overall goal more of a visual and narrative tool in Nintendo's old box of tools however a few short years later in 2004 the GameCube saw the release of four Swords Adventures a multiplayer game with the very same theme from four Swords where you have your multiple links the four Swords so on and so forth I mean so forth and here my friends is where we find the largest role yet in regards to Dark Link this is serious business and although this is officially Shadow Link same damn thing so Shadow Link here is kind of one of the main villains of the entire game as well as this faction in a way that you're working against throughout the entire narrative because dude there are many Shadow links all of which work in tandem in Sinister ways to mess around with Hyrule it starts off with a bang as a Shadow Link tricks link into drawing the four sword initially releasing the villainous Mage vati and thus putting the entire game's events in motion but from there it's all shadowy hijinks they're legitimately domestic terrorists setting villages on fire herding innocent people and causing problems all over the kingdom that everyone blames link for incorrectly the shadow links are mischievous and irritating tricksters that also constantly cause problems for you personally during gameplay if you track them down and kill him you'll get a little bit of money but if they get away they slink back into the Dark World then you have Shadow Link as the main boss of like at least five different areas here and he changes colors during the fights meaning only the corresponding colored link can damage him it's a lot of fun it's a main mechanic of this game and all of this I mean is pretty cool right but I want to know why I mean how does the game just justify all of these [ __ ] evil links running around like the Gremlins well it is all due to an artifact in game here known as the dark mirror a little Relic that acts as a prison for an evil tribe that long ago invaded Hyrule but now it's just a mirror that reveals the darkness that lies within the person looking into it and brings that evil to life and Ganon angry bastard as he is has the power to create endless Shadow links simply fueled by his resentment and hatred of the hero so the entire goal of the game comes down to getting your hands on that dark mirror stopping vati eventually facing Ganon and bada bing bada boom but I gotta say it's very refreshing and cool to me to have a variant of Dark Link star so centrally in a game specifically like this because this isn't one of the main 3D entries right the stakes feel lower and it's a safer Arena to experiment with this heavy usage of the character and I think it works great it's also the first time that they outright Link Link and Dark Link to the link between link and the Darkness within link you follow I'm sure you do so next up is Twilight Princess and boy this is a very strange one and definitely the Dark Link that feels the most like a cameo opposed to anything else at all related to gameplay because here you don't fight him you don't confront him and you don't interact with him at all instead you see Dark Link during a cutscene a cut scene that is very interestingly describing the history of the world of Twilight Princess and boy it is very similar to the mirror and evil tribe within four Swords Adventures so I'm not gonna cover everything of course but basically a group of sorcerers in Hyrule a super long time ago attempted to control the Triforce using dark magic and in response the goddesses of Hyrule yeeded and deleted those fools into the Twilight realm using the mirror of twilight those Sorcerers are known as the dark Interlopers and are simply depicted to link as dark links which for us is a very powerful image because the dark Interlopers were once important and Powerful citizens of Hyrule just like link but they gave into their desire for power so this very much resonates with the overall themes of Dark Link Temptation greed whatever that could possibly lie within our hero also gotta say definitely the coolest looking version of Dark Link period in my opinion look at that that's Perfection baby so going from the console back to the handhelds in the often maligned spirit tracks on Nintendo DS Dark Link or Shadow Link does show up but it's kind of limited he is simply the final boss of the Take Em All on minigame in castletown which is just like a little combat progression type thing to get some upgrades and money and items over the course of the game but this fight is definitely challenging and I personally will always love this use of darkling forever the final challenge in something anything being related to that sense of self the equal strength of your evil twin Etc it's always nice then going from DS to 3DS we have a very interesting Dark Link sorry Shadow Link and A Link Between Worlds now this game is incredible dude and deeply explores the whole motif of the dark and light World much like a link to the past did but here the alternate world is hilariously called Low rule dude who the hell came up with that give that fool a raise or maybe fire him I don't know I can't pick but this Dark Link has nothing to do with the actual game the actual Story the villains or even really with you or your link well the 3DS had this function called StreetPass where when you had your 3DS on your person and walked past some other absolute Chad who had theirs in their cargo pants as well something would happen and in Link Between Worlds essentially a Shadow Link representing that dude's Link in their game would pop up in your world and be an optional challenge for you to go and face the power of said link was determined totally by the items and progress of that player you walked past and based on how far along that link is you would get a payout of rupees as a sort of bounty for defeating him now I think this is really cool dude it almost reminds me of Dark Souls Invasion signs but sadly the Shadow Link is just controlled by the computer we were really that close to having sweaty PVP arena in a 3DS Zelda game wow but I also think it's kind of sweet how this aligns with the inner darkness of Link Etc and so on yes but mostly the idea of there being other links across time and space on the Zelda Timeline it just nicely expands all of those ideas without doing anything narratively and I think it's a wonderful practical use of this character another kind of different Zelda game is Hyrule Warriors which you might know not an adventure dungeon based experience whatsoever but more of a horde clearing Dynasty Warriors as [ __ ] which is a ton of fun so I was shocked while playing this initially to encounter one of the more on the nose depictions of Dark Link in a few different missions or scenarios the main villain here Sia straight up calls you out and says a defeat the arrogance and the Darkness within yourself before summoning multiple dark links to attack you and give you a real challenge the story in this game if I'm honest is pretty much last on my list personally but I do love that there is a version of this character that is so cut and dry it gives a lot of confirmation a lot of validity to the overall themes and point of Dark Link when you look back across his appearances beforehand and this one similar to Twilight Princess just looks incredible then in Triforce Heroes on 3DS we again see Dark Link Shadow Link as a group this time of three this is just the boss of the baneful Zone in the den of Trials I guess what's cool here is that the shadow links have random items time you fight them which gives them a nice challenge but nothing else really of significance just another solid little boss fight and then finally the very last official Dark Link appearance to date is in the lynx Awakening remake on the Nintendo switch this one is also very basic and stripped down because in this game you can create your own dungeons via the chambered dungeon system which is pretty cool and if you have the link amiibo for this game tap it on your switch you will be given a Shadow Link effect Stone which kind of makes a Shadow Link appear within said dungeon You're making if you kill him he drops a bunch of money and a fairy so oh boy that is all of the Standalone functional narrative or whatever dark links that we have seen up to this point but the visual of Dark Link has absolutely popped up Elsewhere for instance in the Super Smash Bros games it's always a costume option for the various link characters and even acts as a really cool boss fight during the adventure type modes and of course in breath of the wild you can get the pieces of the dark set which make your link appear just like the Classic Shadow himself and empowers him at night which I find very damn cool and in a few other manga and related Comics you know especially in Japan types of dark links have been explored but ladies and gentlemen ultimately I feel like I'm still left wondering wondering about this character about who he is and kind of what the point is there's something so ethereal and hard to grasp here given the sparse use of Dark Link yes but especially the way that he is always a little bit different there's very little to get my hands on and overall while making this video and taking this look back I was a little surprised for some reason it seems to me the impact and the legend of this character are far greater than anything explored in game so I wondered for a while why that is why does Dark Link of all characters have such a large presence across the fandom art theories and so on well to be very reductive I think it's simply because he looks cool and he's mysterious I'm not kidding I mean what else do you need ultimately this character this villain if he can even barely make the cut to be called one is really no one there is no Foundation no personality no consistency Dark Link at its heart is a concept an idea that happens to look really damn cool be appealing to millions and millions of people but let's not discredit that aspect of mystery because that is what really gets people thinking and talking I mean the whole beginning of this video that you're watching right now with the hero's journey the darkness within Carl Young Etc and so on it's mostly me doing all of the heavy lifting of those themes onto the character right but at the same time none of it is a stretch these are structural truths that are built into the Legend of Zelda and the dynamic between Lincoln Darkly negative emotion ego ideal the struggle of the hero on his journey none of this is accidentally here but just for fun in simplest terms look at the nice little cute life that link often has at the beginning of a given Zelda game in some cozy little Nook somewhere a cozy little Nook that he is then forced to leave to go on some stinky horrible dangerous Adventure that alone for me is enough to have a dark ghost charm somewhere I'd want to go home and drink some milk with the cute Honeys in the forest man but all jokes aside the key to Dark Link as a character is very simple being a hero is no joke Link's path is certainly stuffed to the brim with Peril personal Challenge and negative emotions and I would bet the house on a hefty majority of normal hylians in his shoes failing using their power for selfish reasons or just flat out having a mental breakdown so it makes perfect thematic sense to me that maybe as link conquers those intrusive thoughts and begins to succeed a malevolence grows elsewhere in the shadows one that will eventually step out into the light and give link his most difficult trial I like that concept A lot and hopefully it's just a matter of time before we get to see it fully explored in a Zelda title in the future help maybe in tears of the Kingdom we will get something please hopefully at least an appearance or memorable fight that would be sick now in these videos we always talk about each villain's Legacy right the lasting impression of their presence and Dark Link in this way is interesting because I would say across the board yeah he's a pretty bad villain the most he does as far as opposing link is pulling up awkward and silent and fighting us as far as we can tell my dude doesn't even have a fully functional brain add on to that he's only ever really utilized as a side challenge minibus or something optional altogether leave a lot to be desired on the villain front but what Dark Link represents is far more than the sum of his Parts the potential evil villain that the hero could be now that is quite a legacy in itself and I sincerely hope that in every single Adventure through Hyrule into the future we as the player always feel like at any moment around any Corner we could be confronted by something something terrifying something personal and something that only we can overcome thank you so much guys for watching this video to the end as usual it means the world I know it's been a while and this one was kind of strange and different and definitely fun to put together not a lot to go off but hey we squeezed a nice episode out of it and I would love to hear your thoughts on this character down below and also let me know who you want to see in a video next and until next time thank you I love you and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Ghostcharm
Views: 242,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E_ZJbNDKr9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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